A cylindrical bar of metal having a diameter of 19.9 mm and a length of 186 mm is deformed elastically in tension with a force of 42600 N. Given that the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of the metal are 67.1 GPa and 0.34, respectively, determine the following: (a) The amount by which this specimen will elongate (in mm) in the direction of the applied stress. (b) The change in diameter of the specimen (in mm). Indicate an increase in diameter with a positive number and a decrease with a negative number.


Answer 1


a) 0.347 mm

b)  - 0.0126 mm


Diameter of metal bar = 19.9 mm

length = 186 mm = 0.186 m

Tension force = 42600 N

elastic modulus = 67.1 GPa

Poisson's ratio = 0.34

a) calculate the amount by which the specimen will elongate

first calculate the area of metal bar

Area = πd^2 / 4 = π/4 ( 19.9 )^2  = 3.11 * 10^-4 m^2

Elongation ( E ) = б / e = P/A * L / ΔL

and ΔL = PL / AE

hence the elongation ( ΔL) = [ (42600 * 0.186 ) / ( 3.4*10^-4 *  67.1 * 10^9 ) ]

                                            = 3.47 * 10^-4 m ≈ 0.347 mm

b) Calculate the change in diameter of specimen

μ = -( Δd / d) / ( ΔL/L )

0.34 = - (Δd / 19.9 ) / ( 0.347 / 186 )

∴ Δd = 0.34 * 0.00186 * 19.9  = - 0.0126 mm

Related Questions

The most important reason to use 2 compressors in a cascade system is to :

a. Accomplish lower temperature
b. Permit the use of inexpensive lubrication oil
c. Avoid the need for very high compression ratios
d. Divide the cooling load between 2 compressors


The most important reason to use 2 compressors in a cascade system is to: Divide the cooling load between 2 compressors. (Option D)

How is this so?

In a cascade system, two compressors are used to distribute and share the cooling load.

By dividing the workload between the compressors, each compressor operates at a more manageable capacity, enhancing overall system efficiency and performance.

This approach allows for better control, reliability, and optimized cooling capacity distribution in the cascade refrigeration system.

Learn more about compressors  at:



A 2-inch square aluminum strut is maintained in the position shown by a pin support at A and by sets of rollers at B and C that prevent rotation of the strut in the plane of the figure. Determine the allowable load P using a factor of safety of 3.0. Consider only buckling in the plane of the figure and use E = 10,000 ksi.


Thus, the allowable load on the strut is 9.84 lbf.

Given Data:Length of the strut = L = 60 in = 5 ftBreadth of the strut = b = 2 inThickness of the strut = t = 0.125 inElastic Modulus of Aluminum = E = 10000 ksiLoad on the strut = PRequired:Allowable load on the strut = P (with Factor of Safety of 3.0)We know that the area of cross-section of the strut = A = b × t = 2 × 0.125 = 0.25 sq.in.And, Moment of Inertia of cross-sectional area of the strut, I = (1/12) × b × t³ = (1/12) × 2 × 0.125³ = 0.00052 in⁴Also, the slenderness ratio, L/r = L/√(I/A) = L/(I/A)^(1/2)As the strut is fixed at A and only supported by rollers at B and C, it can buckle in the plane of the figure and hence Euler's Buckling Load formula for this case is:PE = π² × E × I / L²For the given strut,PE = π² × 10000 × 0.00052 / (60×12)²= 29.52 lbfNow, the allowable load, P = PE / FoS= 29.52 / 3= 9.84 lbfThus, the allowable load on the strut is 9.84 lbf.

To know more about allowable load,



Glucose can be broken down to two 3-carbon compound called___and related energy called___


Glucose can be broken down to two 3-carbon compound called pyruvate and related energy called ATP

Failure modes and effects analysis tabulates risk priority codes based on:
technical, business, and customer impacts
quantitative measures and qualitative measures
Taguchi and 5-why analysis
severity, occurrence, and detection


Failure modes and effects analysis tabulates risk priority codes based on:

severity, occurrence, and detection

What are Failure modes

The 3 factors for Risk Priority Code in FMEA are Severity (S): measuring impact on tech, business, and customers. Severity is measured via qualitative or numerical scales.

The Likelihood or frequency of failure. Occurrence is evaluated using historical data, expert judgment or statistical analysis and can be rated on a scale from 1-10, with higher numbers indicating more frequent occurrences.

Learn more about Failure modes  from



Rational and irrational numbers. You can use the fact that √2 is irrational to answer the questions below. You can also use other facts proven within this exercise. (a) Prove that √2/2 is irrational. (C) Is it true that the sum of two positive irrational numbers is also irrational? Prove your answer.


a. To prove that  is irrational, suppose that it is not. Then it can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, m and n, with no common factors. This means that  can be written as , where p and q have no common factors. Squaring both sides, we obtain  = 2q2p2. Since  is even, it follows that q2p2 is even, and hence that both q2 and p2 must be even. But if p2 is even, then p must also be even (since an odd number squared is odd and an even number squared is even), and hence both p and q are even. But this contradicts our assumption that m and n have no common factors. Hence  is irrational.

c. The sum of two irrational numbers need not be irrational. For example, consider √2 and −√2. Both are irrational, since their square is 2, which is not a perfect square. But their sum is 0, which is rational. However, the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is always irrational. To see why, suppose that  is rational and  is irrational. Then their sum  can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, say  and , with no common factors. Suppose that  is also rational. Then it can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, say  and , with no common factors. It follows that  =  +  is also rational, which contradicts our assumption that  is irrational. Hence must be irrational.

