Both Abraham Lincoln and martin Luther King believed that freedom is valuable. which pair of phrases from their speeches demonstrates this central argument.
A Lincoln: … this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom...
King: … I still believe that we shall overcome!

B Lincoln: ...testing whether that nation, or any nation so concieved ...
King: ... in increasing numbers created alliances ...

C Lincoln: ... we have come to dedicate a portion of that field ...
King: ... when our days become dreary ...

D Lincoln: Now we are engaged...
King: ... blood flowing streets of our nations...


Answer 1


I think A is your answer ;)

Related Questions

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Now you must know that a Town Mouse once upon a time went on a visit to his cousin in the country. He was rough and ready, this cousin, but he
loved his town friend and made him heartily welcome. Beans and bacon, cheese and bread, were all he had to offer, but he offered them freely. The
Town Mouse rather turned up his long nose at this country fare, and said: "I cannot understand, Cousin, how you can put up with such poor food as
this, but of course you cannot expect anything better in the country, come you with me and I will show you how to live. When you have been in town
a week you will wonder how you could ever have stood a country life." No sooner said than done: the two mice set off for the town and arrived at the
Town Mouse's residence late at night. You will want some refreshment after our long journey," said the polite Town Mouse, and took his friend into
the grand dining room. There they found the remains of a fine feast, and soon the two mice were eating up jellies and cakes and all that was nice.
Suddenly they heard growing and barking, "What is that said the Country Mouse. It is only the dogs of the house," answered the other. "Only"
said the Country Mouse. "I do not like that music at my dinner. Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice
had to scamper down and run off. "Good-bye, Cousin," said the Country Mouse, "Whats going so soon?" said the other. "Yes," he replied: "Better
beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear
Select the correct answer.
What can you most reasonably infer, or conclude, from this fable by Aesop?
OA The Country Mouse is jealous of the Town Mouse's fancy lifestyle.
OB. The Country Mouse is warm and generous despite his simple lifestyle
ОС. The Town Mouse is lonely, so he wants the Country Mouse to join him.
OD The Country Mouse is bored with his ordinary, routine life in the country,


The country mouse is warm and generous despite his simple lifestyle.

We can infer that,
"The Country Mouse is warm and generous despite his simple lifestyle"


Owen closed his eyes and gulped. He felt a bulge in the back of his throat. His stomach was full of butterflies, and his palms were wet. He wiped his palms on his jeans and walked up to the turnstile. They were next in line. The Speed Demon roller coaster came to a screeching halt in front of him, and the giddy passengers stepped off, commenting on how steep the drop was. Here goes nothing, he thought to himself as he shakily stepped onto the ride.

In one to two sentences, identify at least three details from the paragraph that help the writer show Owen’s feelings without saying them directly.


When the author said “his palms were wet”, “his stomach was full of butterflies” and “he felt a bulge in the back of his neck” It helped show that he was nervous/anxious



There are nine people on each team. In the field, there is a catcher, who catches the pitches that are delivered by the pitcher. The other seven players have the job of fielding the ball and trying to get the hitter out. When a player fields the ball, they catch it with their glove. They may catch the ball on the ground

or in the air. If they catch the ball on the ground, they have to throw the ball to the infield players that are assigned to a base. If they catch the ball in the air, it is called a fly, and then the batter is out. There is an umpire in the field who is like a judge. The umpire decides if a runner is safe or out in the field. If a player is safe, they stay on the base. If they are out, then they go back to the dugout. There is a first baseman who catches the throws from the infielders. The team in the field tries hard to get batters out at first, so the first baseman is very busy. Then there are the second baseman and a third baseman who field the ball and guard their bases. The shortstop, who plays between second and third base, also fields the ball and backs up the second and third basemen when they need it. There are three outfielders who play in the grass area of the field. There is a left fielder, right fielder and a centerfielder. They are responsible for fielding the ball when it is hit in the outfield.

team you win.



