Information on slavery and music?


Answer 1
music was a way for slaves to express their feelings whether it was sorrow, joy, inspiration or hope. songs were passed down from generation to generation throughout slavery. these songs were influenced by African and religious traditions and would later form the basis for what is known as “Negro Spirituals”

Related Questions

From the passenger list, complete this inventory by listing each occupation on the passenger list (you can use modern spellings) and the number
of people listed for each occupation. Then answer the questions that follow.

laborers (1 surgeon)



counsel: 6

preacher: 1

gentlemen: 29

carpenters: 6

blacksmith: 1

sailor: 1

barber: 1

bricklayers: 2

mason: 1

tailor: 1

drum: 1

laborers (1 surgeon): 13

boys: 4

other: ?

Explanation: This is from Plato

and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." This excerpt is from which document?
O Morgenthau's Politics Among Nations
o the Code of Hammurabi
o the preamble of the United States Constitution
O Aristotle's Politics



The preamble of the United States Constitution.


This excerpt is from which document the preamble of the United States Constitution Option(b) is correct. Individuals are liberated from the domain of any will or legitimate restriction separated from that authorized by their own comprised lawmaking power as per the trust put in it.

What does Liberty means?

As a general rule, is the liberty to do however one sees fit, a right or invulnerability delighted in by remedy or by award.

In religious philosophy, liberty is independence from the impacts of "wrongdoing, profound subjugation, common ties". Now and again liberty is separated from opportunity by utilizing "opportunity" fundamentally, while perhaps not solely, to mean the capacity to do as one wills and what one has the ability to do; and utilizing "liberty" to mean the shortfall of erratic restrictions, considering the freedoms of all included.

In the condition of nature, liberty comprises of being liberated from any predominant power on The planet. Individuals are not under the will or lawmaking authority of others yet have just the law of nature for their standard. In political society, liberty comprises of being under no other lawmaking influence with the exception of that laid out by assent in the federation.

Therefore Option(b) is correct.

Learn more about Liberty here:


Why were Europeans eagerly searching for a sea route to Asia in the fifteenth century



more trade routes=more trade


plz correct me if im wrong

What is one example of concession and one example of rebuttal in the Declaration of Independence?


A concession refers to a situation in which you acknowledge the fact that an opposing point of view might have some merits. On the other hand, a rebuttal occurs when you are able to prove that the opposite opinion is flawed, making your argument stronger.

This is an example of a concession in the Declaration of Independence:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

This quote is a concession because it accepts the argument of the opposing side. In this quote, the authors argue that prudent people agree that government should not be easily altered. They also argue that people often suffer greatly when their usual way of living is extremely changed. This argument seems to go against the purposes of the Revolution.

This is an example of a rebuttal:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

In this passage we learn that, although the authors agree with the previous argument, they also believe that the Revolutionary War is not one of these cases, as the English government has been excessively cruel and abusive, which gives the revolutionaries the right to defend themselves.

What 2 major points made Athens a democracy?


Athens in the 5th to 4th century BCE had an extraordinary system of government: democracy. Under this system, all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.


Which economic system is most likely to have the

narrowest range of incomes by attempting to

distribute resources evenly?

market capitalism

B. traditional

C. command

D. mixed




C. command


Command economic system is a place where the government of a particular country determines the economic activities going on in the country. For example, the quantity of goods to be produced and the price at which those goods would be sold to the citizens.

Since the government determines everything, they would be able to fix the range of incomes of its people through its uniform distribution of resources.

seventeenth century colonial tobacco growsers usually resonded to depressed prices for their crops by


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although the question does not include answers, we can say the following.

Seventeenth-century colonial tobacco growers usually responded to depressed prices for their crops by growing or producing more tobacco to raise the amount of production.

Tobacco was the king of crops in the Jameston, Virginia colony. Tobacco was introduced by John Rolfe, who had taken some tobacco seeds from the Caribbean islands to the Jamestown colony. He grew it there and realized that this tobacco was more grey, with a bitter taste that Europeans loved. That is why Virginian colonists exported tobacco to Europe.

Why where the townshend acts passed


Great Britain wanted to use the money from the Townshend Acts to pay judges and governors to keep them loyal.

The Townshend Acts created new taxes on products and also created new laws that the colonists deemed unnecessary. With these acts, British officials could now search the homes of colonists whenever they pleased, new courts were made, and a tax board in Boston was also made.

