Bro how the hell do u do full screen on windows
f11 does not work, does anyone have a solution?


Answer 1


You'll need to hold down/click f11 and fn at the same time.

If not that, try ctrl + shift + f5.

I can guarantee the first works; not too sure about the second.


Well, it's hotkeys, so...

EDIT: The f5 command does nothing related to full screen, my bad.

Answer 2


f11 should work just hold it down or restart your computer and try it again


Related Questions

Consider the following two data structures for storing several million words.
I. An array of words, not in any particular order
II. An array of words, sorted in alphabetical order
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the time needed for operations on these data structures?
A. Finding the first word in alphabetical order is faster in I than in II.
B. Inserting a word is faster in II than in I.
C. Finding a given word is faster in II than in I.
D. Finding the longest word is faster in II than in I.



The correct answer is C.


Finding a given word requires the search operation. The search operation is faster in a sorted array compared to an unsorted array. In a sorted array the binary search method is used which runs on logarithmic time while in an unsorted array, there's no other way than linear search which takes O(n) time on the worst case where the required word is not in the array.

The statement which most accurately describes the time needed for operations on these data structures is: C. Finding a given word is faster in II than in I.

What is a binary search?

Binary search can be defined as an efficient algorithm that is designed and developed for searching an element (information) from a sorted list of data, especially by using the run-time complexity of Ο(log n)

Note: n is the total number of elements.

In Computer science, Binary search typically applies the principles of divide and conquer. Thus, to perform a binary search on an array, the array must first be sorted in an alphabetical or ascending order.

In conclusion, the statement which most accurately describes the time needed for operations on these data structures is that, finding a given word is faster in data structure II than in I.

Read more on data structure here:

Select the correct answer.
Which graphic file format is used for commercial purposes?
O E.



png or jpg


Scrabble is a word game in which words are constructed from letter tiles, each letter tile containing a point value. The value of a word is the sum of each tile's points added to any points provided by the word's placement on the game board. Write a program using the given dictionary of letters and point values that takes a word as input and outputs the base total value of the word (before being put onto a board). Ex: If the input is: PYTHON the output is: 14


Complete question:

Scrabble is a word game in which words are constructed from letter tiles, each letter tile containing a point value. The value of a word is the sum of each tile's points added to any points provided by the word's placement on the game board. Write a program using the given dictionary of letters and point values that takes a word as input and outputs the base total value of the word (before being put onto a board). Ex:  If the input is:  PYTHON

the output is: 14

part of the code:

tile_dict = { 'A': 1, 'B': 3, 'C': 3, 'D': 2, 'E': 1, 'F': 4, 'G': 2, 'H': 4, 'I': 1, 'J': 8,  'K': 5, 'L': 1, 'M': 3, 'N': 1, 'O': 1, 'P': 3, 'Q': 10, 'R': 1, 'S': 1, 'T': 1,  'U': 1, 'V': 4, 'W': 4, 'X': 8, 'Y': 4, 'Z': 10 }


Complete the program as thus:

word = input("Word: ").upper()

points = 0

for i in range(len(word)):

   for key, value in tile_dict.items():

       if key == word[i]:



print("Points: "+str(points))


This gets input from the user in capital letters

word = input("Word: ").upper()

This initializes the number of points to 0

points = 0

This iterates through the letters of the input word

for i in range(len(word)):

For every letter, this iterates through the dictionary

   for key, value in tile_dict.items():

This locates each letters

       if key == word[i]:

This adds the point


The inner loop is exited


This prints the total points

print("Points: "+str(points))


Here is the exact code, especially if you want it as Zybooks requires


word = input("").upper()

points = 0

for i in range(len(word)):

  for key, value in tile_dict.items():

      if key == word[i]:




At the beginning of the semester, we studied partially filled arrays. This is when the number of elements stored may be less than the maximum number of elements allowed. There are two different ways to keep track of partially filled arrays: 1) use a variable for the numberElements or 2) use a sentinel (terminating} value at the end of elements (remember c-strings?). In the code below, please fill in the details for reading the values into the an array that uses a sentinel value of -1. Complete the showArray function as well.
using namespace std;
void showArray(int array[]);
// ToDo: Code showArray function with one array parameter
int main()
const int MAX_SIZE=16;
int array[MAX_SIZE]; // store positive values, using -1 to end the values.
cout <<"Enter up to " << MAX_SIZE-1 << " positive whole numbers, use -1 to stop\n";
//To do: Read the int values and save them in the static array variable.
// When the user enters -1 or the array has no more room, leave the loop..
//To do: store -1 at the end of elements in the array
// Show array function
return 0;
// To do: print out for the array
void showArray(int array[])



Complete the main as follows:

int num;


int i = 0;

while(num!=-1 && i <16){

array[i] = num;


i++;  }

array[i+1] = -1;

The showArray() as follows:

int i =0;


   cout<<array[i]<<" ";




See attachment for complete program where comments are used to explain difficult lines

Given a number count the total number of digits in a number



round up the log of the number


The ¹⁰log of a number gives you the number of digits if you round it up.

whats the most popular social networking in the philippines?


Y o u t u b e

It wont let me say the word above

What yields 2.5? Type casting





I don't do Java, but I do Python. I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is 5.0/2. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

Which of the following best describes the safety of blogging


we need the options

Generally safe, but there may be some privacy and security concerns. Therefore option B is correct.

While blogging can offer a relatively safe platform for expressing ideas and connecting with an audience, it is not entirely risk-free.

Privacy and security concerns can arise, especially when bloggers share personal information or discuss sensitive topics.

Cybersecurity threats, such as hacking or data breaches, can also compromise a blogger's personal information or their readers' data.

Additionally, bloggers should be mindful of online harassment and potential legal issues related to content ownership or copyright infringement.

Being aware of these risks and implementing best practices for online safety can help ensure a more secure and enjoyable blogging experience.

Therefore option B is correct.

Know more about Cybersecurity:

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was.

Which of the following best describes the safety of blogging?

A. Completely safe, with no risks involved.

B. Generally safe, but there may be some privacy and security concerns.

C. Moderately safe, but potential risks exist, especially with sensitive topics.

D. Highly unsafe, with significant risks to personal information and security.

Write a client program ClientSorting2 and in the main() method: 1. Write a modified version of the selection sort algorithm (SelectionSorter()) that sorts an array of 23 strings (alphabetically) rather than one of integer values. Print the array before it is sorted in the main() method, then after it is sorted in SelectionSorter().



The program in Java is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

 public static void SelectionSorter(String[] my_array){

     System.out.print("\nAfter sort: ");

     for (int ind=0; ind < 22; ind++ ){

         int min = ind;

         for (int k=ind+1; k < 23; k++ )

         if (my_array[k].compareTo(my_array[min] ) < 0 ){ min = k;  }

         String temp = my_array[ind];

         my_array[ind] = my_array[min];

         my_array[min] = temp;    }

   for (int j=0; j < 23; j++){   System.out.print(my_array[j]+" ");}


public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 String [] myarray = new String [23];

 for(int i= 0;i<23;i++){ myarray[i] = input.nextLine();  }

 System.out.print("Before sort: ");

 for ( int j=0; j < 23; j++ ){        System.out.print(myarray[j]+" ");    }





This defines the function

 public static void SelectionSorter(String[] my_array){

This prints the header for After sort

     System.out.print("\nAfter sort: ");

This iterates through the array

     for (int ind=0; ind < 22; ind++ ){

This initializes the minimum index to the current index

         int min = ind;

This iterates from current index to the last index of the array

         for (int k=ind+1; k < 23; k++ )

This compares the current array element with another

         if (my_array[k].compareTo(my_array[min] ) < 0 ){ min = k;  }

If the next array element is smaller than the current, the elements are swapped

         String temp = my_array[ind];

         my_array[ind] = my_array[min];

         my_array[min] = temp;    }

This iterates through the sorted array and print each array element

   for (int j=0; j < 23; j++){   System.out.print(my_array[j]+" ");}


The main begins here

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

This declares the array

 String [] myarray = new String [23];

