Choose ]
¿Cuándo te
Ellos se
Él no se

MeChoose ]Cundo Te[Choose]Ellos Se[Choose]l No Se[Choose]Nos[Choose]


Answer 1
Me despierto a las 5
¿Cuando te despiertas?
Ellos se acuestan temprano
El no se seca el pelo
Nos cepillamos los dientes en el baño

Related Questions

Which sentence confirms this statement?
Hoy es primero de mayo. Ximena video a Europa el primero de febrero. ​


El primero de febrero

Sentence one: ☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell your name and your age. Remember: Use one reflexive pronoun before the verb llamar. Use the verb tener to state your age. Sentence two: ☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell where you live. Remember: Use the verb vivir. Sentence three: ☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell at what time you wake up and at what time your best friend wakes up. Remember: Use one reflexive pronoun before the stem-changing verb despertarse. Use a before la/las before the time. Tell the time using words (e.g., six). Use the correct time of the day (e.g., in the morning, etc.). Sentence four: ☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the second step of your daily routine, after you wake up. Remember: Use one reflexive pronoun before your reflexive verb. Use one body part. Use one hygiene item. Sentence five: ☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the third step of your daily routine. Remember: Use one reflexive pronoun before your reflexive verb. Use one body part. Use one hygiene item.
If you do you will get brainliest.




1. Mi nombre es (My name is...) ________. Tengo (I have___ years old)  ____ años de edad. Yo soy amistoso (boy) o amistosa (girl) (I'm a friendly person).

2. Yo vivo en ________(I live in....).

3. Yo me despierto en la mañana a las 7:00 AM y mis amigos se despiertan a las 7:30 AM. (I wake up at &:00 AM and my friends at 7:30 AM).

4. El paso número 2 después que me levanto es que voy al baño a lavar mis dientes.

5. El paso número 3 después de lavarme la boca es ir a desayunar.



Hola, mi nombre es chaniyah, tengo 16 años. Me encuentro increíblemente agradable y trabajadora. Vivo en palm beach florida. Me despierto a las siete de la mañana mientras mi mejor amigo se despierta a las 7:30 de la mañana. Después de despertarme voy al baño a lavarme los dientes. Después de lavarme la boca me voy a desayunar.



Match the sentence with its correct image.

Image 01
Image 03
Image 02
Image 04

a. El teclado es grande
b. El raton es pequeno
c. Tienes la pega
d. Tengo las tijeras



A. Image 4

B. Image 1

C. Image 3

D. Image 2


Teclado = Keyboard

Raton = Mouse

Pega = Glue

Tijeras = Scissors

Answer: Image1= B





Which Spanish direct object pronoun would you use in place of "el libro"?


Answer: lo

Translation: it


Direct object pronouns in Spanish change gender and number depending on the noun or nouns they replace.  

Since "el libro" is a masculine and singular noun, the direct object pronoun that replaces it must also be masculine and singular: Lo


Spanish: He leído el libro. Lo he leído.

Translation: I have read the book. I have read it.


This country's capital's short name is CDMX. CDMX was built on a lake. What is the name of the country? Group of answer choices El Salvador Costa Rica México Nicaragua



um ciudad de mexico?


Can someone please tell me if this makes sense in Spanish, I translated it from English but I'm not sure if I'm right.

Lancaster ha abierto algunos restaurantes con asientos al aire libre, pero debemos usar máscaras y distancia social. la escuela está en línea por ahora. Me siento bien de que la escuela esté en línea porque sé que estaré a salvo.​


Hi,you can change the part that’s saids “pero debemos usar máscaras y distancia social”to a “pero aun debemos usar máscaras y poner a práctica distanciamiento social.


Yo hablo español y  te recomiendo que cambies lo siguiente:

Lancaster ha abierto algunos restaurantes con asientos al aire libre, pero tendremos que usar máscaras y mantener el distanciamiento social.

Asistiré al colegio virtualmente por ahora.  Me siento mejor de que sea virtual porque me mantendré protegido.

En una democracia, los ciudadanos pueden _______ por su presidente en las elecciones.



En una democracia, los ciudadanos pueden __vote_____ por su presidente en las elecciones.


En una democracia, los ciudadanos pueden —votar— por su presidente en las elecciones.

Give me three answers why you should study Spanish please



It's a beautiful language, knowing more than 1 language can be very helpful for getting a job by expanding your resume, and you will be able to enjoy spanish media and talk to spanish speakers.



