Plants take in nitrogen by absorbing:
A. nitrogen molecules with sunlight during photosynthesis.
B. nitrogen gas from the air through their stomata.
C. nitrogen-containing macromolecules made by other organisms.
D. nitrogen-containing compounds made by bacteria from the soil.


Answer 1




Plants take their nitrogen from the soil which would have been converted by bacteria ...not straight from the atmosphere

Related Questions

Roan cattle are heterozygous hybrids of a cross between a white bull (WW) and a red cow (RR).
If a roan bull were crossed with a red cow, what would be the possible phenotypes of thelr offspring?
1 Red; 2 White: 1 Roan
O Red: 2 White: 2 Roan
c с
2 Red: 0 White; 1 Roan
2 Red: 0 White; 2 Roan


The answer is D
2 red and 2 roan

During summer in the Northern Hemisphere,

A. the Sun rises in the Southeast and sets in the Southwest.

B. the Sun appears lower in the sky than during other seasons.

C. there are fewer hours of visible sunlight each day than during other seasons.

D. the Sun rises earlier and sets later than during other seasons.



B the sun appears lower in the sky

A researcher using random assignment:
puts half the group in the dependent variable group and half in the independent variable group in a random way.
places participants in the sample group or the population group randomly.
assigns participants to the experimental and control groups by chance.
gives half the sample the dependent variable and doesn't give anything to the other half.



Explanation:because why not

ever since i learned that your brain can see your nose but ignores it i cant stop seeing my nose and its getting annoying pls help


Dang, now I can see it!
Try not to think about it

Why do hydrogen atoms form a molecule but helium atoms do not?




In terms of old school electron shells - One Hydrogen atom on it's own has an empty shell, and therefore to fill the shell it needs another electron. In the case of Helium, it already has two electrons at the same energy level - so it cannot accept any new electrons i.e. it cannot form new bonds.


Hydrogen atoms can form a molecule as 2 hydrogen atoms together can result in a low energy combination of 2 electrons of the same energy level.

Explanation: Helium atoms already have 2 electrons of the same energy so therefore it cannot accept more.

How is RNA different from DNA?
A. DNA is double stranded, contains uracil, sugar is ribose

B. DNA is single stranded , contains thymine , sugar is deoxyribose

C. RNA is single stranded, contains thymine , sugar is ribose.

D. RNA is single stranded , contains uracil , sugar is ribose



D. RNA is single stranded , contains uracil, sugar is ribose


D. RNA is single stranded , contains uracil , sugar is ribose


RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose

Implantation Which of the following sequences correctly describes prenatal development? A. blastocyst implants in uterus, zygote forms, heart begins beating, lungs can breathe air, sex organs become visible B. blastocyst implants in the uterus, zygote forms, heart begins beating, sex organs become visible, lungs can breathe air C. zygote forms, blastocyst implants in the uterus, heart begins beating, sex organs become visible, lungs can breathe air D. zygote forms, blastocyst implants in the uterus, sex organs become visible, heart begins beating, lungs can breathe air 3. Which of the following correrti​



A because in the pental development the men and women sex others for there fun and baby in this ara

explain how carbon atoms can move to co2 in the air into an organic molecule inside a plant and then back to co2 in the air



Your carbon atom enters the leaf as CO2 (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere. In the leaf, chlorophyll uses the energy from the sun to convert CO2 and H2O to the sugar glucose, C6H12O6. Your carbon atom is part of this molecule; it is now one of the carbons in the glucose.

Next, the glucose carrying your carbon atom is sent down the phloem tissue of the carrot plant to the root, which is the carrot itself. Enzymes in the carrot root connect the glucose molecule with your carbon atom into a chain with other glucose molecules, forming cellulose, or plant starch, and there you go. Your carbon atom went from being part of an atmospheric gas to a starch via photosynthesis and starch formation in the root.


