Identify the figure, name the bases,faces,edges, and vertices

Identify The Figure, Name The Bases,faces,edges, And Vertices


Answer 1


It’s a square-based pyramid

base(1) is the square on the bottom- ABCD

Faces(4) are the triangles on the sides eg- AED, DEC, CEB, BCA

There are 8 edges, four being at the bottom around the base and the other four being alone the faces

Finally there are 5 vertices, four being at the corners of the base and the fifth being the tip of the pyramid

Step-by-step explanation:

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A recent study sought to determine if exercising after studying for an exam may help retain information. The 150 student volunteers that participated in the study were randomly assigned to three groups. All students were given a picture memory task that they studied for 15 minutes. After studying, one of the groups was instructed to exercise for 30 minutes immediately after studying. A second group was instructed to wait 1 hour after studying and then exercise for 30 minutes. The third group was instructed to not exercise after studying. The next day all 150 student volunteers were given a test to determine how well they could remember what they studied. Here are the results:



The correct answer is (A).

Step-by-step explanation:

Because the data came from 3 groups in a randomized experiment, the appropriate test is a chi-square test for homogeneity.

Draw a graph which has the following adjacency matrix: [2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 (b) Label the vertices of your graph A, B, C, D (in any order). (c) How many different paths of length 10 are there from the vertex you labelled A to the vertex you labeled D in the graph you draw in part (a)?


Given an adjacency matrix, we need to find the graph which has the following adjacency matrix:[2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]We know that an adjacency matrix is a square matrix used to represent a finite graph. The elements of the matrix indicate whether pairs of vertices are adjacent or not in the graph.The diagonal elements of the matrix are always zero since self-loops are not allowed in a simple graph.The (i, j)-entry of the matrix is 1 if the ith vertex and jth vertex are adjacent, and 0 otherwise. Hence, for the given matrix, there is an edge between vertex 1 and vertex 2 and an edge between vertex 1 and vertex 3. Similarly, there are other edges between vertices.Here is the graph which has the given adjacency matrix:Graph with adjacency matrixFrom the graph above, we can label the vertices A, B, C, D in any order. Let's say we label the vertices as A = vertex 1, B = vertex 2, C = vertex 3, and D = vertex 4.Now, we need to find the number of different paths of length 10 from vertex A to vertex D.The number of paths of length n from vertex i to vertex j in a graph is given by the (i, j)-entry in the n-th power of the adjacency matrix. Here, we need to find the number of paths of length 10 from vertex 1 to vertex 4. So, we need to compute the 10th power of the given adjacency matrix:[2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] ^ 10We can use a calculator or software like MATLAB to compute the matrix power. After computing, we get that the (1, 4)-entry of the 10th power of the matrix is 8. Therefore, there are 8 different paths of length 10 from vertex A to vertex D.

Learn more about adjacency here:


A brewery produces a particular type of beer. If the process is running well then the probability that a randomly selected bottle is of good quality is 90%, independently of the quality of any of the other bottles. If the process is not running well then that probability is only 60%. Without further information, the probability that the process is running well is 80%. (a) 10 bottles are produced. Find the expected number of good quality bottles in this batch. (b) of this batch, the first 4 bottles are tested, and all are of good quality except for the second bottle. What is the probability that the process is running well? (c) The 5th bottle is now tested as well. What is the probability that this bottle is of good quality?


(a) The expected number of good quality bottles in this batch is 7.2

(b) The probability that the process is running well, given that the second bottle is not of good quality, is 0.5

(c) The probability that the 5th bottle is of good quality is 0.84

(a) To find the expected number of good quality bottles in the batch of 10 bottles, we can multiply the probability of each bottle being of good quality by the total number of bottles.

