1) the meaning of the passage, the role of the passage in the work
2) means of artistic expression (with examples)
4) the idea
Now, if your nerves are strong, go through the door to the left: bandages and operations are being performed in that room. You will see doctors there with their hands bloody to the elbows and pale, sullen faces, busy near the bed, on which, with open eyes and speaking, as if in delirium, meaningless, sometimes simple and touching words, a wounded man lies under the influence of chloroform. Doctors are busy with the disgusting but beneficent business of amputations. You will see how a sharp curved knife enters a healthy white body; you will see how, with a terrible, tearing cry and curses, the wounded man suddenly comes to his senses; you will see a paramedic throw a severed arm into a corner; you will see another wounded man lying on a stretcher in the same room and, looking at a comrade's operation, writhing and moaning not so much from physical pain as from the moral suffering of expectation — you will see terrible, soul-shaking sights; you will see a war not in the right, a beautiful and brilliant formation, with music and drumming, with waving banners and prancing generals, and you will see the war in its real expression — in blood, in suffering, in death...".


Answer 1

The meaning of the passage is to provide a vivid and graphic description of the brutal reality of war and its consequences.

What is the passage about?

The passage depicts a scene in a room where doctors are performing amputations on wounded soldiers. The author describes the doctors' bloody hands, pale and sullen faces, and the wounded man lying on the bed under the influence of chloroform. The passage emphasizes the stark contrast between the sanitized, heroic image of war often portrayed in society and the actual gruesome and devastating effects of armed conflict.

The role of the passage in the work can be to serve as a critique of the romanticized and idealized notions of war prevalent in society. By presenting a stark and unvarnished portrayal of the horrors of war, the author aims to challenge readers' perceptions and provide a more realistic understanding of its true nature.

Learn more about Passage on



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Memories of a Memory

Have you ever witnessed something amazing, shocking or surprising and found when describing the event that your story seems to change the more you tell it? Have you ever experienced a time when you couldn't really describe something you saw in a way that others could understand? If so, you may understand why some experts think eyewitness testimony is unreliable as evidence in scientific inquiries and trials. New insights into human memory suggest human memories are really a mixture of many non-factual things.

First, memory is vague. Imagine your room at home or a classroom you see every day. Most likely, you could describe the room very generally. You could name the color of the walls, the floors, the decorations. But the image you describe will never be as specific or detailed as if you were looking at the actual room. Memory tends to save a blurry image of what we have seen rather than specific details. So when a witness tries to identify someone, her brain may recall that the person was tall, but not be able to say how tall when faced with several tall people. There are lots of different kinds of "tall."

Second, memory uses general knowledge to fill in gaps. Our brains reconstruct events and scenes when we remember something. To do this, our brains use other memories and other stories when there are gaps. For example, one day at a library you go to quite frequently, you witness an argument between a library patron and one of the librarians. Later, when telling a friend about the event, your brain may remember a familiar librarian behind the desk rather than the actual participant simply because it is recreating a familiar scene. In effect, your brain is combining memories to help you tell the story.

Third, your memory changes over time. It also changes the more you retell the story. Documented cases have shown eyewitnesses adding detail to testimony that could not have been known at the time of the event. Research has also shown that the more a witness's account is told, the less accurate it is. You may have noticed this yourself. The next time you are retelling a story, notice what you add, or what your brain wants to add, to the account. You may also notice that you drop certain details from previous tellings of the story.

With individual memories all jumbled up with each other, it is hard to believe we ever know anything to be true. Did you really break your mother's favorite vase when you were three? Was that really your father throwing rocks into the river with you when you were seven? The human brain may be quite remarkable indeed. When it comes to memory, however, we may want to start carrying video cameras if we want to record the true picture.

Which line from the text best explains the main reason memories change?

A: Most likely, you could describe the room very generally.
B: The more a witness's account is told, the less accurate it is
C: The next time you are retelling a story, notice what you add
D: You may also notice that you drop certain details





आभाळ का समानार्थी शब्द​


translation pleaseee i don’t understand




Love your nails can you do mine?!

Critically discuss TWO emotional / personal benefits that will motivate you to find
a job.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The two emotional/personal benefits that will motivate me to find

a job would be the following.

1.- My personal desire to grow and progress. To be somebody and to fulfill my dreams. I would like to have a job that allows me to express myself and do what I like. I like to freely express my creativity and enjoy the work that I do. I do not like to have jobs like my relatives had. When we are gathered together in family reunions, I listen to their conversations and say how boring their jobs are and that they do not like what they do.

So it will be very important for me to do something I like and enjoy. I really want to wake up in the morning and go to the office with a smile on my face.

