Write a paragraph (at least 7 sentences) explaining why you believe each of the Greasers - Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally - could be considered a hero. Include your own definition of hero in the essay, and be sure to explain how each character, in his own way, meets your definition. Remember to support your ideas with examples from the story.


Answer 1


They can be described as heroes because they are not afraid to step up, and help people. Ponyboy is a hero because he rescued people and befriended a soc. Similarly Johnny is a hero because he used his heroic qualities to help people.

Related Questions

What lie does Crankshod tell? Why do you think he tells it? for serafina and the black cloak chapter 9


What lie does Crankshod tell? Why do you think he tells it? for serafina and the black cloak chapter 9
Can you post a paragraph

In How It Feels to Be Colored Me, how mainly does Hurston’s description of dancing to jazz add to the development of the essay’s themes?

a) By showing how certain situations make Hurston feel more colored than others

b) By establishing her very “white” disinterest in the physicality of jazz

c) By revealing how different she is than white people and other black people

d) By presenting jazz as the “Jacksonville of music”


D by presenting jazz as the Jacksonville of music

The author mentions behaviors associated with adolescence: risk-taking, self-consciousness, and peer influence. What are some real-life examples of those behaviors?

no links to file downloads pls


A example of Peer pressure could be friends pressuring someone to do something they don’t want to. Self-conscious in real life could be being insecure about your looks or the way you talk. Risk taking could be skydiving or other risky activities

Real-life examples of the behaviors associated with adolescence are:

Risk-taking: An example of risk-taking is when a person embarks on a journey to the woods alone without informing people.Self-consciousness: This can happen when a person stutters while delivering a speech because of a lack of confidence.Peer influence: This can happen when students are coerced by their peers to engage in harmful practices.

What are the behaviors associated with adolescence?

The behaviors associated with adolescence are conducts that teenagers are mostly known for. Teenagers may want to embark on risky adventures.

They may also be self-conscious and thus lack confidence. Adolescents can also be easily influenced by their mates.

Learn more about peer influence here:

please help!
You will revise one body paragraph from your informational article. Then you will write a reflection on the changes you have made. You will submit the original paragraph, the revised paragraph, and the reflection paragraph.

View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission.

Review your informational article. Choose one body paragraph to revise. Copy this paragraph into a new document.
Combine two or more sentences in your paragraph for varied syntax.
Review your paragraph for any use of passive voice. Revise those sentences.
Write a short reflection paragraph on the revision process. Describe the changes you made and how these changes improved your writing.
Save and submit:
The original draft of your body paragraph
The revised draft of the same paragraph
The reflection on the changes you have made
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 02.09 Syntax and Voice.

here's the paragraph I chose
Video games are great for your brain! They have been proven to increase manual dexterity, gray matter (in your brain), and help with social skills even! “In a study involving a group of surgeons, researchers found that those who played video games were faster at performing advanced procedures and made 37 percent fewer mistakes than those who didn’t.”. Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation. It has been found that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. The stereotype that people play video games is false. “Past research involving children found that those who played more video games were more likely to have good social skills, perform better academically, and to have built better relationships with other students because of the social and collaborative component to some types of games.” This happens because you can usually talk to a character, if you say something mean or threatening, there will be consequences. Unfortunately, video’s do have downsides as well.



The only major problem was video's is videos that is all I could really see (sorry if it's not the best!)


Videos * everything else looks good

The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#3 Which phrases in the lines reflect the author’s use of alliteration? SELECT 3
Read the following lines from the poem.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore!”
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”
Merely this and nothing more.

Which phrases in the lines reflect the author’s use of alliteration?

Select three options.

A. Deep into that darkness peering,

B. long I stood there wondering, fearing,

C. Doubting, dreaming dreams

D. But the silence was unbroken,

E. was the whispered word, “Lenore!”


Answer: A


Explain the difference between being on the pro side and con side. How can you recognize which side an argument is on?

if it right i will give brainliest



Pros and cons are diametrically opposed. This is a latin word that means "pro or against."

Pros - to suggest something positive about (It might be some topic, concept and theory).

Cons is a term that means "against."

Simply put, you should think of benefits as pros and drawbacks as cons.

All has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

If it's a subject, you'll talk about the benefits and drawbacks, or reasons for and against it.

It entails discussing two opposing viewpoints.

i’m not really sure what the sides mean but pros : If you make a list of pros and cons, you are listing the reasons for doing something and the reasons not to, respectively. Pro is also the shortened form of the word "professional," often referring to professional sports. cons : none of them good. An argument has pros and cons, and the cons are always the downside. An ex-con is someone who spent time in jail as a convict, and a con artist is someone who scams people out of their money.

