European slave trading became a major issue in the colony of _____.


Answer 1
popular in the south but later on became forcefully popular in the north. later there was a civil war because the south no longer supported slavery

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How did the Khmer Kingdom establish and maintain power?




The Khmer Empire grew greatly after the conquering of other empires spreading its religion further, and bringing more people to Angkor. The rise of the empire was mainly because of their belief in the Deva-Raja, "God-King".

Who conducted the “region of Terror?



Precisava responder para ganhar pontos


Could somebody help me please??????


Explanation is a lot, so I’m just gonna answer: The first one on the right is cause and effect, the second one is sequence of events, the third one is changes over time, and he last one is similarities and differences

If a diary had been kept by one of the Indians who came aboard Columbus's ship, what might it have said about the Europeans?​



maybe that they were being treated like slaves


hey can anyone help me out in dis pls i will mark u as brainliest!!!



i am taking points from my question lol


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Answer:What was the most significant impact of African, European, and North American cultures converging in the 16th century? In ancient times, migrating people settled the Americas. Their descendants developed diverse Native American cultures in varied landscapes


How did cleisthenes contribute to the democracy in the Ancient Greece? pleas help


Answer: Solon (in 594 BC), Cleisthenes (in 508/7 BC), and Ephialtes (in 462 BC) contributed to the development of Athenian democracy. Cleisthenes broke up the power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived, rather than on their wealth.

Which of the following weapons helped continue the stalemate on battlefields during World War I

a] the tank
b] the submarine
c] the fighter plane
d] the machine gun



The answer to this is D machine gun.


The machine gun allowed soldiers to rapid-fire bullets at the enemy at a rate of 400 to 600 rounds per minute. This allowed defenders the ability to dominate the battlefield and cause the death of advancing enemy soldiers.


I think It was the tank


the first prototype was created in 1916

What has Dee changed about herself since she last saw Mama?
A. Her accent
B. Her hair color
C. O Her condescending attitude
D. Her name





Dee didn't want to be named after the people who oppressed her.

Who denied the colonists basic rights according to the declaration



The british.


The colonized states were not independent yet so they had lots of rules and taxes to come by.

What are the legacies of the Ancient World that are relevant to today's society?



Some of the important contributions made by ancient civilizations are summarized as follows:

Assyrians & Mesopotamians - Farming, agriculture and metallurgy.

Aztecs - Geometry and astronomy.

Egyptians - Ancient architecture, art of writing, medicines and surgery.

Greeks - Progressive philosophy, weapons and naval warfare.


Mr. Webb gives us a social and political report. In what ways do you think the idea of life
in Grover's Corner and most small towns are similar and/or different? Compare/contrast
this with Grant County (as a whole rather than individual cities). Use specific examples
to justify your answer. "They both have nothing to do" doesn't cut it. I need DETAILED
examples. This should be thorough.



Through Mr. Webb's report, we can find several similarities between Grover's Corner and other small towns. Among these characteristics we can mention: there are few places where citizens can drink and have fun, there is a lot of social inequality and injustices in the city and people even try to help those most in need, but they don't do that with all the people who need help, the citizens of the city have little distraction and few places to do pleasurable activities, so they end up doing simple but very rewarding activities, like observing nature.


The question above is about the play "Our Town". This is a drama play that portrays the daily lives of citizens in a small, quiet town, with few exciting events and situations.

Both the city and the characters were built as common archetypes of American people who live in small towns. In this way the play is able to reach many people who lived in this type of community and recognizes the elements that form them.

Who received the charter for the colony of Maryland? James Oglethorpe Lord Baltimore George Calvert King Charles I


Kind George the 3rd helped


Kind George the 3rd helped

what is the most important source of american unity



This question forces the answer to come off as rather bias, so I’m going to try and be as factual as possible. The constitution and Declaration of Independence are very important, as well as having the freedom of speech and a diverse category of other freedoms that many other countries do not.

Hope this helps!

Why is communism seen in such a negative way?