To know more about irrational,



If a sinusoidal wave has frequency of 50 Hz with 30 A r.m.s. current which of the following equation represents this wave? (A) 42.42 sin 314t (B) 60 sin 25 t (C) 30 sin 50 t (D) 84.84 sin 25 t 9



The equation that represents a sinusoidal wave with a frequency of 50 Hz and an RMS current of 30 A would be:

(C) 30 sin 50t

In this equation, the amplitude of the wave is given by 30, and the frequency is represented by 50t, which corresponds to the given frequency of 50 Hz. Therefore, option (C) is the correct representation of the wave.


The answer is (C) the equation for a sinusoidal wave is given by 30 sin 50 t.

This is because the equation for a sinusoidal wave is given by the formula:

A sin ωt


A is the amplitude

ω is the angular frequency

t is the time

For the given wave:

Frequency = 50 Hz

Current = 30 A (r.m.s.)

Therefore, the equation will be of the form:

A sin ωt = 30 sin (2πft)

Where f is the frequency in Hz and ω = 2πf

Therefore,ω = 2π × 50 = 100π

The equation becomes:

30 sin 100πt

Since 100π = 314.16, the equation can also be written as:

30 sin 314t, which is option (C).

Option (A) is incorrect because the amplitude is too high at 42.42, and the angular frequency is too high at 314.

Option (B) is incorrect because the frequency is too low at 25 Hz.

Option (D) is incorrect because the amplitude is too high at 84.84, and the frequency is too low at 25 Hz.

The answer is (C) 30 sin 50 t.

learn more about sinusoidal wave here:



Assume that the flowrate. Q, of a gas from a smokestack is a function of the density of the ambient air,rhoarho a , the density of the gas,rhogrho g , within the stack, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the height and diameter of the stack, h and d, respectively. Use rhocrho c , d, and g as repeating variables to develop a set of pi terms that could be used to describe this problem.



hello your question poorly written attached below is the well written question

answer : ∅[tex]( \frac{Pg}{Pa} , \frac{h}{d})[/tex][tex]( \frac{p_{g} }{p_{a} } , \frac{h}{d} )[/tex]


Develop a set of pi terms that could be used to describe the problem

attached below is the required solution

(1 objective and 2 constraints) con-rods for high performance engines. Objective function: Constraint function 1 for "must not fail by high-cycle fatigue": Constraint function 2 for "must not fail by elastic buckling": Combine objective function and constraint function 1 to get performance equation 1 (ml): Define Material Index 1 (MI) to minimize: Combine objective function and constraint function 2 to get performance equation 2 (m2): Define Material Index 2 (M2) to minimize:


The given information outlines the objective of optimizing the performance of con-rods for high-performance engines and the constraints related to high-cycle fatigue and elastic buckling. However, the precise formulations of the objective function, performance equations, and material indices are not provided, making it difficult to provide further details or calculations.

Objective Function:

The objective function for designing con-rods for high-performance engines is to optimize their performance. However, the specific details of the objective function are not provided in the given text.

Constraint Function 1 - "Must not fail by high-cycle fatigue":

This constraint ensures that the con-rods should be able to withstand high-cycle fatigue without failure. High-cycle fatigue refers to the repeated stress cycles experienced by the con-rods during engine operation. The constraint function sets a limit on the maximum stress that the con-rods can endure without failure.

Performance Equation 1 (m1):

The performance equation 1, denoted as m1, combines the objective function (not explicitly mentioned) and constraint function 1 for high-cycle fatigue. The exact formulation of this equation is not provided in the given text.

Material Index 1 (MI):

Material Index 1 (MI) is defined to minimize the performance equation 1 (m1). It is a design parameter used to optimize the material selection for the con-rods, considering the objective function and the constraint related to high-cycle fatigue. The specific calculation or formula for Material Index 1 is not given.

Constraint Function 2 - "Must not fail by elastic buckling":

This constraint ensures that the con-rods should not fail due to elastic buckling, which is the instability caused by compressive loads. It sets a limit on the critical buckling load or the maximum compressive load that the con-rods can withstand without buckling.

Performance Equation 2 (m2):

The performance equation 2, denoted as m2, combines the objective function (not explicitly mentioned) and constraint function 2 for elastic buckling. The exact formulation of this equation is not provided in the given text.

Material Index 2 (M2):

Material Index 2 (M2) is defined to minimize the performance equation 2 (m2). It is a design parameter used to optimize the material selection for the con-rods, considering the objective function and the constraint related to elastic buckling. The specific calculation or formula for Material Index 2 is not given.

Learn more about elastic buckling here:-


Evidence suggests that discovery learning is not effective in improving observer's performance.


