Each question must have a response of 2 complete sentences or more. Correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar is expected. Sentences starters are provided.
1. Compare and contrast Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets. 10 points
Both the Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets are alike in that…
The Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets are different in that…

2. 10 points. Read the sonnet below. What is the central theme of the poem?
The central theme of “Sonnet 28”, by Franceso Petrarca, is…
Where is the volta in this sonnet?

The volta in Sonnet 28 occurs at….

“Sonnet 28” by Francesco Petrarca
Alone, and lost in thought, the desert glade
Measuring I roam with ling’ring steps and slow;
And still a watchful glance around me throw,
Anxious to shun the print of human tread:
No other means I find, no surer aid
From the world’s prying eye to hide my woe:
So well my wild disorder’d gestures show,
And lovelorn looks, the fire within me bred,
That well I deem each mountain, wood and plain,
And river knows, what I from man conceal,
What dreary hues my life’s fond prospects dim.
Yet whate’er wild or savage paths I’ve ta’en,
Where’er I wander, love attends me still,
Soft whisp’ring to my soul, and I to him.

3. 10 points. Read the sonnet below. What is the main idea of the first quatrain?
The main idea of the first quatrain of “Sonnet 30”, by William Shakespeare is….
Where is the volta?

The volta take place….

What happens in the volta?

During the volta….

“Sonnet 30” by William Shakespeare.
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste:

Then can I drown an eye, unus'd to flow,
For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,
And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe,
And moan th' expense of many a vanish'd sight;

Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er
The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan,
Which I new pay as if not paid before.

But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restor'd, and sorrows end.


Answer 1


Both the Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets are alike in that they are both 14-line poems written in iambic pentameter. The Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets are different in that the Petrarchan sonnet is typically divided into an octave and a sestet, while the Shakespearean sonnet is divided into three quatrains and a couplet.
The central theme of “Sonnet 28”, by Francesco Petrarca, is the speaker’s solitary contemplation of his own suffering and his desire for solitude. The volta in Sonnet 28 occurs at the transition between the octave and the sestet, where the speaker moves from describing his own solitary thoughts to addressing his love directly.
The main idea of the first quatrain of “Sonnet 30”, by William Shakespeare is the speaker’s reflection on the passage of time and his regret for lost opportunities and lost loved ones. The volta takes place at the transition between the third and fourth lines of the second quatrain, where the speaker shifts from expressing regret for the past to expressing hope for the future. In the volta, the speaker begins to focus on the positive effects of thinking about his dear friend.

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Write the meaning of the following word. abbreviate





shorten (a word, phrase, or text).

why is it important for odysseus to reveal his true identity to the suitors ?

a. so he can take his revenge
b. so everyone knows his identity
c. so he can reclaim his reputation
d. so he can satisfy the gods’ prophecy



c. so he can reclaim his reputation

make me brainly

Examine this sidebar from the CDC article “Youth and Tobacco Use.” Based on the headings, under which section would you be most likely to find information about reasons why teens start smoking?



The section under which we would be most likely to find information about reasons why teens start smoking is:

A. Factors Associated with Youth Tobacco Use


The different sections of the article will bring different types of information, even if they are all related to tobacco use by teens. If we are looking to find the reasons why teens start smoking, the section that will certainly mention them will be "Factors Associated with Youth Tobacco Use," which is basically restating what we are looking for, but with more formal words. When you mention factors associated with something, you are talking about the reasons or motives behind that something, that is, its causes.

Of all contestants on the game show, the gentlemen from Detroit had the _______(broad) knowledge of international affairs.







Mild- Underline adverbs

The two brothers embraced each other warmly.

I will never follow your advice.

I am really interested in this offer.

I just received a call from my creditor.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Spicy- Underline and identify the types of adverbs.

1. Heena sings sweetly.

2. Hari will go tomorrow.

3. The sun shines everywhere.

4. The girls are playing outside.

5. I looked for your glasses everywhere.



thinking gdgxbxbxjxjhx

A foil character is never depicted as the antagonist or the villain.



false on edg


"a foil character is usually depicted as the antagonist or the villan."