This gets input for the array elements

 for(int i= 0;i<23;i++){ myarray[i] = input.nextLine();  }

This prints the header Before sort

 System.out.print("Before sort: ");

This iterates through the array elements and print them unsorted

 for ( int j=0; j < 23; j++ ){        System.out.print(myarray[j]+" ");    }

This calls the function to sort the array




g Write a function named vowels that has one parameter and will return two values. Here is how the function works: Use a while loop to determine if the parameter is greater than 1. If it is not greater than 1, do the following: Display a message to the user saying the value must be greater than 1 and to try again. Prompt the user to enter how many numbers there will be. Use a for loop that will use the parameter to repeat the correct number of times (if the parameter is 10, the loop should repeat 10 times). Within this for loop, do the following: Generate a random integer between 65 and 90 Convert this integer to is equivalent capital letter character by using the chr function. If num is the variable with this integer, the conversion is done like this: ch


10-20-100.40 = my bin =nice

# change amount as an integer input, and output the change using the fewest coins, one coin type per line. The coin types are Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies. Use singular and plural coin names as appropriate, like 1 Penny vs. 2 Pennies
my code produces no output and i cant find why?

coin_change =int(input())

def coin_change(cents):
if cents <= 0:
print( 'Zero cents.')
quarter = cents // 25
dime = (cents % 25) //10
nickle = cents % 25 % 10 // 5
penny = cents % 5

print (coin_change )
# produces no output




The Python code provided was not producing any output because you were never printing out the coin variables that you created. The following code adds the needed print statements using the right singular or plural coin name as needed.

cents = int(input())


def coin_change(cents):

   if cents <= 0:

       print('Zero cents.')


       quarter = cents // 25

       dime = (cents % 25) // 10

       nickle = cents % 25 % 10 // 5

       penny = cents % 5

   if quarter == 0 or quarter > 1:

       print(str(quarter) + " quarters")


       print(str(quarter) + " quarter")

   if dime == 0 or dime > 1:

       print(str(dime) + " dimes")


       print(str(dime) + " dime")

   if nickle == 0 or nickle > 1:

       print(str(nickle) + " nickels")


       print(str(nickle) + " nickel")

   if penny == 0 or penny > 1:

       print(str(penny) + " pennies")


       print(str(penny) + " penny")


. Create an abstract Dollar class with two integer attributes, both of which are non-public (Python programmers - it is understood that there is nothing private in Python but try to not access the attributes directly from outside the classes). The int attributes will represent whole part (or currency note value) and fractional part (or currency coin value) such that 100 fractional parts equals 1 whole part.




The following code is written in Java. It creates the abstract dollar class that has two instance variables for the dollars and the coins that are passed as arguments. The test output can be seen in the picture attached below.

class Dollar {

   int dollars;

   double coin;

   private Dollar(int dollar, int coin) {

       this.dollars = dollar;

       this.coin = Double.valueOf(coin) / 100;




The value at index position x in the first array corresponds to the value at the
same index position in the second array. Initialize the array in (a) with hardcoded random sales values. Using the arrays in (a) and (b) above, write Java
statements to determine and display the highest sales value, and the month in
which it occurred. Use the JOptionPane class to display the output.


Sure! Here's a Java code snippet that demonstrates how to find the highest sales value and its corresponding month using two arrays and display the output using the JOptionPane class:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class SalesAnalyzer {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Array with hardcoded random sales values

       double[] sales = {1500.0, 2000.0, 1800.0, 2200.0, 1900.0};

       // Array with corresponding months

       String[] months = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May"};

       double maxSales = sales[0];

       int maxIndex = 0;

       // Find the highest sales value and its index

       for (int i = 1; i < sales.length; i++) {

           if (sales[i] > maxSales) {

               maxSales = sales[i];

               maxIndex = i;



