Compare the environmental and societal impact of urban sprawl to upward growth.


Answer 1


Urban sprawl refers to the spread of development outwards from a city or other metropolitan area, often in the form of low-density, single-family housing developments. Upward growth, or vertical expansion, is the upward expansion of a city's built environment to accommodate a larger population.

Urban sprawl has been linked to severalironmental and societal impacts, including increased air and water pollution, intronic congestion, higher energy consumption, and decreased green space. Upward growth can also significantly impact the environment, including air pollution and energy consumption. However, the impacts of upward change are often less severe than those of urban sprawl because upward growth is more efficient in land usage and requires less commuting.

From a societal perspective, urban sprawl can lead to increased social segregation, as low-income families often cannot afford the housing in these developments. On the other hand, upward growth can benefit certain social groups, providing better access to city services for those living in high-rise buildings. Additionally, it can help reduce the cost of housing in certain areas, as more people can be accommodated in a smaller size.


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what is hybridization ? Explain in brief​



As orbitals combine to introduce a unique atomic orbital, this is known as hybridization. The modern orbital will accommodate the same amount of electrons as the older models. The fresh, hybridized orbital's characteristics and power are mean of the initial unhybridized atoms.

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( Make sure to put it in a sentence)


Troops from the two Koreas have violent clashes.

Why was the student government created?


Do not go to that link he is a hacker

Answer : For students to learn the basics and details of how the government works .


It will  make you more self aware of your kind of country(political wise) .. and have more knowledge about the impact of the government and the Constitution . Youĺl have more inside info than just seeing the short summarized version, because firstly The process and the timeline is not figured in short amount of time.

The Kristallnacht pogrom in November 1938 was a turning point in the Nazis’ persecution of Jewish people. A pogrom is organized harassment of or violence against a group. Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was a planned nationwide campaign of street violence against Jews in Germany and Austria. Nazis pillaged Jewish communities and businesses. They burned synagogues and physically attacked Jewish people. Following Kristallnacht, all Jewish-owned businesses were forced to close. In 1939, after Germany’s invasion of Poland, World War II started. The Nazis then began to force Jewish people into ghettos. These were parts of cities that were sectioned off with walls and barbed wire. Ghettos were set up to segregate Jews from the rest of the population. At this point, Jewish people had lost most of their freedoms. They were not allowed to leave the ghettos where conditions were dirty and crowded. They would face darker horrors when Nazis began deportations to the concentration camps.

Based on the passage, why was the Kristallnacht pogrom a turning point?

It caused Britain and France to end their war against Germany.

It led to the establishment of the first anti-Semitic laws in Germany.

It signaled that Nazis were committed to organized violence against, and murder of, Jews.

It forced the majority of Jewish people to abandon their homes in Germany and escape to other parts of Europe.




It signaled that Nazis were committed to organized violence against, and murder of, Jews.


i think  it right   if not  im sorry



Explanation: just clarifying queens answer1 RATE FAIRLY AND THINK POSOTIVE. HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Seven people were brought together to help design a new academic building on your campus. Among the people were faculty, maintenance workers, students, audio-visual technicians, computer technicians, and even a representative from the union catering service. Because of the diversity in their backgrounds, the people were highly interdependent on one another. The objective of the people was to design a building that would meet several needs for the campus. This collection of people exhibits characteristics of a



This collection of people exhibits characteristics of a team.


A team is defined as two or more individuals who interact and are interdependent and who have adjusted to achieve particular goals. The members interact with certain frequency, in a personal way and based on certain established guidelines, in addition the individuals depend on each other to be able to achieve the team objectives and perform functions that complement each other. The team has a certain structure that results in the distribution of roles, configuring a system of interlocking roles that represent a certain level or status, as well as a series of shared operating rules, they carry out collective activities that contribute to the achievement of common objectives.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the world has ever been to:
A: Atomic War
B: The collapse of democracy
C: Ending communism
D: Creating a new United Nations

please help ASAP thank you! :)


A). Hope this helped

This river flows from south to north
1. Niger
2. Zambezi
3. Congo
3. Nile



The Nile river


The Nile River, the world's longest, flows south to north.


Nile River


The Nile River flows from south to north through eastern Africa.

What are the social customs of the medieval period existing in nepal at present ?​


Medieval society was full of social evils. Some of these were early marriage, slavery system, satee system and so on. In this period, people had very hard and struggled life. Girls were not allowed to exhibit even their face to any unknown persons.