2.- The second reason is that I want to make enough money to live well. I am not interested in material possessions such as cars, houses, or boats. No. I am really interested in traveling the world. I want to visit all the continents. Not only touristic places, but archeological places to know how human civilization started.

I wanna go to the Middle East and visit the once territories of Sumeria. I want to be in Egypt and its impressive pyramids and temples. I want to be in México, visiting the impressive Teotihuacan in central México, and Chichen Itza, in ythe Yucatán Peninsula.

Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject.
Yo ______________ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre ______________ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca ________ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante __________ en clase. (leer)

Tú ___________ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros ___________ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _________ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan ___________ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca ______________ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo __________agua todos los días. (beber)

Christián y Martín __________ el almuerzo. (compartir)



1. comprendo

2. comen

3. ve

4. lee

5. corres

6. escribimos

7. leen

8. come

9. bebí

10. bebemos

11. comparten


Yo _comprendo_ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre _comen_ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca _ve_ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante _lee_ en clase. (leer)

Tú _corres_ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros _escribimos_ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _leen_ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan _come_ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca _bebo_ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo _bebemos_ agua todos los días. (beber)

Christian y Martín _comparten_ el almuerzo. (compartir)

Unit 1 Assignment: Ice Cream Simulation Scenario: You have an idea for an Ice Cream shop. You're ready to apply what you have learned about marketing strategy (4 P's) to launch your new business. Select the link below to play the ice cream simulation. In this simulation, you'll need to make several decisions that focus on the Four P's of the Marketing Mix. After you complete the simulation, prepare a 1-page (minimally) paper that addresses the questions below. Simulation: Ice Cream Magnate
Questions: 1. In terms of the assigned reading for this unit, describe the marketing mix strategy you applied in your simulation. 2. Describe the segmentation criteria that you could use to more accurately identify the target market in the simulation.
Your paper should be a minimum of 1 full page in length in addition to a title page and references. Submit your paper to this assignment link by the end of Unit 2 as a single MS Word-formatted file. For all assignments in this course, incorporate concepts from the assigned reading to support your analysis. To avoid issues with plagiarism, use in-text citations to distinguish between your own analysis and ideas taken from your reading. To demonstrate your understanding of the material, paraphrase your reading rather than pasting quotes into your paper. See this Quoting and Paraphrasing Handbook [link] for a very clear guide on paraphrasing.


I created a variety of ice cream flavors that appealed to a wide range of tastes, including both classic and unique flavors. I also offered a variety of toppings and mix-ins, so customers could customize their ice cream to their own preferences.

How to explain the marketing mix

I set my prices competitively, so that my ice cream was affordable for a variety of budgets. I also offered discounts and coupons to attract new customers and encourage repeat business.

I located my ice cream shop in a high-traffic area, so that it was easy for people to find. I also offered delivery and catering services, so that customers could enjoy my ice cream even if they couldn't come to my shop.

I promoted my ice cream shop through a variety of channels, including social media, print advertising, and word-of-mouth. I also offered free samples and giveaways to attract new customers.

I believe that this marketing mix strategy was successful in helping me to launch my ice cream shop and attract a loyal customer base. I was able to achieve a high level of sales and customer satisfaction, and I was able to grow my business over time.

Learn more about marketing mix on



The waterd is like liquid ice. is this a metephor, slmile, or neither?


A simile I don’t know how how to spell it




A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things using words such as "like" or "as."

To be honest, the given sentence is quite nonsensical. Ignoring the spelling error, ice is solid water. Saying "water is like liquid ice" is like saying "rock is like solid lava" or "air is like gaseous aerogel"; it does not make much sense without context.

Hello people can someone help me I'm into this person and I sent him a picture of my self and he said ''You honestly don’t look that bad'' can someone please tell me what it means when u a guy tells u that


If you ask me he might just think of u as someone who he can go to if he needs someone.. not in the good way. If he likes you he’d say you’re pretty, “you don’t look bad” means he might treat you as a last resort. That’s just from my experience tho, people can be different. Be safe out there!

sayeri written by anuska.
i felt really nice.
how is it to u guys



Thank you friend for your warm reply to my each and every word .

once again thank you sathi

११. तलका प्रश्नको सङ्क्षिप्त उत्तर लेख्नुहोस् :
(क) 'टीका' एकाङ्कीमा आमा र सुन्तली किन खिन्न मुद्रामा छन् ?
(ख) 'टीका' एकाङ्कीले टीकाको सांस्कृतिक महत्त्वलाई कसरी प्रस्तुत गरेको छ ?
(ग) पैसाका निम्ति विदेश गएका कमानसिंहलाई आमैले के भनेर सम्झाइन् ?
(घ) कमानसिंहले किन विदेश नजाने निर्णय गरे ?
(ङ) 'टीका' एकाङ्कीले दिने सन्देश के हो ?
can someone help me plz I have exam going on and I dk the answers yet help me lol ​



किन यस्तो भयो कि टिका अनौंठो छैन? मेरो प्रश्न नेपोली हो, तर म सक्दिन।.follow me

differentiate between fair discriminating and unfair discriminating​


Fair discrimination is been  based on the inherent requirement and it's base on standards while Unfair discrimination is a different treatment compared to other categories of people.

