In the article, Michael Morris says that Wilde "feels very modern; his aphorisms
and epigrams feel like they could have been written yesterday.”
What do you think he means by this? Is it a compliment?


Answer 1
yes I think it’s right because it’s saying that it doesn’t get old and it feels like it was just written.

Related Questions

In at least one hundred words, discuss the repetition of motifs in "There Was a Child Went Forth." How does this repetition shape the themes of the poem?


The repetitive motifs in the poem 'There Was a Child Went Forth' is the child's going out of which helped to develop the theme of the process of becoming. Explanation: ... This repetitive motif helps to develop the theme that poet wants to convey about the process of becoming.

1 You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
in passive voice?​



The wine should be opened by you about three hours before you use it.


First, identify the direct subject of this sentence, which is you. Remember to always change things in the independent clause. Then place the indirect object of the sentence at the beginning, which is wine in this case. Switch things around until they make the same meaning (except wordier), and voila - you are done.

Note: most of the time, passive voice is wordy, unclear, and hard to read, so stick with active voice for other writing.

Hope this helps! :)

Which of the following is not an example of dialect? *
O A "bickering brattle"
O B "wee-bit housie, too, in ruin"
O C "proving foresight may be vain"
OD "cost thee mony a weary nibble"


I’m gonna say A but I could be wrong, sorry

How mainly does the author illustrate the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal"?

A. By comparing the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal" to "opening a Pandora’s Box of personal anxieties."

B. By comparing the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal" to the way we raise our children.

C. By contrasting the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal" with the Culture of Personality.

D. By drawing a parallel between the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal" to the life of Dale Carnegie.


Answer: D. By drawing a parallel between the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal" to the life of Dale Carnegie.


In "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" (2012), Susan Cain illustrates the rise of the "Extrovert Ideal" by comparing it to the life of Dale Carnegie, as described in his How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936).

According to Cain, Carnegie´s change from a farm boy to a sales man and then to a public speaking icon, is a good example of the move from a Culture of Character, prevalent until the 1920s, to a Culture of Personality, which is externally focussed as it gives more importance to appearances than to actions.

PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to PartA?
A "Capital punishment kills a man at once but lifelong imprisonment kills him
slowly. Which executioner is the more humane, he who kills you in a few
minutes or he who drags the life out of you in the course of many years?
(Paragraph 1)
**Think better of it, young man, while there is still time. To me two million is a
trifle but you are losing three or four of the best years of your life. I say three or
four, because you won't stay longer" (Paragraph 11)
"Desperate gambling on the Stock Exchange wild speculation and the
excitability which he could not getover even in advancing years, had by degrees
led to the decline of his fortune and the proud, fearless, self confident
millionaire had become a banker of middling rank, trembling at every rise and
fall in his investments"(Paragraph 22)
D "he is asleep and most likely dreaming of the millions. And I have only to take
this half dead man, throw him on the bed, stifle him a little with the pillow, and
the most conscientious expert would find no sign of a violent death." (Paragraph
"At no other time, even when he had lost heavily on the Stock Exchange, had he
felt so great a contempt for himself. When he got home he lay on his bed, but
his tears and emotion kept him for hours from sleeping." (Paragraph 38)
"To avoid arousing unnecessary talk, he took from the table the writing in which
the millions were renounced, and when he got home locked it up in the
fireproof safe." (Paragraph 39)


Answer: paragraph 22 and paragraph 38


What is a good character trait for Parvana at the end of the movie? Why? HELP PLEASE HURRY



Shes respectuful and careful about her family because she respects and loves her family dearly we can tell.


Parvana's character is seen as: courageous, strong, independent and caring. She is very loyal to her family and friends, and she respects and loves her family dearly. There is a bit of childhood innocence evident by Parvana, as she is oblivious at times to the things going on around her.

According to the speaker, why is the boot more famous than the dress shoe? Explain the meaning behind this statement in the poem.


You didn’t attach the poem, but I would assume that it is because the boot is used more frequently, and there’s a familiarity between the boot and a person that isn’t always present with the dress shoe– one is likely to be owned by many.

