Julie, a social robot, is expected to provide assistive care to those in a residential care facility. Using a functionalist approach, this best qualifies as which of the following? a. Manifest dysfunction b. Latent function c. Manifest function d. Latent dysfunction


Answer 1

The functionalist approach can be applied to the analysis of Julie's role as a social robot in providing assistive care to those in a residential care facility. According to the functionalist approach, social structures serve a purpose in society, and social institutions are developed to meet the needs of people.

In this regard, the concept of manifest and latent functions and dysfunction can be used to analyze Julie's role. Manifest functions refer to the intended and overtly stated functions of a social structure or institution, while latent functions refer to the unintended or covert functions that it serves. Manifest dysfunctions refer to the negative consequences that are intended or overtly stated, while latent dysfunctions are unintended or covert negative consequences.

In Julie's case, her role as a social robot providing assistive care to those in a residential care facility can be best described as a manifest function. This is because the use of social robots like Julie is intended to help the elderly or people with disabilities live more independently and to provide support and assistance in performing daily activities, including bathing, dressing, and taking medication. Moreover, Julie's role is directly related to the purpose of the residential care facility, which is to provide care and support to those in need.

As such, the use of social robots like Julie can be considered a manifest function of the residential care facility, as it directly serves its intended purpose. Therefore, the answer to the question is manifest function.

To know more about social institutions



Related Questions

Planters established cotton and tobacco plantations in Florida because they a. had to move from Texas after the Mexican War. b. wanted to set up new cities there. c. needed more fertile farmland. d. no longer wanted to live in the United States.​



The Answer is C: Needed more fertile farmland


Its arid, desert terrain offered those escaping religious persecution an unpopulated location in which to seek refuge. Its location would allow access to the Pacific Ocean. Its fertile soil and warm climate allowed planters to establish cotton and tobacco plantations.

how did the campaigns in the election of 1860 reflect sectional turmoil in the country

it is also in history



The 1860 United States presidential election was the 19th quadrennial presidential election, held on November 6, 1860. In a four-way contest, the Republican Party ticket of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, absent from the ballot in ten slave states, won a national popular plurality, a popular majority in the North where states already had abolished slavery, and a national electoral majority comprising only Northern electoral votes. Lincoln's election thus served as the main catalyst of the American Civil War. The United States had become increasingly sectionally divided during the 1850s, primarily over extending slavery into the Western territories. The incumbent president, James Buchanan, like his predecessor, Franklin Pierce, was a Northern Democrat with Southern sympathies. From the mid-1850s, the anti-slavery Republican Party became a major political force, driven by Northern voter opposition to the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the Supreme Court's 1857 decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford. From the election of 1856, the Republican Party had replaced the defunct Whig Party as the major opposition to the Democrats. A group of former Whigs and Know Nothings formed the Constitutional Union Party, which sought to avoid disunion by resolving divisions over slavery with some new compromise. The 1860 Republican National Convention in Chicago nominated Lincoln, a moderate former one-term Whig Representative from Illinois. Its platform promised not to interfere with slavery in the South but opposed extension of slavery into the territories. The 1860 Democratic National Convention adjourned in Charleston, South Carolina, without agreeing on a nominee, but a second convention in Baltimore, Maryland, nominated Illinois Senator Stephen A. Douglas. Douglas's support for the concept of popular sovereignty, which called for each territory's settlers to decide locally on the status of slavery, alienated many radical pro-slavery Southern Democrats, who wanted the territories, and perhaps other lands,


3. What features made the Parthenon one of the most beautiful temples in ancient Greece?


It was constructed on a long, rectangular platform. There were eight columns in front and eight columns in back, with 17 on each side. The roof was slanted, forming triangles known as pediments.

fire prevention codes may include provisions for closing properties for repeat serious code offenses. for what type of facilities would this most likely occur?


Fire prevention codes may include provisions for closing properties for repeat serious code offenses, most likely occurring in facilities such as commercial buildings, industrial complexes, public venues, or multi-unit residential properties.

