MNIST dataset - The MNIST dataset is divided into two sets - training and test. Each set comprises a series of images (28 x 28-pixel images of handwritten digits) and their respective labels (values from 0-9, representing which digit the image corresponds to). a) Use mnist function in keras datasets to split the MNIST dataset into the training and testing sets. Print the following: The number of images in each training and testing set, and the image width and height. b) Write a function (with images of ten digits and labels as the input) that plots a figure with 10 subplots for each 0-9 digits. Each subplot has the number of the handwritten digit in the title. c) Create a loop to call the plot function in (b) with images from each set to create three figures. Note: the code has to select the images randomly. Include all the 10 digits in each figure. Show the results of your code. d) In machine learning, we usually divide the training set into two sets of training and validation sets to adjust a machine learning model parameters. In your code, randomly select 20% of the training images and their corresponding labels and name them as x_valid and y valid, respectively. Name the remaining training images and their labels as x_train and y_train, respectively. Print the number of images in each training and validation set. Note: that there are no overlaps between the two sets.


Answer 1

a) To split the MNIST dataset into training and testing sets using the mnist function from Keras datasets, and print the number of images in each set along with the image width and height,

you can use the following code:

from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist

# Load the MNIST dataset

(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()

# Print the number of images in each set

print("Number of images in the training set:", x_train.shape[0])

print("Number of images in the testing set:", x_test.shape[0])

# Print the image width and height

print("Image width:", x_train.shape[1])

print("Image height:", x_train.shape[2])

b) To write a function that plots a figure with 10 subplots for each digit, you can use the following code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_digits(images, labels):

   fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(10, 4))

   axes = axes.ravel()


   for i in range(10):

       axes[i].imshow(images[i], cmap='gray')





c) To create a loop that randomly selects images from each set and calls the plot function to create three figures, each containing all 10 digits, you can use the following code:

import numpy as np

# Concatenate the training and testing sets

x_all = np.concatenate((x_train, x_test))

y_all = np.concatenate((y_train, y_test))

# Create three figures

for _ in range(3):

   # Randomly select 10 images from the dataset

   indices = np.random.choice(len(x_all), size=10, replace=False)

   selected_images = x_all[indices]

   selected_labels = y_all[indices]


   # Call the plot function

   plot_digits(selected_images, selected_labels)

d) To randomly select 20% of the training images and labels as the validation set, while keeping the remaining images and labels as the training set, you can use the following code:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Split the training set into training and validation sets

x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Print the number of images in each set

print("Number of images in the training set:", x_train.shape[0])

print("Number of images in the validation set:", x_valid.shape[0])

This code splits the training set into 80% for training (x_train and y_train) and 20% for validation (x_valid and y_valid). The train_test_split() function from scikit-learn is used to perform the random split, ensuring there are no overlaps between the two sets.

Learn more about dataset here:


Related Questions

How have computers changed people's ability to access information?
O A. Because there is so much information available, people need to
wait longer to download it onto their devices.
O B. People can access information about almost any topic through
their devices instead of asking someone
C. Because devices are small people are accessing less information
than they did in the past.
D. People can access a limited amount of information on their
devices, but most information needs to be researched at a library



B. People can access information about almost any topic through their devices instead of asking someone.

Using the below code, do the following:
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
printf ("# of arguments passed: %d\n", argc) ;
for (int i=0; i< argc ; i++) { printf ( "argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i] ) ;} return (0) ;}
1) convert any argument that is actually a number, from its string form into an integer using sscanf(). As a small hint, look at the return type of sscanf(), notice that if it makes a match, you get the # of matches it made to your string as a return.
2) store any integer arguments into an array of integers (you may assume we’ll never pass in 10 integers at any time). For the above example (./program3 arg1 2 arg3 4 arg5), your program would generate an array: {2, 4}
3) store any non-integer argument (example: arg1) into 1 large string – separated by spaces, using sprint(). For the above example, your program would generate a string: "program3 arg1 arg3". You may assume a maximum length of 250 for this string.
4) print out the contents of your integer array (a newline after each element) and the contents of your single string.


Given code: int main (int argc, char** argv) {printf ("# of arguments passed: %d\n", argc) ;for (int i=0; i< argc ; i++) { printf ( "argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i] ) ;} return (0) ;}

1) To convert any argument that is actually a number, from its string form into an integer using sscanf(). If it makes a match, you get the # of matches it made to your string as a return. Here's the implementation in the above code snippet:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}

2) To store any integer arguments into an array of integers. Here's the implementation:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}

3) To store any non-integer argument (example: arg1) into 1 large string – separated by spaces, using sprint(). Here's the implementation:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}

4) To print out the contents of your integer array (a newline after each element) and the contents of your single string. Here's the implementation:int num;int numbers[10];int number_index = 0;char non_numbers[250] = "";for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {if(sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) == 1) {numbers[number_index] = num;number_index++;}else {strcat(non_numbers, argv[i]);strcat(non_numbers, " ");}}for(int i = 0; i < number_index; i++) {printf("%d\n", numbers[i]);}printf("%s", non_numbers);

