What evidence supports the idea that Antigone
represents a tragic heroine? Check all that apply.
Some hours later, Creon in the palace was startled by a
shout, "Against your orders Polyneices has been buried."
He hurried out to be confronted with the guards he had
set on the dead body and with Antigone. "This girl buried
him," they cried. "We saw her. A thick dust-storm gave
her chance. When it cleared, the body had been buried
and the girl was making an offering to the dead." "You
knew my edict?" Creon asked. "Yes, " Antigone replied.
"And you transgressed the law?" "Your law, but not the
law of Justice who dwells with the gods," Antigone said.
"The unwritten laws of heaven are not of today nor
yesterday, but from all time."
Ismene weeping came from the palace to stand with her
sister. "I helped do it," she said. But Antigone would not
have that. "She had no share in it," she told Creon. And
she bade her sister say no more. "Your choice was to live,"
she said, "mine to die."
As she was led away to death she snoke to the
She is similar to Ismene.
She is cast out from society.
She bravely defends her values.
She loves and cares for her father.
She breaks rules in the name of good.
She sacrifices herself to right a wrong.


Answer 1

She is cast out from society.

She bravely defends her values.

She breaks rules in the name of good.

She sacrifices herself to right a wrong.

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How does your generation define what it means to be an American today?




your generation defines what it means to an american today by changing the technology, how smart we have become, how we improved.

In the Monkey King plotline of American Born Chinese, why is Tze-Yo-Tzuh the antagonist?



He proves that he is stronger than the Monkey King


No flippin way I did that last week if there is multiple choice choose a if im correct

He proves he is stronger and better than the king

Read this excerpt from The Outsiders.
What universal theme is present in this excerpt?
Then there were shouts and the pounding of feet, and the
Socs jumped up and left me lying there, gasping. I lay
there and wondered what in the world was happening
people were jumping over me and running by me and I
was too dazed to figure it out. Then someone had me
under the armpits and was hauling me to my feet. It was
O Losing hope means losing a battle.
O Fitting in is important while growing up.
O Challenging times bring families together.
O A positive attitude can overcome anything.
"Are you all right, Ponyboy?"
He was shaking me and I wished he'd stop. I was dizzy
enough anyway. I could tell it was Darry though—partly
because of the voice and partly because Darry's always
rough with me without meaning to be.



The answer would be “ Challenging times bring families together.”


I took the test,but proof that it is that answer would be:

PonyBoy likes his other brother better than Darry right?

So when after PonyBoy gets attacked Darry helps him

Darry ( his brother ) helped him up. Even asked if “ he was fine? “

(ii) Mr. Liew has been sick. He has been so since he came back from Japan.


Answer: And is the correct conjunction

How did the Selective Buying Campaign affect the Hendricks family?






Rewrite the sentence using proper nouns: One day the child went to a store to buy clothes.



"One day the child went to *the* store to buy clothes*


One day Jack went to Walmart to buy new clothes.


Change the work child to a name and change the word store into an actual place.

My YT: Moonlight Bambi

what are some qualities you would look for if you were going to join a group organization ?




Positive attitude.








Write 3 examples of sentences of intransitive verb. ASAP​





The 3 sentences are:-

In the evenings, She sits on the front porch to admire her immaculate lawn.Flipped on its back, the beetle that Clara soaked with insecticide dies under the refrigerator.He's been singing all day.


<marquee behaviour-move>

<font color = "red">

<h1>Follow Me</ht>




Alex sent (transitive verb) a postcard (direct object) from Argentina. She left (transitive verb) the keys (direct object) on the table. My father took (transitive verb) me (direct object) to the movies for my birthday. Please buy (transitive verb) me a dog (direct object)!

(a) Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative meanings. In paragraph 1 of “A Quilt of a Country,” the author uses a simile, or a comparison. She says that the United States “was built of bits and pieces … like the crazy quilts that have been one of its great folk-art forms, velvet and calico and checks and brocades.” What does the comparison mean about the United States?


Answer and Explanation:

Anna Quindlen uses a simile in her article "A Quilt of a Country", comparing the United States to a quilt "built of bits and pieces..." This comparison means that the United States, just like the quilt, is formed by parts that do not originally match, that are dissimilar. However, once put together, those parts end up forming a beautiful mosaic of people. While the quilt has a thread to unite its parts, the United States has its ideals and dreams to unite the different people who form its population. Therefore, no matter what origin and cultural background people may have, they are still parts of an important and beautiful whole.