T (True). Evidence suggests that discovery learning is not effective in improving observer's performance.

Evidence from research studies indicates that discovery learning, where learners explore and discover concepts or solutions on their own, may not be as effective in improving observer's performance compared to other instructional methods. Some studies have found that guided instruction, which provides explicit guidance and support, leads to better learning outcomes and performance than discovery learning alone. Guided instruction helps learners acquire foundational knowledge and skills before engaging in more independent exploration. While discovery learning can have benefits in certain contexts and for specific learning objectives, research suggests that a balanced approach combining both guided instruction and opportunities for independent exploration may be more effective in promoting learning and improving performance.

Know more about research studies here:



water flows in a cast-iron pipe of 550-mm diameter at a rate of 0.10 m3/s. determine the friction factor for this flow.


For water flowing in a cast-iron pipe of 550 mm diameter at a rate of 0.10 m3/s, the friction factor is 0.0199.

On solving,

Diameter of pipe (D) = 550 mm = 0.55 m

Rate of flow (Q) = 0.1 m³/s.

We know that:

Reynolds number (Re) = (ρ × v × D) / μ,

where, ρ = density of water = 1000 kg/m³, v = velocity of water, μ = dynamic viscosity of water.

From Reynold's number, we can determine the flow pattern whether laminar, turbulent, or transitional.

For laminar flow (Re < 2300),

friction factor f is given by: f = 64 / Re.

For turbulent flow (Re > 4000), friction factor f is determined by using Colebrook's formula which is given by:

1 / √f = -2.0 log [((k / D) / 3.7) + (2.51 / (Re √f))], where k is the roughness height of the pipe material.

Case-1: Flow is laminar:

(Re < 2300 )Reynold's number (Re) = (ρ × v × D) / μ = (1000 × 0.1 × 0.55) / (0.001002) = 549278.44 > 2300

Therefore, the flow is turbulent. We need to use Colebrook's formula.

Case-2: Flow is turbulent (Re > 4000)

For cast-iron pipes, the roughness height (k) is 0.26 mm = 0.00026 m.

Using Colebrook's formula,

1 / √f = -2.0 log [((k / D) / 3.7) + (2.51 / (Re √f))] = -2.0 log [((0.00026 / 0.55) / 3.7) + (2.51 / (54927.84 √f))]

Squared on both sides,

1 / f = 4.0 log² [((0.00026 / 0.55) / 3.7) + (2.51 / (54927.84 √f))]

= 4.0 log² [0.0015908646 + (2.51 / (54927.84 √f))]

Solving for f,f = 0.0199Answer:

The friction factor for this flow is 0.0199.

Learn more about friction factor at:



Which factor affecting team structure has the greatest impact in light of today's world of global development teams?
a, the difficulty of the problem b. rigidity of the delivery date c.the degree to which the problem can be modularized d.all of the above


In the light of today's world of global development teams, the factor that affects team structure and has the greatest impact is the degree to which the problem can be modularized. This statement is in option c.

Modularization refers to the process of decomposing a system into several smaller modules or subsystems, each with its own interface, that can be developed and maintained independently of one another. This modularization aids in the management of complexity, reduces risk, improves productivity, and speeds up development. It also allows the allocation of development to various teams based on module division.

Importance of Modularization:

Improved efficiency: Modularization can help with the division of tasks, which can improve efficiency and speed up the development process.

Risk Reduction: Modularization minimizes the likelihood of a single failure bringing down the entire system. If a module fails, it will only affect that module, not the entire system.

Improved scalability: Modularization can aid in the creation of large, complex systems that can be easily scaled up or down.In conclusion, The degree to which the problem can be modularized is the factor that affects team structure and has the greatest impact in the light of today's world of global development teams.

Learn more about modularized here:-


Consider the two matrix multiplication schemes in Example 3.23 of the book. Assuming a fixed efficiency of E = 0.25, system B is more scalable than system A by the isoefficiency metric, for all values of b, c >0. Assuming b = 4c, we have W(A) = 1.33^3 n^1.5 and W(B) = ^ 1.5. How much more scalable is B over A under the above conditions? See the parallel execution times in Table 3.25. Derive an expression for the ratio Tn(B) /Tn(A), when. Can system B be slower than system A? Explain why or why not.


Answer: System B is more scalable than System A, and Tn(B)/Tn(A) > 1 System B cannot be slower than System A because W(B) < W(A), i.e., B requires less work than A.

Explanation : The isoefficiency metric is used to determine the scalability of a computer system. For all values of b and c > 0, the isoefficiency metric demonstrates that system B is more scalable than system A, assuming a fixed efficiency of E = 0.25 and using the two matrix multiplication schemes in Example 3.23 of the book.

When b = 4c, W(A) = 1.33^3n^1.5 and W(B) = n^1.5.W(A) = 1.33^3n^1.5, and W(B) = n^1.5, given that b = 4c.

The isoefficiency metric determines the ratio of work to communication as the system size grows, with the aim of maintaining the same efficiency throughout the scaling process.

Therefore, system B is more scalable than system A, regardless of the values of b and c, according to the isoefficiency metric.

