how did the Battle of Antietam impact the civil war?
how did the Battle of Gettysburg impact the civil war?
how did the Siege of Vicksburg impact the civil war?
how did the Battle of Chickamauga impact the civil war?


Answer 1

Answer:The Battle of Antietam was one of the most important events of the American Civil War. ... The battle ended the Confederate invasion of Maryland in 1862 and resulted in a Union victory. It also led to President Abraham Lincoln issuing the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862.


The Battle of Antietam was one of the most important events of the American Civil War. ... The battle ended the Confederate invasion of Maryland in 1862 and resulted in a Union victory. It also led to President Abraham Lincoln issuing the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862.

Related Questions

How does the political cartoon below demonstrate Appeasement?



They give him what they want


now he shuts up and does not cause trouboe for them.

Answer: This cartoon perfectly demonstrates appeasement. It does this by illustrating the allies as a mother trying to deal with a child who cries when he does not receive what he asks for. In this cartoon The allies (specifically Chamberlain, who led Britain as a prime minister at the time.) Gave into Hitler's demands for more territory in hopes to avoid war. (which is Chamberlain trying to avoid the baby crying. Chamberlain saying that maybe he wont cry now alludes the fact that the strategy was completely ineffective, due to the fact he would just take more and more and more until the allies put there foot down. This happened in real life when the Germans invaded Belgium to get to France. which led to Britain and it's allies declaring war.


What Egyptian God challenged his uncle Set for the throne


Answer:  Horus

Explanation: "There are other stories and legends concerning Horus' youth and Isis' care for him, and when he had matured he challenged his uncle for the throne. In some versions of the story, Horus battles Set, defeats him, and drives him from the land, while in others Set is killed."

According to the wade davis bill which of these would need to happen before a former confederate state could be readmitted to the u.S


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you forgot to attach the options for this question we can say the following.

According to the Wade-Davis Bill, what needed to happen before a former Confederate state could be readmitted to the United States was: "The state would need to make sure that at least half of its freed slaves voted in elections."

After the end of the American Civil War, United States President Abraham Lincoln ordered Reconstruction in the southern states and established the famous "10 Percent Plan" to readmit confederate states to the Union.

However, there were many so-called radical Republicans in US Congress who opposed Lincoln's plan for considering it too mild. These Republicans demanded more severe punishment for the confederates.

That is when Republican Representative Henry Winter Davis and Senator Benjamin F. Wade created the Wade-David Bill that required the loyalty oath of 50% of white men in each state and the right to vote for blacks.

what were the major milestones in rights for african americans during the nineteenth century?responsesthe thirteenth amendmentthe thirteenth amendmentthe fourteenth amendmentthe fourteenth amendmentthe fifteenth amendmentthe fifteenth amendmentall of the above


The major milestones in rights for African Americans during the nineteenth century included the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution. So, the correct answer is: all of the above.

Here are brief explanations of each of these amendments:1. The thirteenth amendment (1865) abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States.2. The fourteenth amendment (1868) granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, including formerly enslaved people, and guaranteed equal protection under the law.3. The fifteenth amendment (1870) prohibited the denial of voting rights to people based on their race, color, or previous condition of servitude. However, it would be many years before these rights were fully enforced and upheld for African Americans, as discrimination and segregation persisted through the Jim Crow era and beyond.

To know more about fifteenth amendments, visit:


HELPPPP FASTTTT PLEASEEEEE What Political and social concernes emerge at the 90's into the early 2000's


Western decline began in the 90s
2002- Bali bombings in Bali, Indonesia (202 killed
1990s- economic boom (lowest prices since post-ww2 economic boom)

Which political party gained even more power after James Monroe won the presidential election of 1816?
(need asap)



I believe the answer is "Anti-Administration" Party



T/F stuff cleaned was a master of eye popping pattern and metallic color claims father was a golden graver in vienna, austria, who taught his son how to work with gold pin one scholarship to art school.


The statement "T/F stuff cleaned was a master of eye popping pattern and metallic color claims father was a golden graver in Vienna, Austria, who taught his son how to work with gold pin one scholarship to art school" is False.

Art school: It is an educational institution where individuals learn visual arts. An art school grants certificates, diplomas, bachelor's degrees, or master's degrees. Eye popping pattern: The pattern that can easily catch one's attention and is used to create art that is bold and vibrant. Metallic color: A color that looks like a metal (e.g., silver, bronze, and gold) and is often used in artistic and craftwork. Gold Pin: A pin or brooch made of gold. Stuff cleaned: The name of the person in this question who wants a scholarship to art school from the gold pin.How can we address this question?The question states that Stuff cleaned was a master of eye popping pattern and metallic color claims father was a golden graver in Vienna, Austria, who taught his son how to work with gold pin one scholarship to art school. This statement is not true. The statement is stating three different points, but they are not inter-related. There is no mention of Stuff cleaned being a master of eye-popping patterns and metallic colors. Additionally, there is no mention of Stuff cleaned's father being a golden graver in Vienna, Austria. The statement also mentions that Stuff cleaned received a scholarship to art school with a gold pin. This statement is true. Thus, the statement T/F Stuff cleaned was a master of eye-popping pattern and metallic color claims father was a golden graver in Vienna, Austria, who taught his son how to work with gold pin one scholarship to art school is false.