Know more about array here:


The Department of Computer Science at Jacksonville State University has received several applications for teaching assistant positions from JSU students. The responsibility of each applicant is to assist a faculty member in instructional responsibilities for a specific course. The applicants are provided with the list of available courses and asked to submit a list of their preferences. The corresponding committee at JSU prepares a sorted list of the applicants (according to the applicants' background and experience) for each course and the total number of TAs needed for the course. Note that there are more students than the available TA spots. The committee wants to apply an algorithm to produce stable assignments such that each student is assigned to at most one course. The assignment of the TAs to courses is stable if none of the following situations arises. 1. If an applicant A and a course are not matched, but A prefers C more than his assigned course, and C prefers A more than, at least, one of the applicants assigned to it. 2. If there is unmatched applicant A, and there is a course C with an empty spot or an applicant A is assigned to it such that C prefers A to A. Your task is to do the following: i Modify the Gale-Shapley algorithm to find a stable assignment for the TAS-Courses matching problem ii Prove that the modified algorithm produces stable TAS-Courses assignments.


Modifying the Gale-Shapley algorithm for the TAS-Courses matching problem:The Gale-Shapley algorithm, also known as the stable marriage algorithm, can be modified to solve the TAS-Courses matching problem.

In this case, we have applicants (students) and courses as the two sets to be matched.Here is the modified version of the Gale-Shapley algorithm for finding a stable assignment for the TAS-Courses matching problem:Initialize all applicants and courses as free and unassigned.While there exists at least one unassigned applicant:Select an unassigned applicant A.Let C be the highest-ranked course in A's preference list that has available spots or an assigned applicant A' such that C prefers A to A'.If C has an available spot, assign A to C.If C is already assigned to an applicant A' and C prefers A to A', unassign A' and assign A to C If C rejects A, go to the next highest-ranked course in A's preference list.Repeat steps 2-4 until all applicants are assigned to a course.

To know more about algorithm click the link below:


Given main(), build a struct called RandomNums that has three integer data members: var1, var2, and var3.
Implement the RandomNums struct and related function declarations (prototypes) in RandomNums.h, and implement the related function definitions in RandomNums.c as listed below. You will have a total of 5 function prototypes and definitions:
RandomNums SetRandomVals(int low, int high) - accepts a low and high integer values as parameters, and sets variables var1, var2, and var3 to random numbers (generated using the rand() function) within the range of the low and high input values (inclusive).
void GetRandomVals(RandomNums r) - prints out the 3 random numbers in the format: "Random values: var1 var2 var3"
int GetVar1(RandomNums r) - returns the value of variable var1
int GetVar2(RandomNums r) - returns the value of variable var2
int GetVar3(RandomNums r) - returns the value of variable var3


Given main(), the struct called RandomNums that has three integer data members, var1, var2, and var3 are to be built. The RandomNums struct and related function declarations (prototypes) are to be implemented in RandomNums.h, and the related function definitions are to be implemented in RandomNums.c as listed below. There will be a total of 5 function prototypes and definitions:


#ifndef _RANDOMNUMS_H_
#define _RANDOMNUMS_H_

typedef struct RandomNums
   int var1;
   int var2;
   int var3;
} RandomNums;

RandomNums SetRandomVals(int low, int high);
void GetRandomVals(RandomNums r);
int GetVar1(RandomNums r);
int GetVar2(RandomNums r);
int GetVar3(RandomNums r);



#include "RandomNums.h"

RandomNums SetRandomVals(int low, int high)
   RandomNums r;
   r.var1 = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;
   r.var2 = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;
   r.var3 = rand() % (high - low + 1) + low;
   return r;

void GetRandomVals(RandomNums r)
   printf("Random values: %d %d %d\n", r.var1, r.var2, r.var3);

int GetVar1(RandomNums r)
   return r.var1;

int GetVar2(RandomNums r)
   return r.var2;

int GetVar3(RandomNums r)
   return r.var3;

To know more about the main(), click here;


design an algorithm that takes n lines as input and returns the set of lines that are visible


To design an algorithm that tells the set of visible lines among a given set of lines, we can use the concept of line sweeping by the steps given below

What is the algorithm

To design an algorithm for visible lines, use line sweeping. Outline the algorithm as:

- Create an empty set named visibleLines for storing visible lines. Sort lines by slope in ascending order. For equal slopes, order lines by decreasing y-intercepts. Sort by slope steepness. Iterate through sorted lines and compare y-intercepts to visibleLines. If current line's y-intercept is higher than visibleLines' any line, it's visible. If visible, add to visibleLines set: When all lines are processed, visibleLines set has visible lines.

Learn more about algorithm  from


True or False, testing based on most popular customer configurations minimizes risk in configuration testing.


Testing based on most popular customer configurations may not necessarily minimize risk in configuration testing as it may overlook edge cases and unique configurations. Therefore, the given statement is false.