There are nine people on each team. In the field, there is a catcher, who catches the pitches that are delivered by the pitcher. The other seven players have the job of fielding the ball and trying to get the hitter out. When a player fields the ball, they catch it with their glove. They may catch the ball on the ground or in the air. If they catch the ball on the ground, they have to throw the ball to the infield players that are assigned to a base. If they catch the ball in the air, it is called a fly, and then the batter is out. There is an umpire in the field who is like a judge, the umpire decides if a runner is safe or out in the field. If the player is called safe by the ump, they get to stay where they are! But if not they have to back to the dugout! The first baseman catches and throws the ball to get the other players out! The team in the field tries hard to get batters out at first, so the first baseman is very busy. Then there are the second baseman and a third baseman who field the ball and guard their bases. The shortstop, who plays between second and third base, also fields the ball and backs up the second and third basemen when they need it. There are three outfielders who play in the grass area of the field. There is a left fielder, a right fielder, and a centerfielder. They are responsible for fielding the ball when it is hit in the outfield.


I tweaked a few misspellings, and combined a few sentences! Other than that its awesome! Great job! plz mark as brainliest!

dentify the figure(s) of speech in the following example.

"The breath of the night-wind"

implied metaphor


Personification. Also the person who answered with a link is a scammer. Anyone who posts a link with the beginning like that’s is a hack:)




Got it right on the assignment

Compare and contrast the concepts of topic and theme. Use examples from the novel to illustrate your answer. Your answer should be 150 words or less. Their eyes were watching god


Answer and Explanation:

When reading a novel, we should be able to identify the topic and theme of the story as the reading progresses. To identify this, we must keep in mind that the topic is the term that represents what the story is telling, while the theme is the term that represents the meanings and subjects that the story is addressing during the development of the plot.

We can better exemplify the difference between these two elements using the novel "Their eyes were watching god." This novel tells the story of a "mestizo" girl because she was a descendant of blacks and whites in a completely racist and intolerant environment, mainly for mestizos who were rejected by both the black population and the white population. This is the topic of the novel, which shows which story the novel tells.

Themes, on the other hand, are the concepts and subjects of history, which are the balance between love and independence, racial intolerance and the search for fulfillment, since these are concepts discussed and analyzed during the work.

Does the text's argument that success may be more dependent on practice than on natural ability correspond to what you have read, seen, experienced, or believe to be true? In what way is your own perspective on the topic similar or different? Respond to points made in the text with evidence from your reading and personal experience.


Answer and Explanation:

Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which may make the textual references inaccurate, but I hope I can help you.

According to my perspective, success depends more on practice than on natural ability. This is because in order to be successful in a particular activity, we must stimulate it through dedication and constant stimulation through the practice of that activity. This can be seen in several examples such as athletes who need strong training to succeed, musicians who need to study hard to be successful and even ourselves who need to dedicate hard to be successful in everything we want. Natural talent can help in this process, but talent alone is not enough, as talent without practice is weakened and lost.

Read the stanza from "Jabberwocky."
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?—
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.
Based on the context, what is the meaning of the nonsense language in the third line?
The language is used to indicate expressions of happiness.
The langauge is used as an expression of concern.
The langauge indicates that the speaker is frightened by the Jabberwock.
The language is used to paint a picture for the reader.



The language is used to indicate expressions of happiness.


He uses the word "frabjous day" and has an exclamation point at the end which indicates he's happy and it makes since from the line before.


The language is used to indicate expressions of happiness.


how does miller establish and express the tension within the proctor household? examine the early parts of the act as well as the middle and latter parts.


Miller employs analogies to express the tension between the Proctor marriage. When John and Elizabeth Proctor are speaking to one another in Act Two, there are indications that their marriage is experiencing stress.

