Explain how the decision to make New France an official colony allowed the French to thrive and prosper in the region.


Answer 1

Answer: To reestablish the fur trade and find new trading partnerships so they can increase the size of new france and the growth of settlements.


In 1663 king louis XIV declared new france an official colony (sending troops to protect people from the iroquois and established government). New exploration was needed.


Related Questions

Which of the following is an example of a primary source?
O A biography about George Washington
O Atextbook about George Washington
O An autobiography about George Washington
O A documentary about George Washington


an autobiography about George Washington

autobiography about George Washington :)

Discuss five reason why the death rate began to fall after the arrival of the Industrial Revolution.??? PLEASE HELP ME POR FAVOR :)




Several advances in science and technology led to lower death rates in 18th century Europe and North America:

New scientific knowledge of the causes of disease led to improved water supplies, sewers, and personal hygiene.

Better farming techniques and machines increased the food supply.

The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s led to new sources of energy, such as coal and electricity. This increased the efficiency of the new agricultural machines. It also led to train transport, which improved the distribution of food.

For all these reasons, death rates fell, especially in children. This allowed many more children to survive to adulthood, so birth rates increased. As the gap between birth and death rates widened, the human population grew faster.

With better food and less chance of disease, the death rate fell. More children lived long enough to reach adulthood and have children of their own


1. The increasing of population: after the industrial revolution began, the population increased a lot. The quantity of sick people by TB were increasing lower than the population, making the death rate by TB to decrease.

2. Migration from rural to urban places: A lot of people moved from rural places to the new cities looking for better job opportunities and better salaries. Urban places were substantially more developed and it was easier to get healthcare rather than rural places were if sick, you had to travel a long distance to visit the doctor or wait a lot of time fr the doctor to arrive to the destination.

3. The appearance of new jobs: New jobs in urban areas such as bankers, doctors, lawyers and business men started to appear making the population start making money from less dangerous activities.

4. The appearance of the "middle class": Capistalism and industry brought to the new cities a new status of people who were not too rich, but at the same time not too poor to access to some basic needs such as daily food, entertainment activities and of course healthcare. Healthcare starte to be more accesible to this new "middle class" people.

5. The develop of healthcare: Industrial revolution brought made possible the creation of factories dedicated to create health products such as stretchers for hospitals, medicines, vaccines, among others. Making health products more accesible to all. Now medicines were not excusively for aristocracy but for all those who can pay for it.  


the right to own this was enough incentive to attract women to settle in Virginia colony


Women were known to provide a sense of stability. They came to the Jamestown Colony to marry men in the colony or to serve as indentured servants. Some women were also known to come to the colony at a young age with their families, such as Cecily Jordan Farrar.

What helped bring about Greece’s ruin or end?


Greece’s debt crisis

The poem doesn't clearly state why Hrothgar and his warriors did not fight back or try kill Grendel. Using words like uncertain or ambiguous, describe at least two possible reasons that Hrothgar and his warriors did not resist Beowulf. Cite strong and thorough evidence from the text for your response.



The possibility of winning the battle was very uncertain.

There was much ambiguity in the courage of Hrothgar and his warriors.


Grendel was a very fierce, violent and powerful monster. It would be very difficult for a warrior to get him. In other words, death was something very real for anyone who was going to fight against Grendel, besides being a violent and painful death, the possibility of victory against Grendel was uncertain and this generated ambiguity in the courage of King Hrothgar and his warriors, who preferred choose to live under the judgment of the monster than face it head on, until the arrival of Beowulf, who was a war that did not present ambiguity in his choices.

Why did England want to stop the colonists from
smuggling goods? What did England do in 1763 to
try and stop the smuggling?