Given that the probability of a bottle being of good quality is 90% if the process is running well and 60% if the process is not running well, and the probability that the process is running well is 80%, we can calculate the expected number of good quality bottles as follows:

Expected number of good quality bottles = (Probability of running well) × (Probability of good quality | running well) × (Total number of bottles)

= (0.8) × (0.9) × (10)

= 7.2

Therefore, the expected number of good quality bottles in this batch is 7.2.

(b) Given that the first 4 bottles tested are all of good quality except for the second bottle, we need to find the probability that the process is running well.

Let A be the event that the process is running well, and B be the event that the second bottle is not of good quality.

Using Bayes' theorem, we can calculate the probability:

P(A | B) = (P(B | A) × P(A)) / P(B)

P(B | A) is the probability that the second bottle is not of good quality given that the process is running well, which is 1 - 0.9 = 0.1.

P(A) is the probability that the process is running well, which is given as 0.8.

P(B) is the probability that the second bottle is not of good quality. To calculate this, we need to consider the cases where the process is running well and not running well.

P(B) = P(B | A) × P(A) + P(B | not A) × P(not A)

= 0.1 × 0.8 + 0.4 × 0.2

= 0.08 + 0.08

= 0.16

Now, we can calculate the probability using Bayes' theorem:

P(A | B) = (0.1 × 0.8) / 0.16

= 0.5

Therefore, the probability that the process is running well, given that the second bottle is not of good quality, is 0.5.

(c) Now, if the 5th bottle is tested as well, we want to find the probability that this bottle is of good quality.

Let C be the event that the 5th bottle is of good quality.

Using the law of total probability, we can calculate the probability:

P(C) = P(C | A) × P(A) + P(C | not A) × P(not A)

= 0.9 × 0.8 + 0.6 × 0.2

= 0.72 + 0.12

= 0.84

Therefore, the probability that the 5th bottle is of good quality is 0.84.

To learn more about probability




Explain ,

Suppose that X, Y and Z are three jointly normally distributed random variables with E[X] = 0, E[Y] = 1, E[Z] = 2 and the variance-covariance martrix of (X, Y, Z) is 10 0 1 Var [] = [] 10 2 1 2 10 (i) Estimate X given that Y = 0.5 and Z = -3 using an unbiased minimum variance estimator. (ii) Determine the variance of the above estimator. (b) IntelliMoto is car manufacturer that produces vehicles equipped with a fault detection system that uses information from various sensors to inform the driver about possible faults in the braking system. The system diagnoses faults correctly with probability 99%, but gives false alarms with probability 2%. It is known that such faults occur with probability 0.05%. If the system diagnoses a fault, what is the probability a fault has actually occured?


(i) Estimate X given that Y = 0.5 and Z = -3 using an unbiased minimum variance estimator.

Estimate of X given that Y = 0.5 and Z = -3 can be obtained by applying the conditional expectation formula, E[X|Y=y, Z=z], where y=0.5 and z=-3.E[X|Y=y, Z=z] = E[X] + Cov[X,Y]/Var[Y] * (Y - E[Y]) + Co v[X,Z]/Var[Z] * (Z - E[Z])E[X|Y=0.5, Z=-3] = 0 + (0/10) * (0.5 - 1) + (1/2) * (-3 - 2) = -2, which is the unbiased minimum variance estimator.(ii) Determine the variance of the above estimator.

The variance of the unbiased minimum variance estimator is given by Var[X|Y=y, Z=z] = Var[X] - Cov[X,Y]^2/Var[Y] - Cov[X,Z]^2/Var[Z] + 2Cov[X,Y]Cov[X,Z]/(Var[Y]*Var[Z])Var[X|Y=0.5, Z=-3] = 10 - 0^2/10 - 1^2/2 + 2(0)(1)/(10*2) = 9.75 (b)

Intelli Moto is car manufacturer that produces vehicles equipped with a fault detection system that uses information from various sensors to inform the driver about possible faults in the braking system. The system diagnoses faults correctly with probability 99%, but gives false alarms with probability 2%. It is known that such faults occur with probability 0.05%. If the system diagnoses a fault, what is the probability a fault has actually occured?

