92) why did mendel continue some of his experiments to the f2 generation? a) to obtain a larger number of offspring on which to base statistics b) to observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear c) to observe whether or not the dominant trait would reappear


Answer 1

The correct option is (b). Mendel continued some of his experiments to the F2 generation to observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear. He discovered the Law of Segregation, the Law of Independent Assortment, and the Law of Dominance.

Mendel continued some of his experiments to the F2 generation to observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear. He discovered the Law of Segregation, the Law of Independent Assortment, and the Law of Dominance, which would become the basis of modern genetics. Mendel discovered that traits are passed from parents to offspring and that certain traits are dominant and will be expressed in offspring over other traits, which are called recessive traits. The F2 generation is the second filial generation and is produced by crossing the F1 generation. This generation would demonstrate whether or not a trait could reappear, thus proving the Law of Segregation. This law states that each organism has two alleles for each trait that segregate during gamete formation and randomly unite at fertilization. Mendel wanted to see if these traits would reappear in the F2 generation as he discovered this pattern in the F1 generation. During his experiments, Gregor Mendel crossed peas with different traits and observed their offspring. His observations of how traits were passed from one generation to the next and his discovery of certain inheritance patterns is considered as one of the most important and fundamental breakthroughs in the history of biology. He crossbred pea plants with specific characteristics, such as color and texture, and followed how these characteristics were transmitted to the offspring of these plants, or their offspring. He was the first person to investigate and discover the underlying patterns of genetic inheritance. Mendel continued some of his experiments to the F2 generation because he wanted to observe if a recessive trait would reappear. In the F2 generation, he discovered the Law of Segregation, the Law of Independent Assortment, and the Law of Dominance, which would become the basis of modern genetics.Mendel's experiments showed that traits were passed down from parents to offspring, and that certain traits are dominant over other traits, which are known as recessive traits. For example, if a pea plant with yellow seeds was crossed with a pea plant with green seeds, the F1 generation would all have yellow seeds because the yellow seed trait is dominant over the green seed trait. However, when these yellow-seeded F1 plants were self-fertilized, the F2 generation would contain both yellow and green seeds because the green seed trait is recessive and could reappear in the next generation. Thus, Mendel continued his experiments to the F2 generation to test the patterns of inheritance of recessive traits.

To know more about Law of Segregation visit: https://brainly.com/question/30051243


Related Questions

what is an ecosystem?​



An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment, interacting as a system. These biotic and abiotic components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows

a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

In geothermal power systems temperature and pressure inside Earth ____ with depth
A. Increase
B. Decrease

help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me​





am not to sure but it mostly likely is hopefully this helps you

3. In the image, which letter represents the enzyme?
a. Letter A
b. Letter B
c. Letter C
d. Letter D


Answer: The answer is C


The correct option is, (c) Letter C.

What is the enzyme?Proteins called enzymes assist our bodies' chemical reactions move forward more quickly. For several processes, including digestion and liver function, enzymes are crucial. Health issues might result from having too much or too little of a specific enzyme. Healthcare professionals can also use the enzymes in our blood to look for injuries and illnesses.

How do you classify enzymes?

According to the sort of process they catalyze, enzymes are divided into six categories:

Oxidoreductases. Transferases.Hydrolases.Lyases.Ligases.Isomerases.

What are the 7 enzymes?Depending on the type of reaction they catalyze, enzymes can be divided into seven different types. These groups include hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases, translocases, oxidoreductases, transferases, and hydrolases.

What is enzyme structure?Proteins called enzymes are made up of amino acids connected by one or more polypeptide chains. The fundamental structure of a polypeptide chain refers to this arrangement of amino acids. This in turn dictates the enzyme's three-dimensional structure, including the active site's shape.

Learn more about enzyme here:



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If a cell's surface area-to-volume ratio increased from 3:1 to 4:1, what impact would that have on the transport of materials across the cell membrane? It would be unchanged Transport would increase Transport would decrease None of the above



The answer to this question is Transport would increase.


