1) El producto de dos números naturales consecutivos es 272. ¿Cuáles son esos números?

2) Hallar dos números naturales tales que su suma es 28 y la diferencia de sus cuadrados es 56.

3) Halla el lado de un cuadrado tal que la suma de su área más su perímetro es numéricamente igual a 252.

4) Se quiere vallar una finca rectangular que tiene de largo 25 m más que de ancho y cuya diagonal mide 125 m. ¿Cuántos metros de valla se necesitan?

5) La edad de un niño será dentro de tres años un cuadrado perfecto, y hace tres años que su edad era precisamente la raíz cuadrada de este cuadrado. ¿Qué edad tiene?


Answer 1


1) 135 y 137, 2) 13 y 15, 3) El lado del cuadrado es de 14 unidades, 4) Se necesita 350 metros de valla, 5) El niño tiene 6 años de edad.

Step-by-step explanation:

1) El conjunto de los números naturales comprende al subconjunto de los números reales que son enteros y positivos. El enunciado se puede traducir con la siguiente expresión numérica:

[tex]x + (x+n) = 272[/tex]

Donde [tex]x[/tex] y [tex]n[/tex] son números naturales. Se despeja [tex]x[/tex]:

i) [tex]2\cdot x + n = 272[/tex] Propiedad asociativa/Definición de adición

ii) [tex]2\cdot x = 272-n[/tex] Compatibilidad con la adición/Existencia del inverso aditivo/Propiedad modulativa/Definición de sustracción

iii) [tex]x = \frac{272-n}{2}[/tex] Compatibilidad con la multiplicación/Existencia del inverso multiplicativo/Propiedad modulativa/Definición de división

iv) [tex]x = \frac{272}{2}-\frac{n}{2}[/tex]  [tex]\frac{x+y}{z} = \frac{x}{z} + \frac{y}{z}[/tex]

v) [tex]x = 136 - \frac{n}{2}[/tex] Definición de división/Resultado

Puesto que [tex]x[/tex] y [tex]n[/tex] son números naturales, [tex]\frac{n}{2}[/tex] también debe ser entero y para garantizar la consecución entre los números, [tex]n[/tex] debe ser el elemento natural más pequeño posible. El número natural más pequeño es 1, por tanto, el valor mínimo de [tex]n[/tex] es 2. En consecuencia, el valor de [tex]x[/tex] es:

[tex]x = 136-\frac{2}{2}[/tex]

[tex]x = 136-1[/tex]

[tex]x = 135[/tex]

Los dos números naturales consecutivos son 135 y 137.

2) El enunciado se puede traducir en las siguientes dos ecuaciones matemáticas:

[tex]x+y = 28[/tex]

[tex]x^{2}-y^{2} = 56[/tex]

Se despeja una de las variables de la primera ecuación y se elimina la variable correspondiente en la segunda ecuación:

[tex]x = 28-y[/tex]

[tex](28-y)^{2}-y^{2} = 56[/tex]

Se expande la ecuación resultante por álgebra de reales:

[tex]784-56\cdot y +y^{2}-y^{2} = 56[/tex]

[tex]784-56\cdot y = 56[/tex]

[tex]56\cdot y = 784-56[/tex]

[tex]56\cdot y = 728[/tex]

[tex]y = 13[/tex]

Finalmente, se halla el valor de la variable restante:

[tex]x = 28-13[/tex]

[tex]x = 15[/tex]

Los dos números naturales son 13 y 15.

3) Las fórmulas para el área ([tex]A[/tex]) y el perímetro del cuadrado ([tex]p[/tex]) son, respectivamente:

[tex]A = l^{2}[/tex]

[tex]p = 4\cdot l[/tex]

Donde [tex]l[/tex] es la longitud del lado del cuadrado.

