All of the following were consequences of World War II except __________. A. the rise of superpowers B. the collapse of the Soviet Union C. European nations working together D. the Holocaust and genocide of most of Europe’s Jewish population


Answer 1


its A


Related Questions

2. According to the video, World War I saw the first US Presidential trip to Europe.
Which American President made this trip AND for what reason?


Answer: The first visits by an incumbent President to countries in Western Europe were made in 1918 and 19 by Woodrow Wilson in the aftermath of World War I. He was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize for his peacemaking efforts.

Explanation: Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war. Hope I helped!

.Which of the following nitrogen cycle processes is occurring in the water sample as illustrated by the graph?
A. nitrogen fixation
B. denitrification
C. nitrification
D. anammox reaction


The graph shows a steadily increasing nitrate concentration in a water sample over time. This process is an example of nitrification, which is the first step of the nitrogen cycle.

The correct option is C.

Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonium (NH4+) to nitrite (NO2-) and then nitrate (NO3-) by bacteria. Nitrification is an important process in the nitrogen cycle because it releases nitrogen into the environment, which is necessary for the growth of bacteria, algae, and other organisms. Nitrate is also a necessary nutrient for certain plants, so nitrification is important for agricultural purposes.

Denitrification, anammox reaction, and nitrogen fixation, are all other processes that occur in the nitrogen cycle, but the graph does not show any of these processes.

To know more about Nitrification , click here:


A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods EXCEPT _____.
A) Drilling wells
B) Digging mines
C) Studying seismic waves
D) Studying Earth's magnetism
E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core


The correct answer is E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core. A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods.

A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been obtained through various methods such as drilling wells, digging mines, studying seismic waves, and studying Earth's magnetism. These methods have provided valuable insights into the composition, structure, and properties of Earth's interior.

Drilling wells and digging mines allow scientists to access deeper layers of the Earth's crust, providing direct observations and samples of rocks and minerals. Studying seismic waves, generated by earthquakes or artificially created, helps in understanding the behavior of waves as they travel through different layers of the Earth, providing information about its structure and composition. Analyzing Earth's magnetism helps in studying the magnetic field and its interactions with the materials within the Earth.

However, sampling rocks from Earth's core is not feasible as the Earth's core is located at depths of around 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) beneath the Earth's surface. This is beyond the reach of current drilling technology, so direct sampling from the Earth's core has not been possible. Nonetheless, scientists have been able to infer information about the Earth's core through indirect methods such as studying seismic waves and analyzing Earth's magnetism.

Therefore, the correct answer is E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core.

To learn more about Sampling rocks, click here:


What is an example of sublimation?



The best example of sublimation is dry ice which is a frozen form of carbon dioxide.


When dry ice gets exposed to air, dry ice directly changes its phase from solid-state to gaseous state which is visible as fog. Another well-known example of sublimation is naphthalene which is an organic compound.


Sublimation. Phenomenon by which matter goes from the solid state to the gaseous state without going through the liquid state. For example: mothballs that gradually break down from solid to gaseous, dry ice (dry carbon dioxide).


This discussion participation should be a response to my initial discussion question, along with feedback to at least Two of your classmates' discussion responses. Each of your responses to your classmates should be a minimum of 4-5 sentences in length. In other words, each response should be like a small paragraph and contribute new information to the conversation.
DISCUSSION PROMPT: Choose one of the following to write your initial paragraph on:
1. What if a significant part of the redshift measured for all extragalactic objects was actually non-Doppler? That is, instead of the redshift being interpreted as completely due to motion or even the Hubble flow, what if another phenomenon, say gravitational redshift, were responsible? How would this affect the Hubble constant? Would dark matter be "necessary?" Would clusters of galaxies be unstable? What would be the effects on the cosmic density parameter? What else would be affected by this discovery?


If a significant part of the redshift measured for all extragalactic objects was actually non-Doppler, it would indicate that there is a phenomenon other than motion or Hubble flow that causes redshift.

The alternative, in this case, is gravitational redshift, which is the shift in wavelength or frequency of light due to gravity's influence. This would have several implications for the Hubble constant and other cosmic phenomena.