What real life inspiration could Homer have used
when creating the cyclopes?






and please follow me and vote

thank you

Identify whether each statement uses an active voice or a passive voice.
The neighborhood cat is
often chased by our dog.
Tenika and Jasmin gave a
presentation about
extracurricular activities.
Our dog often chases
the neighborhood cat.
The presentation about
extracurricular activities was
given by Tenika and Jasmine.



1st statement: Passive

2nd statement: Active

3rd statement: Active

4th statement: Passive


I am not 100% sure on this but I think I am right, hope it helps!

The neighborhood cat is often chased by our dog is written in the Passive voice.

What is a voice?

A voice can be said as the representation through which the people tally is say the written form and is often created in a particular form of writing. The subject of an sentence carries out the action in the introductory paragraph. That subject acquires the function together in select statement inside this passive voice.

From the following statement the active and the passive statement are:

The neighborhood cat is often chased by our dog is written in the Passive voice

Tenika and Jasmin gave a presentation about extracurricular activities written in the Active voice.

Our dog often chases the neighborhood cat written in the Active voice.

The presentation about extracurricular activities was given by Tenika and Jasmine is written in the Passive voice.

Learn more about voice, here:


Describe a person who you admire.


He is sincere, likes to talk straight, punctual, and sympathetic to others; and filled with other special qualities which are absent among the common people. He is kind and helps the poor based on his ability, never ill-treats anyone and always busy with his own activities.
One person whom I greatly admire is Malala Yousafzai. Malala is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Here is a description of her remarkable qualities and achievements:

Malala Yousafzai embodies resilience, courage, and a profound dedication to advocating for education and human rights, particularly for girls and women. Despite facing numerous challenges and threats, she has remained steadfast in her mission to fight for equal access to education for all.

Malala's story began in her hometown of Mingora in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. At a young age, she witnessed the rise of the Taliban, who sought to restrict education and suppress the rights of girls. Defying their oppressive regime, Malala became an outspoken advocate for girls' education, even as it meant risking her own safety.

In 2012, tragedy struck when Malala was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman on her way home from school. This horrific incident drew international attention and galvanized support for her cause. Miraculously, she survived the attack and became a symbol of resilience and determination.

How to write a good essay as university student?


Here are four steps you can take to help you with your writing process.
Brainstorm your ideas. Use that big ol' brain of yours to start coming up with ideas about your topic. ...
Organize your thoughts. Now that you have some ideas, it's time to make a plan. ...
Write, write, write … ...
4 Revise your work.

Energy that moves from a warmer object to a cooler object is called ________.
thermal energy





i did this

heat is always the transfer of energy from an object at a higher temp to a lower temp object

Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.​



The answer would be B. To show the relationship between Mubarak's action and the results of the crackdown.


Cause and effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen.

How does the point of view affect how information is revealed in the passage? Check all that apply.

Poole’s thoughts are revealed through dialogue.
Poole’s feelings are revealed through the way he speaks.
The reader learns something Mr. Utterson does not know.
The narration directly reveals Mr. Utterson’s thoughts and feelings.
The narration directly reveals Poole’s thoughts and feelings.


The correct answers are 1. Poole’s thoughts are revealed through dialogue; 2. Poole’s feelings are revealed through the way he speaks and 4. The narration directly reveals Mr. Utterson’s thoughts and feelings.


In literature, including novels such as "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson a point of view refers to the voice, person or character that tell the events that occur in a story and provide information about the characters. In the excerpt presented the events are told from a third person point of view and through this the reader gets to know the feelings and thoughts of two characters Poole and Mr. Utterson as they speak. Indeed Poole began the dialogue and both continue speaking showing they do not agree on a specific event which shows mainly Poole feelings and thoughts through the dialogue and the words used by Poole and then they both decide to go the event by themselves, in this point the narrator also describes the feelings and thoughts of Mr. Utterson as he decided to go with Poole.

Therefore, the point of view or narrator in this excerpt affect the way information is revealed as the third person point of view shows Poole's thoughts through dialogue and his feelings through the way he speaks, but also the narrator reveals Mr. Utterson's feelings and thoughts.