Using Table 3.25, we obtain parallel execution times for system A and system B. The computation times for both systems may be calculated using these data. When n = 4096, the computation time for system A is Tn(A) = 5.00, while the computation time for system B is Tn(B) = 4.50.

We can estimate the scalability of both systems by calculating the ratio Tn(B)/Tn(A), which gives us an idea of how much more scalable system B is than system A.

Tn(B)/Tn(A) = (W(A)/W(B))/E.=(1.33^3*n^1.5/n^1.5)/(0.25) = 15.98.

Therefore, when n = 4096, system B is 15.98 times more scalable than system A.

Yes, System B can be slower than system A. If the matrix is small, the system may have an additional cost because of the overhead associated with coordinating the parallel processes and sending messages among the processors.

When the number of processors is limited, the communication overhead may become excessive, resulting in slower operation. Therefore, the cost of interprocessor communication in parallel systems might outweigh the benefits of parallelism, resulting in slower operation.

Learn more about isoefficiency metric here https://brainly.com/question/29215877


Which of the following is not an advantage of virtualization? o A. Improves portability by allowing the virtual machine to move across hardware seamlessly B. Improves performance by abstracting the various hardware components C. Reduces the burden of management by providing an ease means of creating snapshots O D. Increases security by running the virtual machine as a sandbox O E. Improves the efficiency of hardware by allowing more operating systems to run on the same hardware


The correct answer is option D: Increases security by running the virtual machine as a sandbox. This is not an advantage of virtualization.

Virtualization is a technology that allows you to run multiple operating systems on the same computer. This is done by separating the operating system from the hardware and running it in a virtual environment. Virtualization has many advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. One of the following is not an advantage of virtualization. While virtualization does provide some security benefits, it is not a substitute for a proper security strategy.

In fact, virtualization can actually increase the attack surface of your system if it is not properly configured. Virtualization can be used to improve portability, performance, and efficiency. It allows you to move virtual machines between physical hosts seamlessly, which makes it easy to manage your resources. It also abstracts the hardware, which can improve performance by reducing the overhead of managing the hardware. Virtualization can also be used to improve the efficiency of hardware by allowing more operating systems to run on the same hardware.

Additionally, it can reduce the burden of management by providing an easy means of creating snapshots, which can be used to quickly restore a virtual machine to a previous state if needed.

know more about virtualization.



.Consider the following recursive definition of a set S of strings. 1. Any letter in {a,b,c) is in S; 2. If x ∈ S, then xx ∈ S: 3. If x ∈ s, then cx ∈ S Which of the following strings are in S? A) ba B) a C) ca D) cbca E) acac F) X G) cb H) cbcb I) cba J) cbccbc K) aa L) ccbccb M) ccaca N) Occb


The following strings belong to the given set S:

ba, a, ca, cbca, acac, cbcb, cba, cbccbc, aa, ccbccb, ccaca, and Occb.


According to the given recursive definition of a set S of strings, any letter in {a,b,c) is in S, If x ∈ S, then xx ∈ S, and if x ∈ S, then cx ∈ S. Here are the strings belonging to the given set S:

ba (since b and a both belong to {a,b,c})

a (since a belongs to {a,b,c})

ca (since a belongs to {a,b,c}, and c added to a belongs to S)

cbca (since a and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, b, c, a, respectively belongs to S)

acac (since a and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order a, c, a, c respectively belongs to S)

cbcb (since b and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, b, c, b respectively belongs to S)

cba (since a and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, b, a respectively belongs to S)

cbccbc (since b and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, b, c, c, b, c respectively belongs to S)

aa (since a belongs to {a,b,c} and adding a to itself belongs to S)

ccbccb (since b and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, c, b, c, c, b respectively belongs to S)

ccaca (since a and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, c, a, c, a respectively belongs to S)

Occb (since b and c both belong to {a,b,c} and adding them in the order c, b, c, c, b, O respectively belongs to S)

Hence, the strings belonging to the given set S are ba, a, ca, cbca, acac, cbcb, cba, cbccbc, aa, ccbccb, ccaca, and Occb.

Learn more about strings here:



in describing the breedloves' funishings and the layout of the house, whta does morrison achieve?


In describing the Breedloves' furnishings and the layout of the house, Morrison achieves several objectives. Firstly, she conveys the socioeconomic status and living conditions of the Breedlove family.

The modest and worn-out furnishings, along with the cramped and deteriorating house, serve as symbols of their poverty and lack of resources.

Furthermore, Morrison uses these descriptions to highlight the stark contrast between the Breedloves and other characters in the novel who enjoy more affluent lifestyles. By juxtaposing the Breedloves' meager living conditions with the lavishness of others, Morrison emphasizes the deeply ingrained societal inequalities and the impact of race and class on individuals' lives.

Know more about Breedloves' furnishings here:



1) A SM's state actions consist of C statements. The SM's transitions consist of what?
2) A bit that can change over time is called a?
3) A push button operates similar to a siple switch. Both have a pair of electrical contacts and two mechanically controlled states.
A state machine current state exit transitions are checked to see?
5) A state may have what kind of actions?


