Help me plzzz mark you brinlast

Help Me Plzzz Mark You Brinlast


Answer 1


To inform.


It's informing you about hurricanes.

Answer 2


to inform


The text is informing giving out information about hurricane

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Should drivers ed be apart of the Louisiana high school curriculum?



i dont think it should be mandatory but i think u should have to take it if u want ur license





Personally it should be in everyones state curriculum because to most people this will be a nessecity to their life Plus overall school is supposed to help prepare you for the future.

Explain how reader bias might affect the perception of the following scenario.

A member of the football team reads a school newspaper article about decreasing funding to school sports.


The members of the football team ahas bias because it affects him and his hobby, he might be upset. If someone who doesn’t play sports, like someone in theater or clubs couldn’t care less and would not be concerned about the sports defunding.

story that end never will I do that again not less than 250 words





What does Sartre call the feeling man has upon realizing his responsibility in creating himself and humanity?


Answer:In existentialism, anguish is a central idea. Anguish describes the feeling people have when they realize they are meant to create themselves in the world. The concept of anguish is inseparable from the concept of freedom, as it is only through the actualization of our free will that we come to realize our role in the world and fear the possibility of falling short. Anguish is made even more present in a world in which we have no moral absolutes, and therefore, no guidance for our behaviour, for example, in a world without religion.



anguish is the correct answer.


Explain what is generally used in an infographic.​



An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. As in the example below, infographics use striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly.


Please help

How does Rand develop the theme that individuals who are free to think on their own can make the greatest discoveries? Support your answer with evidence from the text


In the novel The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand, the author develops the theme that individuals who are free to think on their own can make the greatest discoveries. This is a major underlying theme throughout the novel and is encapsulated in the characters of Howard Roark and his peers. Through Howard Roark’s unwavering belief in his individual autonomy, Rand illustrates that suppressed independent thinking can ultimately lead to the greatest discoveries and inventions.

The idea that independent thinking should be valued and free from external influence is encapsulated by the character of Howard Roark, who embodies this theme throughout the novel. Roark is uncompromising in his beliefs and refuses to bow to the demands of society, even when faced with adversity. This is seen in the novel when he chooses to burn down a housing project he had designed, rather than sacrifice his beliefs and bend to the demands of his employer. Here Rand advocates for the value of individualism and freedom of thought by emphasizing that this decision ultimately leads to a revolutionary discovery. In the following scene, Roark’s decision has paid off and his design is finally accepted, showcasing the value of independent thought and the potential for revolutionary concepts to arise from it.

Rand also includes an array of other characters in the novel to further illustrate how individual autonomy can lead to the greatest discoveries. Ellsworth Monkton Toohey, a major antagonist in the novel, is a prime example of a character who seeks to suppress the free thinking of individuals in order to further his own agenda. His character represents the dangers of external influences and how it can stunt the potential of men. On the other hand, characters like Dominique Francon and Peter Keating are prime examples of the consequences of succumbing to social pressures. They are unable to fully realize their potential and are ultimately unable to attain their own individual greatness due to their reliance on the opinions and ideals of society.

In conclusion, Ayn Rand uses The Fountainhead to illustrate her theme that deterministic obedience to socially accepted systems of thought can stifle individuals' potential and prevent them from making their greatest discoveries. Through the characters of Howard Roark, Ellsworth Monkton Toohey, Dominique Francon, and Peter Keating, Rand illustrates why individual autonomy and independent thinking should be valued, and that individuals who are allowed to think freely without outside influence have the potential to make the greatest discoveries.

Hope this helps :)

How does Troy reject Lyons in act 1 scene 4 in fences?



He eats the monkey


10. A story that shows the struggles and successes of the 12-18 year old age group is
referred to as
a. Fantasy
b. Science Fiction
C. Coming of Age
d. Romantic Comedy



C. Coming of Age


Describe the central thesis of Julius Ceaser by William Shakespeare


The central thesis of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is that individuals who put their personal interests before the good of the people will cause political chaos.