One of the biggest problems the colonists had with the Townshend Acts was the taxes on products. Products like tea and paper now had a tax on them, which angered the colonists. They felt that they should not be taxed, as they had nobody to fight for them in the British Parliament. This is known as "taxation without representation," which was a big reason for the colonies wanting their independence. This caused the colonists to boycott a lot of the products that were being imported from Great Britain.

Read the excerpt from a letter to the editor. The current state of Castle Park is a disgrace to our community. Ten years ago, community groups came together to give our children a safe place to play. Today, the wooden structure rots, the chains on the swing set rust, and garbage covers the ground. The city government refuses to take responsibility for restoring the structure, yet it will not allow concerned citizens to make their own repairs. Our children deserve a safe, clean, functional play space. The city council’s inaction has turned a gem of the park system into yet another public junkyard. Which words give the piece a negative tone? Why? Write 3-5 sentences explaining your reasoning.



public junkyard




The letter is from a concerned resident to the editor of a magazine or newspaper where he complains about the bad state of the Castle Park which is the playground for the children of the community that was given to them by the community groups. In the letter, he is bitter that the city government refuses to take responsibility and restore the structure, neither will they allow citizens to make repairs.

The words that give the piece a negative tone are public junkyard. garbage, and rots.

Which colonial region had the most religiously strict society



i believe it was New England ;)


New England colonists - with the exception of Rhode Island

What three civilizations developed in Western Eurasia between 600BCE-600CE?



The Mediterranean, Chinese and Indian Civilizations.


Between 600BCE-600CE, the following civilizations developed'

1. The Indian Civilization: The Indus River located in South East Asia which was surrounded by cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro provides indications of developing civilizations during this time frame. They are known for their farming and the planning of their cities.

2. The Chinese Civilization: Evidence of cities located along the Huang de river provides an indication of the developing civilization of the Chinese during that era. They are known for their worship system which promotes reverence to ancestors.

3. Mediterranean Civilization: Countries like Egypt located along the Mediterranean Sea have civilizations that date back to this time frame. They had respect for women, as well as a centralized government under the ruler, Pharoah. They also developed systems of calculations and are known for the building of pyramids.

Which of the following allows for the least amount of freedom for its citizens.
A: Democracy
B: Theocracy
C: Anchary
D: Dictatorship
E: Monarchy ​





Answer:D: Dictatorship


Here is the statement: governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed-The Declaration of Independence 1776 pls help I’ll give BRAINLIEST



might be monarch as the head of government

Which statement best reflects the Patriots feelings during the Revolutionary War


Patriots wanted independence and were willing to fight for it

in what did shays rebellion trigger a convention to reform the articles of confederation


Answer:Because the United States struggled to Unite and quell the rebellion, the answer is B. The United States realized it needed to be more centralized in order to deal with internal and external threats.


What was polks goal after the annexation of Texas in 1845?


During Polk's presidency, he decided to accomplish 4 main goals that he set up for himself. His goals was to end the dispute over the Oregon Territory, institute an Independent Treasury, gain California from Mexico, and reduce tariffs. Throughout his presidency, he was able to accomplish all of his goals.

what effect did farming have on people in the stone age​



it had on people to help fght and craft


Answer: d is the answer


What is a series of mutual obligations where lords and vassals depended on one another for support



Feudalism flourished between the tenth and thirteenth centuries in western Europe. At its core, it was an agreement between a lord and a vassal. A person became a vassal by pledging political allegiance and providing military, political, and financial service to a lord.

How does religion connect to the idea of cultural diffusion?


It connects because it can determines how they view their beliefs
So what I mean is whatever religion is believed then it can determine how and what they eat what they make and what the culture does

Why do many historians consider the
Boston Tea Party as part of the American
A. Mohawk Indians served in the Continental Army
B. It was an act of defiance against the King of England
C. Over 100 British soldiers were killed during this event




What were the American colonists of the eighteenth century protesting against? the French and Indian War mercantilism new taxes in which they had no say


To add onto the comment above, the colonists were extremely upset at all the new taxes. But even more so that they didn’t get any representation in parliament. Which brought about the famous quote “No taxation, without representation”


new taxes in which they had no say


2. What do you think angered the settlers the most, the Stamp Act or the Boston Massacre?



The settlers were angered by the Stamp act because their slogan was "No Taxation Without representation"


the Boston Massacre was performed by the colonists as a revolt, so they would not have been angered by that.