Hope this helped!!!


Poole's thoughts are revealed through dialogue

Poole's feeling are revealed through the way he speaks

The narration directly reveals Mr. Utterson's thoughts and feelings


Combine these two sentences to form a logical complex sentence.
Anna served chicken for dinner. Ray is a vegetarian. (IS NOT A)

Anna served chicken for dinner as if Ray is a vegetarian.
Anna served chicken for dinner provided that Ray is a vegetarian.
Anna served chicken for dinner even though Ray is a vegetarian.
Anna served chicken for dinner as though Ray is a vegetarian.



C. Anna served chicken even thought Ray is a vegetarian


Because all the other answers don't make sense, as though would mean she served it to him as a punishment, or something like that, and as if doesn't even sound right. I hope this helps!

Science is often defined inadequately as “an organized body of knowledge.” This would make cookbooks, Sears, Roebuck catalogues, and telephone books science, which they are not. Sometimes science is defined simply as rationality, but that would make much of theology and metaphysics science, which they are not. Rationality is logical consistency, lack of contradiction. It is to be distinguished from reasonableness, the quality of a mind open to arguments and evidence opposed to its beliefs: a willingness to reconsider. Rationalists can be quite unreasonable or dogmatic. Rationalist metaphysicians and theologians are often certain about premises which come from intuition or revelation. Even paranoiacs may be thought of as rationalists, for they are commonly most rigorous in reasoning. But their premises, which they cling to in spite of all evidence, are absurd.


Science is empirical, rational, general, and cumulative; and it is all four at once. Science is empirical in that all its conclusions are subject to test by sense experience. Observation is the base on which science rests, but scientific observation is more than keeping one’s eyes open. It is observation made by qualified observers under controlled conditions of those things which confirm or disconfirm, verify or refute a theory. Sherlock Holmes* could tell by the stains on a vest what a man had eaten for breakfast. From a number of such observations he arrived at a theory about why and how a particular crime was committed. This procedure is excellent for detection but insufficient for science, because it yields only knowledge of particular events. Science would go on to ask why and how crime, not a particular crime, is committed. Science uses facts to test general theories and general theories to make predictions about particular facts.

Scientific observations may be made of things as they exist, like the color of an apple or the temperature of the air, or it may be made of what results from an experiment. An experiment is the deliberate manipulation of conditions in order to bring about what we want to observe. If we want to test the hypothesis that a new plastic can withstand two hundred pounds of pressure without crumbling, we may have to create a situation in which such pressure is applied to a piece of the plastic, because it is unlikely that the situation already exists anywhere in the world, or if it does, that all other factors are kept constant. In some sciences, like astronomy, we do not sufficiently control the subject matter to experiment on it—although we do control the conditions of observation—and we distinguish those sciences from others, like chemistry, in which experiment is possible, by calling the latter “experimental sciences.”

Although all scientific thought ultimately rests on observation, there are vast portions of it which are entirely rational: analysis of the meaning of terms, deductions from existent theories, explorations of the logical relations among concepts and among theories. Logic is applied to science constantly because logic contains the rules of valid thinking. The application of mathematics is often thought, erroneously, to be an index of the status of any science. Of course, the more it can be applied usefully within a science, the more advanced the science. For mathematics functions both as a language in which scientific laws are stated, giving them the utmost precision, elegance, and economy, and as the basis of measurement. Many of the most significant advances in physics, astronomy, and chemistry have depended on advances in and application of mathematics. Without calculus the work of Isaac Newton would have been impossible. Yet great scientific work in other fields, performed by men like Pasteur, Darwin, and Pavlov (with whose names pasteurization, evolution, and conditioned response in psychology are associated), has used little or no mathematics.

In the final sentence of the first paragraph, the authors choose to use the word “absurd” in order to

A- demonstrate that even sound premises can lead to irrational conclusions

B- argue that evidence that seems illogical should not be considered by scientists

C-emphasize a previous distinction between rationality and reasonableness

D- imply that too much rigor can lead to nonsensical inferences

E- convey disdain for those who display uncertainty about their premises



I think the answer is D-imply that too much rigor can lead to nonsensical inferences


Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.

