Extracellular matrix proteins are produced by ribosomes in which part of a eukaryotic cell?
A) lysosomes
B) cytoplasm
C) nuclear envelope
D) golgi apparatus
E) rough ER


Answer 1

Extracellular matrix proteins are produced by ribosomes in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of a eukaryotic cell. So, option E is the right choice.

Extracellular matrix proteins are produced by ribosomes in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of a eukaryotic cell. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

Ribosomes: Ribosomes are cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis. They can be found either floating freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The rough ER is a network of membrane-bound sacs studded with ribosomes. These ribosomes are involved in the synthesis of proteins that are destined for secretion or incorporation into the cell membrane.Protein Synthesis: Ribosomes on the rough ER synthesize extracellular matrix proteins by reading the genetic instructions from messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules. The ribosomes synthesize the protein chains (polypeptides) based on the mRNA instructions.Processing and Transport: After synthesis, the newly formed extracellular matrix proteins undergo further processing and modifications within the rough ER. This may involve folding, glycosylation, or other post-translational modifications.Golgi Apparatus: Once processed in the rough ER, the extracellular matrix proteins are transported to the Golgi apparatus for further processing, sorting, and packaging into vesicles.Secretion: The vesicles containing the extracellular matrix proteins are then transported to the cell membrane for secretion into the extracellular space, where they contribute to the formation and maintenance of the extracellular matrix.

In summary, the production of extracellular matrix proteins involves ribosomes located on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotic cells.

The right answer is E. rough ER

For more such question on endoplasmic reticulum



Related Questions

You aim to chemically synthesize four peptides with the following one-letter amino acid sequences: TIGER, PANTHER, CHEETAH, and CAT. A.Which one of these peptides will have the lowest pl? Give a reason for your answer. You are not required to calculate the pls of the peptides to answer this question. A qualitative knowledge of the ionization properties of amino acids discussed in class is sufficient to answer this question (4 points). B. Based on what we learned in the lectures, draw the titration curve for the GEAR peptide in the pH range 0-14. Make sure to label the two axes, and the pk1, pk2, and pkr values on the curve. If there are multiple R groups that titrate, indicate the pkrs as pKR1, PKR2 etc. You are not required to write out the chemical structures of the various titration intermediates (8 points). C. While entering the sequence in into the automated peptide synthesizer you mistakenly type in CHETAH instead of CHEETAH. So, you synthesize a peptide with the wrong sequence. However, you realize something is wrong as soon as you do a pH titration of the peptide. What is one difference be- tween the pH titration curves for the peptides CHEETAH and CHETAH? You can either answer in words alone or with help of pH titration curves (4 points).


The peptide CAT is expected to have the lowest pI due to its composition of basic amino acids.

The pI of a peptide is influenced by the ionizable amino acid residues it contains. CAT, among the given peptides, is composed mainly of basic amino acids such as arginine and lysine. These basic amino acids have higher pKa values for their side chains, resulting in a net positive charge at lower pH values.

The pI is the pH at which a peptide carries no net electrical charge, and in the case of CAT, it is likely to be lower due to the prevalence of basic amino acids. Peptides with acidic or neutral amino acids would have higher pI values, as their side chains have lower pKa values and tend to be negatively charged at lower pH values.

To learn more about peptide follow the link:



The question is inappropriate, the correct question is:

You aim to chemically synthesize four peptides with the following one-letter amino acid sequences: TIGER, PANTHER, CHEETAH, and CAT. A.Which one of these peptides will have the lowest pl? Give a reason for your answer. You are not required to calculate the pls of the peptides to answer this question.

state two factors on which the gravitational force between two objects depends.​



Gravitational Force depends on two factors:

1. Product of mass of two object

2. Square of distance between their centers


  F = G *(m1* m2)/d²


Of the three major types of handwriting characteristics line form includes, smoothness of the lines,
pen pressure, and slant
True or False?


answer: true


which of the following would not be a teratogen? question 18 options: cigarettes lead rubella (german measles) steak


The following would not be a teratogen among cigarettes, lead, rubella (german measles), and steak is steak. Teratogens are substances that interfere with prenatal development and can lead to birth defects. Cigarettes, lead, and rubella are known teratogens that can cause significant harm to a developing fetus. However, steak is not a teratogen.

Cigarettes are a teratogen because they contain harmful chemicals that can cross the placenta and interfere with fetal development. These chemicals can increase the risk of low birth weight, premature birth, and birth defects such as cleft palate and heart defects.

