___________named battles after natural features. __________named them for man made structures.


Answer 1


Could you be more specific? and add more info please?

Related Questions

Can you help me with History?


Number one is to stop being reincarnated. Two is Brahmin. Three is millions of refugees.

Clemenceau of France, Wilson of the U.S., and George of Great Britain disagreed

on what major points at the treaty conference in 1919? *



Britain's blockade of German trade had been a key factor in winning the war. Wilson's ideas would have made this impossible. Despite these disagreements, both Wilson and Lloyd George wanted a peace treaty that would punish Germany, but would not cripple it. Lloyd George wanted Germany to recover its economic strength.

Female managers are rare where which of these cultural dimensions is lowest?



gender egalitarianism


So how does the U.S. compare to the rest of the world when it comes to educating our youth?


Answer: Schools in the US have changed a lot over the years. Chalk boards have been updated to white boards and smart boards. Notebooks and textbooks have been replaced with laptops and ipads. Segragation was overturned by the supreme court, and students are demanding safe schools free of gun violence from today's lawmakers.

Which is a reason that Mexico and the U.S went to war?

A. The election of James k. Polk
B. The U.S congress annexing (adding) Texas
C. The U.S invasion of California
D. The assassination of the president


the answer should be B
hope this helps!!!

Why was nasa created?



NASA was made because of the Soviet Union's October 4, 1957 dispatch of its first satellite, Sputnik I.



Hello! If this answer doesn’t fulfill all of your questions, or it doesn’t have the exact information you are looking for, I apologize. But, I will try to help you to my best ability! <3

Answer:NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union's October 4, 1957 launch of its first satellite, Sputnik I. The Sputnik launch caught Americans by surprise and sparked fears that the Soviets might also be capable of sending missiles with nuclear weapons from Europe to America.

Again, I hope this helps! Good luck! :D


What are three reasons someone would make the difficult trip across the mountains and wilderness? What would have made their trip easier?(



This opening, called the Cumberland Gap, led from Virginia to the thickly forested land in present day Kentucky, In 1775, Boone helped build a trail called the Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap. The Cumberland Gap made it easier for colonists to move into the Ohio River Valley.

There are reasons like, to explore, to breathe oxygen that is free of gasses or air pollution; which helps respiratory problems and it makes it easier to breathe especially if you have asthma.

Bringing a good amount of food because of a limited diet, exhaustion can come in and make the travelers vulnerable to diseases such as flu, so you could take shots and vitamins to keep your immunity up, you bring a map so you don't get lost. To make it easier there should be a path, or a guide, maybe signal on your phone would be a good help.

What does John’s life suggest about the
relationship between church and state in the Middle East during his
time? Explain.



he proclaims they are diffrent and need to be seperated

Explanation: read 2nd john 2:13

What is the FIRST STEP in United States foreign policy?
Go to War!
Impose economic sanctions.
Diplomatic talks to negotiate a peaceful settlement.



Diplomatic talks to negotiate a peaceful settlement.


To change thier votes to support the amnedment some congressmen were offered high-paying government jobs once they have left the house or jobs for thir friends or relatives





Abraham Lincoln was considered as one the greatest Presidents America had ever had. He was the 16th President that served the nation. He wanted to put an end to the slavery system in the USA permanently. He helped to put an end to slavery in America. He achieved this by passing the 13th Amendment by pushing and convincing the Congress before the Civil war ends.

Lincoln called for the individual congressmen to met them trying to convince them to vote for the amendment in the house. He acted friendly and politely to them. He also asked his allies to convince their colleagues in the house. Lincoln even offered the Congressmen some high paying jobs in the government upon their retirement from the house or jobs for their families and friends. Thus Lincoln succeeded in passing the 13th amendment to the constitution in the house which puts an end to the slavery in America.

summarize the key events of the story explain how each event leads to the next​


where is the story and the key events??

What is the central idea of the joint statement from the Big Three at the Teheran Conference?​



The United States and Britain agreed to open a western front in France to take the pressure off the Eastern front.


Which country do you think has made the most progress.? Explain





In terms of citizens being allowed to elect their president, Argentina has the most progress as it was able to achive this feat in 1983 without returning to military ruling. The officials elected were also able to make significant changes to help their constituents, resulting to lowered percentage of the population living in poverty and having capacity to pay national debts.

The most progress country in the world is the Argentina.

How Argentina became most progressive country?

Argentina has made the most progress in terms of citizens being able to elect their president, having accomplished this achievement in 1983 without returning to military rule.

The elected authorities were also competent to make important changes that benefited their voters, resulting in a decreased percentage of the population living in poverty and the ability to pay national obligations.

Therefore, Argentina is the most progressive country.

Learn more about the Argentina, refer to:



How is society impacted by governmental politics?



Si no hubiera política social, el principal mecanismo de distribución social de recursos sería el mercado, el cual, por su naturaleza, resulta inequitativo, porque los dos principales recursos que se distribuyen a través del mismo generan desigualdad en la sociedad.



