A physical change from the solid state to the liquid state is often caused by:


Answer 1


Heat (the phase change caused by heat is called melting)

Answer 2
A physical change from the solid state to the liquid state is usually caused by melting

Related Questions

Draw a diagram of THREE weather instrument and explain how it is used
Discuss the importance of weather forecasting.​



The first picture is of hygrometer.

Hygrometer, instrument used in meteorological science to measure the humidity, or amount of water vapour in the air.

Hygrometer works on the phenomenon called evaporative cooling. When water evaporates from any surface, it becomes cool because water molecules take heat energy from the surface during the evaporation. Due to this cooling effect wet bulb always shows low temperature than the dry bulb.

The second picture is of thermometer.

Thermometer for measuring air and sea surface temperature.

A thermometer has a glass tube sealed at both ends and is partly filled with a liquid like mercury or alcohol. As the temperature around the thermometer's bulb heats up, the liquid rises in the glass tube. The glass tube is mounted on a backboard that is marked in units called degrees.

The third picture is of barometer.

Barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure.

The barometer works by balancing the mercury in the glass tube against the outside air pressure, just like a set of scales. As air pressure increases—that is, as the air becomes heavier—it pushes more of the mercury up into the tube. ... So the level of mercury in the tube provides a precise measure of air pressure.

Importance of weather forecasting:-

Systematic weather records play an effective role in various professions, particularly for agriculture and businesses that are dependent on it. Agricultural processes like planting and harvesting can be planned better and carried out more efficiently if long-term weather patterns can be estimated.

On the other hand, Airlines is another region where weather plays a vital role. They need to recognise the local weather conditions in order to schedule flights. Weather forecasting helps them make perfect daily decisions, and may even help keep us out of danger.

WILL MARK BRAINLIST! what is italy shaped like? ​



its shaped like a high heled shoe


When the center of a mature wave cyclone passes to the south, you should expect: When the center of a mature wave cyclone passes to the south, you should expect: rising pressure and fair weather. winds shifting from east to north and heavy precipitation. thunderstorms. to experience a veering wind shift.



C) backing winds and foul weather.


whats the difference between an air mass and a front?



An air mass is a body of air with a relatively constant temperature and moisture content over a significant altitude. Air masses typically cover hundreds, thousands, or millions of square kilometers. A front is the boundary at which two air masses of different temperature and moisture content meet.

A river profile is ...
a) a view of the river channel.
b) a view of the watershed.
c) a view drainage pattern.
d) a view of water table.



I believe the answer is A) a view of the river channel.

Wich type of climate can be found in mexico's yucatan peninsula a. polar. b. highland. c. tropical. d. desert. WORTH 10 POINTS + BRAINLIEST WHOEVER ANSWER S CORRECTLY​



C. Tropical


how many continents are there in te world



Explanation:I'm not sure

What 4 climates can be found in Kazakhstan?!?

please help me please please.​


Kazakhstan has humid continental, arid, semiarid, and highlands climates.

The four climates shown in the map of Kazakhstan are arid, semi-arid,  humid continental, and highlands.  

Kazakhstan has a continental climate that might be a little dry. Summer temperatures reach greater than 30 °C (86 °F), whereas winter temperatures average 20 °C (4.0 °F).[2]

The climatic charts shown below are some notable examples for the country's differing climates, taken from two contrasting towns (with their respective tables) representing a pair different parts of the nation, with Aktau and the Caspian Sea shore on the west coast of the nation having a distinct cold desert climate and cold semi-arid climate, while Petropavl has a climate typical of the remainder of the country; an extreme variation in the humid continental climate known for its uneveness.

Learn more about Kazakhstan,  here:



How did the islands of the Caribbean form?



the island crashed into new Mexico and the land shook and it got its land and the people live on the land and gave the land a name

Angle Review worksheet answers?



Please tell me what type theres many out there then ill revise anser and this is math not geography :)


When was the last time you looked up to the sky and observed thoughtfully?

·If you did,what mostly were your observations?​



I hope that we are free from these disaster(codiv19) and I really hope that chemistry, biology, physics and addmath disappear from this world coz it's really difficult and make me struggling every time till I'm brainless

What are some of the main landforms and waterways found in North Africa?


