For each of the following statements, evaluate whether it is arguable or too
easily verifiable to develop into an effective argument. Try revising the ones
you consider too easily verifiable to make them into arguable claims.
1. SUV owners should be required to pay an energy surcharge.
2. Charter schools are an alternative to public schools.
3. Ronald Reagan was the most charismatic president of the twentieth
4. Requiring students to wear uniforms improves school spirit.
5. The terms global warming and climate change describe different perspec-
tives on this complex issue.
6. Students graduating from college today can expect to have more debt
than any previous generation.
7. People who read novels are more likely to attend sports events and mov-
ies than those who do not.
8. Print newspapers will not survive another decade.
9. The competition among countries to become a site for the Olympic
Games is fierce.
10. Plagiarism is a serious problem in today's schools.


Answer 1


This activity is based more on opinion rather than fact. Below is my interpretation of the assignment.


1. Arguable

2. Verifiable-- Charter schools are a better alternative to public schools

3. Arguable

4. Arguable

5. Verifiable-- Global warming is a more accurate representation of the complex issue than climate change. (With more context it would make more sense).

6. Verifiable-- Student college graduates have more financial challenges than graduates of previous graduating classes.

7. Arguable

8. Arguable

9. Arguable

10. Verifiable-- Plagiarism isn’t as much of a problem in school as school officials claim.

Answer 2

A claim or statement is said to be arguable if it is very obvious that its premise does not end in a logical conclusion.

An arguable claim, for example, is:

"There are more foods served during Christmas than in any other period of the year in the US."

The statement above has some semblance of logic and is therefore arguable.

One statement which is too easy to verify and as such cannot proceed  into an argument  is exemplified below:

"The sun and the moon are the same."

Following through on the above, the statements are revised as follows:

1. There is no claim here. There is insufficient evidence to show that the SUV owners use up additional energy.

Revised version: "Owners of  Electric SUVs should be required to pay an energy surcharge by the hotel management"

2.  This is an easily verifiable claim. Better to say: Graduates from Charter schools are better than those from public schools.

3. This is an arguable claim.

4. This is an arguable claim.

5. This is an arguable claim.

6. This is an arguable claim.

7. This is easy to verify. It's a fallacious statement.

Revision: "People who read novels are likely to have a better understanding of life than those who don't."

8. This is an arguable claim.

9. This is easy to verify because the answer is true.

Revision: "The competition to become a site for Olympic games is limited to only 14 countries."

10. This too is easy to verify.

Revision: "Plagiarism is on the decline."

Read more about arguable claims here:

Related Questions

In the story Little Women, one family brings breakfast to another on Christmas morning. Read this passage and then answer the question that follows: A poor, bare, miserable room it was, with broken windows, no fire, ragged bedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one old quilt, trying to keep warm. How the big eyes stared and the blue lips smiled as the girls went in. "Ach, mein Gott! It is good angels come to us!" said the poor woman, crying for joy. What explicit meaning can you find about the sick woman and her children from this text?(5 points)
A. The father of the children left the family.
b The children were cold and had not eaten.
c The family bringing gifts pitied the children.
d The woman would soon die from her illness.


Hey there! I'd guess the answer is B.


The children were cold and had not eaten


This is specifically stated in the passage, ..."and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one old quilt, trying to keep warm."

what happens in romeo and juliet






They die


Romeo drinks poison water, and Juliet was looking for Romeo and she looked at Romeo dead so she killed her self.

What might the warnings given to Eckels foreshadow? What do you predict might happen?



A chance to hunt the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The warnings given to Eckels foreshadowed him a chance to hunt the Tyrannosaurus Rex. However, the Time Safari company couldn't guarantee him a safe return.The chances of Eckels being killed by a dinosaur or some poisonous animal were really high. Eckels killing any animal could completely alter the whole future.Also, Eckels might disobey instructions and have to pay a huge penalty to the company.

in paragraph 6 what are “the death watches in the wall “



The death watches are a sign of impending death.