It truly being the individuals opinion, yet as stated, widely viewed in a negative connotation, is because Communism restricts ones freedoms and basic human rights, for one is being controlled by the government.

Hope this helps!

Why were the Aztec people willing to accept Cortes and his men when they first arrived



They thouht cortes was a god


Question: Why were the Aztec people willing to accept Cortes and his men when they first arrived?

Answer: They thought Cortes was as god because of the legend about the god who they thought were Cortes because they heard that he was coming. Of course they wanted to treat him perfect because he was the god to them.

Which was true of the us government after independence



What was true about the government after the independence.

One fact is that after the independence, the government was in a mess. Hope I helped!

which statement about the causes of the French Revolution is false?
it was sparked by Enlightenment ideas

It was inspired by Jean- Jacques Rousseau's ideas

Before it began, the country was bankrupt.

The king had limited power in the government​



False - The king had limited power in the government​


The American and French Revolutions were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals and respectively marked the peak of its influence and the beginning of its decline.

The French Revolution was shaped more by Rousseau's ideas than by the works of any other figure. ... These works thrust Rousseau into the public arena – but his strong criticisms of royalty, aristocracy and religion also saw him hounded out of Geneva. He returned to France, where he lived out the remainder of his years.

The immediate cause of the Revolution was that the French monarchy faced imminent bankruptcy. (This was partly because of the enormous sums it had spent assisting the American Revolution between 1778 and 1781 in order to discomfort the traditional enemy, Britain.)


I believe its the last one, The king had limited power in the government.

What area is called Mesoamerica?​



The south of Americas, like Coasta Rica, Guetamulea, Etc


Answer: The south of Americas, like Coasta Rica, Guetamulea, Etc.



How did hunger strikes by enslaved Africans affect slaveholders during the Middle Passage? Slaveholders knew that an enslaved person weakened by hunger could be sold for less money. Slaveholders knew that an enslaved person who did not eat would be too tired to perform duties on the ship. Slaveholders worried that an enslaved person who did not eat would not cooperate. Slaveholders worried that an enslaved person who did not eat would try to take control of the ship.



Slaveholders knew that an enslaved person weakened by hunger could be sold for less money.


The hunger strikes by enslaved Africans affected the slaveholders during the Middle Passage, as slaveholders knew that an enslaved person weakened by hunger could be sold for less money. Hence, the option A holds true.

What is the significance of slaveholders of enslaved Africans?

The enslaved Africans held a series of hunger strikes during the Middle Passage. The event of Middle Passage was important to begin the slave trade for the slaveholders. These hunger strikes increased tensions for the slaveholders of enslaved Africans.

Moreover, another fear that increased their tensions was the fact that the slaves who were affected due to the hunger strikes would not be able to be sold to the buyers at higher prices.

Hence, option A holds true regarding the significance of slaveholders of enslaved Africans.

Learn more about slaveholders of enslaved Africans here:


In which direction would you travel to get from Rome to misenum


Like most likely Southeast ish

How do you think the settlement at Jamestown eventually lead to the settlement of the New England colonies?


I do believe geography effected economy. Especially on the coast where the 13 colonies were there were all kinds of different land charicyeristics for example, in the southern colonies they had lots of room for plantations.

1. What are the pros and cons of Market economy?

2. What are the pros and con of Command economy?

3. In your opinion , which is better for our society?


Answer    1. While a market economy has many advantages, such as fostering innovation, variety, and individual choice, it also has disadvantages, such as a tendency for an inequitable distribution of wealth, poorer work conditions, and environmental degradation.

2. List of the Biggest Cons of a Command Economy

Command economies tend to limit personal freedoms. ...

There is a lack of innovation with command economies. ...

It reduces the number of options available to consumers. ...

Command economies create underground markets. ...

There is little competition within a command economy.

3. Society is made up of individuals. The collective and the individual are essentially equal - the difference is only in how things express themselves in each individual. It's like a body where each cell contains the entire genetic blueprint but expressed qualities based on its place in the body and how it connects to other parts. But unlike the humam body, or other levels in mature, humans are essentially a “desire to receive pleasure for itself and at the expense of others.”

