2. The Smith System guideline to "leave yourself an out" helps in the decision-making process.
A. O True
B. O False


Answer 1
A. True. This is the correct answer
Answer 2

Yes, the Smith System guideline to "leave yourself an out" helps in the decision-making process. Thus option (A) is correct.

What is decision-making process?

The decision making process  is a whole cycle from  gathering information, assessing different alternatives till making a final choice or decision. The goal of decision-making process is making the best decision possible.

Decision-making is an integral part of management. A rational or sound decision making is very important for the growth of an organization. . Every manager from top to bottom in an heriarchy takes several decisions on a daily basis for the better growth of the organization.

The Smith System guideline to "leave yourself an out" helps in the decision-making process is true. Therefore option (A) is correct.

Learn more about decision-making process here:



Related Questions

true or false,, The juvenile and criminal justice systems are the same, only the ages of the offenders differ.



Juveniles are tried in what is called an adjudication hearing instead of a public trial with a jury. ... While the goal of the adult crime system is to punish, the goal of the juvenile crime system is rehabilitation and doing what's in the best interest of the minor.


what election laws were affected by the 17thg 19th 23rd 24th and 26th amendments



americans had a greater voice in the government. gave women the right to vote. people in the district had the right to vote for president or vice president. poll taxes became illegal in national elections. guranteed the right to vote if you were 18 or older .


Because of what election laws were affected by the 17thg 19th 23rd 24th and 26th amendments.

crime prevention programs that have been successful?



1. For delinquent and at-risk  preadolescents: Family therapy and  parent training.

2. For older male ex-offenders:  Vocational training.

3. For convicted offenders: Rehabilitation  programs with risk-focused treatments.


Here's a report for the U.S. Department of Justice's  Office of Justice Programs. There are more recent reports but this should work well for your given prompt.

What law enforcement agency is NYPD



New York City Police Department.


"PD" almost always means police department.

Also, it's quite a prominent police department and well-known since New York City is as well.

Brainliest pls (╯∀╰)

It’s New York police department

Why did the need for public defenders increase following the Supreme Court's decision in Gideon v. Wainwright?

a. There were too many prosecutors and not enough attorneys for cases at this time.

b. Criminal defendants in felony cases were required to be provided counsel by the state if the defendant could not afford his or her own legal

c. Requests for legal defenders had been piling up and not addressed until this time.

d. The accused began studying the law and learning to defend their rights.



c. Requests for legal defenders had been piling up and not addressed until this time.

How do u train ur dog to sit?



It takes time! Patience is a requirement in the early stages of teaching tricks.

Now let's get into it!

Treats-- Treats could be an advantage of getting your dog to listenMake him do the trick then praise him!



use treats say "sit!" then if he does treat him or her if they dont show them how!


What kind of power sets standards for special forces training?​



https://www.goarmy.com/special-forces/training.html this link is from the accualy army so you can find all the info there


Go listen to my playlist on spotify!



I dont really feel like it


thank you :)


the law of demands is explained by all of the following except?

A. consumer preferences
B. income effect
C. law of diminishing marginal utility
D. substitution effect​



C. law of diminishing marginal utility


If not? Which one was it?



A type of law that regulates the accumulation, preservation, use and
distribution of wealth
1 point




HELP ME PLZ 10. True or False: As commander-in-chief, the president can declare war
a. True b. False
11. True or False: As commander-in-chief, the president can send troops to stop riots
a. True b. False
12. What is the term that gives the President the right to withhold information from Congress or refuse to
a. Legislation
b. Executive privilege
c. Diplomacy
d. Executive order
13. What can the President issue to excuse offenders of a crime?
a. Sanction
b. Reprieve
c. Pardon
d. Executive Order
14. What can the President issue to delay punishments for a crime?
a. Sanction
b. Reprieve
c. Pardon
d. Executive Order
15. What can the President issue to carry out law or new regulation that has the same effect as law?
a. Legislation
b. Executive privilege
c. Diplomacy
d. Executive order
16. What is the reason the President speaks at the State of the Union?
a. Outline the year’s agenda
b. Campaign for reelection


10. true

11. true

12. B

13. C

14. B

15. D

16. The State of the Union Message is a message from the President to Congress, usually given once a year in January or February. In the message, the President talks about important issues facing Americans and offers his ideas on solving the nation's problems, including suggestions for new laws and policies.

What are the steps that police officers take during a traffic stop? Provide an example.