Solar Energy Supply Part 4 0.0/5.0 puntos (calificado) Now let's look at the land needed for solar to supply all the energy needs of the USA. Since the electricity can be used with nearly 100% efficie


land needed for solar to supply all the energy needs of the USA is Energy production / 20 W/ft².

To determine the land needed for solar energy to supply all the energy needs of the USA, we need to consider the total energy consumption of the country and the efficiency of solar panels.

The energy consumption of the USA varies over time, but according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the total primary energy consumption in 2020 was approximately 92.94 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu).

To convert the energy consumption into the energy produced by solar panels, we need to consider the efficiency of solar panels. The efficiency of solar panels can vary, but let's assume an average efficiency of 20%. This means that solar panels can convert 20% of the sunlight they receive into usable electricity.

Now, we can calculate the energy production from solar panels:

Energy production = Energy consumption / Solar panel efficiency

Energy production = 92.94 quadrillion Btu / 20%

To convert the energy production into the area of land needed, we need to consider the average energy production per unit area of solar panels. The average energy production of solar panels can vary based on factors such as location, sunlight intensity, and panel technology. Let's assume an average energy production of 20 watts per square foot (W/ft²).

Now, we can calculate the land needed:

Land needed = Energy production / Average energy production per unit area

Land needed = Energy production / 20 W/ft²

The resulting value will be in square feet (ft²), representing the land area needed for solar panels to supply all the energy needs of the USA.

It's important to note that this calculation provides a general estimation based on the given assumptions of energy consumption, solar panel efficiency, and average energy production per unit area. The actual land needed may vary depending on specific factors and technological advancements in the future.

know more about solar energy click here:


What type of cells are body cells



there are 4 type of body cell

In an effort to control his blood glucose levels, jose is counting grams of which macronutrient?


To control his blood glucose levels, Jose is likely counting grams of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients, along with proteins and fats. Carbohydrates have the most significant impact on blood glucose levels as they are broken down into sugar (glucose) during digestion. When carbohydrates are consumed, they are converted into glucose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to an increase in blood glucose levels.

By counting grams of carbohydrates, Jose can monitor and regulate his carbohydrate intake to manage his blood glucose levels. This can be particularly important for individuals with conditions such as diabetes, where controlling blood sugar levels is crucial for maintaining overall health and managing the condition effectively.

It's worth noting that other macronutrients, such as proteins and fats, also play a role in overall nutrition and may have an impact on blood glucose levels to a lesser extent. However, carbohydrates have the most significant and direct influence on blood glucose, making them the primary macronutrient of focus when it comes to blood glucose control.

Here you can learn more about blood glucose levels


Brain lateralization refers to the ability of the brain to process multisensory information ability of the brain to process multisensory information A capacity of the brain to control basic motor movements capacity of the brain to control basic motor movements B aptitude of the brain to produce speech aptitude of the brain to produce speech C ability of the brain to control basic functions such as respiration and blood circulation ability of the brain to control basic functions such as respiration and blood circulation D inclination for certain cognitive processes to be specialized to one hemis



The correct answer is D ''inclination for certain cognitive processes to be specialized to one hemisphere of the brain or the other.'


Lateralization refers to the different specialization of the cerebral hemispheres, that is, it is the functional specialization of the nervous system that is observed to a different degree on one side or the other of the neuroaxis. Our brain is subdivided into two hemispheres, the right and the left. The left hemisphere is more specialized in language and control of emotions and the right in spatial thinking, perception of emotions and facial recognition.

(f) would you recommend using the model found in part (a) to predict the bone mineral density of a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day? why?


The model found in part (a) can not be used to predict the bone mineral density of a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day. To write the least-squares regression equation, and then use this equation to predict the bone mineral density for a woman weighing 68 kg.