The transport would just increase.

In the given area-to-volume ratio, the transport would increase across the cell membrane. The correct option is B.

What is area-to-volume ratio?

The surface area to volume ratio is merely the surface area divided by the volume of an entity. It calculates the surface area per unit volume of the object.

The crucial fact is that as the cell size increases, the surface to volume ratio decreases.

If the cell expands beyond a certain size, not really enough material can cross the membrane quickly enough to cater the increased cellular volume.

The surface area divided by the volume is the ratio. This suggests how much surface area is accessible in relation to the size of the cell.

The cell is very large if the surface area to volume ratio is small. If the ratio is large, the surface area exceeds the volume the cell will be small.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding cell membrane, visit:



What is used to protect your eyes in a laboratory?
A. Goggles
B. Gloves
C. An apron
D. A sink



A. Goggles

Goggles are used to protect your eyes

How might we predict whether their next child will show the trait of albinism?



By taking the baby to a doctor so that they can doi testing to see if you child has problems or heathy


The baby might need some shots

Question 6 12 pts Match the following regions of the world or mountain ranges with the corresponding mountain building process that is active today in that area. Appalachians [Choose ] Volcanic activity continued uplift due to Isostacy Crustal tensional stress and normal faulting Collision between two continental plates Cascades Basin and Range [Choose ] Alps [ Choose ]


Appalachians: Crustal tensional stress and normal faulting

Basin and Range: Crustal tensional stress and normal faulting

Alps: Collision between two continental plates

Explanation to the above given short answers are written below,

The Appalachian Mountains are primarily the result of crustal tensional stress and normal faulting. This mountain range was formed through the rifting and subsequent separation of the North American and African plates, leading to the formation of a divergent boundary.

The tensional stress caused the crust to stretch and fracture, resulting in normal faulting and the uplift of the Appalachian Mountains.

The Basin and Range region is characterized by crustal tensional stress and normal faulting as well. It is located in the western United States and is the result of ongoing extensional forces that have caused the crust to stretch and create a series of mountain ranges and valleys.

This region is known for its fault-block mountains and elongated basins.

The Alps, on the other hand, were formed by the collision between two continental plates: the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate. This collision resulted in intense compression and folding of the Earth's crust, leading to the uplift of the Alps.

The process of convergence between the two plates continues today, causing ongoing mountain building and uplift in the region.

It's important to note that volcanic activity and continued uplift due to isostasy are not associated with the Appalachians, Basin and Range, or the Alps. Volcanic activity is more commonly associated with other mountain ranges such as the Andes or the Cascade Range.

Isostasy refers to the balance of buoyancy between Earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere and does not directly relate to ongoing mountain building processes.

To know more about "Divergent boundary" refer here:



At a specific area of a chromosome, the sequence of nucleotides below is present where the chain opens to form a replication fork: 3' C CTA G G C T G C AAT C C 5 ' An RNA primer is formed starting at the underlined T (T) of the template. Which of the following represents the primer sequence? 1) 5′GCCTAGG3′ 2) 3′GCCTAGG5′ 3) 5′ACGTTAGG3′< !--[if gte mso 9]> 4) 5′ACGUUAGG3′ 5) 5′GCCUAGG3′


The primer sequence would be 3)  5′ACGUUAGG3′.

The RNA primer is formed on the 3' to 5' template strand because the polymerase adds nucleotides to the 3' end of the RNA primer and builds the new strand in a 5' to 3' direction. The DNA strand is antiparallel, meaning the 5' end of one strand is opposite the 3' end of the complementary strand. Therefore, the DNA strand that the RNA primer attaches to must be read in the opposite direction.The primer sequence for the given DNA strand 3' C CTA G G C T G C AAT C C 5 ' would be 5′ACGUUAGG3′. The other options are not correct : 5′GCCTAGG3′ is the complementary sequence for the DNA sequence on the template strand. 3′GCCTAGG5′ is the same sequence as the DNA sequence on the template strand but written in the opposite direction.5′ACGTTAGG3′ is formed if the primer starts at the second T instead of the first T. 5′GCCUAGG3′ is the same sequence as the DNA sequence on the template strand but written in the opposite direction.

