Question 11
Fill in the blank of the following sentence with the appropriate verb, conjugated correctly.

(Only enter the missing word and not the entire sentence. Entering the entire sentence will be marked incorrectly.)

¿Tú _____ (have) hambre?


Answer 1
The answer is(Tienes) I speak Spanish so glad I can help
Answer 2





Related Questions

En la primavera yo siempre ___________(1) con mi madre los sábados por la mañana a buscar flores. Yo ____________(2) flores por toda la casa. Casi todas las mañanas yo ___________(3) un paseo por el parque con mi hermana. Mi padre siempre me ___________(4) dinero para comprar comida. Algunas veces, nosotros ___________(5) televisión o come (6) tacos. Antes de comer, mis hermanos ___________(7) la mesa y ellos, mis padres y yo vemos (8) televisión.

Verbs: comer, poner, dar, salir, ver. Present tense.

Will give brainliest



1. salgo

2. pongo

3. doy

4. da

5. vemos

6. comemos

7. ponen

8. vemos


1.)Ayer, Camila y Juan
_______(leer) las etiquetas de los artículos de aseo personal.

2.) Nos
________(sentir) cansados cuando llegamos a la casa de campo.

3.) El Sr. Rodríguez caminaba hacia el elevador cuando la puerta se _____ (cerrar).

4.) Mientras Juan y Carmen
_____(saludar) a la ama de llaves, la señora abrió la puerta.

5.) Ellos _____ (reservar) la habitación doble la semana pasada.

6.) Tú _____(tener) seis años cuando fuiste de vacaciones a Nicaragua.

7.)_____(ser) las ocho de la noche en España.

8.)Mi novio____(usar) la tarjeta llave ayer para entrar a su habitación doble.

9.)Comíamos fuera de la cabaña cuando ____( sonar) el teléfono.

10.) Mientras mi tío
_____(hacer) la reservación del hotel, la recepcionista escribió todos los detalles.



Choose the sentence that rewrites the given sentence or fragment in the imperfect form.

"De nino el medico (recetar) pastillas para la alergia"
a) De nino el medico me receto pastillas para la alergia
b) De nino el medico me recetaba pastillas para la alergia
c) El medico me receta pastillas para la alergia


Answer: B.


B) de nino el medico me recetaba pastillas para la alergia.
This is because ...
A is incorrect because “recetó” is a present word and it should be “recetaba” because it’s past.
C is incorrect because its also talking about the present when it should be taking about the past.

¿Qué introdujeron Carlota y Maximiliano a Méxio?
la carne de res molida
el cacao
b. el jitomate
d. el pan
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



el english to be a producer

a.la carne de res molina

Contesten las siguientes preguntas en oraciones completas.
1. ¿Dónde anduviste tú esta mañana?
2. ¿Qué dijo tu profesora cuando llegaste tarde a clase?
3. ¿Dónde estuvieron tus amigos después de escuela ayer?
5. 4. ¿Qué trajeron Uds, a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Josefina?
-5. ¿Cuándo tuviste una nota mala en un examen de inglés?


Need help answering them or translating the questions?
1. Esta mañana anduve por mi casa

2. Cuando llegue tarde a clase la profesora me dijo que no lo vuelva a hacer

3. Mis amigos después de la escuela estuvieron en sus casas

4. Nosotros trajimos gaseosas para compartir

5. El semestre pasado tuve una mala nota en el examen de inglés

¿Cuál de los siguientes describe mejor la función de las vacuolas?





6- La atmósfera se presenta como una película.
La atmósfera es terrestre.
La película es fluida.
La película es muy delgada.

Cómo hacer una oración corta con la frase



La atmósfera es como una película.

Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written.

Nos aburre la profesora.



Correct, it means 'The professor bores us'




Nos = Us

Aburre = Bores

La = The

Profesora = Professer / Teacher

Nos aburre la profesora = The teacher bores us

Hope this helps! :)

Why does Guatemala (Central America) share customs with
Spain (europe).