Most of these customs are brought from Hindu and Buddhist traditions. People of diverse religion and belief are the dominant features of Nepali society. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity are the major religions that are practiced in Nepal. People have a sense of unity, though living in the diversity.

Hopefully this helps you out :)


why you always in the mood

Who elects the Georgia senators?

A. Citizens of District 14 of GA
B. Citizens of GA
C. U.S.
D. None of the above





Are by law elected by voters

You arrive at your office and are startled by the sounds of building construction outside your window. As you settle into your work for the day, you forget about the construction noises. When a visitor comes to your office later that day, the first thing she comments on is how disruptive the construction noise must be to your concentration. You realize that you have not even noticed it for over an hour. This is due to



The correct answer is - sensory adaptation.


Sensory adaptation is an adaption to a particular sensory stimulation in case of longer or constant exposure by the reduction in sensitivity to this stimulus after constant exposure to it.

It reduces our focus on a constant stimulus to free awareness and the important resources to attend to other stimuli in the environment around us. In the given question sound is an constant stimulus which is reduces by the process sensory adaption and draw attention to important stimuls around.

I need help with this please help no links please


Bro , this was a solo assignment

On May first, in order to reduce the number of overdue books, a children’s library instituted a policy of forgiving fines and giving bookmarks to children returning all of their overdue books. On July first there were twice as many overdue books as there had been on May first, although a record number of books had been returned during the interim.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the apparent inconsistency in the results of the library’s policy?
(A) The librarians did not keep accurate records of how many children took advantage of the grace period, and some of the children returning overdue books did not return all of their overdue books.
(B) Although the grace period enticed some children to return all of their overdue books, it did not convince all of the children with overdue books to return all of their books.
(C) The bookmarks became popular among the children, so in order to collect the bookmarks, many children borrowed many more books than they usually did and kept them past their due date.
(D) The children were allowed to borrow a maximum of five books for a two-week period, and hence each child could keep a maximum of fifteen books beyond their due date within a two-month period.
(E) Although the library forgave overdue fines during the grace period, the amount previously charged the children was minimal; hence, the forgiveness of the fines did not provide enough incentive for them to return their overdue books.



than they usually did and kept them past their due date.

(D) The children were allowed to borrow a maximum of five books for a two-week period, and hence each child could keep a maximum of fifteen books beyond their due date within a two-month period.

(E) Although the library forgave overdue fines during the grace period, the amount previously charged the children was minimal; hence, the forgiveness of the fines did not provide enough incentive for them to return their overdue books.

Do you believe the government should decide on whether or not to require vaccine passports?



I believe it is against the constitution to require a vacciene passport


Fifth Amendment:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Although the popular term right to d ie has been used to describe the debate over end-of-life decisions, the underlying issues include a variety of legal concepts, some distinct and some overlapping. For instance, right to di e could include issues of sui cide, passive euthanasia (allowing a person to die by refusal or withdrawal of medical intervention), assisted sui cide (providing a person the means of committing suicid e), active euthanasia (killin g another), and palliative care (providing comfort care which accelerates the dea th process). Recently, a new category has been suggested—physician-assisted sui cide—that appears to be an uncertain blend of assisted suicid e or active euthanasia undertaken by a licensed physician.

There has been little litigation of constitutional issues surrounding sui cide generally, although Supreme Court dicta seems to favor the notion that the state has a constitutionally defensible interest in preserving the lives of healthy citizens.1 On the other hand, the right of a seriously ill person to terminate life-sustaining medical treatment has been addressed, but not squarely faced. In Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health,2 the Court, rather than directly addressing the issue, assume[d] that a competent person [has] a constitutionally protected right to refuse lifesaving hydration and nutrition.3 More importantly, however, a majority of the Justices separately declared that such a liberty interest exists.4 Yet, it is not clear how actively the Court would seek to protect this right from state regulation.

In Cruzan, which involved a patient in a persistent vegetative state, the Court upheld a state requirement that there must be clear and convincing evidence of a patient’s previously manifested wishes before nutrition and hydration could be withdrawn. Despite the existence of a presumed due process right, the Court held that a state is not required to follow the judgment of the family, the guardian, or anyone but the patient herself in making this decision.5 Thus, in the absence of clear and convincing evidence that the patient had expressed an interest not to be sustained in a persistent vegetative state, or that she had expressed a desire to have a surrogate make such a decision for her, the state may refuse to allow withdrawal of nutrition and hydration.6

Despite the Court’s acceptance of such state requirements, the implications of the case are significant. First, the Court appears, without extensive analysis, to have adopted the position that refusing nutrition and hydration is the same as refusing other forms of medical treatment. Also, the Court seems ready to extend such right not only to terminally ill patients, but also to severely incapacitated patients whose condition has stabilized.

