Part A In "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed," what does the constant wind on Mars most likely represent?

a. the power of the environment to completely change the Earth people

b. the sadness that Mr. Bittering feels when he cannot return to Earth

c. the very hot weather on Mars that disturbs the Earth people

d. the destruction of the Earth people’s settlement on Mars

      Part B Which quotation from "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" best supports the answer to Part A?

The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment, the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone.

"Even the house. The wind’s done something to it. The air’s burned it. The fog at night."

The nights were full of wind that blew down the empty moonlit sea meadows past the little white chess cities lying for their twelve-thousandth year in the shallows.

The captain looked at the room, the dusty windows, the blue mountains rising beyond, the canals moving in the light, and he heard the soft wind in the air. He shivered.


Answer 1

The constant wind on Mars in "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" most likely represents the power of the environment to completely change the Earth people.Part B: The quotation from "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" that best supports the answer to Part A is "The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment, the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone.

"The reason why the constant wind on Mars in "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed" most likely represents the power of the environment to completely change the Earth people is that the wind is a natural force that shapes and molds the environment in which the characters live on Mars. The wind's constant presence suggests that it has the power to transform the landscape and the characters themselves over time. The wind also acts as a metaphor for the cultural and psychological changes that the Earth people experience as they adapt to life on Mars.

In Part B, the quotation "The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment, the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone" supports the answer to Part A because it describes how the wind has the power to change the very essence of the Earth people's being. The metaphor of the wind flaking away their identities suggests that the wind is eroding the very foundation of their identity as Earthlings and replacing it with something new and Martian. The comparison to marrow being drawn from a white bone suggests that the Earth people's very life force is being drained away by the wind, leaving them vulnerable to the power of their new environment.

To know more about Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed visit:-


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She's his daughter

write an informational article about Machu Picchu for a website that focuses on travel to places of historical interest. Write an article that explains to tourists the significance of Machu Picchu as a travel destination. Your articles must be based with ideas and information that can be found in the "Machu Picchu" passage set



Nestled between the Andes and Amazon Basin is a historical site like no other.  Built in the 15th century and conquered by the Spaniards in the 16th century  Machu Picchu was trapped in time until the early 1900s, when it was discovered  again. Sitting at more than 7,800 feet above sea level it is surrounded by mountain  slopes, peaks and valleys. Machu Picchu is the last known Inca stronghold, and it  provides a glimpse of the life many Inca’s experienced during the 15th century. The  breath-taking cultural site is one of the most signifigant and prized travel  destinations in the world.  The construction of Machu Picchu was set out to a rigorous plan and according  to Historic Santuary of Machu Picchu by UNESCO it “comprises one of the most  spectacular creations of the Inca empire.” Several individual quarters may be  noted in the ruins including hanging gardens and a ‘royal’ quarter. The building  layouts of Machu Picchu provide a glimpse for visitors today to see what the  construction and architecture was like in the 15th century Inca empire. All of its  giant walls, terraces, and ramps seem to be cut naturally from rock escarpments.  The Stones of Machu Picchu by Duane Damon stated that the larger stones of the  granite building blocks appeared to weigh 10-15 tons! Every stone was also  carefully cut and “exquisitely fitted together.” The use of natural raw materials to  provide architecture is said to be one of the world’s greatest examples. It’s no  wonder why all kinds of people flock to Machu Picchu to examine the spectacular  architecture.

The Stones of Machu Picchu claims that Machu Picchu is one of the world’s  great archaeological wonders. Not only does it contain spectacular architecture  but the natural setting of Machu Picchu also encompasses its unique enviromental  habitats for plenty of unique animal species and rich diversity of flora and fauna.

Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu by UNESCO says Machu Picchu is in some of

the scenically most attractive mountainous territory of the Peruvian Andes. The

surrounding valleys have cultivated exceptionally well for over 1,000 years and

some of the habitats give homes to endangered species. Several of them include

the spectacled bear, the dwarf brocket, and the Andean condor. When the ruins

were first discovered again in 1911 by Hiram Bingham he described them as

“covered with trees and moss, the growth of centuries”, as told by Duane Damon

in The Stones of Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu also contains many historical artifacts. Inca graves, stone dishes

and several bronze implements were discovered, as stated in The Stones of Mach

Picchu. The site contains many major historical and cultural inflences and some of

the people who live around Machu Picchu continue a way of life that resemble their

Inca ancestors, being based on potatoes, maize, and llamas. Although Machu

Picchu has stood for a long time, safety and sanitary issues for travelers and

visitors have started to emerge. However, don’t fret because high quality and new

long-term solutions are being built for the natural wonders. Machu Picchu is a very

unique sight not only for its educational value, but also for its condition.