Firstly, if gravitational redshift is responsible for a significant part of the redshift measured, it would suggest that the Hubble constant is not a reliable tool for measuring cosmic expansion.

Secondly, dark matter may not be necessary to explain the universe's observed expansion. Thirdly, clusters of galaxies may be unstable if gravitational redshift is a significant contributor to redshift. Finally, the discovery of gravitational redshift would affect the cosmic density parameter as well as other phenomena related to the measurement of cosmic expansion.

Therefore, understanding the cause of the redshift measured is essential to our understanding of the universe and its evolution.

To know more about wavelength, visit


Why is the land breeze experienced at night?
need an explanation related to the following diagram


Land breezes usually occur at night because during the day the sun will heat land surfaces, but only to a depth of a few inches. ... The movement of the wind is a result of differences in air pressure over the land and the ocean. Warm air is less dense and rises, therefore cool air is more dense and sinks. At night, the roles reverse. The air over the ocean is now warmer than the air over the land. ... This causes a small temperature gradient between the ocean surface and the nearby land at night and the wind will blow from the land to the ocean creating the land breeze.  

What was one positive impact that Europe had on Africa?



Improved medicine, education, improved infrastructure & Christianity






In terms of schooling i.e education system, medical sector, i.e in terms of modern medicine ,surgery and technology used in hospitals, architectural design,i.e their infrastructure development, religion i.e christianity. Generally revolving around civilization ,we talk of many positive impacts

What are the impact of drought on environment​


Examples of environmental impacts include: Losses or destruction of fish and wildlife habitat. Lack of food and drinking water for wild animals. Increase in disease in wild animals, because of reduced food and water supplies.


Examples of environmental impacts include: Losses or destruction of fish and wildlife habitat. Lack of food and drinking water for wild animals. Increase in disease in wild animals, because of reduced food and water supplies.

What factor was most responsible for the fall of the Roman
Empire in the West? Explain your choice and be sure to list other
contributing factors in your response. Write in paragraph form,


The most responsible factor for the fall of the Roman Empire in the West was the invasions of barbarian tribes, which started in the late second century. The invaders contributed to the weakening of the Roman Empire since they frequently raided and looted the territories of the Empire. The tribes were known to be very aggressive and lacked a central government. The Visigoths, Huns, and Vandals were some of the tribes that contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West.

Other contributing factors include the economic instability of the Empire, political corruption, and overspending on the military. The Roman Empire had experienced economic instability because it relied on slaves and lacked technological advancements that made it difficult to keep up with its agricultural and manufacturing output. This was further complicated by political corruption, which prevented the implementation of effective economic policies.

The Roman Empire's overspending on the military also contributed to its fall, as it depleted the Empire's economic resources. It also forced the Empire to rely on mercenaries, which made the military less effective, given that mercenaries were not loyal and could switch sides.

The loss of public faith in the government, which was corrupted and ineffective, also contributed to the Empire's fall. The government was unable to handle the many problems that faced the Empire, which further contributed to its fall. The Roman Empire was eventually divided into the Western and Eastern Empires, and the Western Empire eventually fell. The Eastern Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire, continued to flourish for several centuries.

To know more about Roman Empire click here:


Give 2 social and economic impact of the summer monsoon for the people living in India?​


India gets around 70 percent of its annual rainfall during the monsoon season

A strong monsoon results in increased output within agriculture, and reduced commodity and bi-product prices.

Also, it allows increased ground water and restored reservoirs, helping the irrigation systems.

Explain the three categories of biodiversity.


3.ecosystem diversity

give examples please


3.ecosystem diversity

Which of the following statements regarding the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom is incorrect?
a) Bohr's model shows the electron circling the nucleus in fixed orbits.
b) In Bohr's model, electrons could exist between orbits.
c) In Bohr's model, when an electron absorbs energy, it can move to a higher-energy orbit.
d) In Bohr's model, when an electron emits energy, it can move to a lower-energy orbit.
e) In Bohr's model, n = 1 is the lowest energy orbit.


The correct option is B,  The incorrect statement regarding the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom is In Bohr's model, electrons could exist between orbits.