De acuerdo con el enunciado, existe la siguiente condición:

[tex]A + p = 252[/tex]

[tex]l^{2}+4\cdot l = 252[/tex]

[tex]l^{2}+4\cdot l -252 = 0[/tex]

La ecuación resultante es un polinomio de segundo orden, cuyas raíces se obtienen por la Fórmula Cuadrática:

[tex]l_{1} = 14[/tex] y [tex]l_{2} = -18[/tex]

La primera raíz es la única solución razonable para la condición dada.

El lado del cuadrado es de 14 unidades.

4) Dado que la finca tiene una área rectangular y que se conoce la medida de la diagonal así como la diferencia entre el largo y el ancho, se puede determinar las variables restantes a partir del Teorema de Pitágoras:

[tex]d^{2} = l^{2}+w^{2}[/tex]


[tex]d[/tex] - Diagonal, medida en metros.

[tex]l[/tex] - Largo, medido en metros.

[tex]w[/tex] - Ancho, medido en metros.

Además, las relaciones son las siguientes:

[tex]l = w + 25\,m[/tex]

[tex]d = 125\,m[/tex]

Se desarrolla y simplifica la identidad pitagórica hasta obtenerse un polinomio de segundo orden:

[tex]125^{2} = (w+25)^{2}+w^{2}[/tex]

[tex]2\cdot w^{2}+50\cdot w -15000 = 0[/tex]

Las raíces del polinomio se hallan con ayuda de la Fórmula Cuadrática:

[tex]w_{1} = 75[/tex] y [tex]w_{2} = -100[/tex]

Solo la primera raíz ofrece una solución razonable, el ancho del rectángulo es de 75 metros. Por último, se halla el largo de la figura:

[tex]l = 75\,m+25\,m[/tex]

[tex]l = 100\,m[/tex]

El largo del rectángulo es de 100 metros.

El perímetro del rectángulo ([tex]p[/tex]), medido en metros, es calculado por la siguiente fórmula:

[tex]p = 2\cdot (w+l)[/tex]

[tex]p = 2\cdot (75\,m+100\,m)[/tex]

[tex]p = 350\,m[/tex]

Se necesita 350 metros de valla.

5) Sea [tex]x[/tex] la edad actual del niño y [tex]l[/tex] el lado del cuadrado. Entonces:

[tex]x + 3 = l^{2}[/tex]

[tex]x -3 = l[/tex]

Se reemplaza el lado del cuadrado en la primera ecuación con ayuda de la segunda ecuación:

[tex]x+3 = (x-3)^{2}[/tex]

[tex]x +3 = x^{2}-6\cdot x + 9[/tex]

[tex]x^{2}-7\cdot x+6 = 0[/tex]

Las raíces se obtienen por factorización:

[tex](x-6)\cdot (x-1) = 0[/tex]

[tex]x = 6 \,\wedge \,x = 1[/tex]

Ambas raíces son parecen razonables, se comprueba cada una para ver si satisfacen las condiciones del enunciado:

x = 1

[tex]1+3 = l^{2}[/tex]

[tex]4 = l^{2}[/tex]

[tex]1-3 = l[/tex]

[tex]-2 = l[/tex]

Si bien está matemáticamente bien, no lo es en lo que respecta a edad.

x = 6

[tex]6+3 = l^{2}[/tex]

[tex]9 = l^{2}[/tex]

[tex]6-3 = l[/tex]

[tex]3 = l[/tex]

Esta solución es correcto en cuanto a matemática y edad.

El niño tiene 6 años de edad.

Related Questions

Over one weekend the fast florist makes 368 deliveries of one dozen roses. Did the fast florist deliver more then or less than 4,000 roses? Explain. That's my question ^ please help



The florist delivered more than 4000 roses

Step-by-step explanation:

One dozen is 12 roses, so the fast florist delivered a total of 368 x 12 = 4416 roses. That is more than 4000 roses, so the answer is More than 4000 roses

What is the solution to the equation One-third (x minus 2) = one-fifth (x + 4) + 2? x = 12 x = 14 x = 16 x = 26



x = 26

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] (x - 2) = [tex]\frac{1}{5}[/tex] (x + 4) + 2

Multiply through by 15 to clear the fractions

5(x - 2) =3(x + 4) + 30 ← distribute and simplify both sides

5x - 10 = 3x + 12 + 30, that is

5x - 10 = 3x + 42 ( subtract 3x from both sides )

2x - 10 = 42 ( add 10 to both sides )

2x = 52 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 26

Cynthia besch  wants to buy a rug for a room that is 21 feet wide and 29 feet long. she wants to leave a uniform strip floor around the rug. she can afford to buy 345 square fee of carpeting. what dimensions should the rug have


Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the width of the uniform strip floor around the rug.