       // Display the highest sales value and its corresponding month

       String output = "The highest sales value is $" + maxSales +

               " and it occurred in " + months[maxIndex] + ".";

       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output);




The code defines two arrays: sales for the hardcoded random sales values and months for the corresponding months.The variables maxSales and maxIndex are initialized with the first element of the sales array.A loop is used to iterate through the sales array starting from the second element. It compares each value with the current maxSales value and updates maxSales and maxIndex  if a higher value is found.After the loop, the output message is constructed using the highest sales value (maxSales) and its corresponding month from the months array (months[maxIndex]). Finally, the JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method is used to display the output in a dialog box.

When you run the program, it will display a dialog box showing the highest sales value and the month in which it occurred based on the provided arrays.

For more questions on array, click on:


What should a valid website have?

Select one:
a. Cited sources, copyright, and a clear purpose
b. Cited sources, copyright, and a poor design
c. Cited sources, copyright, and colorful images
d. Cited sources, no copyright, and a broad purpose



A. cites sources,copyright,and a clear purpose

Add my epic games account "Lil Carr OXB" and if that not work, then "swish4444"
Or on Xbox "Lil Carr OXB" Thanks.








palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards as backwards. Using only a xed number of stacks, and a xed number of int and char variables, write an algorithm to determine if a string is a palindrome. Assume that the string is read from standard input one character at a time. The algorithm should output true or false as appropriate


Solution :


   lower_[tex]$case$[/tex]_string[tex]$=$[/tex] string[tex]$. to$[/tex]_lower()

   Let stack = new Stack()

   Let queue = new Queue();

   for each character c in lower_case_string:



   let isPalindrome = true;

   while queue is not empty {

       if (queue.remove().equals(stack.pop())) {


       } else {


           break while loop;



   return isPalindrome

Input = aabb

output = true

input =abcd

output = false

How does social network use message to entertain?




Social Network allows for easy creation of large groups of people that have the same tastes or are looking for the same thing. This allows for easy ways to entertain by providing what these individuals are looking for. Whether it is funny pictures, animal videos, news, celebrity videos, etc. Basically this ability to group individuals together by taste is what allows social networks to entertain through mass messaging in a way that is effective and gets the media in front of huge audiences.

Which of the following is necessary to appreciate features provided by software applications?
a package
O a basic understanding
O a basis of comparison
O coding concepts


Answer: a basic understanding


In other to appreciate the features that an application has, one must have a basic understanding of what the software is meant to do. That way, when the software does this duty, the person will recognize it and appreciate the software.

For instance, a person who does not understand the basic premise of Quickbooks will not be able to appreciate the various features provided by Quickbooks to make accounting easier for small to medium businesses.

Suppose you are working as an administrative assistant at a small law firm. Your boss has asked you to send an invitation out to all employees about the upcoming holiday party. You would like to spruce up the invitation with a few festive images and a fancy border. Which file format would allow you to create a visually appealing invitation that can easily be e-mailed?









Just did the assignment egde 2021


It is B: PDF, as shown in the picture below

Write a recursive method called sumTo that accepts an integer parameter n and returns a real number representing the sum of the first n reciprocals. In other words, sumTo(n) returns (1 1/2 1/3 1/4 ... 1/n). For example, sumTo(2) should return 1.5. The method should return 0.0 if it is passed the value 0 and throw an IllegalArgumentException if it is passed a value less than 0.



Sorry mate I tried it was wrong


Sorry again

If not cleared out, log files can eventually consume a large amount of data, sometimes filling a drive to its capacity. If the log files are on the same partition as the operating system, this could potentially bring down a Linux computer. What directories (or mount points) SHOULD be configured on its own partition to prevent this from happening?





The /var subdirectory contains files to which the system writes data during the course of its operation. Hence, since it serves as a system directory, it would prevent log files from consuming a large amount of data.




Hope this helps

In "PUBATTLEGROUNDS” what is the name of the Military Base island?