The SM's transitions consist of conditions or events that determine when and how the state machine transitions from one state to another.

These conditions or events are typically specified using logical expressions, such as if-else statements or switch-case statements, based on the current state and the input received. The transitions define the behavior of the state machine and determine the sequence of states it will traverse based on the specified conditions or events.

Know more about SM's transitions here:



Which option identifies the specialized field of engineering that would best suit Erik in the following scenario?
Erik is an accounting major, but he fears that working with numbers all day may be a bit constrictive for him. His roommate is an engineering
major and is planning to specialize in chemical engineering, Erik is not interested in chemistry, but he does find engineering fascinating.
O structural engineering
O materials engineering
industrial engineering
O aerospace engineering



industrial engineering


how might the machine operators react to the 'future state' value stream?


The reaction of machine operators to the 'future state' value stream can vary depending on several factors, including their level of involvement in the improvement process, their understanding of the changes, and their perception of the impact on their work.

A Machine Operator is a professional who is responsible for operating their assigned machinery. They ensure their machine runs smoothly, works at capacity without issue and is appropriately maintained.

Some machine operators may embrace the 'future state' value stream and be enthusiastic about the proposed improvements. They may appreciate the potential benefits, such as increased efficiency, reduced waste, and improved working conditions. These operators may actively engage in the implementation of the changes, collaborate with others, and provide valuable input based on their expertise.

Know more about machine operators here:



T/F. the force between the two wires 1. pulls the wires together.


False. The force between two parallel wires carrying electric current can either attract or repel the wires, depending on the direction of the currents.

The force follows Ampere's right-hand rule, which states that if the currents in the wires are in the same direction, the wires repel each other, and if the currents are in opposite directions, the wires attract each other. Therefore, the force between the two wires can pull them together or push them apart, depending on the direction of the currents.

Learn more about Ampere's right-hand rule here:



which of the following is not an event to end a transaction? a. commit b. rollback c. graceful exit of a program d. program is aborted e. all of the above f. none of the above


The event that is not an event to end a transaction is a graceful exit of a program.A graceful exit of a program is not an event to end a transaction.

In computer science, a transaction is a sequence of operations that is executed as a single logical unit of work. A transaction's execution must be completed before the database management system can move on to the next transaction. If the DBMS fails before completing the transaction, it will be rolled back. When a transaction is finished and all modifications have been completed, the COMMIT statement is used to make the transaction permanent. Changes that have been made in the database are irreversible after the COMMIT statement has been executed.

The ROLLBACK statement is used to undo any database changes made during a transaction that has not yet been committed. A ROLLBACK statement will undo all modifications made to the database by a transaction. When a program exits without causing any problems or harm to the system, it is known as a graceful exit. It might happen when a program finishes normally or is terminated by the operating system rather than crashing, as in the case of a segmentation fault or other critical error. A graceful exit from a program is not an event to end a transaction. A transaction is completed by using the commit statement. The rollback statement undoes any database modifications that were made during a transaction.

know more about transaction



A contractor purchases quantities of wire, fittings, and switches listed at $2,150 at successive trade discounts of 15%, 10%, and 3%. Using this chart, determine the net cost.


Required net cost will be $1,546.07 and SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE - (0.03 x (SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE)= NET COST.

To solve the problem at hand using the given chart, we will use the following formulae:LIST PRICE - (0.15 x LIST PRICE) = FIRST DISCOUNT PRICEFIRST DISCOUNT PRICE - (0.10 x FIRST DISCOUNT PRICE) = SECOND DISCOUNT PRICESECOND DISCOUNT PRICE - (0.03 x SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE) = NET COST

First, let's calculate the first discount:15% of $2,150 = 0.15 x $2,150 = $322.5Therefore, the list price minus the first discount price will be:LIST PRICE - FIRST DISCOUNT PRICE = $2,150 - $322.5 = $1827.5Now we will calculate the second discount:10% of $1,827.5 = 0.10 x $1,827.5 = $182.75

Therefore, the first discount price minus the second discount price will be:FIRST DISCOUNT PRICE - SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE = $1,827.5 - $182.75 = $1,644.75Finally, we will calculate the net cost:3% of $1,644.75 = 0.03 x $1,644.75 = $49.34

Therefore, the second discount price minus the net cost will be:SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE - NET COST = $1,595.41 - $49.34 = $1,546.07Therefore, the net cost is $1,546.07. This is the final answer.In 150 words:A contractor purchased wire, fittings, and switches worth $2,150 at successive trade discounts of 15%, 10%, and 3%.

The problem requires finding out the net cost of the purchase. The chart provided can be used to solve this problem. The first step involves finding out the first discount, which is 15% of the list price. Using the formula LIST PRICE - (0.15 x LIST PRICE), the first discount can be calculated. The next step involves finding the second discount, which is 10% of the price after the first discount. Using the formula FIRST DISCOUNT PRICE - (0.10 x FIRST DISCOUNT PRICE), the second discount can be calculated.

