Complete the following mini-dialogues by selecting the missing words

Complete The Following Mini-dialogues By Selecting The Missing Words


Answer 1

A because the word lait is masculine.

B because you need to say some mineral water not the mineral water.

A because you need to say some orange juice not the orange juice.

Related Questions

Which of the following is not true of the things you should do before you interview someone?

A. You should prepare a list of questions in advance.
B. You should know what you want to learn from the subject.
C. You should prepare a series of open-ended questions.
D. You should prepare a series of close-ended questions.


I think D but I’m not completely sure so don’t put too much hope into this being correct

Which word would correctly complete the sentence? Je vais manger
moi ce soir
O A entre
O B. pour
O C. chez


Question 5

Je vais manger chez moi ce soir
C. Chez

Question 6

Lequel de ces mots n’est pas un légume ?

A. La nappe

Question 7

Oui, j’ai beaucoup de pâtes dans mon assiette

C. de

Have a good day !!
Good luck with your studies !! ;)

The context clues show that the word that would correctly complete the sentence is C. Chez.

What are context clues?

Context clues are the hints that are given in a literary work to help readers understand the story or passage.

In this case, the context clues show that the word that would correctly complete the sentence is "chez". This simply means I'm going to eat.

Learn more about context clues on:


MC Solaar is a popular singer who...
O A. sings rap music about struggles and hardships for people of his culture
O B. sings traditional music from Senegal.
O C. Sings most of his music in English
4 pts
Question 20
"Victime de la mode" is a song about
O A going shopping in Senegal
O B. girls feeling pressured to conform to the perfect image
O C. a fashion model who is a victim of a crime


the answer to the second one is B




Marc discute avec Christine et Mohammed. Ils sourient et sont contents. Rachel et Victor se disputent. Rachel semble très énervée. Chrystelle et Thomas se séduisent. Thomas est intimidé. Virginie est très fatigué. Elle est à moitié allongée sur le canapé. Tran et Yves discutent. Tran n’est très enthousiaste. Fatima bâille. Elle semble épuisée.

Have a good day !! ;)
Good luck with your studies !



Marc parle avec Christine et Mohammed. Ils sont contents.

Fatima est fatiguée, elle baille.

Virginie est assise sur le canapé, elle est fatiguée.

Rachet et Victor sont en colère, ils se disputent.

Chrystelle et Thomas sont amoureux. Chrystelle tient le bras de Thomas qui est gêné.

Tran et Yves discutent, mais Tran à l'air mécontent.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of être in the imperfect.

Ils_très agréables!

A. étaient
B. etes
C. était
D. été

(Please pleaseee don’t take a guess just for the points)



Ils "étaient" très agréables !

Verbe "être" à l'imparfait :


tu étais

il/elle/on était

nous étions

vous étiez

ils/elles étaient

Complete these sentences with the correct form of aller.
1. Mes cousines
bavarder toute la soirée.
2. Je ne
pas visiter le musée du Louvre à Paris
J J-tu trouver la maison de Simon?
4. On
parler français avec ma grand-mère.
5. Nous
au lycée avec nos enfants.





1. Mes cousines vont bavarder toute la soirée.

2. Je ne vais pas visiter le musée du Louvre à Paris

3.Vas- tu trouver la maison de Simon?

4. On va parler français avec ma grand-mère.

5. Nous allons au lycée avec nos enfants.

In this question complete these sentences with the correct form of aller.

How to conjugate ER verbs in French?

To conjugate the verbs of the first group, simply add the ending er of the infinitive and replace it with the endings of each subject pronoun:


By removing the ending er, we have the stem mars.

1. Mes cousines vont bavarder toute la soirée.

2. Je ne vais pas visiter le musée du Louvre à Paris

3.vas-tu trouver la maison de Simon?

