Need a 5 paragraph essay in the eartsh layers and how they function/ benefit the earth!


Answer 1

There is more to the Earth than what we can see on the surface. In fact, if you were able to hold the Earth in your hand and slice it in half, you'd see that it has multiple layers. But of course, the interior of our world continues to hold some mysteries for us. Even as we intrepidly explore other worlds and deploy satellites into orbit, the inner recesses of our planet remains off limit from us.

However, advances in seismology have allowed us to learn a great deal about the Earth and the many layers that make it up. Each layer has its own properties, composition, and characteristics that affects many of the key processes of our planet. They are, in order from the exterior to the interior – the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. Let's take a look at them and see what they have going on.

Like all terrestrial planets, the Earth's interior is differentiated. This means that its internal structure consists of layers, arranged like the skin of an onion. Peel back one, and you find another, distinguished from the last by its chemical and geological properties, as well as vast differences in temperature and pressure.


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A fixed 14.1-cm-diameter wire coil is perpendicular to a magnetic field 0.52 T pointing up. In 0.28 s , the field is changed to 0.23 T pointing down. Part A What is the average induced emf in the coil



the average induced emf in the coil is 0.016 V.



diameter of the wire, d = 14.1 cm = 0.141 m

change in magnetic filed strength, dB = 0.52 T - 0.23 T = 0.29 T

change in time, dt = 0.28 s

The area of the wire is calculated as follows;

[tex]A = \frac{\pi d^2}{4} \\\\A = \frac{\pi \times (0.141)^2}{4} \\\\A = 0.0156 \ m ^2[/tex]

The induced emf is calculated as follows;

[tex]emf = \frac{dBA}{dt} \\\\emf = \frac{0.29 \times 0.0156}{0.28} \\\\emf = 0.016 \ V[/tex]

Therefore, the average induced emf in the coil is 0.016 V.

May you please help?​


Choice-A is the main reason that people use the thing in the picture.




Your answer is B

because it's on sneel's law.

that is sin of incident ray / sin of refracted ray is refractive index

2. Plastic is a great conductor of charge so it moves quicker.




the answer is false


plastic doesnt conduct anything

Why is it imperative that the collision takes place in a plane parallel to the plane containing the camera lens



It is imperative that the collision takes place in a plane parallel to the plane containing the camera lens so that parallax does not affects the recording of camera.


It is imperative that the collision takes place in a plane parallel to the plane containing the camera lens so that parallax does not affect the recording of the camera. There may occur an error in video analysis if the camera is tilted at an angle in relation to the collision plane.

(The role of the lens is to take light to a fixed focal point.)

An elevator motor provides 45.0 kW of power while lifting an elevator 35.0 m. If the elevator contains seven passengers each with an average mass of 70.0 kg and it takes 20.0 s to accomplish this task, determine the mass of the elevator.


Find how much work ∆W is done by the motor in lifting the elevator:

P = ∆W / ∆t


P = 45.0 kW = power provided by the motor

• ∆W = work done

• ∆t = 20.0 s = duration of time

Solve for ∆W :

W = Pt = (45.0 kW) (20.0 s) = 900 kJ

In other words, it requires 900 kJ of energy to lift the elevator and its passengers. The combined mass of the system is M = (m + 490.0) kg, where m is the mass of the elevator alone. Then

W = M g h


g = 9.80 m/s² = acceleration due to gravity

h = 35.0 m = distance covered by the elevator

Solve for M, then for m :

M = ∆W / (g h) = (900 kJ) / ((9.80 m/s²) (35.0 m)) ≈ 2623.91 kg

m = M - 490.0 kg ≈ 2133.91 kg ≈ 2130 kg

A tabletop two-slit interference experiment consists of a laser pointer shining through two narrow, closely spaced slits in an opaque barrier. The light from the slits produces a characteristic pattern of alternating bright and dark regions on a nearby wall. Listed are five ways to modify the parameters of the experiment. Match each modification according to the effect it would have on the spacing between the bright spots on the wall. In each case, assume that everything else is held constant.

a. Causes the spacing between the bright spots on the wall to increase.
b. Causes the spacing between the bright spots on the wall to decrease.
c. Has effed on the spacing between the bright spots on the wall.

1. increasing the distance d between the two slits in the barrier
2. increasing the brightness of the laser light
3. increasing the distance L from the slits to the wall
4. increasing the distance x from the laser to the slits
5. increasing the wavelength of the laser light



a - 3, 5

b - 1

c - 2, 4


a). The distance between fringes on the screen

        [tex]$y = \frac{m \lambda L}{d}$[/tex]

where, λ is wavelength, m is order of pattern, L is distance between slit and screen, d is separation between slits.

Now we analyze that spacing between bright spots increases as increasing distance L from slits to wall and increasing the wavelength of the laser light, λ.

b). The spacing between the bright spots decreases as the distance between the two slits increases.

c). Has no effect on the spacing between the bright spots on the wall by increasing the distance from the laser to the slits as well as increasing the brightness of the laser.