Then the width of the rug is (21 - 2x) and the length of the rug is (29 - 2x).

(21 - 2x)(29 - 2x) = 345

609 - 100x + 4x^2 = 345

4x^2 - 100x + 264 = 0

x^2 - 25x + 66 = 0

(x - 22)(x - 3) = 0

x = 3 or x = 22 (rejected as x must be less that the width of the room)

Hence the width of the rug is 21 - 2(3) = 15 feet and the length of the rug is 29 - 2(3) = 23 feet.

Write the coordinates of the vertices after a translation 5 units right and 2 units up.
- 10
C(-4, 10)
D(2, -10)
→ El
F(-4,-2) - FC







Step-by-step explanation:

It super simple, just just move each point to the right 5 lines/units, and up 2 lines/units.

The coordinates of the vertices after a translation 5 units right and 2 units up. C =(1,-8), D =(7,-8), E =(7,0) and F =(1,0)

How to draw a shifted figure if the shifts are provided?

Suppose the graph is drawn on the coordinate plane.

Let the shifting be (x,y) → (x+a, y+b)

Then, add 'a' to all x coordinates of the graph's points. Add 'b' to all y coordinates of the graph's points.

The resultant set of new points will be plotted.

Thus it is called origin shift since we think of it as the origin was picked and placed at the point (a,b)(in this case) along with those two axes (x and y axes) and now everything will be measured from this new axes' frame.

Therefore, the coordinates of the vertices after a translation 5 units right and 2 units up.

C =(1,-8)

D =(7,-8)

E =(7,0)

F =(1,0)

Learn more about area of a triangle from its vertices' coordinates here:



16. A newspaper surveyed its subscribers as to which section of the paper they read first. The results are below. Is it reasonable to conclude that 39.1% of the paper's subscribers read the business or sports sections first?
Front Page 25.0
Business 13.9
Comics 22.1
Horoscope 13.8




Step-by-step explanation:n

3 . 072 > 3 . 2 Choose...



The answer is 3.2.

Step-by-step explanation:


the statement above is false a

Step-by-step explanation:

3.2 is greater than 3.072

Solve the formula for the indicated variable.

D = ABC for A



The answer is A=d/bc

Divide 2 over 3 ÷ 1 over 6 = ____. Numerical Answers Expected! Answer for Blank 1:


Answer: the answer is 4

Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 / 1/6

change the places of 1/6 to 6/1

2/3 / 6/1

the division sign changes to multiplication

2/3 * 6/1

cancel out the 3 and 6 to give

2/1 *  2/1


what is the answer please helppp​



v is less than negative 8

Step-by-step explanation:

-8 and -6 is -14 so it has to be less than -8 to be greater than -14

The answer is v>-8 to your equation :)

What is the Absolute value of |-9-8|?




Step-by-step explanation:


Solve what is inside the absolute value


Then take the non negative result




Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 17 there u go

Please help find each solution set



This equation has infinite solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

3t + 5 + t = 5 + 4t

4t + 5 = 4t + 5

4t = 4t

t = t

Infinite solutions





The answer is 0

Question 10 of 10
Classify the following triangle. Check all that apply.
A. Right
B. Acute
C. Equilateral
D. Isosceles
E. Obtuse
F. Scalene


I hope this helps you

The triangle is an isosceles and an obtuse triangle

What Is an Isosceles Triangle?

