Colonists who agreed to work for another in return for passage to America were called

Indentured servants




Answer 1


Explanation: Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter.

Related Questions

Which is the best method for a senator to have power in making legislation?
serving on a committee
meeting with constituents
meeting with state officials
confirming federal appointments
serving on a committee


The best method for a senator to have power in making legislation is serving on a committee.

A committee is a group of senators who work together to study and discuss specific issues or bills. A senator who is serving on a committee has more control over the outcome of a bill that relates to the committee's topic than senators who are not members of the committee.

Furthermore, committee members can propose changes to the bill before it goes to the whole Senate, which means they have more power to influence it than non-members. Committee work provides an opportunity for senators to become experts in a particular topic and to forge relationships with colleagues with similar interests.

Committees provide a place for senators to develop relationships with interest groups and lobbyists who are interested in the committee's topic. The Senate has 20 permanent committees, as well as four joint permanent committees and six select or special committees, as of 2021.

Each committee is tasked with a specific jurisdiction, or policy area, and is divided into subcommittees that investigate more narrowly defined areas of responsibility. The Senate majority and minority leaders choose which members of their party will serve on committees, and the full Senate confirms those selections.

To learn more about senator, refer below:


in 1976, america celebrated its 200th birthday. why was the bicentennial celebration so important to america? why was it so necessary?


The bicentennial celebration allowed Americans to Americans of their past, brought them together, promoted their culture, and sparked national pride.

In 1976, America celebrated its 200th birthday, which was known as the bicentennial celebration. The bicentennial celebration was significant to America because of the following reasons:

It showcased the country's past: The bicentennial celebration allowed Americans to look back on their country's history and accomplishments. It helped Americans understand their past and the struggles they went through in the quest for independence and sovereignty.

It brought the country together: The bicentennial celebration brought the country together, united in their patriotic zeal. The event was celebrated by all, regardless of political affiliations, race, or social class. Everyone was involved in the festivities, which helped to strengthen the country's unity.

It promoted American culture: The bicentennial celebration was an opportunity for Americans to showcase their culture, values, and heritage to the rest of the world. Americans celebrated their country's achievements in the fields of art, music, literature, and sports, among others. It helped the rest of the world understand and appreciate American culture, which enhanced America's reputation on the global stage.

It sparked national pride: The bicentennial celebration reignited Americans' national pride and patriotism. The event reminded Americans of the values that their country was founded upon, such as freedom, democracy, and justice.

It helped to renew Americans' commitment to these values and to strive to uphold them. Thus, the bicentennial celebration was so necessary because it reminded Americans of their past, brought them together, promoted their culture, and sparked national pride.

Learn more about bicentennial celebration:


why did the fulani and the habe peoples respond in different ways to the arrival of the europeans


The Fulani and the Habe peoples responded in different ways to the arrival of the Europeans because they had varying cultural, religious, and political perspectives.

What was the difference between the Fulani and the Habe people's response to the arrival of the Europeans? The Fulani, who were semi-nomadic, initially welcomed the Europeans because they believed that their knowledge and technological advances would be beneficial to their economy. They cooperated with the Europeans and collaborated in trading, and also served as intermediaries with other West African groups. The Habe people, on the other hand, were a settled farming community who had a more negative attitude toward the Europeans. They resisted their colonial conquests and attempted to maintain their autonomy and sovereignty throughout their communities. In conclusion, the Fulani and Habe peoples' distinct cultural, religious, and political orientations influenced their reactions to the Europeans' arrival, leading to contrasting attitudes.

The Fulani and the Hausa are two distinct ethnic groups in West Africa, with the Fulani being a widely dispersed pastoralist and agricultural people, while the Hausa are predominantly sedentary and engaged in various occupations.

To get more information about  Fulani and the Habe peoples visit:


Do you think the Clinton administration should have intervened more aggressively in the 1997 Thai financial crisis, and if so how? Defend your answer.


In the 1997 Thai financial crisis, there were a number of potential solutions that the Clinton administration could have taken in order to intervene more aggressively.

