I need help ASAP
I will mark brain and follow for the first person who answers this question, thank you!

I Need Help ASAPI Will Mark Brain And Follow For The First Person Who Answers This Question, Thank You!


Answer 1




Sorry I need points.

But can you mark me brainliest

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How does effective communication of values help in building a sustainable relationship with your friends? ​



the more you listen the more you learn about others perspectives and listening thoughtfully without judgement or interruption is also another way to show of caring and respect. With stronger relationships come deeper feelings of trust.

Which form of conflict would be in play if the government began to restrict immigration to residents of an entire religious group due to the hostility with a foreign nation?



open society vs. national security


got it right on my quiz

What are the legislations for age discrimination


Explanation: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 protects workers who are age 40 and older from workplace discrimination. It prohibits employers from making decisions to hire, fire, or promote employees based on their age.

Why do you think the unemployment rate in south africa is so high​



Inadequate education and lack of productivity is costing jobs. Unemployment increases progressively with decreased educational levels; and the education system is not producing the skills for the labour market. Labour supply is affected by the increase in the number of job seekers over the years.


valuation methodologies - an overview


Valuation methodologies are methods used to determine the value of an asset or business.

Valuation methodologies provide a framework for assessing the value of assets, businesses, or financial instruments. These methodologies are used by investors, analysts, and appraisers to determine fair value or market worth.

Common valuation approaches include the income approach, market approach, and asset-based approach. The income approach focuses on the future income generated by an asset or business and typically involves discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis.The market approach compares the asset to similar assets in the market using metrics such as multiples of earnings or sales. The asset-based approach values the asset based on its underlying tangible and intangible assets, deducting liabilities.Each valuation methodology has its strengths and limitations, and the choice of approach depends on the nature of the asset or business being valued, the purpose of the valuation, and the availability and reliability of data.Valuation methodologies are essential in various contexts, such as mergers and acquisitions, investment analysis, financial reporting, and legal proceedings. They provide a systematic and structured approach to assessing the worth of an asset, enabling informed decision-making, negotiations, and risk assessment.

It is important to note that accurate valuations require sound judgment, careful consideration of assumptions, and reliance on relevant data. Valuation professionals often combine multiple methodologies and employ professional judgment to arrive at a reasonable and defensible valuation conclusion.

For more questions on Valuation methodologies



Which officials may best be able to change local laws pertaining to a local park? A.) the local town mayor and council B.) the president of the United States C.)the governor of the state the county freeholder D.)a Supreme Court Justice


Answer: A



well i put  A.) the local town mayor and council  C.)the governor of the state and the county freeholder  


i dont know if their is more or not but im stuck on this question to

The Venn diagram below shows some characteristics of civil and criminal law.

Which statement completes the Venn diagram?

A. There are no rules of evidence.

B.Trials never require a jury.

C.The losing side pays all court costs.

D. The defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

I'll give 90 points if you answer this question correctly.



D. The defendant is innocent until proven guilty.


I was taking a test with the same question and guessed and I got it right :)

In the provided Venn diagram, the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is a Venn diagram?

A Venn diagram employs circles or other shapes that overlap to show the logical connections between two or more sets of objects. They frequently serve to visually group objects while highlighting their similarities and differences.

A space at the center of a Venn diagram is created by the intersection of two sizable circles. Each circle symbolizes a different aspect that you wish to contrast and compare. You would put characteristics that the two things share where the two circles meet.

A Venn diagram consists of several closed curves overlapping, often circles, with each curve denoting a set. The elements of a curve with the letter S inside it are represented by the points inside the curve, while the points outside the curve represent the elements outside the curve.

Learn more about the Venn diagram here:



Provide any THREE types of financial assistance that can be applied for
after Grade 12 to study and briefly discuss them IN YOUR OWN WORDS.​



Financial aid differs from other funding options in that it take many form : loans,bursaries, scholarships

The THREE types of financial assistance that can be applied for after Grade 12 to study  are:

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)LoansScholarshipFinancial assistanceFree Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a financial assistance that can be applied for as they help to provide financial aids or financial grants to college student.