This will vary from different training schools and methods but a basic rundown would be:

1 Pull the vehicle over and position the squad car a bit to the driver's side, giving the officer a preferable safety zone in case of sudden violence or accidents involving other motorists

2a View the situation. Visibility into the vehicle - tinted windows, panel walls, etc… How many known occupants in the vehicle? Movement within the vehicle - are occupants jumpy, are they “cleaning”, are they calm and patient

2b Request information on the vehicle make, model, color, and license plate. These should match the database

3 Assuming a no-warnings return on the vehicle check, approach the vehicle on the driver's side cautiously, viewing any and all occupants while visually scanning for obvious contraband

4 Assuming no illegal items or activities are apparent, If the driver's window is closed, ask the driver to open the window. While watching all occupants, as the driver for paperwork (license - proof of right to drive, insurance card - a proof vehicle is legally insured, registration - proof the vehicle belongs to, or is reasonably operable by the driver and matching the database information on the vehicle.

5 Inform the driver of the reason for stopping. Some officers may ask if the person is aware of the reason first - this may get the driver to admit guilt. It’s not a trick, and it's ok to say “I don’t know”.

6 Assess the information available and determine if a citation is warranted - in most jurisdictions, stopping the vehicle requires a citation but the officer may be allowed, at their discretion, to provide a warning instead.

7 Return to a squad car and write the citation/warning.

8 Return to the vehicle and serve the citation/warning.

Note: At any given moment these steps may change and may devolve into an arrest if the actions of the driver OR passengers warrant. Most traffic stops can be “routine”, although that is a dirty word in police work if no one acts out of place. It's irritating to be caught doing something wrong, especially if you truly believe you were not in the wrong. Stay calm and the officer will stay calm. Belligerence and/or agitation will cause the officer to react in light of their own and/or the public’s safety.

There may be other steps involved. As I said, these things differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and department to department (a sheriff’s deputy may not operate the same as a local policeman or a state policeman in the same city or county.


Hope this helped.

In the democracy, what the majority wants is often reflected in policy. Explain two roles of the media in the policy making process​


One point is earned for an explanation of how a newly elected president increases the likelihood of policy change.
• Presidents claim an electoral mandate that allows them to pressure Congress into adopting their agenda.
• Presidents have more political capital during their honeymoon period, which allows them to set the legislative agenda.
• New presidents can issue executive orders or make appointments that may influence public policy.
• The new president’s party is more likely to have gained seats in Congress during the presidential
election, which makes it easier to pass legislation.
One point is earned for an explanation of how a national crisis increases the likelihood of policy change.
• Focuses the attention of policy makers, which can lead to policy change.
• Unifies and mobilizes the public, which can lead to policy change.
Here is more information.

One point is earned for a description of the role of the courts in the policy process.
Court decisions can create, block, or guide public policy (judicial review, overturn, precedent).
One point is earned for a description of the role of the media in the policy process.
• The media can set the policy agenda.
• They can choose which issues to cover and how to frame them.
• They inform the public on public policy issues. Hope this helps! Mark brainly please!

what are the similarities between private ems and public fire service



Emergency medical technicians or EMTs who have completed the highest level of training are known as paramedics. ... Other paramedics are firefighter medics, who have received both firefighter and paramedic training.


Denials give the suspect more confidence during an interrogation.
a. True
b. False



Only guilty people show signs of nervousness during an interrogation.







what ??????????????????

what does bicyclist sign mean in a road construction?



In explanation


It means watch out for bicyclist and steer clear of the bicycle lane.

Hope this helped, and please mark as Brainliest :)

Which statement about cells is false?

a)Different cells work together to form tissues and organs.
b)Cells are the basic structure of living things.
c)New cells contribute to growth and repair.
d)Cells contribute only to the reproduction of an organism.



D)Cells contribute only to the reproduction of an organism


Cells do many different things and do not only limit to reproduction of an organism

How does this become a law question? The answer is D

If Jeremy used the credit cards, he could be sued by the credit card holders in a civil case. Describe what would happen in a civil case.


In the civil case the opposing lawyer would try to persuade an eight-person jury that he stole and used the cards. If at least six of the eight jurors agree that Jeremy did, Jeremy will have to reimburse the credit cardholders for the charges Jeremy made.

What is civil case?

In a federal civil litigation, two or more parties are involved in a legal dispute. When one of the disputants files a complaint and pays the required filing fee, a civil action commences.