Testing based solely on the most popular customer configurations does not necessarily minimize the risk in configuration testing. While popular customer configurations may represent a significant portion of the user base, they do not account for the full range of possible configurations and scenarios. By focusing only on popular configurations, there is a risk of overlooking edge cases, unique configurations, and potential issues that may arise in less common scenarios. Comprehensive testing should include a diverse range of configurations to ensure that the software or system performs reliably and accurately across different setups. This approach helps identify and address potential risks and vulnerabilities that may be specific to certain configurations. Therefore, a broader and more inclusive testing strategy is crucial for minimizing risks in configuration testing.Therefore, the given statement is false.

For more such questions on Configuration:


when a machine is ____________________, the hacker can back door into it at any time and perform actions from that machine as if she were sitting at its keyboard.


When a machine is compromised, the hacker can back door into it at any time and perform actions from that machine as if she were sitting at its keyboard.

This can result in all sorts of mischief, such as stealing sensitive data, installing malware, or using the machine as part of a larger botnet. So, it's important to take proactive steps to protect your machine from compromise.One of the best ways to do this is by practicing good cybersecurity hygiene. This means using strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts, enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible, keeping your operating system and software up to date with the latest security patches, and using a reliable antivirus program to scan your machine regularly for signs of compromise. It's also important to be aware of the common methods used by hackers to gain access to machines, such as phishing emails, malicious websites, and unsecured wireless networks. By staying vigilant and taking these steps to protect your machine, you can reduce the risk of compromise and keep your data safe.

To know more about hacker visit:


Which statement below is false? O a) A DMZ is located behind the firewall/edge router O b) Any system on a DMZ can be compromised because it is accessible from outside O c) A DMZ is an isolated network segment d) A DMZ setup requires packet filtering O e) None of the above


We can see here that the statement that is false is:  b) Any system on a DMZ can be compromised because it is accessible from outside

What is firewall?

A firewall is a network security device or software that acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and an external network (such as the internet). It monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

The primary purpose of a firewall is to protect a network from unauthorized access, threats, and potential attacks.

In some cases, systems in a DMZ may be protected by firewalls or other security measures. However, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with placing systems in a DMZ.

Learn  more about firewall on


Which command can be used to provide a long listing for each file in a certain directory? A. ls -T B. ls -l C. ls -F D. ls -L


The command that can be used to provide a long listing for each file in a certain directory is `ls -l`.

The `ls` command stands for list and is used to display the contents of a directory or file. It can be used to display the contents of the current working directory or the contents of a specific directory. The `ls -l` command is used to display the contents of a directory in a long format.The `ls -T` command is used to display the contents of a directory and the date and time when the files were last modified. The `ls -F` command is used to display the contents of a directory with each file and directory name followed by a character that represents the type of file or directory.The `ls -L` command is used to display the contents of a directory and any symbolic links in the directory.

Know more about command here:


Select the correct answer.

Which animation do these characteristics
best relate? Allows you to edit, blend, and reposition clips of animation.
This animation is not restricted by time.

1. Interactive Animatino
2. Linear Animation
3. Nonlinear Animation



1. Interactive Animatino

Write a program whose inputs are three integers, and whose outputs are the largest of the three values and the smallest of the three values.


If the input is: 7 15 3

the output is:

largest: 15 smallest: 3

Your program must define and call the following two functions. The LargestNumber function should return the largest number of the three input values. The SmallestNumber function should return the smallest number of the three input values. Int LargestNumber(int user Numl, int user Num2, int user Num3) int SmallestNumber(int user Numl, int user Num2, int user Num3)


Here's a program that takes three integers as input and returns the largest and smallest values.```#include using namespace std;// Function Prototypesint LargestNumber(int userNum1, int userNum2, int userNum3);int SmallestNumber(int userNum1, int userNum2,

int userNum3);// Main Functionint main() {    int num1, num2, num3;    cout << "Enter three numbers: ";    cin >> num1 >> num2 >> num3;    cout << "Largest: " << Largest Number(num1, num2, num3) << endl;    cout << "Smallest: " << SmallestNumber(num1, num2, num3) << endl;  

return 0;}// Function Definitionsint LargestNumber(int userNum1, int userNum2, int userNum3) {    int largest;    if (userNum1 > userNum2 && userNum1 > userNum3)        largest = userNum1;    else if (userNum2 > userNum1 && userNum2 > userNum3)        largest = userNum2;  

To know more about program visit:


_________ is to provide a way for a third-party web site to place cookies from that third-party site on a visitor’s computer.


Cross-site cookie tracking is a technique that allows a third-party website to place cookies on a visitor's computer when they visit another website.

What is Cross-site cookie tracking

Cross-site cookie tracking pertains to a method wherein a third-party website can deposit cookies onto a visitor's device when they access another webpage.

This feature allows a third-party website to monitor and collect information about the user's online behavior across numerous sites, with the potential to provide tailored advertisements or customized content. Cross-site cookie tracking has become more closely monitored and regulated due to its potential for violating privacy.

