How did the physical characteristics of the potato vary before and after the experiment? did it vary by potato type?


Answer 1

The physical characteristics of the potato varied before and after the experiment. In the experiment, the potato was sliced, boiled, and then soaked in a solution of sodium chloride.

The solution had different concentrations of sodium chloride for different potatoes. The potatoes were then left to soak for an hour before being taken out, dried, and measured.The mass of the potato was the most significant change observed in the experiment. Before the experiment, the mass of the potato was higher, but after being soaked in the solution, the mass reduced. T

Potatoes that were soaked in a more concentrated solution of sodium chloride lost more mass than those that were soaked in a less concentrated solution.Another physical characteristic that varied was the texture of the potato. Before the experiment, the potato was firm and had a consistent texture throughout. After the experiment, the potato became softer and had an inconsistent texture.

To know more about concentrations visit:


Related Questions

define a peace treaty​



My definition: A peace treaty is an agreement between two or more hostile parties, usually countries or governments, which formally ends a state of war between the parties.


Please Answer Fast will give Brainliest!!!!!


A nomad is a member of a community without fixed habitation which regularly moves to and from the same areas. Such groups include hunter-gatherers, pastoral nomads, and tinkers or trader nomads.


A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.

The Bedouin, Beduin or Bedu are nomadic Arab Tribes who have historically inhabited the desert regions in the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Upper Mesopotamia, and North Africa. However, the Arabian Peninsula is the historic and original homeland of the Bedouin Arabs.


The action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.

Hope this helps!

many americans believed that the west was vast open land in fact the land was populated with?


Native Americans and many animals. There is forests, mountains. It's more than just open land.

Answer: French Canadians, Native Americans, and Mexicans, so the answer is D: all of the above


Nearly 65% of these were purchased on credit by 1928?

A. national print
B. cars
C. Coolidge
D. advertising

6. Companies began running these type of advertising campaigns to reach people all over America?

A. national print
B. cars
C. Coolidge
D. advertising



1 B. Cars

2 A. National print

summary of the battle of lewisburg?



The Battle of Lewisburg took place in Greenbrier County, Virginia (now West Virginia) on May 23, 1862. At 5 a.m., a Confederate force of approximately 2,300 soldiers commanded by Brigadier General Henry Heth attacked a Federal force of 1,400 soldiers commanded by Colonel George Crook encamped on the outskirts the town of Lewisburg.


Is this good enough? Sorry if it doesn't


On May 23, 1862, soldiers of the North and South met in battle in the little town of Lewisburg. The victorious Union commander, Col. George Crook, passed the first important milestone in a military career which led eventually to fame as enduring as the hills. In 1862 the South was anxious to regain the valley, and the North wanted to carry the war across the mountains into central Virginia. For the unfortunate loser, Gen. Lewisburg was in the middle. On May 22, Heth's soldiers drove in Union pickets met near the Greenbrier River, where General Henry Heth was allowed to pass with all the politeness due a body of troops with such very evident fitness to take care of any situation that might arise. He had built covered sheds so they could drill during bad weather, and had the first really hardboiled army ready for action.

In those days Lewisburg had a population of about 800, six stores, one newspaper, three churches, and one academy. The Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals met here regularly, and in the first red brick building built west of the Alleghenies the jurists could consult a well-stocked library. His center stretched north on land lying above present Lee Street, behind the high school, and his right was in a wheat field on what is now the drill field of Greenbrier Military School. He sent his wagons west and formed his line of battle. At 5 a.m. Heth's artillery began bombarding the town and the Union camp on the opposite bluff, across the depression of the town proper. The 36th Ohio under Lt. Col. M. Clark was the 36th. Ohio Under Lt. Dr. Clark. He wrote later he was "at the foot of a. foot of an altitude of some 50 feet.


Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa were all examples of what vocabulary word



I do apologize if I'm wrong but they where trading centers.


1. What is the meaning of the word equivalent in paragraph 3? What clues from the paragraph provide information about the meaning of the word?

Text: According to Hesiod's Theogony, Prometheus' father was Iapetus, his mother was Clymene (or Themis in other versions) and his brothers were fellow Titans Epimetheus (Afterthought or Hindsight), Menoetius, and Atlas. One of Prometheus' sons was Deucalion, an **equivalent** of Noah, who survived a great flood by sailing in a great chest for nine days and nights and who, with his wife Pyrrha, became the founder of the human race.