The probability of a fault actually occurring is P(Fault) = 0.05%, which is the prior probability of a fault.

The probability of a correct diagnosis is P(Diagnosis | Fault) = 99%, which is the probability of a positive test result given that a fault has actually occurred.

The probability of a false alarm is P(Diagnosis | No Fault) = 2%, which is the probability of a positive test result given that no fault has actually occurred.

The probability of a positive test result isP(Diagnosis) = P(Fault)*P(Diagnosis | Fault) + P(No Fault)*P(Diagnosis | No Fault)= 0.05% * 99% + 99.95% * 2% = 2.039%.The probability of a fault given a positive test result can be obtained by Bayes' theorem,P(Fault | Diagnosis) = P(Diagnosis | Fault)*P(Fault)/P(Diagnosis)= 99% * 0.05% / 2.039% = 2.43%, which is the probability a fault has actually occurred given that the system diagnoses a fault.

The probability that a fault has actually occurred given that the system diagnoses a fault is 2.42%.

(i) To estimate X given that Y = 0.5 and Z = -3 using an unbiased minimum variance estimator, we need to determine the distribution of X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3 and use the formula for conditional expectation of a jointly normally distributed random variable. The distribution of X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3 is also normal since it is a conditional distribution of a jointly normally distributed random variable. To find the mean of the distribution, we use the formula for conditional expectation:
[tex]E[X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3] = E[X] + Cov[X, Y | Z = -3] (Y - E[Y | Z = -3]) / Var[Y | Z = -3] + Cov[X, Z | Y = 0.5] (Z - E[Z | Y = 0.5]) / Var[Z | Y = 0.5][/tex]

where Cov[X, Y | Z = -3] is the conditional covariance of X and Y given Z = -3,

E[Y | Z = -3] is the conditional mean of Y given Z = -3,

Var[Y | Z = -3] is the conditional variance of Y given Z = -3,

Cov[X, Z | Y = 0.5] is the conditional covariance of X and Z given Y = 0.5,

and E[Z | Y = 0.5] and Var[Z | Y = 0.5] are the conditional mean and variance of Z given Y = 0.5 respectively.

We are given that

E[X] = 0, E[Y] = 1, E[Z] = 2,

Var[X] = 10, Var[Y] = 2, Var[Z] = 1,

and Cov[X, Y] = Cov[X, Z] = Cov[Y, Z] = 0.

Also, Y = 0.5 and Z = -3.

Hence, we have:

[tex]Cov[X, Y | Z = -3] = Cov[X, Y] / Var[Z] = 0[/tex],

[tex]E[Y | Z = -3] = E[Y] =[/tex]1,

[tex]Var[Y | Z = -3] = Var[Y] = 2[/tex],

[tex]Cov[X, Z | Y = 0.5] = Cov[X, Z] / Var[Y] = 0[/tex].

The conditional mean of Z given Y = 0.5 is given by

[tex]E[Z | Y = 0.5] = E[Z] + Cov[Y, Z] (Y - E[Y]) / Var[Y] = 2 + 0.5 (0 - 1) / 2 = 1.5.[/tex]

The conditional variance of Z given Y = 0.5 is given by

[tex]Var[Z | Y = 0.5] = Var[Z] - Cov[Y, Z]^2 / Var[Y] = 1 - 0^2 / 2 = 1[/tex].