Answer: Colonization


Guatemala was once the seat of power of the ancient Mayan civilization and the Maya are currently a major ethnic group there. However, the area was eventually conquered and colonized by Spain.

The Spanish method of colonization differed from the English in that they would procreate with the local population and enforce their customs on them in a process called Hispanicization.

People in Guatemala were not spared of this and as the Spanish enforced their customs and procreated with the native population, Spanish customs became the dominant customs in Guatemala and explains why even today, the country shares customs with Spain.

una oración con timorato​


una oración con timorato​ means a timid player and idek what your question is

A Leyla le celebraron su ______________ en Monterrey.

días de Fiestas
Año Nuevo



Hay dos posibles opciones:


Año nuevo


1. A Leyla le celebraron su ___navidad___ en Monterrey.

2. A Leyla le celebraron su ___año nuevo___ en Monterrey.

A Leyla le celebraron su “quinceñera” en Monterrey.
The rest of the options wouldn’t sound right

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
the check
Por favor
De nada
La Cuesta
El camarero
La comida


el camarero? im not sure sorry if i get wrong but its the closest to the others

Yo____ las instrucciones

A. Sigo
B. Siguo



Answer choice A




Yo sigo las instrucciones.

Vale la pena las cooperativas? Las familias y las comunidades


Answer: Sí, las cooperativas permiten las conexiones manteniendo una estrecha membresía de las personas en la sociedad. Esto, a su vez, crea una red de personas unificadas a través de un objetivo común en el que todos se benefician. Esta conexión fomenta una buena relación entre los miembros de la comunidad.

Explanation: espero que esto ayude

Choose the option that completes the sentence using the
correct "use of SE"
41. ____ (se vende, se venden, or se me olvido)
42. En esta clínica ___(habla se, se habla, or se viste)
43. En esa tienda ___(necesitan, se necesita, or se necesitan)
44. A Juan ___( se le rompio, se le rompieron, or le rompieron)
los dedos montando
a caballo.
45. A mí ___(se me olvido or se le olvido)
el libro en mi clase


41. Second one
42. Second one
43. First one
44. First one
45. Third one
Hope that helped
41. se venden
42. se habla
43. necesitan
44. se le rompieron
45. se me olvidó

un resumen de la novela Angeles urbano ​





Responda verdadero (V) o Falso (F)
Don Quijote atacó a los molinas porque eran gigante disfrazados.
a. Sancho no veía a los gigantes porque no era caballero.
b. El dolor de Don Quijote provenía de la caída que le ocasiono un
c. Don Quijote no durmió porque el dolor no lo dejó.
d. Sancho prefería comer y dormir que ir de aventura.


A. V
b. V
This is the answer

¿Quién es la protagonista de esta biografía? (1 point)


De cual biografía?? (But it’s asking who is the protagonist of the biography)

Answer:Debe adjuntar una foto de la biografía para que podamos ayudarlo porque hay muchas biografías de las que podría estar hablando


Normalmente, yo con mi familia


Gn ash green hitch boots Dey. What nbohc
normally im with my family

Viajar en avión es ____________________.

más económico que el tren
muy incómodo
lo más cómodo
menos rápido que el auto


The answer is A. Más económco que el tren

Escribe. Write a sentence to say what has to be done in each picture. Use tener que and
the subjects provided.
1. Nosotros tenemos que usar la computadora.
2. Usted
3. Ellos
4. TÚ
5. Yo
6. Ella


The sentences in Present Tense, using the personal pronouns given are:

Nosotros tenemos que usar la computadora.Usted tiene que bañar al gato.Ellos tienen que sacar la basura.Tú tienes que hablar por teléfono.Yo tengo que lavar los platos.Ella tiene que cortar el césped.

Present Tense in Spanish.