HELP PLEASEEE it’s due soon





mass = 130kg

gravity = 9.807m/s^2

height = 0.200m


potential energy = 254.8 joule


mass (m) = 130 kg

height (h) = 0.200 m

(g) = 9.8

potential energy = m×g×h

= 130×0.200×9.8

= 254.8 joule

A cup has a mass of 0.0650 kg and a
volume of 0.000250 m3, and is floating
in fresh water. Pennies are put into the
cup until the top of the cup is level with
the water line. What is the mass of the
pennies in the cup?
[?] kg
Pwater = 1,000 kg/m3



hey but the person at the top is right




Volume of water displaced = 0.000250 ( volume of cup )

Mass of water displaced by cup = density of water X volume of water displaced

= 1000 X 0.000250 = 0.250 kg

Mass of water displaced = mass of cup + mass of pennies ( law of flotation)

0.25 = 0.0650 + mass of pennies

Mass of pennies = 0.2500 - 0.0650

= 0.185 kg

Don’t hesitate to like and rate this answer. It would mean a lot for me.

What are harmful substances in the air,
soil, and water called?
A. pollutants
B. toxins
C. carcinogens
D. mutants


I think it’s A
Hope that helped XD

Easy physics question help.!!!


Answer: This is not easy lol


try using socratic it is very helpful

A man walks 30 m to the west, then 5 m to the east in 45 seconds.
What is his average speed?


The displacement is the distance from the beginning point to the ending point. The time was just to throw you off. If he walks 30m due west, and then 5m due east, his displacement would be 30-5=25m to the west.

A wave has a frequency of 67 Hz and a wavelength of 7.1 meters. What is the speed of this


the answer hopes this helped


475.7 m/s



Frequency ( f ) = 67 Hz

Wavelength ( λ ) = 7.1 m

To find : Speed ( v ) = ?

Formula : -

v = f λ


= 67 x 7.1

= 475.7 m/s


the speed of the wave is 475.7 m/s.

a disk of a radius 50 cm rotates at a constant rate of 100 rpm. what distance in meters will a point on the outside rim travel during 30 seconds of rotation?​


Each minute, the disk completes 100 revolutions, so a point on the rim traverses a distance of 100 times the circumference of the disk and would have a linear speed of

100 rev/min

= (100 rev/min) × (2π × 50 cm/rev) × (1/100 m/cm) × (1/60 min/s)

= 5π/3 m/s ≈ 5.236 m/s

Then after 30 s of rotation, the point would have traveled a distance of

(5π/3 m/s) × (30 s) = 50π m ≈ 157.08 m

Four students are assigned a project for which they must experimentally determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between a block of an unknown material and a table. Each student has their own idea of how to go about setting up the experiment. The group settles on two possible test to conduct: Student A's idea and Student B's idea. Student A believes the group can obtain the coefficient of kinetic friction by attaching a spring scale to the mass and pulling on the mass with the spring scale with a horizontally directed force. The reading on the spring scale at the moment the block begins to move is the coefficient of kinetic friction. Which of the following explains what is wrong with Student A's logic?

MC Options inserted in image below



I know you said not to do this but I am doing a challenge and You asked this an hour ago. PLS DON'T REPORT ME.

Explanation: Sorry

When you look at the backside of a shiny teaspoon held at arm's length, do you see yourself upright or upside down? (b) When you look at the other side of the spoon, do you see yourself upright or upside down? Assume in both cases that the distance between you and the spoon is greater than the focal length of the spoon.



a) The back spoon gives a right image (upright)

b) the front gives an inverted image


The spoon is a curved metallic object, when we see ourselves from the back we have a convex mirror, in this type of mirror when the law of reflection is applied the rays diverge therefore the eye-brain system forms the image with the prolongation of the rays, therefore the image is straight and smaller than the object.

When we look through the deep side of the spoon, we have a concave mirror and as the object (we) is further away than the distance, the rays converge to a point, so the image is real, inverted smaller than the object.

In summary.

a) The back spoon gives a right image (upright)

b) the front gives an inverted image

2) Which of the following is not a quality of a healthy relationship?
A) respect
B) trust
C) closed communication
D) honesty


the answer should be the letter C...
A. Respect periodddd

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the potential difference across the secondary?



I dont know sorry



Fill in the blanks using the following words: Solid, Liquids, Gasses, More, Less, Gas, Fluids, Higher, Lower, Sun, Radiation, Conductors

● Radiation transfers heat best through _________ because there is _______ space between the particles.

● Conduction transfers heat best through _______ because there is space between the particles.

● Convection transfers heat best through _______ which includes _______ and ______.

● Heat always moves from _________ temperature to _________ temperature.

● Heat from ______ travels to earth by ___________.