It has the Nile river in the east, the Sahara desert and the Atlas Mountains which are in the west.

Question 2
5 pts
Take a moment to study the surface Pressure Map. Write a hypothesis using an if/then statement
that will help explain what you expect the areas of high and low pressure to be once the isobars are


If there is a significant difference in air temperature between two adjacent regions, then it is expected that areas of high pressure will form over the colder region, while areas of low pressure will develop over the warmer region.

Based on the given information, we can hypothesize that the distribution of high and low-pressure areas on the surface Pressure Map will be influenced by the temperature gradient across different regions. If there is a substantial difference in air temperature between adjacent areas, then we can expect the formation of areas of high and low pressure. The colder region will experience higher air pressure, as the colder air tends to be denser and sinks, creating an area of high pressure. Conversely, the warmer region will exhibit lower air pressure, as the warmer air expands and rises, leading to the formation of an area of low pressure.

The temperature gradient plays a crucial role in atmospheric circulation patterns, as it drives the movement of air masses and the development of pressure systems. The pressure differences between high and low-pressure areas influence wind flow, leading to the movement of air from high-pressure to low-pressure regions. Therefore, understanding the relationship between temperature gradients and pressure systems is vital for predicting weather patterns and identifying areas of potential atmospheric disturbances.

For more questions on temperature



Both the Sun and the Moon influence Earth's tides, but the Moon's influence is greater than
the Sun's. Why is this the case?


Even though the sun is much more larger and has stronger overall gravity than the moon, the moon is much closer to the earth so that is the reason why its gravitational gradient is stronger than that of the sun

The scale drawing of a porch is 8 inches wide by 12 inches long. If the actual porch is 12 feet wide, what is the length of the porch?



The length of the porch is 18ft


When we do a scale drawing, each unit in the scale drawing represents some other unit in the actual thing that is being drawn, defined by a factor of scale k.

In this case, we know that in the scale drawing the porch is 8 inches wide, and we know that the actual width of the porch is 12 ft.

Then for a factor of scale k we have:

8 in = k*12 ft

(8in/12 ft) = k.

And this scale factor is the same for every measure of the drawing.

Then if the length of the actual porch is L, the length in the scale drawing will be k*L

And we know that the length in the scale drawing is 12 inches, then:

12 in = k*L

12 in = (8in/12 ft)*L

12 in*(12ft/8in) = L = 18ft

The length of the porch is 18ft

Explain the term Monsoon



A monsoon is traditionally a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation, but is now used to describe seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea



A monsoon is a seasonal wind which lasts for several months. The word was first used in English for the seasonal rains in the Indian subcontinent. These rains blow in from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing heavy rainfall to the area.


Which one is not a chemical component of magma?
Group of answer choices

water vaper

carbon dioxide









How is coal obtained? (How do we get it)

A) It is found deep underground
B) It is found only in the oceans
C) It is mined from hillsides and mountains



C is probably the best answer

if you lived in rome what direction would you travel to go to turin? ​





The direction is north-west.


Head north on Piazza della Repubblica toward Via Giuseppe Romita  90 m

Turn right onto Via Cernaia  120 m

Turn left onto Via Pastrengo  160 m

Via Pastrengo turns slightly right and becomes Via Antonio Salandra  180 m

Via Antonio Salandra turns right and becomes Via Piemonte  550 m

Continue onto Via Giacomo Puccini  140 m

Turn right onto Via Pinciana  400 m

Continue onto Via Ruggero Giovannelli  240 m

Continue onto Via Giovanni Pacini  140 m

Continue onto Largo Benedetto Marcello  120 m

Continue onto Via Salaria  8.1 km

Take the ramp to Grande Raccordo Anulare/SP Nomentana/Firenze/Napoli/L'Aquila/Teramo/Pescara/Aeroporto Ciampino  500 m