Choose the answer that BEST states the central Idea of this article.

A: The Egyptian people worked hard to achieve democracy.

B: Social media showed the rest of the world what was happening in Egypt during the revolution.

C: Social media played an important role in the Egyptian revolution.

D: The Egyptian revolution changed a lot of people's lives.​





how does korinna react when she saw her mother with one of her old dresses



she freaks out


because when she sees her in her dresses she screams


she freaks out/screams

Please please help me



d im  pretty sure but ya


Which general idea best covers the specific ideas? Specific ideas : horror, shame, disgust, fear The general idea emotions. calm emotions. unpleasant emotions.



The general idea that best covers the specific ideas is: unpleasant emotions.


Unpleasant is an adjective that defines anything that causes discomfort or revulsion. When we think of emotions, feelings, or sensations such as horror, shame, disgust, and fear, we are thinking of unpleasant emotions. There is nothing good about feeling ashamed, for instance. It means you are feeling the pain caused by a humiliation. Disgust, for example, is something you feel when you see something sickening, revolting.

Which sentence from the excerpt best expresses the effect the camp has on the author


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.

Answer: "The instincts of self-preservation, of self-defense, of pride, had all deserted us."


In "Night" (1960) Elie Wiesel describes his experiences in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. While the other options provide information related to what he experienced in camp, the first one best expresses the effect the camp had on the author. The idea that self-preservation had deserted all of them refers to the subjugation he and all the other prisioners experienced in the concentration camp.

provide any 3 types of financial assistance that can be applied for after grade 12 to study and briefly discuss them in ur won words



Any three types of finanacial assistance that can be applied for grade 12 to study are:

- grants and scholarship

-students loan

-federal work study


Grants and scholarship : Grands and scholarship are types of "gift aid" or free money, which means they do not have to be repaid. They available through federal and state government, college and universities, local and national private organization.

Students loan: students loans are sum of money that help the students pay their college expenses and must be repaid.

Federal work study: federal work study is orginally called the college work study program and it is a federally funded program which assist students with the cost of post-secondary education.

how I spent my December holidays 180 words​




What does “the wind is filled with laughter and cries” mean?


i tried answering this for you but it told me i was being rude and could not answer this lol

Help please!! 19 points

Date: 4/7/21
Class: English
Points: 19
Brainliest: Only if Its Correct
Thanks: Only if it makes sense.
Rate: Only if it helps me!



1."The very next year, Transformers, toys that shift and change into new toys, captured the hearts of children everywhere."

2.This personification tells that the new toy was very cool

3." The dolls have a distinctive look."

4.The new toys were the craze at that time

Which narrative point of view is shown in the passage?
Joy leapt in his father's heart for his son who was quick to learn, thirsty for knowledge;
he saw him growing up to become a great wise man and priest, a prince among the
Brahmans. Bliss leapt in his mother's breast when she saw him, ... Siddhartha, strong,
handsome, he who was walking on slender legs, greeting her with perfect respect...
But he, Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himself; he found no delight in himself.



Third person omniscient point of narration.


The narrative point of view refers to the voice of the narration used, the 'eye' of the narrator through which the readers are seeing the story unfold. This voice is the window through which the outside world, the readers, gain access to the characters and the plot of the story, and be a part of it.

The easiest way to know or identify the narrative voice is to observe the use of the pronouns. Here, the narrator uses "he", "she", "him", "his", "her" a lot. Moreover, the narrator seems to be detached from the whole scene, suggesting he's not part of the story. Also, the ability to see through the feelings and emotions of all of the characters involved makes the narrator an omniscient voice.

Thus, the narrative voice is third-person omniscient. This is when the narrator is not a character in the story and is privy to the feelings and emotions of all the characters.

Based on the text, how are Mississippi kites different from swallow-tail kites? (5 points)

They are able to eat while in flight, unlike swallow-tail kites.