2. What is the meaning of the term man’s benefactor in paragraph 7? What clues from the paragraph provide information about the meaning of the word?

Text: Zeus was outraged by Prometheus' theft of fire and so punished the Titan by having him taken far to the east, perhaps the Caucasus. Here Prometheus was chained to a rock (or pillar) and Zeus sent an eagle to eat the Titan's liver. Even worse, the liver re-grew every night and the eagle returned each day to perpetually torment Prometheus. Fortunately for **man's benefactor,** but only after many years, the hero Hercules, when passing one day during his celebrated labours, killed the eagle with one of his arrows. In Hesiod's Works & Days we are told that Zeus punished man for receiving the fire by instructing Hephaistos to create the first woman, Pandora, from clay and through her all the negative aspects of life would befall the human race - toil, illness, war, and death - and definitively separate mankind from the gods.

** - word you need to focus on



for the first one its an equal im pretty sure


if people are similar to you sometimes you call them equals

I will give brainlist please help



Alexander Hamilton if not him then James Madison.  Hope this helped.


How did the end of slavery impact labor migrations?



Migration from African, South Asian, and East Asian countries is colored in racialized shades of yellow and brown. Way to be racist, 19th century. The map might seem a little hard to read at first.

1. How can war unify a country



They realize they were wrong and decide o come together or one pulls out the white flag and surrenders


Answer and Explanation:

The war can be between a minority who have similar traits and are people who are fighting for the same cause, such as the wars the US had against Great Britain for independence.

People with similar cultures or backgrounds can become united together in a war, so that they can go against what they believe isn't right or what they believe is right for them.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Which of the following completes the graphic?

Union wins battle of Gettysburg

Cotton gin leads to an increase in slave trade

United States obtains the Louisiana purchase

President Andrew Johnson impeached



I think it is a, union wins battle of gettysburg.


because its definatly not c, or b and Andrew Johnson wouldnt lead to reconstruction.

What civil rights leader did anti-communists go after?


Probably Martin Luther King


Communists were often referred to as “Reds” for their allegiance to the red Soviet flag.) Bombs went off in a wide number of cities including Boston, Cleveland, and covertly worked to intimidate and discredit the civil rights leader during the period of anticommunist hysteria known as the Red Scare.

all i found...

Why did Jackson have a war against the Bank of the United States?



Jackson, the epitome of the frontiersman, resented the bank's lack of funding for expansion into the unsettled Western territories. Jackson also objected to the bank's unusual political and economic power and to the lack of congressional oversight over its business dealings.

A financial crisis, he thought, would dramatize the need for a central bank, ensuring support for charter renewal in 1836. ... The federal deposits were not returned to the Second Bank, and its charter expired in 1836. President Jackson had won the Bank War

Why might the Nazis have wanted to use slave labor, instead of German
citizens, to keep their war machine running?



Because with the vast majority of German men fighting in the war on two fronts, it would've spread them thin to have men working too.

The passage describes how the British neglected their newfound
colony, the United States. It was during this time that Americans
decided what kind of government ideals and values they wanted.
Based on what you have read, why would America choose a
democracy with similar values to the Ancient Greeks? Which aspects
of democracy do you agree that the United States should have
chosen? Are there any characteristics that you would not have voted
for, as an early American leader? Explain your answers using details
from this passage, as well as your knowledge of current events.



The United States has a complex government system. One important tenet of this system is democracy, in which the ultimate power rests with the people. In the case of the United States, that power is exercised indirectly, through elected representatives. Although the U.S. has been a strong proponent of democracy, it did not invent democracy. The Greeks are often credited with pioneering a democratic government that went on to influence the structure of the United States. Read this article that describes how elements of ancient Greek democracy heavily influenced the figures that designed the United States government.

What put an end to the boom in canal building?

the introduction of trains

the growth of turnpikes

the population growth in eastern cities

the development of the steamboat



The canal boom ended when it became apparent in the 1830s and 1840s that most of the waterways were unprofitable.


A frontier is usually located in the center of a settled area.




this is what I found: "Frontier areas may be defined at the community level by county, ZIP code or census tract; however, they are most often delineated by county. Many frontier counties are located in the West, a part of the country where individual counties tend to cover a large geographic"

I'm not too sure if that means it's TRUE or false tho. I'm sorry




A frontier is something that separates countries, so yes.

