Need help on this question asap please

Need Help On This Question Asap Please


Answer 1


Impacts of Egypt's Aswan Dam

Related Questions

Which channel is more likely to have a lower velocity?
A. Meandering channels B. Braided channels


Braided channels are more likely to have a lower velocity.

What are braided channels?

Braided channels are created by a river or stream that divides into smaller waterways that intersect and rejoin at various points.

Braided channels typically occur where sediment (sand, gravel, and silt) is abundant, and the stream is confined within a relatively flat or shallow landscape. These channels are most common in the lower courses of the river, where sediment is plentiful and the river has little energy.

The velocity of the water is lower in braided channels because the water is spread over a wide area due to the numerous small channels, hence they are more likely to have a lower velocity.

What are Meandering channels?

Meandering channels are smooth, sinuous river channels with a low gradient. Meandering rivers are the most common in lowlands, where they create broad, flat floodplains called meanders that form due to the river's tendency to erode the outer banks and deposit sediment on the inner banks of curves. These types of channels typically have a higher velocity than braided channels, as they have fewer bends, which allows the water to move more quickly.

To know more about curves, visit


when would the slave tribes move?​


When there was no food or resources in the area no more

Which of the following best describes the dominant climate found in Southwest Asia?





How does the mass of star determine the temperature?



Mass determines how hot the stellar core gets in response to gravitational contraction, and since the rate of nuclear burning is very sensitive to temperature, a star's mass determines the energy production rate and whether/when gravitational contraction can lead to explosive release of energy


What symbols and colors stand for on the map?


Answer: Physical maps use color most dramatically to show changes in elevation. A palette of greens often displays elevations. Dark green usually represents low-lying land, with lighter shades of green used for higher elevations. In the next higher elevations, physical maps often use a palette of light brown to dark brown.

Which of the following conclusions can they draw based on the information
Earth's mass is less than each of the inner planets.
Earth has a higher density than each of the gas giants.
Earth's size is larger than Mercury but smaller than Mars.
O Earth is closer in distance from the Sun than Venus but further than Jupiter.




What type of weather front would likely be responsible for the following weather forecast? "Increasing high cloudiness and cold this morning. Clouds increasing and lowering this afternoon with a chance of snow or rain tonight. Precipitation ending tomorrow morning. Turning much warmer. Winds light easterly today becoming southeasterly tonight and southwesterly tomorrow."



warm front


The warm front is the name given to the front part of a mass of hot air that is moving in the atmosphere. This warm front presents a large number of clouds and can present a light rain and even a fog due to the predominance of dense and hot air. This effect caused by the hot front can cause situations similar to those presented in the weather forecast shown in the question above, where a cloudy and cold environment can be seen, with the increase of clouds and the possibility of rain and snow.

Why is the land breeze experienced at night?
need an explanation related to the following diagram


Land breezes usually occur at night because during the day the sun will heat land surfaces, but only to a depth of a few inches. ... The movement of the wind is a result of differences in air pressure over the land and the ocean. Warm air is less dense and rises, therefore cool air is more dense and sinks. At night, the roles reverse. The air over the ocean is now warmer than the air over the land. ... This causes a small temperature gradient between the ocean surface and the nearby land at night and the wind will blow from the land to the ocean creating the land breeze.  

Given the observed average distance between galaxies today, which statement is true?

The faster the past expansion rate, the younger the age of the universe.
The faster the past expansion rate, the older the age of the universe.
The age of the universe depends only on the average distance between galaxies, not on the rate of expansion.


The statement that is true given the observed average distance between galaxies today is that the faster the past expansion rate, the younger the age of the universe. Option a is correct.

According to Hubble's Law, the speed of galaxies receding from us is proportional to their distance from us. Hence, a faster past expansion rate implies that the galaxies were closer together in the past.

If we run the clock backwards and extrapolate from the observed rate of expansion, we find that the universe must have been hotter and denser in the past. This ultimately means that the age of the universe is younger, since it has taken less time for the universe to expand from its past density and temperature to its current state.

Therefore, a is correct.

Learn more about galaxies


A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods EXCEPT _____.
A) Drilling wells
B) Digging mines
C) Studying seismic waves
D) Studying Earth's magnetism
E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core


The correct answer is E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core. A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods.

A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been obtained through various methods such as drilling wells, digging mines, studying seismic waves, and studying Earth's magnetism. These methods have provided valuable insights into the composition, structure, and properties of Earth's interior.

Drilling wells and digging mines allow scientists to access deeper layers of the Earth's crust, providing direct observations and samples of rocks and minerals. Studying seismic waves, generated by earthquakes or artificially created, helps in understanding the behavior of waves as they travel through different layers of the Earth, providing information about its structure and composition. Analyzing Earth's magnetism helps in studying the magnetic field and its interactions with the materials within the Earth.