Machu Picchu is a very signifigant travel destination for many reasons which

include its historical signifigance, amazing structures, and spectacular

enviromental sights. Located in a breathtaking natural setting, the city’s beauty

comes from its amazing architecture and mountaintop views. Visitors from all over

the world flock to the “city of the clouds” every year to get a glimpse of history

uncovered. They look, refect and wonder about many of the unanswered questions

surrounding Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu gives the modern generations a look

back to a time like no other and the experience is sure to last a lifetime.


Identify the complex sentence below.

A. She slept in; she was tired from her late night. B. She was tired. C. Because she was tired from her late night, she slept in. D. She was tired and wanted to sleep.



I will go with the anwser c

“You are never strong enough where you don't need help.”
Cesar chaves
Can you explain this quote please



Similar to other quotes this one could have multiple meanings like "No matter how strong you think you are it's always better to have assistance." Or "two pairs of hands are better than one!"  ( The two quotes mean kinda the same meaning just in different words)


You know how when you're doing an essay on something and you want to get it checked to assure your self a good grade? Well think, if you "thought" you didn't need any help on checking/doing the essay would your grade be better or worse? (Probably better right?) That's exactly what I mean/think. If you don't understand something please comment or reread what I wrote.

Good luck on whatever you're doing,

Have a great day and,

I hope I was being helpful

An essay about visiting an art exhibition​


Art exhibition is basically the display of creative artistic works of one artist or a collective group of artists. Students of art visit these exhibitions to view art first hand. Such visits enrich their imagination. Some people visit such exhibitions for sheer amusement or just to pass time. But for the art students these exhibitions are a learning process. I happened to visit one such display in my city last year.

This visit to the art gallery was conducted by the art teachers of our school. We, the art students, decided to go on a Saturday. The place of the exhibition was situated in the centre of the city. The entrance to the hall was itself so artistically designed and the building was surrounded by beautiful rose gardens and fountains. This art exhibition was organised by the State Government to educate the general masses about the rich art and culture of Bengal that exists for centuries. The entry fee to the art hall was kept quite nominal to encourage more visitors and special discount was offered to the students.

Almost all kinds of paintings such as still-life, abstract and others were kept on display in the art exhibition. Besides the paintings and art works of Bengal, similar paintings of other countries were also kept on display. The Bengal art segment was housed on the ground floor and the arts and paintings of other places were organised on the first and second floor. The paintings ranged from the seasoned and world famous painters to amateur painters. A section was provided for displaying the paintings of current art students. As art students ourselves, we were quite inspired by the sheer imagination and quality of these amateur painters.

The detailed information about the paintings, such as painters' country of origin, theme of the paintings, ethnicity, etc. was provided as reference to the visitors. Our art teachers instructed us to precisely observe each and every work of art. They told us to jot down our perspectives and point of view about the art works in a notebook.

It was really a good learning and inspiring experience for us and our teachers as well. The information and our perspectives that we jotted down in our note books were kept safely in our bags for discussion in our next class. We returned enriched from the art exhibition in the evening.

compare and contrast of new york and florida in a paragraph



Florida, otherwise known as the Sunshine State, has many attractive qualities. The beaches and swim sites are popular amongst tourists. It has warm weather and fun places to visit. Off of the coast, there are even islands!

On the other hand, New York is a state similar, while different. It has snow and cold weather, that Florida doesn't get much of. It has tons of busy cities, with smaller suburbs in the hills. New York is known as the hustle-and-bustle apple state, whereas Florida is not. State

being audience-centered means that your primary purpose as a speaker is to gain a desired response from the audience. T/F


The statement is true because engaging your audience and getting the desired reaction or result from them should be your main goals as a speaker.

An audience-centered approach as a speaker involves considering the needs, interests, and perspectives of the audience and tailoring their message to effectively communicate and connect with them. It involves understanding the audience, adapting the message, engaging and connecting, and addressing the audience's needs and concerns.
This includes understanding their demographics, knowledge level, interests, beliefs, and values, tailoring the message to suit their expectations and objectives, engaging and connecting, and addressing potential objections.

