Can you help me with history?

Can You Help Me With History?


Answer 1


I think that it's A and D


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is this statement true or false? the chinese know how to produce silk by about 2700 b.c. responses


Answer: True

Explanation: I took the test and I just know the answer.

Hope this helps :)

Please mark me as brainliest.

Which of the following was NOT one of the ways that Peter the Great Westernized Russia?

A) Advanced Education

B) Ordering the Nobles to Adopt Western

C) Fassion Started the First Newspaper

D) None of the Above​



D...none of the above...

Some of the fears the Mexican American families faced when they filed the lawsuit....


Is this a question or is this like just what happens I’m confused lol?

describe the social pressures that contributed to the english colonization of north america.



Describe the social pressures that contributed to the English colonization of North America.

They were determined by the historic disposition of the English colonization to which were caused by, quote on quote, religious shifts, demographic changes, and labor interests.



The English colonization of North America was influenced by various social pressures. One significant factor was religious persecution, as groups like the Puritans sought refuge and religious freedom in the New World. Economic motivations also played a role, with English individuals and companies seeking wealth through trade and the extraction of valuable resources.

Additionally, social tensions and overcrowding in England led to the desire for new opportunities and the chance to establish social hierarchies in the colonies. These social pressures collectively drove English colonization and shaped the early foundations of North American society.

hope it helps!

How did Hamilton influence the founding of the United States?



He wrote part of the constitution


How did the Songhai Empire strengthen Islam?
Even if you dont answer and spam have a Blessed day : 3



Songhai was a leading country in literacy. most of the schools and universities were islam based and the students studied the Koran in these schools and universities. Askia Mohammed was a devoted Muslim and did not allow any other beliefs like Sonni Ali did. they also traded a lot of products using the sub sahara trading routes were they didn't allow any Christians to form a part of.

hope this helps, it is just a quick summary

Where in which country would u find palace of Versailles



The answer is Versailles, France

Why does headline in the Japan times and mail call the senate vote a “Declaration of War”


because the new law sharply restricted from the eastern & southern Europe as well as immigrants of Indian, Chinese, & Japanese

The headline in the Japan times and mail call the senate to vote for a “Declaration of War” due to the new law's severe restrictions on immigration from eastern and southern Europe as well as those who are Indian, Chinese, and Japanese.

What are votes?

Voting is a process that a party, such as an election or gathering, can use to reach a consensus or voice an opinion, typically after talks, debates, or political ads.

Even Asians who had not hitherto been barred from entering the country—the Japanese in specifically no longer be permitted.  Most Japanese immigrants to the United States came for economic reasons.

People in Japan were forced to look outside of their country for a better life due to stagnant wage conditions that led to subpar living standards and excessive unemployment.

Learn more about votes, Here:


What investment do financial advisors consider to be risk free, and why?


Answer: Treasuries (especially T-bills) are considered to be risk-free because the U.S. government backs them. Because they are so safe, the return on risk-free assets is very close to the current interest rate. Many academics say that there is no such thing as a risk-free asset because all financial assets carry some degree

Explanation:      (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ You're Welcome!!! ^^

(∩^o^)⊃━☆F R O M~ KURRO

How did the actions of the settlers of kanas contribute to the civil war ?

1: Pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers were actually killing each other which made
many believe that war was inevitable.

2: © A northern militia group invaded Kansas which started the civil war.

3: © A southern militia group invaded Kansas which started the civil war.

4: Settlers in Kansas decided to secede from the Union which started the civil war.


The actions of the settlers of Kansas contributed to the Civil War 1. Pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers were actually killing each other which made many believe that war was inevitable.

Kansas was a territory that was being fought over by pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers.

The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed the settlers to determine whether their territory would be a free state or a slave state, leading to a race for power between pro- and anti-slavery factions.

Violence soon broke out between these groups, with both sides committing acts of terrorism.

The pro-slavery Border Ruffians were especially violent, burning buildings and murdering those who opposed slavery.

This led to the formation of an anti-slavery group called the Jayhawkers, which retaliated with violence.

2. A northern militia group invaded Kansas, which started the Civil War:The Free-State movement emerged in Kansas after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

It was a movement led by anti-slavery activists who sought to make Kansas a free state.

In May 1856, a group of pro-slavery activists attacked the town of Lawrence, Kansas, where many Free-State supporters lived.

The attack resulted in the destruction of the town and the killing of two Free-State supporters.

In response, John Brown led a group of men to Pottawatomie Creek, where they killed five pro-slavery settlers in retaliation.