Lead is also a teratogen because exposure to high levels of lead during pregnancy can lead to developmental delays, learning disabilities, and other cognitive impairments in children. Lead can be found in contaminated water, soil, and household items such as paint and dust.

Rubella, or German measles, is another teratogen that can cause severe birth defects if a woman becomes infected during pregnancy. Rubella can cause deafness, blindness, heart defects, and intellectual disability in a developing fetus.

Steak, on the other hand, is not a teratogen. While some types of food, such as undercooked meat and raw eggs, can be harmful during pregnancy due to the risk of foodborne illness, properly cooked steak is not a teratogen and does not pose a risk to fetal development.

know more about Teratogens click here:



TRUE/FALSE> littoral zones are more likely to contain vegetation than riparian zones. please select the best answer from the choices provided


Littoral zones are more likely to contain vegetation than riparian zones. This statement is TRUE.

Littoral zone: This is the region of a body of water close to the shore. The littoral zone is the area of the lake where the rooted plants are able to grow. It is the area of the lake where sunlight penetrates all the way to the sediment and allows aquatic plants to grow. Therefore, the littoral zone is more likely to contain vegetation than riparian zones. Riparian zone: This is the area adjacent to a stream or river. Riparian zones are unique and provide a diverse range of habitats for different species. The vegetation in this zone is very important for the proper functioning of stream and river ecosystems. While it may contain vegetation, the likelihood is lower than that of the littoral zone.

For further information on Vegetation zones visit:



Light traveling through the air moves in a straight line. An object viewed through water looks different because light rays that travel through water are . . .


I think The correct answer is c
the answers B , reflected

what might a zoologist notice about birds caged indoors if she were looking for clues that they follow a biological rhythm in natural settings?


A zoologist notice about birds caged indoors if she were looking for clues that they follow a biological rhythm in natural settings she would observe the birds' behavior closely to detect if they follow a circadian rhythm which is a biological process that occurs within a 24-hour cycle.

The zoologist might notice that the caged birds appear to be restless or sleepless, suggesting that they are uncomfortable or out of sync with their natural rhythms. This is because birds are diurnal animals and require sunlight for proper bodily functions. The zoologist might also observe that the caged birds become increasingly agitated or active during certain times of the day.  This would suggest that the birds are naturally active during those periods in the wild and have maintained this behavior in captivity, indicating a biological rhythm.

Furthermore, the zoologist may notice changes in the bird's behavior in response to changes in lighting, as light is a key regulator of biological rhythms. Birds require a certain amount of light exposure during the day to function properly, and the absence of natural light could disrupt their natural rhythms and cause adverse effects. In conclusion, if a zoologist were looking for clues that birds follow a biological rhythm in natural settings, she might observe changes in the birds' behavior in response to light, as well as changes in activity levels at certain times of the day.

To know more about circadian rhythm visit:



What is the difference between a) prokaryote and eukaryote; b) autotroph and heterotroph; c) unicellular and multicellular?




a) eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles like nuclei while prokaryotes don't

b) autotrophs = producers that can make their own food while heterotrophs consume producers or other consumers

c) Unicellular organisms are made up of only one cell that carries out all of the functions needed by the organism, while multicellular organisms use many different cells to function

Classify each of the bones in the chart below as either long, short, flat, or irregular by placing a check mark in the appropriate column. Also use a check mark to indicate whether the bone is a part of the axial or the appendicular skeleton. Use Figure 8.1 as a guide. Axial Appendicular Short Flat Irregular skeleton skeleton Long Sternum Radius Parietal bone (cranial bone) Phalanx (single bone of a digit) Vertebra


"The classification of each bone according to its type (long, short, flat, irregular) and whether it belongs to the axial or appendicular skeleton:

Bone                          Type                              Axial Skeleton                          Appendicular Skeleton

Sternum                           Flat                                   ✔

Radius                           Long                                                                                         ✔

Parietal bone                   Flat                                   ✔

Phalanx (single bone)   Long                                                                                          ✔

Vertebra                           Irregular                            ✔

Long Bones: The bones that are longer than they are wide are called long bones. These bones are found in the appendicular skeleton of the body. The Radius bone is an example of a long bone.

Short Bones: Short bones are as long as they are wide. They are primarily found in the wrist and ankle. The phalanx bone is an example of a short bone.

Flat Bones: Flat bones are thin and flat. These bones protect vital organs and provide a surface for muscle attachment. The Sternum bone is an example of a flat bone.