The British had an empire to run. The prevailing economic philosophy of seventeenth and eighteenth century empires was called MERCANTILISM. In this system, the colonies existed to enrich the mother country. Restrictions were placed on what the colonies could manufacture, whose ships they could use, and most importantly, with whom they could trade. British merchants wanted American colonists to buy British goods, not French, Spanish, or Dutch products. In theory, Americans would pay DUTIES on imported goods to discourage this practice. The NAVIGATION ACTS and the MOLASSES ACT are examples of royal attempts to restrict colonial trade. SMUGGLING is the way the colonists ignored these restrictions.

Distance and the size of the British Empire worked to colonial advantage. Prior to 1763, the British followed a policy known as SALUTARY NEGLECT. They passed laws regulating colonial trade, but they knew they could not easily enforce them. It cost four times as much to use the British navy to collect duties as the value of the duties themselves. Colonists, particularly in New England, thought nothing of ignoring these laws. Ships from the colonies often loaded their holds with illegal goods from the French, Dutch, and Spanish West Indies. British customs officials earned a modest salary from the Crown. They soon found their pockets stuffed with bribe money from colonial shippers. When smugglers were caught, they were often freed by sympathetic American juries. Smuggling became commonplace. The British estimated that over £700,000 per year were brought into the American colonies illegally.

Boston Harbor

Boston Harbor, circa 1746, was home to a successful colonial merchant fleet.

As 1776 approached, the tradition of smuggling became vital to the Revolutionary cause. This encouraged ignoring British law, particularly in the harbors of New England. American shippers soon became quite skilled at avoiding the British navy, a practice they used extensively in the Revolutionary War. Soon England began to try offenders in admiralty courts, which had no juries. All attempts to crack down merely brought further rebellion. Woe to the parent who attempts to contain the child who has been allowed to roam free.

5-1= 12+1= 12×2= 50-50=



5-1= 4

12+1= 13

12×2= 24

50-50= 0



They are the same. both equal 0. I dont  know what the question was.

From which country did the first settlers come to the United States?
O Portugal





After Columbus discovered islands in the Caribbeans, people flocked to work and settle there destroying the native population.

What is one result of the expanding British patriotic sentiment in the eighteenth century?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

One result of the expanding British patriotic sentiment in the eighteenth century was the notorious patriotic sentiment by the American colonists against the English government that was just interested in exploiting the North American raw materials and natural resources. For instance, American women started to produce their own clothes, trying to protest against the British exportations of the English textile industry.

Colonists started to really get upset against the British crown for the many heavy taxations imposed on the colonies.

If I said that in three days' time it would be a Thursday, I am sure that most of you would have no difficulty telling me that today was a Monday.

Try this one then. Yesterday was two days before Monday. What day is it today? Yes, you're right again. It's Sunday. Do you get the idea?

Now let's tackle a similar question from The National Mathematics Contest (1991) Paper:

Three days ago, yesterday was the day before Sunday. What day will it be tomorrow?






I think it would be Thursday


what are the advantages of a free market system



A free market economy has two key advantages. First, it allows for individuals to innovate. Individuals have the freedom to create new ideas, new products, and new services to sell for profit. They are not required to only produce what the government tells them to produce.



__________ is the BEST example of a nation that uses a democratic type of government. A. North Korea B. Finland C. Saudi Arabia D. The United States



D. The United States

The answer is D!!! The United States! Hope this helps

was the covered wagon still used after the railroad became the popular means of travel



While they were still used they began their decline because of the railroad. It is similar to getting a new iPhone. The old ones are still used but as they keep developing, they are still useful, but not as great as the newest ones and so they begin their decline in buys.

TRUE OR FALSE? The remains of living organisms will usually stay preserved longer in areas with large numbers of bacteria and insects .





Briefly explain how the colonists justified separating from Great Britain which was governed a King.



The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies.  Many colonists felt that they should not pay these taxes, because they were passed in England by Parliament, not by their own colonial governments. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The issue of taxation without representaiton in Parliment was a contributing factor, for example, the Boston Tea Party was a result of these taxes. They no longer wanted to live under a tyrant king, so the declared themselves independent, listing all of their reasons, complaints, greivences, efforts, etc. In the Declaration of Indpendence.

