How has globalization impacted you and other teens around the world? Write a paragraph where you discuss at least two ways that globalization has affected you and others like you. How do you interact with the entire world?


Answer 1

Globalization has given us the ability to buy products from around the world, and given us the ability to sell products around the world. Without globalization we wouldn’t have the option of buying something cheaper from, let’s say, China. Products would most likely be more expensive here due to there being a lack of competition we have because of globalization. Globalization has also given us the ability to create and sell things to a person or place outside of the country, giving us more of a chance to sell more as well as reach more people.

Answer 2

Globalization has substantially changed the job market, to which young people, as newcomers, are “most vulnerable”. New technologies have replaced manual labour, mainly affecting low skilled jobs in the service sector. Even in China, which has seen remarkable economic growth, the rate of unemployment is rising due to the ongoing transformation from agriculture to the less employment intensive manufacturing and service industries, the reform of state-owned enterprises and the reorganization of the public sector. Trade liberalization forces companies to become more flexible and competitive. Many have become increasingly dependent on low-cost, flexible labour, often employed on an irregular basis. The outsourcing of sophisticated programming assignments and semi-skilled jobs in call centres to low-wage countries is perhaps the best known example of the global shift of employment opportunities for young people.

Migration, both within and between countries, is another aspect of globalization. Young people have always been a significant group among migrants. As foreign investment often creates job opportunities in the cities of host countries, rural workers move to the cities. In 2003, 48 per cent of the world’s population lived in urban areas, and it is projected that over 50 per cent will do so by 2007.c In 2002, there were 175 million international migrants. On the basis of available immigration data, it is estimated that some 15 per cent, or 26 million, are youth.d Every day thousands of young people illegally try to pursue a life of fortune in a rich country, often motivated by unrealistic information and high expectations. A parallel industry of illicit travel agents, job brokers and middlemen has arisen, which directs the trafficking of these migrants. The past two decades have seen a dramatic increase in the trafficking of girls and young women, who are often lured into prostitution. Young women and girls who are impoverished, uneducated or from indigenous, ethnic minority, rural or refugee groups are most vulnerable to being trafficked.

Globalization has numerous consequences for youth cultures. The increase in media streams has resulted in global consumerism. Through television, music videos and movies, American and European-produced content is increasingly dominating entertainment around the world. Young people tend to adopt and interpret global products in terms of their own local cultures and experiences, thereby creating new hybrid cultural forms whose meanings vary with local and national circumstances. Many youth in developing countries, as well as marginalized youth in the industrialized world, are unable to fulfil their raised expectations of material wellbeing. This may result in alienation and frustration and, potentially, in crime and social strife.

Young people around the world show concern about the negative consequences of globalization, such as unequal distribution of wealth and environmental degradation. The anti-globalization movement has expanded all over the world and comprises a heterogeneous group of non-governmental organizations, student groups, political organizations and civil rights activists. The movement fights for various issues such as global justice, fair trade, debt relief, and sustainable development. Remarkable results have been achieved in the last two decades, including in the recognition of basic universal rights and in the prevention of global threats. Despite the presence of many active youth in the international arena, it may be argued that the diverse landscape of issues, opinions, interests and beliefs among young people hampers the emergence of a strong unified voice of young people and of a global youth and student movement.

In order to address some of the concerns related to migration of youth, young people need to have viable alternatives to remain in their countries. This means addressing root causes such as poverty, and by doing so, seeking to redress the inequalities between rich and poor nations. It also requires that young people are provided, through education and skills training, with the knowledge and confidence to become successful participants in the labour markets of their own countries.

Most migration data is not disaggregated by age. Data on the outflow and inflow of young nationals would be a useful supplement to an analysis of the global youth employment situation.

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List out four advantages of secularism. ​



Freedom to choose and practice your belief/faith/religion. 2.No state laws could be made against religious system. 3. Political systems can make and enforce civil codes without any influence of religious code.


A secular state does not has any official religion.

It neither encourages nor discourages the practice of any religion.

All citizens are free to propagate, profess or practice their own religion.

No discrimination is made among citizens on the basis of religion.

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The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The Altithermal period changed the cultures of early American Indian peoples in Oklahoma in that higher temperatures made the weather change and grasslands spread over most of the Oklahoman territory. The eastern part of Oklahoma remained with woodlands. This grassland spread helped to attract big animals such as Buffaloes and other types of animals like rabbits, deers that could adapt to the climate conditions. Of course, this factor helped to attract Native American Indians because they could hunt those animals to feed their families. So yes, changing temperatures affected society and is a major factor to limit or attract people to one territory, depending on the highs and lows of climate conditions.


may vary but should include some or all of the following information: Rising temperatures during the altithermal period affected animals and vegetation in Oklahoma. Forests grew quickly in northern Oklahoma, and deserts spread across the plains of western Oklahoma. Larger animal species went extinct. Tribes began to adapt to these changes by staying in seasonal camps, hunting smaller game, and participating in trade. They developed new tools like atlatls and bird stones to accomplish these changes.:

What is the definition of capital (one of the productive resources)?



machinery, tools and equipment which are used to make a product.


