Was the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson fair? Should he have been removed from office?
Your post should list at least 3 reasons that support your argument.
Brainliest will go to the person who actually answers the question.


Answer 1



On January 15, 1868, George Templeton Strong, a New York attorney, read the report from the country's capital and wrote in his journal, "Undertakings at Washington look blustery. A sad blast or something to that affect is entirely conceivable." It "makes up," he stated, "a compromising possibility."  

It very well may be said that Strong was thinking little of the circumstance. The House of Representatives was going to arraign a leader of the United States, Andrew Johnson, for "egregious acts of misconduct." Everywhere, one spectator grumbled, "the air is weighty with dangers and misgivings."  

Prosecution would be protected yet stunningly untidy—and remarkable. No president in U.S. history had at this point been arraigned.  

It at last occurred on February 24, somewhat more than a month after Strong composed the proclamation in his journal. By an edge of 126 to 47, the House casted a ballot to denounce Johnson and the following day informed the U.S. Senate, where the president would be put being investigated as the Constitution required. The Senate would cast a ballot to either clear Johnson or convict him and eliminate him from office.  

Andrew Johnson was brought into the world in Raleigh, North Carolina, to a poor mudsill father who kicked the bucket when his child was three years of age. Johnson had no proper instruction; all things considered, his mom apprenticed him to a tailor when he was ten years of age. At age 18 years, he was an ignorant town tailor in his recently received territory of Tennessee. There he met and wedded 16-year-old Eliza McCardle, the girl of a shoemaker, who instructed him to peruse and compose. Johnson turned into an unquenchable peruser who found he had an adoration for and talent for legislative issues. What's more, governmental issues seemed to cherish him. A familiar, amazing speaker, he rose quick. During the 1840s, while still just in his thirties, he turned into a U.S. Delegate from Tennessee. During the 1850s he was lead representative, and by the 1860s he was a U.S. Representative who, in contrast to each other Southern congressperson, stayed faithful to the Union during the conflict.  

In 1864, Johnson was named the bad habit official running mate in Lincoln's effective re-appointment crusade. Despite the fact that he was a Union Democrat—a Southern man with Union slants—not a Republican like Lincoln, he was put on the pass to widen its allure. He had liberated his slaves and upheld Lincoln's liberation strategy. At the point when Lincoln passed on April 15, 1865, just three months into his subsequent term, Johnson became president, arriving at the top of U.S. legislative issues. Johnson was a man of genuine disposition, whom one guest saw as "limited and one sided" with "a willful, dubious temper." One of his most clear characteristics was his hardheadedness. An onlooker said he was consistently "certain he was correct, even in his blunders." This quality served him sick in his associations with Congress and carried him to reprimand.  

The reprimand was the last blowup among Johnson and Congress over how to deal with Reconstruction of the Union after the Civil War—and who planned to do it. Johnson accepted he planned to do it as he would prefer. Revolutionaries in the Republican Congress considered it to be their work and their work alone.  

In question was the destiny of 4,000,000 previous slaves liberated during the conflict or by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Is it accurate to say that they were to be given each benefit of opportunity, as Congress wanted? Or then again left to get by admirably well, unprotected in a wrathful, brutal, bigoted South? Johnson, a racial oppressor, was very little worried about their destiny and was especially against giving individuals of color the option to cast a ballot. Likewise being referred to was the post bellum job of southern pioneers who had taken an interest in severance. Is it safe to say that they were to be seriously rebuffed, as Radicals running Congress wished or set back in the driver's seat, as Johnson needed?  

At the point when Johnson became president after Lincoln's death in April 1865, the Radicals were enchanted, accepting he would be more amiable to their program and simpler to manage than Lincoln. During the conflict and before Johnson became president, an ex-Confederate had said of him that he "inhaled fire and hemp against the South, broadcasted he would make conspiracy accursed by hanging backstabbers." This satisfied the Congressional Radicals. However, in the wake of turning out to be president at war's end, Johnson changed his view as his confidence in racial oppression and his bigotry reemerged. He trusted African Americans were a substandard race unsuitable to oversee themselves as well as other people, and he anticipated that the Southern states should be readmitted into the Union and white Southerners to continue their strength over blacks.  

Related Questions

Which one of the worldview elements listed below deals with issues of right and wrong, and whether there is absolute moral truth?



The answer is "Ethics".


Ethics is characterized as a moral or defined channel followed because of a person or a group of individuals. Ethics regulate a collection of certain standards that have to be followed to judge such actions to be morally right or not. They use a range of factors, including integrity, dignity, compassion, intent, risk, conflict resolution, etc, for ethical principles.

Please Answer Fast will give Brainliest!!!!!


A nomad is a member of a community without fixed habitation which regularly moves to and from the same areas. Such groups include hunter-gatherers, pastoral nomads, and tinkers or trader nomads.