Which of the following was NOT a result of Lennon and McCartney's visit to New York?
- They had an embarrassing experience with a TV show appearance
- They promoted their company, Apple Corps, Ltd
- Lennon saw Yoko Ono again
- McCartney ran into Linda Eastman (his future wife) again


The visit to New York by Lennon and McCartney in May 1968 did not result in McCartney running into Linda Eastman (his future wife).

The correct option is D.

The visit was primarily organized to advertise the Beatles' company, Apple Corps, Ltd and happened to include a much-maligned appearance on The David Frost Show, which Lennon and McCartney considered an embarrassing experience.

It is possible that prior to their visit, McCartney and Eastman had already had an introduction during one of McCartney's prior visits in 1967. However, during this visit, the primary legacy of the trip was Lennon's reunion with Yoko Ono, which began the couple's remarkable personal and creative relationship.

To know more about McCartney , click here:


Which of the following battles marks the turning point of World War II in the Pacific Theatre?

A) Iwo Jima
B) Pearl Harbor
C) Midway
D) Okinawa



C) Midway


Identify and describe the contributions of the Gupta. What did the Gupta build, invent, or create?


Answer:Gupta had developed advancements in Science, Engineering, art, dialectics, laterature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy. The golden age brought more knowledge including architects making amazing temples and structures.


Between 1824, when Andrew Jackson narrowly lost his bid for the presidency, and 1832, when he was elected to his second term in office, U.S. politics underwent a process of reorganization and democratization. The following questions test your knowledge of this important period in antebellum America. The election of 1824 pitted five Republican candidates against one another for the presidency. Each candidate's sectional support brought regional issues to the fore and ended the Era of Good Feelings. This question concerns the election of 1824. What important political development was prompted by the election of 1824?



John Quincy Adams defeated Andrew Jackson in 1824 by garnering more electoral votes through the House of Representatives, even though Jackson originally received more popular and electoral votes. The presidential election of 1824 represents a watershed in American politics.


this might be what your looking for

Even though Andrew Jackson had initially received more popular and electoral votes, John Quincy Adams was able to overcome him in 1824 by accumulating more electoral votes in the House of Representatives.

Who was John Quincy Adams?

From 1825 until 1829, John Quincy Adams, the son of John and Abigail Adams presided as the sixth President of the United States. He held positions as a senator, a member of the house of representatives, and a member of several political parties over the years.

Adams appointed Clay to be Secretary of State after taking office. In 1828, Jackson and his enraged supporters launched a campaign to depose Adams as president after alleging that a "corrupt agreement" had been struck.

Adams did not take kindly to the Jacksonian campaign of 1828, in which they accused him of corruption and public theft. He left Massachusetts after losing, intending to live out the rest of his days on his farm and writing books.

To learn more about John Quincy Adams follow the link.


Colorists were barned
from producing
finished goods
Conists were to
materials for England
Colonial imports had
siped to England
Ernted guts could
How did opposition to this system affect the economy of the early
G Cottage workers needed governmental assistance,
H Interstate trade taxes were forbidden
FThe government prevented taxes on domestic goods.
JA free enterprise system was adopted



"Cottage workers needed government assistance"


Decide whether each characteristic describes conditions in the North or the South at the end of the Civil War.



South - suffered huge losses...

South - faced economic failures...

North -  developed the transcontinental railroad...

North - led Reconstruction..


: )

What should African Americans do to gain their rights?




what do you mean, all men are created equal


why are snakes sacred in India/Hindus? (i need at least 2 reasons why its sacred)




Snakes are sacred in Hinduism as:



It represents rebirth, death and morality as the snakes shed their skins symbolizing it being 'reborn' or starting anew.



One of the Hindu Gods, Shiva, is shown wearing a Nag snake 'Indian Cobra' as an ornament around his neck.



how did greek thinkers doubt that the gods created events in nature to encourage education and curiosity


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there no options attached we can say the following.

Ancient Greece thinkers doubted that the gods had created events in nature to encourage education and curiosity in the following way.

These Greek thinkers and philosophers invited their students to question everything so they could use their minds and logic to come up with answers.

That represented the beginning of the philosophical schools in ancient Greece. Let's put the example of the great Socrates, who taught their students in the Agora, Socratic Mauyeutics was the technique developed by Socrates to establish a dialogue and ask questions after being answered. One question for every answer so students could permanently have an inquisitive mind.


Describe how globalization has changed culture over time.

a) Identify ONE way in which popular and consumer culture became more global in the second half of the 20th century as a result of political and social changes.

b) Identify ONE way in which entertainment shows the influence of globalized society.

c) Explain ONE way in which consumer culture became globalized and went beyond national borders.