Bohr's model, proposed by physicist Niels Bohr in 1913, revolutionized our understanding of atomic structure. At its core, the model describes the structure of an atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons orbiting it in specific energy levels or shells. These energy levels are quantized, meaning electrons can only occupy certain fixed orbits with distinct energies.

Bohr incorporated concepts from both classical physics and newly emerging quantum mechanics to explain atomic behavior. He postulated that electrons can jump between energy levels by either absorbing or emitting discrete packets of energy, known as photons. This process forms the basis for the emission and absorption of light at specific wavelengths by atoms.

To know more about Bohr's model refer to-


Stream Flow Directions PURPOSE The purpose of this exercise is to help you understand how to easily determine stream flow directions on topographic maps. To complete this exercise, use the Renovo West, PA 7.5 minute quadrangle map to answer the following questions about stream flow directions. 6. Briefly describe one way that you can determine the direction of stream flow. 7. Briefly describe a second way that you can determine the direction of stream flow. 8. Briefly describe a third way that you can determine the direction of stream flow. 9. In what general direction is Barney Run flowing located-1000 ft east of 41°17′30″N. 77'50'00"W)? Answer: In what general direction is Stink Hollow Creek flowing (SE % of map)? Answer: In what general direction is Brewery Run flowing (NE % of map)? Answer: In what general direction is Two Mile Run flowing (headwaters located near 260000 mE 4584000 mN)? Answer 13. Do all streams flow to the south? Provide evidence to support your answer. 74 Stope Gradient, Topographic Profiles & Vertical Exaggeration 5-1 C 3:51 Done Renovo West Inset_Top... 1 of 2 76 74 73 63 100 1:34.300 7 1300 M 44 Q NEL.


Determining the direction of stream flow on a topographic map can be done in several ways. These include analyzing contour lines, observing the pattern of tributaries, and using elevation differences between different points along the stream.

1. Analyzing contour lines: Contour lines on a topographic map provide information about the elevation of the land. Streams tend to flow from higher elevations to lower elevations. By examining the contour lines near a stream, you can determine the general direction of flow. The contour lines will be closer together upstream, indicating steeper terrain, and farther apart downstream, indicating a gradual descent.

2. Observing the pattern of tributaries: Streams often have tributaries that join them along their course. The pattern of these tributaries can indicate the direction of flow. Generally, tributaries join a larger stream at an acute angle. By observing the angle at which the tributaries enter the mainstream, you can determine the direction of flow.

3. Using elevation differences: Topographic maps provide elevation information through contour lines or spot elevations. By comparing the elevations of different points along a stream, you can determine the direction of flow. Streams flow from higher elevations to lower elevations. By noting the elevation changes between points upstream and downstream, you can identify the general direction of flow.

9. In what general direction is Barney Run flowing (located 1000 ft east of 41°17′30″N, 77°50'00" W)?

Answer: Without specific elevation information, it is not possible to determine the precise direction of flow. However, based on the given location, Barney Run would generally flow towards the east.

Answer 13. Do all streams flow to the south? Provide evidence to support your answer.

Not all streams flow to the south. Streams follow the topography of the land, which can vary in different directions. The evidence for this can be seen on topographic maps where streams flow in various directions, not exclusively towards the south. The direction of flow depends on factors such as elevation changes, geological features, and the overall landscape.

To know more about topographic maps click here:


why is it possible to issue a tsunami warning but not a warning for an impending earthquake? describe a scenario in which a tsunami warning would be of little value


A tsunami is a series of ocean waves that have long wavelengths and are produced by a disturbance in the ocean. Tsunamis can be caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or even meteorite impacts on the ocean.

A tsunami warning system can detect the occurrence of a tsunami and warn the public to evacuate the area as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, earthquakes are sudden and unpredictable, making it impossible to warn the public about an impending earthquake. Scientists can't predict when or where an earthquake will strike, and they don't know how strong it will be.Tsunami warnings are typically given after an earthquake occurs.

The seismometers in the region where the earthquake occurred detect the movement of the earth and send out a warning that a tsunami could occur. When the warning is received, people are given time to evacuate the area, which can save countless lives. In a scenario where the earthquake occurred too close to the coast, and the waves are too high, the warning would be of little value.