I once pronounced the state/word Utah as ¨Uh-Tah¨..... wow.
How do you pronounce the word Chiaroscurist?


Chi are o sor ust hope this helps :)

Read this excerpt from The People Could Fly

There was a son named Anton. He dreamed that a girl placed a handkerchief over his face. He woke up but he saw no one. Anton told his mother what he had dreamed. His mother said, "Anton, you've dreamed of something enchanted."

A few days later Anton dreamed the dream again and it was exactly the same: A girl placed a handkerchief over his face.

"Anton," his mother said, "you dream of a girl who lives with her father in the tower of the moon."

How does the plot influence characterization in this excerpt?

The exposition introduces Anton as a fortune teller.
The exposition introduces Anton’s mother as a fanciful woman.
The rising action shows Anton facing the challenges of finding the tower.
The rising action shows Anton’s mother reacting to Anton’s travels.



I think that it would be the exposition introduces antons mother as a fanciful woman


a question for yall :If you were an inventor what would you invent? How would your invention help the community in which you live in?



If I was an Inventer, I would invent a trash vaccume for the ocean.


It would help the community by getting rid of pollution.  It would also help with global warming.  I hope it would help people to live longer too.

The Outsiders Pre-reading Activity: The 60’s Scavenger Hunt

About the Author and her Novel

1. When was the novel published?

2. How old was the author at that time?

3. What does the S.E. stand for in S.E Hinton?

4. Why did the author use initials instead of a first and middle name?

5. After the novel was published, what did the author become known as?

6. Is Hinton still alive? If so, what does Hinton do and where does she live?

7. What is the setting of the novel (state and time period)?



1. April 24th 1967

2.) 18

3.) susan elinoise

4.) to forestall the inevitable criticism that female writers cannot write convincingly from the perspective of males.


1.) June 16, 1983

2.) 16

3.) it stand for Susan Eloise Hinton

4.) Because no man would by a book written by a women

5.) young- adult

6.) Yes she is and she loves to read and write, and she lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma

7.) 1960s

Hurry 50 pts
Reading Skills
Project: Improving Reading Comprehension



you are suposta click on the link



You need to open the documents we cant answer that ;-;


Read the claim below.
Golf is not a good way to get exercise.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.



"Unlike running or swimming, golf requires almost no cardiovascular activity"



I would say the answer is 'Unlike swimming or running, golf requires almost no cardiovascular activity.'


hope that helps :)

We… do… solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation.” Which of the following is a true statement about the quote? This is a quote from the Mayflower Compact and reflects the principle of self-government. This is a quote from the Magna Carta and reflects the principle of limited monarchy. This is a quote from Common Sense and explains why the American colonists should declare independence. This is a quote from the English Bill of Rights and describes the basic rights of all citizens.



The quote is from the Mayflower Compact. In the Compact, the signers agreed that they would fairly and unitedly create a self-governing community. It was signed by all the adult men on the Mayflower after the ship landed in Plymouth Bay.

I hope this helps ^^ Good luck

The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#4 What meaning do the words “what it utters is its only stock and store” convey to the reader?
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
“Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore—
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of ‘Never—nevermore.’”

What meaning do the words “what it utters is its only stock and store” convey to the reader?

A. The bird has only learned how to speak one word.

B. The bird has run out of food and is asking to be fed.

C. The bird has spent its entire life feeling miserable all the time.

D. The bird has escaped from its owner and is seeking a place to hide.





the bird has run out of food and is asking to be fed




Procedural Writing

. Lasagna recipe

. directions for waxing a car

. science experiment

. test taking directions

Non Procedural Writing

. travel guide

. newspaper article

. literature textbook

. informational text on horses


Procedure means there are spefic steps you have to follow. Reading dosent have steps while making Lasagna does.

Procedural Writing:

lasagna recipedirections for waxing a carscience experimenttest-taking directions

Not Procedural Writing:

travel guidenewspaper articleliterature textbookinformational text on horses

Procedural writing, commonly known as instructional or how-to writing, outlines the steps for completing a certain action or activity. It attempts to give clear instructions to the reader and make it possible to follow a set of steps to achieve the desired result.

Writing that does not include instructions or procedures for completing a task is called non -procedural writing. It includes a range of writing styles that can entertain, instruct or persuade the reader.

Learn more about Procedural writing, here:


tell me one thing you think a "retired" person should do in retirement, and why.