HELP QUICKLY!!! Choose a product or an idea you would like to promote and create an advertisement for it. Spend some time developing a catchy title and phrase to draw-in the buyer. Remember to use persuasive words and techniques. Before beginning your project, you may want to refer to other sources to note the variety of styles used in advertisements. Option: Print out and illustrate your advertisement. For example, you may cut out parts of pictures and reassemble them in order to create a new picture in the form of a collage. Ask a friend for his opinion about your advertisement.



I would promote an app called The Tee


Its basically like all the different social medias  but it is all of them put together and I also forgot about the most famous app out there right now and it would be more like the most famous app used out there right now than any of them. And you would start off on your page which would be called my cup and it has people that you have added and if you swipe left you can go to the page called the pot which would include like the pandemic and like the election and like people getting beat up and people protesting around the world and going back to my cup if you swipe up you would see all your people and what they have been doing lately. So yeah!!!!!!!

which story are the most likely describes an epic poem. A. gambler makes a bet and loses and most therefore faces the consequences B. a girl or in some valuable life lessons from an assortment of talking animals C. a priestess travel to a strange dangerous land ask questions of God D. a queen loses her life and her kingdom because of a fatel flaw in her additude​



C. a priestess travel to a strange dangerous land ask questions of God


What is the topic of a quilt of a country?



A Quilt of a Country is a commentary written by Anna Quindlen, which was written after the terror attacks on America that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Hope this helped you!


Answer:"A Quilt of a Country" is an essay written by American writer Anna Quindlen for Newsweek in the immediately aftermath of the September 11th attacks. The piece is unconventional in style and form; it is part autobiographical, part persuasive, and part expository history. As is clear from this piece, Quindlen had decades of experience working as a reporter for The New York Post and The New York Times as well as Newsweek both before and during her career as a novelist. At just under a thousand words, Anna Quindlen's essay is brief yet poignant. It is equal parts a reflection on the history of the United States as well as a call to arms to its readers to recognize the nation's unique notions of individualism.

What does the book The Castle Diary by Richard Platt, pages 63-68, reveal about the medieval society?



what is something about distance learning? what is something that u find difficult or challenging about distance learning? what is something you are looking forward to dis year?



nothing we should all be home we're all doomed :(


Voilà, this is my answer.

1. Where is the Author, Mahoney, visiting?

2. What does Mahoney do to experience being blind?

3. What does Choden think caused her blindness?

4. What conclusion about her reliance on sight does mahoney draw at the end of the excerpt?



1. She is visiting the school for the blind in Tibet Lhasa, China

2. Mahoney agreed to be led through the city while she is blindfolded. This will help her to understand how the blind students she saw at the Blind Without Borders school could navigate so easily.

3. Choden believed that when her mother was pregnant, a cow kick her stomach and that led to her blindness.

4. She concluded that her ability to see had dominated her other senses like smell, touch, etc and this had resulted in her missing so much of life's experiences.

The context clues show that the author Mahoney is visiting the school for the blind in Tibet Lhasa, China.

What are context clues?

It should be noted that context clues are the hints that are given in a literary work.

To experience the blind, Mahoney agreed to be led through the city while she is blindfolded. This will help her to understand how the blind students she saw at the Blind Without Borders school could navigate so easily.

Furthermore, Choden believed that when her mother was pregnant, a cow kick her stomach and that led to her blindness.

Lastly, her ability to see had dominated her other senses that she had.

Learn more about context clues on:

what is a neologism in our language needs and why?​


Answer: A neologism (/niːˈɒlədʒɪzəm/; from Greek νέο- néo-, "new" and λόγος lógos, "speech, utterance") is a relatively recent or isolated term, word, or phrase that may be in the process of entering common use, but that has not yet been fully accepted into mainstream language

The Importance of Neologism. Neologisms remind us that language is not something set in stone, but an evolving body of work, subject to adjustment, deletions, additions, and change. As new things are invented, as slang becomes acceptable, and as new technologies emerge, new words must fill in the gaps in language.

I got most of this information from the Wikipedia.


Neologism means a new word


True or false Obierka tries to kill himself in things fall apart





It true hun


Is surprised a connotation?