In this situation, it would be nearly impossible for people to evacuate in time, and the waves would cause severe damage and loss of life. In this case, it would be better to evacuate the area as soon as possible and not wait for a warning.

To know more about earthquack, visit


Why camels can't live in the other places except the dessert?​



Camels have adapted and found ways to help them survive in deserts. They have a thick coat of hair that protects them from the heat in the day, and keeps them warm at night. They have water in their humps incase they don't have access to any. Their whole body structure is based on living in the harsh conditions of the desert.


The predominance of Roman Catholicism in Latin America is demonstrated by -?
the cultural celebrations of the region
the ethnic diversity of the region
the variety of music and dance in the region
the widespread use of Spanish in the region


Cultural celebrations. Aka the calendar along with Christmas and Easter and Sunday being church day

The regional festivals serve as a visual representation of how Roman Catholicism predominates in Latin America. Thus option (A) is correct.

What is Catholicism?

The term "Catholicism" covers a wide range of concepts, including the religion's theologies and "doctrines" as well as its style of worship (called liturgies). The phrase also describes Catholic ethical principles (things that are right and wrong). It also refers to the practices Catholics engage in.

The predominant religion in almost all of Latin America is Roman Catholicism. This can be largely due to the lasting impacts of the Roman Catholic missions that went along with Spanish and Portuguese colonization of the area.

Therefore, Thus option (A) is correct.

Learn more about Catholicism here:


How could decreasing production lead to increased production? Production is increased by increasing hours of workers Production can be stalled while new direction is found Production was increased by finding new trading partners It cannot make this change



11 is it


and plz no


It cannot make this change


Northern Europe _______________________.

A. Is comprised of the Scandinavian countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden

B. Has a largely inhospitable higher-latitude climate is entirely separated by water from the rest of Europe

C. Is the least developed region of Europe, due to its peripheral location

D. Has always been able to exploit abundant natural resources



B. Northern Europe has a largely inhospitable higher-latitude climate is entirely separated by water from the rest of Europe.


B. Northern Europe has a largely inhospitable higher-latitude climate is entirely separated by water from the rest of Europe.

Northern Europe includes, in addition to the Scandinavian countries, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and, on occasion, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Because of its northern location on the European continent, the region experiences long, harsh winters and shorter, cooler summers. This climate makes agriculture and other activities difficult.

Furthermore, water bodies such as the North, Baltic, and Norwegian Seas effectively isolate Northern Europe from the rest of Europe and have shaped the region's history, culture, and trade patterns.

What is Geologic Event? (please it's urgent)​



An identifiable event during which one or more geological processes act to modify geological entities.


Write one good paragraph to explain
1) At least one way humans use the environment (could be from history or modern times)
2) How they have benefited from that use (consider social and economic benefits)
3) Was the impact of their use positive or negative? Why?



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. They use up resources like trees to make many things from paper to money. By that they use up a lot of trees and led to deforestation in that area. They use up all the fossil fuels for work to gain more money. The use of these has left a negative impact on the environment by using up everything and not replenishing it.

Question 9
Given centerB with m Find the following measurements:



not me doing this at the back of my math test paper during a test :D


I'm a beginner at this and basically just started learning this topic so I'm not certain that I'm all correct but I'm pretty sure that I am.

p.s sorry for the messy handwriting I'm in a test

Two doors are each 36 inches wide. Door A is opened to a 11° angle. Door B is opened to

a 62° angle. Which door's outer edge is farther from its closed position? Justify your




Door B.


The outer edge of the door B is farther from its closed position because of high angle. The door which have a greater angle has more outer edge from its closed position as compared to the door with lower angle. Here, the door A is open with an angle of 11 degree while on the other hand, the door B is pen with an angle of 62 degree so the door B has higher angle so we can say that door B has farther outer edge as compared to door A .

Why is the land breeze experienced at night?
need an explanation related to the following diagram



Land breezes usually occur at night because during the day the sun will heat land surfaces, but only to a depth of a few inches.

During the night, water will retain more of its heat than land surfaces because water has a high heat capacity.


To add on, the temperature of the land cools quickly without the insolation from the sun.