Hence, at a specific area of a chromosome, the sequence of nucleotides below is present where the chain opens to form a replication fork : 3' C CTA G G C T G C AAT C C 5 ' An RNA primer is formed starting at the underlined T (T) of the template. The primer sequence would be 3)  5′ACGUUAGG3′.

Learn more about chromosome : https://brainly.com/question/11912112


Essay - What is the damage the ecology of a lake obtains when items
are put in it that aren’t supposed to be there?


The ecology of a lake obtains considerable damage when items are put in it that aren’t supposed to be there. Human activities like agricultural runoff, dumping of industrial waste, and sewage treatment contribute to the pollution of freshwater bodies. It affects aquatic life and the ecological balance of the lake by disrupting the food chain and natural processes.

An ecosystem refers to a natural system of living things and their surroundings. A lake ecosystem includes various living organisms such as fish, plankton, algae, and many other aquatic species. Additionally, it comprises non-living things such as water, minerals, nutrients, etc. Any human-made or synthetic material that enters the lake upsets this natural balance. When harmful chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers are used on agricultural fields, they contaminate the water and increase the nutrient content of the lake.

It encourages the growth of algae and other aquatic plants that use up oxygen in the water. When they decompose, they further reduce oxygen levels, which results in suffocation and death of aquatic organisms.Dumping of industrial waste is another human activity that contributes to the pollution of freshwater bodies. Chemicals like lead, mercury, and arsenic are toxic and can cause severe damage to the aquatic ecosystem. Fish and other aquatic animals may ingest these toxins and can accumulate them in their body tissues.

It results in reduced growth, deformities, and death of these animals. Sewage treatment is essential in cities to ensure that wastewater is treated and released into natural water bodies. However, inadequate or improper treatment can lead to a considerable increase in nutrients and organic matter in the lake, leading to harmful algal blooms and fish kills. In conclusion, human activities have significantly damaged freshwater ecosystems, and steps must be taken to reduce pollution to save these vital resources.

know more about ecology click here:



1.Based on the Wolves of Yellowstone video you watched, briefly explain how did the wolves change a river? How was this video used to illustrate interrelatedness in environmental science.

2. We looked at three different approaches based on perspectives towards nature in our discussion of environmental ethics in class. Compare and contrast preservation and conservation.

5. Compare and contrast commensalism and amensalism. Make sure to give example of each.

8. You were asked to explore six ecosystems in Section 1 of your group assignment #3. You may also have heard the presentations made by your classmates on some of these ecosystems. For question #8, #9 and #10 in this exam, please choose three different ecosystems and answer the following: What are the ranges, abiotic conditions and biotic conditions of one of the 3 ecosystems you chose? What makes this ecosystem unique? What ecological concepts were exemplified in this ecosystem?

9. What are the ranges, abiotic conditions and biotic conditions of the second ecosystem you chose? What makes this ecosystem unique?What ecological concepts were exemplified in this ecosystem?

10. What are the ranges, abiotic conditions and biotic conditions of the third ecosystem you chose? What makes this ecosystem unique?What ecological concepts were exemplified in this ecosystem?

11. List the land use proposals covered by your class. For each of these proposals, provide ONE strong argument presented by the group that supports why the proposal is a good use of the land (advantage of the proposal) and provide another ONE strong argument that is against the proposal (disadvantage of the proposal). Please elaborate on your answers to receive full points.

12. If it was up to you and you alone, which land use proposal would you vote as the best use of the land? Please elaborate on your answers to receive full points.