It is false to  say A foil character is never depicted as the antagonist or the villan because A foil figure is frequently portrayed as the villain or the antagonist.

What is Antagonist?

Antonyms of each other are the protagonist and antagonist. While antagonists are often the bad ones, protagonists are typically the nice guys (even if that occasionally makes them antiheroes). Take a look at the heroes and villains in Disney movies or traditional children's fairytales.

Examples of antagonists include President Snow in Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games and Iago from William Shakespeare's Othello. Other examples include Darth Vader from the classic Star Wars movie and the ancient evil Sauron.

The conventional definition of an antagonist is just a villain—a "bad man" in the narrative who frequently seeks to demolish a valiant protagonist.

To read more ablut Antagonist, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/3721706


please answer according to yourself urgent



I watch TV about every other night. I usually just watch Hulu or Netflix. My favorite TV show is Tony Lopez. He is just figuring out life. Social media. There you can interact with people instead of just watching them.


Give me a sentence that includes the word, modifier- a word or phrase that describes, restricts or makes specific the meaning of another word or phrase.



Have you ever seen a photo of the Great Wall of China? It’s simply enormous. It’s incredibly long, snaking its stony way across the mountains and valleys of Asia, with beautiful towers standing tall every couple of hundred feet.


Please give me a poem with sharks personality pls answer quickly



Oh to be a shark;

A feared predator in the dark ocean

Sharp teeth, swift movements, beady black eyes

Oh to be a shark;

Embarking on journeys through the sea

Hiding in ship wrecks and in coral reefs

Rarely having to flee from anything

Oh to be a shark;

Stocking through the ocean waters

causing a commotion

Swimming through the dark

Oh to be a shark


I hope this is good enough! Was kinda rushed''

- Eijiro <3

Prompt: Craft a poem where you explain something that is famous to you that is not widely noticed by the rest of the world. Think about Nye’s poem “Famous” and create a poem using a similar structure and style.

plz for 30 pts and if u scam i will report





Full moons.

No really- they're everybody's.

Nothing is reserved.

We're all little rippling with

layers of memories,

mostly what we might forget.

Let it belong. Every pocket,

satchel, hand.

We forgot to make a reservation.

But there's room.

list ten attributes (characteristics) about your favorite character in monster (book) with evidence to support it.​



Of course perhaps that is not solid evidence because most people would probably believe that they are not a bad person; however, other people in the book that truly know Steve's personality attest to the fact that Steve is a good kid.  Take Mr. Sawicki for example.  He is Steve's favorite teacher and he says that Steve is "talented, bright, and compassionate."  Those character traits are absolutely true about Steve, and they are shown concretely in the way that he loves and treats his brother, Jerry.  

Figurative language in "You'll be in my heart" by Phil Collins.


Answer: it basically means he'll remember you or he loves you.

How does Shakespeare demonstrate to the audience that Romeo and Juliet are indeed in love after Act 1 scene 5?



Juliet, perhaps, most perfectly describes her lovefor Romeo by refusing to describe it: “But my truelove is grown to such excess / I cannot sum up some of half my wealth” (3.1. 33–34). Love, in other words, resists any single metaphor because it is too powerful to be so easily contained or understood.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Naomi is writing a memoir about an experience at her favorite music concert. She is writing using the first-person point of view. Choose the correct way to complete the sentences in her memoir.

It is absolutely one of ——- favorite memories. The day had been long awaited and ——stood in line patiently waiting to enter the concert hall. ——- could hardly stop from jumping up and down with joy.


Answer: 1. MY 2.We 3.I

Explanation: i did the test and got it right

pls help i’ll give brainliest thanks



Its the last one:Kayaking is more enjoyable than canoeing


Kayaking is more enjoyable than canoeing.

In context, which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentences 5 (reprinted below)? There, he became the school's first
African-American student and studied agricultural science and received a bachelor's degree in 1894.

A) student, and studied agricultural science, and he received a bachelor's degree in 1894.