Residents in ethnic enclaves are MOST LIKELY to

settle in urban areas as a result of chain migrations
settle in suburban areas as a result of return migrations
settle in suburban neighborhoods in gated communities
settle in rural areas to practice agriculture
settle in urban areas with homeowners associations


Settle in suburban areas as a result of return migrations.


settle in urban areas as a result of chain migrations


chain migrations means more people causing urbanization

Find the latitude and longitude to the nearest minute for the
following cities.
1. Gisbourne, New Zealand
2. Prague, Czech Republic
3. Baton Rouge, Louisiana
4. Nashua, New Hampshire
5. Cairns, Queens


The latitude and longitude to the nearest minute for the following cities are given below.

1. Gisborne, New Zealand: Latitude - 38° 39' S, Longitude - 178° 01' E

2. Prague, Czech Republic: Latitude - 50° 05' N, Longitude - 14° 25' E

3. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Latitude - 30° 27' N, Longitude - 91° 08' W

4. Nashua, New Hampshire: Latitude - 42° 45' N, Longitude - 71° 28' W

5. Cairns, Queensland, Australia: Latitude - 16° 55' S, Longitude - 145° 46'E

The latitude and longitude coordinates provide the geographical location of a particular city or place on the Earth's surface. Latitude represents the north-south position, with the equator at 0° and the poles at 90° north (N) and south (S).

Longitude represents the east-west position, with the prime meridian at 0° and ranging from 180° W to 180° E. The given coordinates for each city indicate their approximate location in terms of degrees, minutes, and direction from the reference lines of latitude and longitude.

To learn more about latitude and longitude click here:


What place or places are shown on the map?



the Congo. south Africa. and a lot of the Saharan or west Africa

Which one of the following is an example of adiabatic heating? - A descending mass of air is warmed as it is compressed - University Lake is warmed by absorption of solar radiation - A home is warmed in the winter by a geothermal heat pump - Water is heated as it passes through the core of a nuclear power plant


An example of adiabatic heating is when a descending mass of air is warmed as it is compressed. (Option A)

How is this so?

As air sinks and encounters higher atmospheric pressure, it is compressed, causing its temperature to increase. This is due to the work done on the air, converting kinetic energy into thermal energy.

Adiabatic heating occurs without the exchange of heat with the surroundings.

The other examples mentioned, such as solar radiation warming University Lake, a geothermal heat pump warming a home, and water heated in a nuclear power plant, involve heat transfer processes and are not adiabatic.

Learn more about adiabatic heating at:


who coined the term cell?​



Robert Hooke coined the term cell


When the upper-level trough is located directly above a surface low pressure system, the midlatitude cyclone is most likely:
A. At the incipient stage.
B. Growing.
C. Decaying.
D. Experiencing a hurricane transition.
E. Turning into a thunderstorm.


B. Growing. When the upper-level trough is located directly above a surface low-pressure system in a midlatitude cyclone, it creates favorable conditions for the cyclone to strengthen and grow.

The upper-level trough enhances vertical motion in the atmosphere, leading to the intensification of the surface low-pressure system. This vertical motion allows for the upward movement of warm, moist air, which can lead to the development of clouds, precipitation, and the strengthening of the cyclone.

The interaction between the upper-level trough and the surface low-pressure system provides the cyclone with the necessary dynamics for intensification. As the cyclone grows, it draws in more air from its surroundings, further enhancing the vertical motion and intensifying the storm system. This stage is characterized by increasing wind speeds, intensifying precipitation, and a deepening of the low-pressure system.

Therefore, when the upper-level trough is directly above a surface low pressure system, the midlatitude cyclone is most likely in the growing stage.

