A statistics module has been running for many years and, in the past, it has been found that each year the number of students passing the exam has distribution Bi(n. 0.75), where n are the number of students taking the module that year. A lecturer is teaching the module for the first time and 105 out of 150 students pass the exam. Perform a hypothesis test at the 0.05-significance level, where the null hypothesis is The probability of a student passing the module is 0.75and the alternative hypoth- esis is The probability of a student passing the module is less than 0.75. What is the conclusion? [Hint: Clearly state any assumptions made and recall the conditions under which a bino- mial distribution can be approximated by a normal distribution.]


Answer 1

The probability of a student passing the module is less than 0.75. Therefore, the lecturer should reconsider his method of teaching.

Question analysis A statistics module has been running for many years, and the module is given to n students each year. It has been discovered that in each year, the number of students passing the exam is distributed Bi(n, 0.75). In the current year, 150 students took the module for the first time, and 105 students passed the exam.

Using the 0.05 level of significance, we will conduct a hypothesis test to decide if the module's pass rate this year is less than 0.75.AssumptionsIf the number of trials is huge, the distribution of successes will be nearly normal. The number of trials n is greater than 30 in this situation. The probability of success in each trial is the same, namely p = 0.75. This condition is also satisfied. Therefore, we may use a normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution.

What is the conclusion?

Null hypothesis: H₀: P = 0.75

Alternative hypothesis: H₁: P < 0.75The level of significance is 0.05, which implies that the rejection area will be in the left tail because the alternative hypothesis is one-tailed. Since the distribution of successes is approximately normal with a mean of np and a variance of np(1−p), we may find the p-value using this formula:
[The probability that X ≤ 105]
= [Z = (X − µ)/σ]
= [Z = (105 − (150 × 0.75))/sqrt(150 × 0.75 × (1 − 0.75))]
= [Z = (105 − 112.5)/3.2958]
= -2.2782
The p-value is [P(Z < -2.2782)] = 0.011. Because the p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

To Know more about null hypothesis visit:



Answer 2

Given : A statistics module has been running for many years and, in the past, it has been found that each year the number of students passing the exam has distribution Bi(n. 0.75), where n are the number of students taking the module that year. A lecturer is teaching the module for the first time and 105 out of 150 students pass the exam. The conclusion is that we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

The null and alternative hypotheses are given as follows:

Null hypothesis: The probability of a student passing the module is 0.75.

Alternative hypothesis: The probability of a student passing the module is less than 0.75.

We need to perform a hypothesis test at the 0.05-significance level.

The given probability distribution Bi(n,0.75) can be approximated to the normal distribution N(np,npq) under the following conditions:

The sample size n is large enough.

np≥5 and nq≥5, where q=1-p.

Here, n=150 and

p = 0.75

q = 1−p

= 1−0.75

= 0.25

Since np and nq are both greater than 5, the distribution Bi(150,0.75) can be approximated by the normal distribution N(150×0.75,150×0.75×0.25) = N(112.5,28.125).

Let X be the number of students that passed the module.

Under the null hypothesis, X follows the binomial distribution Bi(150,0.75).

Let μ be the mean of X under the null hypothesis.

μ = np

= 150×0.75

= 112.5

Since the alternative hypothesis is the probability of passing the module is less than 0.75, we need to perform a one-tailed test in the left tail at the 0.05-significance level.

The test statistic is given by,



Z ≈ −1.5

This is a left-tailed test, so the critical value for a 0.05-significance level is z=−1.645.

Since the test statistic z=-1.5 > critical value z=-1.645, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Hence, there is not enough statistical evidence to conclude that the probability of a student passing the module is less than 0.75.

Therefore, the conclusion is that we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

To know more about probability distribution, visit:



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1 < -9
-3 > -8
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1 < -9

Step-by-step explanation:

A positive number can't be less than a negative

1 < -9

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Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that X₁, X₂,..., X₂ form a random sample from an exponential distribution with an unknown parameter 3. (a) Find the M.L.E. 3 of 3. (b) Let m be the median of the exponential distribution, that is, 1 P(X₁ ≤m) = P(X₁ ≥ m) = 2 Find the M.L.E. m of m. ‹8 ||