One option would have been to provide financial aid to help stabilize the country’s financial instability. This could have included loans and grants from the IMF to help secure an increase in liquidity. It could also have included government backed debt relief measures to help reduce the burden of foreign debt.

Additionally, the Clinton administration could have engaged in diplomatic negotiations with other nations such as Japan, who held a significant amount of the debt, to work out a fair resolution. Ultimately, had the United States decided to intervene more aggressively by providing financial aid and diplomatic assistance, it may have been able to mitigate the effects of the crisis more effectively.

To know more about Clinton administration, click here:



In this political cartoon, showing Boss Tweed and his associates as vultures perched on a corpse representing New York, what do the bones and skulls most likely represent?


In this political cartoon, the bones and skulls most likely symbolize the corruption and decay caused by Tweed's political machine, known as Tammany Hall.

In the political cartoon depicting Boss Tweed and his associates as vultures perched on a corpse representing New York, the bones and skulls most likely symbolize the corruption and decay caused by Tweed's political machine, known as Tammany Hall. The bones and skulls serve as powerful visual metaphors for the destruction and demise brought upon the city by Tweed's corrupt practices. They represent the victims of political manipulation, embezzlement, and fraudulent schemes orchestrated by Tweed and his cronies. The presence of the bones and skulls implies the devastation left in their wake, with the city of New York reduced to a lifeless entity, drained of its resources and left to decay. The cartoon seeks to highlight the destructive and exploitative nature of Tweed's reign and the detrimental impact it had on the city and its inhabitants.

For more questions on Tammany Hall.


The cities of Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad lay on the border

1)between Allied and neutral nations.

2)between Axis and neutral nations.

3)between Allied and Axis nations.

4)among Allied, Axis, and neutral nations


The cities of Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad lay on the border between Allied and Axis nations.During World War II, the Soviet Union (USSR) was one of the Allied nations, while Germany and Italy were two of the Axis powers.

In the USSR, the three most important cities were Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad, each with its unique role in the war.The Soviet Union was invaded by Nazi Germany in 1941, beginning the war's Eastern Front. Germany started with a huge, lightning-fast offensive, but the Soviet Union counter-attacked and eventually regained control of much of the territory they had lost.

.Stalingrad was the site of a major battle in 1942-43, where the Soviet Union successfully defeated the German Army and forced it to retreat. It was one of the turning points of the war in Europe. After the battle, the Soviet Union was on the offensive and began to push the Germans back towards Germany.

To know more about retreat visit:


In an effort to reduce the impact of overpopulation, from the late 1970s to the early twenty-first century, the Chinese government


In an effort to reduce the impact of overpopulation, from the late 1970s to the early twenty-first century, the Chinese government enforced a controversial one-child policy.

This policy was designed to curb the rapid population growth that had been taking place in China at the time. The policy was aimed at reducing the pressure on China's limited resources and improving the quality of life for its citizens.The one-child policy was implemented through a combination of incentives and penalties. Couples who voluntarily limited themselves to one child were given priority for housing, education, and employment.

However, those who had more than one child were subjected to penalties, such as fines and loss of government benefits. Additionally, women who violated the one-child policy by having more than one child were often forced to undergo abortions or sterilization procedures.In recent years, China has relaxed its one-child policy due to concerns about a shrinking workforce and aging population.

In 2015, the government announced that couples would be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was an only child. In 2021, the government announced that couples would be permitted to have up to three children in an effort to address demographic challenges.It is worth noting that the one-child policy was a controversial policy that was criticized by human rights groups for its draconian measures. While it is credited with helping to control China's population growth, it has also been blamed for contributing to a gender imbalance in China due to a cultural preference for male children.

For more questions on twenty-first century


what apparently motivates siddhartha to leave his family (and riches) behind?


Siddhartha was motivated to leave his family and riches behind due to an intense desire to seek understanding and enlightenment.