The connection between John and Elizabeth is the primary focus of this Act, despite the fact that witchcraft is the primary theme of "The Crucible." To make this argument, Miller used a range of dramatic techniques, such as stage directions. At the start of act two, John and Elizabeth Proctor's tumultuous, erratic relationship is masterfully expressed through words by Arthur Miller. John tastes Elizabeth's soup as soon as he enters the household and seasons it with salt, suggesting that their union is uninteresting and unpassionate. Miller employs analogies to convey the tension between the Proctor marriage.

To learn more about Miller in Act 3, click at:


which transition best fills in the blank? specifically absolutely because later


He does so because he realizes where there are gunshots, there are people. Hopefully, these people will be willing and able to help him. Therefore, option C is correct.

it is a word or phrase that illustrates how a text or speech's paragraphs or parts relate to one another. By making it clearer or indicating how ideas relate to one another, transitions increase coherence. In reality, transitions "carry a reader from section to section" by acting as "bridges". Transitions lead a reader or listener through logical steps, temporal intervals, or spatial locations. To help readers understand the relationship between sentences more clearly transitions "link words and concepts.

A transition word clarifies the connection between two parts of spoken or written language. One can see how these words lead readers or listeners from one assertion to another by utilizing the analogy of a bridge.

To learn more about transition words, click at:


Complete question:

Read the excerpt from a student's essay.

As Rainsford struggles in the water, the boat travels onward without him. Quickly, he retains his wits. Instead of panicking, he decides to head toward the sound of the gunshots. He does so _________ he realizes where there are gunshots, there are people. Hopefully, these people will be willing and able to help him.

Which transition best fills in the blank?

A. specifically

B. absolutely

C. because

D. later

What is the slave maxim Douglass uses to explain this and how does maxim justify what slaves say?




. The slaves were punished very severely for no reason. They were paranoid because they were unaware of what can happen next and how badly can they get injured by the masters. They did not speak ill of the masters because if by any means, the master gets a hint of any ill words about himself, he would drag the slave, whip him or resell him for just expressing the thoughts.

Douglass illustrates the example of a slave who, when asked about how his master treated him, told the truth. Not knowing Colonel Lloyd’s face, he tells the man he is treated very badly. This upsets Lloyd and a few weeks later, the same slave is chained and sold to a broker in Georgia for the “offense." Douglass elaborates that this was the situation of the slaves who spoke the truth.

Further, the fear of suffering was content in the minds of the slaves that they always spoke well of their master. Some of the slaves were in real prejudice and acted competitively about each other masters.  

2. Mr. Gore is proud, driven, tricky, and pitiless, and his control over the slaves is savage. He doesn't contend or hear dissents and mostly looks for any opportunity to rebuff the slaves. He guarantees that the majority of the slaves bow down to him, in the same way as he does for the Colonel. Mr. Gore is a quiet man, never clowning as a few managers would. He performs uncouth deeds of discipline with a cool air.  

At some point, Mr. Austin whips one slave. Demby. He runs to a pit to hide and calm the pain. Demby declines to leave the brook, and Mr. Gore gives Demby a count of three, after which he instantly shoots the slave. At the point when examined concerning his activities, Mr. Austin composedly clarifies that Demby was setting a terrible example in front of other slaves. Mr. Gore is never researched for this murder, and lives free.  

This is the ironic part of the character which exemplifies the incongruity that Mr. Gore is regarded for his ability as a “first-rate overseer.”

3.Douglass considers his travel to Baltimore an endowment of the condition. On the off chance that he had not been expelled from Colonel Lloyd's ranch around then, Douglass trusts he would at present be a slave, as opposed to a man sitting openly in his house composing his life account. Douglass understands that he may seem superstitious or self‑centered to assume that stipulation contributed to his conveyance to Baltimore, however, the inclination is as yet solid. From his most early memory, Douglass detected that he would not be a slave for eternity. This sense gave him trust in tough occasions, and he thinks of it as a blessing from God.


If it's somethin' weird an' it don't look good Who ya gonna call?