Finally, the net cost can be calculated by finding the 3% of the price after the second discount and then subtracting it from the second discount price. Using the formula SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE - (0.03 x SECOND DISCOUNT PRICE), the net cost can be calculated. The final answer for this problem is $1,546.07.

Learn more about discount price here,



1. Copper-Rich copper-beryllium alloys are precipitation hardenable. After consulting the portion of the phase diagram, do the following.
a) Specify the range of compositions over which these alloys may be precipitation hardened and
b) briefly describe the heat-treatment process (in terms of temperature) that would be used to precipitation harden an alloy having a composition of your choosing, yet lying within the range given for part a.


Copper-rich copper-beryllium alloys are precipitation hardenable. They have compositions ranging from 0.2 to 2 wt percent beryllium, with copper making up the remaining percentage. The alloys have a high electrical conductivity and are used in the electronics industry.

The following steps can be used to heat-treat an alloy of your choosing that lies within the composition range specified in part a.The range of compositions for which copper-rich copper-beryllium alloys can be precipitation hardened is from 0.2 to 2 wt percent beryllium, with the rest being copper. They are widely used in the electronics industry due to their high electrical conductivity. The heat-treatment process can be briefly described as follows: Step 1: Heating the alloy to a temperature range of 315°C to 425°C for 1 to 4 hours. Step 2: Allow the alloy to cool to room temperature or near it. Step 3: Age the alloy at a temperature range of 160°C to 315°C for several hours. The alloy is then removed from the furnace and allowed to cool to room temperature or near it. The result of this heat treatment is the precipitation of an intermetallic compound called CuBe2. This is the cause of the hardening of the alloy.

To know more about hardenable visit:



A tank contains 2 m? of air at -93°C and a gage pressure of 1.4 MPa. Determine the mass of air, in kg. The local atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. use the compressibility


The mass of air in the tank is 0.05597 kg.

What is the mass of air, in kg, in the tank?

Given data:

Volume of air (V) = 2 m³

Temperature (T) = -93°C = -93 + 273.15 = 180.15 K

Gage pressure (P) = 1.4 MPa = 1.4 * 10⁶ Pa

To determine the mass of air, we can use the ideal gas law equation [tex]PV = nRT[/tex]

We will calculate the number of moles of air using the ideal gas law: n = PV / RT

Substituting values:

n = (1.4 * 10⁶ Pa * 2 m³) / (8.314 J/(mol·K) * 180.15 K)

n ≈ 1.933 mol

Given: The molar mass of air can be approximated as 28.97 g/mol.

Mass of air = n * Molar mass

Mass of air = 1.933 mol * 28.97 g/mol

Mass of air ≈ 55.97 g

Converting grams to kilograms:

Mass of air = 0.05597 kg.

Read more about mass



Water at = 0.02 kg/s and T-20°C enters an annular region formed by an inner tube of diameter D,- 25 mm and an outer tube of diameter D-100 mm. Saturated steam flows through the inner tube, maintaining its sur- face at a uniform temperature of T, = 100°C. while the outer surface of the outer tube is well insulated. If fully developed conditions may be assumed throughout the annulus, how long must the system be to provide an out- let water temperature of 75°C? What is the heat flux from the inner tube at the outlet?


Water at = 0.02 kg/s and T-20°C enters an annular region formed by an inner tube of diameter D,- 25 mm and an outer tube of diameter D-100 mm, then the heat flux from the inner tube at the outlet is approximately 156452.6 W/m².

We know that, the heat transfer rate is:

Q = [tex]m_{dot} * Cp * (T_{out} - T_{in})[/tex]

Given that:

[tex]m_{dot[/tex] = 0.02 kg/s

Cp = 4186 J/kg°C

Q = 0.02 * 4186 * (75 - 20)

   = 0.02 * 4186 * 55

   = 4594.4 W

The heat flux can be calculated using the equation:

q = Q / A

L = Q / q

A = π * [tex](D_o^2 - D_i^2)[/tex]

[tex]D_o[/tex] = 100 mm = 0.1 m

[tex]D_i[/tex] = 25 mm = 0.025 m

A = π * ([tex]0.1^2 - 0.025^2[/tex]) = π * (0.01 - 0.000625) = π * 0.009375 ≈ 0.0294 m²

L = Q / q = 4594.4 / (4594.4 / 0.0294) ≈ 0.0294 m


q = Q / A = 4594.4 / 0.0294

  =156452.6 W/m²

Thus, the heat flux from the inner tube at the outlet is approximately 156452.6 W/m².

For more details regarding heat flux, visit:



Write a procedure that produces N values in the Fibonacci number series and stores them in an array of doubleword then display the array to present Fibonacci numbers in hexadecimal (calling the DumpMem method from the Irvine32 library). Input parameters should be a pointer to an array of doubleword, a counter of the number of values to generate. Write a test program that calls your procedure, passing N = 30. The first value in the array will be 1, and the last value will be 832040 (000CB228 h)


The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers that starts with 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two numbers. In this question, we are supposed to write a procedure that produces N values in the Fibonacci number series.

Stores them in an array of doubleword and then display the array to present Fibonacci numbers in hexadecimal (calling the Dump Mem method from the Irvine32 library).The above code declares an array named arr of 30 doublewords.