Learn more about tracking from


Construct an algorithm to print the first 20 numbers in the Fibonacci series (in mathematics) thanks










// C++ program to print

// first n Fibonacci numbers

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;


// Function to print

// first n Fibonacci Numbers

void printFibonacciNumbers(int n)


   int f1 = 0, f2 = 1, i;


   if (n < 1)


   cout << f1 << " ";

   for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {

       cout << f2 << " ";

       int next = f1 + f2;

       f1 = f2;

       f2 = next;




// Driver Code

int main()



   return 0;



Given a = 3, p=11, calculate the inverse of a mod p using Fermat's Little Theorem and verify it. Given a = 3, m= 8, calculate the inverse of a mod m using Euler's Theorem and verify it.


To calculate the inverse of a modulo p using Fermat's Little Theorem, we can use the formula:

a^(-1) ≡ a^(p-2) (mod p)

Given a = 3 and p = 11, we can calculate the inverse of 3 modulo 11 as follows:

Step 1: Calculate the exponent: (p - 2)

Exponent = 11 - 2 = 9

Step 2: Calculate the inverse using the formula:

Inverse = 3^9 mod 11

Now, let's calculate it:

Inverse = (3^9) mod 11

       = 19683 mod 11

       = 9

So, the inverse of 3 modulo 11 is 9.

To verify the result, we can check if (3 * 9) mod 11 equals 1, which indicates that the inverse calculation is correct:

Verification: (3 * 9) mod 11

            = 27 mod 11

            = 5

Since the result is not 1, it means that there might be an error in the calculation.

Now, let's calculate the inverse of a modulo m using Euler's Theorem:

a^(-1) ≡ a^(φ(m)-1) (mod m)

Given a = 3 and m = 8, we need to calculate the inverse of 3 modulo 8:

Step 1: Calculate φ(m)

φ(8) = 8 * (1 - 1/2) = 4

Step 2: Calculate the exponent: (φ(m) - 1)

Exponent = 4 - 1 = 3

Step 3: Calculate the inverse using the formula:

Inverse = 3^3 mod 8

Now, let's calculate it:

Inverse = (3^3) mod 8

       = 27 mod 8

       = 3

So, the inverse of 3 modulo 8 is 3.

To verify the result, we can check if (3 * 3) mod 8 equals 1:

Verification: (3 * 3) mod 8

            = 9 mod 8

            = 1

Since the result is 1, it confirms that the inverse calculation is correct.

Learn more about Fermat's Little Theorem here:


question 1 (2 points): by your own research, how would you change the time, date and year in the mac terminal? what would command be:


To change the time, date, and year in the Mac Terminal, you can use the date command. Here's how you can use it:

Open the Terminal application on your Mac. You can find it in the Applications folder under Utilities.To change the time, date, and year, you need to use the date command with the desired values. The format for the date command is as follows:


Copy code

date MMDDhhmmYYYY

MM: Two-digit month (e.g., 01 for January, 02 for February)

DD: Two-digit day of the month (e.g., 01, 02, 03)

hh: Two-digit hour in 24-hour format (e.g., 00, 01, 02)

mm: Two-digit minute (e.g., 00, 01, 02)

YYYY: Four-digit year (e.g., 2023, 2024)

Replace MM, DD, hh, mm, and YYYY with the desired values for the new date and time you want to set. For example, to set the date to January 1, 2023, at 12:34 PM, you would use the following command.

To know more about command click the link below:


Refer to the exhibit. the exhibit shows a small switched network and the contents of the mac address table of the switch. pc1 has sent a frame addressed to pc3. what will the switch do with the frame?


In the given exhibit, the small switched network and the contents of the mac address table of the switch are given. PC1 has sent a frame addressed to PC3, and we are required to know what the switch will do with the frame. A switch is a layer 2 device that works at the Data Link layer of the OSI model. It keeps track of the MAC addresses of the devices that are connected to it using the MAC address table. It reads the destination MAC address of a frame and uses the table to forward the frame to the appropriate port. The MAC address table shows that PC3 is connected to port 3, and so the switch will forward the frame to port 3 so that it reaches PC3. Therefore, the switch will forward the frame to the appropriate port (port 3) to reach PC3 as PC3's MAC address is present in the table.

Explanation: The MAC address table in the given exhibit shows that PC3 is connected to port 3 and its MAC address is 00-21-91-62-82-76. When PC1 sends a frame addressed to PC3, the switch reads the destination MAC address of the frame and uses the table to forward the frame to the appropriate port. Since PC3's MAC address is present in the table and is associated with port 3, the switch will forward the frame to port 3 to reach PC3.

