How can I know the adverb in a sentence.


Answer 1


an adverb describes a noun, verb, adjective, or even another adverb. but an adverb often end in ly. ex. She swam quickly. Quickly is the adverb.


Related Questions

A 6 pound bag of potatoes cost $12.90. How much would a 3.4 pound bag cost?





6 pounds = $12.90

1 pound = $2.15

3.4 pounds x $2.15 = $7.31

In which sentence is the phrase "on the porch" used as an adjective? * On the porch is my favorite place to be. The children played on the porch. The dog on the porch scared me. I waited for him on the porch



The dog on the porch


(ii) Mr. Liew has been sick. He has been so since he came back from Japan.


Answer: And is the correct conjunction

what these word mean ignorance disconsolate sanctuary illiterate



ignorance:lack of knowledge or information.

disconsolate:without consolation or comfort; unhappy.

sanctuary:a place of refuge or safety.

illiterate:unable to read or write,ignorant in a particular subject or activity,& uncultured or poorly educated.


How did the Selective Buying Campaign affect the Hendricks family?






Which of the following definitions best represents the meaning of the word invalided in this sentence from Ernest Hemingway's "In Another Country"?



The major, who had been a great fencer, did not believe in bravery, and spent much time while we sat in the machines correcting my grammar. He had complimented me on how I spoke Italian, and we talked together very easily.


What is more important to building knowledge? Is it through reading the books you choose or the experience you have while reading them?



I believe its both. For example, if you read through books, depending on what type of book it is, you'll get something different out of it, When it comes to fictional books or when you read to unwind, the experiences you go through while reading it can make a big impact. Otherwise, if you're reading a personal development book, applying the lessons you learn in it is equally beneficial. Knowlegde can be learning how to deal with different people and believe it or not, I think that is something you can learn while reading almost anything.

Beatrice, a middle school student, is visiting a very tall office building and notices that she feels heavier when the elevator car is traveling up and lighter when the elevator car is travelling down. After making these observations, Beatrice comes back to the building and stands on a bathroom scale that measures her weight as she travels up and down in the elevator. What is one variable Beatrice could change in her investigation? What might she figure out if this variable were changed?



Beatrice could change the independent variable


Beatrice wants to assess the influence of a lift's movement on her body weight. In this experiment, we can say that Beatrice's independent variable is the movement of the elevator, while the dependent variable is her body weight.

As you may already know, the independent variable is the one that can be measured and that influences a result to happen, while the dependent variable is the one that is influenced for a result to happen.

If Beatrice modified the independent variable, she could have a better result in her experiment. This is because the "elevator movement" is a very vague concept which leaves your experiment imprecise, since this variable cannot be quantified. It could then change this variable to "the elevator's speed" or "the elevator's rise and fall time".

Are the ideas expressed by Thoreau and Emerson different or similar? Use text evidence from both selections to support your answer. (This question counts a greater percentage of your grade in this Lesson.)


Answer: Both of them believed that people should search for the truths in nature. Both emerson and thoreau believed in living a simple life. Thoreau believed that if life is lived in a hurry, it is a waste. Both emerson and thoreau simplified life by separating themselves from civilization.

can some one give me a summary thats a paragraph long about friendship



Friendship is considered as one of the treasures that anyone can possess. God has given us the liberty to choose friends because they are for our lifetime. It is quite normal for our parents and siblings to love us because they are our own blood but a friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all the other relations. Friendship is nothing but pure love without any expectations.

Role of a Friend:

True friends share and support each other even during the toughest of times. A true friend is one who feels happy for our success, who feel sad for our failures, fight with us for silly things and hugs us the next second, gets angry on us when we do any mistakes. Friendship is all about having true friends who can understand us without the need for us to speak.


Friendship is very essential for a happy life. Even a two-minute chat with a friend will make us forget our worries. That is the strength of friendship.


6. Is Dee wholly unsympathetic? Is the mother's victory over her altogether

positive? What emotional ambivalence is there in the final scene between

Maggie and her mother in the yard?



Dee is not wholly unsympathetic as she plays a character which gives voice to the Black Power Movement. She tries to preserve the family items.

Mothers Victory is not wholly positive as she stood up for one of her daughter and this may have resulted in loss of the other daughter.

The final scene between mother and daughter is very emotional and the moment is not ambivalence as Maggie is happy for what her mother did, her mother helped her in enhancing her self esteem and the moment is shared happily between mother and daughter.


Dee is not wholly unsympathetic as she plays a character which gives voice to the Black Power Movement. She tries to preserve the family items.

Mothers Victory is not wholly positive as she stood up for one of her daughter and this may have resulted in loss of the other daughter.

The final scene between mother and daughter is very emotional and the moment is not ambivalence as Maggie is happy for what her mother did, her mother helped her in enhancing her self esteem and the moment is shared happily between mother and daughter.