With regard to the Yellowstone park documentary, we know that wolves reintroduced in Yellowstone altered the river's ecosystem by controlling elk population.

Preservation and conservation differ in their focus on protecting nature and sustainable resource use.

Commensalism benefits one species, amensalism harms one.

Coral reefs, rainforests, and deserts exemplify unique characteristics and ecological concepts.

Land use proposals vary in advantages and disadvantages, but establishing a national park is favored for conservation.

What is the explanation for these?

1 )Wolves reintroduced in Yellowstone changed the river by controlling elk population, allowing vegetation to grow, stabilizing banks, and attracting more species. Illustrates ecological interconnectedness.

2) Preservation emphasizes protecting nature in its pristine state, while conservation focuses on sustainable use of resources.

3) Commensalism is a relationship where one species benefits while the other is unaffected, like barnacles on a whale. Amensalism is when one species is harmed while the other is unaffected, like a tree shading grass.

4) The chosen ecosystem is a coral reef. It has a warm temperature, high salinity, and diverse marine life. Unique for its symbiotic relationships and ecological services.

5) The chosen ecosystem is a tropical rainforest. It has a high biodiversity, warm and humid conditions, and a complex food web. Unique for its dense vegetation and nutrient cycling.

6) The chosen ecosystem is a desert. It has low precipitation, extreme temperatures, and adapted desert plants and animals. Unique for its water conservation strategies and reliance on limited resources.

7)Land use proposals: 1) Urban development - Adv: Economic growth. Disadv: Habitat loss. 2) National park - Adv: Conservation. Disadv: Limited land use. 3) Agriculture - Adv: Food production. Disadv: Soil degradation.

8) Personally, I would vote for the establishment of a national park due to its long-term conservation benefits and preservation of natural habitats.

Learn more about Yellowstone:

Where there is a lack of prostatic fluid, all of the following chemicals are decreased in the semen except
A. Alpha-glucosidase
B. Zinc
C. Citrate
D. Acid phosphatase


Where there is a lack of prostatic fluid, all of the following chemicals are decreased in the semen except D, acid phosphatase.

This is due to the fact that prostatic fluid accounts for around 30% of semen volume and has an acid pH of 6.5 to 7. This is because acid phosphatase is generated by both the prostate gland and the epididymis and is secreted by the prostate gland in semen.Acids phosphatase has its optimum activity at pH 5.5, so it is a marker for prostate gland function.

It is essential in the diagnosis and evaluation of prostate cancer, as well as determining the stage and management of the illness. It is also utilized to distinguish between seminal and non-seminal stains in forensic medicine. In summary, the answer to the question is D, acid phosphatase, is not chemicals that decreased in the semen where there is a lack of prostatic fluid.

To know more about prostate cancer visit:



Creating RNA from DNA


Cells make RNA messages in a process similar to the replication of DNA. The DNA strands are pulled apart in the location of the gene to be transcribed, and enzymes create the messenger RNA from the sequence of DNA bases using the base pairing rules. 3. RNA molecules made in a cell are used in a variety of ways.

that's some cool stuffffp

Which of the following contribute to dirty air?

Select three options.

• photosynthesis

• fossil fuels

• smoking

• mold

• respiration



Fossil Fuels, smoking, mold


Answer: Fossil Fuels, smoking, mold

Explanation: On Edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

state the taxonomic family to which the virus that causes EVD belongs​


Ebolavirus, genus of viruses in the family Filoviridae, certain members of which are particularly fatal in humans and nonhuman primates. In humans, ebolaviruses are responsible for Ebola virus disease (EVD), an illness characterized primarily by fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, and hemorrhaging.

___________________1. When acted upon by an unbalanced force, an object at rest will do what? ___________________ 2. What equation allows you to calculate Newton’s Second Law of Motion? 3. Newton’s Second Law of Motion shows a relationship between _________________, _______________________ and ________________________. 4. Force is measured in a unit called _____________________. FILL IN THE BLANKS PLEASE!!!