Know more about MAC here:


You are the IT security administrator for a small corporate network. You need to secure access to your switch, which is still configured with the default settings.
Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on with the username cisco and password cisco.
In this lab, your task is to perform the following:
Create a new user account with the following settings:User Name: ITSwitchAdminPassword: Admin$0nly2017 (0 is zero)User Level: Read/Write Management Access (15)
Edit the default user account as follows:Username: ciscoPassword: CLI$0nly2017 (0 is zero)User Level: Read-Only CLI Access (1)
Save the changes to the switch's startup configuration file.


As an IT security administrator for a small corporate network, securing access to your switch is paramount.

This task is even more critical if the switch is still configured with the default settings. The process for securing access to the switch involves creating a new user account, editing the default user account, and saving the changes to the switch’s startup configuration file. The steps to secure the switch access are outlined below.

1. Create a new user account with the following settings:a. User Name: ITSwitchAdminb. Password: Admin$0nly2017 (0 is zero)c. User Level: Read/Write Management Access (15)To create a new user account, follow the steps below:i. Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on http://192.168.0.

2 using the default username and password (“cisco”).ii. On the switch management console, go to the ‘User Accounts’ menu and select ‘Add.’iii. Input the new user account details: username (ITSwitchAdmin), password (Admin$0nly2017), and user level (Read/Write Management Access).iv. Save the new user account by clicking the ‘Save’ button.2. Edit the default user account as follows:a. Username: ciscob. Password: CLI$0nly2017 (0 is zero)c. User Level: Read-Only CLI Access (1)To edit the default user account, follow the steps below:i. Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on using the default username and password (“cisco”).ii. On the switch management console, go to the ‘User Accounts’ menu and select the default user account (‘cisco’).iii. Edit the default user account details: username (cisco), password (CLI$0nly2017), and user level (Read-Only CLI Access)

.iv. Save the changes to the default user account by clicking the ‘Save’ button.3. Save the changes to the switch’s startup configuration file.To save the changes made to the switch’s user accounts, follow the steps below:i. Access the switch management console through Internet Explorer on using the default username and password (“cisco”).ii. On the switch management console, go to the ‘Management and Backup’ menu and select ‘Save Configuration.’iii. Save the changes made to the switch’s startup configuration file by clicking the ‘Save’ button.It is crucial to ensure that access to your switch is secure. Creating new user accounts, editing default user accounts, and saving the changes to the switch’s startup configuration file will help secure access to your switch.

Learn more about network :


Examples for structured data include Select one or more:

a. Data stored in the PDF format

b. Data stored in the RDF format

c. Data stored in a docx format

d. Data stored in an RDBMS

e. Data stored in file cabinets


The examples of structured data include:

b. Data stored in the RDF format

d. Data stored in an RDBMS

Structured data refers to organized and well-defined data that can be easily processed and understood by machines. It follows a predefined structure or schema, enabling efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis. Examples of structured data include data stored in the RDF (Resource Description Framework) format, which is a standardized format for representing information on the web.

Another example is data stored in an RDBMS, such as a relational database, which uses tables with defined columns and relationships between them. These structured data formats allow for efficient querying, indexing, and analysis, making them suitable for various applications and data management tasks. Therefore, options b and d are the correct answers.

You can learn more about structured data at


Dan's team has to develop billing software for a supermarket. During which step will they write the program for the software?

Which step will involve finding errors in the software?



coding phase

testing/debugging phase


During the coding phase they will write the actual code which creates the functionality/program which is added to the software. This phase comes after the dev team designs the algorithm and creates a flow chart of the algorithm. This flow chart is what is used to create the code itself. After the code is complete then the dev team will go into the testing/debugging phase where they will test the program with different test cases. If any bugs/errors are found they will return to the code and implement changes to fix these errors.

A license is a contract to use copyrighted material under certain circumstances
O True
O False


A license is a contract to use copyrighted material under certain circumstances. This statement is TRUE.

A license is a legal agreement between two parties in which one party, the licensor, grants the other party, the licensee, permission to use something under certain conditions. The use of copyrighted material is frequently controlled by licenses that dictate how it can be used and who has the right to use it.Licenses are required to access certain forms of intellectual property, such as music, movies, computer programs, and many more. Licenses are generally used by software developers, publishers, and manufacturers to limit how people can use or distribute their intellectual property. Licensing is frequently utilized as a revenue source for intellectual property owners, particularly in the software and entertainment industries.

One of the key benefits of licensing is that it gives licensees the right to use copyrighted material without fear of legal repercussions. Licenses provide a level of protection against copyright infringement and can be customized to meet the specific needs of the licensee. In addition, licensing agreements are legally binding and enforceable, making them a useful tool for regulating intellectual property usage.

In conclusion, a license is a contract to use copyrighted material under specific circumstances. Licenses are an essential aspect of intellectual property law, allowing creators to generate revenue from their work while also allowing users to obtain access to the materials they need. Licensing is a valuable tool for ensuring that copyrighted materials are used fairly and legally.

Learn more about License here:


1. What type of malware is triggered by a specific condition, such as a specific date or a particular user account being disabled?

Select one:



Logic Bomb

Trojan Horse



it would be logic bomb.