Julius Caesar is a tragedy about the political ambitions of powerful men who place their own interests above those of the Roman people. It shows the way ambition can drive people to do things that they would never have considered before, and how this can lead to political turmoil and even civil war.

In the play, Caesar's ambition and his overconfidence in his own power lead to his downfall. He is assassinated by a group of conspirators who fear that he will become a tyrant and destroy the Roman Republic. However, their actions only serve to create more chaos, as Mark Antony and Octavius Caesar wage war against the conspirators and establish a new dictatorship.

To know more about  William Shakespeare's  visit:-


He ate and drank the precious words,
His spirit grew robust;
He knew no more that he was poor,
Nor that his frame was dust.
He danced along the dingy days.
And this bequest of wings
Was but a book. What liberty
A loosened spirit brings!

What is the theme of this poem?


He ate and drank the precious words by Emily Dickinson

‘He ate and drank the precious words’ by Emily Dickinson is an uplifting poem. It celebrates the joys of reading by describing one man’s experience.

‘He ate and drank the precious words’ is one of three poems that were later included in a short book of poems that was published with young children in mind. The poems are illustrated with images that connect to the three poems in the volume. The other two ‘There is no Frigate like a Book’ (the title poem) and ‘A Drop fell on the Apple Tree’.

Authors often include multiple themes in their writing. Two themes expressed in this passage are

O A. a mother's love has infinite value, and self-reliance is a valuable step toward maturity.

O B. departing from family helps a person see their value, and adulthood includes outgrowing old friends.

O C. a person must leave what is comfortable in order to grow, and believing in one's self is important.

O D time management is important to success, and making new friends is often challenging. Reset Next Question​



try a


The answer would be A thank me later

Old Man Warner snorted. "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.' First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There's always been a lottery," he added petulantly. "Bad enough to see young Joe Summers up there joking with everybody."

–“The Lottery,”
Shirley Jackson

Which words were said with emphasis when read aloud?

Which clues in the text tell the reader to change to a strong tone for certain words?



1)them, that, and always



did the assignmen on edge :)

Memories of a Memory
Have you ever witnessed something amazing, shocking or surprising and found when describing the event that your story seems to change the more you tell it? Have you ever experienced a time when you couldn't really describe something you saw in a way that others could understand? If so, you may understand why some experts think eyewitness testimony is unreliable as evidence in scientific inquiries and trials. New insights into human memory suggest human memories are really a mixture of many non-factual things.

First, memory is vague. Imagine your room at home or a classroom you see every day. Most likely, you could describe the room very generally. You could name the color of the walls, the floors, the decorations. But the image you describe will never be as specific or detailed as if you were looking at the actual room. Memory tends to save a blurry image of what we have seen rather than specific details. So when a witness tries to identify someone, her brain may recall that the person was tall, but not be able to say how tall when faced with several tall people. There are lots of different kinds of "tall."

Second, memory uses general knowledge to fill in gaps. Our brains reconstruct events and scenes when we remember something. To do this, our brains use other memories and other stories when there are gaps. For example, one day at a library you go to quite frequently, you witness an argument between a library patron and one of the librarians. Later, when telling a friend about the event, your brain may remember a familiar librarian behind the desk rather than the actual participant simply because it is recreating a familiar scene. In effect, your brain is combining memories to help you tell the story.

Third, your memory changes over time. It also changes the more you retell the story. Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony that could not have been known at the time of the event. Research has also shown that the more a witness's account is told, the less accurate it is. You may have noticed this yourself. The next time you are retelling a story, notice what you add, or what your brain wants to add, to the account. You may also notice that you drop certain details from previous tellings of the story.

With individual memories all jumbled up with each other, it is hard to believe we ever know anything to be true. Did you really break your mother's favorite vase when you were three? Was that really your father throwing rocks into the river with you when you were seven? The human brain may be quite remarkable indeed. When it comes to memory, however, we may want to start carrying video cameras if we want to record the true picture.