What is Fair and Unfair discrimination ?

Unfair discrimination can be regarded as the kind of treatment giving out which is not base on the followed standard.

Fair discrimination serves as the legal grounds on which discrimination is been done in a fair manner.

Learn more about about Descrimination at;


Scrie cazul şi functia sintactică pentru toate substantivele din text.


Answer: Scrie cazul şi functia sintactică pentru toate substantivele din text.




a) Que tipo de frase o locutor do rádio expressou?

b) Que tipo de frase a mãe da Mafalda expressou?

c) A frase expressa por Mafalda é nominal ou verbal?





A is the best answer to go with

Umm yeah... Hanako and Yashiro needed to actually become a couple. Sad that in the manga Hanako had to go... made me cry lol.




Explanation: EVEN MORE FACTS

соченение в чем я вижу свое шасьтье


writing in what I see my happiness

bumuo ng isang tekstong impormatibo batay sa mga element nito​


what? im so confused....

(a) Tofautisha kati ya:
(i) / e /​






I'm coming out...

.....to my dad about my F.





wow well he must be disappointed need any help

Hello, I Am BrotherEye


It Seems Your Father Would Be Very Apprehensive About Your Failed Attempt To Pass.


Which of the following sentences should be added to the end of paragraph 3?
However, it will take a while before people learn to stop at the light.
Nevertheless, some people will continue to run the light, even if they receive a ticket.
If this does not work, then other measures need to be taken to improve the situation.
As a result, they will be more able to stop and avoid other cars.


No.A is the correct answer

What rhymes edukasyon



ation, basion, cation, dacian, dation, gratian, haitian, haitien, and hatian (I hope this works)

How do you say "There, all better" in Irish



Tá, níos fearr ar fad




Tá gach rud níos fearr


I learned it some where before... not sure if its correct

Gawain sa pagatuto bilang 1 balikan ang kahulugan ng birtud at pagpapahalaga ayon sa iyong natutunan.Bigyang kahulugan ang biirtud at pagpapahalaga sa pamamagitan ng pagsulat ng mga salita o konseptong kaygnay ng birtud at pagpapahalaga sa kahon


Learning activity number 1 review the definition of virtue and value as you have learned. Define virtue and value by writing words or concepts related to virtue and value in the box.

summarize the TWO fields of study below: (a)Archaeology (marine,forensic, act). (b) Museum management and curatorship​



Archaeology is the study of the ancient and recent human past through material remains. Archaeologists might study the million-year-old fossils of our earliest human ancestors in Africa. Or they might study 20th-century buildings in present-day New York City. Archaeology analyzes the physical remains of the past in pursuit of a broad and comprehensive understanding of human culture.

Museum Management and Curatorship (MMC) is an international peer-reviewed, journal aimed at museum professionals, consultants, educators, and researchers. Its content is intended to examine current issues in museum practice.

The summary of the two fields of study are below;

What is achaelogy?

Archaeology: This is the scientific study of ancients and past excavation and analysis of its material remains. A person who studies achaelogy is refered to as an achaelogist.

The achaelogist study the remain of fossils over a million years old and analyse their result to have a better understanding of the environment.

Museum Management and Curatorship (MMC): This is base on the study of the museum. It entails the practice and issues surrounding a museum. A museum is a building or institution dedicated to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, cultural or artistic value.

Learn more about achaelogy:


is total communication still used today


Yes it is still used today


Yes I agree

People still using  communication

Dictionary definition pls help


I think it means that it’s a strict definition in a dictionary!
acting or done without forethought

Say whatever you want first answer gets brainly and the question is for 50 brainly points



I hate when my brother, sister, mother or father come into my bedroom and then leave with the door open


I am wanting to move to South Korea and study abroad. I love K-pop music also. These are very very very random but they are true facts. Thanks for the easiest question of the day. Bye.


When telling a story, using classifiers and body movements to describe form and shape might help to

describe inanimate objects
indicate a specific time period
shift between character roles
show a change in perspective


describe inanimate objects, just took the test and got it right :)

It should be noted that when telling a story, using classifiers and body movements to describe form and shape might help to A. describe inanimate objects.