B) student studying agricultural science, and he was to receive a bachelor's degree in 1894.

C) student, studied agricultural science, and received a bachelor's degree in 1894.

D) student, and she studied agricultural science which led to his receiving a bachelor's degree in 1894.

E) student who studied agricultural science and received a bachelor's degree in 1894



In the book to kill a mocking bird why does atticus think that he cant win tom robinsons case.



Atticus thinks he will lose the case because Tom Robinson is black, and in Maycomb, though evidence says otherwise, will be prosecuted because he is black.


no multiple choice answers were provided, but I hope this helps.




He believes that he cannot win the case due to the racial discrimination that takes place in the story, and the natural prejudice and bias that the court holds against Tom, that were common in the time and setting of the story.

Here are some topics you can use for your persuasive essay: pets: animals that make the best pet, where people should get pets, whether wild animals should be pets environment: use of electric or hybrid cars, use of plastic bags and other garbage disposal questions, protection of endangered species government policy: voter age or voter ID laws, naming airports after prominent figures, the status of Puerto Rico, regulation of the Internet, public transportation, minimum wage safety: texting or using a phone while driving, age requirements for drivers, bicycle use on city streets education: what kind of material is best for children of a certain age to read, public education funding, cost of college tuition, qualification requirements for teachers, funding of sports versus art and music programs, instruction in a second language, courses that should be required in schools any policy decision that’s important to your local community





Write two sentences about an amusement park. Include at least
two sensory adjectives in each sentence.

Must be at least 2 sentences long!!
HURRY!! Time sensitive!!
May cashapp or PayPal u!! If it’s right!!



a amusement park is kids dream and adventure one if you gotta have fun in just one hour you better use it wisely.


a .... is a valuable tool for frequent flyers​





Read the following sentence:

We feel we may offer our overseas colonies some small compensation for their labor, such as enlightenment, religion, and the gifts of civilization.

Which of the following is the most likely person to have written the above

A. A foreign businessperson working in a colony
B. The monarch of the colonizing nation
C. A low-level civil servant working in a colony
D. A citizen of the colonized nation


A citizen of the colonized nation is the most likely person to have written the given sentence.

What do you mean by Citizen?

A citizen may be defined as a native person who is residing in a particular country, state, community, or town under some governmental actions.

The given sentence may be delivered by a citizen of a colonized nation because he is the one who is well familiar with the overseas colony, their small compensations, labors, and gifts of civilization.

A foreign businessperson and a low-level civil servant never feel the thoughts of overseas colonies and small compensations for their labors.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is D.

To learn more about Citizens, refer to the link:



Write two sentences about an amusement park. Include at least
two sensory adjectives in each sentence.

Must be at least 2 sentences long!!
HURRY!! Time sensitive!!
May cashapp or PayPal u!! If it’s right!! NO DOWNLOADING LINKS!


Answer: An amusement park is a park that features various attractions, such as rides and games, as well as other events for entertainment .Each year, millions of people set out to find the most dazzling, immersive theme park experiences.


Write a three- to five-paragraph summary of what you believe the poem is about. Remember that the summary should include the three images you have identified.



What is is called???????


who is teaching English change it into passive​



Active - The teacher teaches us English.

Passive - English is taught us by the teacher?

It doesn't sound correct but is it??


In this speech, Wiesel states,"we must take sides" when witnessing oppression. Why? Discuss why oppression can be fueled by those who remain neutral and silent. Use specific quotes from Wiesel’s speech to support your argument. Use evidence to support your answer.


Answer and Explanation:

The reason why we must never stay silent in the face of oppression, as Wiesel explains, is that the oppressor who never suffers the consequences of his actions will never stop hurting others. When we remain silent, we fuel oppression by simply giving the oppressor the liberty to do whatever he chooses - discriminate, hurt, or even kill. When we say nothing, it is as if we are not paying attention to the atrocities being done. It is as if we are condoning with them, accepting them as an unchangeable reality:

"Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

By speaking up, we draw other people's attention to the issue. The more people paying attention, the more likely the oppressor is to be held accountable for his actions. Once the oppressor realizes he can suffer consequences, he stops. Perhaps we will never get to change the oppressor's heart - perhaps he will always be an unfair, prejudiced person -, but we can at least keep him from hurting others.