Mrs. Jones’s responses to Roger’s actions DO NOT contribute to the development of the THEME true or false





Hello, my name is Kaylah Jade. I was wondering if you could please check my grammar. Please Review It!



They are all girls. Their names are Artemis, Atlanta, and Angelynn...

I have always had a good relationship with my kids. They are...

I would take a bullet for them. Even though I'm a teen mom- well technically, I was probably more challenged because I was a child-mom- I'm a teen mom and after...

Even thought it will be weird at first, you will...


Answer: Everything is great but when you said " I would take a bullet for them so even though Im a teen".

Take out "So"

I love how you are talking about yourself with your kids even though you were young, I bet a lot of girls and Ladies would understand like I do. I believe women can do anything and I hope you and your girls are doing great. :>

Write a simple sentence that contains one prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase should begin with about. Highlight the prepositional phrase.



She told me about her problems at home, and I think I was able to help her.


About her problems is the prepositional phrase. The preposition is about and the object is her problems. A preposition followed by its object makes up a prepositional phrase, so this is one example of about being in a prepositional phrase. Hope this helped!

What is more important to building knowledge? Is it through reading the books you choose or the experience you have while reading them?



I believe its both. For example, if you read through books, depending on what type of book it is, you'll get something different out of it, When it comes to fictional books or when you read to unwind, the experiences you go through while reading it can make a big impact. Otherwise, if you're reading a personal development book, applying the lessons you learn in it is equally beneficial. Knowlegde can be learning how to deal with different people and believe it or not, I think that is something you can learn while reading almost anything.

what these word mean ignorance disconsolate sanctuary illiterate



ignorance:lack of knowledge or information.

disconsolate:without consolation or comfort; unhappy.

sanctuary:a place of refuge or safety.

illiterate:unable to read or write,ignorant in a particular subject or activity,& uncultured or poorly educated.


can some one give me a summary thats a paragraph long about friendship



Friendship is considered as one of the treasures that anyone can possess. God has given us the liberty to choose friends because they are for our lifetime. It is quite normal for our parents and siblings to love us because they are our own blood but a friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all the other relations. Friendship is nothing but pure love without any expectations.

Role of a Friend:

True friends share and support each other even during the toughest of times. A true friend is one who feels happy for our success, who feel sad for our failures, fight with us for silly things and hugs us the next second, gets angry on us when we do any mistakes. Friendship is all about having true friends who can understand us without the need for us to speak.


Friendship is very essential for a happy life. Even a two-minute chat with a friend will make us forget our worries. That is the strength of friendship.


What is the conflict in button, button



the conflict in the story is that norma and authur doesnot agree whelther to open the box or not

How does losing the necklace change the Loisels' life?


Her life changed drastically. She had to borrow money in order to pay for the necklace and she and her husband had to live their life’s in hardships bc they were completely poor

. She dances well. (into yes/no question)​


Does she dance well?

Well no explanation is needed.


Does she dance well?


Different birds use different building designs: they can be huge or tiny,
made of twigs, grass, leaves, or mud. But most birds follow a similar final
step in the nest-building process. They line the inside of the nest with
something soft, such as a feather.
Once eggs are laid in a nest, the parent birds will spend hour after hour
sitting on them to keep them warm and safe. They need that nice soft
lining for their own comfort.
This is probably the origin of the phrase "feather one's nest.” It means to
do something now that will provide for your own comfort later on.
Make a list of some things you can do now to “feather your nest."





Your house

your babiess

In which sentence is the phrase "on the porch" used as an adjective? * On the porch is my favorite place to be. The children played on the porch. The dog on the porch scared me. I waited for him on the porch



The dog on the porch


6. Is Dee wholly unsympathetic? Is the mother's victory over her altogether

positive? What emotional ambivalence is there in the final scene between

Maggie and her mother in the yard?



Dee is not wholly unsympathetic as she plays a character which gives voice to the Black Power Movement. She tries to preserve the family items.

Mothers Victory is not wholly positive as she stood up for one of her daughter and this may have resulted in loss of the other daughter.

The final scene between mother and daughter is very emotional and the moment is not ambivalence as Maggie is happy for what her mother did, her mother helped her in enhancing her self esteem and the moment is shared happily between mother and daughter.


Dee is not wholly unsympathetic as she plays a character which gives voice to the Black Power Movement. She tries to preserve the family items.

Mothers Victory is not wholly positive as she stood up for one of her daughter and this may have resulted in loss of the other daughter.