He was discontented with the materialistic lifestyle that his family afforded him, and felt emptiness and a lack of true purpose in his life. He began to question the nature of existence and sought the answers to life's ultimate questions.

Thus, he left behind his comfortable existence to embark on a spiritual journey to gain understanding and enlightenment, which eventually led him to become the Buddha. His quest for inner peace and understanding drove him to leave behind his old life and pursue a higher purpose.

To know more about materialistic visit:


evaulature the extent to wjich the progressive movement fosteresd [olitical change in the united states from the 1890 to 1920


The Progressive Movement played a crucial role in promoting political change in the United States from 1890 to 1920. The movement led to significant political reforms that changed the way politics was conducted in the United States. The Progressive Movement sought to improve the country's political, economic, and social conditions. It was characterized by a wide range of individuals, including reformers, activists, politicians, and journalists.

The Movement aimed to improve the quality of life for Americans and to address the problems caused by the Industrial Revolution. In particular, it sought to address the problems caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization. As such, it emphasized the need for better working conditions, better wages, and better living standards for workers.

Know more about Progressive Movement here:


how did James Buchanan win the presidency in the 1856 election?




James Buchanan won the presidency in the 1856 election as the Democratic candidate. He secured victory by appealing to the Southern states and their support for preserving slavery. Buchanan's experience as a former diplomat and his conciliatory stance on slavery helped him win the nomination.

Additionally, a divided Republican Party and the presence of a third-party candidate, Millard Fillmore of the American Party, split the opposition vote. Buchanan's strong support in the South, coupled with the divided opposition, allowed him to secure enough electoral votes to become the 15th President of the United States.

hope it helps!

Which result did the Janjaweed bring about?

peace between Iran and Iraq

the creation of the African Union

the September 11 terror attacks

a genocide in Darfur


Janjaweed bring a genocide in Darfur

The Janjaweed, a militia group active in the Darfur region of Sudan, brought about a gen*cide in Darfur.

The conflict in Darfur, which began in the early 2000s, involved a complex mix of political, ethnic, and economic factors. The Janjaweed, backed by the Sudanese government, targeted non-Arab ethnic groups, primarily the Fur, Massalit, and Zaghawa, resulting in widespread violence, displacement,.

The Janjaweed's main objective was to suppress armed resistance and rebellion in Darfur. They carried out systematic attacks on villages, employing brutal tactics such as mu*der, ra*e, to*ture, and destruction of property. These atrocities were aimed at instilling fear and driving the targeted communities away from their ancestral lands.

The Janjaweed's actions in Darfur have been widely condemned as genocide by the international community. The United Nations and other human rights organizations have documented the deliberate targeting of specific ethnic groups, the displacement of millions of people, and the mass killings that occurred during the conflict.

The genocide in Darfur resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and caused a severe humanitarian crisis. It drew significant international attention and led to calls for intervention and justice for the victims. Efforts were made to provide aid to the affected populations and bring the perpetrators to account through international criminal tribunals.

Final answer:

In conclusion, the Janjaweed's actions in Darfur resulted in a genocide characterized by widespread violence, displacement, and mass kil*ings. The consequences of their actions have had a lasting impact on the region, leading to immense suffering and loss of life for the people of Darfur.

For more questions on Sudan


how did worker shortages in the united states affect texas during world war ii?


During World War II, worker shortages in the United States affected Texas as well. In the 1940s, Texas was a developing state with industries ranging from agriculture, oil, and manufacturing. There were a number of factors that contributed to worker shortages in the United States during World War II, including the enlistment of men in the military, the demand for workers in the war industries, and the need for workers in other sectors of the economy.Most of the labor force of Texas was recruited to work in the war industries to produce supplies for the military. The military supply needs were massive, and the production of war materials like guns, ammunition, tanks, and aircraft required a lot of workers.

Texans joined the war effort, either by volunteering or being drafted into the military services. The shortage of labor caused problems for farmers and other industries in Texas, who had to struggle to find enough workers to carry out essential tasks .