● Solids that transfer heat well ate known as _____________.



Blank 1: Gasses

Blank 2: More

Blank 3: Solids

Blank 4: Fluids

Blank 5: Liquid

Blank 6: Gas

Blank 7: Higher

Blank 8: Lower

Blank 9: Sun

Blank 10: Radiation

Blank 11: Conductors

P.S. order of answers does not matter between Blank 5 and 6.

Two boxes are being pulled to the right by a force F across a frictionless table. The force is acting directly on M 2 which is connected to M 1 by a massless cord. Which of the following expressions best represents the acceleration of M 1?


sorry i don’t know, i really need the points

A scientist measuring the resistivity of a new metal alloy left her ammeter in another lab, but she does have a magnetic field probe. So she creates a 4.5-m-long, 2.0-mm-diameter wire of the material, connects it to a 1.5 V battery, and measures a 3.0 mT magnetic field 1.0 mm from the surface of the wire. What is the material's resistivity



[tex]3.49\times 10^{-8}\ \Omega\text{m}[/tex]


r = Radius = [tex]\dfrac{2}{2}=1\ \text{mm}[/tex]

B = Magnetic field = 3 mT

1 mm = Distance from the surface of the wire

V = Voltage

x = Distance from the probe = [tex]r+1=1+1=2\ \text{mm}[/tex]

R = Resistance

L = Length of wire = 4.5 m

Magnetic field is given by

[tex]B=\dfrac{\mu_0I}{2\pi x}\\\Rightarrow I=\dfrac{B2\pi x}{\mu_0}\\\Rightarrow I=\dfrac{3\times 10^{-3}\times 2\times \pi 2\times 10^{-3}}{4\pi 10^{-7}}\\\Rightarrow I=30\ \text{A}[/tex]

Voltage is given by

[tex]V=IR\\\Rightarrow R=\dfrac{V}{I}\\\Rightarrow R=\dfrac{1.5}{30}\\\Rightarrow R=0.05\ \Omega[/tex]

Resistivity is given by

[tex]\rho=\dfrac{RA}{L}\\\Rightarrow \rho=\dfrac{0.05\times \pi (1\times 10^{-3})^2}{4.5}\\\Rightarrow \rho=3.49\times 10^{-8}\ \Omega\text{m}[/tex]

The resistivity of the material is [tex]3.49\times 10^{-8}\ \Omega\text{m}[/tex].

9.2 True/False Questions

1) Unsatisfying relationships can interfere with your well-being.

2) One way to tell if a relationship is unhealthy is that you are unhappy.

3) Managers at large companies are more involved in the day-to-day operations of their businesses than entrepreneurs.

4) Being an effective member of a team depends entirely on the project's outcome.

5) Teams are influenced by the personal qualities of the team members.


1.)True 2.)True 3.)True 4.)True 5.)True

When does a rubber band, which has been shot at a wall, have the most potential energy?
A When it is lying on the floor.
B When it is flying across the room.
C When it hits the wall.
D When it is stretched ready to shoot at the wall.


D When it is stretched ready to shoot at the wall


C because that requires lots of energy

A 2.5 Coulomb charge is placed in an electric field where it experiences an electrical force of 50.N. What is the value of the electrical field at the place where the charge is located?
Remember to identify all data (givens and unknowns), list equations used, show all your work, and include units and the proper number of significant digits to receive full credit. (5 points)


Answer: E= 20 N/C

Explanation: Charge q = 2.5 C , force F = 50 N. F = qE and

E= F/q= 50N / 2.5 C = 20 N/C

Hi please zoom in to see it clearly, uh you don’t have to answer them all but it would be nice !!! (no links please) :D


12.could be D

Easy question I’ll give extra points. Help



the answer is A

I wish you a good day!


THe answer is graph 2 as it represents the puck going in a linear motion


Although planets orbit the Sun in ellipses, all the planetary orbits are fairly close to circular and not very eccentric.






The Sun rotates in this same, right-hand-rule direction. All planetary orbits lie in nearly the same plane. All planetary orbits are nearly circular (eccentricity near zero).

Rate as Brainliest please

Telescopes are used for producing images, spectroscopy, and time monitoring of celestial objects.



Your answer is true.

Hope I could help

Which option identifies the specific knowledge that the team in the following scenario must possess?

A team of engineers is designing a space probe that will go to Saturn and collect atmospheric samples. The temperature and atmosphere on Saturn are much different from the conditions on Earth.

(A) The team must have a vast knowledge of thermodynamics.

(B) The team must have a vast knowledge of propulsion.

(C) The team must have a vast knowledge of fluid power systems.

(D) The team must have a vast knowledge of acoustics.



The team must have a vast knowledge of thermodynamics


Just took the test!!!


C. Thermodynamics


In a nuclear fusion reaction, atoms:
split apart.
cool down.


The answer is combine
The correct answer is B. Combine
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