Keep left to continue toward A1dir/E35  1.1 km

Keep left at the fork, follow signs for E35/Firenze  550 m

Continue onto A1dir/E35

Toll road  21.5 km

Take the exit on the left onto A1/E35/E45 toward Firenze

Continue to follow A1/E35

Toll road  234 km

Keep left at the fork to stay on A1/E35, follow signs for E 35/Bologna

Toll road  35.7 km

Keep right at the fork to continue on E35

Toll road  6.3 km

Keep left to stay on E35

Toll road  290 m

Continue onto A1 var - Variante di Valico  32.5 km

Merge onto A1/E35

Toll road  160 km

Take the exit onto A21/E70 toward Torino

Continue to follow E70

Toll road  174 km

Take the exit toward SS393/Moncalieri/Torino Centro C.so Unità d'Italia/Lingotto

Toll road  950 m

Merge onto A6  4.7 km

Continue onto Corso Trieste  900 m

At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Corso Unità d'Italia  2.2 km

At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Corso Achille Mario Dogliotti  400m

Continue onto Sottopasso Michele Lanza  600 m

Continue onto Corso Massimo d'Azeglio  1.8 km

Turn left onto Corso Vittorio Emanuele II (signs for B.W. Genio/B.W. Gran Mogol/Le Petit Hotel)  150 m

Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Via S. Massimo

Entering toll zone

Parts of this road are closed Mon–Fri 7:30 – 10:30 AM  900 m

Turn left onto Via Po  500 m

Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy

7 hr 49 min (689.7 km)

Which of the following would be an example-of outsourcing?
A -business owner moves her/his factory overseas to India to hire cheap labor.
B-An entrepreneur works in their home producing vinyl decals on shirts to sell on Etsy
C-An entrepreneur is forced to shut down their business by the government to preserve national resources
D-A business owner chooses to keep their factory in America to provide jobs to Americans.


Outsourcing is an agreement in which one company hires another company to be responsible for a planned or existing activity that is or could be done internally, and sometimes involves transferring employees and assets from one firm to another

Which classification best describes polygon


This polygon is called Nonagon.

a plant moves fastest when it is near the sun. true or false





In the space below finish this sentence as best you can. Feel free to add examples or extra (relevant) information for bonus points!

Even though we learn about the 5 oceans of the world, there is really only one because__________



if we take away the regions, the oceans won't have any dividers, leaving it to be one ocean.

What criteria (data points) were the NOAA buoys collecting to address the sub-problems
faced by Cleveland Water? Which of these criteria should have highest priority when
determining a solution to the sub-problems? |


The criteria that were collected by NOAA to address the sub-problems faced by Cleveland Water includes:

Dissolved Oxygen LevelWater TemperaturePressure Salinity

What is the Cleveland Water?

It is a corporation that uses technology to drive an economic development and innovation about water in North eastern part of Ohio.

Hence, the Salinity of the water should have the highest priority when determining a solution to the sub-problems of the water in Ohio.

Read more about Cleveland Water



1. Briefly explain how the cloud type for any particular day can be determined.
2. Name TWO types of rain clouds.​

giving away brainlist



1. High clouds:-

a) Cirrus clouds :-

Cirrus clouds are white wispy clouds that stretch across the sky. By all accounts, cirrus clouds indicate fair weather in the immediate future.

b) Cirrostratus :-

Cirrostratus tend to be sheet-like and cover the whole sky. You can usually tend to see the sun or moon through them. Their pressence usually indicates moist weather within the next 12 - 24 hours.

c) Cirrocumulus :-

Cirrocumulus clouds tend to be large groupings of white streaks that are sometimes seemingly neatly aligned. In most climates these mean fair weather for the near future.

Cirrocumulus clouds tend to be large groupings of white streaks that are sometimes seemingly neatly aligned. In most climates these mean fair weather for the near future.However, in the tropics, these clouds may indicate an approaching tropical storm or hurricane (depending on the season).

2.Middle clouds :-

a) Altostratus :-

Altostratus are grey and/or blue clouds that cover the whole sky. They tend to indicate a storm some time in the very near future since they usually precede inclimate weather.

b) Altocumulus :-

Altocumulus are grayish-white clouds blanketing the entire sky. The tend to look like large fluffy sheets in which there is a lot of contrast between light and dark. Sun does not pass through them. If you see them in the morning, prepare for a thunderstorm in the afternoon.