(a) MLE of $\lambda$ is obtained by maximizing the log-likelihood. Suppose that X1,X2,…,XnX1,X2,…,Xn are independent and identically distributed exponential random variables with parameter λ, then the probability density function of XiXi is given by $$f(x_i;\lambda) =\lambda e^ {-\lambda x_i}, \quad x_i\geq0. $$

The log-likelihood function is given by$$\begin{aligned}\ln L(\lambda) &= \ln (\lambda^n e^{-\lambda(x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n)}) \\&=n\ln \lambda-\lambda(x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n).\end{aligned}$$

The first derivative of the log-likelihood function with respect to λλ is$$\frac {d\ln L(\lambda)} {d\lambda} = \frac{n}{\lambda}-x_1-x_2-\cdots-x_n.$$

The first derivative is zero when $$\frac{n}{\lambda}-\sum_{i=1} ^{n} x_i=0. $$Hence, the MLE of λλ is $$\hat{\lambda} =\frac{n}{\sum_{i=1} ^{n} x_i}. $$

Substituting the value of $\hat{\lambda} $ gives the maximum value of the log-likelihood. So, the MLE of $\lambda$ is given by $$\boxed{\hat{\lambda} =\frac{n}{\sum_{i=1} ^{n} x_i}}. $$

The MLE of $\lambda$ is $\frac {3} {\sum_{i=1} ^{n} x_i}$.

(b) The median of the exponential distribution is given by$$m = \frac {\ln (2)} {\lambda}. $$

Therefore, the log-likelihood function for median is given by$$\begin{aligned}\ln L(m) &= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \ln f(x_i;\lambda)\\&= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \ln \left(\frac{1}{\lambda}e^{-x_i/\lambda}\right)\\&= -n\ln\lambda-\frac{1}{\lambda}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i.\end{aligned}$$

The first derivative of the log-likelihood function with respect to mm is$$\frac {d\ln L(m)} {dm} = \frac {1} {\lambda}-\frac {1} {\lambda^2} \sum_{i=1} ^{n}x_i\ln 2. $$

The first derivative is zero when $$\frac {1} {\lambda} =\frac{1}{\lambda^2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i\ln 2.$$Hence, the MLE of mm is $$\boxed{\hat{m} = \frac{\ln 2}{\bar{x}}}.$$where $\bar{x}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i.$Therefore, the MLE of m is $\frac {\ln 2} {\bar{x}}. $

To know more about probability, refer to:



The solution to a logistic differential equation corresponding to a specific hyena population on a reserve in A western Tunisia is given by P(t)= The initial hyena population 1+ke-0.57 was 40 and the carrying capacity for the hyena population is 200. What is the value of the constant k? (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 20 6. Which of the following differential equations could model the logistic growth in the graph? AM 50 40 30/ 20 10 t (A) (B) dM =(M-20)(M-50) dt dM = (20-MM-50) dt dM = 35M dt dM = 35M(1000-M) dt (C) (D)


The logistic differential equation for the hyena population is given by:

dP/dt = r * P * (1 - P/K)

where P(t) is the hyena population at time t, r is the growth rate, and K is the carrying capacity.

We are given that:

P(t) = 40 + k * e^(-0.57t)

K = 200

To determine the value of k, we can plug in these values into the logistic differential equation and solve for k:

dP/dt = r * P * (1 - P/K)

dP/dt = r * P * (1 - P/200)

dP/dt = r/200 * (200P - P^2)

dP/(200P - P^2) = r dt

Integrating both sides, we get:

-1/200 ln|200P - P^2| = rt + C

where C is a constant of integration.

Using the initial condition P(0) = 40 + k, we can solve for C:

-1/200 ln|200(40+k)-(40+k)^2| = 0 + C

C = -1/200 ln|8000-480k|

Plugging in this value of C and simplifying, we get:

-1/200 ln|200P - P^2| = rt - 1/200 ln|8000-480k|

ln|200P - P^2| = -200rt + ln|8000-480k|

|200P - P^2| = e^(-200rt) * |8000-480k|

200P - P^2 = ± e^(-200rt) * (8000-480k)

Since the population is increasing, we choose the positive sign:

200P - P^2 = e^(-200rt) * (8000-480k)

Using the initial condition P(0) = 40 + k, we get:

200(40+k) - (40+k)^2 = (8000-480k)

8000 + 160k - 2400 - 80k - k^2 = 8000 - 480k

k^2 + 560k - 2400 = 0

(k + 60)(k - 40) = 0

Thus, k = -60 or k = 40. Since k represents a growth rate, it should be positive, so we choose k = 40. Therefore, the value of the constant k is option (A) 4.

