(25 points!) Based on the text in Passage 1, what conclusion
can be drawn from the underlined sentence on
page 4?

(25 Points!) Based On The Text In Passage 1, What Conclusioncan Be Drawn From The Underlined Sentence


Answer 1


In iReady, the answer is "Those who oppose slavery are now willing to go to war to stop it."


Related Questions

hich sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?(1 point) Where is the plants growing? Where are the hookup for the hose? Where are the watering cans stored? Where is the students going to weed?



The sentence which demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement is:

C.  Where are the watering cans stored?


If the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb must agree with it by being conjugated in its singular form. If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

All the options given use forms of the verb to be. "Is" is used for the third person singular, while "are" is used for plural. To find the subject of each sentence, we must ask the verb a question - who or what.

A. Where is the plants growing? - What is what growing? The plants. plants = plural, is = singular. This sentence is INCORRECT.

B. Where are the hookup for the hose? - Where are what? The hookup. hookup = singular, are = plural. Again, INCORRECT

C. Where are the watering cans stored? - Where are what stored? The watering cans. cans = plural, are = plural. This is CORRECT.

D. Where is the students going to weed? - Where is who going to weed? The students. students = plural, is = singular. INCORRECT




It's the correct answer! TRUST me:P

1. What are the things that, according to the poet, do not make a
nation strong? gold



Not gold, nor the sword, nor pride make a nation strong, according to the


Describe a wet street after the rain.



slippery, dangerous, dirty, and sometimes pretty:)


A wet street after the rain can be happy to those who like to splash in the left over puddles made on the street. Other people might find it horrible and slippery. When driving, people may not like the wet road because of the loss of traction and the higher possibility of there being a crash or some comotion.

Hanging from a cord attached to the middle of the ceiling there was an electric bulb, low enough for an adult to reach and turn the black switch. I realized that this was our own electric light for us to turn on and off as we pleased. I pushed a chair under it and after some instruction from my mother proceeded to create lightning in the room by turning the switch as fast as I could. Which effective technique does the author mainly use to write this excerpt? clear point of view interesting dialogue detailed action logical sequencing


Answer: The answer is NOT B or C so I recommend trying D or A


What characteristics of an epic hero does Gilgamesh exhibit in the excerpt? Select 2 options. compassion for his enemy courage in battle endurance in travel connection to supernatural help humility in defeat


Read the excerpt from Gilgamesh: A New English Version.

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu] charged at Humbaba like two wild bulls.

The monster let out a deafening cry,

his roar boomed forth like a blast of thunder,

he stamped and the ground burst open, his steps

split the mountains of Lebanon,

the clouds turned black, a sulfurous fog

descended on them and made their eyes ache.

Then Shamash threw strong winds at Humbaba,

the south wind, the north wind, the east and the west,

storm wind, gale wind, hurricane, tornado,

to pin him down and paralyze his steps.

He could not move forward, could not retreat.

Gilgamesh saw it, he leaped upon him,

he held a knife to Humbaba's throat.

What characteristics of an epic hero does Gilgamesh exhibit in the excerpt? Check all that apply.

compassion for his enemy

courage in battle

endurance in travel

connection to supernatural help

humility in defeat


courage in battle

connection to supernatural help


An epic hero is the central character in a story or poem that accomplishes great tasks, usually with great strength, courage or help from the supernatural.

Gilgamesh showed his courage when he took on the great monster Humbaba and he also had supernatural help when Shamash intervened to help Gilgamesh defeat Humbaba.


b & d


took the quiz!!

Is success in life determined by our childhood experiences?

A. always
B. sometimes
C. never








Ans. Sometimes

Always childhood experience does not have anything to do with success while sometime it does.

Hope it helps u

Please mark as BRAINLIEST

What type of literary work does The Devil's Dictionary most clearly



11. D)

12. B)


A satire type of literary work does The Devil's Dictionary most clearly exemplify.

Bierce uses a cynical tone to ridicule human behavior and society.

What is the purpose of the Devil's Dictionary?

Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary uses the format of a dictionary to redefine popular words in the American vernacular, including marriage, religion, lawyer, and conservative. The definitions seem to define the words as they really are in society rather than as the set definition laid down by scholars.

When was the Devil's Dictionary written?

Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary (originally published in 1906 as The Cynic's Word Book) is a volume of ironic, even bitter, definitions that has often been reprinted.

Learn more about The Devil's Dictionary at



Explain the statement, “What were luxuries have become the necessities of life.”