Irregular Bones: Irregular bones have irregular shapes. These bones play a vital role in protecting the nervous system and the organs in the thorax. The Vertebra bone is an example of an irregular bone.

Axial Skeleton: The axial skeleton consists of bones that lie along the longitudinal axis of the body. The Vertebra and Parietal bone is a part of the axial skeleton.

Appendicular Skeleton: The appendicular skeleton consists of bones that lie along the appendages of the body. The Radius and Phalanx are a part of the appendicular skeleton.

Bones in the human body serve several important functions:

1. Support: Bones provide structural support to the body, giving it its shape and framework. They form the rigid framework that supports and maintains the body's posture.

2. Protection: Bones act as protective coverings for vital organs. For example, the skull protects the brain, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs, and the vertebrae protect the spinal cord.

3. Movement: Bones, along with joints, muscles, and tendons, enable movement. They act as levers that are moved by muscle contractions, allowing us to walk, run, lift objects, and perform various activities.

4. Blood Cell Production: Bones house bone marrow, where red and white blood cells, as well as platelets, are produced. Red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells help fight infections, and platelets are essential for blood clotting.

5. Mineral Storage: Bones store minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus, which are crucial for maintaining the body's mineral balance. When the body needs these minerals, bones release them into the bloodstream.

6. Energy Storage: Yellow marrow, found in the central cavities of long bones, stores fat as an energy reserve for the body.

7. Body Support and Balance: Bones provide support for soft tissues and muscles, allowing them to function effectively. They also contribute to maintaining balance and stability.

8. Sound Transmission: Bones in the middle ear, such as the ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes), transmit sound vibrations from the outer ear to the inner ear, facilitating hearing.

These functions collectively make bones essential for the body's structure, movement, protection, and overall physiological well-being.

To know more about bones visit:



Innate defenses include mechanical and chemical barriers, whereas adaptive defenses counter specific disease-causing agents.

True or False


True have a good one :)

How might change in one population affect other populations?


The food chain will mess up.

What can adults do to shrink fat cells?


Answer: To shrink fat cells, you need to eat fewer calories than your body needs.

CREDIT: healthyeating


eat healthily and exercise properly


Describe how Mendel performed his pea plant experiments.



Every offspring does not look alike they change with the generations



Humans, cats, whales, and bats all have similar arm bones. What piece of evidence for common ancestry does this describe?

-fossil record
-amino acids sequences


Answer: that they all have the bones used to make their movements so they can live and survive on there own.


What allele pairs will result from this combination of alleles MmQq? ( use the 13,14,23,24 strategy).
A). All of these are correct
B). MQ, Mq, mQ, mq
C). Mq, mQ, mq, Mq
D). MM, mm, QQ, qq


The answer is B). MQ, mQ, Mq, mq

3) identify and describe three abiotic characteristics of ecosystems. Give an example of how each

characteristic could be affected by a human activity



The abiotic characteristics of an ecosystem that affects man includes: Land surface, rainfall and relative humidity.


In the ecosystem, man occupies the terrestrial habitat which is affected by the abiotic factors listed above.

Abiotic (non- living) factors determine the type of biotic (living) community that is found in an ecosystem. These factors include Land surface, rainfall and relative humidity, just to mention a few.

--> LAND SURFACE: This is responsible for the marked variation in the vegetation of a place. For example, a mountain in the tropics may have a rain forest vegetation at it's base and an afroalpine vegetation near its peak. The gradient of the slope affects the growth of organisms. A steep slope encourage fast run - off of water and therefore encourages erosion, which results in shallow and infertile soil. This in turn AFFECT man's farming activities as there would be little to no crop yield.

--> RAINFALL: Water is a very important abiotic factor that affects life. The main source of water to terrestrial habitat is rainfall. When rain falls, a greater percentage of it sinks into the soil while the rest run- off into water bodies. Water is absorbed by root hairs into the plant and used for photosynthesis to produce food. The absence of rainfall in the environment of man could lead to drought which AFFECTS man negatively.

--> RELATIVE HUMIDITY: This is a measure of the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. It's usually high in hot wet regions. It affects the rate at which water evaporates from the body surfaces of organisms. Low relative humidity cause more water (sweat) to evaporate from body surfaces giving the human body a cooling effect. But in high relative humidity, the sweat cannot evaporate leaving the body feeling hot and sticky. This AFFECTS man as the body tries to cool off in a harder way by increasing rate of respiration and depth of blood circulation.