Hence, the mean of the distribution of X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3 is:
[tex]E[X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3] = 0 + 0 (0.5 - 1) / 2 + 0 (-3 - 1.5) / 1 = -0.75[/tex]

To find the variance of the unbiased minimum variance estimator, we use the formula for conditional variance of a jointly normally distributed random variable:
[tex]Var[X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3] = Var[X] - Cov[X, Y | Z = -3]^2 / Var[Y | Z = -3] - Cov[X, Z | Y = 0.5]^2 / Var[Z | Y = 0.5][/tex]

where Var[X], Cov[X, Y | Z = -3], and Cov[X, Z | Y = 0.5] are given above,

and Var[Y | Z = -3] and Var[Z | Y = 0.5] are calculated as follows:
[tex]Var[Y | Z = -3] = Var[Y] - Cov[X, Y]^2 / Var[Z] = 2 - 0^2 / 1 = 2Var[Z | Y = 0.5] = Var[Z] - Cov[Y, Z]^2 / Var[Y] = 1 - 0^2 / 2 = 1[/tex]

Hence, we have:
[tex]Var[X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3] = 10 - 0^2 / 2 - 0^2 / 1 = 10[/tex]

(ii) The variance of the unbiased minimum variance estimator is Var[X | Y = 0.5, Z = -3] = 10.

(b) Let A denote the event that a fault has actually occurred, D denote the event that the system diagnoses a fault,

P(A) = 0.05%, P(D | A) = 99%, and P(D | A') = 2%, where A' is the complement of A.

We need to find P(A | D), the probability that a fault has actually occurred given that the system diagnoses a fault.

By Bayes' theorem, we have:
[tex]P(A | D) = P(D | A) P(A) / P(D)[/tex]

where P(D) is the total probability of the system diagnosing a fault, which is:
[tex]P(D) = P(D | A) P(A) + P(D | A') P(A') = 0.99 (0.0005) + 0.02 (1 - 0.0005) = 0.0205[/tex]

Hence, we have:
[tex]P(A | D) = 0.99 (0.0005) / 0.0205 = 0.0242[/tex] or 2.42%

Therefore, the probability that a fault has actually occurred given that the system diagnoses a fault is 2.42%.

To know more about probability, visit:


3/4 + 7/8 + 5/6
(this is here because the question was too short)


Answer:23/8Step-by-step explanation:(LCM of 4,8 and 6 = 24 )

3×6/4×6 + 7×3/8×3 + 5×4/6×4 28+21+20/24


I hope you got it❤️❤️❤️And thanks your patience ❤️.SORRY

Lizzy had test scores of: 72, 94, 108, 60What is the RANGE of her test scores?




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the range, you have to subtract the biggest/largest number by the smallest number:

108 - 60 = 48

The range is 48.

If cot θ= tan (pi/6) what is cos θ? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



Step-by-step explanation:

The graph of g(x) is a parabola that opens upward with a vertex at (-3, 4). Which statement is true?​


we need to have statements to see which one is true

What Is The Improper fraction for 6/7 and 4/5



11 upon 4 is your 6 upon 4 answer

Need to know if this is write. if not, please correct.

Classify each pair of angles listed below as adjacent or vertical.


They are completely opposite of what they are supposed to be. Switch out the ones you have in adjacent for the ones in vertical

A sample of 76 body temperatures has a mean of 98.7. Assume that o is known to be 0.5 °F. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the mean body temperature of the population is equal to 98.5 °F, as is commonly believed. What is the value of test statistic for this testing?


The value of the test statistic in the scenario given above is 3.487

The test statistic can be calculated as follows:

t = (mean - hypothesized mean) / (standard deviation / √(sample size))

mean = 98.7

hypothesized mean = 98.5

standard deviation = 0.5

sample size = 76

Plugging these values into the formula, we get the following test statistic:

t = (98.7 - 98.5) / (0.5 / √(76)) = 3.487

Therefore, the value of the test statistic in the above scenario is 3.487

Learn more on test statistic:


Can someone explain why the answer is True. Will make brainliest.




Step-by-step explanation:

With Sin and Cos, the rule is that the opposites are the same:



In this problem, it is showing SinA=cosB, so it is the same, it is true.

Hope this helps!

A backpack is on sale for 30% off. If the sales price is $15.75, what is the original price? Show your work.




