1. Why do you think Lincoln chose to start the Gettysburg Address by reminding people it had been 87 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed?

2. Families were divided, about 620,000 people died, and President Lincoln was assassinated all because of the Civil War. However, when the war was over, the United States remained united, and slaves were set free. Do you think that the result of the war was worth its cost?

Please answer both questions. Please Restate. If you answer both questions and restate i will give you brainlest.


Answer 1


1. Lincoln was trying to emphasize the fact that thomas jefferson wrote "all men are created equal" and use it to alude to the problem at hand, slavery.

2. The results were worth it, looking back hundreds of years later. It kept the US united, and there hasn't been a civil war ever since. It ended slavery, and was the first step towards racial justice.


waiting for derek chauvin to get convicted fr

Related Questions

if I were to ask a person what life was like when Genghis Khan ruled, what would he or she say?



living UNDER Genghis Khan was pretty peaceful. You had the right to divorce whether you be a woman(woman’s rights) or a man, you had the right to practice your own religion and laws were strict so there were less murders, thievery and banditry. And Genghis Khan valued engineers, artisans and craftsmen a LOT. After seeing the massive power of gunpowder Genghis Khan realized how powerful and useful they were while most western rulers thought GOD was more important. And for merchants, life was better than expected due to the fact that the Mongols provided protection for the ones who paid their taxes so they were free of being robbed or murdered. And crimes were investigated in the mongol empire while in the western world people were thrown into rivers and see if they floated. Genghis was an awesome ruler. And as for the massacre of the Muslims they offended Genghis by slaughtering his 500 merchants when Genghis wanted peace. And they refused to give the murderer to Genghis khan. And to top it all off they killed one of the messengers Genghis sent and burned the beard of the other messenger. That is why there were a lot of massacres in Khwarezmia. And as for the massacres committed by Hulagu. It’s was all Hulagu. After the massacre of Baghdad Hulagu was scolded by his big brother(the great khan) for the massacre and for disrespecting their grandfather(Genghis) by going against his orders to ALWAYS spare engineers and artisans. Genghis loved HIS people. For example when Genghis was fighting against Khwarezmia one of his sons defeated an enemy 32,000 strong and lost 5,000 of his own troops. And after the battle Genghis scolded his son by saying "I've taken 10 tumen sons,brothers and the fathers for this campaign and you've already lost 5000 of them. How am I going to face their families now!?". He values the lives of his allies a lot. If you’re loyal to him he will be loyal to you as well. He was the best ally to have and the worst possible enemy to make.

There were fewer murders, thefts, and banditry since everyone had the right to divorce, regardless of gender (woman's rights) or where they practised their faith. Genghis Khan also placed great significance on engineers, artisans, and craftspeople.

What made Genghis Khan a great emperor?

Genghis Khan was a brilliant warrior and king who united all the Mongolian nomadic tribes under his and his family's control in a strict military state after beginning his rule in obscurity and insignificance. He created a Mongol army that was known for its adaptability, discipline, and organization, and he founded his empire on the ideas of meritocracy.

During the Pax Mongolica, Genghis Khan also supported pan-Eurasian trade, promoted religious tolerance, and formalized the Mongol legal system. One of the finest military commanders the world has ever known is considered to be Genghis Khan. More than any other individual in history, he captured more than twice as much territory. Several of these leadership principles have immediate business applications.

Learn more about Genghis Khan here:



Which statements describe important characteristics of the growth of monarchies in Europe during the late Middle Ages?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Rulers made laws for their subjects and set up courts to keep the laws.

Nobles who could gain control of a large territory formed councils to share power with local lords.

Castles throughout the countryside were torn down to make way for modern palaces.

Conquering rulers seized land from nobles and gave it to those who would swear allegiance to them as king.

Some rulers raised armies to conquer larger territories and defend their borders.


Some rulers raise armies to conquer larger territories and defend their borders

Rulers made laws for their subjects and set up courts to keep the laws.

Conquering rulers seized land from nobles and gave it to those who would swear allegiance to them as king.

Answer: yep they are right! I just took the quiz and got 100%.

The answers are:

A) Rulers made laws for their subjects and set up courts to keep the laws.

D) Conquering rulers seized land from nobles and gave it to those who would swear allegiance to them as king.

E) Some rulers raised armies to conquer larger territories and defend their borders.

Explanation: I took the quiz and it was right!

ive been stuck on it for hours does any1 kno please no links

In what way were the actions of the protestors in the Boston Tea Party and Henry David Thoreau similar?

Both sought to protest taxes on tea in America.
Both used civil disobedience to resist government policy.
Both acted in support of the equal protection of the laws.