This statement could be interpreted in a number of ways. For example, it could show how humanity has become greedy and obsessed with luxuries that they feel as if they cannot live without it. For example, having a phone. This could also represent how time has passed and how both our necessities and luxuries change (depending where you live). For example, having a TV in the early 30's and/or 40's having a TV was a luxury but by the time of the 60's (or 70's I think) almost every family already had one.

What effect does it have on the story that Grendel only seems to attack Herot at
night? *



It makes the story to be filled with suspense.


From the Beowulf story, the evil monster Grendel holds Denmark hostage because it has been attacking the towns within and destroying things, and none of the weapons the warriors have is able to do any damage to it.

Grendel attacks mead-hall Herot at night because he is totally evil and he hates to hear the happy laughter of men in the hall. He attacks them at night, kills many, leaves, and comes back another night to continue his torment.

This tactic makes the story filled with suspense because nobody knows what will happen next.

According to the "Equal Pay Bill" letter, who is traditionally a family's "breadwinner"?
A. The younger generation
B. Anyone who can afford to purchase food
C. A man
D. A woman​


i think it is C. A man but i am not so sure

6. Analyze Clover's role in the novel. Consider her role as a worker, caretaker, as well as a friend to the other

animals. How does she change throughout the novel? Is she a necessary character? Why or why not?


Answer and Explanation:

Clover is one of the two horses living on Animal Farm. She functions as a mother figure for the other animals, especially the most vulnerable ones. Just like Boxer, the other horse, she represents the working class of Soviet Russia - the ones who truly sacrificed for the leaders (the pigs, in this case) to lead an easy life.

Clover was a stout motherly mare approaching middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth foal.

Clover made a sort of wall round them with her great foreleg, and the ducklings nestled down inside it and promptly fell asleep.

At first, Clover believes in the ideal preached by the pigs. They speak of equality and justice, of a world where animals are happy and free, where they work for the common good instead of a greedy human. Being less intelligent than the pigs, she trusts them completely, resting assured they know what they are doing.

However, as the pigs become more and more similar to humans in their behavior and greediness, Clover's perception begins to change. She is not able to fully understand what is going on at first, but she can tell something is wrong.

Boxer passed it off as usual with "Napoleon is always right!", but Clover, who thought she remembered a definite ruling against beds, went to the end of the barn and tried to puzzle out the Seven Commandments which were inscribed there. Finding herself unable to read more than individual letters, she fetched Muriel.

"Muriel," she said, "read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?"

With some difficulty Muriel spelt it out.

"It says, 'No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets,"' she announced finally.

Curiously enough, Clover had not remembered that the Fourth Commandment mentioned sheets; but as it was there on the wall, it must have done so. And Squealer, who happened to be passing at this moment, attended by two or three dogs, was able to put the whole matter in its proper perspective.

Finally, as the pigs' corruption gets more flagrant, Clover is utterly disappointed. She is deeply sad to see their dreams fall apart. Clover is not only necessary, but also a crucial character. She represents the feelings of the working class - their disappointment and sense of betrayal.

As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken her thoughts, it would have been to say that this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago to work for the overthrow of the human race. These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to on that night when old Major first stirred them to rebellion. If she herself had had any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the strong protecting the weak, as she had protected the lost brood of ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major's speech.

Do our memories of past events determine, or have controlling effect on, our future actions?​



nao entendi


Can a place be considered a motif?





Explain how the story of theme “those who sacrifice for each other are the wisest”.



Explanation: Those who sacrifice are said to be the wisest since these people have offered more to the people they care about rather than thinking about themselves. True wisdom can be found in the love for the recipient regardless of the materials they have given. It is through giving and sacrifice that they understand more about the person and, most especially, themselves.

Match these vocabulary words with their definitions.
1. proprietary colonyowned by a private person
2. chattelany article of movable or immovable property
3. patroona landowner who had certain privileges under the former Dutch government of New York


You seem to have given the answers already. I will simply confirm them and add some explanation.


1. proprietary colony --> owned by a private person

2. chattel --> any article of movable or immovable property

3. patroon --> a landowner who had certain privileges under the former Dutch government of New York


A proprietary colony was a type of settlement common between the years 1660 and 1690. They were large tracts of land given to favorites of the British crown. In other words, they were colonies owned by a private person, who was supposed to supervise and develop them.

A chattel is any item of tangible movable or immovable property that is not a building or a land.