Fire prevention codes aim to ensure the safety of occupants and property by setting regulations for fire prevention measures, emergency exits, fire suppression systems, and other related aspects. When properties repeatedly violate fire code offenses, especially serious ones, authorities may enforce provisions to close down the facilities temporarily or permanently until the violations are addressed and resolved.

The specific type of facilities where closure provisions are most likely to occur include commercial buildings (e.g., offices, retail stores), industrial complexes, public venues (e.g., theaters, stadiums), or multi-unit residential properties (e.g., apartment buildings). These are the types of facilities that typically have a higher risk due to larger occupancies, complex systems, or potential public safety concerns. The decision to close a property is made to protect the safety and well-being of individuals and ensure compliance with fire prevention regulations.

Learn more about Fire prevention: https://brainly.com/question/29634607


w.t. stace argued against hard determinism by claiming that _______.


W.T. Stace argued against hard determinism by claiming that human freedom is compatible with determinism.

According to him, free will is not the freedom to act randomly or without reason but to choose rationally among alternatives, and humans can make meaningful choices despite the limitations of determinism. W.T. Stace, a philosopher, opposed hard determinism by stating that humans can choose their actions, thoughts, and beliefs in a way that is compatible with determinism.

Determinism is the belief that all occurrences, including human behavior and decision-making, are predetermined and beyond our control. Hard determinists claim that this eliminates the possibility of free will, which Stace opposes. Stace claims that free will is the ability to choose between alternatives based on rational deliberation, even if the outcomes of those choices are predetermined. In other words, according to Stace, even if our actions are determined by prior causes, we still have the ability to choose and act freely based on rational deliberation. In this way, he reconciles the apparent conflict between determinism and human freedom.

To know more about Determinism refer to:



(b) Explain why employers often employ young females instead of young males​




have a good day for you

For the improvement of productivity and innovation companies chooses women to work with men. They believe that the environment that compiles both men and women will increase the productivity. Strengthening the teams: Companies believe that women have the ability to unite people and improve the strength of the team.

In 1606, the king of England gave permission to which group to start a new colony?


the Virginia Company of London

Research shows that men and women lead in similar ways, but that we perceive their effectiveness differently based on expectations of masculine and feminine styles.

a. True
b. False


The statement is true because research indeed shows that men and women lead in similar ways, but our perception of their effectiveness differs due to societal expectations regarding masculine and feminine leadership styles.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that men and women exhibit similar leadership behaviors, such as being task-oriented, relationship-focused, or participative. However, due to gender stereotypes and biases, different expectations and judgments are placed on leaders based on their gender.

Stereotypically masculine traits, such as assertiveness and decisiveness, are often valued more highly in leadership, while stereotypically feminine traits, like empathy and collaboration, may be undervalued.

Learn more about feminine https://brainly.com/question/2413878


Which of the following statements is true with regards to Milgram's experiments on obedience?

a) About 65% of the participants would deliver shocks up to the highest setting, which was surprisingly low according to expert psychologist predictions.

b) Subjects would be least likely to obey if the experimenters were students, absent from the room and if subjects had to physically touch the learner to shock them.

c) Hofling tried to replicate Milgram's experiments in a real-world setting but found that trained nurses would not violate rules, even when instructed to by an authority figure.

d) The experimenters specifically picked out participants who were good at acting to be their learners, which calls into question the validity of the experiment


According to Milgram's experiments on obedience, the following statement is true: b) If the experimenters were fellow students, not present in the room, or required that the subjects contact the learner in order to shock them, participants would be least likely to comply.

Milgram's experiments on obedience showed that individuals would tend to obey orders given by authority figures even when those orders went against their own morals and ethics. In the experiments, the subjects were given the task of administering electric shocks to a person in the adjacent room who was pretending to be in pain. In reality, there were no electric shocks.The study found that the majority of participants continued to deliver the electric shocks to the pretend victim, despite hearing the cries of pain.