An audience-centered speaker seeks feedback and adjusts their delivery and content based on the audience's reactions. This puts the audience at the forefront of their communication efforts, emphasizing the importance of connecting with listeners, meeting their needs, and influencing them in a meaningful way.

To learn more about audience link is here:


Which one of these words mean the same as the sentence above in the image ?



I believe its boycott


if its not I apologize

Bud not buddy essay


TbT odd jbggngrnc ft nbhijbh

PLEASE HELP!!! This was a startling __________to several bodies of knowledge simultaneously.

Question 6 options:

A. honorable

B. allusion

C. acoustic

D. nefarious

E. acclaim


The answer is allusion so letter c

which of the following identifies the central idea of the text "want to get into college? Learn to fail"​



the third one


2. Which word could replace rhythmic in the sentence
below? "As I listened to the rhythmic pounding of the
wheels on the tracks.." (Wiesel 26).
A. bouncing
B. steady
C. excited
D. dull


I would say B because steady in this sentence would be considered rhythmic ( wow I can’t explain)

1.) mai planted these flowers in her garden petunias, begonias, and marigolds. does this sentence need a semicolon or a colon?

2.) the school band marched, played popular songs, and danced the crowd clapped, cheered and gave them a standing ovation. does this sentence need a semicolon or a colon?​



1. colon   2. semicolon


B. Make one sentence from two by using relative clause.
(a) The horse won the race. I selected the horse
(b) The man lent me some money. I met him yesterday
(c) Put it on this table. It is conveniently close
(d) Where is the hat? I wore it yesterday.​



(a) The horse I selected won the race

(b) The Man I met yesterday lent me some money

(c) It will conveniently close when I put it on this table

(d)where is the hat I wore yesterday


(a) I selected the horse that won the race.

(b) I met the man who lent me some money yesterday.

(d) Where is the hat that I wore yesterday.

Please help!! This is due by 11:59 tonight!! I will name you brainliest!! It's for a movie called Lord of the rings!! Answer question 5 please!!






True ..................;;(;)(

helppppp anyone in grammar .​



Sharon: Whew! I have been looking for shoes for hours! If I do not find a pair soon, I'll just go home.

Brenda: If I was you, I would go online. Once you shop online, you will not want  to shop any other way. It's so convenient.

Sharon: If I knew I could do that, I wouldn't have gone shopping in the first place.

Brenda: Well I might not have tried online shopping if I hadn't come home after a whole day with no new shoes. As soon as we go home, I'll show you what to do. It's really easy!

hope it helped

plz mark me as brainliest

What the other dude said

Which of the answers below combines the following sentences into a complex sentence?

Susan entered the airport. She wondered if she was making the right decision.

A. Susan entered the airport and wondered if she was making the right decision.

B. Susan entered the airport, and she wondered if she was making the right decision.

C. Susan, entering the airport, wondered if she was making the right decision.

D. As Susan entered the airport, she wondered if she was making the right decision.

I’ll give brainiest



D. As Susan entered the airport, she wondered if she was making the right decision.


i took the quiz and got it correct :)

Complex sentences are words and phrases that include independent and dependent clauses. As Susan entered the airport, she wondered if she was making the right decision is a complex sentence.

What are complex sentences?

Complex sentences are sentences that include both independent clause and dependent (subordinate) clause(s). These sentences include subordinating conjunctions at the starting.

Subordinating conjunctions like who, whose, at, if, while, whereas, even if, because, that, as, since, until, once, before, as soon as, etc. are used to link the two clauses.

Therefore, option D. As Susan entered the airport is an example of a complex sentence as it uses subordinating conjunctions of manner.

Learn more about complex sentences here:


Telsa erroneously proclaims that General Motors, one of its competitors, engages in the sales of flooded, storm-damaged automobiles. As a result of this statement, General Motors' sales decrease. Tesla has most likely committed


wrongful interference with a business relationship

slander of title.

slander of quality.


Tesla has most likely committed slander of quality. Option D is answer.

Slander of quality, also known as trade libel or disparagement, refers to making false statements about the quality, condition, or reputation of a competitor's products or services, which leads to a decrease in their sales or business. In this case, Tesla falsely accuses General Motors of selling flooded, storm-damaged automobiles, which can significantly harm General Motors' reputation and cause a decline in their sales.

Option D is the correct answer: Slander of quality best describes the situation where Tesla's false proclamation about General Motors' products negatively impacts their sales. This type of defamation involves making false statements about the quality or condition of a competitor's goods or services, leading to economic harm.

