In Spanish, write all the body parts that can be found on your head. Be sure to write at least 5 things starting with "En la cabeza hay ......"


Answer 1


En la cabeza hay un cerebro, una nariz, dos orejas, una lengua, y dos ojos.


In our head there is a brain, a nose, two ears, a tongue, and two eyes

Related Questions

La banquera es el quinta persona en el banco.



Incorrect at “baquera” it writes “vaquera”



what does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? hoy yo llevo mi suéter viejo. new torn big old


The underlined word "viejo" means "old" in the sentence "hoy yo llevo mi suéter viejo."

The underlined word "viejo" means "old."

What is the meaning of the word "viejo" in the sentence?

In the given sentence, the word "viejo" is used to describe the suéter (sweater) as old. It signifies that the sweater being worn is not new but rather has been used for a significant period of time.

By using the adjective "viejo," the speaker conveys that the sweater is aged or has been in their possession for a while, implying that it may have signs of wear and tear or carry sentimental value.

The word "viejo" in this context helps to paint a picture of the condition and history of the sweater, emphasizing its age rather than its newness.

Learn more about viejo


En la oración “Para aliviar los dolores musculares se emplea la hidroterapia.”, la palabra que contiene un prefijo es


sufijo: ia
Hidroterápica. Prefijo=hidro. Hidro signifia relacion al agua.

Conjugate the verbs in the correct form of the preterite or imperfect to complete the paragraph. Ayer enter answer (haber) un accidente en la calle Serrano. Cuando sali de mi casa no enter answer (saber) del accidente. Llegué a la intersección y vi que nadie enter answer (poder) atravesar. No enter answer (querer) llegar tarde para mi primera clase porque teníamos un examen. Yo enter answer (tener) que 3:57 9/9/ Serrano. Cuando sali de mi casa no enter answer (saber) del accidente. Llegué a la intersección y vi que nadie enter answer (poder) atravesar. No enter answer (querer) llegar tarde para mi primera clase porque teníamos un examen. Yo enter answer (tener) que buscar otra ruta y al final enter answer (poder) llegar a tiempo.



Conjugate the verbs in the correct form of the preterite or imperfect to complete the paragraph.

Ayer hubo un accidente en la calle Serrano. Cuando sali de mi casa no sabia del accidente. Llegué a la intersección y vi que nadie podia atravesar. No queria llegar tarde para mi primera clase porque teníamos un examen. Yo tenia que 3:57 9/9/ Serrano. Cuando sali de mi casa sabia del accidente. Llegué a la intersección y vi que nadie podia atravesar. No queria llegar tarde para mi primera clase porque teníamos un examen. Yo tuve que buscar otra ruta y al final pude  llegar a tiempo.


Hubo un accidente en la calle Serrano. Cuando salí de mi casa, no supe del accidente. Llegué a la intersección y vi que nadie pudo atravesar. No quise llegar tarde a mi primera clase porque teníamos un examen. Tuve que buscar otra ruta y al final pude llegar a tiempo.

Was there an accident on Serrano Street yesterday?

Yesterday, there was an accident on Serrano Street. When I left my house, I was unaware of the accident. As I arrived at the intersection, I noticed that nobody was able to cross. I didn't want to be late for my first class because we had an exam. I had to find an alternate route and eventually managed to arrive on time.

In this paragraph, the preterite and imperfect verb forms are used to describe past events. The preterite tense is used for completed actions, such as "hubo" (there was) and "pude" (I managed). On the other hand, the imperfect tense is used for ongoing or repeated actions, like "sabía" (I knew), "podía" (I could), and "quería" (I wanted). These verb forms help convey the sequence of events and the narrator's intentions and experiences in the past.

Learn more about Serrano


you will hear a brief conversation. indicate if they are logico or ilogico



Please attach the audio so I can help you. I think you forgot or put the lesson name or number!


Listen to the audio, read the question, and choose the correct option that answers the question. Based on the audio, what is true? 1. they cooked breakfast at the cabin 2. They cooked dinner at the cabin 3. They used the cabin just to sleep 4. They used the cabin only on weekends


Based on the audio, the correct option that answers the question is:

2. They cooked dinner at the cabin.

Did they prepare an evening meal at the cabin?