If a plaintiff is unable to pay the filing fee, he or she may apply to continue in forma pauperis. The fee is waived if the request is granted.

Thus, the lawyer would persuade the case with eight jurors.

For further details about civil case, click here:



Answer:What would happen in a civil case is the result will in monetary damages or orders. His lawyer will persuade to get him off the hook or work a settlement out. 

What are the two kinds of legal systems in America?
O English and Roman
O advocates or fact-finders
adversarial and inquisitorial
civil and criminal



adversarial and inquisitorial


A legal system can be defined as the system of principles, regulations and rules established by legislature, that is adopted in a community, society or country to regulate the actions of its citizens, members or employees.

Thus, a legal system is procedural and it's used by the judiciary, lawyers, individuals, organizations, and even government to ensure everybody is well behaved, non-criminal and civil in their actions. Therefore, a law creates the foundation for ethical behavior.

In circumstances where there are aberration, the law is enforced as a punishment and penalty for wrongdoings or misdeeds.

The two kinds of legal systems in the United States of America are;

I. Adversarial: it involves two legal practitioners representing their clients in litigation.

II. Inquisitorial: it involves the services of an inquisitor who is saddled with the responsibility of investigating a matter and giving a judgement to the legal case or issue.

Which of the following is not true about the job responsibilities of a Field Evidence Technician?

A. Responsible for conducting evidence search

B. Mainly looking for fingerprints, footprints, tool marks, hairs, fibers and also possible trace evidence carriers

C. Interviewing possible witnesses at the crime scene



C. Interviewing possible witnesses at the crime scene


Evidence technicians work in the field of crime scene investigation. These specialists are responsible for preserving the chain of custody of evidence and often have a background in criminal justice and forensic science. ... Evidence technicians may work for the local, state, or federal government.


C is your answer


Give ONE reason for your answer
List THREE forms of transport that inbound teams can use to
reach Kimberley



a small car

, an automatic car

, an eco-friendly car

, luxury cars

, or minivans and truck


A person convicted of a crime can eventually be released with supervision) before the end of his or her sentence. This is known as
es »)





Pretest: Unit 5
Question 4 of 20
A married couple wants to move out of their apartment into a new house.
They don't have enough in their savings to pay for any of the houses they
want all at once, and they don't want to wait years to save up the full amount.
Which type of loan would most help solve their problem?


Answer: They should rent


What are the main activities of state law enforcement agencies following the centralized model?


C, handling criminal investigations and patrolling state highways.

This would be the best answer because law enforcement is known mostly for criminal investigations and guarding state highways. State borders isn’t a MAIN activity.

Hope this helps! :)

1. If your vehicle skids, steer the vehicle———-
to straighten the vehicle out, then————-
A. opposite the direction of the skid, in the direction you wish to go.
B.in the direction of the skią in the direction you wish to go.
C. in the direction of the skid, opposite the direction you wish to go.



Well I'm not sure if this will help but I got told whenever your vehicle skids, u should steer the same direction. Like If your vehicle skids to the right, you should steer to the right


Should be B! I’m pretty sure

1. When does someone enter the court system?​



When they are arrested.


When they are arrested or when they commit a crime

Which of the following headlines is correct in regards to checks and balances?
O A. The president was impeached by both the House of Representatives and the Senate
B. The president was impeached by the Supreme Court
C. The Supreme Court was impeached by the president.
D. The Senate was impeached by the House of Representatives.


The answer is A the president was impeached by both the House of Representatives and the senate

If you were by yourself how would you be able to control a combative person with a gun and a female getting out of the driver's side?


Answer: call the police and say the license plate


You can maintain your focus during a telephone call by

Select one:
a. Taking notes
b. Closing your eyes during the conversation
c. Squeezing a stress ball
d. Visualizing the caller


the answer is A. taking notes
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A team approach ensures that critical factors are not overlooked and that a sound choice is made. A team approach ensures that critical factors are not overlooked and that a sound choice is made. The evaluation and selection team also must include users, who will participate in the selection process and feel a sense of ownership in the new system.Evaluate and select who would be on the team to eliminate system alternatives that will not meet requirements, rank the alternatives that are feasible, and present the viable alternatives to management for a final decision. The process begins with a careful study of the costs and benefits of each alternative, as explained in the following section. chapter 4 governmental nfp accountingCheck my work The following transactions relate to Newport City's special revenue fund. 1. In 2020, Newport City created a special revenue fund to help fund the 911 emergency call center. 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