The conjugation of the verb "tener" in present tense, taking into account the personal pronouns is:

Yo: tengoTú: tienesUsted: tieneÉl: tieneElla: tieneEllo: tieneNosotros / Nosotras: tenemosUstedes: tienenEllos / Ellas: tienen

To identify the appropriate conjugation in each sentence, you must identify the noun in the sentence, replace it with the appropriate personal pronoun, and finally use the corresponding conjugation with the help of the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Present Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/11458315

Read the text and choose the option to complete the sentence.

El precio del escritorio es quinientos veinte dólares. El precio de la alfombra es doscientos cuarenta dólares. Está en oferta hoy. Pago cuatrocientos cincuenta dólares por un tocador para el baño. No compro la mesita de noche, es cara, cuesta trescientos dólares.

Based on the text, the most expensive item(s) is/are ________.

the desk
the rug
the dresser
the nightstand


Based on the text, the most expensive item is the desk.

The desk costs $520
The rug costs $240
The dresser costs $450
The nightstand costs $300
Desk 520$
Rug 240$
Dresser 450$
Nightstand 300$

según al artículo como se celebra el día nacional de merengue


Creo que Bailando pero si tienes una foto ayudarías mucho para responderte

Remember that certain verbs take different meaning when they are in the preterite or imperfect tense. Complete the following sentences with the preterite or imperfect according to the context of the sentence.

1. Anoche nosotros
enter answer
(tener) que asistir a una reunión muy aburrida. No salimos hasta las 10:00 de la noche.

2. El año pasado Elisa
enter answer
(saber) que Esteban tenía una hermana. No lo
enter answer
(saber) antes.

3. Anita quería llevarme a una celebración familiar, pero yo no
enter answer
(querer) ir. Me quedé en casa.

4. La semana pasada Dolores trató de sacar dinero del banco, pero no
enter answer
(poder). El cajero automático (ATM) estaba descompuesto (broken) y el banco estaba cerrado.

5. Cuando yo era más joven
enter answer
(tener) que estudiar mucho.



1. Teníamos

2. Sabiá || Sabiá

3. Quería

4. Pudo

5. Tenia  



1. tuvimos.

2. supo, sabía.

3. quise

4. pudo

5. tenía

Marking people as brainlist Fill in the blanks to the Spanish translations of English sentences using the correct forms of preferirquerer, or necesitar answer 8-15



8. Que es lo que todos necesitan

9. Prefieres

10. Queremos

11. Prefiero

12. Quiere

13. Necesitan

14. Prefieren


Hablo jerga puertorriqueña, por lo que puede que no sean lo mismo que costa rica. Si ese es el caso, lo siento!

Answer: 1. es lo que todos necestian

               2. prefieres

               3. queremos

                4. prefierio

               5. quiere

              6. necesitian

              7. todos

              8. prefieres

             hope this helps.








1, Ayer (escuchar, yo) ____________ música con mi sobrino.
2, El lunes pasado (terminar, yo) _____________ e libro que me (prestar, tú)__________ .
3, Mis nietos (comer) __________________ mucho anoche.
4, Anteayer (tomar, ellos) ____________________la beca de la universidad.
5, El año pasado ( graduar ellos) se _______________ de la escuela superior.
6, Elon Musk (vivir) ______________ en Sudáfrica en 1971.
7, Elon Musk (fundar, él) _____________varias empresas importantes, por ejemplo Tesla y PayPal.
8, Steve Jobs (crear) ________________ el iphone.
9, Steve Jobs (trabajar) ____________como un empresario y magnate de negocios en el sector informático.
10, En los años 90 (revolucionar, él) _______________la industria de animación.


EScriba 3 oraciones con cada verbo:AR, ER, IR (write 3 sentences with each verb that ends in AR, ER, IR).(total 9 sentences)



1- yo escuché
2- yo terminé
3- comieron
4- ellos tomaron
5- ellos se graduaron
6- vivió
7- fundó
8- creó
9- trabajó
10- el revolucionó


You call your best friend to invite him (or her) to a concert. Nobody answers the phone so you decide to leave a message. Record the message that you would leave for your friend. Your message should be at least 5 complete sentences in Spanish.