The seat of the Spanish colonial government of Texas was at the settlement that became the city of _____.



San Antonio if I am not wrong.

How large was the mogol empire at its height


Answer: 12.7 million square miles



At its peak, it covered some 9 million square miles (23 million square km) of territory, making it the largest contiguous land empire in world history.


I found this on britannica hope it helps.

Which of North America’s Paleo-Indian cultures lasted the longest? the Clovis? the Folsom? the Plano? the Plains?



The Plano


The Plano is the North America’s Paleo-Indian cultures lasted the longest. Hence, option C is correct.

What is North America’s Paleo-Indian cultures?

About 12,000 years ago, towards the end of the last ice age, individuals began to appear in North America's archeological record. The Paleoindian Period encompasses this time frame.

One of the first cultures to immigrate to what is now the Canada and the United States was the Clovis culture. Native Americans are referred to as the paleo-Indians.

They didn't seem to have used other Old World technologies like domesticated plants, grazing animals, or the wheel, but they did have some cultural traits in common with their Asian contemporaries, like the use of fire and dogs.

Thus, option C, the Plano, is correct.

For more details about North America’s Paleo-Indian cultures, click here:



The year 14 BC is the same as which year?


The year 14 BC is the same as the year 14 BCE.

What is a timeline?

A timeline can be defined as a list of important events or activities that are arranged in a chronological sequence, which is the order in which they happened (occured).

In History, events or activities that happened in the past are classified based on the following timelines:

Common Era (CE).Anno Domino (AD).Before present (BP).Before Common Era (BCE).

In conclusion, Before Common Era (BCE) simply means the same thing as Before Christ (BC) and as such, the year 14 BC is the same as the year 14 BCE.

Read more on timeline here: https://brainly.com/question/24508428

The dates 14 BC and 14 BCE are equivalent. A timeline may be described as a collection of significant occurrences that are ordered in chronological order, or the order in which they occurred.

A list of events is shown in chronological order on a timeline. It usually takes the form of a graphic with a long bar with dates and frequently current events paralleled to it.

Timelines may use any appropriate scale for expressing time, depending on the topic and available information; many choose a linear scale, where a unit of distance corresponds to a certain length of time. This timeframe is based on the occurrences in the chronology.

Learn more about the timeline here:



Which region did not have colonies established for religious freedom?


Massachusetts Bay Colony




the southern colonies

right on edge

Spain inspired France and England to colonize North America for social status. economic gain. extra protection. food security.



extra protection


they were shorton soldiers and aids and they needed help


Extra protection


So that they would be safe

describe what the u.s would look like without government​



The government is meant to protect our rights. That is their basic service. Without government there would be anarchy and chaos, because their would be no punishment for actions, no laws to follow in the first place, and their would be constant debate and argument with nobody to regulate. There would also be things that we didn't have like government run institutions, like USPS, AMTRACK, etc. There would be a state of disorder, similar to how it would be if we didn't approve of our government, but in this case, there isn't even a government to approve of.


Why did the author introduce the thinkers of the 1500s and 1600s before discussing the ideas of the Enlightenment?​


Answer:Through the use of reason, these thinkers believed that people and governments could solve every social, political, and economic problem. These writers and philosophers thought they could change the world.


The Scientific Revolution of the 1500s and 1600s had transformed the way people in Europe looked at the world.