Answer: B. the equipment needed to produce goods


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There are 3 reason for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They want to improve their economy.


The Age of Exploration was rooted in new technologies and ideas growing out of the Renaissance, these included advances in cartography, navigation, and shipbuilding. The most important development was the invention of first the Carrack and then caravel in Iberia.


How was Europe affected by the age of exploration?

Impact of the Age of Exploration

New food, plants, and animals were exchanged between the colonies and Europe. Indigenous people were decimated by Europeans, from a combined impact of disease, overwork, and massacres.

The likelihood of detecting gunshot residues on swabs taken from living subjects more than six hours after a firing has occurred is _____ the likelihood of detecting gunshot residues within two hours of a firing.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You forgot to include the options of the question. However, we can answer the following.

The likelihood of detecting gunshot residues on swabs taken from living subjects up to six hours after firing has occurred is less than the likelihood of detecting gunshot residues within two hours of the firing.

Gunshots residue can last six hours after the shooting of the weapon. The GSR stays on the hands of the shooter because it deposits the particles there an on the clothes. This is why police can investigate a suspect, testing the residuals of these particles on its hands or clothes to find if indeed shoot a gun.

It is winter in London, England. what is the season in Cape Town, South Africa.



Right now in London, England, summer is coming to and end, and fall is about to start, later in September. This is the same as most seasons you will see in America, and the traditional seasons on the Eastcoast.

In Cape Town, South Africa, it is winter. Winter spans from June to August, and Spring lasts from September to November. November to February is when Summer starts!


It is winter in London, England. Summer is the season in Cape Town, South Africa. The fact that the weather is so erratic only adds to the excitement of visiting Cape Town's attractions in the dead of winter.

What season is winter in South Africa?

There are two main climate zones in South Africa. The primary winter season often lasts from May through August, and it is typically "dry" from April through October. Altitude affects temperatures significantly during this time of year. Days are often mild around the seaside, but evenings can get chilly.

With warm temperatures and sunny days, Cape Town is the perfect summer destination. Expect bright, sunny days because Cape Town receives almost all of its rainfall in the winter. This time of year can also be windy, and kiteboarding is a well-liked summertime activity.

Learn more about Season of South Africa here:


Which form of government is China?






Mao Zedong




cHow did Musa transform Timbuktu?



Mansa Musa developed cities like Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centers. He also brought architects from the Middle East and across Africa to design new buildings for his cities. Mansa Musa turned the kingdom of Mali into a sophisticated center of learning in the Islamic world.

Explanation: That is what i found hope it helps.

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Please help I’m timed!!!



Shared lawssssss



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A primary source is original material from the time period under investigation

A secondary source is something that relates to or demonstrate the primary source

why was cornelius vanderbilt a robber baron?


Answer:Because he drove companoes out of buisness

Explanation:Others saw them as Robber Barons because they were ruthless and self-centered entrepreneurs whose aggressive business practices destroyed the smaller competitors and drove many companies out of business.

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A. Businesses should be free to operate without government
B. Businesses should hire workers with many skills instead of
C. The strongest economies are the ones with the most gold and
D. private companies should give up their property to groups of workers


The answer is

Businesses should be free to operate without government regulation

The Georgia missions were built to support



the land


hope this you

When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty.” –Charles de Montesquieu Which theory does this quote support? 1.Social Contract 2.Self-government 3.Natural Rights 4.Separation of powers


Answer:When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.



Its sepparation of powers.


3. Which words are not compounds? O iceberg O frostbite O shipwreck O sinkable O icicle O defrost O snowshoes O submerge​



The answer is : Shipwreck,Defrost,icicle,sinkable


The words that are not compounds are icicle, defrost, and submerge.

What are compound words?

A word is said to be a compound word when it combines two words in it. These two words have independent meanings. In other words, when any word is made up of two words and shows a single meaning it is called as a compound word.

In the given examples the words which have two stems are iceberg, frostbite, shipwreck, and snowshoes which reflect the elements of compound words it is made up of two words. These words have two stems snow and shoes, frost and bite as well as an iceberg.

Similarly, words who does not have two stems in them or are made up of two individual words are not referred to as compound words which include icicle, defrost, and submerge.

Learn more about Compound words, here:


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its hemisphere


i have to respond to this with something i relate to and it has to be positive, what do i say??? please HELP!


Say I relate to this too I once took a (what subject this is) test and after practicing over and over I was able to get a good grade and it made me super happy when I did


You can say that you are also very persistent with your work and that you can help others with their work when needed!

What is the ratio of 40% Hydrogen 50% Oxygen and 10% Boron. Im dumb


Answer: Honestly im dumb too and im an honors student but ratios i would just do half of 40 which is 20 half of 50 which is 24 and half of 10 which is 5 Q out this problem my head hurt just looking at it


The unit discusses Venice, Italy, as a city having problems with rising sea levels. Where else would rising levels be a problem?





MILAN, Italy —  The worst flooding in Venice in more than 50 years prompted calls Wednesday to better protect the historic city from rising sea levels as officials calculated hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.