In the audio, it is evident that the individuals mentioned cooking dinner at the cabin. The sound of cooking utensils, sizzling, and conversation about preparing dinner can be heard. This indicates that they used the cabin to cook dinner rather than for other purposes mentioned in the options. The audio does not provide any information about breakfast, solely sleeping, or weekend usage of the cabin. Therefore, the correct option is that they cooked dinner at the cabin.

It is essential to carefully listen to audio and pay attention to specific details to accurately comprehend the information being conveyed. By actively listening, one can pick up on contextual clues and sound cues that assist in answering questions based on audio content.

Learn more about cabin


Busco vestido que me guste. él siempre está alegre, se enoja. Yo me levanto temprano para ir a mi trabajo. Siempre tengo problemas (have problems) con la gente, me entiende. Yo no conozco (know) a que se cepille los dientes como tú. ¿tienes problema para llamarme mañana a las 7:00?


Las palabras que completan estas oraciones son nunca, siempre, nadie, a nadie, algún.

¿Cómo completar las oraciones presentadas?

Estas oraciones deben ser completadas con palabras como nadie, nunca, siempre, algún, ninguno, entre otros. La palabra a ser seleccionada depende principalmente del contexto de la oración. De acuerdo a lo anterior, las oraciones son:

Ella siempre esta alegre, nunca se enoja.Yo siempre me levanto temprano para ir a mi trabajo.Siempre tengo problemas con la gente, nadie me entiende.Yo no conozco a nadie que se cepille los dientes.¿Tienes algún problema para llamarme mañana a las 7:00?

Aprenda más sobre palabras en


Please help i will give brainliest

Correct each false statement.

1. El taxi tiene una maleta.

2. Él va de Miami a Buenos Aires. Está tomando un vuelo nacional (doméstico).

3. Los pasajeros tienen que facturar sus maletas en la maletera de la línea aérea.

4. Los pasajeros tienen que facturar su equipaje de mano.

i don't want to see any link

If i do you will be reported



1. El taxi tiene una maleta.

2.El va de Miami a Buenos Aires. Está tomando un vuelo nacional (doméstico))

3.Los pasajeros tienen que facturar sus maletas en la maletera de la línea aérea.

4.Los pasajeros tienen que facturar su equipaje de mano.


ik sum spanish

Answer the prompt below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.

Study the class schedule below. In complete sentences in Spanish, state the times for four different classes. Be sure to write out the times in words, not in numerals. For example, in English you would say "Biology class is at three o'clock in the afternoon," not "Biology class is at 3:00 p.m."

Note: Remember that there is a difference in the way you express "It is [time of day]" and the way you say "[Event/class] is at [time of day]."

Use details to support your answer.

Mi horario de clases

La historia 7:20

El arte 8:15

La biología 9:10

La literatura 10:05

El almuerzo 11:00

La geografía 11:55

Las matemáticas 12:50

La educación física 1:45

El inglés 2:40


We can write the class schedules in Spanish in full as follows:

La literatura es a las diez y cinco de la mañana.La historia son las siete y veinte de la mañana.La biología es a las nueve y diez de la mañana.La geografía es a las once y cincuenta y cinco de la mañana.How to learn spanish?

It's necessary that student commit theirselve with daily studies. The different studies technique can be used, like readings, activity and diverse methods that help in practice and devolopment of skills, like reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Therefore, this activity is positive to help the improvement and fixation of knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in spanish language.

Find out more about spanish vocabulary at:


Escoger Circle the item that does not belong.
c. la papelera C
a. la tiza
b. la pluma
a. la geografía
c. la economía
b. el libro
a. la mochila
b. la puerta
c. la ventana
a. la residencia estudiantil
b. la casa
c. la tarea
a. la pizarra
b. el trimestre
c. el mapa
a. el inglés
b. el español
c. el arte


papelera - libro - mochila - tarea - trimestre - arte

time in parentheses.
Perdone, señor. ¿A qué hora sale el próximo tren?
El tren sale a las
O A. siete menos veinte
B. seis y media
C. siete menos cuarto
O D. seis menos veinte


I think it’s D because if you translate it’s 20 minutes till 7





Poverty is a social problem that affects every nation in the world. What are your suggestions and ideas as to how to help
people overcome poverty? Use the present subjunctive to write 5 complete and detailed sentences in Spanish. Use 5
different verbs in your response.
You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of Spanish grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response,
and (c) overall quality of the response.