Furthermore, the percentage of people who obeyed in Milgram's study was greater than expected, leading psychologists to call into question whether individuals are capable of resisting authority even if the order goes against their own morality and ethical standards. The study discovered that subjects would be least likely to obey if the experimenters were students, absent from the room, and if subjects had to physically touch the learner to shock them.

Learn more about Milgram's experiments here.



In an experiment, the group that is not exposed to the independent variable is called the A. experimental
group. B. representative group. C. study group. D. control group.


In an experiment, the group that is not exposed to the independent variable is called the control group. The correct option is D.

The control group in an experiment serves as a baseline for comparison. It is designed to remain unaffected by the independent variable, which is the variable being manipulated by the researcher. By keeping the control group unchanged, researchers can assess the impact of the independent variable more accurately.

Any differences observed between the experimental group (the group exposed to the independent variable) and the control group can be attributed to the independent variable's effects. The control group helps to establish causality and determine the extent of the independent variable's influence.

The correct option is D.

To know more about control group, click here.



international relations
Illegal migration at the US border. How are some local governments responding?


Some local governments in response to illegal migration at the US border are implementing various approaches, including humanitarian aid and support, collaboration with federal agencies, community outreach, and legal assistance for migrants.

The issue of illegal migration at the US border is complex and involves multiple levels of government, including local governments. While immigration enforcement primarily falls under federal jurisdiction, some local governments have taken steps to respond to the challenges posed by illegal migration. Here are some common approaches:

Humanitarian Aid and Support: Local governments may establish initiatives to provide humanitarian aid, such as temporary shelter, food, and medical assistance, to individuals and families in need, recognizing the humanitarian aspect of the situation.Collaboration with Federal Agencies: Local governments often cooperate with federal agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to ensure public safety and address immigration-related issues within their communities.Community Outreach and Integration: Local governments may engage in community outreach efforts to promote understanding and integration of immigrant populations. This can involve establishing programs that provide language assistance, cultural resources, and community support networks.Legal Assistance: Some local governments offer legal assistance or connect migrants with legal aid organizations to ensure that their rights are protected and they have access to due process.

It's important to note that the responses of local governments can vary depending on the specific jurisdiction, political climate, available resources, and the overall approach to immigration matters.

Learn more about immigration: https://brainly.com/question/17141328


Provide your opinion on relationship or differences between Accounting and accountability?


Accounting refers to the systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions or events, as well as the measurement, processing, interpretation, classification, summarization, communication, and analysis of financial data or information.

This is done in order to assist internal and external stakeholders in making informed decisions. Accountability, on the other hand, refers to the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its actions, accept responsibility for them, and disclose their results in a transparent and verifiable manner. It is a crucial component of governance, and it entails answering to stakeholders who have a vested interest in the entity's activities and outcomes. The two terms, accounting and accountability, are related in that accounting is frequently used to assist in achieving accountability. Accounting is used to keep track of financial transactions and produce financial statements, which are essential components of accountability. In the event that an organization fails to meet its accountability requirements, the accounting function may assist in identifying the source of the issue and determining the appropriate remedy. In conclusion, accounting is a tool for assisting in the achievement of accountability, and the two are inextricably linked.

Learn more about accounting here.



One of the advantages of automatic stabilizers over discretionary fiscal policy is automatic stabilizers:
A. have a greater multiplier effect than discretionary policy.
B. are not subject to the time lag problems of discretionary policy.
C. do not produce a deficit during recessions like discretionary policy does.
D. none of the above


B. Automatic stabilizers are not subject to the time lag problems of discretionary policy.

Automatic stabilizers refer to fiscal policies that are built into the structure of the economy and automatically activate in response to economic conditions, without the need for explicit government intervention. Discretionary fiscal policy, on the other hand, involves deliberate government actions in response to economic fluctuations. Option A, stating that automatic stabilizers have a greater multiplier effect than discretionary policy, is incorrect. While automatic stabilizers can have a positive multiplier effect by boosting aggregate demand during recessions, the magnitude of their impact may vary depending on the specific stabilizer and economic circumstances. Discretionary policies, if well-designed and implemented, can also have a significant multiplier effect.

