can someone please help me write 50 words summary about beware low flying girl fiction by Kathrine rundell


Answer 1


"Beware Low Flying Girl Fiction" by Kathrine Rundell is a novel about a young girl named Isla who is forced to flee her home in New York City after a mysterious fire destroys her apartment building. Along with her loyal dog, Isla embarks on a dangerous journey across the United States, encountering a variety of colorful characters and challenges along the way. As she searches for a new home, Isla must also confront the secrets of her past and the truth about her family's history. This captivating coming-of-age story is full of adventure, friendship, and self-discovery.

Answer 2
This story is about Odile, a girl with a coat which gives her the power to fly, as she has to face mosnters who prey on her deepest fear that her grandfather doesn`t love her.

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How do you conduct a research essay?


Steps to keep in mind while conducting research:

Allow enough timeRead the essay question and thereafter thoroughly understand itBegin with a brainstormAchieve a basic understanding before delving deeperWorking through your reading list

One of the biggest secrets to good writing is the Boy Scouts' motto: 'be prepared'. Preparation for writing - through good research - lays the foundation for a good essay, and it is just as important as actual writing. Many students skip on this important step, or sit in the library not sure where to start; and it shows the quality of their writing.

Now, we take you through what you need to do in order to conduct effective research and make the most of your research time.

Allow enough timeRead the essay question thereafter thoroughly understand itBegin with a brainstormAchieve a basic understanding before delving deeperWorking through your reading listUse the indexTaking notesResearch every side of the argumentKeep a dictionary by your side

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What are the properties of disinfectant sanitizers?


Ideal disinfectant properties

Broad spectrum: The antimicrobial spectrum should be broad.Fast acting: should result in a quick kill.

The disinfectant should ideally have a broad spectral range of antimicrobial activity. It must be effective at high dilutions against a wide range of bacterial infections (Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, acid-fast bacteria, bacterial endospores, fungi, and viruses).

Sanitizing surfaces with chemicals kills bacteria. It is not designed to eliminate viruses. Disinfecting surfaces with chemicals kills viruses and bacteria.

Sanitizers and disinfectants differ primarily in that sanitizers reduce the amount of germs on a surface while disinfectants kill the majority of them. Sanitizers typically kill germs quicker than disinfectants, that can take up to 10 minutes to kill.

For more information on disinfectant , visit :


Why is Snowball symbolic?


Animal Farm features a fictional character named Snowball, a pig who is one of the rebel leaders. The majority of detractors concur that Snowball represents Leon Trotsky.

The main pig character of Animal Farm, Snowball, is idealistic. Snowball is one of the rebellion's leaders in the novella's opening chapters.

Leon Trotsky is represented by Snowball. Trotsky was the head of the Red Army, a political theorist, and a revolutionary. He took part in the development of Russian foreign policy after the Revolution. He disagreed with Stalin's policies, which ultimately led to his exile from the Soviet Union in 1929. He is portrayed by Orwell as a brilliant idealist who works to modernise society.

To know more about Snowball, refer to this link:


Why do Jefferson and Stanton include these similar experts in their documents?


Both Jefferson and Stanton decided to include the excerpt in question because they are powerful calls to change that define their causes.

The relevant portion of the passage deals with the people's right to overthrow an administration that is no longer serving their interests.

That call:

was about how the dictatorial behavior of the British governmentwas an urgent plea to unite the populace in support of the cause of achieving freedom.

We can infer that Jefferson and Stanton both employed this call to action because they recognized its advantages and did so since it was strong and clearly articulated their respective causes.

The given question is incomplete,  the complete question is;

Why do Jefferson and Stanton include these similar excerpts in their documents? because they are heartfelt praises intended to applaud activists because they mention the Founding Fathers in an attempt to inspire because they are powerful calls to change that define their causes because they are battle cries that demand physical confrontation.

To learn more about Jefferson and Stanton here:


What is the 2 step cleaning process?


The two step cleaning process includes cleaning the surface or object and then disinfecting it with suitable disinfectant.

Cleaning removes dirt, gems, impurities from the surface of objects. Cleaning does not necessarily kill germs but removes them which lowers the risk of spreading of deadly organisms and their growth.

Disinfection of objects kills germs and microorganisms after cleaning but not necessarily cleans the surface or objects.

After cleaning the surface disinfection is must followed in order to have a hygienic environment. This two step process should be followed to get rid of dirt and micro-organisms and to prevent them from further growth.