For the second part of the question, the logistic equation that could model the growth in the graph is option (B) dM/dt = (20-M)*(M-50). This is because the carrying capacity is between 20 and 50, and the population growth rate is zero at both of these values (i.e. the population does not increase or decrease when it is at the carrying capacity).

Learn more about  equation from



Let k be a constant and consider the function f(x,y,z) = kx? - kry + y2 -2yz - 22. (Thus, for example, if k = 4, then f(xy.z) = 4x2 - 4xy + 2y2-2yz -22) For what values (if any) of the constant k does / have a (nondegenerate) local maximum at (0.0.0)? For what values of k does / have a (nondegenerate) local minimum at (0.0.0)? Be sure to explain your reasoning.


The values of k for which the function f(x, y, z) = kx² - kry + y² - 2yz - 22 has a nondegenerate local maximum at (0, 0, 0) are when k > 0.

To find the critical points of the function, we need to calculate the partial derivatives with respect to each variable:

∂f/∂x = 2kx ∂f/∂y = -kr + 2y - 2z ∂f/∂z = -2y

2kx = 0 => x = 0 (Equation 1) -kr + 2y - 2z = 0 => r = y - z (Equation 2) -2y = 0 => y = 0 (Equation 3)

From Equation 3, we can see that y = 0. Substituting this into Equation 2, we get:

r = 0 - z r = -z (Equation 4)

The Hessian matrix is given by:

H = | ∂²f/∂x² ∂²f/∂x∂y ∂²f/∂x∂z | | ∂²f/∂y∂x ∂²f/∂y² ∂²f/∂y∂z | | ∂²f/∂z∂x ∂²f/∂z∂y ∂²f/∂z² |

Calculating the second-order partial derivatives:

∂²f/∂x² = 2k ∂²f/∂y² = 2 ∂²f/∂z² = 0 ∂²f/∂x∂y = 0 ∂²f/∂y∂z = -2 ∂²f/∂z∂x = 0

Thus, the Hessian matrix becomes:

H = | 2k 0 0 | | 0 2 -2 | | 0 -2 0 |

D = ∂²f/∂x² ∂²f/∂y² ∂²f/∂z² + 2∂²f/∂x∂y ∂²f/∂y∂z ∂²f/∂z∂x - (∂²f/∂x² ∂²f/∂y∂z ∂²f/∂z∂x + ∂²f/∂y² ∂²f/∂z∂x ∂²f/∂x∂y ∂²f/∂z²)

Substituting the partial derivatives we calculated earlier:

D = (2k)(2)(0) + 2(0)(-2)(0) - (2k)(-2)(0) - (2)(0)(0) D = 0

If the determinant D is zero, the second derivative test is inconclusive. In such cases, we need to consider the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix.

To find the eigenvalues, we solve the characteristic equation:

det(H - λI) = 0

where λ is the eigenvalue and I is the identity matrix. Substituting the values from the Hessian matrix:

| 2k-λ 0 0 | | 0 2-λ -2 | | 0 -2 -λ |

The characteristic equation becomes:

(2k - λ)((2 - λ)(-λ) - (-2)(0)) - (0)((2 - λ)(-2) - (0)(0)) = 0 (2k - λ)(λ² - 2λ) = 0

From this equation, we can see that one eigenvalue is (2k - λ) = 0, which implies λ = 2k.

For our case, we have one eigenvalue (λ = 2k). Thus, the sign of λ depends on the value of k.

When k < 0, the point (0, 0, 0) is a nondegenerate local minimum. When k = 0, the second derivative test is inconclusive, and further analysis would be required to determine the nature of the critical point.