I hope this helps

Which computer databases would you search if you had images of a cartridge casing that had been ejected during a shooting?


These databases include the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN), eTrace, and IBIS (Integrated Ballistic Identification System).National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN)NIBIN is a computerized system used to acquire, store, and compare digital images of firearm-related evidence, including cartridge cases and bullets.

It is a repository for ballistic evidence that has been recovered from crime scenes and firearms-related incidents.

The database is searchable to provide leads in investigations and allows for the linking of ballistic evidence to other crime scenes and incidents. eTraceeTrace is a web-based system that provides firearm tracking capabilities to law enforcement agencies.

It enables law enforcement officials to trace firearms used in the commission of crimes, thereby facilitating investigations.  Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS)The Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) is a digital network that compares ballistic evidence to generate leads in an investigation.

It is utilized to analyze images of cartridge casings and bullets collected from crime scenes and weapons-related incidents. It enables the sharing of ballistic evidence between law enforcement agencies, allowing for faster identification and tracking of criminals.

To know more about National Integrated Ballistic Information Network visit :-


While traversing a list, a node pointer knows when it has reached the end of a list when:
A) it encounters the newline character
B) it encounters a null pointer
C) it finds itself back at the beginning of the list
D) it encounters a sentinel, usually 9999
E) None of these


The correct answer is option B, "it encounters a null pointer.

"While traversing a list, a node pointer knows when it has reached the end of a list when it encounters a null pointer. The null pointer is the pointer value that indicates the end of a list.There are two types of linked lists. A single-linked list and a double-linked list are the two types of linked lists. The beginning of a single-linked list is referred to as the head node. A null pointer is used to indicate the end of the list, which is where the node's next field points. Similarly, for a double-linked list, a null pointer is used to indicate the end of the list. The node's next field points to null when it's at the end of the list.In computer science, a node is an object that holds data and one or more pointers. A linked list is a data structure that is made up of a sequence of nodes. A node can contain a data field, which holds the data, and a reference field, which contains a reference to the next node in the list. A null pointer is used to indicate the end of the list.

to know more about null pointer visit:


Which of the following statements are true of
software engineers? Check all of the boxes that
They are responsible for writing programming
They are usually strong problem-solvers.
They spend most of their work hours running
experiments in a laboratory.
They must hold advanced degrees in
computer science.



Option A - They are responsible for writing programming

Option B - They are usually strong problem-solvers


A software engineer needs to be a strong problem solver and he/she must be able to write program/code. He/She is not required to conduct experiments in labs and also it is not essential for them to hold masters degree as even the non computer science or IT background people are working as software engineer.

Hence, both option A and B are correct


A & B


if you need to perform port scanning in your network, which of the following tool are you likely to use?


If you need to perform port scanning in your network, you are likely to use the "Nmap" tool. Option A is answer.

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful and popular open-source tool used for network exploration and security auditing. It is commonly used for port scanning, which involves scanning a target network to identify open ports on various systems. By using Nmap, you can gather information about the open ports on specific hosts, determine the services running on those ports, and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Nmap provides a wide range of scanning techniques and options, allowing you to customize the scanning process based on your requirements. It is widely used by network administrators and security professionals for network analysis and reconnaissance. Therefore, Nmap is the correct option for performing port scanning in a network.

Option A is answer.


if you need to perform port scanning in your network, which of the following tool are you likely to use?






You can learn more about Network Mapper at


The second part of this homework is a program that should be written per the description below and turned in to the Canvas assignment for Homework #3. Turn in just a single C source code file for the assignment. The program will be tested with goc under Cygwin. Write a program that takes two command line arguments at the time the program is executed. You may assume the user enters only signed decimal numeric characters. The input must be fully qualified, and the user should be notified of any value out of range for a 22-bit signed integer. The first argument is to be considered a data field. This data field is to be is operated upon by a mask defined by the second argument. The program should display a menu that allows the user to select different bit-wise operations to be performed on the data by the mask. The required operations are: Set, Clear and Toggle. Both data and mask should be displayed in binary format. And they must be displayed such that one is above the other so that they may be visually compared bit by bit. If data and mask are both within the range for signed 8 bit values, then the binary display should only show 8 bits. If both values are within the range for signed 16 bit values, then the binary display should only show 16 bits. The menu must also allow the user to re-enter a value for data and re-enter a value for the mask. Use scanf() to read data from the user at runtime and overwrite the original values provided at execution time. All user input must be completely qualified to meet the requirements above (up to 22-bit signed integer values). Printing binary must be done with shifting and bitwise operations. Do NOT use arrays. No multiplication or division is needed to produce binary output to the screen.


The task requires writing a C program that takes two command line arguments, performs bitwise operations on a data field using a mask, and displays the results in binary format.

The program should provide a menu for selecting different bitwise operations and allow the user to re-enter values for the data and mask. The binary display should show the appropriate number of bits based on the range of the values entered. To complete this task, you need to write a C program that accepts two command line arguments, which will be the data field and the mask. You can use the scanf() function to read user input at runtime and overwrite the original values provided at execution time. The program should display a menu that allows the user to select different bitwise operations such as setting bits, clearing bits, and toggling bits.