What does the use of standardized weights and measures suggest about trade practices in the Harappan
A:Trade was illegal.
B:Trade was sporadic.
C:Trade was not profitable.
D:Trade was highly regulated.


Answer: Trade was highly regulated


I took the test on eng 2020-2021


Trade was highly Regulated


Hope that helped :)

what was the impact that the battle of fort ticonderoga had on the American soldiers?​



the american soldiers were able to use the cannons captured at fort Ticonderoga to intimidate the British


Was it right for the John brown to cross the border into Missouri and kill slave owners to free slaves? Why or why not?



yes because slavery is wrong



crusaders return to Europe from the Middle East was good that Europeans wanted so....



by stealing and looting the goods and briniging them back to their countries like the filth they were


Why did Queen Isabella ignore Columbus at that time?



Columbus—Isabella's Primary Attitude—The Ecclesiastical Council— Columbus Sent from Court in Disappointment—How Perez and a Few Others Had Called Him Back—His Interview With the Queen at Santa Fé—Her Favorable Reflection and Strong Decision—Isabella Became the Patroness of the Enterprise—Columbus' Discovery of the New World (1492)—His Reception and Second Voyage, September, 1493—The Troubles that Envy Brought—Reception of Columbus at Burgos—The Voyage of 1498—Priests and Convicts Fill Up the Ships—A Commissioner, Bovadillo, Sent to Hispaniola—Columbus Went Back to Spain in Irons—Isabelia's Vexation—She Showed him Friendship—Ferdinand Detained Him—Ovando Went to the New World—Isabella Bade Columbus Farewell for his Fourth Voyage 1502)—Her Kindness to the Natives.

In the history of Christopher Columbus there are phases and incidents of his remarkable career that blend at some important points with the life of Queen Isabella. When we look at Columbus from the standpoint of posterity, and mark his enlightened conviction and his indomitable purpose, we cannot help feeling that it was not a little strange that an intelligent, courageous, and enterprising woman like this queen should have allowed this patient and able investigator to follow her court so long without extending to him sympathy and help. But we must remember' that then, as now, there were screens which limited the vision of any such royal person as Isabella. For her, most clearly defined, was that almost impenetrable one raised by the Church officials around her, who themselves were environed by ignorance, prejudice, and superstition. Fernando de Talavera, her confessor, with all his sincerity, was their confidant and their exponent


hope this help mark branlest plese

Why did Kit Carson become part of the campaign against the Navajo?



Hi There! OniTaku Here!


Major General James H. Carleton ordered Christopher (Kit) Carson to defeat the Navajo (Diné) resistance by conducting a scorched-earth campaign across the Navajo (Diné) homelands. Carson burned villages, slaughtered livestock, and destroyed water sources in order to reduce the Navajo (Diné) to starvation and desperation.

Hope this helps!

Christopher (Kit) Carson was given the order by Major General James H. Carleton to wage a scorched-earth campaign throughout the Navajo (Diné) homelands in order to subdue the Navajo (Diné) resistance. To starve and starve the Navajo (Diné), Carson burned villages, killed livestock, and destroyed water sources.

What is the campaign?

In the United Kingdom, Campaign publishes a monthly print magazine as well as daily news and analysis on its websites:,,, and campaign,, and Every spring, Campaign publishes its School Reports, which examine how the largest advertising companies performed the previous year.

Carson was given the order by Major General James H. Carleton to wage a scorched-earth campaign throughout the Navajo (Diné) homelands in order to subdue the Navajo (Diné) resistance. To starve and starve the Navajo (Diné), Carson burned villages, killed livestock, and destroyed water sources.

Therefore, Christopher (Kit) Carson was given the order by Major General James H. Carleton to wage a scorched-earth campaign

Learn more about the campaign here:


Catholic priests were some of the harshest critics of Columbus because
Columbus claimed new lands for Spain.
Columbus wanted to acquire riches.
Columbus enslaved American Indians.
Columbus took funding from Spanish royalty.



The correct answer would be C, Columbus enslaved American Indians.


I hope this helps:)

Columbus enslaved American Indians.  

Since the fall of man, ___________. A. everyone is born with a sinful nature B. all people receive a new nature C. many are born without a sinful nature D. no one receives a new nature



A everyone born with a sinful nature


A everyone is born with a sinful nature
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