How can interest rates hurt and benefits us?


Answer 1


it can hurt our record and we could earn from mistakes we make


Answer 2
Interest rates can hurt us by causing us to pay more money each month than we can afford.

Related Questions

Can you please tell me the connection to human rights for this passage. Thank you​


International human rights is a powerful idea in our time, but also the focus of numerous controversies: it not only embodies a set of ideals but also functions as a political tool, which different forces try to bend to their own ends. The result of this struggle is a process of norm contestation and norm change that the course seeks to understand. The course looks at the laws and institutions that define human rights as an international regime, in the context of key intellectual controversies and political puzzles surrounding human rights theory and practice. It discusses how human rights norms change, and it analyzes some of the challenges of contemporary human rights advocacy.

that’s your answer my love

can someone plz help no links
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

List several economic indicators. What is the purpose of measuring economic indicators? What do they measure? (Site 1)

keywords: factor, production, behavior, price, consumer, gross, domestic, unemployment, product, confidence



I cant Answer this without a PDF


I am so sorry!!

I would totally answer this but i can't

I feel bad Sorry again!!   :(

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Describe the difference between saving and investing.



personal answer: saving could be limiting the money you spend and keeping it somewhere safe instead, and investing is putting money into something to see more money as an outcome

“Saving can also mean putting your money into products such as a bank time account (CD). Investing — using some of your money with the aim of helping to make it grow by buying assets that might increase in value, such as stocks, property or shares in a mutual fund.”


A "Savings" is when you put your money in a safe place and it would also be a place that you could access whenever you want to. Some examples are CD or certificate of deposits, checking accounts, and savings accounts. Many banks will insure your accounts through the FDIC. There is a cost associated with the safety and accessibility of these saving types: the low wage your money earns while working for you.

Investing is more of a risk and you have more of a chance of losing your money than when you have it in a savings type account. The money isn't insured by the FDIC when you put it in mutual funds, securities, etc. You may even lose the money  you invested even if it's with a bank. There is also a chance to earn more money investing than you would with a savings account. The downfall is that there is more of a risk but also the chance of a larger return. 


Why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal?

No Links and No Free Point Answers

I need an actual answer, please.



I'm guessing you meant why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal important? If not, feel free to correct me and I'll give you another answer.


It's important to keep the authority that they have equal, because it allows both sides to keep the other in check. When one starts to gain more power than the other, problems will begin to ensue. If the government has more authority than the people, unreasonable laws and taxes can be set, and dictators and poverty sets in. If the people have more authority than the government, then laws can be easily disregarded without consequences, and crime rates will increase.

Can someone please help me--


Answer:5 1 2 8 9 6 10 13 4 7 3 11


Brainlist now!!!!!! just answer
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

List several economic indicators. What is the purpose of measuring economic indicators? What do they measure? (Site 1)

keywords: factor, production, behavior, price, consumer, gross, domestic, unemployment, product, confidence



I had this quation in my test so I now the enswer They measure parasitic

I got 100% on that


I hoped I helped

Why might the author have started and ended the article with details about the Crucible? *
A. to highlight challenges that male and female recruits can face after training separately
B. to explain the history of the Marine Corps
C. to illustrate how a single-gender platoon works
D. to argue that the Crucible should be done at the beginning of basic training



c to illustrated how a single -gender platoon work

C - it explains a lot I hope that this helps you!!!!!!

Who is the government and why is he the #1 person



The government isn't a person, it is the exercise of control or authority over a group of people.


how did Clarina Nichols work to promote her side of the slavery issue?


Answer: When the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 threatened to establish slavery outside of the South, Clarina Nichols uprooted her family to become a pioneer and activist in Kansas. Her efforts helped catapult her adopted state into the forefront of women's rights, gaining the respect and support of such women as Susan B.


Hope I helped :)

Can you please tell me the connection to human rights for this passage. Thank you for ur help ​



pretty sure its talking about taking black people captive so, the human rights would be to have free will to live out of captivity...i think


The government is trying to wage war

What is the thematic statement for I dissent and what was it about?



Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a collar. Actually, she has a ton of collars* She has one for every occasion, but her most famous is the Dissent Collar. She wears it when she dissents from a decision being handed down by the Supreme Court. (She also has a collar she wears when she's reading majority opinions.)

What does I dissent mean?

verb (used without object) to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from): Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision. to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.


How did the lab activities help you answer the lesson question how are you relative and Absolute dating methods used to determine the age of rocks and fossils? What did you learn from Conducting this Lab?
... Make the answer short please


Relative dating is used to determine a fossils approximate age by comparing it to similar rocks and fossils of known ages.

(Please help!)
During The New Deal,
A: The government got bigger
B: Taxes went down
C: Government spending decreases
D: Charities went out of buiesness


A the correct answer is a




Write true or false after each statement about why hoppers hop off the table.

The rubber band is stretched when the hopper is flat. True or false

The stretched rubber band is pulling on the sides of the cardboard. True or false

When you let go, the rubber band contracts and pulls the sides together causing the cardboard to push off the table. True or false

The push makes the hopper fly up into the air. True or false


Answer: The rubber band is stretched when the hopper is flat. True

The stretched rubber band is pulling on the sides of the cardboard.  false

When you let go, the rubber band contracts and pulls the sides together causing the cardboard to push off the table. false

The push makes the hopper fly up into the air. True


True, false, false, true

Brainliest IF Correct

What effects did trade have on the civilizations of the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas?



geography and trade. Geography and trade affected the development of Greece in positive and negative ways. The geography that had the most effect on Greece included the climate, the sea, and the mountains.  Greece occasionally had a warm climate, winters would be mild and rainy, and the summers would be hot, and somewhat dry. In much of Greece, temperatures ranged in winter about 50 Fahrenheit to 80 Fahrenheit in summer.


How would you describe the condition of Europe after World War I? Use specific details.


their conditions were very poor because they were dealing with the aftermath of the war and the loss of thousands.

After World War 1 conditions were chaotic in Germany and Eastern Europe. The map of Eastern Europe was redrawn several times in the next few years.
The French and the British were busily dividing the spoils of the war between them but still reeling from the enormous human cost of the War. The Victors still froze out Asia, the Middle East and Africa from benefiting from the peace. The colonial rule was not broken just adjusted.
The 1920s brought a world trying hard to forget the disaster that had just happened. There was recovery for a while then the depression of the 1930s brought hardship.
Germany's civil administration had been centered around the German Army General Staff during the War. The Government was taken up by a civilian democratic administration that had very little experience in democratic administration. War reparations, civil unrest, inflation, and great unemployment destroyed the German Economy. There was continued street fighting between Left and Right through the 1920s.
America was trying to mediate the Peace but President Wilson's health and idealism could not complete the task. The Peace was not ratified by Congress. America returned to isolation.
Over all the rise of the Ideologies on the left and right would set the stage for World War 2.

Why is keeping the authority that the people and the government have equal?


So the government can’t have too much power I think
So that the government does not become too controlling while abusing their powers.

According to the chart, which city has the hottest climate? Which city has the most temperate climate?

What can you conclude about the suitability of soil for agricultural purposes in Kuwait?


Kuwait has the hottest climate the soil is probably very dry hope this helps

What does this mean in modern language? (Please NO links and please ANSWER the question)

Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.


The first sentence are explaining how the colonists enduring pain and misery under the British rule, and how the founding fathers are trying to make a government where this cannot happen again. The next sentence is explaining more in depth of what life was like under the British empire's rule. The last sentence is about how they are claiming independence.

I hat is happonnwdging

Each of the United States' foreign policy tools has advantages and disadvantages, and all four tools are often used at the same time. In a paragraph, explain which foreign policy tool you think is most effective. Which do you think is least effective? Be sure to explain your reasoning in your response.

please help



Both the president and Congress have some exclusive foreign policy powers, while others are shared or not explicitly assigned by the Constitution.

These two branches of government often clash over foreign policy–making, particularly when it comes to military operations, foreign aid, and immigration.