Firstly, it is noteworthy that the predictor variable in the given regression model is "weight (kg)". In other words, the model is built on the association between the weight of women and their bone mineral density. Therefore, the independent variable in the regression model is "weight", not "consumption of cola".You can not use this model to predict the bone mineral density of a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day because the regression model does not involve the variable "consumption of cola". Since the given regression equation is solely built on the association between weight and bone mineral density, using this model to predict bone mineral density for a woman who consumes two cans of cola per day would lead to unreliable results.

for further information on women visit:


Newyork is near 40 degrees N. What general direction is air moving in Newyork



The air in New York moves to the north.  


At a global level, it occurs unequal warming of the atmosphere, which depends on many factors and varies with latitude. These temperature differences occur because solar radiation reaches the earth differently at different latitudes degrees. The result is the formation of convective cells of atmospheric air circulation: Hardley cell, Ferrel cell, and Polar cell.    

The term convective cell refers to air getting warm, expanding, getting less dense, and ascending. During ascension, it gets colder because of the change in high, contracting, becoming thicker. Finally, it descends.

In each hemisphere, warm air ascends at the equator and approximately at 60º latitude. Cold air descends at approximately 30º latitude and the poles. These air masses circulation generates superficial winds that blow toward the equator between 0º-30º, and toward the poles between 30º-60º lat.  

Ferrel cell occurs between 30º and 60º latitude. At 30º lat, the cold air coming from the north in the tropopause meets the cold air coming from 0º, and both descend to lower altitudes due to its density and low temperature. When these air masses reach the ground, they diverge.  One part goes to 0º lat, while the other part goes forward to the north.  As it moves north, it gets warmer for being at lower altitudes. At 60º, this warm air coming from the 30º meets the polar air coming from 90º, and as it is warmer it ascends again. When it ascends to the tropopause, it is pushed by new air and moves to the south again. While doing so, it loses heat and becomes denser, descending again at 30º.  And so the cycle starts all over again. New York is located at 40º latitude approximately, so air goes forward to the north pole near the ground, but at 60º it elevates again. New York is then affected by the Ferrel cell.        

In the attached image you will find the three cells, circulating in different directions.  

how was science relevant to the world​



Science helped create almost everything today, medicinces,drought resistant food, technology, further education in doctoring, electricity etc.  


Which statement is accurate about natural selection?(1 point) A. Natural selection cannot inactivate genes. B. Natural selection does not impact reproduction rates. C. Natural selection does not change the alleles an organism has. D. Natural selection cannot occur through mutations.





The correct option is "B" Natural selection does not impact reproduction rates according to the theory of Natural selection.

What are the factors of natural selection?

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. There are four factors are required for natural selection are reproduction, heredity, variation in fitness or organisms, variation in individual characters among members of the population.

Hence, the option is "B" Natural selection does not impact reproduction rates according to the theory of Natural selection.

To learn more about Natural selection Click here:

Some evidence that vaccines are effective.



Vaccines prevent diseases, its just proven. Most Anti Vaccers end up getting Measles, etc. But people with vaccines usually dont.


we are living proof to be honest, i got the chicken pox vaccine and never had it once in my life. Same thing with many other diseases we get vaccinated for.    

Innate immunity and acquired immunity are both _____. See Concept 43.1 (Page 953) View Available Hint(s) Innate immunity and acquired immunity are both _____. See Concept 43.1 (Page 953) dependent on surface secretions from sebaceous and sweat glands, which give the skin an acidic pH that is unfavorable for bacterial colonization based on the trapping of microbes by mucus dependent exclusively on cell-mediated responses characteristics of all vertebrate animals dependent on tears, saliva, and mucous secretions that contain lysozyme, an enzyme that digests bacterial cell walls



The correct answer is - characteristics of all vertebrate animals.


Innate immunity is the first line of the immune system that comes with birth whereas adaptive or acquired immunity is the immunity that comes throughout life by experiencing or developing the immune system. Adaptive or acquired immunity is the immune response that comes through cell-mediated responses whereas innate immunity is the immune response that includes sweat glands and secretion from the skin. innate immune responses also include digesting and killing bacteria by the saliva, enzymes, lysozymes.

The only characteristic among these that present in both is that they both immune systems found in all vertebrates.