Which word from the text best describes memories of places? (5 points)






Sorry i'm a bit late- but the test talks about memories not being very clear and our brains filling in gaps with common knowledge. The definition of vague is "Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning." So it describes how memories are unclear


which statement best describes the relationship between working women and modern women


what are the stammers provided?

Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.
Match the supporting evidence with the correct type of citation.
In White Fang by Jack London, Scott says that
"What he needs is some show of human kindness."
Critic Frieda Jones notes that Scott shows his own kind
side when he notes White Fang's need to see a sign of
human kindness (Jones 35).
Scott's kindness comes through in his
belief that all White Fang needs is some
human kindness (200).
Scott shows his kind side when he says that
what White Fang needs "is some show of
human kindness" (London 200).​



See explanation below


• In White Fang by Jack London, Scott says that “What he needs is some show of human kindness” - The writer is quoting from one source which is a web version of the story.

• Critic Frieda Jones notes that Scott shows his own kind side when he notes White Fang’s need to see a sign of human kindness (Jones 35) - The writer is using information from an outside source.

• Scott’s kindness comes true in his belief that all White Fang needs is some human kindness (200) - The writer is paraphrasing information from one source.

• Scott shows his kind side when he says that what White Fang needs “is some show of human kindness” (London 200) - The writer is quoting from the story using more than one source of information.

White Fang is a fictional story by Jack London about a wild wolf dog navigating human life


• In White Fang by Jack London, Scott says that “What he needs is some show of human kindness” - The writer is quoting from one source which is a web version of the story.

• Critic Frieda Jones notes that Scott shows his own kind side when he notes White Fang’s need to see a sign of human kindness (Jones 35) - The writer is using information from an outside source.

• Scott’s kindness comes true in his belief that all White Fang needs is some human kindness (200) - The writer is paraphrasing information from one source.

• Scott shows his kind side when he says that what White Fang needs “is some show of human kindness” (London 200) - The writer is quoting from the story using more than one source of information.


A group of words that does not express a complete thought is called a


sentence fragment...
Sentence fragment

Hope this helps:)

At the beginning of the short film, notice what the various groups of people do and discuss. What do the filmmakers establish with these discussions and behaviors? (Hint: Consider the setting and characterization.)


Hello. You did not present the short film to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered accurately, but I will try to help you in the best possible way.

Filmmakers tend to establish behaviors and discussions among the characters in a film, to humanize them and make them closer to the audience that can perceive similar behaviors in real life and discussions that can be established in the real world. This creates veracity in the film, which together with the setting and the characterization of the characters make the film more realistic and palpable.

what is wrong with this sentance "I totally forgot that all of your cousins is coming, too."



The "is" in the sentence is wrong: I totally forgot that all of your cousins "are" coming, too.


We can see that what makes the sentence given above wrong is the addition of the word "is".

So, it should be: "I totally forgot that all of your cousins are coming, too."

What is sentence?

Sentence refers to a group of words which come together to make a complete thought. It usually have a subject and a predicate.

Thus, we can see that what made the sentence wrong is the introduction of the word "is".

Learn more about sentence on


What kinds of sentence parts are connected by correlative conjunctions like either/or or neither/nor?
A.two actions or two subjects
B.two parts that are equal or parallel independent and a dependent clause
D.items in a list or series





They use the word or, which means one or another.

What reason does Greta Thunberg give for her claim that a low-carbon economy isn't going to work?
because our emissions have to stop, if we are to have a chance to stay below the 1.5-degree target
because the U.S.A. is leaving the Paris accord and that seems to outrage and worry everyone
because planting trees is good, of course, but it's nowhere near enough of what is needed
because it doesn't lead to anything


Answer: The answer is the first one. I did the quiz and got it right. Hope this helped!



because our emissions have to stop, if we are to have a chance to stay below the 1.5-degree target


Greta believes that a low-carbon economy isn't going to work because we need our emissions to completely stop, not just to decrease, if we are going to reach the goal of staying below the 1.5 degree target.