Well for starters learning a language can actually help you a lot. Especially if some people need help translating. It can help increase your chance of being hired especially at a hospital were most hispanics go to when they need help. Also, I think its cool to learn more than one language you can help people that need it.


Read and choose the option with the correct word or words that complete the sentence. Soy Carla y vivo en Canadá. Prefiero ________ de verano porque me gusta el sol y no me gusta cuando va a nevar ni el mal tiempo. (1 point) la lluvia la estación el invierno el frío


The answer is La estación. Because it means season, so the sentence will mean: I am Carla. I prefer the summer season, because I like the sun and not when it is going to snow or be bad weather.

The answer is La estación. (B)



                  ( THE STATIONS)

Me llamo Nadya means my name is Nadya.                                                                         Correct                     Incorrect​


Answer: Yes this is correct


Can you mark me as brainliest


Yes, is correct.


My name is Nadya, in Spanish can be:

--Me llamo Nadya

--Mi nombre es Nadya

--Soy Nadya

Espero te ayude!!!

de que manera se relaciona la radiación solar con las demas​



by heat impact.


por el calor de impacto

Yo ____ropa nueva. (comprar)





4.Select the correct sentences:
(5 Points)
Yo estoy clase de español
Yo estás en la clase de español.
Yo estamos en la clase de español.
Yo estoy en la clase de español.



The right answer is, D. Yo estoy en la clase de español.


Because the sentence that is written correctly with the proper use of the conjugation of the verb with the subject and the body of the sentence is D.

The last one, Yo estoy en la clase de español, is correct.

What does y refer to when expressing time???


the person who answered this above is wrong^ when expressing time in spanish it’s like saying the word “and”. for example “tres y media” is saying 3 and 30 minutes after

Form a correct sentence by unscrambling the following jumbled words:

Alegro hoy verles me.

Is it:
A) Verles alegro hoy me.
B) Me verles hoy alegro.
C) Me alegro verles hoy.



me alegro verles hoy.


Just took spanish test and got the answer correct.

The correct sentence is Me alegro verles hoy (option C)

In Spanish as in English the sentences have a predetermined order that is subject, verb and complement.

According to the above, the sentence must be organized in that way so that it is correct. So, the correct structure is:

Subject Me would go firstThen the verb alegroFinally the complement verles hoy.

The complete sentence would remain

I was glad to see you today.

Learn more in:

Decide if the following indefinite article and noun agreement is CORRECT or INCORRECT. Las bolígrafos.


There is no question but I will just say INCORRECT




it should be los boligrafos :)

Read and choose the option that best answers the question.

Me llamo Isabel Ruiz y tengo catorce años. Hoy es mi fiesta de cumpleaños. Antes de la fiesta, mi mamá me peina con la plancha de pelo. Para prepararme para este evento especial, primero me maquillo los labios. Segundo, me maquillo los ojos con mis colores favoritos, rojo y blanco. Para arreglarme, me pongo mi vestido y me pinto las uñas con mi color favorito.

Based on the text, what is important to Isabel, the birthday girl?
Her age
Her dress color
Her mother's words
Her physical appearance



Her physical appearance.


She's doing a lot of things to her physical appearance; straightening her hair, putting on lip makeup, puts on eye makeup, puts on a nice dress, and paints her nails he favourite colour.

Based on that information alone, she cares mainly about her appearance.

Hope this helps!

List the example(s) of irregular first person conjugation from the sentence:

Salgo temprano y llego a la cafetería a las siete; compro café y hago la tarea antes de ir a clase.


‘salgo’ and ‘hago’ are irregular first person!

Escoge la opción que cambia el verbo en negrita a su forma correcta en el imperfecto. Choose the option that changes the verb in bold type in its correct form in the imperfect past tense.

Tomás es un activista para los derechos humanos.

Tomás ________ un activista para los derechos humanos.




Tomás era un activista para los derechos humanos.


The right answer is, A. Fue.

* Tomás fue un activista para los derechos humanos.


Because the correct way to conjugate the verb is in the past is the option A. Taking into account the subject within the sentence, since the imperfect tense is the one that describes actions that have been carried out in the past.



You aren’t allowed to see anything

How do you spell “How are you doing?” in Spanish formally


If you want to say that in spanish formally, say "Como estas Usted?" because "usted" is the formal version of "tu".

Como estas............