However, sampling rocks from Earth's core is not feasible as the Earth's core is located at depths of around 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) beneath the Earth's surface. This is beyond the reach of current drilling technology, so direct sampling from the Earth's core has not been possible. Nonetheless, scientists have been able to infer information about the Earth's core through indirect methods such as studying seismic waves and analyzing Earth's magnetism.

Therefore, the correct answer is E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core.

To learn more about Sampling rocks, click here:


Which of the following statements about Southeast Asia is true? Southeast Asian countries are united by the fact that most of their populations are Sikh. Southeast Asia, although religiously plural, has not experienced any religious conflicts. Southeast Asia's religious plurality has led to many religious conflicts



Southeast Asia's religious plurality has led to many religious conflicts


Southeast Asia is known for its religious diversity, with many different religious traditions. Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and various indigenous religions are among them. While religious diversity has enriched Southeast Asia's cultural fabric, it has also been a source of tension and conflict throughout history.

In Southeast Asia, there have been several instances of religious conflict. For example, there have been periodic tensions and conflicts between different religious groups in Indonesia, which has the world's largest Muslim population. Religiously motivated violence has occurred in the country, such as inter-communal clashes between Muslims and Christians in the Maluku Islands and Sulawesi.

Long-standing conflicts exist in Myanmar (formerly Burma) between the Buddhist majority and ethnic minority groups, particularly the Rohingya Muslim population. The situation has resulted from human rights violations, displacement, and international concern.

Other religious conflicts in Southeast Asia include the southern Thailand insurgency, which includes Muslims seeking greater autonomy, and occasional tensions between Buddhists and Muslims in Thailand and Sri Lanka.

While religious conflicts do not define Southeast Asia, the region's religious plurality has sometimes contributed to tensions and disputes between different religious groups.

Which one of the following is an example of adiabatic heating? - A descending mass of air is warmed as it is compressed - University Lake is warmed by absorption of solar radiation - A home is warmed in the winter by a geothermal heat pump - Water is heated as it passes through the core of a nuclear power plant


An example of adiabatic heating is when a descending mass of air is warmed as it is compressed. (Option A)

How is this so?

As air sinks and encounters higher atmospheric pressure, it is compressed, causing its temperature to increase. This is due to the work done on the air, converting kinetic energy into thermal energy.

Adiabatic heating occurs without the exchange of heat with the surroundings.

The other examples mentioned, such as solar radiation warming University Lake, a geothermal heat pump warming a home, and water heated in a nuclear power plant, involve heat transfer processes and are not adiabatic.

Learn more about adiabatic heating at:


What is Imperialism and what are some examples?
Please explain thoroughly and don't plagiarize


Imperialism is described as the practice of a larger country or government becoming stronger by absorbing poorer or weaker countries with valuable resources. England's colonization of India was an example of imperialism.

What is Imperialism and what are some examples?


Imperialism means creating an empire, expanding into the neighbouring regions and expanding its dominance far.

One of the most notable examples of American imperialism in this age was the annexation of Hawaii in 1898, which allowed the United States to gain possession and control of all ports, buildings, harbors, military equipment, and public property that had formally belonged to the Government of the Hawaiian Islands.The Conquistadors from Spain coming to the America To bring treasures, gold, resources back to Spain.

Hope it helps


vija celmins uses the pacific ocean as subject matter because...


Vija Celmins uses the Pacific Ocean as subject matter because It parallels the immense scale of the image she creates.

Vija Celmins is renowned for her meticulous and intricate paintings and drawings, many of which feature the Pacific Ocean and other natural landscapes and objects. She has drawn inspiration from the ocean for a variety of reasons.

The Pacific Ocean's size and capacity to inspire awe and wonder are a few of the causes. Celmins is interested in delving into the idea of scale as well as the experience of coming face to face with something enormous and overwhelming. She can capture the Pacific Ocean's vastness and encourage viewers to think about their place within the larger natural world by using it as her subject.

Learn more about Vija Celmins at:


Stream Flow Directions PURPOSE The purpose of this exercise is to help you understand how to easily determine stream flow directions on topographic maps. To complete this exercise, use the Renovo West, PA 7.5 minute quadrangle map to answer the following questions about stream flow directions. 6. Briefly describe one way that you can determine the direction of stream flow. 7. Briefly describe a second way that you can determine the direction of stream flow. 8. Briefly describe a third way that you can determine the direction of stream flow. 9. In what general direction is Barney Run flowing located-1000 ft east of 41°17′30″N. 77'50'00"W)? Answer: In what general direction is Stink Hollow Creek flowing (SE % of map)? Answer: In what general direction is Brewery Run flowing (NE % of map)? Answer: In what general direction is Two Mile Run flowing (headwaters located near 260000 mE 4584000 mN)? Answer 13. Do all streams flow to the south? Provide evidence to support your answer. 74 Stope Gradient, Topographic Profiles & Vertical Exaggeration 5-1 C 3:51 Done Renovo West Inset_Top... 1 of 2 76 74 73 63 100 1:34.300 7 1300 M 44 Q NEL.