The Military Base is located on the main map known as Erangel. Erangel is the original map in the game and features various landmarks and areas, including the Military Base.

The Military Base is a high-risk area with a significant amount of loot, making it an attractive drop location for players looking for strong weapons and equipment. It is situated on the southern coast of Erangel and is known for its large buildings, warehouses, and military-themed structures.

The Military Base is a popular destination for intense early-game fights due to its high loot density and potential for player encounters.

Hope this helps!

Define an application program and give three of it's uses​



please give me brainlist and follow


Examples of an application include a word processor, a spreadsheet program, an accounting application, a web browser, an email client, a media player, a console game, or a photo editor. The collective noun application software refers to all applications collectively.

match the following Microsoft Windows 7 ​



Explanation:  will be still function but Microsoft will no longer provide the following: Technical support for any issues

what is work immersion and its nature​


Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track.

You work for a small company that exports artisan chocolate. Although you measure your products in kilograms, you often get orders in both pounds and ounces. You have decided that rather than have to look up conversions all the time, you could use Python code to take inputs to make conversions between the different units of measurement.
You will write three blocks of code. The first will convert kilograms to pounds and ounces. The second will convert pounds to kilograms and ounces. The third will convert ounces to kilograms and pounds.
The conversions are as follows:
1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces
1 kilogram = 2.20462 pounds
1 pound = 0.453592 kilograms
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 ounce = 0.0283 kilograms
1 ounce = 0.0625 pounds
For the purposes of this activity the template for a function has been provided. You have not yet covered functions in the course, but they are a way of reusing code. Like a Python script, a function can have zero or more parameters. In the code window you will see three functions defined as def convert_kg(value):, def convert_pounds(value):, and def convert_ounces(value):. Each function will have a block showing you where to place your code.



Answered below.


def convert_kg(value){

ounces = value * 35.274

pounds = value * 2.20462

print("Kilograms to ounces: $ounces")

print("Kilograms to pounds: $pounds)


def convert_pounds(value){

kg = value * 0.453592

ounce = value * 16

print("pounds to kg; $kg")

print ("pounds to ounce; $ounce")


def convert_ounces(value){

kg = value * 0.0283

pounds = value * 0.0625

print ("ounces to kg; $kg")

print ("ounces to pounds; $pounds")


Four major communication points​



Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are basic communication skills necessary for effective communication


I hope its right

Which of the following operating systems would allow a user to add functionality and sell or give away their versions?


Answer:open source

Explanation: what is's called

Linux is the operating systems would allow a user to add functionality and sell or give away their versions.

What is Linux Operating system?

Linux has been defined as known to be a kind of an an Operating system which is known to be an open-source.  It is one that is compared to Unix-like form of operating system but it is one that is often based on the the use of Linux kernel.

It has been said that to be an operating system kernel that was said to be released in 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is said to be one that is often packaged as a service of a Linux distribution.

Linux has been used in a lot of ways such as the Server OS that is made for web servers, database servers, as well as file servers. They are known to be set up to aid high-volume as well as multithreading applications and also used for a lot of server types.

Therefore, Linux is the operating systems would allow a user to add functionality and sell or give away their versions. Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about Linux on:


Which of the following operating systems would allow a user to add functionality and sell or give away their versions?





Multimedia Presentation: Mastery Test
Select the correct answer.
Helen wants to use actual voice testimonials of happy employees from her company in her presentation. What is the best way for her to use these
testimonials in the presentation?
OA. She can provide a link in her presentation where the audience can listen to the testimonials.
She can ask the employees to write down their thoughts for the presentation.
She can record the testimonials directly in her presentation.
D. She can read out the testimonials from a transcript.
O C.


The best way for Helen to use actual voice testimonials of happy employees from her company in her presentation is A) She can provide a link in her presentation where the audience can listen to the testimonials.

Using actual voice testimonials adds authenticity and credibility to Helen's presentation.

By providing a link, she allows the audience to directly hear the employees' voices and genuine expressions of satisfaction.