A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.

The Bedouin, Beduin or Bedu are nomadic Arab Tribes who have historically inhabited the desert regions in the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Upper Mesopotamia, and North Africa. However, the Arabian Peninsula is the historic and original homeland of the Bedouin Arabs.


The action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.

Hope this helps!

1. What is the meaning of the word equivalent in paragraph 3? What clues from the paragraph provide information about the meaning of the word?

Text: According to Hesiod's Theogony, Prometheus' father was Iapetus, his mother was Clymene (or Themis in other versions) and his brothers were fellow Titans Epimetheus (Afterthought or Hindsight), Menoetius, and Atlas. One of Prometheus' sons was Deucalion, an **equivalent** of Noah, who survived a great flood by sailing in a great chest for nine days and nights and who, with his wife Pyrrha, became the founder of the human race.


2. What is the meaning of the term man’s benefactor in paragraph 7? What clues from the paragraph provide information about the meaning of the word?

Text: Zeus was outraged by Prometheus' theft of fire and so punished the Titan by having him taken far to the east, perhaps the Caucasus. Here Prometheus was chained to a rock (or pillar) and Zeus sent an eagle to eat the Titan's liver. Even worse, the liver re-grew every night and the eagle returned each day to perpetually torment Prometheus. Fortunately for **man's benefactor,** but only after many years, the hero Hercules, when passing one day during his celebrated labours, killed the eagle with one of his arrows. In Hesiod's Works & Days we are told that Zeus punished man for receiving the fire by instructing Hephaistos to create the first woman, Pandora, from clay and through her all the negative aspects of life would befall the human race - toil, illness, war, and death - and definitively separate mankind from the gods.

** - word you need to focus on



for the first one its an equal im pretty sure


if people are similar to you sometimes you call them equals

What Egyptian God challenged his uncle Set for the throne


Answer:  Horus

Explanation: "There are other stories and legends concerning Horus' youth and Isis' care for him, and when he had matured he challenged his uncle for the throne. In some versions of the story, Horus battles Set, defeats him, and drives him from the land, while in others Set is killed."

why are snakes sacred in India/Hindus? (i need at least 2 reasons why its sacred)




Snakes are sacred in Hinduism as:



It represents rebirth, death and morality as the snakes shed their skins symbolizing it being 'reborn' or starting anew.



One of the Hindu Gods, Shiva, is shown wearing a Nag snake 'Indian Cobra' as an ornament around his neck.



Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between the Rowlatt Acts and the Indian independence movement?
A. The Rowlatt Acts calmed Indian fears and ended protests.
B. The Rowlatt Acts angered Indian people and led to increased calls for independence.
C. The Rowlatt Acts were key ideas in the nonviolent movement.
D. The Rowlatt Acts promised India self-rule and economic independence.


The answer is B. The Rowlatt Acts angered Indian people and led to increased call for independence

The relationship between the Rowlatt Acts and the Indian independence movement is best characterizes as The Rowlatt Acts angered Indian people and led to increased calls for independence. Thus the correct option is B.

What are Rowlatt Acts?

The Rowlatt Acts, passed by the Imperial Legislative Council, which was the body that governed British India, in February 1919, gave the British administration the authority to imprison anyone accused of engaging in terrorism.

Due to its restrictions, arrests of suspicions of possible betrayal, and imprisonment of political activists, the Rowlatt Act of 1919 was extremely unpopular with the Indian population.

The violent Amritsar Massacre followed the activities, which were met with violent Indian opposition. The Rowlatt Acts outraged Indians and prompted more demands for independence.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about  Rowlatt Acts, here:



Nearly 65% of these were purchased on credit by 1928?

A. national print
B. cars
C. Coolidge
D. advertising

6. Companies began running these type of advertising campaigns to reach people all over America?

A. national print
B. cars
C. Coolidge
D. advertising



1 B. Cars

2 A. National print

A frontier is usually located in the center of a settled area.




this is what I found: "Frontier areas may be defined at the community level by county, ZIP code or census tract; however, they are most often delineated by county. Many frontier counties are located in the West, a part of the country where individual counties tend to cover a large geographic"

I'm not too sure if that means it's TRUE or false tho. I'm sorry




A frontier is something that separates countries, so yes.

Select two correct answers.
In which two ways do federal judges differ from members of Congress and the president?
Federal judges are fired for misbehavior, while members of Congress and the president are
impeached for misbehavior.
Federal judges are paid for their work, while members of Congress and the president are not paid
for their work.
Federal judges are appointed and confirmed, while members of Congress and the president are
Federal judges can serve for life, while members of Congress and the president are elected for one
or more terms.


Federal judges are appointed. Congress and the president aren’t


its wrong the one above me jit


How did the end of slavery impact labor migrations?