Know more about United States affected Texas here:


Clinton's Booming Economy (WTO and Internet Boom) how this impact us in our modern life


The impact of Clinton's booming economy has been significant and continues to shape our world today.

During President Clinton's presidency, the United States experienced a booming economy that was largely driven by two key factors: the expansion of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the rise of the internet boom.

The expansion of the World Trade Organization (WTO) allowed for greater international trade and cooperation, which led to an increase in exports and imports and more jobs being created as businesses expanded their operations across borders.

This expansion also helped to reduce trade barriers between nations, which made it easier for businesses to conduct transactions across borders and for consumers to access a wider variety of goods at more affordable prices.

The rise of the internet boom brought about rapid technological advancements and improvements in communication and information exchange.

This led to the creation of new industries and the growth of existing ones as businesses began to utilize the internet to reach new customers and expand their operations.

This boom also led to increased access to information and new forms of communication that have transformed the way people live and work today.

In our modern life, the impact of these developments is still being felt.

The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives, allowing us to access information, connect with others, and conduct business transactions from anywhere in the world.

The expansion of international trade has also led to increased global interconnectedness and economic growth, but has also raised concerns over issues such as labor practices and environmental impacts.

Therefore, the impact of Clinton's booming economy has been significant and continues to shape our world today.

For more questions on Clinton's booming economy


what did homer have to do since he didnt understand the math that he needed for the rocket


Homer needed to do something to learn the math that was necessary to build a rocket.

Since he didn’t initially understand the math, he could have started by doing some research on the type of math that was required for rocket engineering. He could have gone to the library to find a book that could explain the math to him in depth. He could also have taken an online course or class to understand it better.

If Homer wanted to practice the math, he could have used flashcards or completed practice problems. He should also get help from a tutor or a knowledgeable friend who could answer any questions he had and give him advice when needed. Lastly, he could have kept at it and not given up, even when it started to get difficult. With dedication, persistence, and some guidance, Homer could have figured out the math he needed.

To know more about rocket engineering , click here:


in a couple of sentences, use the graph and your knowledge of world war ii at home to compare the status of women before and after world war ii.


Before The Second Great War, women's cooperation in the workforce was restricted and their jobs were frequently confined to customary homegrown obligations.

The workforce alludes to the gathering who are accessible for business and who are either presently working or looking for a business. This incorporates both full-time and part-time representatives, as well as the people who are independently employed or dealing with a freelance basis.

The workforce is in many cases arranged into various classifications, like gifted and untalented work, manual and middle-class laborers, and impermanent and extremely durable representatives. The size and creation of the labor force can fundamentally affect the economy and organizations, as well as on friendly issues.

Learn more about workforce:


This question is not complete, Here I am attaching the complete question:

In a couple of sentences, use the graph and your knowledge of World War Il at home to compare the status of women before and after World War II.

Type your response

what did wealthy new york businessmen and new york city free blacks have in common in 1863?


In 1863, wealthy New York businessmen and New York City free blacks had a common interest in avoiding the draft.

The Union implemented the first conscription in American history in March of 1863 to help recruit soldiers to fight in the Civil War. The draft, however, was controversial, and it sparked a series of violent protests. Wealthy New York businessmen opposed the draft since it would result in a decline in business and could hurt the economy.

In comparison, New York City free blacks were worried that they would be subject to prejudice and brutality while serving in the Union Army. As a result, both groups opposed the draft and worked together to prevent its implementation. They held a rally in July 1863 that culminated in the New York City Draft Riots, a violent uprising against the draft and the Union.

For more about wealthy:


Was the Indian independence movement successful?

A. Yes, France granted India independence in the 1960s.
B. No, India is still not an independently governed nation.
C. Yes, Great Britain granted India independence in the 1940s.
D. Partially, India is governed jointly by the local government and the British monarchy.