This approach has several advantages:

1)Audio Engagement: Listening to the testimonials in the employees' own voices creates a more engaging experience for the audience.

The tone, emotions, and enthusiasm conveyed through voice can have a powerful impact, making the testimonials more relatable and persuasive.

2)Employee Representation: By including actual voice testimonials, Helen gives her colleagues an opportunity to have their voices heard and to share their positive experiences.

This approach emphasizes the importance of employee perspectives and allows them to become active participants in the presentation.

3)Convenience and Accessibility: Providing a link allows the audience to access the testimonials at their own convenience.

They can listen to the testimonials during or after the presentation, depending on their preferences.

It also allows for easy sharing and revisiting of the testimonials.

4)Time Management: Including voice testimonials via a link enables Helen to efficiently manage the timing of her presentation.

She can allocate the appropriate time for other aspects of her talk while still giving the audience access to the full testimonials, without the need to rush or omit important information.

For more questions on presentation


Write a program that asks for the user's name, phone number, and address. The program then saves/write all information in a data file (each information in one line) named list.txt. Finally, the program reads the information from the file and displays it on the screen in the following format: Name: User's Name Phone Number: User's Phone Number Address: User's Street Address User's City, State, and Zip Code g



Amazon prime


Other Questions
! Required information Use the following information for the Exercises below. [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Laker Company reported the following January purchas Which of the following acids would be classified as the strongest?ACH4BNH3CH2ODHFEPH3 A car loan worth 800,000 pesos is to be settled by making equal monthly payments at 7% interest compounded monthly for 5 years. How much is the monthly payment? How much is the outstanding balance after 2 years? Which of the following is NOT a cause of urban sprawl? A) Automobile and highway construction. B) Mixed land use. C) Living costs. D) Urban blight with "line, = (x, y)," how can you change the width of the line? Question 21 9 pts Before any tax is imposed, demand for skateboards is described by the equation Q = 200-5p, and supply is given by Q = 50+ 3p. Suppose a specific tax of $20 is imposed on the sellers. Net income appears on the worksheet: A) only in the balance sheet credit column. B) only in the income statement credit column. C) in the income statement debit column and balance sheet debit column. D) in the income statement debit column and balance sheet credit column c. if sales for mno were $250,000, the market value of equity was only half of book value, and all other values are unchanged, would your credit decision change? If a firm can only set its price so high for its product, then this is considered ________.A) breakeven regulationB) cost-plus regulationC) price-cap regulation Expected utility and subjective probability theories were motivated by considerations of rationality. The axioms underlying expected utility theory seem plausible, as does the construction that we used for subjective probabilities. Unfortunately, real-life individual behavior appears to violate some of the axioms. Here we present two scenarios. Scenario 1. You are asked to choose between the following two gambles: Lottery A. A 100 percent chance of receiving 1 million. Lottery B. A 10 percent chance of 5 million, an 89 percent chance of I million, and a I percent chance of nothing. Before you read any further pick one of these lotteries and write it down. Now consider the following two gambles. Lottery C. An 11 percent chance of 1 million, and an 89 percent chance of nothing. Lottery D. A 10 percent chance of 5 million, and a 90 percent chance of nothing. Again, please pick one of these two gambles as your preferred choice and write it down. Many people prefer A to B and D to C. However, these choices violate the expected utility axioms! Explain and identify which axiom (s) of the expected utility axioms is (are) violated. Scenario 2: This case concerns subjective probability theory. You are told that an umn contains 300 balls. One hundred of the balls are red (R) and 200 are either blue (B) or green (G). Lottery A. You receive $100 if the ball is red and nothing otherwise. Lottery B. You receive $100 if the ball is blue and nothing otherwise. Write down which of these two gambles you prefer. Now consider