Migration from African, South Asian, and East Asian countries is colored in racialized shades of yellow and brown. Way to be racist, 19th century. The map might seem a little hard to read at first.

HELPPPP FASTTTT PLEASEEEEE What Political and social concernes emerge at the 90's into the early 2000's


Western decline began in the 90s
2002- Bali bombings in Bali, Indonesia (202 killed
1990s- economic boom (lowest prices since post-ww2 economic boom)

In what ways has Canada tried to build a better world



Canada's leadership is helping to build a better world. Over the past decade, Canadian troops have helped bring stability to Bosnia and Kosovo.


What civil rights leader did anti-communists go after?


Probably Martin Luther King


Communists were often referred to as “Reds” for their allegiance to the red Soviet flag.) Bombs went off in a wide number of cities including Boston, Cleveland, and covertly worked to intimidate and discredit the civil rights leader during the period of anticommunist hysteria known as the Red Scare.

all i found...

1. The former country of ___ is still a divided country following a war in the mid-1900s.

A. Germany

B. Vietnam

C. Korea

2. The city of ___ was divided into communist and non-communist zones for decades during the Cold War.

A. Berlin

B. Warsaw

C. Vietnam



I think vietnam it was the one which was divided into communist

unit 6 - 19th century imperialism in africa & asia essential question: what were the causes and long-term effects of european imperialism in africa and asia during the 19th century?


European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century had various causes and long-term effects.

Causes and effects of imperialism are significant and include:

Causes of European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century:

1. Economic Interests: Europeans were driven by the search for new markets, cheap labor, and raw materials for their expanding industries. Colonies served as a source of these raw materials and helped Europeans increase their wealth by producing goods at low costs.

2. Political Interests: Europeans sought to gain political influence over territories to boost their national pride and strengthen their empires.

3. Military Interests: Europeans wanted to protect their overseas trade routes and establish military bases around the world.

Long-term effects of European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century:

1. Economic Exploitation: European powers exploited the resources of their colonies, resulting in underdevelopment, poverty, and economic dependency in these countries.

2. Political Instability: The artificial borders that European powers created during the Scramble for Africa and Asia led to political instability in many regions.

3. Cultural AssimilationColonized populations were forced to assimilate to European culture, leading to the loss of traditional practices and languages.

4. Resistance Movements: Imperialism resulted in resistance movements by colonized peoples to reclaim their independence and sovereignty from European powers.

For more about European:



Pls help me guys I’m so stuck





Slavery was abolished in 1843 in Oregon. Blacks were still not free but it was illegal to own slaves.

summary of the battle of lewisburg?



The Battle of Lewisburg took place in Greenbrier County, Virginia (now West Virginia) on May 23, 1862. At 5 a.m., a Confederate force of approximately 2,300 soldiers commanded by Brigadier General Henry Heth attacked a Federal force of 1,400 soldiers commanded by Colonel George Crook encamped on the outskirts the town of Lewisburg.


Is this good enough? Sorry if it doesn't


On May 23, 1862, soldiers of the North and South met in battle in the little town of Lewisburg. The victorious Union commander, Col. George Crook, passed the first important milestone in a military career which led eventually to fame as enduring as the hills. In 1862 the South was anxious to regain the valley, and the North wanted to carry the war across the mountains into central Virginia. For the unfortunate loser, Gen. Lewisburg was in the middle. On May 22, Heth's soldiers drove in Union pickets met near the Greenbrier River, where General Henry Heth was allowed to pass with all the politeness due a body of troops with such very evident fitness to take care of any situation that might arise. He had built covered sheds so they could drill during bad weather, and had the first really hardboiled army ready for action.

In those days Lewisburg had a population of about 800, six stores, one newspaper, three churches, and one academy. The Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals met here regularly, and in the first red brick building built west of the Alleghenies the jurists could consult a well-stocked library. His center stretched north on land lying above present Lee Street, behind the high school, and his right was in a wheat field on what is now the drill field of Greenbrier Military School. He sent his wagons west and formed his line of battle. At 5 a.m. Heth's artillery began bombarding the town and the Union camp on the opposite bluff, across the depression of the town proper. The 36th Ohio under Lt. Col. M. Clark was the 36th. Ohio Under Lt. Dr. Clark. He wrote later he was "at the foot of a. foot of an altitude of some 50 feet.


Kings, Nobles, Priests, Warriors,
Merchants, Artisans, Farmers, and Slaves
Which of the above social classes would you like to live in and why?



probably artisans


i'm not an artist of any sort, but i think that it would be a pretty cool job. to take something like a blank wall or canvas and turn it into a beautiful masterpiece. merchants might be fun too, to be able to move around and learn a lot about different cultures. but then again, it was different back then so it was harder for everyone

hope this helps:)

The passage describes how the British neglected their newfound
colony, the United States. It was during this time that Americans
decided what kind of government ideals and values they wanted.
Based on what you have read, why would America choose a
democracy with similar values to the Ancient Greeks? Which aspects
of democracy do you agree that the United States should have
chosen? Are there any characteristics that you would not have voted
for, as an early American leader? Explain your answers using details
from this passage, as well as your knowledge of current events.