Option C, stating that automatic stabilizers do not produce a deficit during recessions like discretionary policy does, is also incorrect. Automatic stabilizers can lead to an increase in government spending or a decrease in tax revenues during recessions, which can contribute to a budget deficit. Discretionary policies, including stimulus measures, may also result in deficit spending. Option B is the correct answer. One of the advantages of automatic stabilizers over discretionary fiscal policy is that they are not subject to the time lag problems associated with discretionary policy. Discretionary policies often require legislative approval and implementation, which can introduce delays in their effectiveness. In contrast, automatic stabilizers are already embedded in the tax and welfare systems, allowing them to respond quickly to economic changes without the need for explicit government action. This immediate response can help mitigate the impact of economic fluctuations more efficiently.

Learn more about fiscal policy here-



Below is Descartes’ famous skeptical argument at the end of Meditation I. Please fill in the blanks with the correct words.

P1. It’s possible that ____________________ fooling me about everything about the real world, even about mathematics and logic.

P2. If it’s possible that ___________________fooling me about everything about the real world, even about mathematics and logic, then my beliefs about the real world – even my mathematical/logical beliefs – are ___________________________.

C1. Therefore, none of my beliefs about the real world is ___________________________


Descartes' famous skeptical argument at the end of Meditation I is a foundational argument which is as follows:

P1. It's possible that something is fooling me about everything about the real world, even about mathematics and logic.P2. If it's possible that something is fooling me about everything about the real world, even about mathematics and logic, then my beliefs about the real world - even my mathematical/logical beliefs - are unreliable.C1. Therefore, none of my beliefs about the real world is certain.In the first premise, Descartes argues that there is at least some possibility that he is being deceived. He even supposes that an evil demon is deceiving him. The point of this premise is that it is theoretically possible that all his beliefs are false. It is possible, in other words, that he is not really in the world he takes himself to be in and that everything he thinks he knows about that world is false.In the second premise, Descartes argues that if it is possible that he is being deceived about everything, then all his beliefs about the world are doubtful. This is because he has no way of knowing which of his beliefs are true and which are false. If there is some possibility that everything he believes is false, then he has no way of distinguishing true beliefs from false ones.Finally, in the conclusion, Descartes draws the skeptical conclusion that none of his beliefs about the world is certain. This is because there is some possibility that all his beliefs are false. He therefore suspends judgment on everything he thinks he knows about the world, including his beliefs about mathematics and logic.

To know more about mathematics , visit ;



mrs. nosey diverts her sexual and aggressive impulses toward an object of person that is psychologically more acceptable. this defense mechanism is called:


Mrs. Nosey Diverts her sexual and aggressive impulses toward an object of person that is psychologically more acceptable.

This defense mechanism is called displacement.Displacement is a psychological defense mechanism that transfers and diverts the impulse to a less threatening object or person. According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, displacement is an unconscious defense mechanism used to overcome anxiety. Mrs. Nosey Diverts her sexual and aggressive impulses towards a more suitable psychological object or person.The displacement defense mechanism redirects the sexual or aggressive energy away from its original focus and to a safer one. By redirecting the aggressive or sexual impulses away from their initial target to a less harmful target, displacement enables an individual to control the anxiety caused by the impulses.Psychoanalytic theory suggests that unconscious mind tries to protect individuals from their sexual and aggressive impulses by using defense mechanisms like displacement.

To know more about displacement , visit ;



What is an example of adolescents' tendency to think more logically during the formal operational stage?


The example of adolescents' tendency to think more logically during the formal operational stage is an ability to form hypotheses and think about abstract ideas.

Adolescence, the third stage of the developmental stages, includes physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. This stage is characterized by the ability of individuals to think abstractly and hypothetically, as well as develop more complex social skills and relationships.The formal operational stage is a stage of cognitive development that occurs during adolescence. Adolescents begin to develop the ability to think logically about abstract concepts during this stage. They become capable of formulating and testing hypotheses, understanding metaphor and allegory, and grasping the complexities of multiple perspectives.In conclusion, the example of adolescents' tendency to think more logically during the formal operational stage is an ability to form hypotheses and think about abstract ideas.