Read the paragraph from Emma’s essay.

When Robert is a teenager, he moves to a crowded city neighborhood. This setting makes him realize how important working with plants is to him. He tells everyone how much he misses working in a backyard garden. He searches the neighborhood for an empty lot. Then, he convinces the city to let him start a community garden. He isn’t going to let the crowded city prevent him from growing plants. This setting also influences Robert.

Which sentence from the paragraph is evidence that supports the claim that Robert’s second neighborhood influences him to make the best of his situation?
A. When Robert is a teenager, he moves to a crowded city neighborhood.
B. He tells everyone how much he misses working in a backyard garden.
C. Then, he convinces the city to let him start a community garden.
D. This setting also influences Robert.



D. This setting also influences Robert.

Writing prompt - based on
what you have seen, read, and
heard what effect does war
have on soldiers?



pretty broad but ill say it can have psychological effect like  (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) PTSD or Schizophrenia  and Physical Effects like body parts amputated during war.


You have to keep in mind that the battle field is a very serious and ragging place anything, almost anything can happen.

Which of the following best characterizes the author’s mode of persuasion in the second paragraph?

A) He asserts his own credibility and authority on an issue.
B) He appeals to the audience’s emotions regarding a controversy.
C) He presents himself as a neutral party in a disagreement.
D) He attempts to influence his audience’s beliefs about a subject.
E) He highlights an area of common ground between himself and his opponents.


Option (A) he asserts his own credibility and authority on an issue.

Persuasion is the strategy used by writers to try to influence or convince others. This can be done through ethos, pathos, or logos, to make more compelling work.

In the given letter written by George Bush to Mr. Bravin, he states how he believes that Gallaudet University's desire to elect a new President is a good thing. But at the same time, the university needs to maintain the principles that will ensure the rights and a safe environment for the disabled community. He also emphasized the need to ensure that the disabled community feels a sense of belonging and acceptance in society. The second paragraph particularly focuses on Mr. Bush's works within the disability community. He lists organizations that he's worked with, the people he's had encountered and conversed with, and how his office is also involved in the development of the policy concerning the disabled community.

This paragraph shows his assertion of his own credibility, his work, and the authority that he has and had done on the issue of the disabled community and their rights. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Learn more about "persuasion" here:


Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

Of their married felicity but little is known, perhaps for the reason that Tennessee, then living with his partner, one day took occasion to say something to the bride on his own account, at which, it is said, she smiled not unkindly and chastely retreated—this time as far as Marysville, where Tennessee followed her, and where they went to housekeeping without the aid of a Justice of the Peace. Tennessee’s Partner took the loss of his wife simply and seriously, as was his fashion. But to everybody’s surprise, when Tennessee one day returned from Marysville, without his partner’s wife—she having smiled and retreated with somebody else—Tennessee’s Partner was the first man to shake his hand and greet him with affection…

One night, when the pines beside the cabin were swaying in the storm, and trailing their slender fingers over the roof, and the roar and rush of the swollen river were heard below, Tennessee’s Partner lifted his head from the pillow, saying, “It is time to go for Tennessee; I must put ‘Jinny’ in the cart,” and would have risen from his bed but for the restraint of his attendant. Struggling, he still pursued his singular fancy: “There, now, steady, ‘Jinny’—steady, old girl. How dark it is! Look out for the ruts—and look out for him, too, old gal! Sometimes, you know, when he’s blind drunk, he drops down right in the trail. Keep on straight up to the pine on the top of the hill. Thar—I told you so!—thar he is—coming this way, too—all by himself, sober, and his face a-shining. Tennessee! Pardner!”

And so they met.

In at least one hundred words, describe how the theme of friendship and loyalty is developed in these excerpts.