This event was one of the factors that led to the Civil War.

3. A southern militia group invaded Kansas, which started the Civil War:Missouri, a slave state, bordered Kansas.

This proximity allowed pro-slavery Missourians to cross the border and vote in Kansas elections to sway the vote in their favor.

This led to a situation in which both sides were trying to establish dominance over the territory, resulting in violence.

In 1857, the pro-slavery Lecompton Constitution was written, which would have made Kansas a slave state.

However, it was rejected by the Free-State supporters, which led to the formation of a pro-slavery militia group called the Border Ruffians.

They invaded Kansas in an attempt to force the state to accept the Lecompton Constitution.

This event helped to set the stage for the Civil War.

4. Settlers in Kansas decided to secede from the Union, which started the Civil War:Kansas was a territory that was heavily divided on the issue of slavery.

When it became a state in 1861, it chose to remain a free state.

This angered the pro-slavery factions in the state, who felt that the state should have been a slave state.

When the Civil War broke out, Kansas remained loyal to the Union, which helped to tip the balance of power in the war.

The state's decision to remain loyal to the Union was a major factor in the war.

For more questions on Civil War


Which of the following was a disadvantage to the Chinese army fighting against the


Answer: Civil war between nationalist and communist

Explanation: I got it wrong heres the right one

Under the Freedmen's Bureau some Southern land was redistributed for African American







Chloride is the ion found at the highest concentration in salt water. The concentration is high because



Chloride is the ion found at the highest concentration in salt water. The concentration is high because

The colonists' major issue with the Townshend Acts was not the higher cost of tea. What evidence from the passage best supports this conclusion? A. Colonists had to spend more money on other goods such as paper. B. Colonists still would not buy British tea after the price was lowered. C. Colonists dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor. D. Colonists did not have representation in the British Parliament.


Answer: Colonists dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor.

Explanation: American colonists were frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.


A. Colonists dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor.


American colonists were frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.

what did india receive from imperial partnership with great britain?


During the imperial partnership with Great Britain, India received some benefits and drawbacks. These benefits include political stability, economic expansion, modernization, and infrastructure development.

India received several things from its imperial partnership with Great Britain:

Infrastructure Development: British colonial rule in India brought significant infrastructural advancements. The British constructed railways, roads, bridges, and ports, which facilitated transportation and trade within the country and with other parts of the British Empire. These developments contributed to economic growth and improved connectivity.

Education System: The British introduced a modern education system in India. They established schools, colleges, and universities that provided access to Western knowledge and subjects. This led to the spread of English education and the emergence of a new intellectual class, contributing to social and intellectual advancements in India.

Legal and Administrative Framework: The British introduced a centralized administrative and legal system in India. They implemented institutions such as the Indian Civil Service, courts, and legislative bodies, which brought about a structured governance system. This framework laid the foundation for modern administrative and legal structures in independent India.

English Language: English became an official language during British rule and continues to be widely used in India today. The spread of English facilitated communication, trade, and provided access to global knowledge. English proficiency has also played a significant role in India's emergence as a major player in the global IT and services sectors.

Political Consciousness and Nationalism: British colonial rule sparked a sense of political consciousness among Indians and gave rise to nationalist movements. The struggle for independence against British rule united people from diverse backgrounds and eventually led to India's independence in 1947.

While India did benefit in certain aspects from its imperial partnership with Great Britain, it is important to note that colonial rule also had negative consequences, such as economic exploitation, cultural erosion, and social inequalities.

Know more about partnership with Great Britain here:


Why did some people fear the idea of an independent Cuba?



Spain possessed superior numbers of troops, forcing the Cuban generals Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo, to wage guerrilla warfare in the hope of exhausting the enemy. Operations began in southeastern Cuba but soon spread westward. The Spanish Conservative Party, led by Antonio Cánovas y Castillo, vowed to suppress the insurrectos, but failed to do so.



What conditions did Dorothea Dix help to reform?​



Dorothea Dix played an instrumental role in the founding or expansion of more than 30 hospitals for the treatment of the mentally ill. She was a leading figure in those national and international movements that challenged the idea that people with mental disturbances could not be cured or helped.


Please mark me brainlest

Where did the civil rights movement shift its focus after the passage of the Civil Rights Act?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options for this question we can say the following.

Where did the civil rights movement shift its focus after the passage of the Civil Rights Act?

We can say that after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, the movement focused on improving the right to vote of the black people in the southern states.