A) One way in which popular and consumer culture became more global in the second half of the 20th century as a result of political and social changes was the fact that relations between countries were starting to get better, and in turn trade increased rapidly. Trade organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the European Union were being created, and global markets were starting to open up more and more as time went on. Popular and consumer culture was diffused through this process of increasing relations, as popular culture in other countries could be spread, and common consumer culture was easily spread through the increasingly prevalent global market that was being created.

B) One way in which entertainment shows the influence of globalized society is the fact that entertainment in foreign countries often shows the effects of westernization. What I mean by this is that in other countries such as ones in Eastern Asia and the Western Pacific, often watch American or European media, and this influences their customs, and influences society as a whole. Entertainment itself is an effect of globalization, as many TV shows are made overseas and are marketed to foreign audiences, which wouldn’t be able to happen without globalization. So, entertainment very effectively shows the influence of globalized society, as it shows how foreign businesses can now easily make it onto the most used household appliances.

C) One way in which consumer culture became globalized and went beyond national border is the introduction of technology as a medium of shopping. Technology has heavily advanced the consumer experience, as you can shop from anywhere in the world, and get a product made anywhere in the world, and get it shipped right to you. Consumer culture has become globalized through this, and has easily gone beyond national borders, as there are little restrictions on e-commerce as compared to regular commerce, and the globalization of consumer culture has increased rapidly as a result.


Nice work! You oughta answer more often so people can see your great responses. My answer is below if anyone needs it.

a) Identify ONE way in which popular and consumer culture became more global in the second half of the 20th century as a result of political and social changes.

Popular and consumer culture spread across the globe as a result of the many political and social changes that occurred in the 20th century. This can be seen widely through Reggae, World Cup soccer, Bollywood, the Olympics, etc. "The Olympics truly took off as an international sporting event after 1924, when the VIII Games were held in Paris. Some 3,000 athletes (with more than 100 women among them) from 44 nations competed that year, and for the first time, the Games featured a closing ceremony" ( explains how the Olympics became an international event with participants from across the globe. American pop culture spread throughout the globe and was accepted in many countries, even with the imposing threat of the Cold War.  

b) Identify ONE way in which entertainment shows the influence of globalized society.

TV shows and Internet series of on-demand digital companies have influenced the behavior and customs of other parts of the world. "By the start of the twenty-first century, improvements in communication technology allowed American television programs to reach distant places around the world. As of 2004, the twenty-four-hour cable news channel CNN broadcast to more than 200 countries around the world, while MTV reached 176 and Nickelodeon was available in 162" ( explains how television has become so globalized that it allows the world to stay connected, and promotes countries to observe the culture from across the globe.

c) Explain ONE way in which consumer culture became globalized and went beyond national borders.

"Consumer culture is a form of material culture facilitated by the market, which thus created a particular relationship between the consumer and the goods or services he or she uses or consumes" ( Consumerism in the U.S. spiked rapidly as early as the 1920s and spread throughout the globe after trading between countries reopened after WWII and the end of the Cold War. Consumerism became even more widespread when online shopping was pioneered, such as Amazon and Alibaba.


[tex] \huge\green{ \mid{ \underline{ \overline{ \tt ♡ WOW ♡ }} \mid}}[/tex]

Ty for ur help

Prior to the late 1400s, Europeans did not eat potatoes or corn because these vegetables: (no links no viruses) if you do links I will report you! If you get it right will mark brainlist!
A:were believed to be poisonous.
B:were too expensive to import from China.
C:had not yet been introduced from the New World.
D:were too labor-intensive to grow without slave labor.


It is C-had not yet been introduced from the Nee World

How Did California's Proposed Admission To The Union Affect The Debate Between The North And The South Over Slavery?​



How Did California's Proposed Admission To The Union Affect The Debate Between The North And The South Over Slavery?​


Quizlet  :]

Kings, Nobles, Priests, Warriors,
Merchants, Artisans, Farmers, and Slaves
Which of the above social classes would you like to live in and why?



probably artisans


i'm not an artist of any sort, but i think that it would be a pretty cool job. to take something like a blank wall or canvas and turn it into a beautiful masterpiece. merchants might be fun too, to be able to move around and learn a lot about different cultures. but then again, it was different back then so it was harder for everyone

hope this helps:)

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