Determining the direction of stream flow on a topographic map can be done in several ways. These include analyzing contour lines, observing the pattern of tributaries, and using elevation differences between different points along the stream.

1. Analyzing contour lines: Contour lines on a topographic map provide information about the elevation of the land. Streams tend to flow from higher elevations to lower elevations. By examining the contour lines near a stream, you can determine the general direction of flow. The contour lines will be closer together upstream, indicating steeper terrain, and farther apart downstream, indicating a gradual descent.

2. Observing the pattern of tributaries: Streams often have tributaries that join them along their course. The pattern of these tributaries can indicate the direction of flow. Generally, tributaries join a larger stream at an acute angle. By observing the angle at which the tributaries enter the mainstream, you can determine the direction of flow.

3. Using elevation differences: Topographic maps provide elevation information through contour lines or spot elevations. By comparing the elevations of different points along a stream, you can determine the direction of flow. Streams flow from higher elevations to lower elevations. By noting the elevation changes between points upstream and downstream, you can identify the general direction of flow.

9. In what general direction is Barney Run flowing (located 1000 ft east of 41°17′30″N, 77°50'00" W)?

Answer: Without specific elevation information, it is not possible to determine the precise direction of flow. However, based on the given location, Barney Run would generally flow towards the east.

Answer 13. Do all streams flow to the south? Provide evidence to support your answer.

Not all streams flow to the south. Streams follow the topography of the land, which can vary in different directions. The evidence for this can be seen on topographic maps where streams flow in various directions, not exclusively towards the south. The direction of flow depends on factors such as elevation changes, geological features, and the overall landscape.

To know more about topographic maps click here:


What changes in slope-channel connectivity would you
expect as you pass from upstream to downstream


The changes in slope-channel connectivity from upstream to downstream locations can vary, but generally, an increase in channel size and a decrease in slope steepness can be expected.

As you move from upstream to downstream locations in a river system, several changes in slope-channel connectivity can occur. Initially, upstream areas tend to have steeper slopes and narrower channels, resulting in a higher gradient.

However, as the river flows downstream, the gradient typically decreases, leading to a decrease in slope steepness. This decrease in slope allows the river to expand its channel width, resulting in increased connectivity between the river and its floodplain.

Additionally, downstream locations often experience higher water volumes and sediment loads, leading to the formation of larger channels and increased channel capacity. Overall, the changes in slope-channel connectivity from upstream to downstream locations involve a transition from steeper slopes and narrower channels to gentler slopes and wider channels.

To learn more about slope-channel connectivity click here:


On the map above, China is located at number _____ and Japan is located at number _____.
1 . . . 6
2 . . . 6
2 . . . 4
1 . . . 4

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



1 is Kazakhstan

2 is China

3 is Mongolia

4 is North Korea

5 is South Korea

6 is Japan

7 is India


Let me know if this helps


The answer is B. 2 . . . 6


I took the quiz and it was right

Have a great day :D

which of the following is a finding of the biological dynamics of forest fragments project (bdffp)?
a. edge effects were common and led to increases in local species extintions
b. both a and c
c. the largest fragments maintained all of their previous species diversity
d. fragments of forests become isolate from one another at relatively small distances between fragments


The Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP) was launched in 1979 to investigate the ecological changes caused by rapid deforestation.

The correct option is B.

The BDFFP's findings were numerous, and determined that edge effects were common and that local species extinctions increased due to edge effects, that fragment sizes below 500 hectares are highly vulnerable to conservation, and that the largest fragments raised by the study maintained their previous diversity of species.

Additionally, the BDFFP noted that fragmentation of forests could cause fragmented sites to be isolated from each other at relatively small settings between fragments, and suggested that fragment size thresholds are contingent upon the species that inhabit it.

The BDFFP ultimately revealed that deforestation and the fragmentation of the remaining forests have limited conservation potential. They noted that the impact of habitat fragmentation may be irreversible and called for greater protection of remaining forests in order to maintain both local species and globalspecies' diversity.

To know more about deforestation , click here:


Several years ago a life-cycle analysis attempted to answer the question of whether cloth diapers are more environmentally friendly than disposable diapers. The analysis found that disposable diapers required more raw materials to make and were responsible for far more solid waste than the reusable cloth diapers. However, total use of energy and water, as well as emissions of air and water pollutants, were significantly higher for the cloth diapers compared to the disposable product. Describe the life-cycle factor that you think is most likely responsible for the higher water and energy use associated with cloth diapers.