Nicaragua shares its borders
with which two countries?



Nicaragua shares its borders with:

HondurasCosta Rica

que ejemplos de machismo se pueden ver en la obra el conde lucanor



En varias partes de la obra, hay personajes femeninos descritos como típicas mujeres, amas de casa y que cumplen siempre con los pedidos de su marido, esta faceta se repetía mucho, y no se desarrollaban los personajes femeninos.

Esta obra fué escrito en 1331 y 1335 por Don Juan Manuel, ​Príncipe de Villena; por lo que la forma de la sociedad, los valores y cultura, eran muy diferentes de ahora, los roles del hombre y de la mujer ya estaban pre-definidos y la gente ya estaba acostumbrada, por lo que la mayoría no lo veía mal.

espero te ayude!

¿Cuál es un mes del otoño?






the answer is Octubre

3. In Spanish, what is the present tense stem-change of the verb competir in all forms
except vosotros and nosotros?
The e changes to ie.
O The e changes to ue.
O The e changes to i.
The e changes to u.


The answer is "the e changes to I"

Read and choose the best answer. What is the best word, words, or expression missing to complete this dialogue? –Robert: ¿Cómo te llamas? –Elena: Yo soy Elena. –Robert: ________; soy Robert. Choices- A- Mucho Gusto B- Mas o menos C- Igualmente D- Como se llama



The right answer is, A. Mucho gusto

* –Robert: ¿Cómo te llamas?

–Elena: Yo soy Elena.

–Robert: Mucho gusto; soy Robert. Choices


Because it is a dialogue where two people are introducing themselves and getting to know each other, so option A represents Robert's pleasure in meeting Elena and showing her his cordiality.


A. Mucho Gusto


I'm a native Spanish speaker and the rest of the options do not fit in with the dialogue. Hope this helped :)




3: What day is today?

4: What day is tomorrow?

5: What is today's date?


Que dia es - What day is

Leer es antinatural
Sí, aunque suene contra intuitivo es así. Leer es antinatural. Sin embargo, nos puede parecer una afirmación extravagante si todavía arrastramos en nuestro bagaje cultural la idea de que lo natural es lo bueno y lo artificial es lo malo. Que lo bueno es lo que la naturaleza nos entrega espontáneamente y que lo malo es todo lo creado por el ser humano, todo lo manipulado, modificado o sobrealimentado. Por ejemplo, la gente pierde horas de su tiempo discutiendo la legitimidad de la homosexualidad en base a si es natural o en antinatural. Esta idea beatífica del mundo (la naturaleza es buena, el buen salvaje) se concentra en el ámbito de la alimentación en los llamados alimentos ecológicos. Pero se olvida con frecuencia que los vegetales (los comestibles, entre ellos) acumulan en su organismo sistemas y moléculas de defensa que directa o indirectamente son tóxicos para el organismo humano. Puede parecer una anécdota, pero una berenjena, por ejemplo, contiene casi tanta nicotina como un cigarrillo light. El tabaco, las setas venenosas o la cocaína se obtienen de forma natural y, evidentemente, todos sabemos que no representan un beneficio sobre la salud. En otras palabras, los que sean grandes lectores, los que disfruten profundizando en los mundos imaginarios de las páginas de un libro durante horas, sin necesidad de echar un vistazo a su alrededor, son algo así como monstruos, mutantes, X-men que podrían figurar en cualquier museo teratológico de la especie humana. Son antinaturales y raros. Sus cerebros han sido reprogramados para olvidarse de sus inclinaciones normales. Y las bibliotecas, por supuesto, son monumentos en contra de la humanidad en su sentido más estricto. Son anómalos edificios para robots. Amenazas del edénico jardín del que todos procedemos.



Answer: B.






Speak Spanish

Wear Uniform

Have a different schedule

Teach English

Is not called High school



Speak English

Sometimes wear uniform

Have a different schedule

Teach Spanish

Is called High School

Blanco fui de nacimiento
Pintaronme de colores
He causado muchas suertes
Y he empobrecido a muchos senores,
I was born white
They painted me in different colors
I have brought good luck to some
I have impoverished other men.
Answer quick plz


Answer: dinero (money)

Explanation:the money is paper and paper is made white, and they paint the money in different colors depending where it’s from, it has made some people lucky and some very poor because without it people are unfortunate.