Live the most of their life , they’ve worked a majority of their lives and spend time with family and travel

Part 1: Write a thesis statement that addresses the following prompt.
Imagine you are allowed to try out any job in your state for one day. What job would you choose? Give two reasons to explain your choice.

Part 2: Write a topic sentence for a body paragraph that connects to the thesis statement you just wrote. The topic sentence should address one of the reasons you listed in your thesis statement.


Prompt: With all the jobs their is, I would choose a job that I would fit best in and discover myself in. Since it would only be one day, it may help me figure out just I want to be in the future, I would have to pick a doctor

Part 2: their is so many jobs to choose from and only one Could be right for me. I may like a collage job or a non-collage job. Their is so many great ones, but also some that wouldn’t work for me.

David is researching Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. He plans to locate audio files, images, and webpages on the internet using keywords. Which BEST identifies the resource needed to do this?
A) databases
B) search engines
C) electronic texts


The answer is B) Search Engines ! :,)
B!!! Hope you do well on ur assignment ;)

Read the claim below.
Owning a pet dog is good for your health.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


the first choice is correct!
The first one is correct

I do not know this please help



The answer is C.

I rember reading this poem a long time ago, and I hope this answer helps!


The answer is the last one.
I hope this helps

Please help I will mark brainliest
⬇️ pic ⬇️



1) 3rd limited

2) 1st person

3) 3rd omniscient

4) 2nd person


hope this helps, sorry if it's wrong


1) 3rd limited

2) 1st person

3) 2nd person

4) 3rd omniscient


sorry if tis is wrong

Read the claim below.
The National Hockey League should ban fighting among players.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


Answer: Your answer would be A

Explanation: When in an argument, statistics are useful, though people want to be able to have something or someone to sympathize for.

It’s A because if players get head trama it should be banned and yea

hellllllppppppp this is easyyyyyyyyyyyyy



He stared at a blue jay pecking a bread crust


When he stared at the bird he realized

Read the claim below.
Countries should stop the practice of large-scale aquaculture, or "fish farming."
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.


Number 3 is the answer
Number three is the right one

Read the excerpt from "The Debt” by Paul Laurence Dunbar.

Pay it I will to the end —
Until the grave, my friend,
Gives me a true release —
Gives me the clasp of peace.

Which part of poetic form best illustrates the theme that death will bring relief from the debt?

stanza type



Stanza Type


In the given excerpt from "The Debt" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the aspect of poetic form that best illustrates the theme that death will bring relief from the debt is stanza type.

Stanza type refers to the structure and organization of the poem's lines and their grouping into stanzas. In this case, the lines are organized into four-line stanzas. The repetition of this stanza type throughout the poem creates a sense of regularity and reinforces the theme.

The repetition of the four-line stanzas emphasizes the consistent and unrelenting nature of the speaker's commitment to paying the debt "to the end." However, the repeated structure also suggests a certain longing for release and peace, which is expressed through the final lines of each stanza, such as "Gives me the clasp of peace." This repetition and consistent structure of the stanzas contribute to the overall thematic message that death will ultimately bring relief from the burden of the debt.

Hope this helps!

In the excerpt from "The Debt" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the part of poetic form that best illustrates the theme that death will bring relief from the debt is the stanza type. The stanza type in this case is a quatrain, consisting of four lines. The repetition of the rhyme scheme and the consistent structure of each stanza contribute to the overall theme and provide a sense of closure and resolution

The Outsiders Pre-reading Activity: The 60’s Scavenger Hunt
About the Author and her Novel

5. After the novel was published, what did the author become known as?

6. Is Hinton still alive? If so, what does Hinton do and where does she live?

7. What is the setting of the novel (state and time period)?







She became noticed as the best writer for the youth and after the novel "The Outsiders", she began to publish more books which got her more famous to the young.

Susan Eloise Hinton is a well-known writer of young adult fiction. She was born on the July 22, 1948 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is still alive today. Presently she lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband David Inhofe.

The action of The Outsiders takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960s. Ponyboy explains that the greasers rule the poorer East Side of town, while the Socs run the wealthier West Side of town.


i did this a while ago :)

5.) Young- Adult

6.) She is alive. And she loves to read and write, and she lives in Tulsa Oklahoma

7.) 1960s

please help I will mark brainliest


1. First Person
2. 3rd Omniscient
3. Second
4. Third
That’s a a lot of comments

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes
Sequencing Assignment - Put the events into the right order by dragging them or cutting and pasting them.

The Highwayman rides up to the inn to visit Bess.