You can learn more about quality at


''nike is the only brand of rubber shoes i use. It is simply the best'' Engineer gomez commented. This sentence indicates___. A.Bias B.Propaganda C.Connotation D. Both A and B ADVANCE THANK YOU PO


Both a and b is right




Stating that something is, "simply the best" is bias because it is a personal preference. Not everybody will think this way, therefore it is A. A propaganda is giving information that comes from an unstable source or nature, making it biased to promote a certain idea. In the example, the person saying that Nike is the best would be giving off information that is not true for everyone's personal opinion, and makes Nike look better because it is promoting it.

Hope this helped, hmu if you have any questions :)

10 535 - 49
.2 329 X 53
A car travels a distance of 480 km at an average speed of 80 km/h, how long does it take
the car to travel a distance?
Question 2
Arrange the following integers in descending order:
30 153; -30 153; -7 581;7 581;30 351
The temperature in Durban changed from -3°C in the morning to 21°C in the afternoon.
culate the temperature change for the day.
The sum of two numbers is -234. If the one number is 67, what is the value of the other
The sum of two numbers is - 234 if the one number is 67 what is the value of the other number ​



6 hours ;

30351, 30153, 7581, - 7581, - 30153 ;

24°C ;



Question(1) isn't well formatted and thus difficult to understand what the poster meant.

2.) Question 2 isn't well formated too; However, it could be observed that, we are required to calculate time taken :

Speed = 80 km/hr ; Distance traveled = 480 km

Time taken = Distance / speed

Time taken = 480 km / 80 km/hr

Time taken = 6 hours


Given the integers : 30153 ; -30153 ; -7581 ; 7581 ; 30351

Arranging in descending order ; from highest to lowest :

30351, 30153, 7581, - 7581, - 30153


Temperature in the morning = - 3°C

Temperature in the afternoon = 21°C

Temperature change :

Afternoon temperature - morning temperature

21°C - (-3°C) = 21°C + 3°C = 24°C


Let the numbers be x and y

x + y = - 234

If x = 67 ; y =?

67 + y = - 234

y = - 234 - 67

y = - 301

say if these words are adverbs, verb, noun,



abandon: verb

bouquet: adjective

capable: noun

decieve: verb

sausage: noun

business: noun

practice: noun

frightened: adjective

naughty: adjective

gossip: verb

idle: verb

privilege: adjective

recipe: noun

wealthy: adjective

bizarre: adjective

I checked, and the person above me is correct on all of them :D

Please give me a bridge layout, I am stumped on how to format one for my paragraph.

I have to write a bridge, then thesis for an article about someone going through a forest and eventually finds this beautiful flower. If you could also write a thesis that would be grate, this is my hook:

Mud, swamps, and beasts oh my! Trudging through forests is no easy tasks, and it can be quite scary! But not when you have a shimmering, colorful, beautiful treasure at the end of your path.


Answer:  It should be about a girl walking around the forest! Discovering new things.


I want a store of 100 words that begin with it was my first time in the jungle and I was so excited


My first time in the jungle and I was so excited that I could barely contain myself! I always dreamed of participating in this type of adventure and a school trip, but I barely imagined it would happen so suddenly and I am loving every moment.

I am prepared with comfortable clothes and a camera, because I want to register several trees and animals, mainly exotic and colorful birds that have been my true passion for years, but that I only had the opportunity to see in photos. My greatest wish is to see a Nyctibius that is a bird of peculiar appearance, but that I find very interesting, I hope to photograph it before the trip is over, but if it is not possible, there is no problem because the moment with nature has already left me happy.

the insights gained from exploratory research might be verified or quantified by conclusive research. True or false?


The insights gained from exploratory research might be verified or quantified by conclusive research is true.

Through conclusive research, the findings from exploratory research can be confirmed or quantified. Exploratory research is done to learn more about a subject, investigate it, or develop hypotheses. It frequently uses qualitative techniques including focus groups, interviews, and observations.

Contrarily, conclusive research seeks to validate or offer conclusive support for the results of exploratory research. To obtain information that can be measured, analysed, and used to come to firm conclusions, it frequently utilises quantitative techniques like experiments, surveys, or statistical analysis.

Learn more about quantified here:


Please help i am giving away brainliest
Read the following scenario. You want them to reopen the park. Write down three reasons to support your argument.