To know more about metal , visit ;


The Netherlands played a role in colonizing North America. Which number represents the area CLOSEST to the area they colonized?


The correct answer to this opén question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the numbers and the options to answer this question. We cannot use numbers because you did not attach them.

However, trying to help you we can comment on the following based on our knowledge of this topic.

The Netherlands played a role in colonizing North America. They colonized the territory now known as Manhattan, in New York. They called it New Amsterdam.

The Dutch acquired New Amsterdam when they bought it from American Indians. The Dutch, a European power of that time, was able to purchase Manhattan with "a few toys and trinkets"

It was the Dutch West India Company that founded the colony of New Netherlands in the territory that today is Manhattan, in New York. It was Peter Minuit, who buy the island for the Native American Indians that lived there in 1626. The tribe was called the Manhattans. However, things did not well or as the Dutch expected, and in 1641 they waged war against the Manhattans, killing so many Native American Indians.

What is a “grass-roots” campaign?



A grassroots campaign/movement is where people organically gather as the basis for supporting a political/economic issue.


A grassroots campaign/movement is made up of people from a specific district or area. These people form a basis for a political/economic movement/development

What put an end to the boom in canal building?

the introduction of trains

the growth of turnpikes

the population growth in eastern cities

the development of the steamboat



The canal boom ended when it became apparent in the 1830s and 1840s that most of the waterways were unprofitable.


unit 6 - 19th century imperialism in africa & asia essential question: what were the causes and long-term effects of european imperialism in africa and asia during the 19th century?


European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century had various causes and long-term effects.

Causes and effects of imperialism are significant and include:

Causes of European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century:

1. Economic Interests: Europeans were driven by the search for new markets, cheap labor, and raw materials for their expanding industries. Colonies served as a source of these raw materials and helped Europeans increase their wealth by producing goods at low costs.

2. Political Interests: Europeans sought to gain political influence over territories to boost their national pride and strengthen their empires.

3. Military Interests: Europeans wanted to protect their overseas trade routes and establish military bases around the world.

Long-term effects of European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century:

1. Economic Exploitation: European powers exploited the resources of their colonies, resulting in underdevelopment, poverty, and economic dependency in these countries.

2. Political Instability: The artificial borders that European powers created during the Scramble for Africa and Asia led to political instability in many regions.

3. Cultural AssimilationColonized populations were forced to assimilate to European culture, leading to the loss of traditional practices and languages.

4. Resistance Movements: Imperialism resulted in resistance movements by colonized peoples to reclaim their independence and sovereignty from European powers.

For more about European:



Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write a report summarizing New Deal programs

Choose three of the acts of Roosevelt's New Deal and write a report of 750 words. Include in your report the effect of each act on the United States.

I just need a summary of three of these acts and their effects on the US, and I'll take it from there. I don't expect anyone to do this for me.



Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal had several different elements that helped American society including the following:

1) Fair Labors Standard Act- This law established several different parts of American society we still see today including: federal minimum wage and established the 40 hour work week. Along with this, it also severely limited the amount of child labor used in the US.

2) Social Security Act- This law helped to give direct financial assistance to elderly American citizens. Besides helping elderly, it also helped individuals who were hurt in industrial accidents and mothers with children who are dependent on them.

3) Securities and Exchange Commission- This government agency regulated to stock market and focused on stopping fraud and insider trading.


I didn't do

a. Choose three of the acts of Roosevelt's New Deal and write a report. Include in your report the effect of each act on the United States.

But I did do

b. Describe the qualities of effective leadership. Compare the effectiveness of Franklin D. Roosevelt with Woodrow Wilson and Warren Harding.

I hope this helps someone,

Effective leadership requires a combination of various qualities and skills. Some of the essential qualities of effective leadership are vision, communication, decision-making, empathy, adaptability, and integrity.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States and served for four terms from 1933 until his death in 1945. He is widely regarded as one of the most effective leaders in American history, especially for his leadership during World War II and the Great Depression. Roosevelt had a clear vision for the country and communicated it effectively to the American people. His famous "New Deal" program aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the country's economy and social issues.

Roosevelt's communication skills were unparalleled, and he often used radio addresses to connect with the American people. His fireside chats were especially effective in conveying his ideas and plans to the public. He also had a deep empathy for the suffering of ordinary Americans during the Great Depression and took significant steps to help them. For example, he introduced Social Security, which provided financial assistance to retirees and people with disabilities, and established the Civilian Conservation Corps to provide jobs to unemployed young men.