Which of the following best describes a difference between the two accounts of Sojourner Truth's speech?
O A. Gage's account was published twelve years later, whereas Robinson's was published shortly following Truth's speech.
B. Gage's version was published immediately following the speech, while Robinson's account did not come out until a decade later.
C. Gage's was published in a traditional daily newspaper, while Robinson's was put out in an anti-slavery newspaper.
D. Gage's account makes no reference to the Bible, while Robinson's connects heavily to Biblical passages


Answer: A

Explanation: I did the quiz and it was a

A  difference between the two accounts of Sojourner Truth's speech is best described as Gage's account was published twelve years later, whereas Robinson's was published shortly following Truth's speech. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the central idea of Sojourner Truth's speech?

The central idea of Sojourner Truth's speech is to spread equality for women in society. She states that women should be treated equally to men and there should not be any discrimination based on gender.

In order to appreciate the superior intelligence of women in society, Truth advocated for equal liberalization. She raised her voice through speech and appeal to give equal opportunity to women as well.

Truth backed up its advocacy of women's civil rights with biblical justifications. As she spoke, the group was delighted. Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Sojourner Truth's speech, here:



Bilingual-bicultural education embraces a school of thinking that posits deafness as a cultural - not a medical - issue. What does this mean about ASL and English?

They are both essential languages for any modern career person.

They are basically the same language.

They are completely unequal languages in terms of importance.

They are both equally valid languages.


I would say the answer is A

Answer:  D



Explain how the setting changes the first time Eric falls asleep. Describe how this change affects the series of events that follows. Use at least two details from the text in your response.


When Eric falls asleep, the setting changes from a modern to an ancient setting, as he is transported to the beginning of the Renaissance.

Why does this change happen?The change in scenery reinforces the passage of time.This is because Eric is transported back in time and this has a very profound impact on the story.Before transport, Eric is in the modern world and the scene presents modern features, technological devices, current facilities, among others.After transport, Eric finds himself in a very ancient time, where technology is low and customs are completely different.

This change of scenery creates many conflicts for Eric, which moves the story and causes dynamism.

More information about literary conflicts at the link:


In the space below, write an explanatory essay of at least 500 words. Discuss how your chosen characters and their actions express and develop the two themes you've selected. Use details from the story and information about historical events to support your ideas


The actions of the chosen characters in the story, along with the backdrop of historical events, play a significant role in expressing and developing the two selected themes. Through their actions and the context of historical events, these themes are given depth and meaning, creating a rich narrative.

Firstly, the characters' actions contribute to the expression and development of the selected themes. Their choices, behaviors, and interactions shape the narrative and offer insights into the themes' significance. For example, if one of the selected themes is resilience, the characters may display determination, perseverance, and the ability to overcome obstacles in the face of adversity. Through their actions, readers witness the embodiment of resilience and understand its importance in navigating challenges.

Secondly, historical events provide a contextual backdrop that further enhances the themes' expression and development. By anchoring the story in a specific historical period, the characters' actions become intertwined with the larger social, political, or cultural forces at play. For instance, if the chosen themes are social justice and equality, historical events such as the Civil Rights Movement in the United States can provide a framework for exploring these themes. The characters' actions within the context of this movement can showcase their commitment to justice, their struggles against oppression, and their fight for equality.

Additionally, historical events can serve as catalysts for character development and transformation. These events may challenge the characters' beliefs, values, and perspectives, prompting them to question their own actions and society's norms. Through their reactions to historical events, characters can exhibit personal growth, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the themes at hand.

In summary, the actions of the chosen characters in the story, along with the influence of historical events, contribute to the expression and development of the selected themes. Characters' actions provide tangible examples of the themes in practice, while historical events add context and depth to their significance. By weaving these elements together, the story becomes a compelling exploration of the chosen themes, offering readers a thought-provoking and impactful narrative experience.