To know more about function here



Scientists have established a timeline of events after the Big Bang, based on astronomical observations and our understanding of the physical laws of the universe, such as gravity and the speed of light. In this lab activity, you will gather evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
How can models demonstrate theories of our expanding universe?
Review the virtual lab demonstration in the lesson and stop the video when prompted to formulate a hypothesis. Hypothesize (or predict) what will happen to the distances between the labeled circles when you blow up the balloon ¼ full, ½ full, and ¾ full. Remember to include independent and dependent variables in your hypothesis.
The carbon dioxide represents how galaxies will spread out.
Watch the virtual lab demonstration video within the lesson. No additional materials are needed.
For this investigation:
List the independent variable(s):
List the dependent variable(s):
List the controlled variable(s):

1. Watch the virtual lab demonstration video within the lesson and record your observations in Table 1.
2. Using your expanding universe data from Table 1, construct a line graph using the volume of the below on the X axis and the distance between points on the Y axis. Be sure to include units and add titles to the graphs. Refer to the graph example and graphing tutorial in the lesson if needed.
3. Complete the Questions and Conclusion section of the lab report.
Data and Observations:
Table 1: Expanding Universe Observations

Galaxies Distance: Uninflated balloon (centimeters)
Distance: ¼ full (centimeters) Distance: ½ full (centimeters) Distance: ¾ full (centimeters)
A to B
A to C
A to D
B to C
B to D
C to D

Construct a line graph using the expanding the universe data from table 1. The volume will be plotted on the x-axis. The distance between the points will be plotted on the y-axis. Be sure to include units and add titles to the graph. Refer to the graph example and graphing tutorial in the lesson if needed.
Place your graph here.
Questions and Conclusion
1. How does the density and distribution of your “stars” change as the balloon expands?
2. How does your expanding balloon model represent an expanding universe?
3. What are some shortcomings of using this model as a replica of universe expansion?
4. How does the model you created help to show that the Steady State theory is inaccurate?
5. Suggest a way that a scientist could create an even more accurate model of universe expansion.
6. What will happen to the gravitational force between stars as the universe continues to expand?
In conclusion, how did your prediction of distances between points compare to your experimental results? All I truly need is the variables question 3 and 5 and I’m good :) thank you <3 this is for science but I didn’t know which one to pick so I picked a random one lol


For scientific tools to be measured at such a height...you must first begin multiplication and do the simple division.

Let f(x)= e = 1+x. - a) Show that f has at least one real root (i.e. a number c such that f(c) = 0). b) Show that f cannot have more than one real root.


The function f(x) = e^(1+x) has at least one real root. The function f(x) = e^(1+x) cannot have more than one real root.

To show that f(x) has at least one real root, we need to find a value of x for which f(x) equals zero. Let's set f(x) = 0 and solve for x:

e^(1+x) = 0

Since e^(1+x) is always positive for any real value of x, there is no value of x that makes f(x) equal to zero. Hence, f(x) = e^(1+x) does not have any real roots. Therefore, we cannot show that f(x) has at least one real root.


To show that f(x) cannot have more than one real root, we need to demonstrate that there cannot be two distinct real values, say c1 and c2, such that f(c1) = f(c2) = 0. Let's assume that f(x) = 0 at two distinct values, c1 and c2:

e^(1+c1) = e^(1+c2) = 0

However, this equation is not possible since e^(1+c1) and e^(1+c2) are always positive for any real values of c1 and c2. Therefore, f(x) = e^(1+x) cannot have more than one real root.

Learn more about equation here:



The radius of a circle is 8 inches. What is the area?

r=8 in

Give the exact answer in simplest form.



Radius = 8 inches

Area = [tex]\pi {r}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]area = \pi( {8}^{2})[/tex]

[tex] = 64\pi \: square \: inches[/tex]

A = [tex]201.06 ^{2} \: inches[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it is helpful....

a cylinder has a volume of 500cm³ and a diameter of 18cm. which of the following is the closest to the height of the cylinder​


Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of Cylinder =

[tex]500 {cm}^{3} = \pi {r}^{2} h[/tex]

given d = 18

r = 1/2 x d = 9cm,

[tex]\pi( {9}^{2} )h = 500 \\ 81\pi \: h = 500 \\ h = \frac{500}{81\pi} cm[/tex]

I will leave the answer in terms of Pi as I am not sure how you want to leave your answer as.

Compute the pooled variance given the following data:

N_1 = 18, n_2 = 14, s_1 = 7, s_2 = 8

Round to two decimal places


By computing the pooled variance given the following data N_1 = 18, n_2 = 14, s_1 = 7, s_2 = 8, the pooled variance is 436.40.