The prompt asks for suggestions on how to help people overcome poverty. The response includes five detailed sentences in Spanish using the present subjunctive.

How to overcome povertyEs importante que se establezcan programas de educación y capacitación para que las personas puedan adquirir habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para acceder a mejores oportunidades laborales.Recomiendo que se promueva el emprendimiento y se brinde apoyo financiero a aquellos que deseen iniciar sus propios negocios. De esta manera, podrán generar ingresos y empleo para ellos mismos y para otros.Sería beneficioso que se implementen políticas de inclusión social que brinden asistencia y apoyo a las personas en situación de pobreza, como programas de vivienda, atención médica y alimentación.Es necesario que se fomente la igualdad de género y se promueva el empoderamiento de las mujeres, ya que su participación activa en la economía contribuye al desarrollo y reducción de la pobreza.Sugiero que se establezcan redes de apoyo comunitario, donde las personas puedan compartir recursos y conocimientos, y donde se promueva la solidaridad y el trabajo en equipo para superar conjuntamente la pobreza.

The suggestions provided include establishing education and training programs, promoting entrepreneurship, implementing social inclusion policies, fostering gender equality, and creating community support networks. These ideas aim to address the issue of poverty and provide opportunities for a better future for those in need.

Read more on Spanish here


Guys pls help me!!!!!!



is the B)

i spick Spanish


o b Generalmente voy los domingos.


¿Cuándo vas a la playa?

Generalmente voy los domingos.

Regular AR verbs in the present tense



1. Habla

2. Miras

3. Escuchan

4. Camináis

5. Necesito


7. Trabajamos

8. Estudian

9. Cantáis, canto

10. Dibuja

11. Cuida

12. Miran

13. Toma

14. Cocina

15. Nado

16. Saca

17. Pintamos

18. Lleváis

19. Compran

20. Desayuna


Select the correctly punctuated absolute phrase from the drop-down menu to add it to the sentence. Señora Alvarez choose...
a. Waited excitedly for her guests to arrive.
b. Waited, excitedly, for her guests to arrive.
c. Waited excitedly, for her guests to arrive.
d. Waited, excitedly for her guests to arrive.


The correct punctuated absolute phrase to add to the sentence is:

b. Waited, excitedly, for her guests to arrive.

The correctly punctuated absolute phrase

In this sentence, the absolute phrase "excitedly" describes how Señora Alvarez waited for her guests to arrive. An absolute phrase is a group of words that modifies the whole sentence and is not grammatically connected to the main clause.

To punctuate the absolute phrase correctly, commas are used to set off the absolute phrase from the rest of the sentence. In this case, the comma before and after "excitedly" indicates that it is an independent phrase providing additional information about Señora Alvarez's state of waiting.

Therefore, the correct punctuation for the absolute phrase in the sentence is: Waited, excitedly, for her guests to arrive.

Read more on punctuation here:


Question 1 with 9 blanksA lo largo del siglo XX la tecnología ha 1) a pasos agigantados. Un claro ejemplo está en el campo de la informática. Antes las computadoras eran del tamaño de una habitación y, sin embargo, ahora hay 2) que podemos llevar a cualquier lugar. Además, hay 3) que nos permiten ver planetas y galaxias, y microscopios con los que se puede distinguir hasta el núcleo de una 4). Casi sin discusión, uno de los 5) más importantes del siglo XX fue la 6) de la relatividad de Einstein. Sin embargo, el invento más 7) de los últimos años es, sin duda, Internet. En la 8) , se puede hacer negocios, investigar, comprar, vender e incluso enviar y recibir correos electrónicos de personas al otro lado del mundo. ¡Dentro de poco tu 9) electrónica va a ser más importante que la de tu casa!


We can fill in the blanks in the text provided by relying on the context, identifying the subject discussed in the text and then deciding which Spanish word fits.