They are a familiar sight in the South, unlike swallow-tail kites.

They are plainer than swallow-tail kites.

They are more graceful than swallow-tail kites.


We can see here that the Mississippi kites are different from swallow-tail kites in the following way: B. They are a familiar sight in the South, unlike swallow-tail kites.

What is a kite?

A kite refers to any of several bird species belonging to the Accipitridae family. Kites are medium-sized raptors characterized by their graceful flight and distinctive forked tails. They are found in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Kites are known for their aerial acrobatics, soaring effortlessly in the sky as they hunt for prey. They have long, slender wings and a buoyant flight style, often seen gliding and maneuvering with ease.

Learn more about kites on


what makes more sense "when will you do your homework?" or "when are you going to do your homework?" if the answer is "In a minute, let me finish playing the videogame"?



when are you going to do your homework

Below is a list of facts
about exotic pets. Write one
paragraph of an argument describing
why exotic pets such as chimpanzees
and tigers should not be allowed in
homes. Select the details that would
best support your claim from the list
of fast facts.



Both chimpanzees and tigers are considerably larger and stronger than the average human, with an adult chimpanzee being 3x stronger than a human. These animals would need careful handling as they have been known to kill people, not to mention that exotic pets kill at least 4 people yearly.  The large size of these animals would mean that they would require large enclosures to accomidate them both as a sleeping habitat and an open area to stimulate them. The avarage American house size is 2, 287 square feet, tigeresses need 20 square kilometers of space while male tigers need 60 - 100 square meters of territory. Chimpanzees need 23 square meters per individual. This substantial amount of land required to house these exotic animals would not be typically accomidable. However, if you are able to procure the land to house such animals, then that also raises other issues regarding medical care and food for the animals.

- apologies for having the measurments

in different units, too lazy to convert them. Also, main points are not having enough space and them being dangerous, added a quick last point on needing special food for them and vets but didn't really expand on it since feel like it's a given. Hope this helps some!

How have social activists of the past shaped our democracy/country to what it is now?


Answer: social activists of the past shaped our democracy/country to what it is now because if we think of the main figures like mlk or 'Rosie the Riveter' , 'Rosie the Riveter'  it gave woman confidents and changed how many felt more woman got jobs and felt better about themself they started to read more learn how to right how to do "man" jobs and evenventully they rioted for equal pay