To compute the pooled variance given N_1 = 18, n_2 = 14, s_1 = 7, s_2 = 8, we can use the formula below;

S_p² = [(n₁ - 1)S₁² + (n₂ - 1)S₂²] / (N - 2),

where S_p² = pooled variance, n₁ = sample size of first group, n₂ = sample size of second group, S₁² = variance of first group, S₂² = variance of second group, and N = total sample size.

To plug in the values, we have: N₁ = 18n₂ = 14S₁ = 7S₂ = 8

Substituting the values into the formula above we get;

S_p² = [(18 - 1)(7²) + (14 - 1)(8²)] / (18 + 14 - 2)S_p² = (17 × 49 + 13 × 64) / 30S_p² = 436.4

Round off to two decimal places to get 436.40.

You can learn more about variance at: brainly.com/question/31432390


Apply the properties of exponents to determine which of these numerical expressions
are equivalent to 5^12. Select all that apply.

Very confused and forgot the rules to figuring this out.



Second One-

[tex] {5}^{14}. {5}^{ - 2} [/tex]

Fifth One-

[tex] {5}^{6} \: . \: {5}^{6} [/tex]

Sixth One-

[tex] \sqrt{ {5}^{24} } [/tex]

Seventh One-

[tex] {5}^{11} \: . \: 5 [/tex]




a) 2x+(x+36)=90

Step-by-step explanation:

b) A1+A2=90°. (A=angle)







then A1=2x=2*18=36°


In a normal distribution, 95% of the data falls within 1 standard deviation of
the mean.

True or False?




Step-by-step explanation:


John is cutting 3 wooden sticks to build part of a kite frame. The part he is building must be a right triangle.
Select all the possible lengths, in inches, of the sticks John could cut to make a right triangle.
A. 6, 8, 10
B. 2, 5, 10
C. 2, 3, 5
D. 12, 16, 20
E. 3, 4, 13



I found 2 answers for this one

Step-by-step explanation:

B- 2,5,10


The possible length in inches of the stick that will make a right angle triangle are as follows

6, 8, 1012, 16, 20

What is a right angle triangle?

A right angle triangle has one of its angles as 90 degrees.

The right angle triangle must obeys the Pythagorean theorem.

c² = a² + b²


c = hypotenusea and b are the other legs.

Therefore, the sides that makes a right angle are as follows:

6, 8 , 10 : 6² + 8² = 10²

12, 16, 20 : 12² + 16² = 20²

learn more on right triangle here: https://brainly.com/question/12251384


Find the absolute value of the number for point E.




Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is 1

Step-by-step explanation:

E is -1 and the absolute value is the posotive of any number. The positive of -1 is 1.

John buys 6 shirts. For every shirt you purchase, you get one for 30% off. If the normal
price for each shirt is $20.00, how much money did John spend on his shopping trip? (Tax is not being calculated.)




Step-by-step explanation:

Basically, every shirt is $6 because 30% of 20 is 6. If he buys 6 shirts, then 6 times 6 is 36 dollars spent, tax not included.

x/2 + 4 < 18
What is the value of x?
And what does the point on the number line look like?
Someone help me

Worth 29 points




Step-by-step explanation:

Isolate x

First, subtract 4 on both sides


Then, multiply both sides by 2 to get x alone


On a number line, there would be an open circle (not filled in dot) on 28, and the entire left side of the number line would be filled in



Step-by-step explanation:


multiply the 2 on both sides to get rid of it


isolate the x


on the number line, it's an open circle with the arrow pointing to the left.

Let R be a commutative ring with 1. An element x ER is nilpotent if x=0 for some n E N. (a) Prove that the set N(R) := {x ER: x is nilpotent} is an ideal of R. (b) Prove that N(R/N(R)) = 0.


(a) To prove that the set N(R) = {x ∈ R: x is nilpotent} is an ideal of the commutative ring R with 1.

We need to show that it satisfies the two conditions of being an ideal: closure under addition and closure under multiplication by elements of R.

To demonstrate closure under addition, let x and y be nilpotent elements in N(R). This means that there exist positive integers m and n such that xm = 0 and yn = 0.

We want to show that x + y is also nilpotent. By expanding (x + y)^k using the binomial theorem, we can see that each term involves a product of powers of x and y. Since both x and y are nilpotent, their product is also nilpotent.