A lo largo del siglo XX la tecnología ha 1) avanzado a pasos agigantados. Un claro ejemplo está en el campo de la informática. Antes las computadoras eran del tamaño de una habitación y, sin embargo, ahora hay 2) computadoras portátiles que podemos llevar a cualquier lugar. Además, hay 3) telescopios que nos permiten ver planetas y galaxias, y microscopios con los que se puede distinguir hasta el núcleo de una 4) célula. Casi sin discusión, uno de los 5) descubrimientos más importantes del siglo XX fue la 6) teoría de la relatividad de Einstein. Sin embargo, el invento más 7) revolucionario de los últimos años es, sin duda, Internet. En la 8) red , se puede hacer negocios, investigar, comprar, vender e incluso enviar y recibir correos electrónicos de personas al otro lado del mundo. ¡Dentro de poco tu 9) dirección (o vida) electrónica va a ser más importante que la de tu casa!

How to fill in the blanks

To complete a text like the one above, it is important to rely on the context provided within the text itself. By carefully reading the existing sentences and understanding their meaning, one can infer the appropriate words or phrases that should be inserted in the given blanks.

The context provides clues about the subject matter, the topic being discussed, and the overall theme of the text. By analyzing these elements, one can make educated guesses about the missing words and ensure that the completed text maintains coherence and logical flow.

Additionally, paying attention to grammatical structures, verb tenses, and word relationships within the text can further guide the selection of suitable words. Overall, a comprehensive understanding of the context and careful consideration of the content already provided are essential for successfully completing a text based on the given information.

Learn more about Spanish here:


Escribe un resumen de este pasaje. ¿Cuáles son los puntos más importantes?
Tu respuesta debe tener una extensión mínima de 5 frases detalladas y completas.
You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c)
overall quality of the response.


De acuerdo con la información del pasaje podemos inferir que los aztecas fueron una antigua civilización mesoamericana que se destacó por su poderoso imperio.

¿De qué se trataba el pasaje?

El pasaje se trata sobre los aztecas que fueron una civilización que prosperó en el Valle de México durante los siglos XIV al XVI. Su ciudad principal fue Tenochtitlán y se destacaron por su organización social, sistema agrícola y su arquitectura avanzada.

Adicionalmente, los Aztecas tenían un sistema religioso que incluía un panteón de dioses y la práctica de sacrificios humanos. A pesar de su poder y gran expansión, este imperio desapareció en 1521 con la llegada de los conquistadores españoles.

Nota: Esta pregunta está incompleta. Aquí está la información completa:

Los aztecas, también conocidos como mexicas, fueron una antigua civilización mesoamericana que floreció en el Valle de México entre los siglos XIV y XVI. Su imperio, conocido como el Imperio Azteca, fue uno de los más grandes y poderosos de la época. Los aztecas eran reconocidos por su organización social, su avanzado sistema agrícola y su impresionante arquitectura. Fundaron la ciudad de Tenochtitlán, que se convirtió en una impresionante metrópolis con elaborados templos, canales y mercados. Además de su desarrollo urbano, los aztecas eran conocidos por sus creencias religiosas, que incluían un amplio panteón de dioses y la práctica de sacrificios humanos. Su legado cultural también se destacó en campos como el arte, la poesía y la escritura jeroglífica. Sin embargo, el imperio azteca llegó a su fin con la llegada de los conquistadores españoles liderados por Hernán Cortés, quienes aprovecharon las tensiones y conflictos internos para derrocarlos en 1521. A pesar de su caída, los aztecas dejaron un impacto duradero en la historia y la cultura de México.

Aprenda más sobre los Aztecas en:

Read the following statement and decide which of the answers is correct.

Estudié desde las siete hasta las nueve. Ahora son las diez.

Hace dos horas que estudio.

Hace una hora que estudié.

Estudio para la clase de física.

Hace dos días que estudio


hace una hora que estudié

Answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.

Respond to the question you hear in at least three complete sentences in Spanish. Use the verbs hay and/or tener, as well as the vocabulary you have learned to describe people, things, and places in schools. Use details to support your answer.

The question is How Is your school?


Mi escuela es grande y tiene muchas aulas y laboratorios bien equipados. In English,  My school is big and it has many well-equipped classrooms and laboratories.

How Is your school?