the following two gambles: Lottery C. You receive $100 if the ball is not blue (i.e., red or green) and nothing otherwise. Lottery D. You receive $100 if the ball is not red (i.e., blue or green) and nothing otherwise. It is common for people to strictly prefer A to B and D to C. Are these preferences consistent with standard subjective probability theory? Explain. I'm thinking back to an example we did in class, where we found two different bases for the space of solutions to the differential equation y" 16y = 0 The two bases we checked were {e48, e-4x} and {cosh 4x , sinh 4x}. a. What if I choose one solution out of one basis and one solution out of the other basis? For simplicity, let's say {e4x, sinh 4x}. Will that give me a different basis? Or will that mess things up in some way? b. Will what you find in part a always be the case, or can you think of a different example, where you mix-and-match from two different bases for a vector space and the opposite behavior happens? BAT4M Partnerships Liquidation /15m The ABC Partnership is to be liquidated and you have been hired to prepare a Schedule of Cash Payments for the partnership. Partners A, B, and C share income and losses in the ratio of 4:3:3, respectively. Assume the following: 1. The noncash assets were sold for $25,000. 2. Liabilities were paid in full. 3. The remaining cash was distributed to the partners. (If any partner has a capital deficiency, assume that the partner is unable to make up the capital deficiency.) ABC PARTNERSHIP Trial Balance Immediately Prior to Liquidation Cash $10,000 Noncash assets 60,000 Liabilities $20,000 A, Capital 10,000 B, Capital 15,000 C, Capital 25,000 _______ _______ $70,000 $70,000ANSWER IN FOUR STEPS WITH DETAIL:Step 1:Record the sale of the non-cash assetsStep 2: Allocate any gain or loss on realization to the partners based on the income ratios.Step 3: Pay partnership liabilities in cash.Step 4: Distribute remaining cash to partners based on their capital balances. Silvia invests UK4500 in a bank that pays r% interest compounded annually. After 5 years, she has UK5066.55 in the bank. A. Find the interest rate. B. Calculate how many years it will take for Silvia to have UK8000 in the bank. A circle with a radius of 14 yards is being dilated by a scale factor of 2/3. What is the length of the radius after the dilation? When total utility is at a maximum, marginal utility isa. zero.b. positive.c. negative.d. one. What is the total amount of the Pickens's federal income tax withholding. a. $4,630 b. $7,000 c. $8,200 d. $8,530 - Jeff, age 68 and Claire, age 63 elect to file Married Filing Jointly. Neither taxpayer is blind. - Jeff is retired. He received Social Security benefits and a pension.- Jeff and Claire's daughter Shelby, age 19, is a full-time college student in her second year of study. She is pursuing a degree in foreign studies and does not have a felony drug conviction. She recelved a Form 1098-T for 2022. Box 7 was not checked on her Form 1098-T for the previous tax year. - Shelby spent the summer at home with her parents but lived in an apartment near campus during the school year. - Shelby received a scholarship and the terms require that it be used to pay tuition. Jeff and Claire paid the cost of Shelby's tuition and course-related books in 2022 not covered by scholarship. They paid $120 for a parking sticker, $5,500 for a meal plan, $750 for textbooks purchased at the college bookstore, and $100 for access to an online textbook.- Jeff and Claire paid more than half the cost of maintaining a home and support for Shelby. - Jeff and Claire do not have enough deductions to itemize on their federal tax return.- Jeff, Claire, and Shelby are U.S. citizens and have valid Social Security numbers. They all lived in the United States for the entire year. - If Jeff and Claire receive a refund, they would like to deposit it into their checking account. Documents from Baldwin Bank show that the routing number is 111000025 . Their checking account number is 11337890. What is the voltage of each light bulb individually? If R is a field, then: < x >= R[x] This option None of choices This option is not prime This option is maximal This option Over the last five years, the Swiss exchange rate has appreciated against the U.S dollar by 2% per year. The U.Sinflation rate is 3%. The Swiss inflation rate is2%1%-1%0%we do not have enough information a. Describe SWOT analysis as a way to guide internal analysis. (Define and cite, then answer through your definition)b. What are potential weaknesses and limitations of SWOT analysis?c. Do a SWOT analysis on you current or former employerd. What is benchmarking, and how can it assist in strategy development and formulation?