I want to say D I’m so sorry I may be wrong

During the Japanese feudal period, the shogun held real power, while the emperor was a puppet. Which of the following is not a reason the emperor remained even though his power was minimal?
a) Symbolic Importance
b) Historical Tradition
c) Military Control
d) Economic Influence


During the Japanese feudal period, the shogun held real power, while the emperor was a puppet. The term that is not a reason why the emperor remained even though his power was minimal is d) Economic Influence.

Here is an explanation of why the rest of the choices are not the reason why the emperor remained even though his power was minimal: a) Symbolic Importance: In Japan's feudal period, the emperor was regarded as a symbolic figure of authority. Despite his limited political power, the emperor remained a critical symbol of legitimacy and continuity in Japanese society. b) Historical Tradition: The emperor's status as a descendant of the gods was a crucial aspect of Japan's national identity and cultural heritage. Even though he lacked practical political power, his role as a historical figure provided an essential connection between the past, present, and future. c) Military Control: The shoguns, or military commanders, ruled Japan during the feudal period. They controlled the country's military, politics, and economy. While the emperor did not have any military authority, his symbolic position allowed the shoguns to claim that they were ruling under his authority. Therefore, military control is a reason why the emperor remained even though his power was minimal. However, the economic influence is not a reason for the same.

To know more about Economic Influence, visit:


In december of 1775, which group did george washington permit to enlist in the continental army?


In December of 1775, George Washington permitted free African Americans to enlist in the Continental Army.

When were African Americans allowed into the Continental army ?

At that time, the policy of the Continental Congress prohibited the recruitment of African American soldiers. However, as the need for manpower increased and the Revolutionary War progressed, Washington and other military leaders realized the importance of allowing African Americans to serve in the army.

Washington's decision to permit the enlistment of free African Americans was driven by practical considerations and the desire to strengthen the Continental Army. He recognized the valuable contributions that African American soldiers could make to the war effort.

Find out more on the Continental army at


One result of the crusades was that the demand grew in Europe for products from _____.
a. Babylon
b. the East
c. Israel
d. England


One result of the Crusades was that the demand grew in Europe for products from b.the East.

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns launched by European Christians to regain control of the Holy Land from Muslim forces.

During the Crusades, European armies traveled to the East and came into contact with the Muslim world and its rich culture and commerce.

These encounters sparked an increased demand in Europe for the products of the East, such as spices, silk, and other luxury goods.

Europeans developed a taste for these exotic products, and the demand for them grew as they became more widely available through trade.

In addition to luxury goods, the Crusades also led to an increased demand for more practical items such as sugar, which was imported from the Middle East and was used as a preservative for food.

The Crusades also led to the establishment of new trade routes and markets, which further increased the demand for goods from the East.

In conclusion, one of the significant outcomes of the Crusades was that it fueled a growing demand in Europe for the products from the East.

The Crusades opened up new trade routes and markets, which provided Europeans with greater access to luxury and practical goods from the Middle East.

For more questions on Crusades


russia assisted what nation in an uprising in 1815 against the ottoman empire?


Russia assisted Serbia in an uprising in 1815 against the Ottoman Empire.

The decline of the Ottoman Empire began in the late 17th century and continued until the 20th century, during which it lost a significant amount of territory, power, and influence in Europe and the Middle East.

The following factors contributed to the decline of the Ottoman Empire:

Political and economic corruption, military failures, and lack of innovation, growing nationalism among minority groups, and the rise of European powers.

For more about Ottoman Empire:


Match these major cultural blocs with the estimate of the unreached unimax people groups that reside within each. Hindus a. 1200 Ethno-Religionists b. 700 Buddhists c. 3300 Muslims d. 2400


According to current estimates, there are approximately 1,200 unreached unimax people groups within the Hindu cultural bloc Therefore the correct option is A.

The Buddhist cultural bloc is estimated to have around 3,300 unreached unimax people groups, and the Muslim cultural bloc has roughly 2,400. Ethno-Religionists, another major cultural bloc, have an estimated 700 unreached unimax people groups within their communities.