To know more about Disinfection here:


Mika's supervisor is running a meeting at work. The supervisor starts the slideshow but does not begin speaking right away, as he is busy flipping through his notes. Although mika is picking up a lot of information from both the slideshow and his supervisor's nonverbal behaviors, the act of ____________ cannot begin for mika until someone actually speaks.


A meeting at work is being led by Mika's manager. The manager starts the slide show, but he doesn't start talking straight away because he's busy looking over his notes. While watching the slideshow and observing his supervisor's nonverbal cues, Mika is learning a lot, but until someone talks, Mika cannot begin to listen.

The human face is quite expressive and has a wide range of nonverbal communication abilities. Furthermore, facial expressions are universal, in contrast to several other nonverbal communication methods. Faces throughout cultures exhibit the same emotions when they are happy, sad, angry, surprised, afraid, or disgusted. Non-verbal forms of verbal communication, such writing and American Sign Language (ASL), are not excluded from the definition of verbal communication.

Nonverbal components of communication, such as body language like gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact, are nonverbal. In addition to physical appearance, these categories also include vocalics (voice), kinesics (body movement and gestures), oculesics/facial expressions (eye and face behavior), and haptics (touch).

Learn more about Mika's supervisor visit:


Essay of 15 sentences with words:

the point of
good-natured rivalrу
light-hearted response
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The point of good-natured rivalrу light-hearted response foolproof geek work-life balance gut feeling.

What is the main stanza of poem?

I absent mindedly read the book

I despise my brother in law

Slender Man is a well known urban legend

The two cars crashed in a head on collision

The boy was good natured and friendly toward all

Computers are made user friendly.

Easy-going good-tempered well-balanced, well-behaved absent-minded narrow-minded self-centred as well as strong-willed the tight-fisted and two-faced.

Therefore, The point of good-natured rivalrу light-hearted response foolproof geek work-life balance gut feeling.

Learn more about poem on:


What is the importance of print and non print media?


Print media typically outperforms non-print media in terms of accuracy and completeness.

Media is what?

The communication channels that we use to spread information such as news, music, movies, education, advertisements, and other types of data are referred to as media, which is the plural of the word medium. It comprises print and digital newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, billboards, fax, telephone, internet, and billboards.

No matter how many reading materials are made available in electronic form, print media collections will always be superior in terms of diversity and breadth.


To learn more about media from the given link


How do you measure a Cementoenamel Junction?


The Meritt-B probe provided the most precise placement of the CEJ in both permanent and deciduous teeth, according to the findings.

Physiological bone levels vary from 1 to 3 mm apical to the CEJ (20,21) (Shorter group); the Middle and Larger groups correspond to teeth with moderate to severe periodontal attachment loss.

Three measurements were then taken parallel to this perpendicular line, one, two, and three millimeters apical to the FBC.

All primary teeth had a cementoenemal junction-alveolar bone crest distance of 1.1 mm. 7.7% of the total surfaces evaluated had distances larger than 2mm, suggesting the presence of alveolar bone loss.

Learn more about to measurements   visit here;


What the ocean floor looks like?


The ocean floor looks like at the continental shelf and slope is the ocean trench. Other features of the ocean floor include the abyssal plain, seamounts, trenches, and the mid-ocean ridge.

The ocean floor is rich in resources. Life on the ocean floor is gathered and processed for use in food and medicine.The oldest ocean crust from one tectonic plate is thrust beneath another, creating ocean trenches, which are steep depressions in the deepest portions of the ocean.

Mountains, earthquakes, and the eruption of both on-land and underwater volcanoes are all outcomes of this process.The Mariana Trench in the South Pacific Ocean is formed when the enormous Pacific plate subducts beneath the smaller, less dense Philippine plate a portion of the molten substance.

To know more about Ocean floor visit:


What are three things to include in a conclusion?



Restate your topic and why it is important,

Restate your thesis/claim,

Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position.



What are the evidences that the writer use to support his statement?


There are three main categories of evidence that are essential to gain the audience's confidence in the author's claims. These categories are  Fact, Judgment, and Testimony.

The Fact

Fact is the best tool to engage the reader in the debate. Because the truth is unbelievable, the writer wins the reader's approval by using them.


The fact, however, cannot carry all the arguments. It is necessary for the writer to use Judgment as well. These are the opinions that the writer makes of his content after carefully considering the facts. For example, the writer can start by presenting some facts about the knowledge that the scientists had about the situation of Challenger before the departure. From these facts, the author concluded that the disaster could have been avoided if a few scientists had been willing to address some of the incredible findings. This will be totally depend on the discretionary power  of the author.