Another quality that made Roosevelt an effective leader was his adaptability. He was willing to change course if a policy was not working and was not afraid to experiment with new ideas. He was also able to work with people from different political backgrounds, which helped him pass several significant pieces of legislation.

In contrast, Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States and served two terms from 1913 to 1921. While he is remembered for his leadership during World War I, he faced criticism for his handling of domestic issues, particularly his failure to address racial discrimination. Wilson had a clear vision for the country, but his communication skills were not as effective as Roosevelt's. He often struggled to connect with the American people and faced significant opposition to his policies.

Wilson was known for his strong decision-making skills, but this trait often led to rigidity in his policies. He was not willing to change course, even when it became clear that his policies were not working. Wilson was also not particularly empathetic and failed to address the needs of minority groups, including women and African Americans.

Warren Harding was the 29th President of the United States and served from 1921 until his death in 1923. He is often remembered as one of the least effective leaders in American history, primarily due to his administration's involvement in the Teapot Dome scandal. Harding had a clear vision for the country, but his communication skills were lacking. He struggled to connect with the American people and often appeared detached from the problems facing the country.

Harding's decision-making skills were also questionable, as evidenced by the Teapot Dome scandal, in which members of his administration were found to have accepted bribes from oil companies. Harding was also not particularly empathetic and failed to address the needs of minority groups.

In summary, effective leadership requires a combination of various qualities and skills. While all three Presidents had a clear vision for the country, Roosevelt stood out for his effective communication skills, adaptability, and empathy. He was able to connect with the American people, pass significant legislation, and lead the country through some of its toughest challenges. In contrast, Wilson and Harding struggled to connect with the American people and lacked empathy, which contributed to their less effective leadership. Wilson's strong decision-making skills often led to rigidity, while Harding's decision-making skills were questionable as evidenced by the Teapot Dome scandal.

Its only 602 words but it should work. I would also recommend changing some words and punctuation.

why are snakes sacred in India/Hindus? (i need at least 2 reasons why its sacred)




Snakes are sacred in Hinduism as:



It represents rebirth, death and morality as the snakes shed their skins symbolizing it being 'reborn' or starting anew.



One of the Hindu Gods, Shiva, is shown wearing a Nag snake 'Indian Cobra' as an ornament around his neck.



Which of the following industries most matches Alfred Weber’s model of industrialization?
a lumber business in the Pacific Northwest

a coffee roaster in Germany

a fish-stick factory in Kansas

an oil refinery in New England

a slaughterhouse in the center of the city


I think the answer is A...i may be wrong though...worth a shot lol

In the (country name) people gained independence because it was granted by the United States after WWII.​


Answer:I belive it was the Philippines


The USA help many camps in the Philippines and used the nation as a close attacking spot to Japan. That being said, the USA took over the Philippines after Japanese controlled it and gave it its first president after WW2. Hopefully this helps.

Which of the following was NOT a result of Lennon and McCartney's visit to New York?
- They had an embarrassing experience with a TV show appearance
- They promoted their company, Apple Corps, Ltd
- Lennon saw Yoko Ono again
- McCartney ran into Linda Eastman (his future wife) again


The visit to New York by Lennon and McCartney in May 1968 did not result in McCartney running into Linda Eastman (his future wife).

The correct option is D.

The visit was primarily organized to advertise the Beatles' company, Apple Corps, Ltd and happened to include a much-maligned appearance on The David Frost Show, which Lennon and McCartney considered an embarrassing experience.

It is possible that prior to their visit, McCartney and Eastman had already had an introduction during one of McCartney's prior visits in 1967. However, during this visit, the primary legacy of the trip was Lennon's reunion with Yoko Ono, which began the couple's remarkable personal and creative relationship.

To know more about McCartney , click here:


Pls help me guys I’m so stuck





Slavery was abolished in 1843 in Oregon. Blacks were still not free but it was illegal to own slaves.

How was popular religion (particularly Christianity) under attack from governments, academia, and science? What was the response by the Church?




In the early years of what later became the United States, Christian religious groups played an influential role in each of the British colonies, and most attempted to enforce strict religious observance through both colony governments and local town rules. Most attempted to enforce strict religious observance

How was the goal set forth in this excerpt advanced during President Nixon's administration?
A By the normalization of relations with China
B By supporting the Arab coalition during the Yom Kippur War
c By escalating the bombing of North Vietnam
D By attacking enemy bases in Cambodia


Answer: by the normalization of relations with China.


During President Nixon's presidency, the objective outlined in this extract was achieved.  Since relations with China have improved, choice (A) is the best one.

What do you know about Nixon's administration?