These numbers represent a significant challenge for those working in global missions to reach these unreached people with the message of the gospel. Effective strategies and targeted outreach efforts will be critical in addressing the needs of these unreached populations.

Hence the correct option is A

To know more about cultural bloc visit:


10 how did rosa parks become ""a hero and an inspiration to people all over the nation who were looking for racial equality""?


Rosa Parks became a hero and an inspiration to people all over the nation who were looking for racial equality due to her act of defiance against the discriminatory laws of the time. Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to a white person, which was required by law. This act of civil disobedience led to her arrest and sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement.

The boycott was organized by civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., and lasted for 381 days. The goal of the boycott was to end racial segregation on Montgomery's public transit system, and it resulted in a Supreme Court decision declaring such segregation unconstitutional.

Know more about Rosa Parks here:


briefly explain one way in which the historical situation of the excerpt is significant for a historical argument about the effect of reconstruction (1865–1877) on african americans.


The historical situation of the excerpt is indicative of the effects of Reconstruction (1865–1877) on African Americans.

The excerpt alludes to the establishment of the rights of African American citizens in the post-Civil War era, when the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments granted African Americans the right to vote, granted them birthright citizenship, and abolished slavery, respectively. The passage also illuminates the fact that, within the Reconstruction era, African Americans were able to successfully exercise their newfound rights and pursue life in a democracy.

This evidence is critical when looking at the impact of Reconstruction on African Americans, as it illustrates the importance of these Amendments in providing a legal framework for the protection of African American rights. Therefore, this excerpt provides an important example of how Reconstruction era policies established significant new rights for African Americans, offering them an unprecedented degree of freedom and the chance to exercise legally-protected civil rights.

To know more about Reconstruction , click here:


What did President Bush emphasize as a top U. S. Foreign policy objective


Answer: There are many things that Bush emphasized as a top us foreign policy objective, but he was most known for "fighting the war on terrorism" which led to lots of strikes overseas.

Explanation:  ↑

Write a paragraph that tells readers what impact
new technologies had on the development of
industry in the Gilded Age.


The Gilded Age, a period of rapid industrialization and economic growth in the late 19th century, saw the emergence of new technologies that had a profound impact on the development of the industry.

Innovations such as the Bessemer process for steel production, the expansion of railroads, and the invention of new machinery revolutionized manufacturing processes and led to increased efficiency and productivity. These advancements enabled industries to produce goods on a larger scale and at lower costs, fueling the growth of industries such as steel, oil, and railroads. Moreover, new technologies like the telegraph and telephone improved communication and facilitated the exchange of information, allowing businesses to operate more effectively and coordinate their activities across wider geographical areas. The integration of new technologies into the industry during the Gilded Age thus played a crucial role in driving economic expansion, transforming the landscape of American industry, and setting the stage for further industrial advancements in the following decades.

For more questions on Gilded Age


Why did the Radical Republicans challenge the renomination of
Abraham Lincoln?


The Radical Republicans challenged the renomination of Abraham Lincoln due to their dissatisfaction with his policies during the Civil War, particularly concerning issues of slavery and reconstruction.

The Radical Republicans, a faction within the Republican Party during the Civil War era, held more extreme views on abolition and reconstruction than Lincoln. They believed that Lincoln's policies, such as his initial commitment to preserving the Union rather than prioritizing the abolition of slavery, were too moderate.

The Radicals pushed for more aggressive measures, including immediate emancipation of slaves and ensuring equal rights for freedmen. They felt that Lincoln's approach was not sufficiently transformative and sought a more radical agenda. As a result, they opposed his renomination in the 1864 presidential election, supporting John C. Frémont and later nominating their own candidate, John C. Beale.

To learn more about  Radical.



What does General Zaroff do to prove that he is civilized?
He shows that he is angry.
He lets his eyes go black.
He pauses for a second.
He speaks in a pleasant manner.
A trace of anger was in the general's black eyes, but it was there for but a second, and he said, in his most pleasant manner: "Dear me, what a righteous young man you are! I assure you I do not do the thing you suggest. That would be barbarous. I treat these visitors with every consideration. They get plenty of good food and exercise. They get into splendid physical condition. You shall see for yourself tomorrow."