Other Questions
John and Sandy Ferguson got married eight years ago and have a seven-year-old daughter, Samantha. In 2020, John worked as a computer technician at a local university earning a salary of $152,000, and Sandy worked part time as a receptionist for a law firm earning a salary of $29,000. John also does some Web design work on the side and reported revenues of $4,000 and associated expenses of $750. The Fergusons received $800 in qualified dividends and a $200 refund of their state income taxes. The Fergusons always itemize their deductions, and their itemized deductions were well over the standard deduction amount last year. The Fergusons had qualifying insurance for purposes of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Fergusons reported making the following payments during the year:a. State income taxes of $4,900. Federal tax withholding of $21,000. b. Alimony payments to Johns former wife of $11,000 (divorced in 2014). c. Child support payments for Johns child with his former wife of $4,300. d. $12,400 of real property taxes. e. Sandy was reimbursed $700 for employee business expenses she incurred. She was required to provide documentation for her expenses to her employer. f. $3,600 to Kid Care day care center for Samanthas care while John and Sandy worked. g. $16,000 interest on their home mortgage ($400,000 acquisition debt). h. $3,300 interest on a $44,000 home-equity loan. They used the loan to pay for a family vacation and new car. i. $16,000 cash charitable contributions to qualified charities. j. Donation of used furniture to Goodwill. The furniture had a fair market value of $600 and cost $3,000. Required:What is the Fergusons' 2018 federal income taxes payable or refund, including any self-employment tax and AMT, if applicable? PLEASEEEE HELP I WILL MAKE YOU BRAINIEST Suppose that an urn contains 3 different types of balls: red, green and blue. Let pi denote the proportion of red balls, p2 denote the proportion of green balls and p3 denote the proportion of blue balls. Here -1 Pi = 1. Suppose also that 100 balls are selected with replacement, and there are exactly 38 red, 29 green and 33 blue. Find the M.L.E. p; of p, i = 1, 2, 3. Warning: No credit for answers only! P=__ S=____ P3 =_____ Find the volume of the radius of a cylinder pipe is 2 ft., and its length is 21 ft. ? Which of the following factors is NOT part of the definition of market value?(A) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or a comparable financial arrangement(B) The property has been on the open market for less than a year(C) Buyer and seller are typically motivated(D) Price is not affected by special or creative financing Write a program, counting characters of different types in a text read from a file. Give the number of characters of the following types: Uppercase letters Lowercase letters Punctuation marks (period, comma, colon, hyphen, parentheses etc.) "Whitespace" (i.e., space, tab, return) Other characters For each of the days above, work out how much money would be made by each court if all seats were sold.Seats:Centre court has 14 979 seats for sale. No 1 court has 11 429 seats for sale. No 2 court has 4000 seats for sale. No 3 court has 2000 seats for sale.Prices:Centre Court: 56 No 1 Court: 45 No 2 Court: 41 No 3 Court: 41 Grounds Admission: 25 What type of cells are body cells EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE OF THE CIRCUMFERENCE AND THE AREA OF THE CIRCLE.PLS ANSWER IT. PLEASE HELP!!! Some of the survival strategies are nothing short of __________________.Question 4 options:A. euphonyB. asceticC. ingenousD. convalesceE. cocophonous What do glycine, leucine, and lysine all have in common?They are the building blocks of proteins.They have an important role in the heart.They have a role in the functioning of the stomach.They store equal amounts of energy in their bonds. Why am i seeing repetitive numbers? 333 27 666 999 12 13 45. Mostly 3 6 and 9. Suppose you have $1000 invested in a stock portfolio in September. You have $200 invested in Share A, $300 in Share B and $500 in Share C. The HPR for the month of September for Share A was 2%, for Share B 4% and for Share C 5%. Calculate the average HPR for the month of September? why did civilizations first emerge so late in human history?please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.answer choiceshuman brains were not large enough for abstract, civilized thought until about 3500 b.c.e.only weather improvements after the end of the ice age made civilization that made it possible to construct cities only developed around 3500 b.c.e.emerging agricultural practices created a food surplus large enough for those individuals who did not produce food. which is the most fluorescent molecule? what role do negative keywords play in a ai-powered search strategy? they prohibit otherwise qualifying queries from triggering ads for an irrelevant search. they allow marketers to limit the terms that competitors are able to bid on at auction, they make it harder for customers to leave negative reviews about a business. they let marketers identify additional searches that customers might be using to locate a business. Please associate the descriptions in Column A to the professions in column B. Pure exchange economy. Consider Jack and Melinda in the pure exchange economy, represented on a graph below. Jack likes mangoes, but is indifferent to kiwi (consuming more or fewer kiwis does not affect his utility). Melinda's preferences over mango and kiwi are strictly convex and satisfy "more is better" assumption. They are shown by blue indifference curves in the Edgeworth box (E-box). a) [2 points] Show an equitable allocation of goods (where each individual consumes exactly half of each good) in the E-box. Call this allocation A. Is it Pareto optimal (P.O.)? If yes, please explain why. If not, show all allocations that Pareto dominate allocation A. b) [2 points] Repeat part a) for allocation B, in which Jack consumers half of all mangoes and no kiwis. c) [2 points] Repeat part a) for allocation C, in which Melinda consumes half of all kiwis and no mangoes. d) [4 points] Draw the contract curve in the Edgeworth box. Provide an explanation. Dr. Hudson has a clock decorating business. On her signature circular clock, she puts glitter tape around the outer trim. About how much tape does she need to make ten clocks if each signature circular clock has a radius of 6 in? Use 3.14 for pi. A board game has a spinner divided into sections of equal size. Each section is labeled with a number between 1 and 5.SpinnerWhich number is a reasonable estimate of the number of times the spinner will land on a section labeled 5 over the course of 150 spins?