The last piece of evidence used to write an argument is Testimony. It has two types of testimony: 1) the account of an eyewitness, and 2) the judgment of an expert who has time to observe and interpret the truth. Both of these lend validity to the argument. Witnesses can provide important facts for the writer to use, and the expert can provide useful judgments to give strength to the argument.

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How does Hamlet reflect the time period?


William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet between the years 1599 and 1601 when Queen Elizabeth's reign came to an end. The play depicts the monarchical administration system as a representation of its society.

A lost earlier play known as the Ur-Hamlet, according to many literary experts, was Shakespeare's primary source of inspiration. It is believed that Thomas Kyd's Ur-Hamlet, which was staged in 1589 and may have been his work, was the first work with a ghost. It reveals the social norms of the time, which serve as a commentary on culture.

Particularly in his comedies, love and marriage were consistent themes. Shakespeare analyzed the manners by which his characters communicated with each other to mirror the way of life and society of his time (and the way things were developing).

Learn more about Hamlet here:


How could feedback from peers help in the review process?
ideas on which sources you should quote.
O They can offer
They can help clarify the purpose of your paper.
They can suggest different thesis statements to
They can select the best places for different bold-faced words.



They can provide valuable insight on how to make the paper flow better and how to make it more organized.

They can point out any grammar or spelling mistakes.

They can provide helpful criticism on how to make the paper more persuasive.

They can provide constructive feedback on how to improve the paper’s structure, content, and argument.

They can help you catch any typos and other small mistakes you may have missed.

They can suggest changes to improve the overall clarity of the paper.

They can provide invaluable advice on how to make the paper more compelling and exciting.


What was Adam Smith's theory of capitalism?


Adam Smith's theory of capitalism is about the fulfillment of her/his own self-interest, the material needs of the whole society would be met.

Who was Adam Smith?

Adam Smith lived between 1723 and 1790. He was a moral philosopher and economist who is often considered to be the founder of modern economics. Smith's work is a cornerstone of current philosophy, as well as a fundamental source of political and economic development throughout the previous two centuries.

Adam Smith is regarded as the "forefather" of capitalism thought. His idea was that humans were selfish by nature, but that as long as each individual pursued her/his own self-interest, the material demands of the entire community would be addressed.

Therefore, Adam Smith's theory of capitalism is based on the fulfillment of her/his own self-interest in order to meet the material demands of the entire community.

Learn more about Adam Smith here:


Is iambic pentameter used in sonnets?


The iambic pentameter is used in sonnet and it describes the rhythm.

Iambic pentameter is a kind of metric line employed in ancient English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words therein line; rhythm is measured in tiny teams of syllables known as "foot".

In English writing, rhythm is measured by teams of syllables referred to as “foot.” Iambic pentameter uses a kind of foot referred to as an “iamb,” that may be a short, weak linguistic unit followed by a extended, stressed linguistic unit. A line written in iambic verse contains 5 iambic foot—hence, pentameter.

To learn more about iambic pentameter here


How long have you lived there?


for 14 years, what about you?

What are the main themes of the play?



You'll have to be more specific. Could you attach a screenshot or photo of the play for more clarity?


when conducting an evaluation, it is not good practice to provide on-site feedback as you uncover information that could benefit the agencies’ work during the study. True or False


It is true that giving comments on the spot during an evaluation is not a smart idea because you might learn anything during the study that might help the agencies' efforts.

Survey research is occasionally viewed as a simple research strategy. Although it is simple to conduct a survey of low quality rather than one of great quality and true value, this is true of any research technique or methodology. This essay offers a guide to best practices for doing and reporting survey research.

Its goal is to help a beginning researcher generate survey work that is of a high caliber, which means that the results will be taken seriously. The paper first gives a general overview of the methodology before guiding the reader through each phase of data collection, analysis, and reporting. It is not designed to serve as a guide on how to conduct a survey; rather, it aims to highlight mistakes and hazards that researchers should be aware of in order to ensure the validity and credibility of their findings.

Learn more about feedback visit:


Why is it important to have a step by step procedure?


It important to have a step by step procedure an explanation of the distinctions between approach, method, procedure, and technique is attempted in this essay.

It is crucial for us teachers to understand exactly what each of these phrases signifies.Jeremy Harmer (2001) describes ‘procedures’ as “an ordered set of techniques.” They are the step-by-step measures to execute a method. A common procedure.

The grammar-translation method, for example, is to start by explaining the grammar rules and exemplifying these rules through sentences that the students then had to translate into their mother tongue. Four parts of

To know more about Procedure visit:


Where do you search for information?


You can search for information on databases, search engines, library catalogues and web sites.