Match each statement in the left column with the most likely characteristic in the light column. On June 21st. ✓[Choose] 34 degrees the declination of the Sun is 3 degrees north On March 20/2020 is the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere On On January 10th, on the Equator, the Solar Altitude is northernmost latitude where the sun rays strike the Earth's surface perpendicularly... 54 degrees the day and night were 12 hours long anywhere between 0 and 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres 67 degrees N On March 29th 68 degrees farthest distance from the Pole where the sun rays are tangent to Earth's surface. On July 3rd, the latitude of the tangent rays of the Sun is [Choose] On December 20th [Choose] The Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees N) is the [Choose] The Antarctic Polar Circle (66.5 degrees 5) is the [Choose ] On January 30th, the solar altitude in Central [Choose] California (about 38 degrees N), is: On April 22nd, the solar altitude in Seattle (about 48 degrees north) is: [Choose]


On June 21st: The declination of the Sun is 23.5 degrees north.

On March 20/2020: It is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

On January 10th, on the Equator: The Solar Altitude is 90 degrees.

On March 29th: The day and night are 12 hours long anywhere between 0 and 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres.

On July 3rd: The latitude of the tangent rays of the Sun is 23.5 degrees north.

On December 20th: The Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees south) is the farthest distance from the Pole where the sun rays are tangent to Earth's surface.

On January 30th, the solar altitude in Central California (about 38 degrees N): [Choose]

On April 22nd, the solar altitude in Seattle (about 48 degrees north): [Choose]

Explanation to the above short given answers are written below,

On June 21st, the declination of the Sun is 23.5 degrees north. This means that the Sun is at its highest point in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the summer solstice.

On March 20th (or around that date), it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the vernal equinox, when the Sun is directly over the Equator and day and night are approximately equal in length.

On January 10th, on the Equator, the Solar Altitude is 90 degrees. This means that the Sun is directly overhead at noon, resulting in a vertical angle of 90 degrees between the Sun and the observer on the Equator.

On March 29th, the day and night are approximately 12 hours long anywhere between 0 and 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres. This is around the time of the equinoxes when the length of day and night is equal.

On July 3rd, the latitude of the tangent rays of the Sun is 23.5 degrees north. This corresponds to the Tropic of Cancer, the northernmost latitude where the Sun's rays strike the Earth's surface perpendicularly.

On December 20th, the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees south) is the farthest distance from the Pole where the sun rays are tangent to Earth's surface. This marks the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

The solar altitude in Central California on January 30th and the solar altitude in Seattle on April 22nd are not provided, so the answers for these statements are missing.

To know more about "Summer solstice" refer here:



How does binomial nomenclature help scientists?





Bionomial nomenclature helps scientists by helping them classify organisms. This would be a two-name system that scientists use that describes the genus and species of the organism.

Explain the difference between DNA, chromosomes, genes, and the protein that is created.



DNA contains the instructions, genes, to make proteins that tell what genetic traits the person will have. The DNA along with the proteins make up the chromosomes. The chromosomes are then passed on to the offspring, and with the DNA inside the chromosomes and translation of the genes, its traits are decided. Genes are made up of strains of proteins called amino acids


DNA is a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code.DNA is composed of two strands that wrap around each other to form a double helix shape.

Genes are sections of DNA that contain the set of instructions to produce one specific molecule in your body, usually a protein. These proteins control how our body grows and works; they are also responsible for many of our characteristics, such as our eye colour, blood type or height.

Chromosomes are bundles of tightly coiled DNA located within the nucleus of almost every cell in our body. Humans have 46 chromosomes . We inherit one set of 23 chromosomes from our mother and one set of 23 chromosomes from our father. So we have two sets of 23 chromosomes or 23 pairs.

Given the following sense strand of DNA sequence, transcribe it into mRNA, showing the orientation of the mRNA [i.e. 3' and 5' ends]. Then translate this sequence into protein [indicating amino and carboxy termini, be sure to check for an open reading frame as well.]


The correct mRNA sequence transcribed from the given DNA sequence is: 5' UCCCUAGCUACGGGAUUUUCUCAAUAUGUAAUUGACCUCCGCAAUGGGGCUCC 3' Here option B is the correct answer.

To determine the correct mRNA sequence transcribed from the given DNA sequence, we need to apply the rules of DNA transcription. During transcription, the DNA sequence is used as a template to synthesize an mRNA molecule, with the RNA base uracil (U) substituting for thymine (T) in the DNA.