The only American president to resign in the face of nearly definite impeachment and removal from office was Richard Nixon, who took office as the 37th president of the United States on January 20, 1969, and served in that capacity until his resignation on August 9, 1974, in the face of almost certain impeachment and removal.

He was followed by Gerald Ford, whom he had chosen to be vice president after Spiro Agnew was forced to retire due to his involvement in a different corruption case. Following his victory over Hubert Humphrey, the incumbent vice president, in the 1968 presidential election,

Nixon, a well-known Republican Party figure from California who had previously served as president under Dwight D. Eisenhower, assumed office. Nixon was a very active Republican campaigner who had earned a reputation for being a

Learn more about Nixon's administration, from :


although claudia’s mother is guilty of the adult behavior claudia criticizes, in what ways does she redeem herself?


In Toni Morrison's novel "The Bluest Eye," Claudia's mother exhibits adult behavior that Claudia criticizes. Although her mother is guilty of the adult behavior Claudia criticizes, she tries to redeem herself in different ways.The following are some ways that Claudia's mother redeems herself despite being guilty of the adult behavior that Claudia criticizes:

1. She takes care of her children When Claudia becomes sick, her mother takes care of her. She also provides her children with meals, clothing, and shelter, which are essential for their survival. This indicates that she is a responsible mother who is committed to taking care of her children.

Know more about adult behavior here:


Why might the Nazis have wanted to use slave labor, instead of German
citizens, to keep their war machine running?



Because with the vast majority of German men fighting in the war on two fronts, it would've spread them thin to have men working too.

In what ways has Canada tried to build a better world



Canada's leadership is helping to build a better world. Over the past decade, Canadian troops have helped bring stability to Bosnia and Kosovo.


Which one of the worldview elements listed below deals with issues of right and wrong, and whether there is absolute moral truth?



The answer is "Ethics".


Ethics is characterized as a moral or defined channel followed because of a person or a group of individuals. Ethics regulate a collection of certain standards that have to be followed to judge such actions to be morally right or not. They use a range of factors, including integrity, dignity, compassion, intent, risk, conflict resolution, etc, for ethical principles.

Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between the Rowlatt Acts and the Indian independence movement?
A. The Rowlatt Acts calmed Indian fears and ended protests.
B. The Rowlatt Acts angered Indian people and led to increased calls for independence.
C. The Rowlatt Acts were key ideas in the nonviolent movement.
D. The Rowlatt Acts promised India self-rule and economic independence.


The answer is B. The Rowlatt Acts angered Indian people and led to increased call for independence

The relationship between the Rowlatt Acts and the Indian independence movement is best characterizes as The Rowlatt Acts angered Indian people and led to increased calls for independence. Thus the correct option is B.

What are Rowlatt Acts?

The Rowlatt Acts, passed by the Imperial Legislative Council, which was the body that governed British India, in February 1919, gave the British administration the authority to imprison anyone accused of engaging in terrorism.

Due to its restrictions, arrests of suspicions of possible betrayal, and imprisonment of political activists, the Rowlatt Act of 1919 was extremely unpopular with the Indian population.

The violent Amritsar Massacre followed the activities, which were met with violent Indian opposition. The Rowlatt Acts outraged Indians and prompted more demands for independence.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about  Rowlatt Acts, here:


Generate Explanations Explain how Martin
Luther King, Jr.'s assassination marked a turning
point for the civil rights movement.



The riots were political fodder for the Republican party, which used fears of black urban crime to garner support for "law and order", especially in the 1968 presidential campaign. The assassination and riots radicalized many, helping to fuel the Black Power movement.




I’m pretty sure that the correct answer is B

1. The former country of ___ is still a divided country following a war in the mid-1900s.

A. Germany

B. Vietnam

C. Korea

2. The city of ___ was divided into communist and non-communist zones for decades during the Cold War.

A. Berlin

B. Warsaw

C. Vietnam



I think vietnam it was the one which was divided into communist

Cattle drives all led to railheads (cow towns), where the cattle were loaded into freight cars bound for eastern markets. Cowboys were big spenders, which profited businesses, but towns were forced to impose this type of restriction to maintain peace for the local residents.
dress codes
gun control ordinances
drinking age limits
vagrancy codes

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




it is c


The Apostles were commanded to wait in the city of _____ until they received the _____ of the Father.


Jerusalem, Spirit/power from on high (see Acts 1:8)

Select two correct answers.
In which two ways do federal judges differ from members of Congress and the president?
Federal judges are fired for misbehavior, while members of Congress and the president are
impeached for misbehavior.
Federal judges are paid for their work, while members of Congress and the president are not paid
for their work.
Federal judges are appointed and confirmed, while members of Congress and the president are
Federal judges can serve for life, while members of Congress and the president are elected for one
or more terms.


Federal judges are appointed. Congress and the president aren’t


its wrong the one above me jit


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