Each operation will be performed on the data field using the mask. The bitwise operations can be implemented using shifting and bitwise operators (e.g., AND, OR, XOR). To display the binary representation of the data field and the mask, you can use bitwise shifting and bitwise AND operations to extract each bit and print it. The number of bits displayed will depend on the range of the values entered. If the values are within the range of signed 8-bit integers, only 8 bits should be displayed. Similarly, if the values are within the range of signed 16-bit integers, only 16 bits should be displayed.

The program should provide an option for the user to re-enter values for the data field and the mask. This can be achieved by using scanf() to read new values from the user and overwrite the original values. Overall, the program should adhere to the requirements stated in the assignment, perform the bitwise operations using the provided mask, and display the results in binary format while handling value ranges and user input appropriately.

Learn more about binary here:


Introduction to Database: Tutorial
10 of
Date of Birth Age Blood Type
17 o positive
10/23/97 17 A positive
Talent Show Registration Unique ID
drawing and painting, music Yes
reading, creative writing Yes
B positive
playing guitar
O positive
A negative
O positive
o positive
o negative
AB positive
computer games
Roger 12/11/97
Kimberly 5/12/98
video games
watching TV
reading fiction
listening to music
O positive
A positive
Part A
What are the field names in the database? Explain what data type is appropriate for each field.
B I y X
Font Sizes
= = 三 三 三 三


Answer: this is the best situation

Explanation: it shows the process


PLATO ANSWER. Sample Answer


The field names in the database are Name, Date of Birth, Age, Blood Type, Hobby, Talent Show Registration, and Unique ID. Here are the types of data that you can enter into each field.

Name:This field has 5 to 10 characters and accepts text data only.

Date of Birth: This field accepts dates only. It uses a medium-length entry in the form of month/day/year (mm/dd/yy).

Age: This field is numerical and contains numerical data only.

Blood Type: This field contains text data, with a maximum of 11 characters.

Hobby: This field can be a memo, and it can accept large volumes of data in any format. This data type can include null values as well.

Talent Show Registration: This is a Boolean data field that contains the values Yes or No.

Unique ID: This field accepts alphanumeric data, so this, too, is a text field.

If indirect access to sensitive data can be achieved through a system, what should be considered when evaluating the critical system functionality?
Question 2 options:
a.Other systems that are not dependents of the critical systems
b.All systems that are dependents of the critical system
c.Other systems that are not connected to the critical system
d.None of the above


When evaluating the critical system functionality, all systems that are dependents of the critical system should be considered if indirect access to sensitive data can be achieved through a system.

This is because the other systems that are not dependents of the critical system and the other systems that are not connected to the critical system do not pose any risk to the sensitive data. Indirect access refers to accessing the sensitive data through an intermediary system. This means that the system does not have direct access to the sensitive data but can indirectly access it through another system. Such access can pose a risk to the sensitive data because it may be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to the data. Therefore, when evaluating the critical system functionality, it is important to consider all the systems that are dependents of the critical system to ensure that the indirect access to sensitive data is properly secured.

Know more about indirect access here:


On the Setup Type page, Standalone CA is already selected. Answer thefollowing question and then clickNext.Question1Why isn't enterprise CA available?


On the Setup Type page, Standalone CA is already selected. An enterprise CA is not available because it requires Active Directory Domain Services.

The Enterprise CA is used in a domain environment, and it can only be installed on a domain-joined machine. The Enterprise CA is used in larger organizations with many users or computers, and a PKI with an enterprise CA is designed to meet the increased security needs of these larger environments. The enterprise CA uses group policies to propagate its certificate chain to all computers and users in the domain. This means that once the domain is configured to use the enterprise CA, all computers and users in the domain automatically trust the enterprise CA certificate and any other certificate that the enterprise CA issues. This results in less work for the administrator since the administrator does not have to install the root CA certificate on all computers and users in the domain, which can be a daunting task in a large organization. The Enterprise CA is available in Windows Server Standard and Enterprise editions only, and it can be installed as a subordinate CA or as a standalone CA.

Learn more about domain :


Edhesive 2. 5 Coding Practice (we are using Python)

I have to copy and paste the following code and modify the code so that it asks the user to multiply two random numbers from 1 to 10 inclusive. I am unsure how to do this.

import random

random. Seed()

# TODO: Update the following two lines with a call to a function

# from the random library that generates a random number between

# 1 and 10, inclusive.

a = 6 # HINT: Replace 6 with a function call

b = 3 # HINT: Replace 3 with a function call

print ("What is: " + str(a) + " X " + str(b) + "?")

ans = int(input("Your answer: "))

if (a * b == ans):

print ("Correct!")


print ("Incorrect!")