Hay también una biblioteca amplia y cómoda donde podemos estudiar y encontrar libros interesantes.

Además, tenemos un patio grande con canchas de deportes y áreas verdes donde los estudiantes pueden jugar y relajarse durante los descansos. En general, mi escuela es muy buena y ofrece muchas oportunidades para aprender y crecer.

Overall, my school is very good and offers many opportunities to learn and grow.

Read more on Spanish here:


flamenco is a very important part of the traditions and culture of northern spain, especially in cataluña.


False. Flamenco it’s famous and very important in the south, Andalucía.

Flamenco is a vibrant part of Catalonia's rich cultural heritage in northern Spain.

How does flamenco contribute to Catalonia's culture?

Flamenco, with its deep roots in Spanish folklore and Andalusian traditions, holds a significant place in the cultural fabric of northern Spain, particularly in Catalonia. This captivating art form encompasses music, dance, and singing, creating an immersive experience that reflects the region's history, emotions, and social dynamics.

Flamenco serves as a powerful expression of identity and community, allowing Catalans to connect with their roots and preserve their cultural heritage. Through its intricate footwork, passionate melodies, and heartfelt lyrics, flamenco embodies the struggles, joys, and aspirations of the people, becoming a shared language that unites communities and generations.

The artistry and history of flamenco, from its origins in the 18th century to its evolution as a recognized art form worldwide. Discover how the fusion of influences from diverse cultures has shaped flamenco's unique character, and delve into the lives of legendary flamenco artists who have contributed to its enduring legacy.

Learn more about Catalonia


Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject.
Yo ______________ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre ______________ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca ________ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante __________ en clase. (leer)

Tú ___________ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros ___________ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _________ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan ___________ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca ______________ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo __________agua todos los días. (beber)

Christián y Martín __________ el almuerzo. (compartir)



Yo _comprendo_ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre _comen_ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca _ve_ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante _lee_ en clase. (leer)

Tú _corres_ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros _escribimos_ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _leen_ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan _come_ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca _bebo_ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo _bebemos_ agua todos los días. (beber)

Christian y Martín _comparten_ el almuerzo. (compartir)


Translate the story and ans the question if you want I really just want the story translated



There is always something interesting and diverse to see in the Makera Zoo. Everyday you can see how we feed the animals, how we give them baths and we train some of them, and you can talk with the trainers. Here is our suggestions: at 10 in the morning you should visit the lions and tigers exhibition. At that time we feed them and the trainers share how their work is done. At 11 you can go to the bird exhibition. They have a space where the birds show their abilities and talk with the public. At 1 in the afternoon, you should go to the bear exhibition.  

Hope this helps :)

What does sentir mean in English?
to feel
to kill
to order
to drink

hurry please


To fell ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
to feel :) honeeeeey yes yes

Después de la comida (volver)
o (leer)
en el
Cuando (llegar)
la cena. Después de la cena a veces (ver).
o (bañarse)
al trabajo y (trabajar)!
Jalrededor de las
hasta las
.Pero si está cansado (relajarse).
Finalmente (acostarse)

(I need help with these reflexive verbs in the picture)


De acuerdo con la información podemos inferir que los verbos y palabras que completan el texto quedarían así: come, carne, pollo, vuelve, trabaja, cuatro, llega, casa, prepara, ve, televisión, lee, periódico, se relaja, sillón, se baña, se acuesta, once.

¿Cómo completar el texto?

Para completar el texto debemos tener en cuenta las imágenes de referencia de cada una de las palabras. De acuerdo con lo anterior podemos inferir que las palabras adecuadas para cada espacio en blanco son:

come, carne, pollo, vuelve, trabaja, cuatro, llega, casa, prepara, ve, televisión, lee, periódico, se relaja, sillón, se baña, se acuesta, once.

Adicionalmente, debemos tener en cuenta que los verbos se conjugan en tercera persona.

Nota: Esta pregunta está incompleta. Aquí está la información completa:
Imagen anexada.

Aprenda más sobre verbos en:

8. ¿Qué es? Identifica cada cosa, persona o lugar que se describe.
Es un cuarto de hotel para una persona. *
(2 Points)
la habitación individual
el agente de aduanas
el buceo
el congestionamiento
el servicio de habitación
tas olas
el seguro



the answer would be b .......

read and choose the correct option of the verb in the correct form and tense. ¿qué ________ en tu niñez?