A triangle with two sides of equal length is an isosceles triangle. The isosceles triangle has three acute angles, meaning that the angles are less than 90°. The sum of three angles of an isosceles triangle is always 180°.

In an isosceles triangle, the two equal sides are called legs, and the remaining side is called the base. The angle opposite the base is called the vertex angle

The three types of Isosceles Triangles are :

Isosceles acute triangle

Isosceles right triangle

Isosceles obtuse triangle

Given data ,

Let the triangle be represented as ΔABC

Now , the measure of ∠ABC = 120°

So , it is an obtuse triangle with angle > 90°

Now , the measure of sides AB = measure of BC

So , an isosceles triangle, the two equal sides are called legs, and the remaining side is called the base

Therefore , it is an Isosceles obtuse triangle

Hence , the triangle is isosceles

To learn more about isosceles triangles click :






Step-by-step explanation:

y + 3 < -1

y < -4

Yes! This answer is correct. Y + 3 < - 1

why is math really hard



Actually it is not hard. It is just the mentallity or attitude that u have towards it. Stop saying and believing that it is hard........just start doing more practice per topic everyday, 2 to 3 sums a day in a topic that u have not understood will do the trick. And above all, believe in yourself and start seeing yourself as a little math genius and never give up trying.

Step-by-step explanation:


Math is hard because it wants us to fail.

Step-by-step explanation:

Also someone says that math stands for Mental Abuse To Humans. So...

Q:Evaluate -15 + (-4)
Answer Choices:
1) -11
2) 19
3) -19
4) 11​


Answer: -19

Step-by-step explanation:

-15-4=-19 olur. İyi dersler!

An athlete goes to the gym to train for 90 minutes each day for as many days as possible. Write an equation that relates the number of days, d, that the athlete spends training if the athlete trains for 540 minutes.




Step-by-step explanation:

your answer will be 23

Find the mode and range of the information.​



please like it wild be a lot to me

Step-by-step explanation:

ddyruxcdgjkgd cycrlcrylruclvtistnugfsjvdsnhcd

A rectangular yard is enclosed by 100 meters of fencing. The table shows some possible values for the length and width of the yard.

>The area is in square meters<

Length (meters): Width (meters): Area:
10 40 400
20 30 _
25 25 625
35 15 525
40 _ _

1. Complete the table with the missing values


10 40 400
20 30 600
25 25 625
35 15 525
40 60 2400
I think


what did you put for question 2 and 3?

Step-by-step explanation:

2.If the values for length and area are plotted, what would the graph look like?

3.How is the relationship between the length and the area of the rectangle different from other kinds of relationships we’ve seen before?

An investor earned 5 times the profits of what she earned last year. If she made \(\$613801.5599999999\) total for both years, how much did she earn in profits each year?



Profit earn 1st year = $102,300.26

Profit earn 2nd year = $511,501.3

Step-by-step explanation:


Total profit earn = $613801.5599999999 = $613801.56


Profit earn each year



Profit earn 1st year = x

Profit earn 2nd year = 5x

Total profit earn = Profit earn 1st year + Profit earn 2nd year

x + 5x = 613,801.56

6x = 613,801.56

x = 102,300.26

Profit earn 1st year = $102,300.26

Profit earn 2nd year = 5x = 5(102,300.26)

Profit earn 2nd year = $511,501.3

-1 3/8 divided by (-1 4/7) simplified in a fraction form


the answer is 7/8 simplified.

Someone please help me with this




Step-by-step explanation:

let y = f(x) and rearrange making x the subject, that is

y = [tex]x^{4}[/tex] + 7 ( subtract 7 from both sides )

y - 7 = [tex]x^{4}[/tex] ( take the fourth root of both sides )

[tex]\sqrt[4]{y-7}[/tex] = x

Change y back into terms of x where x is g(x)

g(x) = [tex]\sqrt[4]{x-7}[/tex] , x ≥ 7

1/16 + 3/16 + 11/16 =


15/16 because 1+3=4+11=15 so 15/16 You are very welcome

Secondary School work, find the height of capsule B


This is the answer in the picture .