Classifiers simply mean a word or phrase that can be used in accompanying a noun. It can be used to indicate the group where a noun belongs.

In this case, using classifiers and body movements to describe form and shape might help to describe inanimate objects such as yards of clothes, etc.

Learn more about stories on:


Deaf individuals around the world tend to celebrate: no holidays whatsoever non-religious holidays only religious holidays only the local culture's holidays I believe it is the last one, but im not sure. Can someone check for me?



Deaf individuals can and do celebrate both religious and non-religious holidays throughout the year. However, every person is different. Sometimes traditions need to be modified to make each individual feel included and welcomed.

Answer: the local cultures holidays


Being deaf does not indicate or have anything to do with what they celebrate! Yw and have a great day :)

The discounted price of a camera was 140$. This was 80% of the original price. What was the original price of the camera


175 was the origanal price

Other Questions
Last year the records of a convenience store chain showed the mean amount spent by a customer was $52. A sample of 36 transactions made this month revealed the mean amount spent was $50 with a standard deviation of $11. At the 0.10 significance level, test the claim that the mean amount spent by a customer has significantly decreased since last year. Factor the expression over the complex numbers. x2+20 Enter your answer in the box. Conjuguez le verbe mettre pour complter la phrase.Vous_____votre belle robe en soie pour aller au mariage. plz help me please please A public good rev: 04_09_2018 Multiple Choice generally results in substantial negative externalities. can never be provided by a nongovernmental organization. costs essentially nothing to produce and is thus provided by the government at a zero price. cannot be provided to one person without making it available to others as well. Now, the Group of Good would like to decide how they should infiltrate the gallery. The group wants to vote on different plans to sneak into the gallery; the plans are labelled a - e. While the group puts all of the plans together so everyone can see them, a tragedy occurs. Kenny gets a paper cut by Plan a! The cut is too deep! Saddened by their colleagues sudden paper death, they decide that the leader should have more say in which plan is picked (in hopes to avoid more unnecessary death). Suppose the leaders vote (from the last question) counts as 5 votes. The following preference schedule is produced:Total Votes = 2 2 1 1Choice 1 e c a b bChoice 2 d a b d aChoice 3 c d e c dChoice 4 a b d e cChoice 5 b e c a e(a) If plurality voting is used, what plan should the group use? Does this plan have a majorityTotal Votes = 2 2 1 1Choice 1 e c a b bChoice 2 d a b d aChoice 3 c d e c dChoice 4 a b d e cChoice 5 b e c a e(b) If Instant Runoff Voting is used, what plan should the group use? Show how you discovered your answer.Total Votes = 2 2 1 1Choice 1 e c a b bChoice 2 d a b d aChoice 3 c d e c dChoice 4 a b d e cChoice 5 b e c a e(c)If the Borda Count method is used, what plan should the group use? Show how the winner is computedWhat was the best part of this project? What was the worst part? You have to make 500 mL of a 1.50 M BaCl2. You have 2.0 M barium chloride solution available. Determine how to make the needed dilution How is drought a limiting factor? In an application, Germanium ismade p-type material by addingIndium. The rate of adding is oneindium atomper3 Germaniumatom. 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Three partners vote unanimously to dissolve their partnership and the partnership's assets are liquidated, all debts are paid, and the remainder is divided among the partners. This results in O a. the continuation of the partnership's business. Ob. nothing with respect to the partnership's existence. Oc. the temporary suspension of the partnership's business. O d. the termination of the partnership's legal existence. A survey asked, "How many tattoos do you currently have on your body?" Of the 1233 males surveyed, 190 responded that they had at least one tattoo. Of the 1033 females surveyed,128responded that they had at least one tattoo. Construct a 99% confidence interval to judge whether the proportion of males that have at least one tattoo differs significantly from the proportion of females that have at least one tattoo. Interpret the interval.Let p1 represent the proportion of males with tattoos and p2 represent the proportion of females with tattoos. Find the 99% confidence interval for p1p2.The lower bound ___ your response here.The upper bound is ___ (Round to three decimal places as needed.)Interpret the interval.A.There is 99% confidence that the difference of the proportions is in the interval. Conclude that there is insufficient evidence of a significant difference in the proportion of males and females that have at least one tattoo.B.There is a 99% probability that the difference of the proportions is in the interval. Conclude that there is insufficient evidence of a significant difference in the proportion of males and females that have at least one tattoo.C.There is a 99% probability that the difference of the proportions is in the interval. Conclude that there is a significant difference in the proportion of males and females that have at least one tattoo.D.There is 99% confidence that the difference of the proportions is in the interval. 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