For more such information on: themes


The question probable may be:

How do the actions of the chosen characters in the story, along with historical events, contribute to the expression and development of the two selected themes?

match each word below with the sentence that best describes it ​


5. Tick fly
8. Grasshopper
9. Ants
10. Cockroach

DO HELP AGAIN pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls










Answer: the order is 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6

Explanation: I hope this is correct

Please help I’ll give brainlist!!!!!!!



Effective action - ask dominant participants to allow others to speak,

ask participants to stop speaking if they get off topic,

when in doubt, politely ask a speaker to explain his or her point,

if a person rudely objects to a speaker's point, ask that person to respect the speaker's opinion

Disruptive action - interrupt the speaker to ensure that everyone is taking notes,

make sure you get as many opportunities as possible to speak


hope this helps

what is the central idea of the lost island of tamarind the book



The intro and the end


Sentence for reprehensible



So I do sympathize with him, although his behavior is highly reprehensible.

plz mark me as brainliest


his complacency and reprehensible laxity

Explanation:search it up my dude.

This is from the book tuck everlasting.
It’s hard for me somehow..



1. He looked solid like an oar, whereas Jesse...well, he was like water, thin and quick."  Simile

2. "The first week of August was reasserting itself after a good night's sleep." Personification

3. "A dragonfly, a brilliant blue jewel, darted up and paused over the lily pads, then swung up and away." Metaphor

4. "Now, remembering the visits of the night before, she smiled-and found that she loved them, this most peculiar family." Not figurative language

5. "I wanted to, heaven knows. But Winnie, how'd it have been if I had?" Idiom


Figurative languages are words used in ways that do not portray their regular meaning in order to make sentences clearer and more meaningful to the reader.

Simile is the direct comparison of objects that are completely different but have similarities. In the first sentence, the pronoun, "He" was directly compared to an oar. Personification is the assignment of the attributes of non-living things to living things. The month of August was presented as a person that could reassert itself and also have a good night rest. A metaphor is the indirect comparison of objects. In the third sentence, the dragonfly was indirectly compared to a brilliant blue jewel. An idiom is a word whose meaning cannot be deduced from its regular usage. The idiom "heaven knows," symbolizes the truthfulness of what the speaker was saying.

below. They
Read the conversation between Myrna and Nadia
some worker's Rights
factory anymore
Nadia: Myrna, are you still on to leave?
Myrna. I am not working
Nadia: Have
you resigned from your work?
Myrna: No, I was dismissed. The mo
to report after a month of my delivery. I simply
can't because
my baby is weak
Nadia: But have valid reason to continue
maternity leave your bed baby has a serious
tot health condition And under the labor Code
Pemale employeeslworkers are given 60 days need
maternity leave after giving birth
Myrna: I have reminded them
that. I even begged
them not to dismiss me.
Vadia: But they can not just fine you while your
on leave You have been working in that for​



this makes no sense, just send the picture

In order to determine what we know about the speaker of a poem, we should gather ______ about the speaker.
details adjectives rhymes perspectives





When analyzing a poem, it is important to identify the speaker's perspective, attitude, and tone. We should gather adjectives about the speaker in order to determine what we know about the speaker of a poem.

Adjectives that are used to describe the speaker of a poem will allow readers to make inferences about the speaker's character, personality, and motivation. For example, if a speaker is described as "happy," "enthusiastic," or "passionate," readers can infer that the speaker is optimistic and excited about the topic or situation he or she is describing. On the other hand, if the speaker is described as "angry," "bitter," or "depressed," readers can infer that the speaker is unhappy or dissatisfied with the topic or situation he or she is describing.

To know more about speaker refer :


anyone can help me please I'll give 21 points and blainlist (no answer -> report)

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Pam: If only I (1).........(speak) French! Then I could be speak to my cousin in Paris.

Ben: Supposing you found an online French course, (2).........
(you / sign up) for it?

Pam: I wish I (3)............(study) French years ago! The earlier you learn a language, the easier it is.