It is important to search for information as it could help us in understanding the information in a better way. It is important to get correct information because if you don't, you may make decisions based on incorrect assumptions.

This can lead to serious problems, including making the wrong decisions and missing out on opportunities. Getting accurate information can help you avoid these problems and make better choices. It can help managers make better decisions, communicate more effectively.

To know more about information, click here.


How many lines is a blank verse?



Featured snippet from the web

Unrhyming iambic pentameter, also called heroic verse. This 10-syllable line is the predominant rhythm of traditional English dramatic and epic poetry, as it is considered the closest to English speech patterns.

What is the central idea of the Newsela article Lots of Lottery Winners go Bankrupt?



u can make an newsela account and then search up the atricle name and take the quiz, it ill give u the answers


the word_ is used for someone who smuggles people from the mexico us border


Answer: A coyote

A coyote is someone who smuggles immigrants.
A pollero is like a slang that people use to get you across the United started they are also called coyotes

What is pathos give an example?


Pathos is a rhetorical device used by advertisers to evoke sympathy in their target audience. Additionally, they might incite their audience to act by making them angry at something. Or perhaps they'll make them laugh. Pathos ends there.

Examples of pathos in writing that appeals to the feelings of your audience include: We will all perish if we don't act quickly. It was a lovely blending of tragedy and humor. His writing combines melancholy and sardonic humor. The entire story has a strong sense of sadness. The movie touched every note, from humor to tragedy, and did it while sharpening your hearing.

Pathos is a synonym for pathetic, sympathetic, and empathic. makes you feel, you are acting on pathos-emotions like as love, fear, patriotism, guilt, hate, joy, etc., without fully considering the justification for the claim. Cute polar bears enjoy Coke. Cute kittens require a home. A young boy's mother dies from smoking.

To learn more about pathos Visit :


What are 5 examples of informative?


The five examples of  informative essays:

1. Instruction manuals

2. Encyclopedia articles

3. Academic papers

4. News reports

5. Scientific studies

An informative essay is a type of essay that provides information about a subject or topic and aims to educate the reader about the subject. It is not an opinion piece, nor does it have the intention of convincing the reader to take a certain action or point of view.

Instead, the purpose of an informative essay is to provide readers with accurate information about a topic in an easy-to-understand way. An informative essay typically includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

For more questions like Informative essay click the link below:


What does Frederick and his farm symbolize?


Mr. Jones, the windmill, the Battle of Cowshed, and the numerous animals are depicted in Animal Farm as essential icons. They all stand for a different characteristic of the Soviet Union.

What Frederick and his farm symbolize?

Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi regime in Germany, is represented by Frederick. Hitler gained a large portion of his authority by disseminating propaganda that encouraged antisemitism by portraying Jews as morally corrupt and a threat to Germany, just like Mr. Frederick did with his allegations about Animal Farm.

Therefore, Frederick. The harsh, cunning owner of the nearby farm Pinchfield. In the 1930s and 1940s, Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany, and Mr. Frederick demonstrates why he is an unreliable neighbour.

Learn more about farm here:


What is a fashionable word?





fashionable has been a world for years and it used frequently for trends.

What is the main way we use to define whether something is a dialect of a language or a separate language altogether?


As a result, English entices with a neat dialect-language separation based on "intelligibility": It's a dialect of your own language if you can comprehend it without training; if you can't, it's a new language.

A language can be defined in a variety of ways. Because learning a language opens up a whole new world of cultural and linguistic Dialect is a dialect of a language that indicates where a person is from. The concept is often understood regionally (regional dialect), but it may also be applied to a person's social background (class dialect) or vocation (occupational dialect). Dialect is derived from the Ancient Greek dialektos, which means "discourse, language, dialect," and is derived from dialegesthai, which means "to discourse, discuss." dialect is a type of language spoken by a certain group or location. So you can see that language is a broad term, and dialect falls within its umbrella. Language functions as a parent, and other dialects emerge from it. While writing about it, we can see the distinction between dialect and language.

To know more about dialect-language :


Can a libero be a team captain?


No, a libero can not be a team captain in volleyball.

A libero in inner volleyball is a back- row protective specialist. Since they only play in the reverse row, those players are frequently shorter than the front- row blockers and blockbuster but have impeccable ball- control chops. The position was created to promote ball- control.

Assuming that the strength of utmost opponents is attacking from the left side and you're running either a gyration or rover defense, your libero should be in the left back.However, also the libero should generally be in the middle-middle position, If you're running a middle-middle defense.

To learn more about Libero  here


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