Water levels reached 74 inches Tuesday, the second-highest level ever recorded in the city and 2½ inches less than the historic 1966 flood. Another wave of exceptionally high water followed Wednesday.

Venice has a special topography that makes it particularly sensitive to climate change. It was constructed on wood piles amidst canals. The 1,600-year-old Italian lagoon city, which is slowly sinking, is being more frequently submerged by high tides as a result of rising sea levels.

Why is Venice called the sinking city?

Subsidence is a long-known problem for Venice. It was constructed on a muddy lagoon with poor foundations, and over time the ground beneath it slowly compacted. The city has been gradually sinking as a result of this, groundwater pumping out from underneath it, and an increase in sea levels.

In order to combat the rising sea levels, the city's rulers, businessmen, and citizens have either demolished older structures and built new ones on higher, impermeable stone foundations, or they have raised the entrances to the buildings that line the numerous canals that cut through the historic city.

Learn more about Venice here:


Why was the silk road closed during the tang and song dynasty?





There were no merchants on the road, and the towns along the route lost their usual bustle, which undoubtedly led to the decline of the silk road. By the time of the Song dynasty, another ethnic minority broke the silence of the silk road once again.

What is the definition of social identity? A. The combined qualities of an individual person. B. A process by which a person takes a role in creating his or her identity. C. A category of identity based on membership in a group. D. A socially determined category used to separate people.


Social identity is something in which there is a category which is used to identify people  based on membership in a group. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is membership in a group?

The term "membership in a group" is used to define a group that has a membership facility so that the people who belong to that particular group will have the ability to access and follow all kinds of norms, beliefs, and customs.

One who wants to become a member of a group has to possess some particular quality that is required to be a member of that particular group. Sometimes these groups are also called "the society."

When a person bonds to get or wants to be in a category where they can be identified on the basis of being a member of a group, this is termed social identity.

Thus, Option C is correct.

Learn more about membership from here:


What theory holds that individuals and states alike act according to the iron logic of self-interest?



- Political Realism Theory


'Political Realism Theory' is described as the theory that aims to elucidate, model, and advise political actions. It is held primarily on the idea that 'individuals, as well as, states act as per the iron logic of self-interest' as the state holders pursue power for their own interests and the individuals for their own. Power plays a significant role in determining the political action at both the domestic, as well as, international arena as it preaches the principle of 'might is right' and thus, both the individuals and states assert their power for satisfying their self-interests.

Help me "Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way." Explain what you think this means.


I think it means that purpose is why you are on that journey then passion keeps you on that journey
I think of it as a metaphor. “Purpose is the reason you journey” is meaning the reason why your taking the journey/passage your taking. “Passion is the fire that lights your way” is meaning why are you doing and what is fueling you to take action on the journey. HOPE THIS HELPS!

please helpppp!!!!!!


Answer: A is incorrect because the Sui dynasty was overthrown by a rebel group.


Answer A is the correct answer to this question

location can be used to help estimate the latitude and longitude of a place.




no, you got the order wrong. Latitude and longitude can be used to help estimate the location of a place.


_relative___location can be used to help estimate the latitude and longitude of a place

did this review Help?

Karen won’t allow any of the neighborhood children into her yard because she has a large swimming pool and doesn’t want anyone to fall in, resulting in her being responsible for the harm of a child. What type of risk is Karen trying to avoid?


Answer: well karen doesnt want to be responsible for any harm of a child

therefore shes trying to avoid child risk

How can jill use her imagination in this experiment



Jill imagines as Pill bugs will not be able to move if he places hurdles in its way.


Pill bug are the creature with flat shells and extended legs. They move after analyzing their environment through their antenna. These antenna helps the pill bug to sense the environment and move towards the clean path. They move quickly with the help of their legs. Jill experiments the movement of pill bug so he will analyse its movement and observe the affects that different materials will have on its movement.

what was roosevelt persuading his listeners to do




Roosevelt appealed to people's sense of how governments should treat their people. Roosevelt appealed to people's sense of pride in being an American. Roosevelt reassured people that the goal was not to enter the war if it could be helped.

Two skills being emphasized in schools to prepare students to succeed in today's complex society are:_________ a) Recitation and memorization b) Communication and problem-solving c) Military and survival d) Art and performance


Answer:communication and problem solving


The mean, median, and mode of a distribution are
A. measures of central tendency
B. measures of variability
C. types of transformed scores
D. types of deviations


Answer:measures of central tendency



The correct option is A. The mean, median, and mode of distribution are measures of central tendency.

What are the mean median mode and standard deviation?

Standard value (mean) Value that occurs most often (mode) Average variation from the mean of each measurement (standard deviation of the mean) span of numbers (range) that your data set falls within, and. location in the middle of the set's lowest and highest values (median)

Numbers that represent an entire collection of data or information include mean median and mode. The metrics of central tendency are together referred to as mean, median, and mode. The average is a common name for the mean.

Thus, The right answer is A. Measures of central tendency include the distribution's mean, median, and mode.

Learn more about Mean, Median, and Mode here:


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