Laws creating conformity based mindsets affect generations to come rendering supportive and oppositional opinions to radical concepts.


The __________ of the House or Senate is responsible for running the meetings of the legislature and moderating debate on legislation.
sergeant at arms

Please select the best answer from the choices provided







C) Speaker


The speaker is responsible for running the meetings of the legislature and moderating debate on legislation.

someone help me plzzz!



Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated

Austria-Hungary gives Serbia ultimatum

Serbia rejects ultimatum

Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia


Why did Japan join the axis powers in wwII


Answer: Japan felt its hand was being forced


At the time that Japan joined the Axis powers it was in a war with China to expand its power and collect resources ever since 1937. This war was looked down upon by France, Britain, and the US. Japan saw this as a threat and more evidence that they would not be treated as an equal from the allied powers. After this realization Japan began making allies with other countries and immediately befriended Germany and Italy. Soon after Italy joined the axis powers and France was nearly fully taken over. Japan saw this as an immediate threat in the case that Germany could possibly wage war in Japan. Seeing as Japan was already allied with Italy and Japan feared future attacks from Germany, Japan joined the Axis powers.

Which group had most reason to be concerned about the idea of Manifest
O A. Native Americans in the West
O B. French who supported a new colonial empire
O C. African Americans living free in cities
O D. English who purchased goods from the Northeast



Wrong the correct answer is A not B




Use your graphic organizer on the revolts in Latin America to write a paragraph that makes a generalization about the successes or failures of the revolutions.



The Latin American Wars of Independence were the revolutions that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and resulted in the creation of a number of independent countries in Latin America. These revolutions followed the American and French Revolutions, which had profound effects on the Spanish, Portuguese, and French colonies in the Americas. Haiti, a French slave colony, was the first to follow the United States to independence during the Haitian Revolution, which lasted from 1791 to 1804. From this Napoleon Bonaparte emerged as French ruler, whose armies set out to conquer Europe, including Spain and Portugal, in 1808.

Latin America is the part of the Americas made up of regions and countries where Romance languages like Portuguese, French, and Spanish which are descended from Latin, are widely spoken. The word refers to areas that were ruled by the Portuguese, French, and  Spanish empires at one point or another.

The generalization regarding revolutions' actions or inactions:

The Latin American Wars of Independence were a series of revolutions that occurred in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, resulting in the formation of a number of independent Latin American republics.

Following the French and American Revolutions, these revolutions had a significant impact on the Spanish, Portuguese, and French possessions in the Americas.

During the Haitian Revolution, which lasted from 1791 to 1804, Haiti, a French slave colony, was the first to follow the United States to independence.

Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as France's ruler, and in 1808, his soldiers set out to conquer Europe, including Portugal and Spain.

For more information regarding the Latin American revolutions, refer to the link:



for which of the strategic reasons did the United States acquire the midway islands



To build naval protection against rivals as the United States increased trade with Asia and Latin America.


Write a 100-300 word essay explaining how the adult and juvenile justice systems are different. Explain the jurisdiction of the adult and juvenile courts.


Juvenile delinquents are prosecuted differently from adults because they are judged by different criteria. The juvenile criminal justice system serves the best interests of the minor by aiming to reform the offender to prevent later offenses instead of punishing them, as does the adult criminal justice system. An adjudication hearing, rather than a public trial before peers (aka jury), is used by judges to assess the juvenile’s arguments to see if they are relevant and sufficient to prove that they are not delinquent. When deemed delinquent, the court can decide the next steps, but there are a number of alternative punishments, such as probation, diversionary programs, and parole, that are available as alternatives to jail time. Furthermore, judges are generally more formal in criminal justice systems for adults. Judges in the juvenile criminal justice system are typically more informal and follow a more lenient procedure when it comes to the admission of evidence. In cases of juveniles who commit delinquent acts too violent to be considered a childish mistake, such as murder, the juveniles may be charged as adults and prosecuted under adult criminal justice standards.

Citation for sources used:

“Adult Crime System vs. Juvenile Crime System.” Criminal Defense Attorney San Diego, 19 Aug. 2015, www.sevenslegal.com/criminal-attorney/adult-crime-system-juvenile-crime-system/236/#:~:text=Adults%20are%20prosecuted%20for%20%E2%80%9Ccommitting,be%20tried%20in%20the%20adult.  

Evaluate how Berlin symbolized the global struggle between the free and communist world.



Berlin was split between the soviets and allies. Also when the soviets blockaded west berlin the American and British effort to keep the city supplied show that west cared more for its citizens then the soviets.


46) (M070542E4) Observe a conta no quadro abaixo.
1,86 - 0,06
Qual é o resultado dessa conta?
A) 0,0031
B) 0,31
C) 3,1
D) 31​


Olá. Nenhuma das opções mostradas na pergunta apresentam o resultado de 1,86 - 0,06. Entretanto, se você dividir 1,86 por 0,06,  o resultado será 31, ou seja a letra D.