4. On vais parler français avec ma grand-mère.

5. Nous allons au lycée avec nos enfants.

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in


bonjours je suis en terminale G j'ai besoin d'aide pour ma. question interpretation " En quoi ce dialogue fait il la demonstration du dépassement de l'homme par la machine?" merci et aidé moi svp​


Answer: hello I am in final G I need help for my. question interpretation "How does this dialogue demonstrate the overcoming of man by machine?" thank you and help me please




Answer: Yup it’s all right good job


4 should be «sommes partis» and 6 should be sont parties. :)

I plan to move to France as soon as I get vaccinated but I took Spanish lessons instead! I don't want to learn another language in the middle of quarantine so I would really appreciate it if you tell me how to say a few sentences:

“Hey my names Violeta!”

“How are you?”

“Do you speak English?”



«Hé, je m'appelle Violeta!»

"Comment vas-tu?"

"Parles-tu anglais?"


J'espère que cela a aidé Mark BRAINLIEST !! Bonne chance en France!

“Salut je m’appelle violeta! »
Comment ça va ?
Parles-tu l’anglais ?

Can someone help me please writing them interrogative



A-t-il entendu la cloche?

Avons nous parlé en classe?

Georges a-t-il réussi?

Avez-vous aidé la pauvre femme?

N'as-tu pas choisi une bonne pomme?

Nous avons chanté.

Nous n'avons pas chanté.

Ils  ont emprunté.

Ils n'ont pas emprunté .

Il est guéri.

il n'est pas guéri .

Tu as vendu

Help me correct this please!


1. Juin prochain, je pars en France.

2. Mes amies dorment en classe parce qu’elles sont super fatiguées.

3. À Thanskgiving, ma mère sert de la dinde, des patates douces etc.

4. Les étudiants sortent le vendredi soir et quelquefois le samedi soir.

5. On sent l’arôme du café.

Please associate the descriptions in Column A to the professions in column B.



J’aime réparer les voitures = un mécanicien

Je veux défendre les innocents. = Un avocat

J’adore préparer de bons dîners. = Un cuisiner

Je veux travailler à la télé = Un commentateur

J’adore les livres = Une bibliothécaire

Have a good day !!

Good luck with your studies !! ;)


1. J’aime réparer les voitures.

- Un mécanicien

2. Je veux défendre les innocents.

- Un avocat

3. J’adore préparer de bons dîners.

- Un cuisiner

4. Je veux travailler à la télé .

- Un commentateur

5. J’adore les livres.

- Une bibliothécaire

Lequel de ces mots n'est pas un légume?
O A. la nappe
O B. les petits pois
C. les pommes de terres

Question 7
Oui, j'ai beaucoup
pâtes dans mon assiette!
O A du
B. des
O C. de


Question 6

A. La nappe

Question 7

Oui, j’ai beaucoup de pâtes dans mon assiette !
C. de

Nos amis vont chercher …………………..chambre
A. un
B. le
C. de
D. une





une chambre ( féminin singulier)


Nos amis vont chercher une chambre.

« Une »is it answer

Have a good day !


William est végétarien! Il ne pourra pas manger de paella! Qu'est-ce que vous achetez pour son repas?


De la soupe végétarienne

je dois écrire une fable satirique à la marnière de Jean de la Fontaine, celle-ci doit dénoncer un défaut humain avec ironie ainsi qu’une morale implicite. Merci de m’aider !! ( hypocrisie, mensonge...)


Salut je vais essayer de vous aider à faire votre fable satirique à la marnière de Jean de la Fontaine, alors que dois-je faire pour vous aider comme dois-je aimer trouver de bons exemples de fables pour faire cela je suis désolé si vous ne savez pas quoi je veux dire mais je veux t'aider!

i would help you but i dont speak french :/

Ils ont dormi à l'hôtel. (chez sa copine Manon)



qui a dormi dans un hôtel? Je suis désolé de ne pas comprendre votre question.

In this question we will complete the sentence with the words in parentheses.

How to form sentences in French?

Basically, the structure of French direct and indirect sentences comprises:

Affirmatives: Subject + verb + complement;Negatives: Subject + auxiliary negation + verb + complement;Interrogatives: Interrogative auxiliary + subject + verb + complement.

Ils ont dormi à l'hôtel chez sa copine Manon.