You will be graded on (a) pronunciation, (b) vocabulary usage, and (c) overall quality and correctness of each sentence.


¿Por qué no respondiste? Pensé que íbamos al concierto de hoy. Intenta llamarme cuando estés listo para ir.

Sr." es la abreviatura de



Las abreviaturas obtenidas por contracción admiten las tres posibilidades señaladas para la formación del femenino: Sr. para señor, y Sra., Sr.a o Sr. para señora.


Sr sería la abreviatura de señor

El lenguaje literal puede ser cambiado?





: )

Danna and Raquel are sure that we will arrive on time. Jennifer desires to become an artist, but she still needs to go to school. The curator believes that all the paintings are authentic. Lizzy and Erin request that we all bring a dish to the party. 1. subjunctive 2. indicative 3. subjunctive 4. indicative 1. indicative 2. subjunctive 3. indicative 4. subjunctive 1. indicative 2. indicative 3. subjunctive 4. subjunctive 1. subjunctive 2. subjunctive 3. indicative 4. indicative


Subjunctive 3. Indicative 4. Indicative

The correct answers are:

indicative, subjunctive, subjunctivesubjunctive

What is a Subjunctive Mood?

This refers to the expression of wishes and suggestions that a person wants and contains two clauses.

Hence, we can see that based on the given sentences, we can see that the writer makes use of both the subjunctive and indicative to show the way they should be written and what each speaker infers.

Read more about subjunctives here:



Other Questions
Identify relevant assertions for the following statements: 1.Agree current year amounts on cash lead schedule to trial balance. 2.Foot cash lead schedule. 3.Vouch the bank balance on the reconciliation to the bank confirmation. 4.Trace the reconciled book balance to the general ledger. 5.Foot client-prepared bank reconciliations. 6.Foot the deposits in transit and agree to amount on reconciliation. 7.Vouch deposits in transit on the reconciliation to bank deposits early in the next period. 8.Foot the outstanding checks listing and agree to amount on reconciliation. 9.Vouch outstanding checks on the reconciliation to checks cleared in the next period. 10.Trace the outstanding checks that cleared on the cutoff bank statement to the client's list of outstanding checks. mrs. o'leary's cow was famously accused of knocking over a lantern and causing the great chicago fire of 1871. michael ahern, a reporter, admitted to making up the story. which would need to be true in order for his story to be constitutionally protected free speech? (3 points) if If t is measured in hours and f'(t) is measured in knots, thenis what?integrate d from a to 2 f^ * (t)(Note: 1 knot= 1 nautical mile/hour) Theory z management is a combination of theory x and y management. how is this so? explain how theory z differs from both and when it may be appropriate to implement. Consider the optimal control problem min (u) = subject to x' (t) = x(t) + ult), x(0) = xo and x(1) = . Show that the optimal control is u 4.30 u(t) = 3(e-4/3 1)e-t/3 ? Based on the evidence in Blondine, is Fourbette, the stepmother, responsible for the death of Gourmandinet? If your answer is yes, you will write an opening argument about why Fourbette is guilty. If your answer is no, you will write an opening argument about why Fourbette is innocent. Required information The following information applies to the questions displayed below Holmes Cleaning Service began operation on January 1, Year 1. The company experienced the following events for its first year of operations: Events Affecting Year 1: 1. Provided $200,000 of cleaning services on account. 2. Collected $150,000 cash from accounts receivable 3. Paid salaries of $30,000 for the year. 4. Adjusted the accounts to reflect management's expectations that uncollectible accounts expense would be $2,000 The expense was determined using the percent of revenue method Required a. Prepare general journal entries for the above events. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.) Required information The following information applies to the questions displayed below. Holmes Cleaning Service began operation on January 1, Year 1. The company experienced the following events for its first year of operations: Events Affecting Year 1: 1. Provided $200,000 of cleaning services on account. 2. Collected $150,000 cash from accounts receivable 3. Paid salaries of $30,000 for the year 4. Adjusted the accounts to reflect management's expectations that uncollectible accounts expense would be $2,000 The expense was determined using the percent of revenue methood b. Post the general journal entries to T-accounts Required information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below. Holmes Cleaning Service began operation on January 1, Year 1. The company experienced the following events for its first year of operations: Events Affecting Year 1: 1. Provided $200,000 of cleaning services on account. 2. Collected $150,000 cash from accounts receivable 3. Paid salaries of $30,000 for the year. 4. Adjusted the accounts to reflect management's expectations that uncollectible accounts expense would be $2,000. The expense was determined using the percent of revenue method. c. Prepare an income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows for Year 1. (Statement of Cash Flows and Balance Sheet only: Items to be deducted must be indicated with a minus sign.) Eduardo's percent grades for the fall semester along with the credit earned per subject are given in the table. Calculate his weighted average for the semester. Round your answer to the nearest percent Credit 3 1 Subject Algebra Chemistry II Finance Communication Business Management Percent Grade 75 69 79 53 89 2 3 1 The student's average is ? Distinguish between headhunting and talent poaching byproviding an example of each. why is john proctor so conflicted between lying about practicing witchcraft or dying knowing the truth in act 4 of the crucible? Question Completion Status: Moving to another question will save this response. Question 14 Ali, Basel and Ziad are sharing income and loss in a 4:32 ratio respectively and decided to liquidate their Current Attempt in Progress Westerville Corp. has collected the following data concerning its maintenance costs for the past six months: Units Produced Total Cost July 17,400 $29,860 August 32,800 48, is the carbohydrate group of this epitope reducing or non reducing Assuming that expectation theory is the correct theory of the term structure,(a) Calculate the interest rates in the term structure for maturities of one to five years, and plot the resulting yield curves for the following paths of one-year interest rates over the next five years:i) 6%, 7%, 8%, 7%, 6%ii)6%, 5%, 4%, 5%, 6%b) How would your yield curves both in (i) and (ii) change if people preferred shorter-term bonds over longer-term bonds? Use a supply and demand diagram to show what will happen in the market for sunscreen if an ingredient used to make sunscreen is banned. **Please draw the graph for practice and to help you answer the following questions.** Based on the scenario, there will be a(n) ________ [ Select ] ["increase", "decrease"] in [ Select ] ["demand", "supply"] . This will cause the curve to shift to the ________ [ Select ] ["left", "right"] . Comparing the new equilibrium point to the original equilibrium point, the quantity will ___________ [ Select ] ["increase", "decrease"] , and the price will _________ [ Select ] ["increase", "decrease"] . According to Douglas Arnold in the article Can Inattentive Citizens Control Their Elected Representatives? one of the missing components of the standard control model is z A. a understanding of the role interest groups have in keeping the people's awareness connected to government actions B. a understanding of standards upon which political knowledge and action could be measured C. an understanding of the implicit bias present in a system where the uniformed maintain voting power D. an understanding of the role members of Congress play in keeping their constituents connected to governance ou Decide: Chapter 11 Investment Planning Scenario Choose a Persona Persona Description Question Question Question Colin found a real-time investing game that he can use to practice making investments Solve the initial value problem yy+x = sqrt(x^2+y^2) with y(5)=-sqrt(24).To solve this, we should use the substitution==Enter derivatives using prime notation (e.g., you would enter y for dydx).After the substitution from the previous part, we obtain the following linear differential equation in x,u,u.The solution to the original initial value problem is described by the following equation in x,y. You are told that E(X) = 8 and var (X) = 4. What are the expected values and variances of the following expressions? Y - 3X + 2 Y - 0.6X - 4 Y - X/4 Y = aX + b. where d and b are constants. Y = 3X2 + 2 How would you express these formulas verbally? Under the courts construction n Gustafson v. Allyod , what sortof written document does the term "Prospectus" not include?