A patroon was a certain type of landowner that had manorial privileges granted by the old Dutch governments of New York and New Jersey.

People appreciated the billionaire’s success story because of his ____ beginnings. A. humble B. inferior C. ordinary





not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful. having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc.: In the presence of so many world-famous writers, I felt very humble.

Whats the difference between high-use academic words and key terms?


High use academic words are used in essays and formal letters whereas key terms would be found when reading a passage or context. Key terms would normally be highlighted.

5. In paragraph 9, MacArthur quotes Plato: "Only
the dead have seen the end of war." [RI. HOW
does this quote contribute to the overall meaning
of the speech?



It means that for peace to reign, war is inevitable.


General Douglas MacArthur's Farewell Address speech which he gave on May 12, 1962, when he received the Sylvanus Thayer award was added with a quote from Pluto which says that "Only  the dead have seen the end of war." means that for peace to reign, then war is inevitable and therefore continuous because peace is constantly threatened.

Now that you have researched the definitions of each term and their parts of speech, compare your initial understanding of the terms with what you discovered. In the space provided, write a brief description of what you learned about the terms after researching them in a glossary or a dictionary.



Multicellular is an organism that has or is consisting of many cells. For us humans, cells differentiate early in development to become nerve cells, skin cells, muscle cells, blood cells, and many more. Some examples include humans, dogs, and cows.

Segregation’s are the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or just things being set apart in particular. An example could be the racial segregation that was crucial until the 1950s.

Alternation is the repeated occurrence of two things in turn. An example of alternation is a revision, remodeling a house is also an example of alternation.

A spore is a minute, typically a one-celled, reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual without any fusion. Another word for spores could be endospore or carpospore. They are produced by a zygosporangupium, a characteristic of zygomyctes.

Hope this helped girl!


After looking up each term, I was surprised to find that most of the terms are nouns since they represent a scientific concept. I was also interested in the fact that each definition was very detailed. This is most likely due to the fact that they represent complex scientific concepts. The definitions gave me more information about the passage as well as a better understanding of the terms.

What best explains the difference between a goal and a fantasy?

O A goal is for a short time, while a fantasy is long term.

O A goal requires effort, while a fantasy is wishful thinking.

O A goal is wishful thinking, while a fantasy requires effort.

O A goal is for the long term, while a fantasy is short-lived.

my last creds :( TY!



B- A goal requires effort, while a fantasy is wishful thinking.


In my opinion, I would say 2: A goal requires effort, while a fantasy is wishful thinking. Fingers crossed!


(Pleas help me I got until tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning) PLEASE HELP

A mouse, who always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed a close friendship with a frog, who
lived, for the most part, in the water.
One day, the frog wanted to cause trouble. He tied the foot of the mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined
together, the frog led his friend the mouse to the meadow where they usually searched for food After this, he
gradually led him towards the pond in which he lived, until reaching the banks of the water, he suddenly jumped
in, dragging the mouse with him.
The frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed. The
unhappy mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water, and his poor dead body floating about on the
surface. Whawk observed the floating mouse from the sky, and dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying
it back to his nest. The frog, being still fastened to the leg of the mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was
eaten by the hawk.
1. What do you learn in the exposition or introduction of the
2. What events are included in the rising action of the story?
3. What is the climax (the peak) of the story?
4. What events are included in the falling action of the story?
5.What is the resolution of the story?


1. the frog knew what he was doing to some extent at least bc he knew he wanted to cause trouble
2. the frog having the mouse tied to its leg and hanging out w him
3. when the mouse dies and the frog gets taken w the body of it
4. the frog getting dragged away w the mouse
5. she frog shared the same fate as the mouse for no reason basically

Which of these sentences uses correct punctuation?





The others don't use correct punctuation.

Ie, using a semi-colon instead of a colon and commas rather than periods.


C. in time of course all the issues get resolved, but not necessary in the way would like


the two complete ideas are joined together correctly with a comma and conjunction. When there are two independent clauses "In time, of course, all issues get resolved" and "not necessarily in the way you would like", They need to be joined with either a conjunction and a comma, or a semicolon. Option A joins the two complete ideas with only a comma. This is not enough. Option B does not have two complete ideas. instead it uses a semicolon for a list. A semicolon is not used to begin a list, a colon is. The last sentence is wrong because it uses a colon and conjunction to join two complete ideas, but it should be a comma.