Loans is a financial assistance as this will enables you to meet your educational needs.

Scholarship is a financial assistance as this will help to cover your tuition fees and education expenses.

Inconclusion the financial assistance that can be applied for after Grade 12 to study  are: Free Application for Federal Student Aid, Loans and Scholarship.

Learn more about financial assistance here:brainly.com/question/26499492

Select the correct answer from each drop down menu.

A product description describes (?)and(?).
1. How to use a device, its limitations
2. The design of a device, the process it undergoes
3. The benefits of a device, each of its parts



The design of a device , each of its parts


It's correct , just took the test

How was Blaise Pascal influenced by the time in which he lived?



please give me brainlist and follow


Mystic Hexagram and Religious Conversion

It was there, at age 16, that Pascal presented a number of his early theorems, including his Mystic Hexagram, to some of the premier mathematical thinkers of the time. ... Their influence, presumably coupled with trauma over Etienne's health, led the family to convert.

what is the purpose of hypotheses in the hypothetico-deductive method?
A- to farmulate a theory to be submitted to empirical test
B- to triangulate the findings
C- to verify scientific theories
D- to interpret social phenomena
E- to draw the right conclusions from the experience ​



The correct answer is A. To formulate a theory to be submitted to empirical test.


In empirical science, a hypothesis or research question is a proposition that has not yet been proven, and that serves as the starting point for an experiment or for a focused observation. Regardless of the amount of evidence supporting the hypothesis, one reproducible negative experiment is sufficient to undermine it. Experiments or targeted observations must be conceivable that would falsify the hypothesis if the results of that experiment contradict the hypothesis.

What should community safety look like and how can we attain that? i just need some other ideas pls :)) thank youuu




Community safety is basically the same as safety anywhere. It is when the individuals within the community have the peace of mind of walking at any hour around the community as well as leave their kids playing in the street knowing that no one is going to harm them and they are as safe as if they were inside the house. This may or may not be attainable but there are many things that can be done to help make the community safer. Neighborhood Watch is one way, having people take turns looking over the community and reporting anything suspicious helps drastically. Community Meetings, having meetings to talk about important safety issues and changes that can be made also helps. Fast Response, if something happens and the community has a fast medical, police, fire, etc. response it helps make the community members feel safer knowing if something happens help will arrive fast.


Community safety is about helping communities to be and feel safe. It is important that you feel safe where you live, work or spend your leisure time. There are ways that you can get involved to help improve the safety of your own community.

Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) are statutory bodies, set up to help make communities safer. They also make sure that the voices of local people are heard on policing and community safety issues.


aim to support communities develop solutions that help tackle crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour monitor police performance help gain the co-operation of the public with the police in preventing crime and enhancing local community safety Each PCSP has a policing committee to deal with police monitoring and engagement with local communities.

PCSPs may also set up delivery groups to address particular community safety issues that arise in their areas.

There are 11 PCSPs  across Northern Ireland, one working in each council district.

What is your opinion on the military coup in Myanmar?



The Tatmadaw invoked the Constitution (which it drafted back in 2008) to declare a state of emergency for a year; the already-powerful commander in chief, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, is now essentially a dictator. He has pledged “to practice the genuine, discipline-flourishing multiparty democratic system in a fair manner” and has announced plans to hold another election at an unspecified date.


Why this? Why now? The military has manufactured a crisis so that it could step in again as the purported savior of the Constitution and the country, while vanquishing an ever-popular political foe.

How might the agriculture revolution have caused it led to the industrial revolution?
Explain your answer in at least 2 sentences. !!



Let me answer you...


The Agricultural Revolution has therefore been cited as a cause of the Industrial Revolution. As enclosure deprived many of access to land or left farmers with plots too small and of poor quality, increasing numbers of workers had no choice but migrate to the city.