3. Low clouds :-

a) Stratus :-

Stratus are low-lying solid clouds that are often formed when fog lifts off the ground. They obviously look like an elevated fog. Often they bring drizzle or light snow.

b) Stratocumulus :-

Stratocumulus are low-lying bumpy and grey clouds. They do not bring precipitation. They also do not cover the entire sky and tend to come in rows and patches.

c) Nimbostratus :-

Nimbostratus is your standard rain cloud. It is a large flat sheet of grey cloud with a little bit of differentiation. If you see these, chances are it's raining outside.

4.Clouds with vertical mobility:-

a) Cumulus:-

Cumulus clouds are your stereotypical white "cottonball" clouds. So long as the clouds remain low clumps floating across the sky, there will be fair weather. However, you need to keep an eye on these clouds because any vertical growth can indicate the start of a large storm.

b) Cumulonimbus :-

Cumulonimbus are cumulus clouds that have grown vertically into an anvil-like shape. The anvil tends to point in the direction the storm is moving. These clouds bring most dangerous weather such as rain, lightning, hail and tornadoes.

2. Two types of rain clouds : -

Nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds.

The diagram below shows how Earth spins on its axis, causing day and night.
Which term describes the movement shown?
O orbit
O revolution



rotation .....hope it helps

Which of the following types of infrastructure would city planners in a medium sized city most likely invest in to increase residents safety?

A: construction of traffic roundabouts in a place of stop signs and traffic lights

B: installing pavers in place of paved roads on main downtown streets

C: offering weekly recycling pickup by city waste management officials

D: expanding fiber optic internet service to peripheral regions within city limits

E: clearing farmland for future residential developments



Im in AP Human Geo, and I can say it's either (A) or (E), but I would go with A.


The correct option is A.

City planners in a medium-sized city most likely invest in the construction of traffic roundabouts in a place of stop signs and traffic lights to increase residents' safety.

City Planner Responsibilities:

Planning the design and construction of new urban infrastructures. Assisting in the management of a city's current infrastructure and urban resources. Designing and adapting city plans for population growth and development. Keeping communities informed of city planning developments.

Learn more about City Planners here https://brainly.com/question/21104279


Help please brainly !!!!!!!



650 milliliters =0.65 liters

Explain why soils have different level of consistency.​



Soil consistency is the strength with which soil materials are held together or the ... For wet soils, it is expressed as both stickiness and plasticity, as defined below. ... First, determine stickiness, that is, the ability of soil materials to adhere to other.

Explain how the Mayan calendars worked.



Wheels Working Together The Mayan Calendar consists of three separate corresponding calendars: the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar), and the Haab (civil calendar). Each of them is cyclical, meaning that a certain number of days must occur before a new cycle can begin. The three calendars are used simultaneously.