Imagine that you have completed your paper. The following are two paragraphs you have written that contain direct quotations from your sources. Below each paragraph is the source used. For each source, use MLA style to create the correct in-text citation and place it in the correct place within the paragraph. Gandhi did not grow up wealthy. Of his family, he recalled, “My father never had any ambition to accumulate riches and left us very little property. He had no education, save that of experience.” Like his father, Gandhi became someone who valued experience over money. The quotation is taken from page 2 of this source: Gandhi, Mahatma. The Story of My Experiments with Truth. 1927. New York: Dover Publications, 1983. Print. Gandhi’s experiences abroad taught him a great deal, but they certainly did not make him rich. According to Indian scholar E.S. Reddy, “…on January 9, 1915, M. K. Gandhi returned to Bombay after 21 years in exile, wearing a loin cloth and travelling from London in the lowest class of the ship.” Few people suspected that this unassuming man would become one of the most powerful and beloved leaders in history. The quotation is taken from page 1 of this source: Reddy, E.S. Gandhi’s Vision of a Free South Africa. Hyderabad, India: Sangam Books, Ltd. 1995. Print. (I am confused on what I'm supposed to do.)


Gandhi did not grow up wealthy. Recalling his family, he wrote, " My father never had any ambition to accumulate riches and left us very little property. He had no education, save that of experience." (Gandhi 2). Like his father, Gandhi became someone who valued experience over money.

Gandhi's experiences abroad taught him a great deal, but they certainly did not make him rich. According to Indian scholar E.S. Reddy, "...on January 9, 1915, M.K. Gandhi returned to Bombay after 21 years in exile, wearing a loin cloth and traveling from London in the lowest class of the ship (1). "Few people suspected that this unassuming man would become one of the most powerful and beloved leaders in history.

What is MLA format?The Modern Language Association, or MLA, the format is a method of citing sources when writing a paper. This format is commonly used for research papers in English composition and other communication classes.

Learn more about MLA format, here-




Imagine that you have completed your paper. The following are two paragraphs you have written that contain direct quotations from your sources. Below each paragraph is the source used. For each source, use MLA style to create the correct in-text citation and place it in the correct place within the paragraph. Gandhi did not grow up wealthy. Of his family, he recalled, “My father never had any ambition to accumulate riches and left us very little property. He had no education, save that of experience.” Like his father, Gandhi became someone who valued experience over money. The quotation is taken from page 2 of this source: Gandhi, Mahatma. The Story of My Experiments with Truth. 1927. New York: Dover Publications, 1983. Print. Gandhi’s experiences abroad taught him a great deal, but they certainly did not make him rich. According to Indian scholar E.S. Reddy, “…on January 9, 1915, M. K. Gandhi returned to Bombay after 21 years in exile, wearing a loin cloth and travelling from London in the lowest class of the ship.” Few people suspected that this unassuming man would become one of the most powerful and beloved leaders in history. The quotation is taken from page 1 of this source: Reddy, E.S. Gandhi’s Vision of a Free South Africa. Hyderabad, India: Sangam Books, Ltd. 1995. Print. (I am confused on what I'm supposed to do.)

Explanation: not mines

What problems did Jamestown colonists face?



Hostile Indians, starvation, poor leadership, lack of government, cannibalism, lack of skills among colonists. Jamestown colonists were spoiled, and not prepared to work... they devoted their time and effort to look for gold.


The Ojibwa tribe lives in the region scientists call what?
the Plains
the Great Basin
the Eastern Woodlands
the Southwest Swamplands


Answer is C.The eastern woodlands

Answer: C. Great Plains


For the people who got similar question and yeah....

Why do we have to fight for freedom and not let it be inherited?



We have to fight for our rights, and not take them for free.


why do historians use terms such as A.D., B.C., decade, and century



to refer to periods of time



Yup that is correct


conquistadors scoured the mainland of North America in search of



They were searching for land. Hoping to claim this wealth and territory for Spain and themselves


b land and gold


3 others say this

Has the United Kingdom always been a Constitutional Monarchy?



Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. In a monarchy, a king or queen is Head of State. The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament.



Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. In a monarchy, a king or queen is Head of State. The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. This means that, while The Sovereign is Head of State, the ability to make and pass legislation resides with an elected Parliament.


In the Kingdom of England, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 led to a constitutional monarchy restricted by laws such as the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701, although limits on the power of the monarch ("a limited monarchy") are much older than that (see Magna Carta).

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