What do you think of when you hear the word "energy?"
(Pls somebody answer)


What comes up to my mind is a baby since they have the energy to stay up late and also cry a lot and loud

Explain the difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores​



Herbivores are organisms that eat plants only. Carnivores are organisms that eat other animals only (meat). Whereas, omnivores are organisms that eat both plants and animals.  

hope this helps and is right. p.s. i really need brainliest :)

Animals that eat plants exclusively are herbivores, and animals that eat only meat are carnivores. When animals eat both plants and meat, they are called omnivores. ... These carnivores may eat insects and worms. Carnivorous animals have strong jaws and sharp teeth to enable them to tear and rip prey.

True or False? All mutations have a negative effect on a population of organisms.



False, I believe. Mutations sometimes might have an effect that helps the population. Example: I've heard of Two-Headed snakes, and even seen some on the internet. They live their lives just fine, so I suppose the mutation was actually quite helpful.




what is the relationship between abrasion and the hardness of a rock mineral?



Hardness (H) is the resistance of a mineral to scratching. The degree of hardness is determined by observing the comparative ease or difficulty with which one mineral is scratched by another or by a steel tool.

Explanation: Hope this helps

Saxitoxin is a paralytic shellfish poison. It inhibits permeability of sodium ions by acting as an antagonist at the receptor site. Predict the effects of saxitoxin?
A :
inhibits release of ACh
B :
increases muscle action potentials
C :
blocks muscle action potentials
D :
increases release of ACh


As saxitoxin inhibits the permeability of sodium ions by acting as antagonists, it will block the muscle action potential. Thus, the correct option is C.

Upon arrival of nerve impulse, acetylcholine is released from the synaptic end bulbs into the synaptic cleft. When acetylcholine binds to the receptor, it causes opening of ion channel which causes the inward movement of sodium ions into the muscle fibre. This triggers a muscle action potential.

Thus, if sodium ions are inhibited from flowing inwards by saxitonin, the muscle action potential will not occur.

Thu, the correct option is C.

Learn more about saxitoxin in:


What types of light can plant cells absorb? Select 3 answers to get this correct.


It will be 1,2,4

You can’t see x-rays with machine

The regulation of body temperature is a contributor to homeostasis. What body
system is responsible for this?
Digestive System
Musculoskeletal System
Nervous System
Circulatory System



its the nervous system and the endocrine system


the nervous and the endocrine are the bodys main regulators

can someone please answer this for me?​



50 %


Using a punnets square the four possible crosses are Hh, Hh, hh, and hh. This means there is a 50% chance the child has hh or hemophilia

The overriding problem with both theories of muscle growth, hypertrophy and hyperplasia, is that __________. A. neither can be accepted as correct because muscles growth is difficult to study in humans B. neither one is theoretically possible C. neither has been studied by reputable scientists D. neither has been accepted by member of the fitness community Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Answer: A. neither can be accepted as correct because muscles growth is difficult to study in humans.


Hypertrophy can be defined as the increase in the fiber size of the muscle whereas the hyperplasia can be defined as the increase in the number of muscle fibers. Additionally the hypertrophy suggests that adding more proteins to the fibers is suggestive of the growth of the muscles. But these two theories cannot be directly related to the muscle growth in humans as the development and growth of muscles are dependent upon several factors like diet, any kind of disease which restrict the muscle growth and movement, physical activities, mineral availability responsible for growth, malnutrition, and others.




The level of carbon dioxide in the blood is monitored by nerve tissue. If you exercise strenuously, the increase in cellular respiration consumes oxygen from the blood and produces surplus carbon dioxide removed in the blood. Since this physical exertion requires faster breathing to replenish oxygen supplies and carry away carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide sensors result in signals from the brain to increase breathing rate. After you have rested, and carbon dioxide levels are back to normal, your breathing rate decreases too. This is an example of



Negative feedback.