Today we know that in the South, during Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was rarely enforced.

The Civil Rights Act was approved in March 1875. The Act granted rights to African Americans and prohibited any kind of racial discrimination in public places such as restaurants, hotels, and public transportation. But during Reconstruction, the Southern states did not enforce the mandate of the Act. Many people living in the Southern states did not accept the desegregation laws and still supported slavery. So they kept on being racist and applying segregational conducts.

are made up of a population of people who share the same culture. The people of
ten speak the same language, practice the same religion, and have the same traditions.


C nations, the def for nations is “a large body of people United by common decent, history, culture or language..”

Rome created a huge urban system. The integration of the Roman Empire was greatly facilitated by a
A. Good Portal system
B. transportation system
C. lack of languages
D. labor shortages



B. transportation system

Hope this helps!

all i need is the other side please help me out I seriously need someone's help!



South: protect the institutions of slavery

Protect state sovereignty

boost international trade( after the war)

Both: protect home ground from enemy


How could Europe have changed so much between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?


Answer: The Renaissance is credited with bridging the gap between the Middle Ages and modern-day civilization. During the Middle Ages, a period that took place between the fall of ancient Rome in 476 A.D. and the beginning of the 14th century, Europeans made few advances in science and art.

Explanation: ヾ(•ω•`)o You're Welcome!!! *☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

                                           F r o m~ K u r r o

¿En cuál de los siguientes países se efectúa el acontecimiento que inicia a la I guerra mundial? a) Imperio Austro - húngaro b) Rusia c) Serbia d) Alemania e) Prusia


a.) Imperio austro-húngaro

Todo comenzó cuando el Archiduque Fernando fue baleado y asesinado junto con su esposa el 28 de junio de 1914.

Espero que esto ayude y que tengas un buen día.


Why was Rhineland separate from Germany



On 7 March 1936 German troops marched into the Rhineland. This action was directly against the Treaty of Versailles which had laid out the terms which the defeated Germany had accepted. This move, in terms of foreign relations, threw the European allies, especially France and Britain, into confusion.

On 7 March 1936 German troops marched into the Rhineland. This action was directly against the Treaty of Versailles which had laid out the terms which the defeated Germany had accepted.

Why is Holocaust the most well known example of genocide in the western world?



The Holocaust killed a lot of Jews. A lot. So that can explain why Holocaust is a example of a genocide.




Answer: The Underground Railroad work by giving slaves and place to stay. The slaves went from house to house with a light in a window. Most of the houses had secret areas or false floors and carts. The slave would either get in one of the false floor area or get in the cart.

Harriet Tubman was the leader of the underground railroad. She would tell the slaves a certain time to go to each house.

The Underground Railroad was a network of people, African American as well as white, offering shelter and aid to escaped enslaved people from the South. Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom in the North in 1849 to become the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. Tubman risked her life to lead hundreds of family members and other slaves from the plantation system to freedom on this elaborate secret network of safe houses.

Use your knowledge don't copy from somewhere else


On 10 October 732 Frankish General Charles Martel crushed an invading Muslim army at Tours in France, decisively halting the Islamic advance into Europe.

Stereotypes prevent us from seeing individual differences.









Stereotypes could make us believe something about someone that isnt true

were Men and children were the lowest paid laborers?



Pay was extremely low for common workers during the industrial revolution. $1.00 to $1.50 was the typical pay for men workers while women were paid less and children the least.


So yea they were

Which county official is responsible for overseeing county jails? constable auditor justice of the peace sheriff​





Sheriffs oversee county jails for it is part of their job.

Sheriff​ is responsible for overseeing county jails as a county official.

What do you know about Sheriff​ ?

There are some nations with historical ties to England, where the position originated, where a sheriff is a government official with a variety of responsibilities. The term "sheriff" is frequently used to refer to an equivalent office in Iceland that was independently developed.

The six sheriffdoms' most senior sheriffs, known as sheriffs principal, have both administrative and judicial authority and are in charge of effectively overseeing and administering all of the sheriff courts under their jurisdiction.

Principal sheriffs serve in the Sheriff Appeal Court as appeal sheriffs and review appeals from sentences and convictions following quick trials in sheriff courts and justice of the peace courts.

The chief civilian law enforcement officer in a county is typically an elected figure known as the sheriff.

The sheriff is responsible for carrying out court mandates and orders, as well as carrying out tasks like evictions, asset forfeiture in accordance with court orders, and serving legal documents and warrants.

Learn more about Sheriff​, here


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