I’d say so, yes! Since this word does invoke an emotion in addition to it’s literal meaning upon reading it (the meaning of the word connotation), I think so!
Hope this helps!

list the rules of question tags​



The two basic rules about tag questions are:

1 If the statement is negative, the tag must be positive. If the statement is positive the tag must be negative. ...

2 The tense of the tag is determined by the tense of the auxiliary/modal verb of the statement that precedes it.


If the statement is negative, the tag must be positive. If the statement is positive the tag must be negative.

The tense of the tag is determined by the tense of the auxiliary/modal verb of the statement that precedes it.

Essay on exploration



The age of exploration blossomed in the 1500s with the advancements in navigation and shipbuilding

because of one Portuguese explorer: Prince Henry the Navigator. European explorers began to

pursue foreign lands, including those of the New World, in search of gold, spices, new routes to Asia,

and the desire to spread Christianity. In doing so, many explorers like Christopher Columbus,

Hernando de Soto, Hernán Cortés, and Francisco Pizarro encountered the natives of these lands and

transformed the world forever.

Many civilizations in the New World were utterly and completely destroyed, while other civilizations

remained intact, but transformed culturally, politically, and socially. Entire civilizations like the Aztec

and Inca were wiped out while others were forced to assimilate or join in the European ways of life.

But unknown to many people, there were indeed numerous Europeans who did not approve of their

fellow country-menʼs mistreatment of various native civilizations.

On the other hand, European exploration drastically impacted the world as humans know it today.

Numerous agricultural goods and ideologies were exchanged between Europeans and the Native

Americans. These agricultural goods eventually shaped the dietary habits of people in the Old World,

while the New World became accustomed to new types of fruits and vegetables. Most importantly

was the exchange of ideas and cultures between the New Worlds which began to shape the current

cultures that exist today in the New World.

The age of exploration affected the lives of Native Americans and Europeans in numerous ways as

the Old World and the New World became permanently connected. Ultimately, European exploration

and contact with the Native Americans proved to be very detrimental. On the other hand though,

without European exploration our own country and society would not exist.


hope this helps!!!!!

What words from the text tell the reader that Tom’s motivation for staying home? What do the words tell you about what Tom values most at the beginning of the story. from dead mans pocket






cula respuesta es


mi puedes des ir

What is the difference between the topic of an article and its main idea?
O The topic, unlike the main idea, helps readers understand why something occurred.
The main idea, unlike the topic, supports the other details in the text.
The topic, unlike the main idea, states the author's purpose for writing.
The main idea, unlike the topic, states what the author wants to say about the topic.


The topic is the general subject of a paragraph or essay. Topics are simple and are described with just a word or a phrase. The main idea is a complete sentence; it includes the topic and what the author wants to say about it.

Give the correct word form.
36. Travelling in the streets is very............ accidents may happen everywhere at anytime (secure)
37. She smiled........... as she watched her baby learning to walk. (content)
38. .......... of organs from living donors are becoming popular. (transplant)
39. Farmers usually plant different crops............ (alternate)
40. In class, we usually have..... to get ideas from every member. (discuss)​


Answer: insecure, contentedly, transplantations, alternating, discussions


11. Spread love everywhere you go.
Identify the part of speech for each word in the sentence above. (5 Words)


Answer: Spread is a verb, love is a abstract noun, everywhere is an adverb, you is a pronoun, and go is a noun in this scenario :) hope this helped


spread is a verb , love is a noun . everywhere is a preposition.

1). find the adjectives including the articles a,an, and the in the following sentence and the words being modified.

"ten girls were running for homecoming Queen."

adjective: modifies:
adjective: modifies:​


Adjective: Ten / Modifies: Girls

Adjective: Homecoming/ Modifiers: Queen


Adjectives include all words that describe a noun; also, in most cases,  adjectives are placed before the noun they describe or modify. In the sentence "Ten girls were running for homecoming Queen" there are two nouns and two modified words. The first adjective is the word "ten" because this modifies the noun "girls" by explaining the number of this noun. The second adjective is "homecoming", this adjective modifies the noun "Queen" because this word describes the role of the Queen or the context related to the role of Queen. According to this "ten" modifies "girls" and "homecoming" modifies "Queen."

An argument can best be described as:



An argument is a set of statement in which a claim is made, support is offered for it and there is an attempt to influence someone in a context of disagreement. Definition: that which the arguer wants the audience to accept, which they (the audience) do not presently accept.