5. The following political cartoon depicts which concept?
A. nationalism
B. imperialism
C. militarism
D. alliances


A. Nationalism

Explanation: Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests

list and briefly discuss 10 coping and management strategies and techniques you can use to deal with stress​


Exercise) To start with, physical activity can help improve your sleep. And better sleep means better stress management. Doctors don’t yet know exactly why, but people who exercise more tend to get better deep “slow wave” sleep that helps renew the brain and body. Just take care not to exercise too close to bedtime, which disrupts sleep for some people.Meditation) It has been around for over 5,000 years for a reason. Meditation works well for many people and has many benefits. It can lower stress, anxiety, and chronic pain as well as improve sleep, energy levels, and mood.Inner voice) Nothing affects your stress levels like the voice inside your head. The good news is you are in control. You can exchange negative thoughts for positive ones. There are more benefits to positive self-talk (talking to yourself) than reducing stress. These include a longer life, lower levels of depression, greater resistance to the common cold and cardiovascular disease, and better coping skills for when hard times hit.Laugh therapy) When you laugh, you take in more oxygen. Your heart, lungs, and muscles get a boost and your body releases those feel-good hormones. Laughter also improves your immune system, lessens pain, and improves your mood for long periods time. Diet) The benefits of eating health foods extend beyond your waistline to your mental health. A healthy diet can lessen the effects of stress, build up your immune system, level your mood, and lower your blood pressure. Lots of added sugar and fat can have the opposite effect. And junk food can seem even more appealing when you’re under a lot of stress.Sleep) A common side effect of stress is that you may struggle to fall asleep. If this happens three times a week for at least 3 months, you may have insomnia, an inability to fall and stay asleep. Lack of sleep can also add to your stress level and cause a cycle of stress and sleeplessness.Relaxation Techniques) Yoga. This is a form of exercise, but it can also be a meditation. There are many types of yoga. The ones that focus on slow movement, stretching, and deep breathing are best for lowering your anxiety and stress.Deep breathing) When you practice deep breathing, you turn on your body’s natural ability to relax. This creates a state of deep rest that can change how your body responds to stress. It sends more oxygen to your brain and calms the part of your nervous system that handles your ability to relax.Try belly breathing. Get comfortable, close your eyes, and place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Take a deep breath in through your nose. You should feel your belly rise more than your chest. Now, exhale through your nose and pay close attention to how your body relaxes. Repeat.Connect with people) Spend time with a friend or family member who will listen to you. It is a natural way to calm you and lower your stress. When you connect with people in person, your body releases a hormone that stops your fight-or-flight response. You relax.Take a Break

The coping and management strategies and techniques one can use to deal with stress​ are:

Be involved in exercises such as Yoga.Do Get adequate sleep.Have a Healthy eating lifestyle.Try and Listen to music.Drop any kind of electronics 30-60 minutes before one goes to bed.Do meditate before bedtimeHave different kinds of relaxation at bedtime.Eat Well and reduce Alcohol and Stimulants intake.Try and connect with Supportive People.DO Re-balance your Work and Home

How are coping strategies needful?

Coping skills are known to be things or factors that help one to be able to tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful things in life.

The act of handling stress well can help a person to feel better physically and psychologically.

Learn more about stress from


As a future teacher what is your own assessment philosophy and explain your reason of choosing such philosophy.​



I believe a good teacher, first, has a powerful faith in the future. Like the forester planting an oak seedling knowing he or she will never see the tree in all its glory, I know I may never see the fruits of my labors as teacher. My calling is to plant and nurture seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow.

The good teacher knows and understands students, how they develop and learn. I know that students actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on past experiences and prior learning. I know that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate. I believe it is my responsibility as a teacher to be an effective diagnostician of students’ interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. I must then plan learning experiences that will both challenge and allow every student to think and grow.

. Liquid water at the earth's surface cannot:
A. evaporate
B. flow
C. infiltrate
D. precipitate



c. infiltrate  or b. flow im pretty sure its b

Explanation: i took this test l

As long as 3.8 billion years ago, Earth was the blue planet. There is indisputable proof that liquid water has been present at the Earth's surface for at least this long because to ancient sedimentary rock deposits and lava that cooled into distinctive pillow formations. Hence option C is correct .

What about Earth's Surface ?

The abundance of oceans on Earth, however, begs the question of where all that water originated from given how many arid rocks there are in the cosmos.