An example of adolescents' tendency to think more logically during the formal operational stage is their ability to engage in hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

Hypothetical-deductive reasoning is the ability to form and test hypotheses systematically. During the formal operational stage, adolescents can think about hypothetical situations, generate possible explanations or solutions, and systematically evaluate them to arrive at logical conclusions.

For instance, an adolescent in the formal operational stage might be presented with a problem or a hypothetical scenario and be able to consider various options, generate hypotheses, and test them by systematically working through different possibilities. They can use deductive reasoning to evaluate the logical implications of different hypotheses and draw conclusions based on the evidence and reasoning at hand.

This ability to engage in hypothetical-deductive reasoning is a hallmark of the formal operational stage and represents a significant cognitive advancement compared to earlier stages of development.

To know more about hypotheses, visit:



Does national environment affect the behavior of people? Describe in your own words.

(plzzzzzzz answer correctly)





it can influence mood

Your company is restructuring, and two layers of management have been eliminated. You now report directly to the national sales manager instead of a regional sales manager. a.Innovative communication technologies b.Teaming c.Flattened management hierarchies


You now report directly to the national sales manager instead of a regional sales manager. This is A) flattened management hierarchies.

Flattened hierarchies enable employee participation or involvement through a decentralized decision-making process. The major goal is for well-trained people to become more productive by direct involvement in decision-making rather to being tightly supervised by several layers of management.

A flat organization is one that has few or no tiers of management between workers and management. As in the given scenario, a specific number of layers are reduced, and workers now report directly to the national sales manager rather than the regional sales manager, resulting in flattened management hierarchies.

Holacracies and other forms of flat hierarchies share a lower-than-normal layer of middle management. Some flat hierarchies lack middle managers between workers and executives, instead relying on self-organizing teams or rotating team leaders to make decisions.

To know more about flattened management hierarchy:



Correct question:

Your company is restructuring, and two layers of management have been eliminated. You now report directly to the national sales manager instead of a regional sales manager. This is _____.

A) Flattened management hierarchies

B) Changing communication technologies

C) Nonterritorial offices

There are two types of tick marks on the time line. The larger ones appear every


Answer: 5



There are two types of tick marks on the time line. The larger ones appear every  

✔ 100 years


The abbreviation "BCE" stands for  

✔ "before the Common Era."

The European bar shows that the Roman Empire lasted for about  

✔ four hundred



Got it right


Where can you find information about how the park is rescuing endangered species? Use the print text feature to find the answer.

A) Page 2
B) Page 3
C) Page 4
D) Page 5



page 4



B) Page 3


Since page 3 is entitled "Animal survival", that page should be dealing with endangered species and their preservation.

How many of these markets come close to perfect competition? Are there any barriers to entry? Explain your answer for each of the four categories below.

Bottled water-


Televisions, pizza, cars

what if a state supreme court said that a law was absolutely unfair and would therefore prevent a contract or agreement from being formed


If a state supreme court determines that a law is fundamentally unfair and would result in the prevention of a contract or agreement from being formed, it would likely render the law unenforceable and void.

When a state supreme court declares a law to be unfair and incompatible with the principles of justice, it has the authority to invalidate or strike down that law. This means that the law would no longer have legal effect and cannot be enforced by the courts.

In the context of contract formation, if the state supreme court determines that a specific law unfairly restricts or undermines the formation of contracts or agreements, it would prevent the enforcement of such contracts. The court's ruling would essentially render the law null and void, as it would be deemed incompatible with the principles of fairness and justice.

Learn more about state supreme: https://brainly.com/question/19677718


after winning power, the national assemblyimmediately executed the not agree on its goals.
restored property to the church.
unanimously elected a leader.


After winning power, the National Assembly did not immediately execute the goals it agreed upon, restored property to the church, and unanimously elected a leader.