Para resolver essa divisão, você deve começar pelo fato de que tanto o duvisor quanto o dividendo possuem dois numeros depois da vírgula. Nesse caso, você pode desconsiderar a vírgula e, portanto, considerar os numeros 186 e 6. Nesse caso, 186 divido por 6 é igual 31.

_8. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended poll taxes and literacy tests as a prerequisite to vote, resulting in -
A. women gaining the right to vote
B. veterans of the Korean War voting in larger numbers
C. larger voter participation in the North than the South
D. increased voting rates of minorities
eleased EOC® Questions


Answer: D


The 15th amendment granted people no matter what race the right to vote.

Use the maps to answer the following question:

These maps show ancient settlements in India and China. Why might people initially have chosen these places to live?

The fertile floodplains were good places to grow food.
The oceans provided good drinking water for the population.
The ocean was an important source of salt for curing meat.
The mountains were rich with plants and animals





For those fluent in Spanish, translate the sentences thx


los tiburones no viven en el pantano

muchas aves viven en árboles en los bosques

el cocodrilo nada en las aguas de australia

el tejón puede comerse una serpiente

Los ñus corren con el bisonte en el zoológico.

How did gold help the empire of Ghana


Answer:The Ghana Empire (c. 300 until c. 1100), properly known as Wagadou (Ghana being the title of its ruler), was a West African empire located in the area of present-day southeastern Mauritania and western Mali. Complex societies based on trans-Saharan trade in salt and gold had existed in the region since ancient times,[1] but the introduction of the camel to the western Sahara in the 3rd century CE, opened the way to great changes in the area that became the Ghana Empire. By the time of the Muslim conquest of North Africa in the 7th century the camel had changed the ancient, more irregular trade routes into a trade network running from Morocco to the Niger River. The Ghana Empire grew rich from this increased trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt, allowing for larger urban centres to develop. The traffic furthermore encouraged territorial expansion to gain control over the different trade routes.

When Ghana's ruling dynasty began remains uncertain. It is mentioned for the first time in written records by Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī in 830.[2] In the 11th century the Cordoban scholar Al-Bakri travelled to the region and gave a detailed description of the kingdom.

As the empire declined it finally became a vassal of the rising Mali Empire at some point in the 13th century. When, in 1957, the Gold Coast became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to gain its independence from colonial rule, it renamed itself Ghana in honor of the long-gone empire.


what did the US want to Soviet Union to do in the cold war ?


Fearing Soviet expansion, the United States committed itself to assisting countries whose governments faced overthrow by Communist forces and gave billions of dollars to war-torn Europe to help it rebuild.


Fearing Soviet expansion, the United States committed itself to assisting countries whose governments faced overthrow by Communist forces and gave billions of dollars to war-torn Europe to help it rebuild


The Hessians, German mercenaries, were listed as one of the reason the colonists wanted independence from England.



German troops hired by the British to help fight during the American Revolution. ... This allowed the state's prince, the Landgraf Friedrich II, to keep taxes low and public spending high. So I believe true


The Hessians were hired to fight against the American army. Therefore, the answer is True


Explain in detail (at least two paragraphs) the impact of the
printing press on society.


The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century had a profound impact on society as it helped in spreading of knowledge and ideas, and cultural and social transformation.

The printing press facilitated the mass production of books, enabling the widespread dissemination of knowledge and ideas. The availability of printed materials fueled intellectual and cultural movements, such as the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

It contributed to the development of national and regional identities as printed works in local languages became more widespread.

Learn more about printing press here:



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Draw a scatter plot for the data.x0. a graph, points are at (2, 6.9), (9.3, 1.2), (9.8, 0).c.On a graph, points are at (0.4, 7.8), (3.1, 6.0), and (9.8, 0.5).b.On a graph, points are at (2, 7), (9.3, 1.2), (9.8, 1.5).d.On a graph, points are at (1.2, 7.2), (9.3, 1.2), (9.8, 0.2).Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD The opportunity cost of producing the 76th unit of wheat is approximately Help Exam Summer 2022 that a consumer has a given budget or income of $12 and that she can buy only he goods, soples or bananes. The price of an apple is $150 and the price of a banana is $0.75. F the opportunity cost of buying one more apple is Please help, I will give brainliestok, so, there's a problem at sunset skating rink, and that is, nobody comes on weekdays, so bring your friends and family and go skating as much as you can cause they might have to shut down. Can YOU help a friend out? It would make all of the staff and crew at the skating rink happy.Just type sunset skating rink into you phone or any other device you use and follow the map to the rink. please Q1) Eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park typically last from 1.5 to 5 minutes. Between eruptions are dormant periods, which typically last from 50 to 100 minutes. A dormant period can also be thought of as the waiting time between eruptions. 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