How does losing the necklace change the Loisels' life?


Her life changed drastically. She had to borrow money in order to pay for the necklace and she and her husband had to live their life’s in hardships bc they were completely poor

In the Monkey King plotline of American Born Chinese, why is Tze-Yo-Tzuh the antagonist?



He proves that he is stronger than the Monkey King


No flippin way I did that last week if there is multiple choice choose a if im correct

He proves he is stronger and better than the king

What does the liquor store represent for Walter Lee? Support your answer with at least
two pieces of evidence from the text.



The liquor store represents Lee's power to be his own boss.


Walter Lee is the 'Brother' in the play 'A Raisin In the Sun' written by Lorraine Hansberry. Lee is the only grown-up male, after his father, in the Younger's family.

Lee aspires to open a liquor store from the insurance money of his father's.

The play can be seen as a struggle of a black poor family, who struggles to gain economic status in the society through the insurance money which amounts $10,000.

For Lee, opening a liquor store from this amount, mean to gain power in society to be his own boss and to provide for his family. For him, this store represented economic and social status. This store also represents his dream of 'taking hold of the world and a chance to change his life.'

Textual Evidence:

'WALTER (Straightening up from her and looking off) That’s  it. There you are. Man say to his woman: I got me a  dream. His woman say: Eat your eggs. (Sadly, but  gaining in power) Man say: I got to take hold of this here  world, baby! And a woman will say: Eat your eggs and go  to work. (Passionately now) Man say: I got to change my  life, I’m choking to death, baby! And his woman say—(In  utter anguish as he brings his fists down on his thighs) —Your eggs is getting cold!'

Another evidence from the play, which represents his desire of gaining social status is when he says to his wife that the stories that he got to tell to his  son is just 'how rich white people live.' This also asserts that he just do not want to tell tales of rich white people to his son but also wants to give his son that desirable life, as of rich white people.

' and all I got to give him is stories about  how rich white people live …'

This passage gives insights into the nature of the culture that produced the epic poem Beowulf. Read lines 410–424. Which two conclusions can you draw about the people who lived in that culture?





They were seafaring people

Read this excerpt from The Outsiders.
What universal theme is present in this excerpt?
Then there were shouts and the pounding of feet, and the
Socs jumped up and left me lying there, gasping. I lay
there and wondered what in the world was happening
people were jumping over me and running by me and I
was too dazed to figure it out. Then someone had me
under the armpits and was hauling me to my feet. It was
O Losing hope means losing a battle.
O Fitting in is important while growing up.
O Challenging times bring families together.
O A positive attitude can overcome anything.
"Are you all right, Ponyboy?"
He was shaking me and I wished he'd stop. I was dizzy
enough anyway. I could tell it was Darry though—partly
because of the voice and partly because Darry's always
rough with me without meaning to be.



The answer would be “ Challenging times bring families together.”


I took the test,but proof that it is that answer would be:

PonyBoy likes his other brother better than Darry right?

So when after PonyBoy gets attacked Darry helps him

Darry ( his brother ) helped him up. Even asked if “ he was fine? “

When revising, which strategy should be done first?
1.revise overall structure
2.revise sentence structure
3.revise word choice
4.revise paragraph structure



my best guess would be 3. Please don't be mad if i get it wrong


Rewrite the sentence using proper nouns: One day the child went to a store to buy clothes.



"One day the child went to *the* store to buy clothes*


One day Jack went to Walmart to buy new clothes.


Change the work child to a name and change the word store into an actual place.

My YT: Moonlight Bambi

Different birds use different building designs: they can be huge or tiny,
made of twigs, grass, leaves, or mud. But most birds follow a similar final
step in the nest-building process. They line the inside of the nest with
something soft, such as a feather.
Once eggs are laid in a nest, the parent birds will spend hour after hour
sitting on them to keep them warm and safe. They need that nice soft
lining for their own comfort.
This is probably the origin of the phrase "feather one's nest.” It means to
do something now that will provide for your own comfort later on.
Make a list of some things you can do now to “feather your nest."





Your house

your babiess

Mrs. Jones’s responses to Roger’s actions DO NOT contribute to the development of the THEME true or false





A character in a fictional work that is never fully developed by the author is called a...... (must be 14 characters)


Images that help the reader see or hear or feel things that appeal to the senses are called..... (must be 14 characters)


1. flat characters

2. sensory Images

what are some qualities you would look for if you were going to join a group organization ?




Positive attitude.








What is the conflict in button, button



the conflict in the story is that norma and authur doesnot agree whelther to open the box or not

. She dances well. (into yes/no question)​


Does she dance well?

Well no explanation is needed.


Does she dance well?


We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth; so it is easy for us to cut or singe a slender thread that anything hangs by; thus easy is it for God when he pleases to cast his enemies down to hell.