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in


Select the correct answer.
Which instruction would the operator give someone who calls the emergency number for medical aid?
Serrez le poing, s'il vous plaît.
Restez calme, s'il vous plaît.
C. Respirez profondément, s'il vous plaît.
D. Étirez la jambe, s'il vous plait.



probobly b


B means "stay calm please"




Restez calme, s'il vous plaît.

Complete the following mini-dialogues by selecting the missing words


1) du
2) le
4)de la


1)du 2)Le 3)du 4)La


1) du would be “do you want some tea” “le is do you want the tea” I think

Activité 2 Qu'est-ce que tu fais et ne fais pas à la campagne? Écrivez des phrases
complètes en vous servant du vocabulaire de l'unité et à l'aide des images.



je comprend pas aussi


What did you do last week? Choose three days from last week and write what you did on those days. Be sure to use the correct past tense form of the verb. Your response should have at least 10 complete French sentences.



you first need to write what you did last week and then you can translate it to french or write it here so that I can answer it :]

You can go to the translator app and put in what you want to say then translate it to French and copy that so everything is right.
Hope this helps:)

La Voiture
Write what part of the car people use to perform the following actions.
1. Pour accélérer, j'appuie (push) sur
2. Pour aller moins vite, j'appuie sur
3. Pour tourner à gauche ou à droite, j'utilise
4. Pour démarrer la voiture, j'utilise
5. Pour conduire, je prends
6. Pour rouler pendant longtemps, je fais
7. Pour ma sécurité, je mets

Here is the side to answer the blanks

1. ... j’appuie sur, l’____ .
2. ... j’appuie sur, le ____ .
3. ... j’utilise le ____ .
4. ... j’utilise la ____ .
5. ... je prenda le ___ .
6. ... je fais le ___ .
7. ... je fais la ___ ___ ___ .



1. Pour accélérer, j'appuie (push) sur l'accélérateur

2. Pour aller moins vite, j'appuie sur le frein

3. Pour tourner à gauche ou à droite, j'utilise le clignotant

4. Pour démarrer la voiture, j'utilise la clé

5. Pour conduire, je prends le volant

6. Pour rouler pendant longtemps, je fais le plein

7. Pour ma sécurité, je mets la ceinture


1. Pour accélérer, j'appuie sur l'accélérateur.

2. Pour aller moins vite, j'appuie sur le frein.

3. Pour tourner à gauche ou à droite, j'utilise le clignotant.

4. Pour démarrer la voiture, j'utilise la clé.

5. Pour conduire, je prends le volant.

6. Pour rouler pendant longtemps, je fais le plein.

7. Pour ma sécurité, je mets la ceinture.

sample essay of your enfancy in french



I can help you but it have to be realistic too .

so you can write the story in English and then posted it in comment for me to translate it in French for you

how that sounds.?

not sure how to do this can someone please help!



1. Quand j’avais cinq ans, j’allais à la maternelle.
2. Il faisait très beau quand la cérémonie a commencé.
3. Nous venions souvent voir nos amis dans ce quartier.
4. Il pleuvait quand nous sommes arrivés.
5. Les sœurs prenaient toujours un taxi pour aller en ville.




1. Quand j’avais cinq ans, ----

2. Il faisait -----

3. Nous venions -----

4. Il pleuvait ------

5. Les sœurs prenaient ------


1. ------ Laura serait

2.------- Chloé pourrait

3. Voudrait-il -------------

4. Pourriez-vous--------------

5. Je voudrais-------------------

Regardez la photo de la page 17 du livre Liberté et complétez avec le vocabulaire approprié de la page 17 ( in the blank).

Le professeur écrit au ______ avec le feutre (marker)

Pour donner la réponse, l’étudiant lève ______

L’étudiante écrit sur la feuille de papier avec _______

Le stylo du professeur est sur ____

L'étudiant regarde ______

Le sac à dos de l'étudiant est au _______

La pendule est accrochée au ______



au tableau avec la craie

la main

le livre

le stylo

la main


les devoirs

le bureau

le professeur

à gauche

au sol

au mur



2. table

4.le professor




Q'est-ce qu'il y a dans cette chambre?
Circle all correct answers.