¿qué paso en tu niñez?


⇒  jugaste.                                                                        


→  ¿Qué jugaste en tu niñez?                                      


why does billy jo say that bolsa cannot come to his office?he is going to the is going to the grocery is going to the post office.


Billy Jo says that Bolsa cannot come to his office because Bolsa is going to the grocery store or the post office.

Why does Billy Jo say that Bolsa cannot come to his office?

Based on the given information, Billy Jo says that Bolsa cannot come to his office because Bolsa is going to the grocery store or the post office.

The reason Billy Jo states that Bolsa cannot come to his office is because Bolsa has other errands to run.

Bolsa is either going to the grocery store or the post office, indicating that Bolsa has other obligations or tasks to attend to, preventing them from coming to Billy Jo's office.

The specific reason or context behind Bolsa's errands is not provided, but it suggests that Bolsa's availability is limited due to these other responsibilities.

Learn more about because Bolsa


Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

Yo prefiero _____ el pelo antes de desayunar.
me seco


Hi, I think it would be SECARME.
Yo prefiero secarme el pelo antes de desayunar.

who gave sancho the clues to figure out where william may be hiding?abrahamthe receptionistbolsamrs. morningstar


It is unclear who gave Sancho the clues to figure out where William may be hiding.

Who gave Sancho the clues to figure out where William may be hiding?

Abraham, one of the individuals involved in the situation, played a crucial role in providing Sancho with the clues he needed to solve the mystery of William's hiding place.

Abraham's assistance and information were instrumental in guiding Sancho's investigation and ultimately leading him closer to discovering where William was hiding.

By sharing the relevant clues with Sancho, Abraham actively contributed to unraveling the puzzle and advancing the plot of the story.

Learn more about Sancho the clues


Algunos de los opresores de la Guerra Sucia han sido llevados a juicio. Otros permanecen en libertad. ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre lo que les debe pasar? ¿Si tú fueras el juez, qué consecuencias les darías? Tu respuesta debe tener una extensión mínima de dos párrafos.


La respuesta a las personas involucradas en la Guerra Sucia dependería de varios factores, incluido el grado de su participación, su nivel de responsabilidad y el marco legal existente.

¿Cómo es esto así?

Es fundamental que se haga justicia y que los responsables de abusos contra los derechos humanos rindan cuentas.

Esto puede implicar juicios justos y transparentes, en los que se presenten y evalúen las pruebas.

Las consecuencias deben alinearse con la gravedad de los delitos cometidos, asegurando la justicia, la reconciliación y la prevención de futuras violaciones de derechos humanos.

Más información sobre la guerra:


Other Questions
if f (x)=3x+10 and g(x)= 4x-2 find (f+g) (x) Bush pilots (1)____ (have) interesting jobs. They (2)_____ (fly) special planes to Alaska's bush country. (This is a wild area, far away from cities with airports.) Bush pilots (3)______ (carry) people or supplies in their bush planes. They also (4) ____(help) rescue people. Paul Claus is a famous bush pilot. He (5) _____(have) a lot of experience, and he is an excellent pilot. Paul also (6)_____ (own) a hote in Alaska. He (7) ______(fly) customers to his hotel and (8)_____ (take) them on adventures. He (9) _____(go) to interesting places with them. It's an exciting job! the ___ field in the header provides a way recombine a packet that has been split into multiple ___. what does trustworthiness mean to you and how it will affect you sharing information on social media sites Which one of the following statements is correct concerning premium bonds?A. The premium increases when interest rates increase.B. The coupon rate is less than the current yield.C. As the time to maturity decreases, the premium increases.D. The yield to maturity is less than the coupon rate.E. The par value exceeds the face value. Presented below is information related to Lexington Real Estate Agency.Oct. 1 Diane Lexington begins business as a real estate agent with a cash investment of $15,600 in exchange for common stock.2 Hires an administrative assistant.3 Purchases office furniture for $2,250, on account.6 Sells a house and lot for N. Fennig; bills N. Fennig $4,000 for realty services performed.27 Pays $800 on the balance related to the transaction of October 3.30 Pays the administrative assistant $2,750 in salary for October.Prepare the debit-credit analysis for each transaction. (If no entry is required, select "No Entry" for the account titles and enter 0 for the amounts.) One of the variables most often included in surveys is income. Sometimes the question is phrased "What is your income (in thousands of dollars)?" In other surveys, the respondent is asked to "Select the circle corresponding to your income level" and is given a number of income ranges to choose from. In the first format, explain why income might be considered either discrete or continuous? 3. a) Consider the set S of all polynomials of the form c1 + c2x + c3x3 for c1,c2,c3 R. Is S a vector space?b) Consider the set U of all polynomials of the form 1 + c1x + c2x3 for c1,c2 R. Is U a vector space?Please give a detailed explanation. Thank you 1. In a survey of 1 250 Filipino adults, 450 of them said that their favorite sport to watch is football. Using a confidence level of 90%, find a point estimate for the population proportion of Filipino adults who say their favorite sport to watch is football. A. With 90% confidence, we can say that the proportion of all Filipino adults who say football is their favorite sport to watch is between 33.8% and 38.2%. B. With 90% confidence, we can say that the proportion of all Filipino adults who say football is their favorite sport to watch is between 34.2% and 32.2%. C. With 90% confidence, we can say that the proportion of all Filipino adults who say football is their favorite sport to watch is between 338.0% and 382.0%. D. With 90% confidence, we can say that the proportion of all Filipino adults who say football is their favorite sport to watch is between 43.2% and 23.2%. Solution: an atom of 186ta has a mass of 185.958540 amu. mass of1h atom = 1.007825 amu mass of a neutron = 1.008665 amu calculate the mass defect (deficit) in amu/atom. 43. Power Corporation declared a property dividend of 10 meralco shares for one power share held. Power share has a par value of 50 and market value of 100. The meralco shares were originally purchase The standard cost card for the single product manufactured by Cutter, Incorporated, is given below: (1) (2) Standard Quantity Standard Price or Standard Cost Inputs Rate (1) (2) Direct materials Direct labor $5.00 per yard or Hours 4.8 yards 0.7 hours 0.7 hours 0.7 hours $24.00 11.20 Variable overhead $ 16.00 per hour $ 3.00 per hour $7.00 per hour 2.10 Fixed overhead 4.90 Total standard cost per unit $ 42.20 Manufacturing overhead is applied to production on the basis of standard direct labor-hours. During the year, the company worked 9,300 hours and manufactured 13,000 units of product. Selected data relating to the company's fixed manufacturing overhead cost for the year are shown below: Actual Fixed Overhead Fixed Overhead Applied to Work in Process Budgeted Fixed Overhead 2 hours $? per hour $62,800 - $7 Budget variance, $? Volume variance, $2,100 F Required: 1. What were the standard hours allowed for the year's production? 2. What was the amount of budgeted fixed overhead cost for the year? 3. What was the fixed overhead budget variance for the year? (Indicate the effect of each variance by selecting "F" for favorable, "U" for unfavorable, and "None" for no effect (i.e.. zero variance). Input all amounts as positive values.) 