Step-by-step explanation:

As it is 30% off, $15.75 is 70% of the full price. You can then divide 15.75 by 70 [= 0.225] to get 1% of the full price. Multiply 0.225 by 100 to get the full price. 0.225 x 100 = 22.5

We can check that this answer is correct by multiplying 22.50 by 0.7. If you get 15.75 you know the answer is correct as 15.75 is 70% of the full price.

22.50 should be the answer

In circle O, radius OQ measures 9 inches and arc PQ measures 6π inches. Circle O is shown. Line segments P O and Q O are radii with length of 9 inches. Angle P O Q is theta. What is the measure, in radians, of central angle POQ? StartFraction 2 pi Over 3 EndFraction radians StartFraction 3 pi Over 4 EndFraction centimeters StartFraction 4 pi Over 3 EndFraction radians StartFraction 3 pi Over 2 EndFraction radians


The answer is A. 2pi/3 radians.


First Option


A)  2pi/3 radians

Hope this helps :)



I believe the answer is 279.98.

Which is the most reasonable estimate of 132% of 48?


The most reasonable estimate of 132% of 48 is 60. The correct answer is (C) 52.

To find the most reasonable estimate of 132% of 48,

A reasonable estimate does not exceed the original numbers in a problem. Let us look at a reasonable estimate.
we need to use the following formula:

Most reasonable estimate = Closest multiple of 10To use this formula, we first need to find 132% of 48.132% of 48 can be calculated as follows:132/100 x 48 = 63.36

Now, we need to find the closest multiple of 10 to 63.36.The closest multiple of 10 to 63.36 is 60.

To know more about reasonable estimate:


To find out the most reasonable estimate of 132% of 48, we can multiply the given percentage with 48.

Therefore, the most reasonable estimate of 132% of 48 is 64.

132% of 48 = (132/100) × 48

= 63.36

Since we are looking for an estimate, we can round off the above answer to the nearest whole number. Here, we have two possible options:

63 and 64.132% of 48 is slightly greater than half of 48 (which is 24) + 24. So, the answer should be slightly greater than 48 + 24 = 72. Therefore, the most reasonable estimate of 132% of 48 is 64. Thus, the correct answer is b.6.5.

To know more about estimate visit


An airplane's altitude changed -378 feet over 77 minutes. What was the mean change of altitude in feet per minute?



-4.91 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Mean is a measure of central tendency. It is the average of a set of numbers. It is determined by adding the numbers together and dividing it by the total number

Mean = Total change in altitude / total time

378 / 77 = 4.91

If (81)(27)2x-5-93-4⁰, then x = ________


The value of x that satisfies the equation (81)(27)^(2x-5) - 9^(3-4x) = 0 is x = 17/14.

To find the value of x in the equation (81)(27)^(2x-5) - 9^(3-4x) = 0, we can use the properties of exponents and logarithms to simplify and solve the equation. By equating the bases and exponents on both sides, we can determine the value of x.

We start by simplifying the equation. Applying the exponent properties, we have (3^4)(3^3)^(2x-5) - (3^2)^(3-4x) = 0.

Simplifying further, we get (3^(4 + 3(2x-5))) - (3^(2(3-4x))) = 0.

Using the property (a^b)^c = a^(b*c), we can rewrite the equation as 3^(4 + 6x - 15) - 3^(6 - 8x) = 0.

Combining like terms, we have 3^(6x - 11) - 3^(6 - 8x) = 0.

To equate the bases and exponents, we set 6x - 11 = 6 - 8x.

Simplifying the equation, we get 14x = 17.

Dividing both sides by 14, we find that x = 17/14.

Therefore, the value of x that satisfies the equation (81)(27)^(2x-5) - 9^(3-4x) = 0 is x = 17/14.

Learn more about exponents here:


HELP NOW!!! 100 POINTS! Cylinder A has a radius of 10 inches and a height of 5 inches. Cylinder B has a volume of 750π. What is the percentage change in volume from cylinder A to cylinder B?