The given DNA sequence is:


To transcribe this DNA sequence into mRNA, we replace each DNA base with its RNA counterpart:

G (Guanine) → C (Cytosine)

C (Cytosine) → G (Guanine)

A (Adenine) → U (Uracil)

T (Thymine) → A (Adenine)

Applying these conversions, we get the mRNA sequence:


Therefore, option b) 5' UCCCUAGCUACGGGAUUUUCUCAAUAUGUAAUUGACCUCCGCAAUGGGGCUCC 3' represents the correct mRNA sequence transcribed from the given DNA sequence.

To learn more about mRNA



Complete question:

Which of the following represents the correct mRNA sequence transcribed from the given DNA sequence?





Beneficial bacteria are found in our digestive tract

A. true
B. False

please help

I will give brainliest and 5 * and 10 points for the best answer

I don't want to see an link if I do you will be reported


(A), because there are bacteria your body don’t attack because they are helpful.

Witch statement about human activity and the environment is NOT true?


No body can help u cuz where is the picture
are there answer choices?

Consider the relationship between UV exposure (e.g. UV exposure...
Consider the relationship between UV exposure (e.g. UV exposure time) and colony formation in trp1-289 yeast plated on SD medium. (1pt) Would you predict there to be a positive or negative relationship between UV exposure and colony formation (i.e. number of colonies) in trp1-289 yeast plated on SD medium. Why? (1pt) If you were to graph this relationship, which variable (i.e. number of trp1-289 colonies on SD medium or UV exposure time) would go on the x-axis and which would go on the y-axis? (1pt) Explain why this relationship might not be linear? (Hint: use the information you generated in Q3&4 above). Include a description of what this relationship might look like?


The relationship between UV exposure and colony formation is negative.

There is a negative relationship between UV exposure and colony formation in trp1-289 yeast plated on the SD medium. This is because UV exposure can cause DNA damage, which can lead to decreased viability and colony formation in yeast.

The UV exposure time would be placed on the x-axis, representing the independent variable. The number of trp1-289 colonies on the SD medium would be placed on the y-axis, representing the dependent variable.

The relationship between UV exposure and colony formation might not be linear due to several factors. The relationship might exhibit a sigmoidal or exponential decay curve.

Learn more UV exposure, here:



What are the factors that increase a species success over time.




(1) the potential for a species to increase in number,

(2) the heritable genetic variation of individuals in a species due to mutation and sexual reproduction,

(3) competition for limited resources

(4)  the proliferation of those organisms that are better able to survive and reproduce in the environment

Hope this helped!!!

rupe de estudiante utiliza un aparate para estudia
reaction quimica entre pedande cascara de bo
acetico, me muestra la siguiente ilustracion
ar la transferencia de energia durante la
de camara de hormierhonate de calcio vare
Experimento con vinagre y cáscara de huevo
Cáscara de
Cáscara de
Cáscara de
Durante el experimento, utilizan la misma masa de cascara de huevo, pere varian la
concentración del vinagre.
A. Explica por yue la transferencia de energia no es la misma entre las tres pruebas del
B. Describe como se podria modificar el aparato para que pueda medir con MAYOR
EXACTITUD la transferencia de energia en cada reacción.
Recuerda contestar todas las partes de la pregunta en el espacio previsto​


A. La transferencia de energía no es la misma entre las tres pruebas del experimento debido a la variación en la concentración de vinagre.

La concentración del vinagre influye en la velocidad y la eficacia de la reacción química. El vinagre es una solución diluida de ácido acético en agua, y el ácido actúa para disolver la capa externa de carbonato de calcio que compone la cáscara del huevo. Cuanto mayor sea la concentración de ácido acético en el vinagre, más rápida será la reacción y mayor será la transferencia de energía. Por lo tanto, se puede observar que la prueba que utilizó la concentración de vinagre al 10% tuvo una transferencia de energía mucho más alta que las otras dos pruebas.B.

El aparato se puede modificar para medir con mayor exactitud la transferencia de energía en cada reacción. Esto se puede hacer utilizando un calorímetro, que es un dispositivo que se utiliza para medir el calor de las reacciones químicas o los cambios físicos. El calorímetro consta de un recipiente aislado que contiene una muestra y se coloca en un baño de agua. Se mide la temperatura del agua antes y después de la reacción, y la diferencia en la temperatura se utiliza para calcular la cantidad de calor absorbido o liberado por la muestra.