A. Des meubles
B. Une table de chevet
C. Un tapis



Un tapis

des meubles

une table de chevet


look at the attachment, it's the best explanation. ;D




1. Juin prochain, je pars en France.

2. Mes amies dorment en classe parce qu’elles sont super fatiguées.

3. À Thanskgiving, ma mère sert de la dinde, des patates douces etc.

4. Les étudiants sortent le vendredi soir et quelquefois le samedi soir.

5. On sent l’arôme du café.

Have a good day !! ;)



1. Juin prochain, je pars en France.

2. Mes amies dorment en classe parce qu’elles sont super fatiguées.

3. À Thanskgiving, ma mère sert de la dinde, des patates douces etc.

4. Les étudiants sortent le vendredi soir et quelquefois le samedi soir.

5. On sent l’arôme du café.

You and your family are camping 50 miles from the nearest town. You have run out of water but are camping next to a stream. You do not know if the water is clean. You have brainstormed and come up with several ideas.

Which idea would be best to get drinking water? Choose the two correct answers.


Filter the water through a filter.


Drink the water through a straw.


Boil the water in a pot.


Put the water in a glass container.


Put the water in the sun for an hour.


A: Filter the water through a filter
I would say A is the most suitable as it looses the sediment and dirt

part of a computer in French
plz help​



partie d'un ordinateur


Partie d’un ordinateur

Complete the following mini-dialogues by selecting the missing words


2)de la
3) du
Hope I help
Other Questions
Which of the following is not a feature of Bluetooth?a. Power-savingb. Master and slave changing rolesc. Slaves authenticates masterd. Asymmetric transmission Panademic of 2020 has lots of effects in the buisnessand how they operate it. How could businesses use projectmanagement can help to solve all the challenges and respond to newways of working? 300 The following differential equation describes the movement of a body with a mass of 1 kg in a mass-spring system, where y(t) is the vertical position of the body (in meters) at time t. y" + 4y + 5y = e -2 To determine the position of the body at time t complete the following steps. (a) Write down and solve the characteristic (auxiliary) equation. (b) Determine the complementary solution, yc, to the corresponding homogeneous equation, y" + 4y' + 5y = 0. (c) Find a particular solution, Yp, to the nonhomogeneous differential equation, y" + 4y' + 5y = e-2t. Hence state the general solution to the nonhomogeneous equation as y = y + yp. (d) Solve the initial value problem if the initial position of the body is 1 m and its initial velocity is zero. Several years ago, 45% of parents who had children in grades K-12 were satisfied with the quality of education the students receive. A recent pollasked 1,035 parents who have children in grades K-12 if they were satisfied with the quality of education the students receive of the 1,035 surveyed, 458 Indicated that they were satisfied Construct a 90% confidence interval to assess whether this represents evidence that parents' attitudes toward the quality of education have changed v What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Hop versus H, (Round to two decimal places as needed.) Use technology to find the 90% confidence interval The lower bound is The upper bound is (Round to two decimal places as needed.) What is the correct conclusion? O A Since the interval contains the proportion stated in the null hypothesis, there is sufficient evidence that parents' attitudes toward the quality of education have changed O B. Since the interval does not contain the proportion stated in the null hypothesis, there is sufficient evidence that parents' attitudes toward the quality of education have changed OC. Since the interval does not contain the proportion stated in the nuli hypothesis, there is intufficient evidence that parents' attitudes toward the quality of education have changed. OD. Since the interval contains the proportion stated in the nuill hypothesis, there is insufficient evidence that parents' attitudes toward the quality of education have changed. A negotiator's reservation point has the most direct influence on their final outcome. 