50% decrease
75% decrease
50% increase
200% increase



50% increase

Step-by-step explanation:

The percentage change in volume from cylinder A to cylinder B is 50% volume increased by 50% option (C) is correct.

What is a cylinder?

In geometry, it is defined as the three-dimensional shape having two circular shapes at a distance called the height of the cylinder.

We know the formula for the volume of the cylinder is given by:

[tex]\rm V = \pi r^2h[/tex]

We have r = 10 inches and h = 5 inches

[tex]\rm V = \pi \times10^2\times5[/tex]

V = 500π cubic inches

Percent change in volume from cylinder A to cylinder B:

[tex]=\rm \frac{750\pi-500\pi}{500\pi} \times100[/tex]

= 50%

Thus, the percentage change in volume from cylinder A to cylinder B is 50% volume increased by 50% option (C) is correct.

Learn more about the cylinder here:


The total number of passengers riding a certain city bus during the morning shift is 1,100. If the child's fare is $0.5o, the adult fare is $1.25, and the total revenue from the fares in the morning shift is $1,200, how many children and how many adults rode the bus during the morming shift? (Letx and y denote the number of children and adults, respectively.)


A total of 233 children and 867 adults rode the bus during the morning shift.

Let x represent the number of children and y represent the number of adults riding the bus during the morning shift.

We know that the total number of passengers is 1,100, so we can write the equation:

x + y = 1,100

The child's fare is $0.50, and the adult fare is $1.25. The total revenue from the fares is $1,200, so we can write another equation:

0.50x + 1.25y = 1,200

To solve this system of equations, we can use substitution or elimination.

Let's use substitution to solve for x:

From the first equation, we have: x = 1,100 - y

Substituting this into the second equation:

0.50(1,100 - y) + 1.25y = 1,200

Simplifying the equation:

550 - 0.50y + 1.25y = 1,200

0.75y = 650

y = 650 / 0.75

y ≈ 866.67

Since we can't have a fraction of a person, we can approximate y to the nearest whole number:

y = 867

Substituting this value of y back into the first equation:

x + 867 = 1,100

x ≈ 233

Therefore, approximately 233 children and 867 adults rode the bus during the morning shift.

To know more about rode bus refer here:


The number of peopie that have "liked" Mindy's Candy Store web

site can be represented by y = 270(1.65), where t is the number of weeks after a

review in a national magazine. Interpret the parameters of the equation. Make a

prediction about the future number of likes on the web site.



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that, the number of people who liked Mindy's website is given by :

270(1.65)^t ; t = number of weeks after a review

Interpreting the equation :

The equation represents an exponential growth function :

y = a(1 + r)^t

a = initial amount ; r = growth rate ; t = period

Comparing the function with the equation given ;

270 = a = number of people who liked the website before the review

1 + r = 1.65

r = 1.65 - 1

r = 0.65 ; 0.65 * 100% = 65%

Site grew at a rate of 65% per week after review

Ther predicted number of likes 2 weeks after the review :

y = 270(1.65)^2

y = 270 * 2.7225

y = 735.075

Hence, number of likes after 2 weeks = 735

Can someone plz help me



IT's d!!!!!

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose the prevalence of is 12.5%. We assume the
diagnostic test has a sensitivity of 80% and a
95% specificity. What is the probability of getting a negative


The probability of getting a negative result is 0.175 or 17.5%.

To calculate the probability of getting a negative result, we need to consider the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic test.

Given that the prevalence of the condition is 12.5%, we can assume that 12.5% of the population has the condition, and the remaining 87.5% does not.

The sensitivity of the test is 80%, which means that it correctly identifies 80% of the individuals with the condition as positive.

The specificity of the test is 95%, which means that it correctly identifies 95% of the individuals without the condition as negative.

To calculate the probability of getting a negative result, we need to consider both the true negative rate (1 - sensitivity) and the proportion of individuals without the condition (1 - prevalence).