Geoscientists are still debating two opposing hypotheses. One hypothesis is that the water on Earth may have been brought there by asteroids and comets that impacted the planet.

The alternative idea, however, which holds that water was always present in the Earth's mantle rocks and was progressively released to the surface through volcanoes, has been supported by recent studies.

Working Finding out which mechanism was more crucial would help us in our search for other planets that might support life as well as better understand the history of the Earth.

Learn more about Liquid water here


# SPJ 2

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic associated with a profession?
Advanced education
Mastery of knowledge and skills
The need to be licensed
Short workdays



short workdays is not a characteristc associated with a profession

list the major industries of nepal​







According to the CIA, major industries in Nepal include tourism, carpets, textiles, small rice jute, sugar, and oilseed mills; cigarettes, cement and brick factories.




Priming A. is very susceptible to disruption via injury or aging. B. includes the propensity to choose words from a word-list despite having no recollection of having recently encountered those words. C. refers to the enhancement of memory recall by the deliberate rehearsal of earlier events in the day. D. refers to enhanced digit-memory span after performing general memory exercises. E. refers to a memory store that is infallible because it involves no conscious decision-making.



B. includes the propensity to choose words from a word-list despite having no recollection of having recently encountered those words.


Priming makes use of a stimulus like  words, images or actions that can change the behavior of someone.

It includes the behaving in a certain way of choosing words from a list of words even though there is no recollection of using those words that were recently encountered.

Dmitri is in charge of landscape management at Play & Putt, a local golf course. Last year he put in a new type of lawn, Montague's Gold. Unfortunately, gold seems to be the operative word for the lawn this year, which is brown. Dmitri decides to wait another year and buy special fertilizers and growth supplements to see if he can get the lawn to turn green before ripping it out and starting over. Right now, Dmitri is engaged in which of the following activities?

Gathering information about alternatives

Creating a heuristic

Escalation of commitment

Making a programmed decision


Answer: Creating a heuristic


Based on the information given in the question, Dmitri is engaged in the creation of an heuristic.

A heuristic approach simply refers to the problem solving whereby a practical method is used to being about solutions which are sufficient but may not be optimal at that point in time.

What is the material used in scientific research?​



Answer Below:


The materials and methods section (or sometimes called the methods section) is the heart of your scientific article because it shows the credibility and validity of your work. The materials and methods section is a section in the scientific article containing the experimental design of the study.

define negotiation style accommodation​


Accommodating negotiators are the direct opposite of competitive negotiators. They focus on preserving relationships and building a friendly rapport by sacrificing some of their company's interests in favor of the opposite party's interests

The Bill of Rights originally was meant to protect the rights of individuals and groups from whom? Select one: A. the Federal Government B. State Governments C. the English Crown D. the French Crown​


A. the Federal Government (:

What was an immediate impact of Black Tuesday? (1 point)

The outbreak of World War II

A revolution in Russia

Widespread bank closures

The establishment of the Civilian Conservations Corps



Widespread bank closures


Black Tuesday triggered a chain of catastrophic macroeconomic events in the US and Europe, which included mass bankruptcies and unemployment, and dramatic declines in production and money supply.

Hope this helped!!

Answer:Widespread bank closures


great depression: describe what life was like in the 1920s


Low crop prices hurt farmers, but there were other factors at work. Farm families had to pay high prices for farm machinery through the 1920s. Also, rates to haul grain were much higher than they had been before the war. Many rural areas had built new schools and put gravel on country roads when times were good.
hope this helps!:)

why are human resource important​



Because you can't live without human resources.........


They can make the most valuable use of characteristics to create more resources by applying knowledge, skills, and technology. Improving the quality of people's skills so they can form more is human resource development.


I’ve tried this multiple times



I think it is B mostly why let me explain

yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. during its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the united States and Spain into war in cuba and the philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.Yellow journalism contributed to the start of the war by swaying peoples opinion to be in support the war. Publisher of the new York Journal newspaper used yellow journalism to influence the Spanish-American War.