The final scene between mother and daughter is very emotional and the moment is not ambivalence as Maggie is happy for what her mother did, her mother helped her in enhancing her self esteem and the moment is shared happily between mother and daughter.

Are the ideas expressed by Thoreau and Emerson different or similar? Use text evidence from both selections to support your answer. (This question counts a greater percentage of your grade in this Lesson.)


Answer: Both of them believed that people should search for the truths in nature. Both emerson and thoreau believed in living a simple life. Thoreau believed that if life is lived in a hurry, it is a waste. Both emerson and thoreau simplified life by separating themselves from civilization.

We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth; so it is easy for us to cut or singe a slender thread that anything hangs by; thus easy is it for God when he pleases to cast his enemies down to hell.


Answer:In my opinion, Edwards is trying to point out how easy it is for humans to neglect details that are small in our world. For example, you can move a web out of your way when walking and not even think about the fact that you just destroyed a spider's home and work of hours and days.


Which of these happened before Michelle Obama's husband became president, but after she
started her career as an attorney?
Mrs. Obama helped to support the development of community leaders.
Mrs. Obama became involved in a campaign to promote healthy eating,
Mrs. Obama worked to support military families that are separated due to wars.
Mrs. Obama planted a vegetable garden on the grounds of the White House.



A seems right

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (née Robinson; born January 17, 1964) is an American attorney and author who was the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. She is married to the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama. She was the first African-American first lady

So doom appeared to us, dark word of Zeus for us, our evil days. My men stood up and made a fight of it – backed on the ships, with lances kept in play, from bright morning through the blaze of noon so holding our beach, although so far outnumbered –The Odyssey, Homer Which elements of epic poetry are demonstrated in this passage? Check all that apply. repetition an epic hero showing bravery in battle an invocation of the muse a difficult journey with trials supernatural elements



the actual answer is

B) an epic hero showing bravery in battle

D) a difficult journey with trials

E) supernatural journey

just did this in Edgenuity so I hope it helps!

Tracii Ryan would most likely agree with which one of the following statements?


There are no statements listed

based on the events in barrio boy what is the best inference about ernosto's mother A she mostly lives in the united B she is in poor health C she is afraid to tgry new things D she is a non-nonsense kind of person



Poor and health




Hope this helps!

meow~ bye!~

have a meowtastic day!~

Name a synonym for each concept vocabulary word, and tell how its connotations differ.
1. annihilate
2. antiquity
3. fissure
4. dissolution
5. rending
6. tumultuous

The Fall of the House of Usher



1. Obliterate

2. Old

3. Cleft

4. Decadent

5. Tear

6. Clamorous


1. To annihilate is to destroy something, kill completely.  To Annihilate is to get rid of something completely. For example: genocide has the purpose to annihilate (get rid of) human beings who are different, belong to a certain religion or sect.  It came from the Late Latin word: "annihilatus" meaning "reduced to nothing", While obliterate means to in Latin to: "struck out", meaning "Trying something with multiple attempt but fail". Anihialate is the action of destroying completely, while obliterate is the action to attempt in annihilation, but, failing multiple times. [Have to try till you get rid of]

2. Antiquity is the past, usually referring before the Middle Ages. While old is something in particular that has aged, has much age.

3. Fissure is an opening on the Earth, it can happen during earthquakes or volcano eruptions. A crack. While cleft is when something is partially divided in two.

4. Dissolution is to have lack of morals referring in a religious manner or society. For example: Having a child before being married is something of great shame in the religious community, in society its normal. Even so, people who are not religious can also have these morals and look bad upon children who are a "bas-ta-rd", a child that was produced out of wed-lock. While decadent is someone who shows a decline in morals, the person is aware of the morals but they themselves "choose" to decline the moral and cultural norms and rules. For example: The U.S prohibits marriage of two or more people. Those who do it disobey the law.

5. Rending is to tear something into two or more pieces. Rending is not done in force, you can tear a piece of paper calmly. To tear is to rip something with force, for example: "He tore with his teeth the flesh upon her skin into two pieces".

6. Tumultuous is to make a loud and confusing noise while clamorous is a racket, its a noise made to be heard or to cause confusion. In Latin it means to "cry out".

Which detail belongs in the causes area of the web?
O Trucks were initially sent to the wrong location.
O Families lost each other in the panic.
The city rebuilt much of what was destroyed.
O Many people lost their businesses and livelihoods.




What was Einstein nicknamed? By whom?



play mates



Play mates by the internet
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