Therefore, the sum (x + y) raised to a sufficiently high power will result in zero, showing that x + y is indeed nilpotent. Hence, N(R) is closed under addition.

To prove closure under multiplication by elements of R, let x be a nilpotent element in N(R) and r be any element in R. We aim to show that rx is nilpotent. Since x is nilpotent, there exists a positive integer m such that xm = 0.

When we raise rx to a sufficiently high power, (rx)^k, it can be expanded as r^k * x^k. Since x^k is zero due to x being nilpotent, the product r^k * x^k is also zero. Therefore, rx is nilpotent, and N(R) is closed under multiplication by elements of R.

Hence, N(R) satisfies both conditions of being an ideal, and thus, it is an ideal of the commutative ring R.

(b) To prove that N(R/N(R)) = 0, we want to show that every element in R/N(R) is not nilpotent.

Let [x] be an element in R/N(R), where [x] represents the equivalence class of x modulo N(R). Our goal is to demonstrate that [x] is not nilpotent, meaning it is not equal to the zero element in R/N(R).

Suppose, for contradiction, that [x] = 0 in R/N(R). This would imply that x belongs to N(R), the set of nilpotent elements in R. However, if x is an element of N(R), it means that x is nilpotent, and by definition, there exists some positive integer n such that xn = 0. This contradicts our assumption that [x] = 0, since it would imply that x is not nilpotent.

Therefore, our assumption that [x] = 0 leads to a contradiction, and we conclude that every element in R/N(R) is not nilpotent.

Consequently, N(R/N(R)) = 0, indicating that the set of nilpotent elements in the quotient ring R/N(R) is empty.

In summary, we have shown that N(R/N(R)) = 0 and established that N(R) is an ideal of the commutative ring R.

To know more about commutative refer here:



screenshot is posted below


Answer: The correct answer is A or B


Step-by-step explanation:

Coronary bypass surgery: A healthcare research agency reported that
41% of people who had coronary bypass surgery in 2008
were over the age of 65. Twelve coronary bypass patients are sampled.
Part 1 of 2
(a) What is the mean number of people over the age of 65 in a sample of 12
coronary bypass patients? Round the answer to two decimal places.
The mean number of people over the age of 65 is ?
Part 2 of 2
(b) What is the standard deviation of the number of people over the age of 65
in a sample of 12 coronary bypass patients? Round the answer to four decimal places.
The standard deviation of the number of people over the age of 65 is ?


The standard deviation of the number of people over the age of 65 in a sample of 12 coronary bypass patients is 1.6487.

Given that a healthcare research agency reported that 41% of people who had coronary bypass surgery in 2008 were over the age of 65 and twelve coronary bypass patients are sampled.

To determine the mean number of people over the age of 65 in a sample of 12 coronary bypass patients, we use the formula below:

Mean = np

Where n = 12 and p = 0.41.

Mean = 12(0.41)

Mean = 4.92

Therefore, the mean number of people over the age of 65 in a sample of 12 coronary bypass patients is 4.92.

To determine the standard deviation of the number of people over the age of 65 in a sample of 12 coronary bypass patients, we use the formula below:

Standard deviation, σ = √(n p q)

Where n = 12, p = 0.41, and q = 1 - p.

Standard deviation, σ = √(12 × 0.41 × 0.59)

Standard deviation, σ = √2.71948

Standard deviation, σ = 1.6487 (rounded to four decimal places).

Therefore, the standard deviation of the number of people over the age of 65 in a sample of 12 coronary bypass patients is 1.6487.

Learn more about standard deviation here:



jesse has never used the sliding board at his daycare because he is afraid. His teacher has encouraged him, but he refuses to slide down. one day his mother stands at the bottom And say's Jesse let's go and slides into his mother's arms Laughing The situation is a example of....

A Resiliency
B Adaptability
C Conditioning
D Social referencing


D is the answer i believe

jesse has never used the sliding board at his daycare because he is afraid. His teacher has encouraged him, but he refuses to slide down. one day his mother stands at the bottom And say's Jesse let's go and slides into his mother's arms Laughing The situation is a example of Social referencing. Option (d) is correct.

What do you mean by Situation?

Situation refers to a group of conditions or a current state of events.

Social reference is the method through which newborns control their behavior toward surrounding items, people, and circumstances by observing the emotive displays of an adult.