1. stay at rest

2. F = ma, or force is equal to mass times acceleration.


4.Kilogram-force: kgf


your welcome

Jesssica is blood type A and her husband Graham is blood type O. She is worried because they are pregnant and their future child has a rare disorder which will require him to need regular blood transfusions. Jessica worries that if their son ends up with type O blood, like his father, it will be hard to get the necessary regular blood transfusions because people with O blood can only accept O blood. What is the likelihood of their child having blood type O?



- 50% probability if Jessica has genotype "iAi"

- 0% probability if Jessica has genotype "iAiA"


Blood group in humans is controlled by multiple alleles namely; iA, iB and i. iA and iB are codominant but both dominant over i. The following blood types and their respective genotypes are possible;

- Type A: iAiA or iAi

- Type B: iBiB or iBi

- Type AB: iAiB

- Type O: ii

According to this question, Jessica is blood type A (iAiA or iAi) and her husband Graham is blood type O (ii).

- If Jessica has a genotype iAi, the probability that they will give birth to a child with blood type O (ii) is 50% (see punnet square)

- If Jessica has a genotype iAiA, the probability that they will give birth to a child with blood type O (ii) is 0% (see punnet square).

amino acids can be synthesized by reductive amination.
draw the structure of the organic compound that you would use to synthesize valine.
• You do not have to consider stereochemistry. • Draw the molecule with ionizable groups in their uncharged form. • In cases where there is more than one answer, just draw one.


Alanine can be synthesized by reductive amination of pyruvaldehyde with ammonia, amino acids or an amine in the presence of a reducing agent.

To blend alanine by reductive amination, we would begin with an aldehyde or ketone forerunner and respond it with smelling salts or an amine within the sight of a lessening specialist, for example, sodium cyanoborohydride. For this situation, we will utilize the aldehyde antecedent, pyruvaldehyde.

The design of pyruvaldehyde is as per the following:




To incorporate alanine, we would respond pyruvaldehyde with smelling salts or an amine and lessen it utilizing a diminishing specialist. The subsequent compound would be:




This construction addresses alanine, an amino corrosive with a side chain comprising of a methyl bunch (-[tex]CH_{3}[/tex]) joined to the alpha carbon.

Continuing on toward the subsequent part, the peptide CF would comprise of the amino corrosive cysteine (Cys) trailed by phenylalanine (Phe) in the peptide succession. The design of the peptide CF would be:


      |  |

   [tex]NH_{2}[/tex] C-[tex]CH_{2}[/tex] S-[tex]CH_{2}[/tex]-[tex]C_{6} H_{5}[/tex]



This construction addresses the peptide CF, where Cys is associated with Phe through a peptide bond. The side chains of cysteine and phenylalanine are likewise shown, with cysteine containing a thiol bunch (-SH) and phenylalanine having a phenyl bunch (-[tex]C_{6} H_{5}[/tex]). The peptide bond is shaped between the carboxyl gathering (-COOH) of Cys and the amino gathering (-[tex]NH_{2}[/tex]) of Phe.

To learn more about amino acids, refer:



The complete question is:

Amino acids can be synthesized by reductive amination. Draw the structure of the organic compound that you would use to synthesize alanine. • You do not have to consider stereochemistry. • Draw the molecule with ionizable groups in their uncharged form. • In cases where there is more than one answer, just draw one. Draw the structure for the peptide CF. • You do not have to consider stereochemistry. • You do not have to explicitly draw H atoms. • Do not include lone pairs in your answer. They will not be considered in the grading. • Draw acidic and basic groups in their predominant forms at pH 7.

Unusually shaped viruses such as lemon-shaped and spindle-shaped have recently been discovered in:


Unusually shaped viruses such as lemon-shaped and spindle-shaped have recently been discovered in a variety of environments. The presence of these viruses in the environment has a significant impact on the understanding of the biology of viruses and their effects on the environment and the organisms living in it. Let's discuss some examples of where these viruses have been discovered in more detail.