It is none of those the answer is Both believed in the use of violence to achieve their goals



i believe it is b

Explanation: The Boston tea party was about protesting taxes in general not just taxes on tea. Also c does not make sense  to me in any way so it has to be b. I hope this helps

the following assignments and write at least 200 words.

What do you think about the different treatment of females in so many of these ancient civilizations, particularly ancient Greece and Rome? Do you think that women and girls are discriminated against in modern society today? Give specific examples to back up your argument.


1.  ¿Qué opinas sobre el trato diferente de las mujeres en tantas de estas civilizaciones antiguas, particularmente en la Grecia y Roma antigu?a

En Grecia y Roma antigua el trato a las mujeres era diferente porque se veía a los hombres como mas fuertes para pelear tanto en juegos como en guerras y las mujeres solo eran bailarinas y sirvientes.

2. ¿Cree que las mujeres y las niñas son discriminadas en la sociedad moderna de hoy?  

En la actualidad las mujeres, hombres, niñas y niños son tratados por igual.  

(note that i did not do any prior research to this assignment because i don’t feel like it and i have existing knowledge in this topic and you can add in your own research if you’d like)

The ancient world for women is much different than our modern-day society. Women in ancient Greece and Rome had it much worse than we do for many reasons. Their fathers chose who they married and they usually had to marry someone twenty years older than them at the age of 14. And that was their purpose, if they didn’t marry someone successful, they were seen as a disgrace to their family. Women also had strict roles in society, those in which did not involve any sort of education. A rich mother would oversee all the servants and plan parties at their house. A poor mother stated at home and did chores with her children (if her children even survive pass age 1). Women were seen as inferior to men and were allowed no important roles in government.

Which of the following is TRUE about a free enterprise economic system?

Businesses are owned by the government.
Businesses are owned by the government.

Competition is discouraged.
Competition is discouraged.

Private citizens may own businesses.
Private citizens may own businesses.

The government decides what products to make.
The government decides what products to make.


Private citizens may own businesses

By 1294, the Mongols had gained control over the Middle East and ———. However, they had not conquered Egypt and ———.
Drop down menu
1. Central Asia
West Asia
East Asia
Drop down menu
2. China


1.Central asia

2. India

Central Asia and China

Can someone help me please


You can download the app Socratic it helps answer questions like these
You cant see the question

What do these letters stand for in civics? A L S O


Administrative Laser Safety Officer

What steps to Ulysses S. Grant take to lay siege at Vicksburg?


After defeating a Confederate force near Jackson, Grant turned back to Vicksburg. On May 16, he defeated a force under General John C. ... Pemberton retreated back to Vicksburg, and Grant sealed the city by the end of May. In three weeks, Grant's men marched 180 miles, won five battles and captured some 6,000 prisoners.

Which of the following helped Japan's economy recover following World War II?

Soviet humanitarian and military aid

the discovery of oil and coal reserves

significant investment by the United States

the economic programs of the Marshall Plan


I think it’s D. I’m not really sure hope it helps!

answer a soviet humanitarian military aid

There were many important results of the Civil War. Which do you think was the most important, and why?

PLS HELPP!!!! :))



The most important outcome of the Civil War was the inevitable 13th amendment which would free over 1/8th of the U.S. slave population and lead a path for leaders like MLK to get equal rights for everyone.


Georgy exercises his right to own a gun and goes hunting.
Which principle of government is this referring to?



the constitution.


The Constitution should be your answer

In the Georgia court system,
however, almost all judges are
elected for set terms
True or false (and no answers where I have to click and view a file and no answer that’s say “I don’t know” like don’t answer then-)





Judges of the Georgia State Courts are elected to four-year terms. The elections for this court are nonpartisan contested elections.


True good luck g btw the link the guy already linked is good i used it

What was Sam Houston's position on Secession?


Answer: He was forced out of office in 1861 and died in 1863.

In 1859, Houston won election as the governor of Texas. In this role, he opposed secession and unsuccessfully sought to keep Texas out of the Confederate States of America. He was forced out of office in 1861 and died in 1863.

(giving brainiest)

Just rewrite what I wrote below in simple words, please do it fast so I can play terraria :)

The Great Compromise was an agreement made with the delegates to the Constitutional Convention that the American government would have two houses in Congress: the Senate where each state has two Senators, and the House of Representatives where each state has a number of Representatives based on population.


The Great Compromise was an agreement with the delegates that the American government would have two houses in Congress: the Senate each state has two Senators, the House of Representatives each state has a number of Representatives based on population.