What happens when Mr. Rochester enters? Jane is busy knitting something and does not notice that he has brought his fiancee. Though Jane tries to ignore his arrival, she cannot help but greet him and confess how much she had missed him. He drops everything and rushes to greet Janem, who had not been awaiting his arrival. He does not acknowledge Jane, but she watches him unnoticed and considers her reasons for loving him.


He does not acknowledge Jane, but she watches him unnoticed and considers her reasons for loving him.

In the novel Jane Eyre, when Mr. Rochester enters, he does not acknowledge Jane, but she watches him unnoticed and considers her reasons for loving him. Thus, option D is the correct answer

What is the story of the novel Jane Eyre?

The story is about Jane, a young woman who appears unremarkable and uncomplicated as she navigates life's challenges. Jane is confronted with numerous challenges in her life, including her vindictive and controlling aunt Reed, the deplorable conditions at Lowood School, her love for Rochester, and Rochester's marriage to Bertha.

Bertha, Rochester's housebound wife and fabled "lady in the attic," is the arsonist in the novel. Mr. Rochester does not acknowledge Jane when he enters, but she observes him unnoticed and considers her reasons for loving him.

Therefore, the last option is the correct answer.

To learn more about Jane Eyre, click here:


Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes the role of different branches of government in forming US foreign policy?
The executive branch and legislative branch cooperate to create and shape foreign policy.
The legislative and judicial branches cooperate to create and shape foreign policy.
The legislative branch creates foreign policy, and the executive branch implements it.
The executive branch creates foreign policy, and the judicial branch oversees it.



The executive branch and legislative branch cooperate to create and shape foreign policy.


Fill in the cause-and-effect chart to explain how the classical world of ancient Greece and Rome was rediscovered, leading to the period known as the Renaissance.
to go to here go to teach tci website social studies section and chapter 33 section 1 pls send a ss if u know the awnser


Hello. You forgot to present the chart. The chart is:

cause 1: In the Late Middle Ages, merchants and Crusaders brought back…

Cause 2: The Roman Catholic Church kept knowledge of ancient times alive by

Cause 3: Europeans also read classical works that came by way of

Effect: This flow of ideas led to…


cause 1: In the Late Middle Ages, merchants and Crusaders brought back innovative ideas from the east, which stimulated the appreciation of classical teachings.

Cause 2: The Roman Catholic Church kept the knowledge of ancient times alive by copying old documents that were written in the classical period.

Cause 3: Europeans also read classical works that came by way of Muslim scholars.

Effect: This flow of ideas led to the discovery of Greek and Roman culture, which stimulated interest in the classic culture promoted by these regions in terms of science, politics and art.


The information shown above establishes a cause and effect relationship that shows what were the elements that led to the rediscovery of Greek and Roman culture and the beginning of the Renaissance. Cause and effect relationships are information that shows that one element was responsible for the existence of another.

In the chart shown above, we can see what were the causes of the European Renaissance. Renaissance was a cultural, scientific, philosophical, literary and artistic movement that determined the social transition from the middle ages to the modern age, by stimulating the search for knowledge and the valorization of classical studies.

3rd time asking this question for help. Will mark Brainliest to whoever gets the right answer. Please no guessing and no links.



The second one

Explanation: The primary evidence for this expansion has been linguistic, namely that the languages spoken in sub-Equatorial Africa are remarkably similar to each other.

The Bantu expansion was a major series of migrations of the original Proto-Bantu-speaking group, which spread from an original nucleus around West-Central Africa across much of sub-Saharan Africa.

If a collection of people share some characteristics, interact with each other, and have some feelings of unity, they make up a(n)


Answer: Family


Family is a group of people that share common characteristics based on their genetical and morphological composition which can be found to be similar. The family is a group of people who are related via marriage like two parents and their children will constitute a family and any other person who is linked with a social or relation bond can also be the part of the family. In family a feeling of unity stays when members live together or also when they are separated due to affection and care for others. They interact with each other to help each other, and satisfy the needs of others.