Other Questions
________ employs state-of-the-art computer software and hardware to help people work better together/188646975/management-exam-1-flash-cards/ Cooper works part time for a moving company. One day he had to move 34 boxes from a truck to inside a house. After moving some boxes, he took a break and told his boss that he has only 15 boxes to move. Which equation below can be solved to find how many boxes Cooper moved before his break. A. 15+34=x B. 15x=34 C. 34x=15 D. 34+x=15 Angles Find the values of x and y Which of the following best describes the primary role of auditors in financial reporting? A. Consultants that are hired by company management to advise on key matters related to competition, product pricing, employee retention, and financial reporting strategies. B. Key employees of the company that actively participate on the management team in strategic planning, product development, and financial reporting. C. Government employees assigned by local officials to ensure accurate financial reporting and operational integrity by the company. D. Independent party hired by management to express a professional opinion of the extent to which the company's financial reporting is in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles Different birds use different building designs: they can be huge or tiny,made of twigs, grass, leaves, or mud. But most birds follow a similar finalstep in the nest-building process. They line the inside of the nest withsomething soft, such as a feather.Once eggs are laid in a nest, the parent birds will spend hour after hoursitting on them to keep them warm and safe. They need that nice softlining for their own comfort.This is probably the origin of the phrase "feather one's nest. It means todo something now that will provide for your own comfort later on.Make a list of some things you can do now to feather your nest." A ________ perspective on quality involves a subjective assessment of the efficacy of every step on the process for the customer. WORTH LOT OF POINTS DONT PLAGERIZE NO FAKE ANSWERS WILLL REPORT::::: Mindy understands how to tell if ordered pairs are functions but does not remember how to determine if a graph is a function. What test could she use and how does it work? (also include definition of functions) As carbon dioxide concentration soar over 400 ppm, what do you expect to see as far as how the earth is responding? the meaning of belt drives Can someone help me pls! ______________ are typically external, independent experts in accounting who can carefully evaluate a company's accounting records and verify whether they company has applied accounting standards fairly and consistently.a) Accountantsb) Stakeholdersc) Auditorsd) Creditors lab report for physical and chemical changes??! what is the constant proprotionality in the equation y=5x How did slavery end find the potential energy of a diver of mass 75kg at a height of 10m above a swimming pool g=9.8m Which would be an adaptation for living in the tundra?I Need Help Asap 6c + 7c +7c + 8c + 9c nesesito de su ayuda plis A rectangular plot of ground having dimensions 26 feet by 30 feet is surrounded by a walk of uniform width. If the area of the walk is 240 feet squared, what is its width? Which sentence most clearly makes use of personification?A. A sprinkling of black tombstones covered the hill just outside oftown.B. Bicyclists sprinted down the street like graceful gazelles fleeinglions.C. While I was rolling down the hill, a rock decided to bring my trip toan end.O D. Sunlight reflecting off the wood glaze made the table gleam likecandy can anyone write me all this in short?just to be shorter but all this, pleaseLiterature as a type of art was created in the process of work and was an integral part of the game and the song, that is. it had a syncretic form. Syncretism has survived in some arts to this day. That the permeation of two or more arts (syncretism) is present in these modern ones as well. times, can be shown by several examples. theatrical art is impossible to imagine without a literary work, acting, music that accompanies certain situations on the stage and marks the atmosphere, but also fine arts that provide solutions for the appearance of the stage. In the film, the permeation of more art is even more emphasized: literature, music, acting, architecture that evokes the time and space of the action. literature is closely related not only to theater, film and television, but also to music, painting and sculpture. Poetry, for example, is always about music, and in two ways. Music is, first, in the very being of poetry. It was sung with a lyre instrument, it always strived for rhythmic and melodic organization of the verse. Sometimes the melodic sound aspects are so emphasized that the song gets its own melody and becomes very famous - it starts to be sung. The connection between literature and music is becoming even more serious at the level of world classics. Many of their works served as librettos for operas: Schiller's, Byron's, Pushkin's, Shakespeare's works. There is nothing less than a connection between literature and painting. and in this relation there is a two-way relationship. Literature inspires the creation of works of art, but also works of art inspire the birth of exceptional poetic works. Paul Gustave Dora took motifs from the Bible as the starting point and inspiration for his famous artistic achievements. He translated almost the entire Bible into the language of painting. Her text inspired the great Michelangelo and many other artists in the world. In our literature, literary works are known that are inspired by paintings, frescoes, icons, statues.