Brainliest will be marked ;) )



[tex](\frac{1}{k} )^{10}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

When making a negative a positive, all you need to do is flip it, in this case, making it a fraction.


It’s B (top right box)

Point B is on line segment \overline{AC}
. Given AB=4x-6,AB=4x−6, AC=2x+10,AC=2x+10, and BC=4,BC=4, determine the numerical length of \overline{AC}.



AC= 22

Step-by-step explanation:

see photo

The numerical length of AC is 22 units.

What is a line segment?

In geometry, a line segment is a part of a line that is bounded by two distinct end points,and contains every point on the line that is between its endpoints.

Now it is given that,

Point B is on line segment AC

AB = 4x-6

AC = 2x+10

BC = 4

now since Point B is on line segment AC, therefore

AC = AB + AC

⇒ 2x + 10 = 4x - 6 + 4

⇒ 2x + 10 = 4x - 2

⇒ 2x = 12

⇒ x = 6

Put the value of x in AC, we get

AC = 2(6) + 10

or, AC = 12 + 10

or, AC = 22 units.

Hence, the numerical length of AC is 22 units.

More about line segment :



Find the length of the line segment joining the points J(-4,2) and G(146,52). Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary



The answer is option E.

Step-by-step explanation:

The length of a line segment or the distance between two points can be found by using the formula

[tex]d = \sqrt{ ({x1 - x2})^{2} + ({y1 - y2})^{2} } \\ [/tex]


(x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2) are the points

From the question the points are

J(-4,2) and G(146,52)

The the length of the line segment joining the points is

[tex] |JG| = \sqrt{ ({ - 4 - 146})^{2} + ({2 - 52})^{2} } \\ = \sqrt{ ({ -150})^{2} + ({ -50})^{2} } \\ = \sqrt{22500 + 2500} \\ = \sqrt{25000} \\ = 50 \sqrt{10} \\ = 158.11388[/tex]

We have the final answer as

158.1 to the nearest tenth

Hope this helps you

How would you write -5.6 x 10-3 in standard form?



negative five point six times ten minus three

Step-by-step explanation:

write the number out with letters



Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helped

2.4+10m=6.89 what does m equal



m = 0.449

Step-by-step explanation:

Isolate the variable, m. Note the equal sign, what you do to one side, you do to the other. Remember to do the opposite of PEMDAS.

PEMDAS is the order of operation & =


Exponents (& Roots)





First, subtract 2.4 from both sides:

2.4 (-2.4) + 10m = 6.89 (-2.4)

10m = 6.89 - 2.4

10m = 4.49

Divide 10 from both sides:

(10m)/10 = (4.49)/10

m = 4.49/10

m = 0.449

0.449 is your answer for m.



m = 0.449

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2.4+10m=6.89\\\\\mathrm{Subtract\:}2.4\mathrm{\:from\:both\:sides}\\2.4+10m-2.4=6.89-2.4\\\\Simplify\\10m=4.49\\\\\mathrm{Divide\:both\:sides\:by\:}10\\\frac{10m}{10}=\frac{4.49}{10}\\\\Simplify\\m=\frac{4.49}{10}\\\\\left(\mathrm{Decimal}:\quad m=0.449\right)[/tex]

When Matthew eats pizza, he always eats a whole slice at a time with no bites left over. Which graph best represents this situation?




Step-by-step explanation:

i just took the assignment


its b

Step-by-step explanation:

i did the assignment

A survey showed that 4 out of 5 students own a bicycle. Based on this result, how many of the 800 students in a school own a bicycle? Use any strategy to solve.



640 students

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told in the question that 4 out of every 5 students owns a bicycle

This also means , out of every 5 students only 1 does not have bicycle

Then we have a ratio of 4 : 1

This means a fraction of 4/5 students own a bicycle in a school

Based on this result, how many of the 800 students in a school own a bicycle?

This calculated as:

4/5 × 800

= 640 students

Therefore, 640 students out of 800 students own a bicycle

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