To learn more about midlatitude cyclone, click here:


I will give BRAINLIEST


Answer: A Decomposer

Other Questions
All of the following world leaders attended the Paris Peace Conference EXCEPT for...A.David Lloyd GeorgeB. Georges ClemenceauC.Woodrow WilsonD.Wilhelm 11 Current Attempt in Progress Bonita Industries has recently decided to go public and has hired you as an independent CPA. One statement that the enterprise is anxious to have prepared is a statement of at the level of the rods and cones the _____ theory of color vision seem to fit best, while at the level of retinal ganglion cells and cells in the lgn the _____ theory is best. Select your own metaphors to complete a couplet. Remember to ask yourself what each reminds you of.A cat, hunched up, spitting in rage, The Constitution is based on ______ key principles. These principles are: popular ______, republicanism, limited government, federalism, separation of _______, checks and _______, and individual ______. How do you find the greatest common denominator, when comparing two numbers? Explain your thought process, in the example I provided. What is the greatest common Denominator for the numbers 20 and 40. Explain each step you do. Your answer will start with these words. "How to find the the greatest common denominator between 20 and 40? Please help me in it! It's very difficult, i'm in 6th and I still don't understand this. Please, help me in this!!! NEED HELP ASAP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST REAL ANSWERS ONLY PLZ REPORT LINKS OR PEOPLE ANSWERING FOR POINTS 1 Consider a tournament between N teams, each team playing each of the other teams. We can represent the results of this tournament by a directed graph: node i represents team i, and an edge exists i+jif team i beat team j. The above problem suggests that it may be impossible to declare an absolute winner, as everyone may be beaten by somebody. We could relax this slightly in the following way: let's call team i a k-winner if there is a group of k-many teams that were each beaten by team i. Other teams may have beaten team i, but there is at least a group of size k that was roundly beaten by i. 3) If the results of each game are decided by fair coin flip, what is the probability that a given team i is a k-winner? (5 points) 4) Using result 3.0, bound the probability that there exists a k-winner in a tournament of size N? Write it nicely as you can but don't beat yourself up too much with it. (5 points) 5) For N = 100, what is the smallest k that 3.4 indicates the probability of having k-winners is less than 1? Code or Mathematica to evaluate your answer in 3.4 is fine. (5 points) 6) For N = 100 and k as in 3.5, argue that there exist possible tournaments with no k-winners. (5 points) Bonus: Using the Chernoff bound to bound the relevant probabilities, show that for a > 1/2 the probability of there being any oN-winners goes to 0 as No. Conclude therefore that there erist tournaments without a N-winners, for all sufficiently large N. (10 points) Can you answer (a,b)? The functions f(x) = x^2 3 and g(x) = x^2 + 2 are shown on the graph.The graph shows f of x equals x squared minus 3, which is an upward-opening parabola with a vertex at 0 commas negative 3 and a point at negative 1 comma negative 2, and a point at 1 comma negative 2. The graph also shows g of x, which is a downward opening parabola with a vertex at 0 commas 2 and a point at negative 1 comma 1, and a point at 1 comma 1.Explain how to modify the graphs of f(x) and g(x) to graph the solution set to the following system of inequalities. How can the solution set be identified?y x^2 3y > x^2 + 2 find he prodct 4(-2) PLEASE HELP FAST!!(MC)A bank is robbed. In which court is the suspect most likely to appear first? Supreme Court State court County court Federal court HELPP ME ANALYZE THIS GRAPH a 63.0 kg skier starts from rest at the top of a ski slope 65.0 m high. (a) If friction forces do 10.9 kJ of work on her as she descends, how fast is she going at the bottom of the slope? (b) Now moving horizontally, the skier crosses a patch of soft snow where 0.21. If the patch is 65.0 m wide and the average force of air resistance on the skier is 180 N, how fast is she going after crossing the patch? (c) The skier hits a snowdrift and penetrates 3.0 m into it before coming to a stop. What is the average force exerted on her by the snowdrift as it stops her? Depreciation of fixed assets used during the year was estimated to be $250,000. In which of the following steps of the accounting cycle would the depreciation cost be recorded as an expense? O Prepare and post adjusting entries O Prepare closing entries O Prepare financial statements O Prepare unadjusted trial balance O Prepare documents BRAINLIEST AND 20 POINTS! What did Julius Caesar do during the time he was in control? Select all that apply. A. He kept Rome out of wars. B. He helped the poor. C. He created jobs building bridges and roads. D. He defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra. E. He set up a democratic government HELP PLEASEEE its due soon Which is a greater fraction 2/5 or 1 write a fictional scenario describing an ethical challenge you might encounter in a loan transaction.