Why do you think this period is considered a golden age in Chinese history? Write one or two paragraphs explaining how the Tang and the Song dynasties — and their leaders — made it possible for people to accomplish so much.



im sorry this isnt 2 paragraghs but this is thebest i can do right now hope it helps :)


The Song dynasty (960-1279) came after the Tang (618-906) and together they are known as "China's Golden Age." During the Song, paper money was invented, tea was introduced, and gunpowder, the compass, and printing were all invented.

please help with
Describe the goals of the Civil Rights movement in Texas..
1. Use facts and/or examples of the civil rights movement

2.Explain how your evidence supports your answer. Make sure you connect your answer and the evidence

3.The Civil Rights movement in Texas was committed to

4.One tactic that was used to achieve their goals was to .


Answer: Number three


In a communist country, who has the power?

the state
the schools
the church



The state


Communism works by having one person in charge of everyone


its D its controlled by the public


Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public.




Local authorities are multi-purpose bodies responsible for delivering a broad range of services in relation to roads; traffic; planning; housing; economic and community development; environment, recreation and amenity services; fire services and maintaining the register of electors.

You can download Socratic that app is really good it will help you find all your answers sorry if you weren’t expecting this answer but yeah

The chart shows the population of three major Washington cities. What was the main cause of the change in population from 1880 to 1910?



Washington State has been able to become the leading producer of petroleum in the United States. i think


Which of the following was NOT a reason for the collapse of Ghana's Empire?


over grazing




I think it’s floods

what happened to the Russian people during WWII


Answer:Russian sources also report 2.5 to 3.2 million Soviet civilians who died due to famine and disease in non-occupied territory of the USSR, which was caused by wartime shortages in the rear areas. These casualties are for 1941–1945 within the 1946–1991 borders of the USSR.

Explanation:I just realized I just answered ur other question


The post-Soviet government of Russia puts the Soviet war losses at 26.6 million, on the basis of the 1993 study by the Russian Academy of Sciences, including people dying as a result of effects of the war. This includes 8,668,400 military deaths as calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.


this easyyyyyy but can someone do it



"The Erie Canal provided a direct water route from New York City to the Midwest, triggering large-scale commercial and agricultural development—as well as immigration—to the sparsely populated frontiers of western New York, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and points farther west." (History)



The cost to transport goods were a lot  cheaper to transport


Can someone create a short summary of Thomas Jefferson's outlook of the Whiskey Rebellion and what he would say to Alexander Hamilton on why it was bad?



The rebels needed to be punished for their crimes. The rebels should be treated like national heroes. The rebellion proved that Hamilton's plans were oppressive to common people.The Whiskey Rebellion was a 1794 uprising of farmers and distillers in western Pennsylvania in protest of a whiskey tax enacted by the federal government. ... Opposition to the whiskey tax and the rebellion itself built support for the Republicans, who overtook Washington's Federalist Party for power in 1802. A whiskey tax imposed by Congress in 1791 was the reason for the Whiskey Rebellion. ... Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804) proposed that the federal government assume responsibility for all the debts and pay them off with funds collected from various taxes, including the whiskey tax.

a soldier who serves for pay in a foreign army





Loosely defined, a mercenary is a soldier who fights for money rather than a cause or from loyalty or obligation to country. They're usually ex-soldiers hired as bodyguards, though they have also been used in war.

PLEASE HELP ME Match the following items. 1. sect Battle of Hastings 2. Sundiata Khmer kingdom 3. Golden Horde a kinship group 4. William the Conqueror founder of the Mali Empire 5. Angkor Mongols 6. calpulli a religious branch


2 matches with 4 sorry if I couldn’t help much


here sorry this late but future people could use some help :)


sect - a religious branch

sundiata - founder of the mali empire

golen horde - mongols

william the conqueror - battle of hastings

angkor -khmer kingdom

calpulli - kinship group

The map shows a railway to Washington that was built in the 1800s. Which state was the point of origin (starting point) of this railroad line?


The transcontinental railroad
The trancontinental rail road

Refer to the diagram and explain the difference between a factor market and a product market



In a factor market the household provides land, capital and labor to firms in exchange for payments that come in the form of salaries, rent, or profits. In a product market the household income is used to purchase goods or services that are provided by firms.


The primary difference between product markets and factor markets is that factors of production like labor and capital are part of factor markets and product markets are markets for goods. ... Anything used in making a finished product—labor, raw materials, capital, and land—make up a factor market.

Identify possible consequences of population growth.



Rapid growth has led to uncontrolled urbanization, which has produced overcrowding, destitution, crime, pollution, and political turmoil. Rapid growth has outstripped increases in food production, and population pressure has led to the overuse of arable land and its destruction.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLIEST!!!

Some fighting for influence did take place between the two superpowers. Where?


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Answer:  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✅ The Cold War was a continuing diplomatic struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective post-World War II allies. In a 1945 paper, George Orwell first named this hostility between the two superpowers. I WOULD APPRICIATE BRAINLIEST! ~ ₕₒₚₑ ₜₕᵢₛ ₕₑₗₚₛ! :₎ ♡ ~

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