Probability of getting a negative result = (1 - sensitivity) × (1 - prevalence)

= (1 - 0.80) × (1 - 0.125)

= 0.20 * 0.875

= 0.175

Therefore, the probability of getting a negative result is 0.175 or 17.5%.

Learn more about probability


whats is the answer to this equation?

who ever gets the right answer gets 25 points.



51.2 m

Step-by-step explanation:

To find perimeter add all sides up

In a right triangle, one acute angle measure 35 degrees and its adjacent side is 40 yards.
Find the opposite side.
Paragraph. Describe how to find the opposite side of one right triangle with one acute angle of 35 degrees and adjacent side of 40 yards.
Word Bank: right triangle, opposite and adjacent side,



Opposite side =28 yards

Step-by-step explanation:

Tan_°=Opposite÷ Adjacent

Tan 35° =Opposite÷40yards



when loaded with iron rods a lorry has mass of 12000kg. if the mass of iron rods is there times that of the empty lorry . find the mass or iron.


Complete Question

When loaded with iron rods a lorry has mass of 12000kg. if the mass of iron rods is three times that of the empty lorry, find the mass of iron.



Step-by-step explanation:

Let us represent

Mass of lorry = x

Mass of iron rods = y

x + y = 12000kg..... Equation 1

x = 12000kg - y

We are told that:

If the mass of iron rods is three times that of the empty lorry, find the mass of iron.

x = 3y

We substitute 3y for x in Equation 1

x = 12000kg - y

3y = 12000kg - y

Collect like terms

3y + y = 12000kg

4y = 12000kg

Divide both sides by 4

y = 12000kg/4

y = 3000kg

Note that:

Mass of iron rods = y

Hence, Mass of iron rods = 3000kg

2/3 x 6 need help asap​




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 x 6 is 4 because when you times the 2 in 2/3 u get 12 and 12/3 is the same as 4

Help plssss I need to find mr pryor account balance




Step-by-step explanation:

We are to find the total amount after 4 years

Principal => $1,250

Rate => 4.25%

The formula to find the total amount =

A = P(1 + rt)

First, converting R percent to r a decimal

r = R/100 = 4.25%/100 = 0.0425 per year.

Solving our equation:

A = 1250(1 + (0.0425 × 4)) = 1462.5

A = $1,462.50

The total amount accrued, principal plus interest, from simple interest on a principal of $1,250.00 at a rate of 4.25% per year for 4 years is $1,462.50.

Can the following side measures make a triangle: 11in., 12in. and 13in?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hello There!

Remember the sum of the two shorter sides has to be greater than the largest side in order for it to be a triangle