Because I could not stop for death he kindly stopped for me what is the rhyme scheme


with four lines in each. The rhyme scheme is ABCB. The first and third lines are iambic-pentameter while the second and fourth are iambic-triameter

According to Aristotle's three critical elements of good communication, what equates to logic?

One of Aristotle's critical elements of good communication is

which equates to logic.



Logos equates to Logic


According to Aristotle, the three critical elements of good communication include Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. Logos equates to Logic and this means that when a person is trying to pass on a message, he should organize his facts in an organized manner so that it would be understood by the receiver. This is necessary because, if the messages are not logical to the audience, they may doubt the authenticity of the message and the qualification of the messenger. The message should appeal to the sense of reasoning of the audience.

Pathos refers to the ability of the communicator to connect to the feelings of his audience. Ethos refers to the ability of the messenger to establish his suitability to deliver the message.




The right-handed twin accused his brother of murdering their mother and their quarrels continued until it was time to bury their mother. With the help of their grandmother, they made her a grave. From her head grew the three sister plants, corn, beans, and squash. From her heart grew tobacco, which people still use to give thanks in ceremony. She is called "our mother" and the people dance and sing to her to make the plants grow. The excerpt suggests that the Iroquois believed that



The excerpt suggests that the Iroquois believed that:

sometimes good can come from tragedy.


The passage we are analyzing here belongs to a creation myth by the Iroquois people. This myth has been passed down from generation to generation. The Iroquois are a group of Native-American tribes who share a language, the Iroquoian.

This excerpt shows how the Iroquois believed that tragedy can originate good. Death is seen by practically every culture as a tragedy. Even if people believe in life after death or reincarnation, death is still the loss of a loved one. However, once the twins' mother dies in the myth, she becomes the origin of plants that are essential for the survival of the Iroquois people. The tragedy that is her death is what creates the blessing that the plants are.

Answer: Sometime good can come from a tragedy


True or false: nouns can act as adjectives True False





Nouns are a person place or thing, adjective is describing something like ugly or beautiful

Which words best complete the comparison of Beowulf and Grendel? Readers of Beowulf hope that Grendel will be destroyed, but readers of Grendel are most likely to



understand Grendel's perspective


In the poem Beowulf, Grendel is described as a fearsome creature who has some very negative traits and whom some would hope that the hero would destroy. However, a deeper reading of the poem would reveal that Grendel was acting out of a deep-seated feeling of revenge for having been among the vanquished in the conquest by King Hrothgar and his men.

The poem states that 'he nurses a hard grievance', and that he was 'haunting the matches' or border where he was most likely exiled to. A reader of Grendel in this poem might likely understand Grendel's actions to be a result of these reasons.


C- Understand Grendel's Perspective



Why do you think so many people are insulated by stories of terror and suspect what types of techniques to authors and directors use terrifying fascinator audience- tell tale heart



not everyone likes terror movies


Someone better answer...What is the theme of act your age 1.Friends are more important. 2.Be true to your self. 3.Be careful what u which for 4.Aways work hard


Be true to yourself

WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Read the passage. From Morte D’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory And so they met as their pointment was and were agreed and accorded thoroughly. And wine was fetched and they drank together. Right so came an adder out of a little heathbush, and it stung a knight in the foot. And so when the knight felt him so stung, he looked down and saw the adder. And anon he drew his sword to slay the adder, and thought none other harm. And when the host on both parties saw that sword drawn, then they blew beams, trumpets, horns, and shouted grimly. And so both hosts dressed them together. And King Arthur took his horse and said, “Alas, this unhappy day!” and so rode to his party, and Sir Mordred in like wise. What is the main idea of this passage? A) Sir Mordred fatally wounds King Arthur. B) A knight kills a snake with his sword. C) King Arthur attempts to slay, or kill, Sir Mordred. D) King Arthur and Sir Mordred are expressing their distrust of each other.





They distrust each other because a knight drew a sword.


D. King Arthur and Sir Mordred are expressing their distrust of each other.....


GRADPOINT I took the test and got a 100%!!

aladin full story on esssay





search on google

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