Lemon-shaped viruses have been identified in the gut of a cricket. These viruses have a unique structure, with a head and a tail-like structure that allows them to infect cells. They are classified as a type of bacteriophage, which means they infect bacteria. Bacteriophages have been found to be abundant in the environment and play an essential role in the control of bacterial populations.

Spindle-shaped viruses have been identified in hot springs in Japan. These viruses are also classified as bacteriophages and have a unique structure with a long, spindle-shaped head and a tail-like structure. Their discovery in hot springs is particularly interesting because it suggests that these viruses may play an essential role in the ecology of these extreme environments.

In conclusion, lemon-shaped and spindle-shaped viruses have been discovered in various environments, from the gut of crickets to hot springs. These viruses have unique structures that allow them to infect cells, and they play a significant role in the ecology of their environments. The discovery of these viruses has expanded our understanding of the biology of viruses and their impact on the environment.

know more about viruses click here:



identify the function of the nucleus. what is the funtion of the nucleus. please explain​


the nucleus controls and regulates everything and carries the genes, structures that contain dna.

Please help me!!!! 40 points
Down syndrome is an example of __________, and the person is __________ for chromosome 21.

Group of answer choices:

a. aneuploidy; trisomic

b. polyploidy; trisomic

c. aneuploidy; monosomic

d. polyploidy; monosomic



A. aneuploidy; trisomic


Aneuploidy means having more numbers of chromosomes than usual while polyploidy means having an abnormal number of chromosome sets. Down syndrome is a trisomy on chromosome 21 meaning there are 3 chromosomes for chromosome set 21.


A. aneuploidy; trisomic


Down syndrome is probably the most common example of a chromosomal aneuploidy. It is trisomic because an extra copy of Chromosome 21 is made, also known as Trisomy 21.

Please mark this answer as Brainliest if this helped you!

What type of dominance is it when traits are blended in offspring?

Complete dominance

Incomplete dominance



Answer: codominant


Discuss the overall health of the scrub (shrubland) biome. Outline how negative impacts can lead to other problems in the biome. Discuss 2 or 3 ideas on how we can make a difference to reduce these negative effects.


The overall health of the scrub (shrubland) biome can vary depending on various factors, including climate, human activities, and ecological disturbances.

Negative impacts on the biome can lead to other problems such as habitat loss, species extinction, and decreased ecosystem resilience.

For instance, deforestation or land conversion for agriculture or urbanization can fragment the scrubland habitat, disrupt wildlife populations, and reduce overall biodiversity.

Additionally, pollution from industrial activities or improper waste disposal can contaminate the soil and water, affecting the health of plants, animals, and microorganisms in the ecosystem.

To reduce these negative effects and promote a healthier scrub biome, several approaches can be taken. Firstly, implementing sustainable land management practices is crucial.

This includes responsible land-use planning, reforestation efforts, and promoting conservation strategies to protect existing scrubland areas. By preserving and restoring the natural habitat, we can help maintain the balance of the ecosystem and support the survival of native species.

Secondly, promoting awareness and education about the importance of the scrub biome is essential.

By educating communities, policymakers, and landowners about the value of these ecosystems, we can foster a sense of stewardship and encourage environmentally friendly practices.

Lastly, adopting sustainable agricultural practices can contribute to the health of the scrub biome. Implementing techniques such as agroforestry, organic farming, and precision agriculture can minimize the use of harmful chemicals, reduce soil erosion, and promote biodiversity on agricultural lands adjacent to scrubland areas.

Overall, protecting and restoring the health of the scrub biome requires a multi-faceted approach involving conservation, education, and sustainable practices to mitigate negative impacts and preserve the unique characteristics and ecological functions of this important ecosystem.