Would be altruists are not an exception since they too derive pleasure from caring for others. But neither is doing it for the sake of the good connection between people and certainly not for the sake of the general system of nature.

Hence, out society is as bad. And it's easy to see it from the values that are espoused on every channel of communications.

There's a reason for this broken picture but that's for another thread.

Elabora una relación que muestre aspectos en común de las primeras civilizaciones.(teniendo en cuenta los pueblos que la habitaron:, sumerios, acadios, Babilonios , persas, fenicios y hebreos)


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Aunque la pregunta no especifica algún tipo de relación o formato en especial, responderemos de la siguiente manera.

Algunos de los aspectos en común que tenían las primeras civilizaciones en el planeta fueron las siguientes.

Las primeras civilizaciones dejaron de ser nómadas y recolectores de comida, para asentarse en un lugar establecido. Anteriormente, los primeros humanos tenían que seguir las mandas de animales para cazarlos y alimentar a sus familias. De paso, iban recolectando frutas, semillas y legumbres, también.

Los Sumerios se instalaron en medio de los Ríos Tigris y Éufrates. Los Egipcios, a lo largo del Río Nilo, y los humanos del Valle del Indo, junto al Río Indo.

Habitar junto a los ríos proporcionaba muchos beneficios porque ahí, estas civilizaciones desarrollaron técnicas de cultivo y se vieron beneficiados por que al desbordarse los ríos, dejaban una tierra muy fértil para luego cultivarla.

Which best explains how settlers gained control of Ohio by 1795?
O Diseases carried by settlers caused many American Indian deaths, opening the land for settlement.
O US forces defeated American Indians in a series of battles, driving them off the land.
O Settlers and American Indians negotiated a treaty that gave settlers control of the land.
O President Jefferson purchased the land from American Indian groups that had lived there.


Settlers and American Indians negotiated a treaty that gave settlers control of the land.


(C)  Settlers and American Indians negotiated a treaty that gave settlers control of the land.


i just took the quiz

corrrecton edge

At the time of the Brown v. Board of Education decision



...schools were segregated everywhere in the USA.

what are 15 ways that computers and cell phones have changed peoples lives in the last decade?​



People can connect from all over the world

Kids now prefer video games over playing outside

Online school is an option

Easy access to any question (Google)

Easy access to tutorials/entertainment (you tube)

Businesses can now use technology to create and store information

People can express themselves online

People can buy stocks online

People can learn new languages with an app

Easy access to your bank information

People can hack accounts easier

I can't come up with anything else

which populated region is home to George’s capital, Atlanta, and is highly industrialized



Most of Georgia's cities are in the Piedmont, and the area is highly industrialized, with industries as diverse as carpet milling, aircraft and automobile manufacturing, and poultry processing.

can i get brainliest, please?

Select all the correct answers. What are three reasons that the United States seeks foreign cooperation to stop terrorism? The United States lacks the expertise to stop terrorism. Terrorists operate from various nations around the world. Other nations are also threatened by terrorists. It’s more effective to gather the resources and expertise of many nations. Terrorists fear alliances of many nations.



Terrorists operate from various nations around the world.

Other nations are also threatened by terrorists.

It’s more effective to gather the resources and expertise of many nations.


Terrorists operate from various nations around the world, Other nations are also threatened by terrorists, and It’s more effective to gather the resources and expertise of many nations. Thus, options B, C, and D are correct.

What is terrorism?

Terrorism is the term used to depict those people or gangs that have violent acts toward the public. They mostly believe in destruction and murders to achieve their point and which results in violence and affects the political way, and they want to force their views and their ways onto others.

The goal of the Bureau of Counterterrorism, which was established with government funding, is to advance national security in the United States.

Additionally, they think that because there are terrorists everywhere, all countries are in danger from them and must band together to fight them. Therefore, option B, C, and D is the correct option.

Learn more about terrorism, here:


The post-colonial distrust of strong, national governmental power can most clearly be seen in the creation of the



Articles of Confederation


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