The information provided indicates three actions taken by the National Assembly after winning power. Firstly, it states that the National Assembly did not immediately execute the goals it agreed upon. This suggests that there was a delay or divergence in implementing the agreed-upon objectives following their attainment of power. Secondly, the statement mentions that the National Assembly restored property to the church. This implies that the Assembly took actions to return property or assets that may have been confiscated or taken away from the church during previous periods. Lastly, it states that the National Assembly unanimously elected a leader. This suggests that a leader was chosen without any dissenting votes, indicating a unified decision-making process within the Assembly. These actions can be seen as significant steps taken by the National Assembly after gaining power, highlighting both their priorities and the dynamics within the Assembly itself.

Learn more about National assembly here



If the price of apples rises from $.50 to $1.50 and quantity demanded falls from 1,000 to 900, we can conclude that the price elasticity for apples is


The price elasticity for apples is inelastic.

Price elasticity measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price. If the price elasticity of a good is less than 1, it is considered inelastic, indicating that the change in quantity demanded is proportionately less than the change in price. In this scenario, the price of apples increased from $0.50 to $1.50, while the quantity demanded decreased from 1,000 to 900.

To calculate the price elasticity, we use the formula:

Price elasticity = (% change in quantity demanded) / (% change in price)

Using the given values, we have:

% change in quantity demanded = [(900 - 1,000) / 1,000] * 100% = -10%

% change in price = [(1.50 - 0.50) / 0.50] * 100% = 200%

Price elasticity = (-10% / 200%) = -0.05

Since the absolute value of the price elasticity is less than 1, we can conclude that the price elasticity for apples is inelastic. This means that the change in price had a proportionately smaller impact on the quantity demanded, indicating a relatively lower sensitivity to price changes.

To know more about price elasticity, click here.



one advantage of using web of science and scopus for locating previous research is that they


One advantage of using Web of Science and Scopus for locating previous research is that they provide comprehensive coverage of scholarly literature across various disciplines.

These databases index a wide range of reputable journals, conference proceedings, and other scholarly publications, making them valuable tools for researchers seeking relevant and reliable information.

Web of Science and Scopus offers extensive coverage of academic literature, including articles from numerous peer-reviewed journals. They employ rigorous selection criteria to ensure the inclusion of high-quality research, helping researchers access reputable sources for their studies.

Moreover, both databases provide advanced search functionalities and citation-tracking features, allowing users to explore the interconnectedness of research and identify influential papers.

By using Web of Science and Scopus, researchers can benefit from the following advantages:

1. Comprehensive coverage: These databases include a vast number of journals and publications, enabling researchers to access a wide array of relevant studies and interdisciplinary research.

2. Reliable and high-quality sources: Web of Science and Scopus index reputable journals, ensuring that researchers have access to trustworthy and peer-reviewed literature.

3. Citation tracking: Researchers can trace the citation history of a particular paper, track its impact, and identify key authors and publications in a specific field.

In conclusion, Web of Science and Scopus offers researchers a valuable resource for locating previous research. Their comprehensive coverage, the inclusion of reputable sources, and citation tracking capabilities make them essential tools for conducting literature reviews and staying updated with the latest scholarly developments.

To know more about Web of Science refer here:



Discuss three ways how you (as a child) would deal with the negative impact of a divorce





assassinate your parents

Which best describes how consequences are different from costs when making a decision?
Consequences are generally positive.
Consequences are generally negative.
Consequences require giving something up.
Consequences require accepting an outcome.



The correct answer is - Consequences require accepting an outcome.


In the decision-making process, the cost is the manner, way, or course the way something is done whereas the consequences are something that follows it depend on or the cause of the process.

Cost can be giving up something, it can be positive or negative but it is not something that is not available or have to accept. Whereas the result or outcome is the consequences of the decision or choice that required to be accepted as it is not confirmed in the process.




green < 9 red > 4 red > 4 red > 4



im sorry is this a question? im sorry if it isn't i dont understand what your tryna say..


cute copy and pasteee☏ ♡ ☆⋆◦★◦⋆°*•°

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. * . . ° . ● ° .