Answer:In my opinion, Edwards is trying to point out how easy it is for humans to neglect details that are small in our world. For example, you can move a web out of your way when walking and not even think about the fact that you just destroyed a spider's home and work of hours and days.


How does your generation define what it means to be an American today?




your generation defines what it means to an american today by changing the technology, how smart we have become, how we improved.

Tracii Ryan would most likely agree with which one of the following statements?


There are no statements listed

What was Einstein nicknamed? By whom?



play mates



Play mates by the internet

Hello, my name is Kaylah Jade. I was wondering if you could please check my grammar. Please Review It!



They are all girls. Their names are Artemis, Atlanta, and Angelynn...

I have always had a good relationship with my kids. They are...

I would take a bullet for them. Even though I'm a teen mom- well technically, I was probably more challenged because I was a child-mom- I'm a teen mom and after...

Even thought it will be weird at first, you will...


Answer: Everything is great but when you said " I would take a bullet for them so even though Im a teen".

Take out "So"

I love how you are talking about yourself with your kids even though you were young, I bet a lot of girls and Ladies would understand like I do. I believe women can do anything and I hope you and your girls are doing great. :>

Write 3 examples of sentences of intransitive verb. ASAP​





The 3 sentences are:-

In the evenings, She sits on the front porch to admire her immaculate lawn.Flipped on its back, the beetle that Clara soaked with insecticide dies under the refrigerator.He's been singing all day.


<marquee behaviour-move>

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<h1>Follow Me</ht>




Alex sent (transitive verb) a postcard (direct object) from Argentina. She left (transitive verb) the keys (direct object) on the table. My father took (transitive verb) me (direct object) to the movies for my birthday. Please buy (transitive verb) me a dog (direct object)!

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4.731 * 10 ^ - 7 / 5.7 * 10 ^ 3 express in scientific notation Q1: A cyclist brakes to a stop. His thinking distance was 1m and his braking distance was 3m. What was his overall stopping distance?Q2: A car driver notices that there is a red light coming up. He brakes and stops in a total distance of 52 metres. If his thinking distance was 15 metres, what was his braking distance?Q3: A car takes 76 metres to stop once a driver has noticed a hazard. If the thinking distance of the driver was 14m and the speed of the car was 8m/s how long did it take the brakes to slow the car down to a stop?Q4: A lorry travels 28m when stopping from a speed of 4m/s. If its braking distance was 18m, what was the drivers reaction time?Q5: Car 1 brakes to a stop on a dry road. Car 2 does the same thing, at the same speed, on a road where it has been raining. 2x + 4y = 16 2x + 3y = 6 Oracin con expansin which is the opposite -5 how many million miles are between the earth and sun ? plz help I will mark you brainlist plz help PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!! How is a light bulb related to radiation? A. The light emitted by a light bulb is a form of radiation that occurs when the filament heats up and its thermal emission gains enough energy to move into the visible spectrum. B. Light bulbs do not have anything to do with radiation. C. As light is emitted from the filament, the energy in the metal is replaced as lightbulbs absorb background radiation. This prevents the filament from burning out quickly but the radiation cannot be used as power so electricity is still required for the lightbulb to work. D. A light bulb emits radiation when its filament is burned out and can longer emit light. This makes it important to remove dead lightbulbs as soon as they wear out. A toy company uses the linear model y=-2x+380 to predict the decline in sales of a toy after it has been on the market more than one year. If x is the number of months after the first year and y is the number of toys sold in hundreds during that month how many toys will be sold 11 months after the first year Which audience has the writer kept in mind while writing essay? African Noel- Mark Patinkin Two attempts to ventilate an unconscious 10-year-old boy have been unsuccessful. You should next:_______ simplify 7 2 4 12 Suppose that you and a friend see brightly colored pigeons like these at a nature park. Because pigeons are usually gray and white, you both wonder where these colors came from. Suddenly, your friend says, "I have a theory. These birds must get their colors from eating food that has the same colors." Is your friend's explanation a scientific theory? Give reasons to explain your answer. Shelly has a roll of fabric and decides to make some scarves for her friend the roll contains 6 2/3 yards of fabric she needs 5/6 of a yard for each scarf how many scarves can she make the answer choices are A: 5B:6C:7D:8 Write 18% as a fraction Use the pop-up menus to label the following statements as either True of False. 1. Hypochlorous acid is an oxidizing agent. 2. Concentrated acetic acid is corrosive. 3. Methylene chloride is flammable. 4. Methylene chloride is a probable human carcinogen. 5. Pipets that contain only water can be disposed of in the trash. Given a conditional statement p9, which statement is logically equivalent? The diagram shows the construction of the perpendicular bisector of AB. How do you measure the hypothesis? The Exodusters headed to which state?