You have skimmed and scanned a short story. Your teacher wants you to answer what the story is about before you read it. What should you do now?



You should use  what you read, the cover, the words, pictures etc, infer what the story is about by observing these things.


Hope this help have a great day/night/ afternoon :D


Which two sentences from the passage suggest that children or young adults are the intended audiences?

A. They also collect samples of air from specific places and then analyze these samples in a laboratory.
B. These cores show that the atmosphere had less carbon dioxide in the past.
C. You can also talk to your family about switching to green energy.
D. Planning now will help keep societies healthy and strong.
E. Everyone uses energy, and everyone can be part of the solution!



I think C.


The answer to your question is c.

Which two of the following media outlets involve broadcasting information through air waves?


Television and radio

The two media outlets involve broadcasting information through air waves are radio and television.

What is broadcast source information?

The term 'broadcast media' covers a wide spectrum of different communication methods such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines and any other materials supplied by the media and press.

Thus, radio and television are the correct answer.

To learn more about broadcasting information click here:


Read the paragraph from the introduction [paragraphs 1-3].
If the keystone species disappears from the ecosystem, no other species can do its job. The ecosystem would have to radically change, allowing new and possibly invasive species to take over the habitat.
Which of the following words, if it replaced "radically" in the second sentence above, would CHANGE the meaning of the sentence?
A. thoroughly
B. completely
C. drastically
D. beneficially


I think letter b di ko sigurado

I need helpp!!!
I need a poem talking about the Declaration of Independence.



Ooo theres this really good one named "Declaration Of Independence" by Mac McGovern, from 2006, its really good

Explanation: Hope you enjoy reading it! <3

To change people’s opinions, your speech must present ____________________.

A) evidence form an opinion polls

B) as many quotes as possible

C) a persuasive argument

D) a sincere request to change their minds


Answer: C



Answer is B


11. Who is Justine and why is she important to the Frankensteins?



Justine lives with the Frankenstein family as a servant after her mother dies. When William is murdered, the monster puts a photograph that William was carrying in her pocket, and she is accused of murder. She confesses falsely to the crime out of fear of going to Hell.


As a young boy, Rama, an epic hero of the ancient Hindu culture, was sent to contend with demons. His father, King Dasaratha, did not want to send him, but the sage insisted. Many cultures have stories of young boys going into battle with forces much bigger or more experienced than they are. One famous story comes from the ancient Hebrew texts about a boy named David who went into battle against a giant, named Goliath. Another story concerns a Native American hero called Arrow Boy. Modern stories can feature female heroes such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.

Why do you think so many different cultures have stories in which young people triumph over forces much greater and more experienced? Can you think of other stories that feature young heroes against forces of evil? Discuss a few.



I believe that many cultures have stories in which young people triumph over forces because versus adults kids think more outside of the box, just because they're not old enough to "make their own decisions" (as some adults say) doesn't mean that they're not smart enough to handle themselves. Kids also don't let weakness get to them they will keep going without giving up. Some kids books that are "Kids Vs Evil" are.. Doctor Sleep, The Death Path, Wonderland, etc.


Which verb form is used in the underlined portion of the following sentence? The crew is preparing the shuttle for launch this morning.
a. present
b. present participle
c. past
d. past participle



Present Participle


Starr hears every day "All right now, Starr" from neighbors, what does that mean?



Meaning what society give us as youth,


Other Questions
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Suppose a stock had an initial price of $93 per share, paid a dividend of $1.90 per share during the year, and had an ending share price of $111. a.Compute the percentage total return. (Do not round i Which of Mills Methods is used in the following example? Give reasons for your answer.A patient developed an allergic reaction to an unknown substance. Doctors instructed the patient to eliminate certain foods from her diet. After she did this, the allergic reaction disappeared. She was then instructed to gradually add the foods back into her diet. When the patient began to use milk products, the allergic reaction reappeared. The doctors concluded the reaction was caused by milk products. 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