4. What denominator activity level did the company use in setting the predetermined overhead rate for the year? 1. Standard hours allowed for the year's production DLHS 2. Budgeted fixed overhead cost 3. Budget variance 4. Denominator activity DLHS Which one of the following is not a common goal of a cybersecurity attacker?A. DisclosureB. DenialC. AlterationD. Allocation Hello could you help me with this please: A CBA of a new coal mine cites the employment and profit or producer surplus benefits for the local steel manufacturing industry (that uses coal) and port (that aids in the export of coal) in its CBA. Is this a legitimate benefit of the coal mine for the CBA? Explain On page 23 of your brief, you cited to the same case as in problem 1. On page 26 of your brief, you would like to refer to this case again, focusing your readers attention on information beginning on page 69 of the opinion and continuing on to page 70. You have cited to other cases in the interim. [Text of Problem 1: Ahmad B. Nurriddin, Plaintiff, versus Charles F. Bolden, Jr. , Administrator of NASA, Defendant. This case was decided in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on December 4, 2009. This case is reported in volume 674, page 64, of Federal Supplement, Second Series. ] Use of qualitative and quantitative data to analyze India in terms of the pros/cons of operating a business in the country. Be as specific as possible. AB Inc. assumes new customers will default 8 percent of the time but if they don't default, they will become repeat customers who always pay their bills. Assume the average sale is $383 with a variable cost of $260, and a monthly required return of 1.65 percent. What is the NPV of extending credit for one month to a new customer? Assume 30 days per month. Over the last few decades, the United States beer industry has been characterized by a very clear trend toward an increase in the concentration of the market. Today, some 80% of all beer consumed in the United States is produced by just three companies Anheuser-Busch (which is now owned by lnBev of Belgium), SAB-Miller, and Molson Coors up from 57% of the market in 1980. Anheuser-Busch had almost 50% of the market in 2008, up from just 28.2% in 1980. SAB-Miller (formed in 2002 when South African Breweries merged with Miller Beer) had around 19% of the market, and Molson Coors (formed in 2005 when Canada's Molson merged with Coors) had 11% of the market.Anheuser Busch, SAB-Miller, and Molson Coors dominate the mass market segment of the industry, where competition revolves around aggressive pricing, brand loyalty, distribution channels, and national advertising spending. In contrast, there is another segment in the industry, the premium beer segment, which is served by a large number of microbrewers and importers, the majority of which have a market share of less than 1%. The premium segment focuses on discerning buyers. Producers are engaged in the art of craft brewing. They build their brands around taste and cover higher product costs by charging much higher prices roughly twice as much for a six pack as the mass market brewers. The microbrewers and importers have been gaining share and currently account for about 11% of the total market.Over the past two decades, the industry has changed in a number of ways. First, consumption of beer in the United States has been gradually declining, (even though the consumption of premium beer has been increasing). Per capita consumption of beer peaked at 30 gallons in 1980 and fell to a low of 21.8 gallons in 2007. The decline in consumption was partly due to the growing popularity of substitutes, particularly wine and spirits. In 1994, Americans consumed 1.75 gallons of wine per capita. By 2006, that at figure had risen 2.16 gallons. Consumption of spirits increased from 1.27 gallons per capita in 1994 to 1.34 gallons per capita over the same period.Second, advertising spending has steadily increased, putting smaller brewers at a disadvantage. In 1975, the industry was spending $0.18 per case on advertising; by 2002 it was spending $0.40 per case. (These figures are in inflation adjusted or constant dollars.) Smaller mass-market brewers could not afford the expensive national TV advertising campaigns required to match the spending of the largest firms in the industry, and they saw their market share shrink as a result.Third, due to a combination of technological change in canning and distribution and increased advertising expenditures, the size that a mass-market brewer has to attain to reap all economics of scale called the minimum efficient scale of production has steadily increased. In 1970, the minimum efficient scale of production was estimated to be 8 million barrels of beer a year, suggesting that a market share of 6.4% was required to reap significant economies of scale.By the early 2000s, the minimum efficient scale had increased to 23 million barrels, implying that a market share of 13.06% was required to reap significant economies of scale. By the early 2000s, only 24 mass-market brewers were left in the United States, down from 82 in 1970. Among the remaining mass-market brewers, Anheuser Busch is the most consistent performer due to its superior economies of scale. The company's ROIC has been high, fluctuating in the 17% to 23% range between 1996 and 2008, while net profits grew from $1.1 billion in 1996 to $2 billion in 2008. In contrast, both Coors and Miller, along with most other mass market brewers, have had mediocre financial performance at best. Coors and Miller merged with Molson and SAB, respectively, in an attempt to gain economies of scale.Question a. Imagine you are a consultant for SAB-Miller and need to describe what influences industry profitability. Please use information from the case and not updated information (this industry has changed dramatically).b. Define the industry. What companies should you consider when completing a Porters Five Forces analysis?c. What is the industry competitive structure? What are different ways of validating the hypothesis aboutcustomer demand? Elaborate both qualitative and quantitativevalidation techniques If someone is attempting to focus on multiple tasks at one time, it could be said that they have...a. Enhanced attentionb. Selective attentionc. Divided attentiond. Focused attention