In the passage supplied, General Zaroff proves that he is civilized by using several strategies.

Firstly, he speaks in a pleasing manner, demonstrating his potential to interact in well-mannered communication even when confronted with an accusation. This showcases his knowledge of social norms and the importance of keeping a civil demeanor. By responding lightly and civilly, General Zaroff affords as a complicated and nicely-mannered person.

Additionally, General Zaroff briefly displays a hint of anger in his eyes but quickly suppresses it. This nonpermanent glimpse of anger indicates that he's capable of experiencing strong feelings, but he exercises willpower and composure. This restraint similarly emphasizes his civilized nature, as he refrains from succumbing to his anger and maintains his poise.

Moreover, General Zaroff refutes the accusation made in opposition to him by means of declaring that he treats his site visitors with consideration. He claims to offer them exact food, workout, and the possibility to enhance their bodily condition. By declaring that he takes care of his guests and guarantees their nicely-being, General Zaroff portrays himself as a hospitable and civilized host.

Overall, via his exceptional demeanor, suppression of anger, and claims of hospitality, General Zaroff attempts to set up his civilized nature. However, it is vital to be aware that those floor-level displays of civility assessment with the darker sports hinted at inside the story. The proper depths of his person and the volume of his "civilization" are concerned with the interpretation and the ethical questions raised with the aid of the tale.

To know more about General Zaroff,


This was a rapid influx of fortune seekers to sutter's mill in california in 1849. Gold rush this shoshone indian girl was an invaluable guide to lewis and clark on their trek west. Sacagawea this was a territory in the western u. S. Purchased from france for $15 million in 1803. Construction on this began in 1811 and was the first federally funded turnpike in the united states. This is the name given to the purchase of the alaska territory from russia in 1867, for which the u. S. Paid $7 million. This was an act of continental congress which initially organized the first united states territory and was to be the basis for governing how the united states would expand westward. This was a major u. S. Route from missouri to the northwest in the 19th century. This was the forced migration of the cherokee indians to oklahoma in 1838-39


In 1848, a man named James Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's Mill in California. This discovery led to a rapid influx of fortune seekers known as the Gold Rush of 1849.

People from all over the world came to California in search of gold, and this led to the development of towns and the growth of the population in California. The Gold Rush also led to the establishment of the state of California in 1850.Sacagawea was a Shoshone Indian girl who was an invaluable guide to Lewis and Clark on their trek west. She helped the expedition by providing information about the terrain, food, and local customs.

The Louisiana Purchase was a territory in the western U.S. that was purchased from France for $15 million in 1803. The purchase was made by President Thomas Jefferson, and it doubled the size of the United States.The National Road was a federal highway that was constructed between 1811 and 1837. It was the first federally funded turnpike in the United States and it connected the East Coast to the Midwest.
To know more about territory visit:


describe in detail how otto the great affected the history of germany


Otto the Great, also known as Otto I, was a significant figure in the history of Germany. He was the king of East Francia from 936 and was later crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 962. His reign marked the beginning of the Ottonian dynasty, which had a profound impact on the future development of Germany.

Otto the Great is often credited with consolidating and expanding the German territories. He successfully defeated rival German duchies, consolidated their power under his rule, and established a strong central authority. This laid the foundation for the medieval Holy Roman Empire and set the stage for the future formation of a unified German state.

His rule also had significant implications for religion and culture. Otto actively supported the Christianization of German territories, promoted the establishment of bishoprics, and cultivated relationships with the Pope. This close alliance between the German monarchs and the Church had long-lasting effects on the religious and cultural fabric of Germany.

Additionally, Otto's policies towards the nobility and the peasantry helped to establish a more stable social order. He sought to maintain a balance of power between the nobles and the monarchy, which contributed to relative political stability during his reign.