The judicial branch is limited in how much it can arbitrate constitutional disputes over foreign policy, and it is often reluctant to.

This is my debate topic today. Does foreign companies have influence in our country.


yes they do. most products in the united states have a label saying “made in china” that’s why most americans value made in the usa products more then others




some of them do indeed but for them to be very influncial they must have great wealth or they are doing it by force and it is secretly and they could be very used in many occurences like products from china and brazil

Will give Brainliest.



choice A might be the best



it,s A i thonk so.


i hope it,s help u.

a claim about whether a single person or
animal could be a cause of point-source
pollution. Use evidence to support your
claim and explain your reasoning.


A person could cause pollution by littering. Most of trash is burned into the atmosphere which can release toxins and, or other diseases. These toxins could cause health problems such as respiratory issues. These toxins could even be a starting base for acid rain.

Feel free to copy and paste or change some words up. I don,t mind.

Hope this helps!

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. Which could lead to humans becoming extinct in the next 50 years.

How does the idea that no one will be prosecuted except by peers and the law represent a limitation of royal power?


Don’t open that guys link it’s not safe

help i will give branlist

(05.03 MC)
The economy of ancient Rome did not depend heavily on (1 point)









industry sorry if i am wrong

The United States economy has been influenced by Adam Smith in its creation of all of the following EXCEPT:
variety of specialized jobs
competitive marketplace
high level of economic freedom
government-provided safety nets


Answer: D


D, Government provided safety nets

Please help
Will give Brainiest


Events at the Marne signaled the demise of Germany's aggressive two-front war strategy, known as the Schlieffen Plan; they also marked the end of the general belief, held on both sides of the line, that the conflict that broke out in the summer of 1914 would be a short one. So #3. Your welcome. Have a nice day!
The second answer would be the correct one I believe. I apologize if I am wrong.

What does this mean?

“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”


Answer:i forgot


This excerpt can seem difficult to interpret, but it's easiest to take it line by line. It basically means that the writer and his people have faced many hardships (obstacles) and have asked for change and help very humbly. The writer and his people continue to ask for help, but it only gets worse. Then, the writer compares the Prince to a tyrant (an unjust and harsh ruler), and says he should not be in charge of a group of free people. This is in reference to King George III, who was the oppressive King of England when this document (The Declaration of Independence) was written. Hope this helps!!

What is being said in this excerpt?
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
Texas Secession Convention, 1861



The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic. This hostile policy of our confederates has been pursued with every circumstance of aggravation which could arouse the passions and excite the hatred of our people, and has placed the two sections of the Union for many years past in the condition of virtual civil war. Our people, still attached to the Union from habit and national traditions, and averse to change, hoped that time, reason, and argument would bring, if not redress, at least exemption from further insults, injuries, and dangers. Recent events have fully dissipated all such hopes and demonstrated the necessity of separation.

Our Northern confederates, after a full and calm hearing of all the facts, after a fair warning of our purpose not to submit to the rule of the authors of all these wrongs and injuries, have by a large majority committed the Government of the United States into their hands. The people of Georgia, after an equally full and fair and deliberate hearing of the case, have declared with equal firmness that they shall not rule over them. A brief history of the rise, progress, and policy of anti-slavery and the political organization into whose hands the administration of the Federal Government has been committed will fully justify the pronounced verdict of the people of Georgia. The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party. While it attracts to itself by its creed the scattered advocates of exploded political heresies, of condemned theories in political economy, the advocates of commercial restrictions, of protection, of special privileges, of waste and corruption in the administration of Government, anti-slavery is its mission and its purpose. By anti-slavery it is made a power in the state. The question of slavery was the great difficulty in the way of the formation of the Constitution.


so uh- i need help again

When a huge amount of gas is trapped within magma, the eruption is usually violent. Ash and lava are thrown out in large amounts, settling around the vent after the eruption. What kind of volcano would be formed as a result?

A) shield volcano
B) composite volcano
C) underwater volcano
D) cinder cone volcano



Maybe D, but I could be wrong. I' sos sorry if I am.


The answer is D!!!
Cinder cone volcano :)
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