To know more about tres  visit:



What do tornadoes and hurricanes have in common


☁️ Answer ☁️

"Tornadoes and hurricanes appear to be similar in their general structure. Both are characterized by extremely strong horizontal winds swirling around the center, strong upward motion dominating the circulation with some downward motion in the center. "

1. Death

2. strong horizontal winds swirling around the center

3strong upward motion dominating the circulation with some downward motion in the center.

Hope it helps.

Have a nice day noona/hyung.



BiologyHigh School


Which of the following best describes how a channel protein moves materials across the membrane? A)They provide a carrier for specific molecules to bind to and cross the membrane via endocytosis. B)They provide a passage for specific molecules to cross the membrane via passive transport. C) They provide a tunnel for solutes to cross the membrane via active transport. D) They provide energy needed for solutes to cross the membrane via facilitated diffusion.


The correct option that best describes how a channel protein moves materials across the membrane is B) They provide a passage for specific molecules to cross the membrane via passive transport.

Channel proteins are integral membrane proteins that form channels or pores in the cell membrane. These channels allow the passive transport of specific molecules or ions across the membrane down their concentration gradient. This process is called facilitated diffusion, where the molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration without the need for energy input. The channel proteins provide a selective passage for these molecules, enabling their movement across the membrane.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) They provide a passage for specific molecules to cross the membrane via passive transport.

For more details regarding passive transport, visit:



cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that leads to the production of excessive thick mucus in the respiratory tract, leading to frequent and serious respiratory infections. the defect is due to the production of a faulty membrane protein for the transport of the chloride ion. the protein is still in the membrane; it just doesn't function normally. what type of membrane protein is being affected in this case?


The type of membrane protein that is affected in cystic fibrosis is a chloride ion channel.

What is Cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited condition in which the mucus in the body becomes thick and sticky. It can cause breathing difficulties and frequent infections, among other symptoms. Because the mucus is thicker than normal, it can obstruct the ducts of the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the small intestine.Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder.

This means that in order to inherit the disease, a person must inherit two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent.

What is the cause of cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The CFTR gene provides instructions for making a protein called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. This protein functions as a chloride ion channel, which helps regulate the flow of salt and fluids in and out of cells.

However, in people with cystic fibrosis, the CFTR protein is either missing or not functioning properly due to a genetic mutation. As a result, the salt and water balance is disrupted, leading to the production of thick, sticky mucus that clogs the airways, digestive tract, and other ducts in the body.

To know more about cystic fibrosis, refer here:



The Earth rotates counterclockwise on its axis. Because of this, in which direction does the Moon appear to move across the sky?

A. from north to south

B. from south to north

C. from west to east

D. from east to west



East To West


What is one disadvantage of desalination?

The process can ultilize solar energy to lower its cost.
The process uses fuel that is expensive.
The process makes water that is unsafe to drink.
The process is too difficult to carry out in big cities.





Desalination remains expensive, as it requires enormous amounts of energy. The correct answer is b) The process uses fuel that is expensive.

What is desalination?

Saline water which is typically sea water, is artificially transformed into fresh water through a process called desalination. Reverse osmosis and distillation are the two most used desalination techniques. There are several approaches. Although each has benefits and drawbacks, they are all useful.

The issue is that it takes a lot of energy to desalinate water. When salt is dissolved in water, it forms strong chemical bonds that are challenging to break. Desalinating water may be rather expensive since both the energy and the technology required are costly.

Desalination turns seawater into freshwater by removing the salt, however, it also has certain unfavorable effects on the ecosystem. Desalination facilities release trash and poisonous chemicals that are bad for the environment and animals. The procedure can also increase the salinity of saltwater, which has an impact on fish.

Therefore, the correct answer is b).

For more details regarding desalination, visit:



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Choose one character from The Call of the Wild and explain how the author created him or her. Share at least three elements of characterization and give examples of each for your chosen character. Your response should address each part of the question. Use details from the book to support each description. Can someone help me with doing this about Buck? I need some help on it Set up the integral for the area of the surface generated by revolving f(x)=2x^2+5x an [2.4] about the y-axis. Do not evaluate the integral. a comma separated values (csv) file is a simple text-based file format that uses commas to separate _____. what are the main reasons the cockpit crew allowed the plane to run out of fuel? what non-zero integer must be placed in the square so that the simplified product of these two binomials is a binomial: $(3x 2)(12x-\box )$? Consider 17-bit floating point representation like IEEE 754 with 5 bits for the exponent and the bias as 15. Which of the following expression would cause underflow?A. 58.971 x 2B. 2.640625+0 - [infinity]C. 2-+22.444D.-21.018 x 2 rank 13E. None of the above a. Pitcher Inc. has issued the following 2 bonds with a face value of $1,000. Bond Years to Maturity Coupon rate Coupon frequency A 11 years 10% Semi-annual 11 years 3% Semi-annual Given the market rate of interest is 7% 1. What is the price of bond A? (2.5 marks) 2. What is the price of bond B? (2.5 marks) 3. Which bond's price is more sensitive to the changes in interest rate? Explain. (2 marks) b. Why does the default risk premium vary over the business cycle? (3 marks) BO Barnacle Industries was awarded a patent over 15 years ago for a unique industrial strength cleaner that removes barnacles and other particles from the hulls of ships. Thanks to its monopoly position, Barnacle has earned more than $160 million over the past decade. Its customers-spanning the gamut from cruise lines to freighters-use the product because it reduces their fuel bills. The annual (inverse) demand function for Barnacle's product is given by P-450 - 0.0003Q, and Barnacle's cost function is given by q) = 280Q. Thanks to subsidies stemming from an energy bill passed by Congress nearly two decades ago, Barnacle does not have any fixed costs: The federal government essentially pays for the plant and capital equipment required to make this energy-saving product. Absent this subsidy, Barnacle's fixed costs would be about $7 million annually. Knowing that the company's patent will soon expire. Marge, Barnacle's manager, is concerned that entrants will qualify for the subsidy, enter the market, and produce a perfect substitute at an identical cost. With interest rates at 5 percent, Marge is considering a limit pricing strategy. What would Barnacle's profits be if Marge pursues a limit-pricing strategy if the subsidy is in place? $____ Instructions: Enter your responses to the nearest penny (two decimal places). What would Barnacle's profits be if Marge convinces the government to eliminate the subsidy? What would be the profit of a new entrant if the subsidy is eliminated and Barnacle continues to produce the monopoly level of output? 3. Voluntary contributions toward a public good Susan and Becky are considering contributing toward the creation of a water fountain. Each can choose whether to contribute $300 to the water fountain or to keep that $300 for a cell phone. Since a water fountain is a public good, both Susan and Becky will benefit from any contributions made by the other person. Specifically, every dollar that elther one of them contributes will bring each of them $0.90 of benefit. For example, if both Susan and Becky choose to contribute, then a total of 5600 would be contributed to the water fountain. So, Susan and Becky would each receive $540 of benefit from the water fountain, and their combined benefit would be $1,080. This is shown in the upper left cell of the first table. Since a cell phone is a private good, If Susan chooses to spend $300 on a cell phone, Susan would get $300 of benefit from the cell phone and Becky wouldn't receive any benefit from Susan's choice. If Susan still spends $300 on a cell phone and Becky chooses to contribute $300 to the water fountain, Susan would still receive the $270 of benefit from Becky's generosity. In other words, If Susan decides to keep the $300 for a cell phone and Becky decides to contribute the $300 to the public project, then Susan would receive a total benefit of $300 + $270 = $570, Becky would receive a total benefit of $270, and their combined benefit would be s840. This is shown in the lower left cell of the first table. Complete the following table, which shows the combined benefits of Susan and Becky as previously described. Becky Doesn't contribute S Contributes $1,000 $840 Contributes Doesn't contribute Susan of the four cells of the table, which gives the greatest combined benefits to Susan and Becky? When both Susan and Becky contribute to the water fountain When neither Susan nor Becky contributes to the water fountain When Susan contributes to the water fountain and Becky doesn't, or vice versa of the four cells of the table, which gives the greatest combined benefits to Susan and Becky? O When both Susan and Becky contribute to the water fountain When neither Susan nor Becky contributes to the water fountain O When Susan contributes to the water fountain and Becky doesn't, or vice versa Now, consider the incentive facing Susan individually. The following table looks similar to the previous one, but this time, it is partially completed with the individual benefit data for Susan. As shown previously, if both Susan and Becky contribute to a public good, Susan receives a benefit of $540. On the other hand, if Becky contributes to the water fountain and Susan