Bess is the landlord’s daughter.

Bess hears the sound of the Highwayman’s horse in the distance.

At dawn he hears the news that Bess shot herself to save him.

The Highwayman hears the shot and rides away.

He sees the Highwayman arrive to see Bess.

Now on a winter’s night the ghosts of Bess and the Highwayman appear.

Bess watches through the day but the Highwayman does not come.

Instead, King George’s men come to the inn.

Then he kisses Bess before riding off into the night.

She manages to get her finger to the trigger of the gun.

The highwayman promises Bess he will return before tomorrow night is over.

Tim the ostler loves Bess, and is jealous of the highwayman.

To warn him not to come she shoots herself.

He rides like a madman along the road, but the soldiers shoot him down.

They tie Bess up to her bed.

Bess tries to escape but her hands are tightly tied.

I need help on this due today
go to my next question to see the poem



Bess is the landlords daugther- The highwayman rides up to the inn to vist

bess- the highwayman promises bess he will return before tommorow night is over-then he kiss bess before riding off into the night-bess watches through the day but the highwayman does not come-  tim the ostler loves bess and is jealous of the highwayman- instead king george`s men come to the inn- they tie bess to her bed- bess hears the sound of the highwayman`s horse in the distance- bess tries to escape but her hands are tightly tied-she manges to get her finger to the trigger of the gun- to warn him not to come she shoots her self- the highwayman hears the shot and rides away- at dawn he hears the news that bess shot herself to save him.-he rides like a madman along the road but the soldiers shoot him down- Now on a winters night the ghost of bess and the highwayman appear

hope this helps ヾ(•ω•`)o- Six

Hurry 10pts
Identify each sentence as either the topic or the theme of "The Three Little Pigs." Three pigs build houses from different materials and try to avoid a wolf. In the long run, taking the time to do something well, such as constructing a house from bricks, is better than taking a shortcut, such as building a house from straw.



Topic : Three pigs build houses from different materials and try to avoid a wolf. Theme: In the long run, taking the time to do something well, such as constructing a house from bricks, is better than taking a shortcut, such as building a house from straw.


1. Topic 2. Theme


1st guy is correct.

Select all the correct answers.
Which two elements should a good literary analysis essay include?
1. a claim that cannot be questioned
2. a thesis that states a claim
3. a summary of the literary text
4. evidence to support a claim
5. a list of related texts


A thesis that states a claim
Evidence to support a claim
3 & 4 are the answers!
Other Questions
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She: carefully poured 250 milliliters (mL) of boiling water into a measuring cup. April noticed steam rising from the boiling water. placed a thermometer into the boiling water and measured the temperature of the boiling water as 100 degrees Celsius (C). placed 75 grams (g) of ice into an empty tuna can. held the can 5 centimeters (cm) above the cup of boiling water. At 1 minute, April observed that small drops of water had formed on the bottom of the can. At 3 minutes, some drops of water had become big enough that they fell from the cans surface April then repeated the experiment, but with one change. She: poured 250 mL of water into the measuring cup. She measured the temperature of the water as 25C. placed 75 g of ice into an empty tuna can and held the can 5 cm above the cup of water. At 1 minute, April observed only very small drops of water forming on the bottom of the can. April continued to observe the bottom of the can for 3 minutes. During that time, the drops did not grow bigger or fall from the can. Six: Compare the teachers experiment to Aprils experiment. Which of the following statements best explains the reason the drops on the bottom of the tuna can were smaller during Aprils experiment? A. The temperature of the water in the measuring cup was warmer. B. The temperature of the water in the measuring cup was cooler. C. The mass of ice added to the empty can was more. D. The mass of ice added to the empty can was less. Please help with these questions... I've been trying to figure them out for like twenty minutes and at this point I just don't have the energy anymore... I will pick brainliest! Always do... plz help meh......plz public class Animal {public void speak(String sound) {System.out.println(sound);}}public class Dog extends Animal {public void bark() {super.speak("Bark");}}Which of the following lines would generate a compile time error when placed in a main method? 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Enter your model, your answer, and your work or explanations in the space provided. solve the following recurrence relations:a) an=an-1+3(n-1), a0=1b) an=an-1+n(n-1), a0=3c) an=an-1+3n^2, a0=10 write a paragraph on how broccoli is a vegetable What fraction is < 3/4 with a denominator of 8 HELP WHICH IS RIGHTMy father and me went to the downtowm __________ buy some dress for my mother.A In order toB ThatC ForD No choice PLEASE HELP ME I AM TIMED!