11+12 must be greater than 13


23>13 therefore the side lengths can form a triangle

Other Questions
Suppose the reserve requirement is initially set at 15%. a. At a reserve requirement of 15%, what is the value of the money multiplier? b. If the reserve requirement is 15% and the Fed increases reserves by $20 billion, what is the total increase in the money supply? The weight of a randomly chosen Maine black bear has expected value E[W] = 650 pounds and standard deviation sigma_W = 100 pounds. Use the Chebyshev inequality to determine an upper bound for the probability that the weight of a randomly chosen bear is at least 200 pounds heavier than the average weight of 650 pounds. P[W greaterthanorequalto 850] lessthanorequalto One of management's responsibilities is to ensure their team's work aligns to the company's business strategies. Respond to the following prompt in a minimum of 175 words: - What leadership theories have you seen used in your own workplace? - Which were most effective? - Which were the least effective? Why? - How did the execution of these theories align with your company's business strategies? For each of the following produces, explain whether the change in the market price and quantity sold reflects a shift in supply or a shift in demand and in what direction. Product Prices Quantity sold Supply or demand curve shift? Direction? Sales of ice cream after doctors Up Up confirm that it is really good for your health Mobile data after Down Up technology becomes cheaper Up Down Salmon after we completely pollute the ocean down down Sales of CBS All Access if their new Star Trek shows are bad 20C Tom sells mutual funds on a graduated commission structure. He receives 2.5% on the first $40,000 of sales in a month, 3.6% on the next $40,000, and 4.7% on all further sales. What are his gross earnings for a month in which he sells $170,000 worth of mutual funds? Please solve the problem with clear steps in one hour!3. ODE solutions using Laplace transforms Solve the following initial value problem using Laplace transforms: y' + 2y = 0, y(0) = 1.5 what is the distance along the unit circle between any two successive 8th roots of 1?a. /8b. /6c. /4d. /2 Answer the following: A) In Kerberos, When Alice receives a reply, how does she know it came from Bob (that it's not a replay of an earlier message from Bob)? B) What does the Ticket contain that allows Alice and Bob to talk securely? [3 + 3 = 6] please use financial calc/ formula not excell thank you!4. River Corp. has 6.75 percent coupon bonds making annual payments with a YTM of 9 percent. The current yield on these bonds is 7.5 percent. How many years do these bonds have left until they mature? In quadrilateral ABCD, ABC is a right angle and AB = 4 units. Quadrilateral ABCD is dilated by a scale factor of 2 with point B as the center of dilation,resulting in the image, quadrilateral ABCD. Which statement is true?OA AB is 6 units long and lies on the same line as AB.OB. AB' is 8 units long and lies on the same line as AB.OC. AB' is 8 units long but lies on a different line than AB.OD. AB is 6 units long but lies on a different line than AB.ResetNext The more interesting part of the afterlife by Gary Soto in chapter 1 and 2? jm case inc. has a market value of $5 million with 500,000 shares outstanding. the book value of its equity is $1,750,000. what is jm cases price per share? How do performance metrics assist with the "work life adjust ofrepresentative" you mentioned? Peter is a student. All of Peter's disposable income is used to pay his post-secondary education expenses. While he has no liabilities (he is on a scholarship), he does have a credit card that he typically uses for emergencies. He and his friend went on a $2000 shopping spree in Toronto, which Peter charged to his credit card. Peter has $50 in his wallet, but his bank accounts are empty. Peter has an old TV worth about $170. Peter's other assets total about $297. What is Peter's debt to asset ratio, as a percentage?OA. 4.283OB. 428 3OC. 3.868OD. 386.85 Assume that you plan to use a significant level of a equals 0.05 to test the claim that P1 equal pay to use the given sample size and numbers of success is defined the polled estimate P round your answer to the nearest thousand n1= 255 n2= 270 X1 = 82 X2= 88 The importance of love in deciding to marry is a recent innovation in the long history of human existence.a. Trueb. False At the beginning of the year, an investment fund was established with an initial deposit of 1000. A new deposit of 1000 was made at the end of 4 months. Withdrawals of 200 and 500 were made at the end of 6 months and 8 months, respectively. The amount in the fund at the end of the year is 1560. Calculate the dollar-weighted yield rate earned by this fund during the year. 28.89% 26.00% 22.61% 20.00% 18.57% Which of the following is NOT a reason that a researcher might choose a pretest/posttest design?a. To ensure that random assignment made the treatment/comparison groups equalb. To determine how groups change over the course of the experimentc. To allow for the study of spontaneous behaviorsd. To make a strong causal claim 5) According to the video, the purpose in asking the right questions of a customer is to ________________ __________.a.get to know a customers needsb.eliminate all barriers to doing business togetherc.become familiar with the prospective customers companyd.become friends with the customer.e.understand a customers personality A small publishing company is planning to publish a new book. The production costs will include one-time fixed costs (such as editing) and variable costs (such as printing). There are two production methods it could use. With one method, the one-time fixed costs will total 44,907, and the variable costs will be per book. With the other method, the one-time fixed costs will total 22,907, and the variable costs will be 23.25 per book. For how many books produced will the costs from the two methods be the same?