does not, Susan receives a benefit of $570. Complete the right-hand column of the following table, which shows the individual benefits of Susan. Hint: You are not required to consider the benefit of Becky. Becky Doesn't contribute Contribute $540, -- Contribute $ Susan Doesn't contribute $570, -- If Becky decides to contribute to the water fountain, Susan would maximize her benefit by choosing the other hand, if Becky decides not to contribute to the water fountain, Susan would maximize her benefit by choosing to the water fountain. On to the water fountain. These results illustrate Doesn't contri the free-rider problem to the water fountain. On the Tragedy of the Commons If Becky decides to con Juld maximize her benefit by choosing the other hand, if Beck the creation of a positive externality fountain, Susan would maximize her benefit by choosing water fountain. why markets are efficient to the These results illustrate the Tragedy of the Commons Read the excerpt from Hidden Figures.As the work intensified, something that had been hibernating in her mind awakened, and once roused it would not go away. She considered the issue and checked its logic, just as she did with her analytical work. At first she asked it only of herself, but eventually she came to the engineers with the question."Why can't I go to the editorial meetings?" she asked the engineers. A postgame recap of the analysis wasn't nearly as thrilling as being there for the main event. How could she not want to be a part of the discussion? They were her numbers, after all."Girls don't go to the meetings," Katherine's male colleagues told her.Which statements best summarize the excerpt? Katherine Goble became more dedicated to her job as the work intensified. She asked to go to the editorial meetings so she could better understand what happened in them, but she was told that girls were not allowed to attend the meetings. Katherine Goble became more determined to ask for a larger role as the scope of the work grew.Unsatisfied with summaries of the analysis that took place in the meetings, she asked why she could not go to the editorial meetings and was told that girls could not attend. Katherine Goble became upset that she was not allowed to attend editorial meetings as her work became more involved. When she asked why she could not attend the meetings, she was given an unfair answer that upset her. Katherine Goble confronted an issue that had been hibernating in her mind and that would not go away.She approached the situation logically, as she did with all of her work. When she asked why she could not attend the meetings, she was told that girls could not go. Skiles Coporation is a manufacturer of classic rocking chairs. The company has been using a particular sanding and finishing machine for over 10 years and believes that it may be time to replace the machine. The company is trying to decide whether replacing the old machine is a wise economic decision. The company's controller pulled together the following information on the old machine and the new possible replacement machine. what does descartes say distinguishes human beings from "the beast", i.e., other living creatures/animals? Estimating the Weighted Average Cost of CapitalKellogg Company manufactures cereal and other convenience food under its many well-known brands such as Kelloggs, Keebler, and Cheez-It. The company, with over $13.5 billion in annual sales worldwide, partially finances its operation through the issuance of debt. At the beginning of its 2015 fiscal year, it had $6.5 billion in total debt. At the end of fiscal year 2015, its total debt had increased to $6.6 billion. Its fiscal 2015 interest expense was $227 million, and its assumed statutory tax rate was 37%. Kellogg has an estimated market beta of 0.60. Assume that the expected risk-free rate is 2.5% and the expected market premium is 5%.Kelloggs stock closed at $76.38 on December 31, 2015. On that same date, the company had 420,315,589 shares issued, of which 70,291,514 shares were in treasury.a. What is Kelloggs total market capitalization as of December 31, 2015?Enter answer in billions, rounding to one decimal place.$AnswerCorrectMark 1.00 out of 1.00billionb. Compute Kelloggs WACC.Use your rounded answer above for computation.Round answer to one decimal place (ex: 0.0245 = 2.5%). Problem 3 The Ministry of Finance uses the standard Solow growth model to predict the long-run rate of GDP growth. The rate of population growth equals 0.01; the rate of technological progress equals Stocks are classified as capital market securities because theyhave no maturity and therefore serve as a long- term source offunds.Seleccione una:VerdaderoFalso find the length of cd Choose any five of the top 500 publicly traded companies in the US and collect stock price data of those companies. Then, using Tableau, create a dashboard of relevant data. Relevant data could include PE ratios, dividends, growth rate, capitalization, and/or other factors. For each of the companies you chose, explain whether you would recommend purchase of that company's stock or not. please help fastpoints On Dec 31, 2020, ABC Corp issued 4-year, 7% bonds with $1,000,000 as par value ABC Corp. received $1,120,000 in cash. The bond interest is paid semiannually on June 30 and December 31 every yea how does the author use the allusion to sherlock holmes in the passage? Which of the following actions are grounds for disciplinary action by the Board?(a) Aiding and abetting an unlicensed person, who does not qualify for an exemption, in the practice of engineering(b) Using the title "Aerospace Engineer" when not licensed in California or in another state(c) Failure to appear for a scheduled examination at the appropriate examination site(d) Failure to renew licensure when not practicing in California