Other Questions
Write a small programm (in a single notebook cell), where the user inputs a number between 0 (included) and100 (included), and Python tries to guess the number randomlyLet the program do a first random guess within the full interval between 0 and 100. Then compare the guessed and the goal number, and print the guessed number together with remarks too low or too high', or 'match. Adopt the range of possible numbers. Let the programm guess again, proceed as explained above. Continue until the number has been found. Print the total number of needed guessesE2. (10 points) Vector magnitudesA vector in three dimensions has three components x, y, z. It is your decision how to realize such a data structure in the following: Use a tuple, a list, a dict or write a class (check the lecture and the helper notebook for all of thasel). Create a list of 10 such vectors, filled with random integer coordinates x y z (between 0 and 30, both included). Write a function that calculates the magnitude + + for a single vector Apply the function to each of the vectors, and print the vector along with the magnitude. Find the vectors with the smallest and the largest magnitude, and print them.E3. (10 points) Wind turbine wake Assume wind with uniform wind speed = m/s is hitting a 6 MW wind turbine with rotor diameterD=154 m, located at coordinate = 0 m. For this wind speed the thrust coefficient below is = 0.763. According to the paper [1], the wind speed u at a distance behind the turbine can be modelled as(x) = a/1-2 (4)m(x) = k=+=n,k=0.02After how many meters behind the rotor has the wind speed recovered to at least 8,55 m/s? Define functions for a(z) and u(x) in Python and find out by increasing in a loop!E4. (10 points) Geometric series Write a function that explicitely calculates the sum for any given integer N and number. Write another function that calculates the closed form of the geometric series. Check it for Solbridge Venture, Inc. has developed software tools that help hotel chains solve application integration problems. Solbridges Application Integration Server (AIS) provides a two-way interface between central reservations systems (CRS) and property management systems (PMS). At least two important trends in the hotel industry are relevant. First, hotels are shifting away from the manual booking of room reservations and electronic bookings will continue to increase as more bookings are made over the Internet. Second, competitive pressures are forcing hotels to implement yield management programs and to increase customer service. By integrating the CRS and PMS through Solbridges AIS, inventories can be better managed, yields improved, and customer service enhanced.All reservation traffic is routed from the CRS to individual hotel properties. This allows Solbridge Venture to create a database that can be used to track customers and to facilitate marketing programs, such as frequent stay or VIP programs, as a way of increasing customer satisfaction. Solbridge forecasts application integration expenditures in the hospitality industry exceeding $1 billion by 2016.Bruce Willis founded Solbridge Venture in 2010 and developed the firms middleware software and hospitality applications. He has twelve years of systems applications experience and currently is Solbridges Chief Technology Officer. Matt Daemon joined Solbridge in early 2013 as President and CEO. Prior to that time, he worked in sales and marketing in the software industry for more than twenty years.Solbridge Venture AIS software development which began in 2010 went through several design changes in 2011. The first product was sold and installed in 2012. Sales were only $500,000 in 2012. However, now that the firm has dependable market-tested AIS products ready to be shipped, revenues are expected to reach $20.8 million in 2016.Bruce Willis founded Solbridge Venture with $50,000 of his own savings plus $50,000 from friends. Two private investors provided an additional $200,000 in 2011. In addition, $1 million was obtained from a venture capital firm, Katile Capital Partners, in early 2013 in exchange for an equity position in Solbridge. The firm currently is seeking an additional $5 million to finance sales growth.A. Describe how Solbridge Venture AIS software is to help hotels improve customer satisfaction.B. Describe the life cycle stages that Solbridge Venture has progressed through to date.C. What types of venture financing have been obtained, or are being sought, by Solbridge?D. If internal sales growth projections are revised downward after the current financing round, what, if any, disclosure to stakeholders (investors, employees, customers, etc.) should occur? Why? Which determines the reactivity of an alkali metal? its boiling and melting points the shininess of its surface the number of protons it has its ability to lose electronsIts ability to lose electrons determines the reactivity of an alkali metal. Given a 10 bit address physical and 3 bit index for the cache.A CPU produces the following sequence of read addresses in hexadecimal:20, 04, 28, 60, 20, 04, 28, 4C, 10, 6C, 70, 10, 60, 70Supposing that the cache is empty to begin with, and assuming an LRU replacement, determine whether each address produces a hit or a miss for each of the following caches:(a) Direct mapped(b) Fully associative, and(c) Two-way set associative eBook Print References Below are certain events that took place at Hazzard, Inc., last year: a. Collected cash from customers. b. Paid cash to repurchase its own stock. c. Borrowed money from a creditor. d. Paid suppliers for inventory purchases. e. Repaid the principal amount of a debt. f. Paid interest to lenders. g. Paid a cash dividend to stockholders. h. Sold common stock. 1. Loaned money to another entity. J. Paid taxes to the government. k. Pald wages and salaries to employees. 1. Purchased equipment with cash. m. Paid bills to insurers and utility providers. Required: Indicate how each of the transaction would be classified on a statement of cash flows. Place an X in the Operating, Investing, or Financing column as appropriate. Transaction a. Collected cash from customers b. Paid cash to repurchase its own stock c. Borrowed money from a creditor d. Paid suppliers for inventory purchases e. Repaid the principal amount of a debt f. Paid interest to lenders g. Paid a cash dividend to stockholders h. Sold common stock i. Loaned money to another entity j. Paid taxes to the government k. Paid wages and salaries to employees 1. Purchased equipment with cash m. 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