The life-cycle factor that is most likely responsible for the higher water and energy use associated with cloth diapers is laundering.

According to the analysis, disposable diapers are responsible for more solid waste than reusable cloth diapers and require more raw materials to make.

However, it was discovered that cloth diapers use significantly more energy and water as well as produce more air and water pollutants during the life cycle compared to disposable diapers.The life-cycle factor that is most likely responsible for the higher water and energy use associated with cloth diapers is laundering.

Cloth diapers require frequent washing to remove any waste and bacteria. This means that they need to be washed with hot water and detergent to get them clean. The frequent washing of cloth diapers uses a lot of energy and water. On the other hand, disposable diapers are used once and thrown away. Hence, there is no need to wash or use water for cleaning purposes.

to know more about pollutants, visit


Write one good paragraph to explain
1) At least one way humans use the environment (could be from history or modern times)
2) How they have benefited from that use (consider social and economic benefits)
3) Was the impact of their use positive or negative? Why?



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. They use up resources like trees to make many things from paper to money. By that they use up a lot of trees and led to deforestation in that area. They use up all the fossil fuels for work to gain more money. The use of these has left a negative impact on the environment by using up everything and not replenishing it.

What are the physical characteristics of sedimentary, metamorphic, and indigenous rocks? And some examples please.​


Answer: The three types of rocks

Igneous — they form from the cooling of magma deep inside the earth. ...

Metamorphic — they are formed through the change (metamorphosis) of igneous and sedimentary rocks. ...

Sedimentary — they are formed through the solidification of sediment.

Sedimentary Features

Bedding. Bedding is often the most obvious feature of a sedimentary rock and consists of lines called bedding planes, which mark the boundaries of different layers of sediment. ...

Graded beds are common when a sediment is being deposited by a slow‐moving current. ...

Fossils. ...

Desiccation cracks and ripple marks.


i hope this is what you were looking for <3

fitb. a vertical air pressure gradient is directed from the ______ to the ______.


Fitb: A vertical air  is directed from the lower altitudes to the higher altitudes.

As we ascend in the atmosphere, the air pressure gradually decreases due to the decreasing weight of the air column above.

This vertical pressure gradient is a result of the Earth's gravitational force acting on the air molecules. The higher we go in the atmosphere, the lower the air pressure becomes.

This vertical pressure gradient is an essential factor in atmospheric circulation and the formation of weather patterns. It influences the movement of air masses, the development of wind systems, and the distribution of temperature and moisture in the atmosphere.

To know more about pressure gradient refer to-


What percentage of daughter isotope would exist in a sample containing 50 percent parent isotope?


The answer is 16
Because of your daughter

Which of the following are tied to Gerrymandering and/or to the Voting Right Act of 1965?

Passing literacy tests to vote

Governor Elbridge Gerry

Majority-Minority Districts

A struggle to empower minorities without gerrymandering

Poll Taxes

Aimed at voting power



Passing literacy tests to vote


The first one should is actually against the law and against the Voting Act of 1965


passing literacy tests to vote



Why has the Aral Sea shrunk and become saltier?

The climate has become more tropical.
A water pipeline has drained the lake.
Water was diverted from rivers to feed cash crops.
Factories have used up water resources.


Answer: Once the fourth largest lake in the world, Central Asia's shrinking Aral Sea has reached a new low, thanks to decades-old water diversions for irrigation and a more recent drought. Satellite imagery released this week by NASA shows that the eastern basin of the freshwater body is now completely dry.

The climate has become more tropical



the climate has become more topical.


How could decreasing production lead to increased production? Production is increased by increasing hours of workers Production can be stalled while new direction is found Production was increased by finding new trading partners It cannot make this change



11 is it


and plz no


It cannot make this change


A topographic map showing contour lines that are close together on both sides of a river would most likely represent-

a) a steep mountain
b) a valley
c) a gradual slope
d) a canyon


d. Canyon I’m sure of it



Answer: I believe its A

Explanation:  Because Earth elvoves on its axis and rotates around the sun.

Which areas of India seem least affected by the monsoon? Most affected?


West part of India (Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir) are least affected by the monsoon. And Northeast India (The eastern Himalaya region, Darjeeling and Shillong) is most affected by the monsoon.

Jen's commute to work requires that she take the blue subway line.
a. True
b. False


The statement Jen's commute to work requires that she take the blue subway line is: a. True

What is commute?

The statement  means that Jen must take the blue subway line in order to get to her destination. The redline is only used for transferring to another line.


Jen's commute to work requires that she take the blue subway line.The blue subway line is the only line that goes to Jen's destination.The redline is only used for transferring to another line.

Therefore the statement is true.

Learn more about commute here:


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