Answer and Explanation:

The text presented above, develops the theme of friendship and loyalty by showing how the company of true friendships is able to strengthen a person, allowing difficult and confusing moments to be taken with more tranquility and comfort. True friendships promote care and concern for each other and this is evident at the end of the text, when friends are afraid that one of them will fall from the hill, because he is drunk and so they will seek him out to prevent this accident from happening, even if that friend didn't drink anything.

"Tennessee’s Partner took the loss of his wife simply and seriously, as was his fashion. But to everybody’s surprise, when Tennessee one day returned from Marysville, without his partner’s wife—she having smiled and retreated with somebody else—Tennessee’s Partner was the first man to shake his hand and greet him with affection" This shows that they respect and care for one another. "..when he’s blind drunk, he drops down right in the trail. Keep on straight up to the pine on the top of the hill. Thar—I told you so!—thar he is—coming this way, too—all by himself, sober, and his face a-shining. Tennessee! Pardner!” These actions show care and respect for one another, and thus their friendship blooms from these kind actions of genuine empathy. And so it develops the theme of friendship and loyalty by showing how the companionship of true friendships can strengthen a person, allowing difficult and confusing moments to be taken with more ease and comfort. True friendships as such promote care and concern for each other and this is evident at the end of the text when friends are afraid that one of them will fall from the hill because he is drunk and so they seek him out to prevent this accident from happening, even if that friend didn't drink anything.

Put an apostrophe after the stressed syllable.
for mal ly



for' mal ly


"for" is stressed the most when you say it.

Other Questions
which of the following approaches to submitting a recommendation to your boss focuses on a direct benefit? group of answer choices anticipating reasons for resistance. emphasizing how your idea saves the company money. backing up your suggestions with facts and evidence. stating your suggestions confidently and fairly.] the spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum of the to the first or second lumbar vertebra, where it terminates in the ______ Name the largest and smallest angle in each triangle. the becker company is interested in buying a piece of equipment that it needs. the following data have been assembled concerning this equipment: cost of required equipmwnt.......$250,000 working capital required........... $100,000 annual operating cash flow........ $ 80,000 cash repair at end of 4 years .... $40,000 salvage value at end of 6 years... $90,000 this equipment is expected to have a useful life of 6 years. at the end of the sixth year the working capital would be released for use elsewhere. the company's discount rate is 10%. the present value of all future operating cash inflows is closest to: answer a. $480,000 b. $452,300 c.$348,400 d. $278,700 two people are pulling on the ends of a rope. each person pulls with a force of 100 n. the tension in the rop is: Which equation represents the same relationship Is index and i the same in python. For example when i say:for i in range....am i referring to index (so is index short form of i) Is zero a real number in math? These are two separate questions What is risk and what are the risks in social and behavioral sciences research? What's the purpose of logos and why do they matter? What is the overload principle and why do you think it is it so important to training and recovery? Help please?How are the passaged organized? Match the passage with the correct text structure.1 .Polar bears live in artic climates. Because of this, they must be adapted to some serious weather conditions. Thick white fur (which also lines the bottom of their feet) and a layer of blubber (fat) allows polar bears to withstand weather that would cause most animals to freeze! Polar bears are much less impacted by freezing cold temperatures as a result of their unique traits.2.Jaguars and leopards are two commonly mistaken species. Both look like big cats with similar coloring and spotted patterns. However, jaguars have a shorter and more muscular body. Jaguars are also more likely to stand up to larger animals or predators. You will find jaguars and leopards in different parts of the world. Jaguars live in some parts of the United States, Central, and South America. Leopards live mostly in Africa and Asia.3.King Cobras lay 20 to 40 eggs at a time. Once the eggs are laid, the mother cobra will create a nest from dead leaves and coil herself on top. The eggs must be kept warm for up to 80 days. During this time, a cobra will see any animal nearby as a threat and will attach. Once the eggs finally hatch, the 18 inch babies will have to survive on their own by finding protection in the surrounding environment.4.What happens when a dog gets overheated? They pant. Panting allows cooler air to quickly circulate throughout their bodies until they return to a more comfortable temperature. Dogs also produce small amounts of sweat from their paws and noses. 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