° :. ° . ☆ . . • . ● .° °★ Not sure how to copy and paste? Just right click your mouse and choose copy in options, to release repeat the process and just paste it. No mouse? Select the text with your computer pad and use ctrl c to release, ctrl v. On mobile? Press on your screen and select the text, use the option copy and paste wherever you would like!

what was shelley doing when she came up with the idea for frankenstein, based on what she says in the introduction?


According to Shelley's introduction, she came up with the idea for Frankenstein during a "waking dream" or a vision that occurred when she fell into a state between sleep and wakefulness.

In the introduction to the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley provides some insight into the origin of the idea for her iconic story. She recounts that the concept of Frankenstein came to her during a period of intense creativity and inspiration.

Specifically, Shelley mentions that the idea for Frankenstein emerged from a "waking dream" or a vision she experienced. She describes a night when she struggled to sleep and fell into a state between sleep and wakefulness. During this time, she had a vivid and powerful vision that would become the basis for her novel.

Shelley's introduction indicates that it was during this unique mental state that the idea of Frankenstein and its central themes of creation, ambition, and the consequences of playing god took shape in her mind. The experience of the waking dream had a profound impact on Shelley and served as the catalyst for her to develop the story into a novel.

Learn more about waking dream: https://brainly.com/question/14812040


pleeeease help!!

what percentage of eligible americans are not registered to vote?

A. 30 percent

B. 35 percent

C. 40 percent

D. 25 percent





Should be correct based on some research i just did.