Overall, Otto the Great's reign was a pivotal period in German history. His successful military campaigns, establishment of a strong central authority, and promotion of Christianity laid the groundwork for the future development of a unified German state and influenced the cultural and political landscape of Germany for centuries to come.

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you are studying a newly discovered prokaryotic microorganism and are attempting to determine whether it will be classified in the domain bacteria or in the domain archaea. All of the following would be helpful in making that distanction except ________A. sequence of small subunit ribosomal RNAB. type of membrane lipidsC. presence or absence of peptidoglycan in cell wallsD. presence or absence of double-stranded circular DNA genome the radii of the pedal sprocket the wheel sprocket and the wheel of the bicycle Tue diameter of a bike is 27 inches if the wheel makes 15 complete rotations how far does the bike travel? Find the volume of the cone below. Leave your answer in terms of pi. Read the excerpt from the Declaration ofIndependence.What can be learned about the role and function of thegovernment from the quote?O The government invented the self-evident truths.O The people get their power from the governmentThe government secures the rights of the people, In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin?a.Francec.Italyb.Britaind.Egypt The question is in the photo above plz answer You purchased a machine for $1.11 million three years ago and have been applying straight-line depreciation to zero for a seven-year life. Your tax rate is 35%. If you sell the machine today (after three years of depreciation) for $723,000, what is your incremental cash flow from selling the machine? find the length of DE Please help.Indices and Standard Form question What reflex kicks in if your epiglottis reflex malfunctions? Individual Assignment In 1954 the appellant's husband Lee formed the company named LEE'S AIR FARMING LTD. For the purpose of carrying on the business of aerial top-dressing with 3000 thousand shar Put the letter M.C.P by the statement that best describes the type of symbiosis. i'll give brainly1. A tick living on a dog and taking its blood for food. 2. A tapeworm living inside a cow and absorbing the cow's nutrients for food.3. A bird building a nest in a tree. 4. Orchids growing in tall canopy trees to get sunlight.5. Bacteria living on human skin. 6. Bees use a flower's nectar for food, and they carry a flower's pollen to other flowers, allowing flowers to reproduce, 7. Bacteria living in the intestine of a cow to help it break down cellulose (fiber).8. A seventh grader and its pet. 9. A lichen, a close relationship between a fungus providing water and place to live while algo provides food. 10. Clownfish living in a sea anemone getting food from anemone and keeping sea anemone clean.11. Dutch elm disease hos caused mass destruction of elms. The fungus feeds on materials produced by the elm trees.12. Small mites live on your skin, eating dead skin cells.13. Crabs try to get a sea anemone to attach to its shell. The crabs drive away octopi that would eat the anemone and the anemone drives away octopi that would eat the crabs.14. A wasp stings a spider and takes it to its nest where it lays an egg on the spider. The egg hatches into a larva and the larva eats the spider as a source of food. just need the last one!Exercise 15-4 Financial Ratios for Debt Management [LO15-4] Comparative financial statements for Weller Corporation, a merchandising company, for the year ending December 31 appear below. The company Financial Report on sri lanka ?1. Introduction General situation of the Country2. Selected economic indicatorsa. General Structure and Development of the Balance of Paymentsb. Exports/Importsc. FDI3. Exchange rate development and its impact on the economic development4. External debt5. SWOT6. Evaluation what should be donea.From the perspective of investorsb.From the perspective of the government Larry is making a model of the Solar System. What objects will Larry need to put in his model of the Solar System? Name three types of objects. Describe where Larry should place Earth within the Solar System. es ) your answer below: KAMIOy Le Lesson ord FolktaleThe final lines of the folktale state: "And that is why thereare two things you can always count on running into inthis world: Misery and Death: La miseria y la muerte."Write one to three sentences explaining the lesson of thefolktale b. the video says that she is in poor health, having lost 20 pounds in recent weeks. assume she has a body weight of 55kg (about 120 pounds). what was her dose of sodium chloride Is school easy or not Would paul McLean be likely to think of actors as artists