The Crusades occurred______
A. Mostly before the 14th century
B. In 1147
C. Mostly before the 11th century
D. In 1100
(Pls help im actually stuck on this)



A) mostly before the 14th century

Other Questions
1. The ripple effect negatively impacts the businesses around each other. True/ False2. Niche industries are small companies that can provide goods and services that larger companies cannot. They can improve the lives of those around them. True/Falsehelp A tank contains 120 liters of oil initially. Oil is being pumped out of the tank at a rate R(t), where R(t) is measured in gallons per hour, and t is measured in hours. The table below shows selected values for R(t). Using a trapezoidal approximation with three subintervals and the data from the table, find an estimate of the number of gallons of oil that are in the tank at time t = 14 hours. t (hours) 2 5 10 14 R(t) gallons per hour 8.2 7.8 8.6 9.3 A. 220.8 . 19.2 C. 100.8 D. 18.75 A rectangular garden sits next to a house. There is fencing on three sides of thegarden and the fourth side is the house. There is a total of 21.5 meters of fencingaround the garden. The length of the garden along the house is 9 meters. Whichequation can be used to find the width, w, of the garden in meters?A. 2w+9=21.5B. 2w+18=21.5C. 2w-21.5=9D. 2w+21.5=9 Let f(3) = 1/(z^2+1) Determine whether f has an antiderivative on the given domain (a) G=C\{i, i}. (b) G = {z Rez >0}. < 1 >PLAYSTORof science to answer the10The students want to see how changes to the design of the marble track willaffect the energy of the marbles.(a)As you respond to Part A, Part B, and Part C, follow the directions below.estigate how the potentialhe marbles move throughe different materials the Address all the instructions in each prompt. Use evidence from the information provided and your own knowledge ofscience to support your responses.Part AOne student wants to increase the potential energy of the marble at the startingposition. Explain one way the students can adjust the track to increase themarble's potential energy. In your explanation, describe the dimensions of any materials used to adjust the track and explain why the adjustment to the track would increase the marble'spotential energy Por qu es importante saber el origen de las palabras? HELP ME PLS!!! I WILL GIVE YOU 20 BRAINLYSSS. 2. to what lytic group does this strain of staphylococcus belong? Given a PQR with vertices P (2, 3), Q (-3, 7) and R(-1, -3): The equation of median PM is __________. traduce. use the correct form of ser or estar. 1. We are students. 2. The book is on the table.3. Julieta and Mari are artistic.4. I am messy.5. Lucas and *you are in math class. You dont have to answer all of these I just need help with at least one because I dont understand it. if you were to examine an Action Potential from a cardiac muscle cell from the ventricle and an Action Potential from an SA nodal cell which of the following would be true? D A the SA nodal cell would have a plateau within its action potential while the ventricular cell would not have a plateau KO B. the SA nodal cell would contract when stimulated by an action potential the ventricular cell would not contract C. the SA nodal cell would have a resting membrane potential the ventricular cell has a pacemaker potential C D all of the above are true O E none of the above are true how can something be evaluated using the various domains ofthought imagine that cl- ions exist in higher concentration outside a cell than inside, and that the membrane is only permeable to the cl- ions. which one of the following statements is correct? Find the value of y. Will give out a brainly for help Which Quotation shows that the narrator can see into Arthurs mind? ANSWER QUICK! Is this a complete sentence or run-on sentence I can never beat my little brother at video games, he has them all mastered. Jamar to the local snack shop near his school He bought 3 hotdogs and 2 bags of chips for $Kenny went to the same snack shop and bought 5 hotdogs and 6 bags of chips for $9.55 ordered 2 hotdogs and 3 bags of chips, then how much did she pay her order? - 100 points - Use synthetic division to completely factor:y= x^3 + 3x^2 - 13x - 15 by x + 5A - y = (x+5)(x+3)(x-1)B - y = (x+5)(x+3)(x+1)C - y = (x+5)(x-3)(x-1)D - y = (x+5)(x-3)(x+1) La relacin del aspecto de una pantalla o la relacin entre el ancho y alto de una televisin es de 16:9. El tamao de una TV est dado por la distancia diagonal de la TV, si se sabe que una HDTV tiene 41 pulgadas de ancho, determina el tamao de la pantalla. please help me! I'd be filled with so much gratitude