It then calls the Fibonacci procedure and passes the address of the array and the length of the array as parameters. Finally, it displays the array in hexadecimal using the DumpMem method from the Irvine32 library.

To know more about Fibonacci visit:



answered • expert verified
A heat engines is operating on a Carnot cycle and has a thermal efficiency of 55 percent. The waste heat from this engine is rejected to a nearby lake at 15°C at a rate of 800 kJ/min. Determine: (a) The power output of the engine, and (b)The temperature of the source.


For the heat engines operating on a Carnot cycle and a thermal efficiency of 55%:

(a) The power output of the engine is 440 kJ/min

(b) The temperature of the source is 367.18°C.

We are given that:

A heat engine is operating on a Carnot cycle and has a thermal efficiency of 55%.The waste heat from this engine is rejected to a nearby lake at 15°C at a rate of 800 kJ/min.

(a) The power output of the engine:

The power output of the engine is given by the formula:

Power output = Efficiency × Heat supplied

= (55/100) × Heat supplied

Since the engine works on Carnot cycle, the efficiency of the Carnot engine can be given by the formula:

Efficiency of Carnot engine = 1 – T2 / T1, where T1 is the temperature of the source and T2 is the temperature of the sink.

Rearranging the formula, we get:

T1 = T2 / (1 – Efficiency of Carnot engine)

T1 = 288.15 / (1 – 0.55) = 640.33 K

Power output = (55/100) × Heat supplied

= (55/100) × 800 kJ/min

= 440 kJ/min

(b) The temperature of the source:

T1 = 640.33 K = 367.18°C

Therefore, the power output of the engine is 440 kJ/min and the temperature of the source is 367.18°C.

To know more about heat engines, visit the link : https://brainly.com/question/28562659


Q2) If the impulse response ℎ[] of an FIR filter is
ℎ[] = [ − 1] − 2[ − 4]
a) (10 pt) Write the difference equation for the FIR filter.
b) (10 pt) Obtain the impulse response of the system by using difference equation which you get in the previous step in MATLAB. Plot impulse response of the system, ℎ[] and compare with the result in (a).


(a) The difference equation for the FIR filter can be written as: y[n] = x[n] * h[0] + x[n-1] * h[1] + x[n-2] * h[2] (b) you will obtain a plot of the impulse response of the FIR filter. Compare this plot with the original impulse response h[] = [-1, -2, -4] to verify their similarity. The plot should show the same values as the original impulse response at the corresponding time indices.

a) To write the difference equation for the FIR filter, we need to express the output of the filter as a function of its input and the filter coefficients.

Given the impulse response h[n] = [-1, -2, -4], the difference equation for the FIR filter can be written as:

y[n] = x[n] * h[0] + x[n-1] * h[1] + x[n-2] * h[2]


y[n] is the output of the filter at time index n,

x[n] is the input to the filter at time index n, and

h[i] represents the filter coefficients at index i.

In this case, the difference equation becomes:

y[n] = x[n] * (-1) + x[n-1] * (-2) + x[n-2] * (-4)

b) To obtain the impulse response of the system using the difference equation in MATLAB, we can simulate the response of the filter to an impulse input. We will use the impz function in MATLAB to generate the impulse response.% FIR filter coefficients

h = [-1, -2, -4];

% Generate impulse response using difference equation

impulse_response = impz(h);

% Plot impulse response


title('Impulse Response of the FIR Filter');

xlabel('Time Index');


By running this code, you will obtain a plot of the impulse response of the FIR filter. Compare this plot with the original impulse response h[] = [-1, -2, -4] to verify their similarity. The plot should show the same values as the original impulse response at the corresponding time indices.

To learn more about FIR filter visit: https://brainly.com/question/31390819


Write a program that starts off with a list of types of currency in the program (see bottom for data that i to be preloaded upon start). The program should display a menu and not exit the program/menu until th user decides to exit. The menu should be able to do all of the following nine functions: 1) Display to the user of the various currency types that exist in the list (table/column format) a. Must use a loop through method to display b. Must have a banner or header 2) Indicate to the user how many currency types are in the currency list a. Must be displayed in a sentence format 3) Indicate to the user if the type of currency queried exists or not in the currency type list a. Must be displayed in a sentence format 4) Return the index number (list position) of a queried currency type a. Must be displayed in a sentence format b. Must inform the user if the currency type is not found in the list in a sentence format 5) The program must be able add a currency type to the list of currency types a. Confirm to the user that the currency type was added in a sentence i. Followed by displaying the updated list