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The company has raised a sum of money, which will be invested in a new project. From your team of financial specialists, they are seeking advice on the financial feasibility of one of the proposed projects, and its potential effects on the wealth of the shareholders of the company. Over the last two years, the company has already spent $100,000 on R&D for the newly proposed project. If the company would decide to actually go ahead with the project, the initial investment in the required equipment is expected to be $1,010,000. The new project is expected to run for 10 years, and after that point the project will be retired. The expectation is that at the end of the project, the assets of the project can be sold at a residual value of only 1% of their original value. Half of the total sum which the company has raised for this project has been borrowed at an interest rate equal to the average cost of debt of the company of 4.4%. In the first year the project is expected to generate a revenue of $606,000, and in the following years the revenues of this new project are expected to grow by 8.1% each year. Your team will have to determine the rest of the cash flows associated with this proposed project. The CFO of the company has indicated that it would be reasonable to expect that the operating costs of the new plant will be of similar proportion relative to the revenues as the companys other projects, which is at 65%. The new project would require an additional NWC of $20,200. Depreciation of the new equipment should be done in a straight-line over the full life of the project to a value of 0. Based on the already existing projects of the company, which will be running for the foreseeable future, the company is currently able to pay a stable yearly dividend of $5.00 per share. The company has 100,000 shares outstanding, and the shareholders require a return of 14.7%. The company is financed for 70% with equity, and 30% with debt (that is including the new loan). The effective tax rate for the company is 11%. If the company would decide to go ahead with the project, the yearly cash flows of the project can be partially paid out to the shareholders, and partially reinvested in other projects. The CFO has indicated that the company intends to have a payout ratio of 40%, such that each year 40% of free cash flows of the project will be paid as dividends.Requested advice: The company is asking your team for financial advice on two issues:(1) A demonstration of the expected yearly cash flows from the project. Remember, members of the senior management team often do not have a finance background, so you will have to present clear tables which show the calculation of the free cash flows, and clearly explain how the free cash flows were computed. You basically have to explain them to them in your presentation how capital budgeting works.(2) A demonstration of the effect of the proposed project on the wealth of the shareholders, if the company would decide to go ahead with the project (regardless of your recommendation) and apply the suggested payout ratio. Present a well-designed figure that shows year by year, the change in the wealth of shareholders (= the share price + total dividends received). Also show their yearly capital gains and dividend yields.Hints:o Calculate for every year of the project the total dividends paid. (= the stable dividend from existing projects + the paid dividends from the project)o Calculate for every year the 3-year average growth rate in total dividends that is the average of the dividend growth rate over that year and the growth rate over the previous two years. (This can be done from year 3 onwards)o Calculate for each year (from year 3 onwards) the share price using the DDM. You can use the average growth rate over the previous 3 years as the expected dividend growth rate in future. Consider a market with two firms, A and B. The market demand is p = 150 - Q, where Q = 9A + 9B, q is the quantity of firm A, and is the quantity of firm B. Assume both firms have the same marginal cost MC-30. How much will each firm choose to produce in Cournot equilibrium? Women are more likely than men to use time-oriented and action-oriented listening styles.a. Trueb. False Reduce the following expression to normal form. Show each reduction step. If already in normal form, write "normal form".(x.(y.(x y)))y Use the x and y-intercepts to graph the function 3x+2y=6. Can you please teach me how to do this I dont understand. which factors are most important for choosing a partner? why? abgenix and the xenomouse In Exercises 35 through 42, the slope f'(x) at each point (x, y) on a curve y = f(x) is given along with a particular point (a, b) on the curve. Use this information to find f(x). 35. f'(x) = 4x + 1; (1, 2) 36. f'(x) = 3 2x; (0, -1) 37. f'(x) = -x(x + 1); (-1, 5) 38. f'(x) = 3x + 6x 2; (0, 6) 2 39. f'(x) = x? + 2; (1, 3) 2 - 1/2 + x; (1, 2) 40. f'(x) = x 41. f'(x) = e-* + x?; (0, 4) 3 42. f'(x) 4; (1, 0) determine whether descriptive or inferential statistics were used in the statement. Explain the Harrod-Domar model, Rostows Stage Theory, andLewis Structural Change Theory. Examine their similarities anddifferences and how we can reconcile the differences? Suppose you know that the z-score for a particular x-value is -2.25. If x= 50 and x=3 then x = ?