Ben: We all think back and wish we (4)..........(do) something or (5) .........(not say) something. It doesn't help, though, so it's better to look ahead.

Pam: That's true. I wish we (6).........(learn) French together!​



Pam: If only I could speak French! Then I could speak to my cousin in Paris.

Ben: Supposing you found an online French course, will you sign up

for it?

Pam: I wish I could  study French years ago! The earlier you learn a language, the easier it is.

Ben: We all think back and wish we could do something or could not have said something. It doesn't help, though, so it's better to look ahead.

Pam: That's true. I wish we can learn French together!​

plz mark me as brainliest

[1] Traffic accidents have increased in our town by 15 percent this year, which shows that there is a problem. [2] This number comes from a recent study by city hall. [3] Several research firms have suggested new traffic patterns to avoid the rise in car accidents. [4] This would be useful because most people interact with cars. [5] We can also leave traffic patterns as they are. [6] If so, we must settle for more and more traffic accidents. [7] These are our only options.

Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

Which sentence contains a rhetorical device?

✔ Sentence 1

Which sentence contains a logical fallacy?






✔ Sentence 1

✔ Sentence 7


Right on edge2021

Which of the theorists discussed in this course best reflects your beliefs on how children develop and why?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not mention who were the theorists you discussed during the course. You forgot to include their names.

However, trying to help you, we can share the name of the author that best reflects my beliefs on how children develop.

We choose Jean Piaget.

Jean Piaget(1896-1980) was born in Switzerland and during his career, he could understand the behavior of children. He proposed a four-stage in which he put emphasis on the way children grew and mature while receiving external stimuli.

The four stages proposed in the development of children were: sensori-motor stage,  pre-operating stage, concrete operations stage, and formal operational stage.

I consider that his approach is methodical and delivers positive results when parents are trying to understand the way children behave and grow during these different stages.  

How does Josh Billings writing style differ from Mark Twain's style?
A. Billings uses a style that is more modern.
B. Billings uses a more formal, eloquent style.
C. Billings uses a much less formal style.
D. Billings uses a style that is more poetic.





Josh Billings's writing style differs from Mark Twain's style is Billings uses a much less formal style. Thus the correct option is C.

What is Josh Billings?

An American comedian and educator named Josh Billings was a pen name used by Henry Wheeler Shaw, who flourished in the nineteenth century. He was born in Massachusetts in 1810 and rose to prominence as a humorist, writer, and preacher.

He regularly uses a tone that is conversational, as if he were speaking directly to the reader. Billings' writing is frequently direct and conversational in nature, and he employs colloquial language and humor to convey his views and observations.

While both authors are noted for their wit and humour, Billings' approach is more clear and straightforward, whilst Twain's style is more varied and nuanced.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Josh Billings, here:


Yea its D) Determining an Association of Variables
A group of adults were surveyed about whether they prefer to carpool or take the bus to work.

Relative Frequency Table by Column

A 3-column table with 3 rows. Column 1 has entries men, women, total. Column 2 is labeled carpool with entries 51 percent, 49 percent, 100 percent. Column 3 is labeled bus with entries 49 percent, 51 percent, 100 percent.

Which conclusions can be drawn from the results of the survey? Check all that apply.
A person in the group who is a man is more likely to carpool.
A person in the group who is a woman is more likely to carpool.
A person in the group who is a man is more likely to take the bus.
There is no association between commuting preferences and gender.



its d


got it right


yes its d



Which of the following supporting details would best support an expository essay section titled "An Overview of Hiking in State Parks"? A. America's first national park was Yellowstone, which also happens to boast some of the most spectacular hiking you'll ever find. B. Oregon's Oswald West State Park offers hikers lush forest and spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean. C. There are almost 6,500 state parks across the United States, which all together offer over 40,000 miles of trails. D. State parks are superior to national parks because they are usually less trafficked and don't charge as much for admission.​