Your city decided to close the park where you always hang out and play basketball. The city officials say there was too much trouble at the park and there was trash everywhere.

Write three reasons to support your argument for them to reopen the park.

No dam links



1.fewer ppl exercising and not having fun and enjoy the fresh air

2 buld more trash can or maybe take out the trash

on time bc it could be full

3 add more games like just not basketball so ppl can play a variety of games  


1. The park benefits people who want to relieve their stress by playing basketball or doing activities they enjoy at the park.

2. If people would clean the trash, not only would the park be useful again, but people would learn good life skills like why trash is so bad for the world.

3. The park is helpful and fun for everyone and they would set a good example if they knew the risk of losing the park, since it's special to many people.

Graded Assignment
Evaluate a Speaker

View or listen to a speech by a well-known actor, and then evaluate it in writing.

To begin, save this document to your computer with your name at the end of the filename (e.g., NG_ELA9-10_W_11_GA_Alice_Jones.docx).

As you experience the speech, identify the speaker’s viewpoint and notice the reasons and evidence he supplies to support it. Listen for evidence and logic that is either valid or fallacious. Be attentive for language that is either appropriately emotional or unfairly loaded. Take notes as the speech progresses. Then, read and answer the questions.

When you have finished, submit this document to your teacher for grading.


(Score for Question 1: ___ of 5 points)

What is the speaker’s viewpoint? What is his claim?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 5 points)

What reasons does the speaker provide to support his viewpoint or claim?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 5 points)

What evidence does the speaker provide to support his reasons?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 4: ___ of 5 points)

What counterclaims does the speaker address, and how does he respond to them?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 5: ___ of 5 points)

What examples of fallacious reasoning, distorted or weak evidence, and exaggerated language occur in the speech?

Write your answer here.

(Score for Question 6: ___ of 5 points)

Write a 1–2 paragraph evaluation of the speaker’s argument. Discuss whether the speaker used valid reasoning and sufficient evidence to support his viewpoint.

Write your answer here.



the speaker's point of view is to persuade everyone into wanted to read his book into making a counterclaim in an argument to discuss more things on getting more interested in it then usual books

Which statement supports the claim in the first essay that the benefits of hydraulic fracturing
outweigh the risks?
A "To access shale gas, gas companies drill wells several thousand feet into the earth."
"Using shale gas also benefits homeowners because it reduces their heating and
electricity bills."
C "Hydraulic fracturing, also called 'fracking.' is harmful to people and the environment
because it pollutes drinking water."
D "These chemicals seep into the ground surrounding the well and contaminate



It’s b


I just did the test and got it right

has anybody done the fsa 7th grade 2020 practice i need help with it






No I’m not sure whAt that is

Soviet won the race to put the first human in space what was that astronauts name?



cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin


On April 12, 1961 the Soviet Union sent Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin to be the first human in space.