2. Why did Roman emperors order more coins to be made?​


In the days before photography printing or any other method to widely distribute images of people coins were one of the most effective ways to get the common people to know the face of the Emperor.

Which of the following Mauryan top advisors took over a kingdom and exiled the King for insulting him?


The correct answer is Chanakya




i took this test plus im here so the other person can get

How did the Industrial Revolution change life for many Americans?

A. Many were able to work part-time, seasonal jobs.

B. Most people made clothing and other goods at home.

C. Many left their family farms for a factory jobs.

D. Most people worked in small offices.



C, For millions of Americans, the industrial revolution allowed them to work for large companies, instead of just themselves.

theeee answer is:: C

Plsssssss help me I need you’re help



A. Caregiver




A. Caregiver


They like helping others more than themselves

¿Cómo son los dípticos? respuesta: ¿para que se usan?, ¿Dónde los podemos encontrar? respuesta: ¿Por qué se denominan dípticos? respuesta:


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

¿Cómo son los dípticos?

Respuesta: los dípticos son hojas dobladas a la mitad para crear folletos en donde comúnmente se incluye información publicitaria sobre un producto, servicio, o persona. Un pliegue divide las mitades.

¿Para que se usan?, ¿Dónde los podemos encontrar?

Respuesta: como mencioné anteriormente, se usan como un recurso publicitario para hacer folletos y publicitar productos y servicios. La gente puede tomar esos dípticos en tiendas o lugares públicos e informarse sobre el producto o servicio. generalmente los dípticos so a colores e incluyen fotos e imágenes que los hacen más atractivos.  

¿Por qué se denominan dípticos?

Respuesta: se le llaman dípticos por el pliegue que divide a la mitad las dos partes.

The primary ethnic group of Iran is





Goo/gled it bro

wich type of population pyramid displays a very large fertility rates and lower than average life expectancies.


Constrictive Pyramid: A pyramid with a narrow base is called constricted pyramid. It represents low fertility, low mortality, high life expectancy and ageing of population.

Hopefully this helps :)

A business is trying to decide where to locate its new headquarters. It wants to avoid any location with an average July temperature of over 80 degrees. Which area would be the best location for the headquarters? Average July Temperatures in Fahrenheit Asia Europe North America Ainda Oceanie- South Amenca Australia Over 85 50 to 58 Antarctica 14° to 32° 14° or below 68° to 85° 32° to 50° Source: National Centers for Environmental Information O A. Southern Europe O B. Northern Africa O C. Southern Australia O D. Northern South America​





Southern Australia!


Here: I used the other answer but it was wrong

What is Humanism? How was it taught different from what was taught in the Middle Ages?



Humanism is a metaphysical position that stresses the importance and agency of individuals and groups of people. The definition of the word "humanism" has changed over time as a result of the many intellectual movements that have associated with it. Humanism emphasized rational reasoning and rationality. They were anti-faith, anti-tradition, and anti-devotional. Religion was at the heart of the Middle Ages.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainliniest.

what were three farming methods for the inca


Ans: They developed resilient breeds of crops such as potatoes, quinoa and corn. They built cisterns and irrigation canals that snaked and angled down and around the mountains. And they cut terraces into the hillsides, progressively steeper, from the valleys up the slopes.

Is this statement true or false?

All minerals have the same type of crystal structure because all of their atoms are arranged the same way.








The statement is false.

Do all minerals have the same crystal structure?

Crystal structure depends on the conditions under which the mineral forms. Polymorphs are minerals with the same chemical composition but different crystal structures. The conditions are such things as temperature (T) and pressure (P) because these affect ionic radii.

Why do all minerals have crystal structures?

Minerals are inorganic, naturally occurring substances that have crystalline structures. So it is a prerequisite to be a crystal in order to be a mineral. All minerals, therefore, form crystals.

Learn more about minerals here


Look at the graph. Then answer the question that follows. The stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, ushering in the Great Depression. Based on the data in the graph, what conclusion can be drawn about unemployment? A) Unemployment can rise suddenly in response to economic crashes, but recovery can be slow and take many years. B) Unemployment rates will slowly decline in response to sudden economic collapses, but will rebound quickly after the crash is over. C) The only event that could lower skyrocketing unemployment during the Great Depression was the US entry into World War II. Eliminate D) After the stock market crash, unemployment rates rose slowly but steadily over the next decade as the Great Depression deepened over time.


Answer: A - unemployment can rise suddenly in response to economic crashes, but recovery can be slow and take many years

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