GIVING BRAINLIEST!! HELP PLEASE!! this is an assignment so im giving extra points if you do it correctly, you don't have to make it perfect. (no links/spam/or stealing points. i will report your account as well as 5 other accounts reporting you.)
-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 40pts-



My answer won't be perfect since I don't know what reading you did but this was my take on it:

One person can make a large difference in the pool of human rights. Take, for example, the right that all men (and women) are created equally. One person can defend and upkeep this right by treating everyone equally; with respect and kindness. One could also step up for others if they feel as if they are not receiving equal treatment. Personally, I have witness, in the grand scheme we call life, a fair share of hatred and prejudice (in real life and on social media) but I have always seen that hatred and prejudice overcome by an overwhelming amount of love. The calling to stand up for others is precisely what has defended human rights of all people; and it's exactly what will continue to defend human rights for all.

Other Questions
Write 3 6 (three to the 6th power) as an equivalent expression using repeated multiplication. you have a coupon for $4 off the price of any large pizza . you also get a 20% discount on any pizza if you show your student ID. How much would you pay for a large pizza if the cashier applies the coupon first? 1. Briefly explain how the cloud type for any particular day can be determined.2. Name TWO types of rain away brainlist match the lines l1 (blue), l2 ( red) and l3 (green) with the slopes by placing the letter of the slopes next to each set listed below: The ratio of an object's weight on Earth to its weight on Venus is 8:7. How much would a woman who weighs 120 pounds (lbs) on Earth weigh on Venus? (Please help, if the answer is correct, I'll mark brainliest.) Of the 6 carbons in a starting molecule of glucose, at the completion of pyruvate oxidation, _____ carbons are fully oxidized to _____, while _____ carbons remain in _____. a. Three; pyruvate; three; acetyl groupsb. Two; CO2; four; acetyl groupsc. Four; CO2; two; CoAd. Two; acetyl groups; four; CO2e. Four; acetyl groups; two; CO2 if the probability of winning $10 on a bet is 50% and the probability of winning nothing is 50%, what is the expected value of the bet? ILL MARK YOU BRAINIEST IF YOU CAN DO THIS FOR ME!!! You need to write 4 or 5 sentences! The question is at the bottom of the pic read everything please! The percent of Tom winning a game is 20%, he played 30 games. How mang games did he lose? a study by the american society for training and development found that organizations conduct needs assessments less than _____ percent of the time let f(x) = x 4 and g(x) = x 3. if g is a vertical translation of f, how many units and in what direction is f translated to form g? 18) What is the following number representing: 10m/s West *3 pointsForceAccelerationMassAreaPressureVelocitySpeedImpulseMomentum Suppose you want to start a new task. Will you wait for an auspicious time or will you start working immediately? giving reasons. Compare and contrast where gold and diamond reserves are found on earth Q5 A and B are sharing a room with a TV and a DVD player. DVD's can be rented for the weekend for a cost of $5. They would each get $4 worth of enjoyment from a weekend movie, so if both of them rent Please Help!! The question is attached below..I will give 20 points and brainliest :) Which statement best summarizes the role of supply and demand in setting prices for goodsA.Prices are set by finding A balance between the high prices sellers prefer and the low prices buyers preferB. Prices are set by sellers creating large supply of product and then determining how much demand existC. prices are set by identifying the demand for a product at a certain price and convincing buyers to pay a little moreD.prices are set by adding up the total supply and demand of a product and converting it in to a dollar amount Which expression is represented on the number line? Your patient had an unplanned self- extubation. They are now alert and sitting up. Their pulse oximetry is 98% on 4 Liters face mask. What action should you prioritize?A. Checking Blood pressure and the heart rateB. administering an albuterol nebulizerC. Inspecting the oral cavityD. Performing an ordered STAT ABG (wrong) Anna has recently started taking dietary supplements because she does not want to worry about the food she eats. What advice would you give her?