The following code will ask the user to multiply two random numbers from 1 to 10 inclusive. import random. Seed()a = random. r and int(1,10)b = random. r and int(1,10)print ("What is: " + str(a) + " X " + str(b) + "?") ans = int(input("Your answer: "))if (a * b == ans):  print ("Correct!")else:  print ("Incorrect!")

Explanation:From the above code, we know that the random library is used to generate a random number. random. Seed() is used to generate a seed that will ensure that a new random number is generated each time the code is run. The next step is to update the two lines of code to generate two random numbers between 1 and 10. The updated code is as follows:a = random. r and int(1,10) # Replace 6 with a function call b = random.r and int(1,10) # Replace 3 with a function call.

The print statement will output the question to the user, which will be "What is: x X y?", where x and y are random numbers between 1 and 10 inclusive. The user will be asked to input their answer to the question. The code then checks if the user's answer is correct or incorrect. If the answer is correct, the code outputs "Correct!". If the answer is incorrect, the code outputs "Incorrect!".
To know more about multiply visit:


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The golden arrowhead is an example of a? Please do part D - zero coupon and part E entirely. Showyour steps.Assume you have a 1-year investment horizon and are trying to choose among three bonds. All have the same degree of default risk and mature in 10 years. The first is a zero-coupon bond that pays $1,00 Please match the International Initiative to the correct outcome statement. Encouraged countries limit their emissions or reduce them to below 1990 levels. To move to responsible ways of producing and using energy. 1. Kyoto Protocol 2. Copenhagen Accord An agreement to keep the rise of global warming to below 2 degrees C, and to strive to keep it within 1.5 degrees C. 3. Paris Agreement Proposed the creation of a $100 billion per year fund to assist poorest nations with climate change. 3 what could potentially occur within an electronic medical record (emr) if corrupt or inaccurate data is represented by the data dictionary? manipulation of antecedents is an efficient way of sustaining performance in the workplace. true of false Nataro, Incorporated, has sales of $666,000, costs of $328,000, depreciation expense of $72,000, interest expense of $46,000, a tax rate of 24 percent, and paid out $48,000 in cash dividends. What is the addition to retained earnings? (Do not round intermediate calculations.) Addition to retained earnings a planet with the same mass as earth orbiting at a distance of 1 au from a star with thirty six times the sun's mass. In Country Wise, households and firms want to keep a currency to deposit ratio, c, of 0.20, while banks want to keep a required deposits ratio, r, of 0.10. Banks in this country keep no excess reserves. 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Extra Credit Inclusion/Exclusion Formula If 4 married couples are arranged in a row, find the probability that no husband sits next to his wife.Hint: Inclusion/exclusion formula. Compute the probability of the complementary event. Lourdes Corporation's 13% coupon rate, semiannual payment, $1,000 par value bonds, which mature in 30 years, are callable 6 years from today at $1,025. They sell at a price of $1,331.28, and the yield curve is flat. Assume that interest rates are expected to remain at their current level.a. What is the best estimate of these bonds' remaining life? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.yearsb. If Lourdes plans to raise additional capital and wants to use debt financing, what coupon rate would it have to set in order to issue new bonds at par? Problem 3 (12 points). Let f be a bounded function defined on an interval [a, b]. State the definitions of a partition of [a, b], the lower and upper Riemann sums off with respect to a partition of [a, b], the lower and upper Riemann sums of f on [a, b], and the Riemann integral of f on [a, b]. Company X and Company Y have just exchanged the payments of an existing interest rate swap and the swap agreement has four years remaining life. Through this swap, Overnight Index Swap(OIS) is exchanged for 3% interest rate. The OIS rates for the one-year, two-year, and three-year, and four years are 2%, 3%, 4%,and 5% . All rates are annually compounded and Payments are exchanged annually. The value of this swap as a percentage of the principal is :Select one:a.6.83 %b.6.38 %c.7.83%d.7.38% A steel wire 2.4 mm in diameter stretches by 0.025 % when a mass is suspended from it. The elastic modulus for steel is 2.0 1011 N/mPart AHow large is the mass?Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units Using the first equation of motion with constant acceleration the wind velocity isv = at = 2.18* 18= 39.24m/s. say the wind velocity is v and the plane velocity is u then applying cosine rule to calculate the magnitude of velocitythe x-component of v = 135 _ 39.24cos 45=107.5 m/s and the y-component of v = 39.24sin45=27.5 m/sThen using Pythagoras theorem you can get the magnitude of v ^2 = 107.5 ^2 + 27.5^2 , v= 111 m/s. calculate the kinetic energy of an electron ejected from a piece of sodium ( = 4.41x1019 j) that is illuminated with 295 nm light In bad economic times, commercial banks are allowed to hold a) common stocks b) junk bonds with a very high yield c) speculative real estates d) all of the above e) none of the above for more profits. when personal financial statements are prepared, a presentation of financial data that is intended to communicate an entity's economic resources or obligations on a specific date is referred to as which of the following? a statement of changes in net worth b statement of financial condition c statement of economic resources and obligations d statement of personal assets