The normal carbon dioxide levels after resting, the breathing rate also decreases which is an example of negative feedback because the body moves towards stability or equilibrium conditions. There is a direct relationship between breathing rate and carbondioxide levels means if one is increases the other automatically increases in order to maintain homeostasis in the body so we can say that this relationship is very important to maintain .stability in the body

Select the correct image.
Which image best illustrates the magma convection currents within Earth’s interior?



the thrid one is the best one

The image that best illustrates the magma convection currents within Earth’s interior is the bottom left.

What is Convection?

Convection may be defined as a process through which the transfer of heat due to the bulk movement of molecules within a fluid takes place. The current which is produced by the movement of these molecules is known as the Convection current.

Convection currents are present in the mantle region of the earth's surface. In the process of heating, magma rises from deep inside the mantle and then cooled the mantle as it flows down. This cyclic movement of magma constructs convection current within the region of the earth's interiors.

Therefore, the image that best illustrates the magma convection currents within Earth’s interior is the bottom left.

To learn more about Convection currents, refer to the link:


What effects will be manifest in an extremely small population with little to no migration?


An extremely small population with little to no migration can have several effects.

These effects include an increased risk of genetic drift and inbreeding depression.

Genetic drift: Genetic drift is a random change in allele frequencies that occurs in small populations. Since smaller populations have less genetic variation, genetic drift is more common. Genetic drift can reduce genetic diversity in a population, which can lead to the fixation of deleterious alleles.

Inbreeding depression: Inbreeding depression is a loss of fitness that occurs when closely related individuals mate and produce offspring. Inbreeding depression can occur when a population becomes small and isolated, and the mating pool is reduced. Inbreeding depression can lead to reduced fertility, increased susceptibility to disease, and lower survival rates.

Additionally, inbreeding depression can reduce genetic diversity in a population, which can make it more susceptible to environmental change. Therefore, an extremely small population with little to no migration can lead to an increased risk of genetic drift and inbreeding depression.

If you need to learn more about the population click here:


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If we didn't have the military, where would our country be and where would we be? Use Bairstows method to determine the roots of(a) f(x) = 2 + 6.2x 4x2 + 0.7x3(b) f(x) = 9.34 21.97x + 16.3x2 3.704x3(c) f(x) = x4 2x3 + 6x2 2x + 5DETERMINE FOR ALL PARTS THE NUMBER OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE REAL ROOTS; THE NUMBER OF COMPLEX ROOTS. FIND THE ROOTS USING EITHER EXCELL OR MATLAB ONLY the pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle are constructed similarly, yet the pectoral girdle is designed for mobility while the pelvic girdle is designed for stability. do you have any thoughts about how the anatomy allows this to happen? A thin cylindrical shell and a solid cylinder have the same mass and radius. The two are released side by side and roll down without slipping from the top of an inclined plane that is 2.2 m above the ground. Find the final linear velocity of the solid cylinder. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/sAnswer in units of m/s. What is an asset group? 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What is his new equilibrium quantity? P Q 5 9 10 9 15 9 20 8 25 7 30 6 35 5 40 4 the reaction described in part a required 3.62 l l of magnesium chloride. what is the concentration of this magnesium chloride solution? A new phone-answering system installed by a certain utility company is capable of handling calls every 10 minutes.Prior to installing the new system, company analysts determined that the incoming calls to the system are Poissondistributed with a mean equal to every 10 minutes. If the analysts are correct about this incoming call distribution, whatis the probability that in a 10 minute period more calls will arrive than the system can handle? Based on this probability,comment on the adequacy of the new answering system.The probability that more calls will arrive than the system can handle is .(Round to four decimal places as needed.)Based on this probability, is the new answering system adequate? 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When 30 or so Sioux men were selected, Capt Lewis and Capt Clark went out to speak with and greet them. Gave the 3 Chiefs 3 new medals and 1 American flag, some knives and other small articles of goods; and gave the head chief, the Black Buffalo, a red coat and a cocked hat and feather and also some tobacco. ... The Indians did not appear to talk much until they had got the goods, and then they wanted more, and said we must stop with them or leave one of the large open cargo boats with them, as that was what they expected. ...Capt Clark used moderation with them told them that we must and would go on and would go. That we were not pushovers or weak women, but warriors. The chief said he had warriors too, and if we were to go on without giving them the boat, they would follow us and kill us.... then Capt Clark told them that we were sent by their great father the president of the U. S. and that if they misused us that he or Capt Lewis could by writing to the president] have them all destroyed as it were in a moment... Analysis Questions: 1) Close Reading: What did Lewis and Clark give the Native Americans? 2) Close Reading: How does Deputy Captain Ordway describe the Native Americans and their reaction to the American explorers? 3) Close Reading: According to this primary source document, how do Captains Lewis and Clark use intimidation or threats to force the Native Americans to comply? a) Contextualization: How do you think this made the Native Americans feel? Corroboration: If you wanted learn how the Native Americans felt after this encounter, what kinds of historical sources could you use? n what ways do jj and other types of popular music in sub-saharan africa draw on traditional music for inspiration? is jeremiah subject to discipline if he continues to represent bill The curves r1(t) = 2t, t2, t3 and r2(t) = sin t, sin 4t, 3t intersect at the origin. Find their angle of intersection, , correct to the nearest degree. Bombardier, a Canadian company, has had operations in Mexico for almost twenty five years by developing several lines of business and two factories in Sahagun City and Queretaro, although its first contract in the country was signed back in 1981, with an order for 180 subway cars for Mexico City. Does the market value of the Bombardier factories products add to Canadian GDP or Canadian GNP? Explain why. 1 As the price of a piece of shrimp increases from $6 to $8, the quantity demanded decreases from 400 to 150.What does price elasticity of demand equal?2. Suppose a 16 percent rise in the price of gasoline causes the quantity demanded for gasoline to decrease by 32 percent. What does the price elasticity of demand for gasoline equal3. If a 24% drop in the price of one good causes a 3% increase in the quantity demanded of another good, calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand for the good? For the line segment joining A (7.-1) and B(-5.-6): a. Determine the length of the line segment as an exact solution. [3] b. Determine the midpoint of the line segment. [2] 2. A circle centered at the origin and passes through the point P (9.-13). a. Determine the radius. [2] b. State the equation of the given circle. [1] 3. A see-saw has its pivot (center) at M (3.-4) and one end at A (-1,8). Find the coordinates of the other end. [4] 4. Determine the equation of the right bisector of the line segment joining C(-9, 3) and D (5.-1). [4] Communication (6 marks] Use worksheet for answers. Attach with question paper. 1. Explain why the shortest distance from a point to a line is always the perpendicular distance. Use a diagram to help with your explanation. [3] 2. Describe one key difference and one key similarity between a median line and the altitude line of a triangle. [3] Application [14 marks] Use worksheet for answers, Attach with question paper 1. A musician decides to attach a microphone to her guitar at a right angle to her strings. If the top string has endpoints (1.6) and (3.4) and the microphone is located at (5. 4), what is the shortest distance from the microphone to the string of the guitar? Clearly show your work/steps. [8] Graph on separate papers 2. Classify the type of triangle (scalene, isosceles or equilateral) for a triangle with vertices A (2.5). B (-2.6) and C (-2.-4). Show your work. [7] Graph on separate papers. Thinking [14 marks] Use worksheet for answers. Attach with question paper 1. Simra is at her house, located at (5,25). Georgia is at her house, located at v5.-2V5). Their school is located on the way joining their houses and equidistant to both of them. Determine a location with positive integer coordinates (ordered pair with positive integer coordinates) for their third friend, Bindy, who also wants to live the same distance from the school as her friends. Justify your work. [7]Graph on separate papers 2. Two vertices of an isosceles triangle ABC are A(-5. 4) and B(3.8). The third vertex is on the x-axis. Find the possible coordinates of the third vertex. Justify your answer and show your work.