For adaptive social functioning to occur, one must recognize and make use of the emotional communication of others. The ability to negotiate complicated and frequently ambiguous settings is known as social referencing in the developmental literature and social appraisal in adult studies.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct. The situation is a example of Social referencing.

Learn more about Situation, here;



Concession stand sales for each game in season are $320, $540, $230, $450, $280, and $580. What is the mean sales per game? Explain how you got your answer.




Step-by-step explanation:

all you do is add 320+540+230+450+280+580/6 and the asnwe comes out to 400

Answer this question to get marked as barinliest!!!!


Area= units to the second
Volume= units to the third
Circumference= units to the second
Circumferences just units

One winter day, the temperature ranged from a high of 40 °F to a low of -5 °F. By how many degrees did the temperature change?

O 55
O 25
O 45
O 35​




Step-by-step explanation:

the correct choice is C.

Four different cellular phone plans are shown below.
• Plan 1 charges $0.35 per minute with no monthly fee.
Plan 2 charges a monthly fee of $10.00 plus $0.25 per minute.
• Plan 3 charges a monthly fee of $59.95 with 200 free minutes.
Plan 4 charges a monthly fee of $15.00 plus $0.20 per minute.
Which plan is the least expensive for 200 minutes of cellular phone use?
A. Plan 4
B. Plan 3
C. Plan 1
D. Plan 2


A paln1 charges $0.35 per minute with no monthly fee (not sure )

In real-life applications, statistics helps us analyze data to extract information about a population. In this module discussion, you will take on the role of Susan, a high school principal. She is planning on having a large movie night for the high school. She has received a lot of feedback on which movie to show and sees differences in movie preferences by gender and also by grade level. She knows if the wrong movie is shown, it could reduce event turnout by 50%. She would like to maximize the number of students who attend and would like to select a PG-rated movie based on the overall student population's movie preferences. Each student is assigned a classroom with other students in their grade. She has a spreadsheet that lists the names of each student, their classroom, and their grade. Susan knows a simple random sample would provide a good representation of the population of students at their high school, but wonders if a different method would be better. a. Describe to Susan how to take a sample of the student population that would not represent the population well. b. Describe to Susan how to take a sample of the student population that would represent the population well. c. Finally, describe the relationship of a sample to a population and classify your two samples as random, cluster, stratified, or convenience.


a. To take a sample of the student population that would not represent the population well, Susan could use a biased sampling method.

For example, she could choose students only from specific classrooms or grade levels that she believes have a certain movie preference, or she could select students based on her personal biases or preferences. This would introduce sampling bias and potentially skew the results, leading to a sample that does not accurately reflect the overall student population.

b. To take a sample of the student population that would represent the population well, Susan should use a random sampling method. Random sampling ensures that every student in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.

c. A sample is a subset of the population that is selected for analysis to make inferences about the entire population. The relationship between a sample and a population is that the sample is used to draw conclusions or make predictions about the population as a whole.

To know more about Random samples:- https://brainly.com/question/30759604


what are some good editing apps i use alight motion and capcut



Step-by-step explanation:

videochamp, picsart

Picsart , Inshot , Gandr , Photo lab and Viva video.

Plz help me out thanks



the full answer is 215.859885inches cubed

Step-by-step explanation:

times the length, width and height together

A coffee shop recently sold 8 drinks, including 2 Americanos. Considering this data, how many of the next 20 drinks sold would you expect to be Americanos?



5 drinks will be americanos

Step-by-step explanation:

2:8  (2/8)


1:4  (1/4)

divide 20 by 4


The number of next 20 drinks which may be Americanos is 5.

What is Probability?

Probability is simply the possibility of getting an event. Or in other words, we are predicting the chance of getting an event.

The value of probability will be always in the range from 0 to 1.

Given that,

Total drinks sold = 8

Number of drinks that is Americanos = 2

Probability of finding Americano = 2/8 = 1/4

If the total number of drinks next is 20,

Number of Americanos expected = Probability of Americanos × Number of drinks

= 1/4 × 20

= 5

Hence the number of Americanos expected is 5.

Learn more about Probability here :



a museum gift shop sold 215 sets of dinosaurs. there were 9 dinosaurs in each set how many dinosaurs did they sell?


They sold 1935 (9•215)
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