How did permanent settlements impact the social structure of early civilizations?
O Permanent settlements allowed all citizens to feel safe and productive within the society as equals.
Some jobs were deemed more important than others, so those citizens were viewed as more important.
O As they were the producers for the village, farmers occupied the highest place in permanent settlements.
O Children were viewed as the most important members of the society because they were considered the future.



Some jobs were deemed more important than others, so those citizens were viewed as more important.


Agricultural production has changed the previous social systems;  and resulted in huge social consequences, where people lived in bigger and denser communities and not everyone had to dedicate their full time in search of food. Permanent settlements resulted in specialization within society which gave rise to different social classes. With the availability of surplus food, people got spared time which can be devoted to specialized tasks. In this process, some people became more important than others.

One theme found throughout The Odyssey is that help often comes when least expected. Which lines from the text best support this theme? Some god guided us that night, for we could barely see our bows in the dense fog around us All hands aboard; come, clear the beach and no one taste the Lotus, or you lose your hope of home. My men were mutinous, fools, on stores of wine. Sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle The servants armed themselves, and all three took their stand beside the master of battle



the answer is A:Some god guided us

that night, for we could barely see our bows

in the dense fog around us


Lines from the text best support this theme that some god guided us that night, for we could barely see our bows in the dense fog around us. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is the message of the  Odyssey?

In The Odyssey, destiny, the deeds of the gods, and the decisions made by the men and women individuals all have a role in influencing the lives of the characters.

In regards to Telemachus and Odysseus, the idea of spiritual development is important to The Odyssey. When the story begins Telemachus is unsure of how to handle the hopefuls who have occupied his home and are attempting to marry off his mother for largely political purposes.

The thought that help often comes when least expected shows a loss of hope as they lose hope of getting help and suddenly they receive it.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about the Odyssey, here:





Draw a sketch and then check off the board and then make sure you have all the things you need to do it


Her name is Eliza Lopez. She has jet black hair with dazzling emerald green eyes. She wasn't too nice as her father was the head of a company. She wore expensive clothes and everyone could smell the strong perfume smell that came off of her each time she passed you. She usually had a sly smirk on her face and would flick her curls around to let everyone know who was the boss. Her biggest secret, was her power to disappear. No one knew and she had to keep it a secret.  

what is the prefix and suffix of misidentify



prefix: mis

suffix: fy


prefix is at the beginning and suffix is at the end.


Mis is the prefix.      And fy is the suffix.


The prefix is placed before the stem of the word.

The suffix is attached after the stem of the word.

Hope this helps!

What is a flashback in your own words?



it is something that happened in the past and your remembering it

Answer: In my words, I think a flashback is going through memory lane or just picturing something that happened in the past.

In my words, the definition of flashback, in general, is to think about something in the past.

An elephant ears are designed to help cool it down on hot days if an elephant has larger ears it can cause self down quicker if the temperature becomes constantly hotter how would the elephant population adapt?



First of all elephants' ears contain many blood vessels. As an elephant flaps its ears on hot days, the blood in these veins cools, which then cools the elephant's brain and travels back through the body, reducing body temperature. So from this passage it is easy to tell that the lephant would go through a Physiological adaptation to make it's ears bigger to help the population survive.

Hope this helps!

Which sentence is written in an active voice


there is not picture up on this question

Read the sentence. Then, use the drop-down menus to answer the questions that follow.

My older brother is always facetious, or sarcastic and cleverly amusing, when talking to my friends.

What does the word facetious mean?

What indicates that this is a definition clue?


Hello! My answer would have to be:

what does the word facetious mean? Sarcastic and cleverly amusing

what indicates that this is a definiton clue? Commas

In the sentence, it says “my older brother is always facetious, or sarcastic and cleverly amusing, when talking to my friends.”

They are basically giving you the definition of facetious that is after the comma to give you a clue on the definition so you won’t be confused and look it up in a dictionary.

I hope this answers your question.

Using the drop-down menu, the answers to the following questions are :

The meaning of the term "facetious" is sarcastic and cleverly amusing.It is the commas that indicate that this is a definition clue.

What is menu?

When an individual has to make a selection among a variety of things that are presented in front of them, either it is a virtual presentation or it can be a text presentation.

Such a kind of presentation is known as a menu. Basically, a menu is a thing in which a variety of things are present and a person has to choose according to the requirement or the need of the time.

In the case of the given statement, one must respond to the question by first explaining the meaning and then indicating the blue.

As a result of the given statement, the meaning of the term can be taken after the commas.

Learn more about the menu here:



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