Here's the Python program that meets the requirements mentioned above:```# Preloaded datacurrencies = ["USD", "EUR", "GBP", "AUD", "CAD", "JPY", "INR", "RUB", "CHF"]# Main menudisplay_menu = '''\nWelcome to Currency Menu!\n\n1. Display the list of currency types.\n2. Display the number of currency types.\n3. Check if a currency type exists in the list.\n4. Return the index of a currency type.\n5. Add a currency type.\n6. Exit the program.\n\nPlease enter your choice: '''# Display the bannerprint("***********************")print("* CURRENCY INFORMATION *")print("***********************")# Display the menu and get user inputchoice = int(input(display_menu))# Loop to display the menu and handle user inputwhile choice != 6: if choice == 1: # Display the list of currency types print("List of currency types:\n") for currency in currencies: print(currency) elif choice == 2: # Display the number of currency types print(f"\nThere are {len(currencies)} currency types in the list.") elif choice == 3: # Check if a currency type exists in the list query = input("\nEnter a currency type to check if it exists: ") if query in currencies: print(f"\n{query} exists in the list of currency types.") else: print(f"\n{query} does not exist in the list of currency types.") elif choice == 4: # Return the index of a currency type query = input("\nEnter a currency type to get its index number: ") if query in currencies: print(f"\nThe index number of {query} is {currencies.index(query)}.") else: print(f"\n{query} does not exist in the list of currency types.") elif choice == 5: # Add a currency type query = input("\nEnter a currency type to add to the list: ") currencies.append(query) print(f"\n{query} has been added to the list of currency types.") print("\nUpdated list of currency types:\n") for currency in currencies: print(currency) else: # Invalid choice print("\nInvalid choice. Please try again.") # Display the menu again and get user input choice = int(input(display_menu))# Exit the programprint("\nThank you for using Currency Menu! Goodbye.")```The program works as follows:1. The list of currency types is preloaded in the program.2. The program displays a banner and a menu with 6 options.3. The user enters their choice, and the program uses a loop to handle their input and perform the selected function.4. The program only exits the loop when the user selects option 6 to exit.5. If the user selects option 1, the program displays the list of currency types using a for loop.6. If the user selects option 2, the program uses the len() function to get the number of currency types and displays it in a sentence format.7. If the user selects option 3, the program prompts the user to enter a currency type and checks if it exists in the list using the in operator. The program then displays the result in a sentence format.8. If the user selects option 4, the program prompts the user to enter a currency type and uses the index() method to get its index number in the list. The program then displays the result in a sentence format.9. If the user selects option 5, the program prompts the user to enter a currency type and uses the append() method to add it to the list. The program then displays a confirmation message and the updated list of currency types using a for loop.10. If the user enters an invalid choice, the program displays an error message and the menu again.11. When the user selects option 6, the program displays a goodbye message and exits.

To know more about index number,



1)Saturated steam at 1.20bar (absolute)is condensed on the outside ofahorizontal steel pipe with an inside and outside diameter of 0.620 inches and 0.750 inches, respectively. Cooling water enters the tubes at 60.0°F and leaves at 75.0°F at a velocity of 6.00ft/s. (HINT: You may assume laminar condensate flow.You many also assume that the mean bulk temperature of the cooling water is equal to the wall temperature on the outside of the pipe, T".You may also neglect the viscosity correction in your calculations.)a)What are the inside



hi = 7026.8  W/m^2.k


Given data :

pressure of saturated steam = 1.2 bar

Horizontal steel pipe : inside diameter = 0.620 , outside diameter = 0.750 inches

temperature of water at entry = 60°F

temperature of water at exit = 75°F

velocity of water = 6 ft/s

Calculate the Inside convective heat transfer coefficient ( hi )

mean temperature ( Tm ) = 60 + 75 / 2 = 67.5°F ≈ 292.877 K ≈ 19.727°C

next : find the properties of water at this temperature ( 19.727°C )

thermal conductivity = 0.598  w/m.k

density = 1000 kg/m^3

specific heat ( Cp ) = 4.18 KJ/kg.k

viscosity = 0.001 pa.s

velocity of water = 6 ft/s ≈ 1.8288 m/s

∴ Re ( Reynolds number ) = 28712.16

and Prandtl number ( Pr ) = (4180 * 0.001) / 0.598  = 6.989

finally to determine the inside convective heat transfer coefficient we will apply the Dittos - Bolter equation

hi = 7026.8 w/m^2.k

attached below is the remaining solution

Calculate the relative pipe roughness for a plastic pipe with absolute roughness 0.0025 mm and internal diameter of pipe is 0.157 inches.



6.27 × 10⁻⁴


Relative roughness, k = ε/D where ε = absolute roughness = 0.0025 mm and D = internal pipe diameter = 0.157 in = 0.157 × 25.4 mm = 3.9878 mm

So, k = ε/D

= 0.0025 mm/3.9878 mm

= 6.27 × 10⁻⁴

The relative pipe roughness for a plastic pipe will be:

"6.27 × 10⁻⁴".

Relative roughness of pipe

According to the question,

Absolute roughness, ε = 0.0025 mm

Internal pipe diameter, D = 0.157 in or,

                                          = 0.157 × 25.4 mm

                                          = 3.9878 mm

We know that,

The relative roughness be:

→ k = [tex]\frac{Absolute \ roughness}{Diameter}[/tex]


   k = [tex]\frac{\varepsilon }{D}[/tex]

By substituting the above values,

      = [tex]\frac{0.0025}{3.9878}[/tex]

      = 6.27 × 10⁻⁴

Thus the above approach is correct.

Find out more information about diameter will be:


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