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Support your answer with examples from appropriate programming languages The following are Diamonds statement of financial position for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Given the following, prepare a common size(vertical) analysis for the periods 2018, 2019, and 2020. PROBLEM 5-The following are Diamond's statement of financial position for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Given the following, prepare a common size(vertical) analysis for the periods 2018, 2019, and 2020. Diamond Company Comparative Statement of Financial Position 2019 and 2020 2018 % 2019 % 2020 % Current Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Inventories Supplies Prepayments Total Current Assets-100% Non-Current Assets PropertyPlant,&Equipment,n Other Non-Current assets Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets-100% 125,000.00 450,000.00 335,000.00 15,000.00 150,000.00 1,075,000.00 12% 115,500.00 485,000.00 300,000.00 12,000.00 125,000.00 21% 1,037,500,00 145,000.00 350,000.00 200,000.00 8,000.00 100,000.00 303,000.00 3,200,000.00 835,000.00 4,035,000.00 5,110,000.00 79% 3,100,000.00 835,000.00 3,935,000.00 4,972,500.00 3,500,000.00 835,000.00 4,335,000.00 5,138,000.00 100% 100% Current Liabilities Trade Payable Accrued Expenses Short-term Loans Total Current Liabilities-100% Non-Current Liabilities BDO Loan Bonds,10 years Total Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities-100% Shareholder's Equity Capital Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity Total Liabilities and Equities-100g 150,000.00 75,000.00 150,000.00 375,000.00 40% 270,000.00 52,500.00 150,000.00 472,500.00 228,000.00 85,000.00 150,000.00 463,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,250,000.00 2,000,000.00 3,250,000.00 3,722,500.00 1,300,000.00 2,000,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,875,000.00 2,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 3,763,000.00 1,000,000.00 235,000.00 1,235,000.00 5,110,000.00 1,000,000.00 250,000.00 1,000,000.00 375,000.00 1,375,000.00 5,138,000.00 1,250,000.00 4,972,500.00 100% 100% 1. Determine (with a proof or counterexample) whether the arithmetic function f(n) = nn is multi- plicative, completely multiplicative, or neither. Programming Exercise 23.11(Heap clone and equals)Implement the clone and equals method in the Heap class.Class Name: Exercise23_11Template:public class Exercise23_11 {public static void main(String[] args) {String[] strings = {"red", "green", "purple", "orange", "yellow", "cyan"};Heap heap1 = new Heap(strings); Heap heap2 = (Heap)(heap1.clone());System.out.println("heap1: " + heap1.getSize());System.out.println("heap2: " + heap2.getSize());System.out.println("equals? " + heap1.equals(heap2));heap1.remove();System.out.println("heap1: " + heap1.getSize());System.out.println("heap2: " + heap2.getSize());System.out.println("equals? " + heap1.equals(heap2));}public static class Heap> implements Cloneable {// Write your code here} Suppose you bought 10 bonds exactly 8 years ago. The bonds have a face value of $1,000 and a coupon rate of 5.6%. You bought them at a price of $976.34 each. Today, they are selling for $945.61 each. What is the percentage return on your investment? 42.74% 9.17% 6.02% 36.15% A country has a population of 134 million. The working age population is 113 million. 93 million people are in the labor force, an62 million people are following:The unemployment rateThe labor force participation rate Which of the following is not subject to documentation requirements...Which of the following is not subject to documentation requirements under HIPAA?A. Audit trails of logged security incidentsB. Passwords of all associatesC. Evaluation reportsD. Results of any corrective actions taken to remedy problems information reviewed by a testifying expert will not be subject to disclosure, including drafts of reports sent from and to the accounting expert. true or false a concave mirror has a focal length of 10 cm. at what object distance will the magnification be 22 ? After learning that consumption of energy drinks (for example, Red Bull) by high school students has been associated with a variety of negative health outcomes, the principal of Rancho Cotate High School is alarmed to learn that her 2,000 students collectively purchase 8,000 energy drinks on campus each week. In order to reduce this consumption, she is considering imposing a fee on energy drink sales on campus. This fee would increase the price of energy drinks by 16%, from $2.50 per can to $2.90 per can. The price elasticity of demand for energy drinks is -1.3 at Rancho Cotate. What percentage reduction in the quantity of energy drinks purchased should she expect to result from this fee? You won $1,000,000 in the lottery and decided to invest the funds. However, you do not know much about investments and decided to visit a local investment firm to get some more information. The representative was able to tell you about the different types of investments and investment strategies.After your visit to the investment firm, demonstrate your knowledge of the investment environment by answering the following questions:A. Explain the factors that will help to determine the rate of return that an investor requires on an investment.B. Discuss THREE (3) types of investments that you could engage in. Include in your discussion the benefits and drawbacks of each type of investment. Suppose credible medical reports reveal the previously unknown benefits of eating a 17 Sneakers every day. These benefits include: a significantly extended lifespan, greatly improved health, and a keener mind. Assume there are no negative side effects. Furthermore, suppose that these benefits only occur if people eat an 8-ounce serving of Doughnuts with each 15-pack of Sneakers. Meanwhile, suppose the unionized Sneakers workers are going on strike immediately. Use comparative static analysis to illustrate (that means draw two separate graphs) and describe what should happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the markets for Sneakers and Doughnuts (given just this information). Be specific and concise "Given u- 78.2 and o= 2 13, the datum 75.4 has z-score a) -0.62 b) - 1.31 c) 1.31 d) 0.62" The major fiscal stimulus bills signed in 2008 by President Bush and in 2009 by President Obama were motivated by the serious economic recession that hit the United States in 2008, and can be classified as "countercyclical." O True O False QUESTION 10 Which of the following is true about the actual or projected U.S. federal tax revenues and expenditures for 2019, 2020 and 2021? O a. A deficit is projected. O b. Tax revenues are projected to exceed expenditures by $500 billion. Oc. The largest expenditure in the budget is defense. Od. All of the above Use the properties of limits to find the given limx-->-infinity (11x+21/7x+6-x^2) A. 0 B. -2 C. 3 D. None of above Lee Hup corporation will receive 490,000 New Zealand dollars (NZD) in three months. The company expects that in three months the NZD would be trading at USD 1.0774 and the quoted 90-forward rate is USD 1.1995/NZD. If Lee Hup corporation wants to hedge its transaction exposure with the forward contracts, it will: a receive NZD 527,926.00 in 90 days b. receive NZD 587,755.00 today creceive NZD 527,926.00 today d. receive NZD 587.755.00 in 90 days