To know more about "Biome" refer here:



A good conclusion restates the hypothesis so that the reader



its b.



The one you selected is correct

[Choice B] [Second Choice]


A good conclusion restates the hypothesis so that the reader sees how the scientist applied the results to the hypothesis.

1.) what is the optimal pH for pepsin? where is pepsin found?

2.) what is the optimal pH for salivary amylase? what substrate does it act on? where is it found?


Answer: 1. The digestive power of pepsin is greatest at the acidity of normal gastric juice (pH 1.5–2.5). 1.0–2.0

The optimum pH for pepsin activity of 1.0–2.0 is maintained in the stomach by HCl. When the pH of the medium increases to values greater than 3.0, pepsin is almost completely inactivated. 2.  The optimum pH for the enzymatic activity of salivary amylase ranges from 6 to 7. Above and below this range, the reaction rate reduces as enzymes get denatured. The enzyme salivary amylase is most active at pH 6.8.  around 7

Salivary α‐amylase has a short‐lived action. In fact, it is swallowed with chewed food and subsequently inactivated by extremely low gastric pH; amylase in fact has an optimal pH around 7, and the pH of saliva is generally between 6.4 and 7.0.


List 2 organisms that are NOT plants that have the ability to do photosynthesis.



- The Green Sea Slug

- Pea Aphids

Plant systems are made of


The answer is B . Plant systems are made of living and non living cells

How does the extinction of species affect humans?
A. Extinction generates new sources of medicine.
B. Extinction upsets the natural cycling of nutrients,
C. Extinction helps keep air and water clean.
D. Extinction makes the environment more pleasant.



B. Extinction upsets the natural cycling of nutrients

The extinction of species affect humans as extinction upsets the natural cycling of nutrients. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What do you mean by extinction of species?

Extinction is the end of a sort of life form or of a gathering of sorts, normally an animal categories. The snapshot of annihilation is for the most part viewed as the passing of the last person of the species, albeit the ability to raise and recuperate.

As species go terminated, they are removed from the established pecking order. The animals that ate the species that has gone extinct must find new food or die. Other animal or plant populations could suffer as a result.

Habitat loss and degradation (primarily deforestation), overexploitation (hunting and overfishing), invasive species, climate change, and nitrogen pollution are the main modern causes of extinction.

Learn more about extinction of species:



8. With clear examples give a detailed explanation why alteration of microenvironment can lead toxic effects 9. Discuss the conditions under apoptosis can occur, but necrosis cannot occur


The microenvironment is the environment surrounding a cell. It includes the extracellular matrix, the other cells in the tissue, and the nutrients and oxygen available to the cell.

How does alteration of microenvironment lead to toxic effects?

One way is by disrupting the cell's ability to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability of the cell to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. When the microenvironment is altered, the cell may be unable to maintain homeostasis, leading to damage or death.

Another way that alteration of the microenvironment can lead to toxic effects is by activating stress pathways. Stress pathways are pathways that are activated in response to environmental stressors. When these pathways are activated, they can lead to cell damage or death.

Apoptosis can occur under a number of conditions, including:

DNA damage. When DNA is damaged, the cell may undergo apoptosis to prevent the damage from spreading to other cells.Hormonal signals. Some hormones can trigger apoptosis, such as the hormone that signals the death of cells in the lining of the uterus during menstruation.Growth factor deprivation. When cells are deprived of growth factors, they may undergo apoptosis.Cell-to-cell signaling. Cells can send signals to each other that trigger apoptosis.

Necrosis can occur when cells are exposed to:

Toxins. Toxins can damage cells, leading to necrosis.Injury. Physical injury, such as a cut or a burn, can damage cells, leading to necrosis.Ischemia. Ischemia is a lack of blood flow to a tissue. This can damage cells, leading to necrosis.

Find out more on toxic effects here: https://brainly.com/question/1235358


which factor contributes to climate change the most​


Human activities specially burning fossil fuels
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