Other Questions
Which of the following is not an additional tax a taxpayer may have to pay?A. Alternative minimum tax.B. Self-employment tax.C.Excess wage tax.D. Net investment income tax. Which of the following statements about supervising unlicensed assistants in Kentucky is correct?A)An unlicensed office manager is permitted to supervise an unlicensed assistant.B)The principal broker isn't permitted to supervise an unlicensed assistant.C)The principal broker may assign supervision of an unlicensed assistant to another licensee.D)The principal broker must supervise unlicensed assistants. Set up a triple integral in cylindrical coordinates to find the volume of the solid whose upper boundary is the paraboloid F2(x,y)=8-x-y and whose lower boundary is the paraboloid F(x,y)=x+y. Do not solve. Which of the following inventories would a company ordinarily hold for sale? a. Work in process. b. Finished goods. c. Raw materials. d. Work in process and finished goods. On October 29, 2014, Lobo Co. Began operations by purchasing razors for resale. Lobo uses the perpetual inventory method. The razors have a 90-day warranty that requires the company to replace any nonworking razor. When a razor is returned, the company discards it and mails a new one from Merchandise Inventory to the customer. The company's cost per new razor is $15 and its retail selling price is $60 in both 2014 and 2015. The manufacturer has advised the company to expect warranty costs to equal 6% of dollar sales. The following transactions and events occurred. 2014 Nov. 11 Sold 70 razors for $4,200 cash. 30 Recognized warranty expense related to November sales with an adjusting entry. Dec. 9 Replaced 14 razors that were returned under the warranty. 16 Sold 210 razors for $12,600 cash. 29 Replaced 28 razors that were returned under the warranty. 31 Recognized warranty expense related to December sales with an adjusting entry. 2015 Jan. 5 Sold 140 razors for $8,400 cash. 17 Replaced 33 razors that were returned under the warranty. 31 Recognized warranty expense related to January sales with an adjusting entry. 1. 1 Prepare journal entries to record these transactions and adjustments for 2014. 1. 2 Prepare journal entries to record these transactions and adjustments for 2015 Let A = {1, 3, 5, 7}, B = {5, 6, 7, 8}, C = {5, 8}, D = {2, 5, 8}, and U={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. Use the sets above to find B U D. A. B U D = {5, 8} B. B U D = {6, 7} C. B U D = {2,5, 6, 7, 8} D. B U D = {1, 3, 4} E. None of the above The graduate class of the University of Flatland, which only graduates students with majors in mathematics, has 8 graduating seniors majoring in applied mathematics, 7 in statistics, and 6 in pure mathematics. What is the probability of choosing four of these graduates in such a way that they are of the same subdiscipline of mathematics? Find the exact interest for the following. Round to the nearest cent. A loan of $74,000 at 13% made on February 16 and due on June 30 O A. $3,580.78 OB $3,610.79 OC. $3,531,73 OD $3,660.94. earth's atmosphere blocks short wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. which telescopes do not need to be placed in orbit around earth to observe short-length radiation? protocol to prevent unwanted network access and be configured to permit traffic from a specific address and provide security?a. WEP b. WPS c. MAC d. WPA 1 - A 60-day, 9% note for $40,800, dated May 1, is received from a customer on account. The maturity value of the note, assuming a 360-day year, isa.$40,800b.$612c.$44,4722 - If the individual subsidiary ledger accounts contained the following data:Cadence Company, Vendor, $100, credit balanceFranklin Enterprises, Customer, $334, debit balanceMarcelo Construction, Client, $442, debit balancePeyton Supplies, Supplier, $197, credit balanceThe accounts receivable (A/R) control account and the accounts payable (A/P) control account balances would be:a.A/R, $776; A/P, $297b.A/R, $297; A/P, $776c.A/R, $334; A/P, $442d.A/R, $197; A/P, $100 There has been much interest in whether the presence of 401(k) pension plans, availableto many U.S. workers, increases net savings. The data set 401ksubs.dta (available onBlackboard) contains information on net nancial assets (netfa), family income (inc), abinary variable for eligibility in a 401(k) plan (e401k), and several other variablesEstimate a linear probability model explaining 401(k) eligibility in terms of income,age, and gender. Include income and age in quadratic form. Explain your results. Use the following information to calculate Setans optimal bundle and his resulting utility:IC: U(x,y)= x^0.5 y^0.5Px=6,Py = 4, m=240 a 1 =4a, start subscript, 1, end subscript, equals, minus, 4 a_i = a_{i - 1} \cdot 2a i =a i1 2 A homeowner recorded the amount of electricity in kilowatt-hours (KWH) consumed in his house on each of 9 days. He also recorded the numbers of hours his air conditioner was turned on (AC). AC (hrs) 1.5 4.5 5.0 2.5 8.5 6.0 8.0 12.5 7.5 KWH 35 63 69 17 94 82 66 125 85 Use your calculator to answer the following question. Find the correlation between AC (hrs) and KWH. O-0.7567 0.8793 0.7941 0.9212 If f is a twice differentiable function and y is a function of x given by the parametric equationsY = f(t)AndX = t^2Thend^2y/dx^2 = Mention the type of analytical modeling relevant to each of the following points. (4 marks) 1. What changes will occur in the sales volume if the marketing department spends 20% less on electronic advertising? Please type your answer here:2. How will production be affected if 5 different machines are used? Please type your answer here:3. We should keep changing the machines until we can find a machine which can produce 100 units in 10 minutes. Please type your answer here:4. What is the most suitable advertising option that falls within our budget and feasibility? Please type your answer here: Co= So - PV(E) is the situation for an option to finish out of-the-money. O True O False Researchers wished to determine the size of a ice cream bowl that had an effect and how much a ice cream a person will add to their serving at an ice cream social people were randomly give. 17oz or 34oz bowls and then they served themselves Based on what you have learned in the chapter, about what percentage of all U.S families has little or no wealth?A) 10 percentB) 40 percentC) 70 percentD) 90 percent