The United States has a complex government system. One important tenet of this system is democracy, in which the ultimate power rests with the people. In the case of the United States, that power is exercised indirectly, through elected representatives. Although the U.S. has been a strong proponent of democracy, it did not invent democracy. The Greeks are often credited with pioneering a democratic government that went on to influence the structure of the United States. Read this article that describes how elements of ancient Greek democracy heavily influenced the figures that designed the United States government.

Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa were all examples of what vocabulary word



I do apologize if I'm wrong but they where trading centers.




I’m pretty sure that the correct answer is B

Colorists were barned
from producing
finished goods
Conists were to
materials for England
Colonial imports had
siped to England
Ernted guts could
How did opposition to this system affect the economy of the early
G Cottage workers needed governmental assistance,
H Interstate trade taxes were forbidden
FThe government prevented taxes on domestic goods.
JA free enterprise system was adopted



"Cottage workers needed government assistance"

Identify and describe the contributions of the Gupta. What did the Gupta build, invent, or create?


Answer:Gupta had developed advancements in Science, Engineering, art, dialectics, laterature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy. The golden age brought more knowledge including architects making amazing temples and structures.


The Netherlands played a role in colonizing North America. Which number represents the area CLOSEST to the area they colonized?


The correct answer to this opén question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the numbers and the options to answer this question. We cannot use numbers because you did not attach them.

However, trying to help you we can comment on the following based on our knowledge of this topic.

The Netherlands played a role in colonizing North America. They colonized the territory now known as Manhattan, in New York. They called it New Amsterdam.

The Dutch acquired New Amsterdam when they bought it from American Indians. The Dutch, a European power of that time, was able to purchase Manhattan with "a few toys and trinkets"

It was the Dutch West India Company that founded the colony of New Netherlands in the territory that today is Manhattan, in New York. It was Peter Minuit, who buy the island for the Native American Indians that lived there in 1626. The tribe was called the Manhattans. However, things did not well or as the Dutch expected, and in 1641 they waged war against the Manhattans, killing so many Native American Indians.


Decide whether each characteristic describes conditions in the North or the South at the end of the Civil War.



South - suffered huge losses...

South - faced economic failures...

North -  developed the transcontinental railroad...

North - led Reconstruction..


: )

Generate Explanations Explain how Martin
Luther King, Jr.'s assassination marked a turning
point for the civil rights movement.



The riots were political fodder for the Republican party, which used fears of black urban crime to garner support for "law and order", especially in the 1968 presidential campaign. The assassination and riots radicalized many, helping to fuel the Black Power movement.


What put an end to the boom in canal building?

the introduction of trains

the growth of turnpikes

the population growth in eastern cities

the development of the steamboat



The canal boom ended when it became apparent in the 1830s and 1840s that most of the waterways were unprofitable.


Which of the following was NOT a result of Lennon and McCartney's visit to New York?
- They had an embarrassing experience with a TV show appearance
- They promoted their company, Apple Corps, Ltd
- Lennon saw Yoko Ono again
- McCartney ran into Linda Eastman (his future wife) again


The visit to New York by Lennon and McCartney in May 1968 did not result in McCartney running into Linda Eastman (his future wife).

The correct option is D.

The visit was primarily organized to advertise the Beatles' company, Apple Corps, Ltd and happened to include a much-maligned appearance on The David Frost Show, which Lennon and McCartney considered an embarrassing experience.

It is possible that prior to their visit, McCartney and Eastman had already had an introduction during one of McCartney's prior visits in 1967. However, during this visit, the primary legacy of the trip was Lennon's reunion with Yoko Ono, which began the couple's remarkable personal and creative relationship.

To know more about McCartney , click here:



although claudia’s mother is guilty of the adult behavior claudia criticizes, in what ways does she redeem herself?


In Toni Morrison's novel "The Bluest Eye," Claudia's mother exhibits adult behavior that Claudia criticizes. Although her mother is guilty of the adult behavior Claudia criticizes, she tries to redeem herself in different ways.The following are some ways that Claudia's mother redeems herself despite being guilty of the adult behavior that Claudia criticizes:

1. She takes care of her children When Claudia becomes sick, her mother takes care of her. She also provides her children with meals, clothing, and shelter, which are essential for their survival. This indicates that she is a responsible mother who is committed to taking care of her children.

Know more about adult behavior here:



Why might the Nazis have wanted to use slave labor, instead of German
citizens, to keep their war machine running?



Because with the vast majority of German men fighting in the war on two fronts, it would've spread them thin to have men working too.

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